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About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1897)
I ' W A S H IN G T O N COUNTY HATCHET. every oar knew she would have liked Jean had no wish, either, to break the THE AM ERICAN HORSE. tbe match. John Forbes had cotne bark silence. f k i nurif bat "Y e ken this Is the sts-ond tim e y o n t “ « r in d . F a v o r in fwversl F o reig n grayer and older than be bad gone • A «train that thrilled through Autumn'« away, but he was richer and even ob stin acy ban come in tb e w ay." said tonntrlew. dearth: John, finally. There has been a remarkable increase more able to afford a wife. H r l*id the tuner of fcis lay “ I mind." said Jean, briefly. “ But I 1“ »be export of homes from the United Time bad not gone very well w’ th In light and Irai. and heaven and earth; Jean. She was thin and small always, didna mean ye to tak’ It as ye did you States during the last few years, write» The wiodflon.r» by thr wayside **» uu¿, W. E. Curtis to the Chicago Record. and she had had a bard life of work. time.” she responded. Word* of thr nttiair that waa sung. “ I didna ken.' replied John. 1 « « the total number shipped to Her sparse drab balr was beginning to In all bis song I hr shade and sun It struck neither of them that ther» foreign countries was only 2J**rL la be sprinkled with gray. She looked O f earth and beaten »reined to mart. 11 C reased to 5.246. In 189.. to older than she really was. Tbe vil was any pathos In tbe sentence—a Its Joy and »ofrow were as one. lage came to tbe conclusion that John pat ho« o f a ten yearn’ mistaken silence. 13-1H8. In 1896 to 25.12*1. aud during t i> Its very sadness was bat sweet; “ Are ye sure ye mean It noo?" b< first six months of the present fiscal Forbes would go by nor and seek a He sang of summer« yet to be; year, ending Dec. 31. the total was 14.- asked, getting up. younger and bonnier w oman. The two Yon liat -tied to bis song with me. - 232; so that If the same proportion Is *T certainly dae," said Jean, firmly. most concerned gave no cause for gos continued during the remaining six “Then gude-by, Jean." sip. The heart makes sunshine in tbe rain. months the total for the year will be Or winter in tbe midst of May. “ Gude-by.” John Forbes would sometimes stop 28,464. Nearly half the entire export* And though tbe maria sings again The instant the door was shut Jeaij as be was passing tbe little cottage and iu 1806 wen? to Great Britain, tbe exact Ills »eif-*ame song o f yesterday, say a few words. There was never almost strangled Thrift with kisses 1 bad no gladness in bia tune; Unfortunately tbe practical thing« number being 12.022; but It is believed any allusion to past Muirs between To-day I listen here alone. that 1.000 or more additional were sent them. They called each other Mr. could not be settled so summarily. through Canada, the exports to the do Jeau bad given up her house and sbf Forties and Miss Lawrence stu-Jiously. And eren our sunniest moment takes minion being 5,3o5 horses. The trade t. /AV- Much shadows of tbe bliss we knew — That was the only clew either o f 'hem found it was let to the new dress with Great Britain in horses has shown . L I « ‘ A. _ > 9 ,, maker. She wa* not accustomed to To-day bis throbbing wing awakes had that there was a mutual past be But wistfnl. haunting thoughts of you; tween them. complications in her life. Alternative« a remarkable increase, for in 1803 the as the side saddle necessitate*, handsom e bad g es . Its eery sweetness is but sad. seemed to crop up. and thev worried ,oWl <**I»°rts were only 564 head. Ihe the rider into very great danger] On the Sundays that Jeau w*nt to her. At the same time Thrift was hei increase in exports to Germany was You gave it all tbe Joy it bad. EBB'S the very pretty official spinal curvature. Then It Is urged church her thoughts were always divid one object. Everything wa* directed even greater, notwithstanding ihe laws Iuidge the Woman’s Board of the side saddle promoted greaSetj ed between tbe bairn at home and tbe of that country, which are very annoy to this aim. the Tennessee Centennial Lx- than tlie cr"<- -addle, and jar u ( pnalrns. To her great discomfiture ing to importers of live stock and quite After some few weeks she got a tum taiuly not conducive to health. position has adopted. It was designed John Forbes would sometimes overtake expensive. In 1803 we shipped only her. They talked of the sermon, then bledown little cottage about a mile thirty-three horses to the German em for the Woman's Board by Mrs. Annie Th e H ip lo lc e on ‘ k lr tn Ilia mother bad Insisted on railing o f tbe crops and the weather. By de from tbe straggly village. It proved pire. In 189*1 we shipped .'!.t!8*i. Champe Orr. The insignia is in the I'jion some imported gowns for, him Thrift. No one knew why she grees these subjects gained an easy too far. or the "hang” of the new dress Among other countries now receiving form of a |>iu and a pendant of light- had given him tbe quaint name. Then familiarity, aud only varied with the maker’s skirts proved too much fot American horses is Belgium, which im- blue euatnel aud gold. The hanging special wear a|ij>ear skirt s with . liiji yokes, fastened the designer! Jean's old customer*. Work and pay wflen be was barely 2 years old. she seasons. |<orted none in 1803. and 1.134 in 180*5. js.rtion Is sus|»euded from a golden knows where, says the New York] became scant. The little dressmaker «lied. Xbe left him with a great wealth bar by a ribbon of satin, ligbt-blue In No one was more surprised than Jean France took very few. only 307. Italy o f ailent love, but that, like his n a m e , when John Forbes asked her to marry bore up proudly and bravely. She bought one of our horses in 1803. two in color. Light blue is the color of the The yoke has the effect of .«imply J «•ould not help him much, that is. not him. She stared at him in emotionless stinted and starved herself, but Thrift 1894. three in 1805 and four in 1806. exposition. This pendant is oval In circling the hi)'« without a break,( grew and flourished. There loomed be W e sent 087 to Mexico last year, ami a shajie. and Is surrounded by a beaded seam showing, but it Is, of aa far as one can Judge things. The calm. hooked invisibly. A very u, fore her always a fear of the "charity” neighbors said It was a rough that had good many to the West India Islands, “ Ye must gie me time,” she said. model of darkest green repped where her boy might be taught—and no •'settled” that carried her off. Prolia with the exception of Cuba, where, John Forbes agreed to this quite pla with a very lustrous finish, has a. & bly tbe rough had something to do with cidly. It was hard to understand what one knew at what of unkind strange to say. we sold nouc at all. Two skirt yoke of Persian satin bn ness. x It. but a starved-out life of lark of af be saw In his first love in lier faded American horses went to Japan four showing a blending o f exqui-.te i feet ion and bard work bad a good deal and aged old maldism. Possibly a ten I f the worst came to the worst, she to China, one to Samoa and one to ental colorings. The bodice is of 4 more. would ask John Forbes to get him in. acity of affection and Ihe same instinct Africa. corded silk, .with an Indescribable I The neighbors also bought that Mr« of faithfulness that brought him back and she would become a servant. One New York is tbe largest horse market oration combining the silk with tbe I Watson never bad much spirit. It to the little village—the little village wintry evening tbe child was fretful both for the export aud the domestic cade, a slashed etTect predouimaiii would seem us If they almost blamed with no pretensions to beauty or pic and aiflng. A knock came to tbe door trade, but a good many are shipiied lK>th front aud tuu-k. The Flon her for dying, and leaving a husband turesqueness—kept him true to Jean. and John Forbes entered. He did not from Baltimore. Ex|>orts of mules sleeves also show a similar deft 1 with a child barely 2 years old. They One was the home, the other the wom appear to notice the extreme jtoverty of have increased in a corresponding ra intricate mixture that stamps l; | had misgivings about the child, and an he had loved. He saw no reason to the cottage, nor the miserable attempt tio. the number for the last few years work of a trained artistic Parisian.! there they were right. Thrift was deaf change because be bad seen inauy fair at a fire. This fa d brought a rush of being as follows: 1893. 1.634: 1894. greu skirt is finished simply wiu| and dumb. Ills mother had struggled er homes and younger, premier women. gratitude to Jean's heart. It was to see 2.063: 1895. 2.515; 1896. 5.918, and for decj> hem and is unllued, but en 1 against the knowledge as long as she Jean did not analyze her sentiments. If these things were as bad as report the first six months of the present fiscal a gored |ietticoat of plain Lyons 1 «■ould. When she realized it. she kept It was not her way. Besides, love nev said, that he had come. year. 3.854. silk made of one o f the colors ia 1 the knowledge to herself with a tierce er entered her head as far as it concern He took Thrift ui»on bis knee and be So far as the Department of Agricul brocade, and trimmed with one love. But the cough came and settled ed John Forts**. She merely reviewed talked occasionally to Jean. ture is aware there lias been no s[«ecial flounce, with a vine embroidery attl all tbe pr< kuua of her life for her. "Can I <lae onything for ye ? he said effort on the part of American horse the advantages as they concerned Thrift’s father too* her death as apa Thrift. The rumor that a new ami suddenly. "F o r the boy, ye ken hem in exquisite shades of pale, 1 breeders to extend their foreign trade. WOMAN 8 BOAKD BADOES. ilium aud darkest green. tbetically as he had taken her all her more modern dressmaker was going to A little flush came in Jean's cheeks. The growth lias !>eeu natural and the band of gold, with four scrolls as or life. Only Thrift seemed to realize set up finally settled it, and she said She faltereil her thanks. result of low prices in this country. naments. The seal of the State of A c t r e « « N o w a I . n s « !e. that fate was still against hint, lie lay to John "Yes.” No idea that she might work on her Miss Ada Ward, a prominent Tennessee, made in raised gold, forms An Old Minist r. crying for hours alone iu the little cot The day was fixed for the second time old lover’s pity crossed her mind. She Many stories are told of Dr. Gad the center piece. It lies within a circle lish actress, has forever abandoned! tage. strapped into his cot. It was a In their lives. Jean had given up her began timidly asking hint if be could weird, pathetic cry. The neighbors Hitchcock, who was a minister iu Pem of light-blue enamel. ujMin which are stage to become a soldier in the 1 manage to send Thrift to the home he house. She was waiting with tranquil were kind to him. They took him In broke, Mass., before and during revolu lnscritied the words. "Woman's De- ity for this new step hi her life. She had mentioned. turn to their cottages, but tbe element “ Why. noo, when ye were so set tionary times. He was noted for his partnieut,” in letters of gold. Mrs. Orr, had quite come to the conclusion that o f teasing children aud rough handling she could not do better for Thrift. against it?" asked John, with a severi jintrlotism aud the fearless expression the designer of tlie badge, received a was discordant to him. The women of his views when opportunity offered. vote of thanks for the appropriateness One evening John Forbes arrived. ty that was not reassuring. in^rnl well, but It was a hard winter Thrift lay contentedly on tbe hearth "It's circumstances,” said Jean, brief He was chajduin iu the army at one of her design from the board, and was and money and tempers were short. rug looking at him. The last time John l y time, and preached many a stirring ser highly comjdimented for her work by tlie President. Mrs. Van Leer Kirk- Beside, Thrift's baby nature was hard mon to tbe men. Site felt that she would rather die had been at the cottage Thrift bad been man. Another official badge has been to understand. The first sermon he published was ad than let John Forbes know there was In one of his passionate fits. This had Brightness came Into his life one day. set him pondering. nothing to eat in the house and no non dressed to a military coinpauy at the adopted by the reception committee of the Woman's Board, of which Miss It came In the guise of a little dress A fter this there had been several ey. She would have risked everything time when the French were makiug in maker. Jean Igiwrence. She brought well-meant efforts at kindness on the but for the fear of Thrift falling 111. roads on the northern frontier. The Alary Bass is chairman. This badge is also a gold pin with a pendant, which ltltn a black frock. She had !