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About Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1958)
r ; V "can be obtained at the Record-« o *Page 3 THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Bids shall con tain « jig J | |5 T Scr’s olfice. Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 26, 1958 SJull information in the specifica-* * B y Anne Justice . .» lio n s and shall comply with the,'? ¡5 The Dodge Community * '■'•^“ JJspecifications in regards to any'} « ¿m et Friday of last week at th e»alternates. e ..- ,.- - — ,- - »By J. J. lnskeep, County Agent* Shall. Plans for the Community5 y The City of Estacada reserves 5 « t — t ----- - may Tree farmers find the* j ,h e right *Xmas program were aiscussea. discussed.g,ht> n ght to postpone the award- ