Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1958)
Second big hit----- Elvis Pres-.vwill spend the winter with Berg cidents o f his career even to knocking out a German tank unit. ley in LO V IN G Y O U ’ yith Liza-^niece. N ever have you witnessed a fun beth Scott and Wendell Corey ini/ Home for th- holidays is KennyS nier one-nor a more unlikely .echnicolor. Hear the songs that^Ronn v accompanied by a Pacif-jp made Elvis famous. y ic Univ. e.assmato, Ra” H unt,» tale than this. Saturday's Kiddie Free ShowJJwhose home is in ( ’onnecticut.An-S Sunday and Monday only-Jerry Starting Wednesday, Chirst- Lewis as T H E D E LIC A T E DE sponsored by the merchants willfiobher v tor at the itoanow horned mas eve Walt Disney's most L IN Q U E N T ’ ilmed in vistavision. !>e ’The Stranger W ore A Gun’ ajjwas T my GWM r o f Redland. delightul ‘SNOW W H IT E ’ and The greatest laugh picture Jerry western in color plus the T h rees Weekend hau- guest of Flor T h e Seven Dwarfs. Filmed in Lewis ever made. A succession «S tooges and two catoons. e n c e Cloningor was Mrs. LenoreS technicolor with all cartoon ani of laughs from start to finish. 3 »M cK inley of Ynmhill. Tuesday o ig — mation this picture is again Jlast .-c: y. .Mrs. Cloninger went ta s Starts Tuesday fo r two days 4 brought back with all its beauty . «R a in er to visit her brother^ o f story, lovely songs and unfor- 1 ,ino ' B rigette Bardot in one ofj* ¡{W ayn e and wife. On W ednesday» :cr cutest Ksechiest and f u n n ie s t « !. - _ |u gettable adorable little seven “ r *’•"•!>'<«» a «s h e went on to Forest Grove a n p . comedies ’L A P A H IS IE N N E .’ As ’ jn C ic flS C U U 9 SII dwarfs. Second feature a rip- {(visit her brother Floyd. roarin;, rowdy comedy starring 1 10 uaoghtee of the prime m inist-« « Eagle Creek volunteer firem en,y es she does not get out very of-JJ Glenn Ford in ’ IM IT A T IO N ten, '' {{contem plating the dangers o f « so she marries the Chief o f « G E N E R A L ’ co-starring Red But «school fires, last Sunday d idy foreign affairs played by H e n r i. tons and Taina Elg. Ford pro practice fire drilling at th e « Vidal. Finding that all o th e r« | Do you receive soctai s e cu rity Jsome -^ ,e Creek The compIi.*> motes himself to General a fter women want he- husband sne de- -b e n e fit checks? I f your an sw er«cations of hoscs over th e » his commanding officer is killed. cides to make him jealous and the* This unlikely general keeps succeeds with the unsuspecting is Yes it s now your turn to a s k *hm to siphon water from {yourself quert.ons like . th ese:*creek proved the wisdom o f hav.g I things going at a lively pace with help o f Charles Boyer. Its pure t .since the 1958 Social Security A ctB ing drills in advance o f any pos-g i the unsetting and uproarious in- fun. ‘ Amendments have become la w ,«sible emergency, how do they affect me? W ill 1 « A t the close o f this busy holi-y t ge , a..higlle r „ ^ neflt? **.ow muc*l <Sjday season may we add our wishjf -f When w ill it s ta r t? «for you:that admidst the hustle» What do I have to do to get the ^and gRter and frayed nerves, ycu^ | raise. Should I get in to u ch «may pause and contemplate th ev with the social security office to «tru e meaning o f Chirtsmas— th a ti make sure I won’t be overlooked ^you ay catch the spirit o f glad-V among the 12 million beneficiar-«ness and good w ill which awaits^ *es’ ¡Sail who will see the light o f th e « „ .. «S ta r . — (M. R.) Here are the answers: Your {benefit amount will be raised.The increases will average about 7 » s ik k ïik k k k S ik k k k k k k k k k k k k k l « {percent. Some w ill get slightly (m ore than a 7 percent increase, « 1 {w h ile others w ill get somewhat « (less than that amount o f increase. « (Present payments to retired The Mt. Hood National F o re s t« (workers aged 65 or over rang/ sold three sales on December 17,¡5 {fro m $30 to 108.50. T he n e w S u p e rv is o r Paul E. N e ff advised.