*eeu busy, part of his friends. They happened to “ Wdel.” said John, slowly, “ I'll see year before the breakiug out of the rev is in the form of a large open-work no had put off the making till she hail coincide with his own views. They ad aboot it But boo wull ye pay me. olution he preached his famous "Elec time. Ny one else thought of the little vised him to send Thrift away. Jean, Jean?" tion Sermon," which roused Gov. Gage gold monogram made of the letters "K. C." The Woman's Board has 100 mark of respect. It was a tribute to they said, would neglect every one and The little dressmaker drew herself to great wrath, and struck even the «'Ustoni. blit» It was the one tribute of everything for the boy. She would up. minister's stanchest friends as ill-ad memliers. and the reception committee thirty-three. Mrs. Watson's Ufa "There'll be no fear o' that, John vised. It l? said that when Doctor wear herself out for Thrift, but not _ ‘ -Pulr little lamb!” said Jean l a s - bother with anything that did not con Forbes." Hitchcock w rote it, the Governor was R rc e p tin n li r e « « , rence, as she eatue in. cern him. "But ye hlvna tell’t me in fat wye. not expected to be in the audience at For those who do not want to go to I Her eyes filled with quite unexpected the time of its delivery. * Immense expense for an evening dress I How far he believed this, or how far Jean?” tears as she saw the lonely baby. When it was foil nd that he was there, hut need, nevertheless, something nice “ In honest money by honest wnrk.” 4 a man’s dislike to scene* or a natural Thrift could not hear her. hut some The pink flush had deepeued Into a one of the minister's friends suggested for receptions, there come the most de thing sympathetic touched his under desire to have his w ife’s affection cen deep crimson on her cheek. that a slight modification of 6ouie of lightful iMiplins. with satin face, that tered in blms«*lf had to do with his standing. for he held out his bands. the strong expressions in the sernn.n make up into evening gowns of unex "But I diuna want your money, and 1J /*•----- resolve, he could not have told. He be "Pulr little thing." said Jenu laiw- would perhai>s lie advisable; but Dr. celled beauty. The plainer the pattern as for wark. sujtpose you come and stirred himself, and with Infinite trou rence again, aud she caught him up Hitchcock was of another mind. ARD. the better, tine of these dresses, just 1 _________ MIS» A D A W ___________ __ ble and by some outlay he secured an wark for me.” and covered him with kisses. "M y sermon is written." be calmly ” Na. ua,” said Jean, involuntarily. comjdeted for a woman of much ele- of the Salvation Army. She is in < admission for the child to a deaf and Then she put Thrift liaek In his cot said, "and it will not be altered." She .had had her chance of lielng mis gan.-e in dress, is cut princess hack and earnest, and lias given away her and untied the little black frock . ; be dumb Institution. On his Journeyings to aud from Bos It was this fact he had come to tell tress at the farm. She could not stoop ton he usually fell into conversation tiful stage wardrobe, disbanded turned to go. for she was Iu a hurry. Jean. He rather wished Thrift Would to work for another, as she suj>posed be with any one with whom he was company, donned the jersey a Thrift's moud changed. Ills blue eyes rneaut. of the Salvationists, and jirojioses I grew dark In the Intensity o f his pas- help him to lead up to It by a scene. thrown. One day he traveled to Bos "Weel, come wi’oot doing ony wark.” devote the rest of her life to the sav alon. He kicked and srreame«!. His Thrift gave him no help. He lay smil ton in company with a sailor of whom Jean looked at him In utter bewilder of souls. Miss Ward was converted I Huffy, fair hair was ruffled. He looked ing lin|ienetrably. he asked many questions as to his Jean was not quick at reading signs. ment. Portsmouth not very long ago. She I the picture o f a little demon. name, residence, habits aud tastes. ‘T h e difference at ween tis lay In “ Jeau,” he said at lant, helplessly atteuded several meetings of tbe "Preaalrvc us," said the little dress At last the sailor began questioning Thrift. I f he gaes awa' there's uaeth- In his turn: “ What is your name?" he we’ll lie inerrlt Tuesday." ration Army in that seajiort town, 1 maker. It was the first time any exag Ing nede binder your coming to the asked. "A y ." assented Jean, cheerfully. geration of feeling had come into her was not much impressed until one 1 • Her eyes fell naturally on Thrift, and farm." life. She was half fascinated and half when, according to her own story, 1 “ I am Gad Hitchcock from Tunk’’ "I didna expeo' ye'd think I meant terrified by this unexpected burst. she smiled at the boy. felt a touch on her arm. and. thin (the name of his jiarish.i. “ And T h riftY' he added, with a sus you,” said the little woman. She was •'Preaalrvc us!” she re|>eated still more it was one of the soldiers, tu “Three of the worst names 1 ever piciously clear note of luterrogatioin In thoroughly hurt. ’'I'll thank ye a’ the beard!" cried the sailor, bluntly, great emphatically around and lieheld th.sSavior in af days o’ my life if ye'll dae for Thrift, She never could expluln afterward his voice. ing light. At the same time she un ly to Dr. Hitchcock's delight. but I'm no seeking to be beholden to "A y, Thrift," she repeated. • what prompted her. but she stepped to went a marvelous change of fe Science In the Kiu-hen. Then fiudlug this eren did not prog you for m yself.” the cot. wrapped a blanket round She was overcome with a great "Y'e’ll be gey lonely wl’oot Thrift." It is a good rule to keep one's ears Th rift and did not stop to think till ress matters, be said desperately, with that found an outlet in sobs and “ Ay.” Ofien. but not without rememliering the she had depoalte«! him safely Iu her a snatch of huuior: She went straight to the front and ' Jean nearly smiled because she was Scripture injunction about taking heed “ Ye ken I’ tu no merrylng Thrift?" *iwo bouse. It was characteristic of at once converted. The next day 1 how we hear. A story In the Westmin The old clock ticked through tbe so near to tears at the thought. Jean Lawrence that she had never rea- disbanded her company, canceled “ IU be lonely at the farm." ster Gazette enforces the same camion. Moned out why she had done this ac room. Tbe peats spluttered on the low her engagements, and that night “ Ye can malrry." said Jean. Tw o or three mornings after the ar tion. Certainly she never regretted It. hearth. In front o f which on a curiously / dressed n large meeting in the 8a She suddenly felt that she had cut rival of a new butler the mistress of It wan quite aa easy a matter to nettle woven rug Thrift lay. e v e n in g p o p l in . tionists Hall at Portsmouth. Her* There was absolute silence for a bit. herself off from every possibility by the house asked the cook how she liked tbe dlattoanl of Thrift with his father. version and sudden change of h-lero front. The only trim m ii^ ta "i her suggestion. She had done It for her new fellow-nervaut. The report H e was only too glad to be rid of the Then Jean's voice broke It very deep ruffle of chiffon around the as,onlsll,‘< 1 the people o f the city. Thrift all along; she would hare mar was an excellent one. "Then. John Forbe«, ye're no marry burden ueTer more set foot In a theater. ried him for Thrift's sake, she gave him “ In fact, ma'am." said the cook, “the ne<-k. The sleeves are small puff» edged The first clashing of wills occurred ing me.” „ ---------- Again there was silence. John said up for Thrift's sake. Now Thrift by servants' hall is quite a different place with the chiffon ruffle. Both neck aud over the name little black frock. Thrift sleeves are modest in their outlines. — Summer Flow er*. her own act was to go away from her. now.” ungratefully refus**! to have anything In a quiet voice: Ne? t to the brilliant red flowers 1 “ I hue made a' the arrangements for And John Forties was nothing to her. Not unnaturally the mistress pressed to do with It. Minn Igtwrence was | mt - the 1 0 ft, dainty violets, the very P e r i l « iu t h e Me te S a d d l e . The unexpected touch of kindness had for further particulars. him. Jean. He will gang to n scbule plcxed. It would never do to dress him Nomen have chosen to abandon the ionat.le blossom of the season is tfi “ Well, he talks so cleverly." said the side saddle because It is uncomfortable po*“tl° ‘w n lsnus, .-ailed most fr e q _ In colors on a Sunday She compro fa they’ll teach him to read and write brought a rush of sympathy to her heart. She did not know It, but It had cook. "Last night, for instance, he ex and unsatisfactory, and. secondiv. be- Iy the 4>*®odIL It will, on account mised by making him a white frock and understand talk o f a kind." "W ill they teach him to talk like Ither broken down tbe barrier that her lore plained things to us for an hour and a cause it Is less healthful than the sim- ,hp ««-tinned popularity of the d with a broad, black nanh. It net off the for Thrift had built up round her wom half." chllfi'n fairness, but still more it satis fo w k r !" 