« { minimum u and maximum rates M A total of 9,500.000 bd. ft. a p -j »fo r these beneficiaries w ill be $33 praised at $224,165 was a u i-« Sand $116. The present maximum{{tioned o ff fo r $347.165.00. T h c {{ 'o f $162.80 fo r a retired workertfhighest price paid fo r Douglas- sj and w ife w ill be raised to $174. fir was $43 per thousand bd. f t . » " T h e most a family may receive at. Western hemlock brought «p resen t is $200 a month, but’ und-ghigh as ’*15.00. « o r the new law some families m a y » The Fall Creek Sale «r e c e iv e ns much as $254. g t , 800,000 bd. ft. appraised »$30,150.00 was sold to A. H. Lar-y % Also beginning in 1959 social ¿¡st,n Lunlber Company o f Estaci *' «security taxes will be withheld o n » da fnr S73.800.00; Basalt sale {{$4800 of your earnings instead ot»200,000.00 bd. ft. appraised «$4200, and the rate o f tax w ill in-y3(J0 320.OO Owns sold to D w verg {{crease to 2 1-2 percent for e a c h «Lumv;0r Company c f Portland ‘ «em p loyee and employer while thes/for §75,365.00; Goose Lake sale {{self-em ployed w ill pay a tax o l£ ()f 5,700,00 bd. ft. appraised at >i>i9i»k»k>.kS)>i3ili»ikk»3)SlkS)kat>j3)k9)kN>i».at))k9)9)*3iSi3)S)k3ik: •7>«3 34 percent. «*133,695.00 was sold to A s to ria * The increase is effective Janu-gpiywood Company o f Astoria.S ¡ary 1959. Cheeks fo r January» Washington fo r $198,000.00. » '¡are mailed to you early in Febru-g Three additional tim ber sales'* iary 1959. Stotcling 29,430,000 board feet. »a r e now being advertised forS What do you have to do to get” a]e ¡ n January. This ” ’ m ice’ N M O rrruiw ro ! i,>- any -'■» «th ip e raise? TH IN G It’s ally ]efe Mt.Hood National «handled automatically. It’s n o t « „ „ lu„ BCi »u.- im/gram o i g «necessary fo r you to get in touchy ,52.190.000 board fe e t o f tim ber^ jw ith the social security office t o « narketed. « g e t the increase. » .w r w v m 3 That’s the story! These jments do affect you by increasing» (you r benefit approximately 7 p ei-g »cent effective with the check f o r » (January 1959. N o action on your'i «part is required. Disney All-time Hit at Broadway Page 4 Clackamas County News Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 26, 1958 Social Security Forest Service I flakes Three Sales Sunset Beauty Shop Mae Leonard It is a re a l pleasure to w ish o u r custom ers a most m erry Yule. ISTACADA H ID & SffD Bed's Beauty Bar | v B ea Hale i Ö re V tin g ö . I 9 6 0 C A M P A N U L A ' S MARKET J r v)\i C;c K 3 • largarct uo1* % WED., THUR., FRI., C 24 2* 2fi 2*7 ¡V W A L T D ISN E Y IN SAT., II Snow White and Ri,!k° the Seven Dwarfs A lives'-' > « Mrs. Clyde Stanley who «n e a r the old Douglas «school house was hospitalized for ^ «m any days following an auto ac-p; SECOND F E A TU R E ^cident on Dec. 17. Her c a r,« «w h ich she was driving with one of ¡{h er small sons, went out of con ■ and T A IN A ELG II trol at the intersection of the E-C4 and Sandy road and the gravel {( road approach to Judd-Van C ur-« ren ltd (opposite the cemetery) « The Norman W yatt fam ily two?« {weeks ago received word of th e^S U N D A Y & M O N D A Y »grave illness o f Mrs. W yatt’s jDEC. 28 & 29 (m other and drive to C alif to b e « «w ith her. Mr. W yatt le ft the fam -« « i l y there and returned here. I n « «S a le m enroute home his car w as« TO Al l OUR FRIENDS ¡{badly smashed in the rear by an -f «o th e r car as he stopped at a sig‘-{_ “ S co M y ’s «n a l light. «T V E S . & WED., Dec. 30-31 « Young David Woodcock had a 1 BRIGETTE -BARDOT, H E N R Y y ESTACADA pudden and unexpected trip to th e «V ID A L and CHAS. B O YER IN > (hospital last Thursday night to {{ //■ n • • II y BARBER SHOP {have his ailing appendix rem oved « ¿ 0 f O r iS fe U fie V P Alex Eberhardt Sr. returned¡5 » home last Sunday from the hospi SECOND F E A TU R E Mrs. Marion M iller o f Spokane, tal where he had been treated >r two broken ribs suffered in a SCOTT 'ind CO ^ ^ ,. ^ b and is Mrs VLsiting at Darrow the home andj antl W K N D F I ^ «iR E Y R yM Ford all at his home. , , l n u i n / t V n n i/ * M r and M rs- Ray K eitR over ttteJ Miss Martha Maloney has le ft L U V f » I »7 I U U ¡¡holidays. Mrs. M üler is a sister o fj for San Diego, Calif, where she Mrs. Darrow and Mrs. Keith. Imitation General 'The Delicate Delinquent' Joy to the w orld! T h e L ord is conic; Let earth receive her K ing! Allyn Ni. Price,MD George S.Hara,NID AL'S R ID I M IX Homer Newell Broadway Barber Shop Happy Holiday sii. Clackamas County News For your good-win and friondfy pafronag. pitas» accept our most hoarty thank you. May you her* a Joyful Holiday. Jim Anderson Nettie Rickey Larry Meade Barton Beauty Shop Margaret Ross Sally Mode Leila Gordon Anne Justice Phyllis Fitch Mr. and Mrs. George Dodd and fam ily drove to Brightwood on Sunday to help Don’s mother, Mrs. J George birthday. Dodd, celebrate her