'h U" ' U have long an<1 ,lell,'ate yellow dyes, retain an's heart. Her tone was expressionless. “ Explained things—what things?” L’rr fied her sens»- of fituenn. Bl1 TOmm**r. first as a genu, “ A y," answered John Forbes, slowly, said the mistress, now really interest- i l T S fin l® , h'r " Wn " Se- Wom‘ “n : “ No. they canna dae that." Jean lotwretire always thought of saddle Tf Va T . . “ ' ,he ma*'ulme ,WoMf" n- afterw ard as an Imitation, “Then why should the halm be both “ But ye maun ask me this time. Jean." ed. that episode an an epoch In her life. f e t t lf" >>**> “ dpfprpnce to the marvelous skill “ Oh. I couldnn," faltered Jean. "W eli," wa* thè reply. “ he was tell for :l 1 i Th e next epo«'h wan the sudden resolve ered wl' learning that’ll never dae him onp ,hlnk- ',he P:,rlsian flower makers, ns a n She felt confused and trembling. She ina un how we are all descended from however whirl. o f T b r lffa father to go to America. or any one else ony gude? Tell me that. looked down. Mr. Darwin." the new' mnrement W V 0llOWer> for ^ ,Ctlon' Th** la** of viu llty. like Jean Lawiwnce lived In a state of teu- John Forbes." “ And I wlnna. nae a third time." "It will give him employment. Jean. character o Z , « , ,bM la the ^ many of tb(? mie*. co nlon till he had tulle«!. It « ‘«•in.-d In- Knows It Then. “ Pm no flt to be a leddy, noo." she credible to her that be could wish to and beside----" Here John Forbes, with adopted by the women who r ir t ^ ,Wrb Ml dUeo.Ter,'U in beautiful copy •The laboring man does not seem to leave bln boy b*‘hlnd. She only »ali a man's tactlessness undid c-rery bit murmured. deserves nothing hut ? * * '* ''" ' \ ^ t0nche<1 ' he 11 Then she looked up. John saw in her know his place at all.” said the effete part differs in no degreeTrom .h“ ? * « I T » the extreme desirability of Thrift In of good his arguments might have e f having *11 person from across the sea. eyes a look he had not seen for more the conventional vmm - of . V fra* lle appearance and nat any maimer and way. Thrift's father fected. He added, "Fow k tell me ye "H e don't, eh?" said the American just mak' an Idol o' him, and that ye than ten years. did not. • farmer. "Just you sit around till din “ Jean!" of her days. It waa noon after thin that Jean hae nae Ither Idea but him. A man ner Is c& the table.” —Cincinnati En "John!" lAw rettcea old lover returne«! to lit« could na be expeck'd to stan' that, t nd vanced voting w^* 00 Whlch ,he a<1 Con,Ue!<> Marlborough is sahl to ! Thnt was all the love-making that quirer. native village. This ca used more Ither people kenning It." I, ..... « X t i t m Z , * 1 " f-r »be fact that I A HitcSer M a le . thought in tbe village thau Jean her Jean had been panning thmngh a cri passed between them, but they under The ï è . bloomers f.,r ,1,>a l*rt*«| hair Is going out of fa stood each other. Soxey—That woman next door will Sk nn self gave to It. It wan ten yearn «trice sis and she was but a woman. anther- »««• I’cnqiadlur e ffe c t. a*re com ingM “ And If fowk care to gossip over my When John went out Jean seised drive me crazy. John Forbes and «be had ls*«-n going to Knoxey—Yes. she's always pounding tie married, aud ten yenrs Is a long time nffalrs. John Forbes, and yon care to Th rift and kissed him as she had done In a woman’s life! Since T h rift had heed them, let them." she returned once before. But she knew that for the on that plan». 8«.xey—Founding? 1 call that loo entered her life abe wan utterly ebllv- vehemently. “ I f Thrift distia gang or!’ first time since be had come Into her lor»« ot anything except her work. The me, nat poo’ ra will tak* me to your life he bad only the second place. She ping IL—Pittsburg News. thought she hid tbe fact In her Inmost , iiiiire money she made ths mom she hoone." l e a w ifc ls heart, but John Forbes guessed It. He John waa annoyed by h^r tone. could do for tittle Thrift. Old Gent—Walter. I have found s “ And auppoae I say I wlnna hae had the tact to hide the knowledge hair In my Ice-cream. Jean Ijiwrence had always kept to tbe-oentur, equestrienne V £ ^ Ä ** ^ ^ ^ j from his wife. For the tact that love herself, and no one knew why »ha and Th rift r W alter—Impossible, elr; that Ice «>« arguments ln , . Tor J T w o. R They aat on In n strained alienee. bring* la often tbe highest wlsdoca.- cream wae made with the beet shaved John Forbes had never married Her old mother waa nllra the*, and John waa too angry to move or gpnnk. Warertjr Magazine. »ca—New York World. •“ » t b - o M *C T o ok ^ w u . a t SINCE YESTERDAY. I V THRIFT. H R ra a S S r S 5- - I Ä • . V a V vM J ¿S 3 . .^ e ^ Md «res lag ws is ta.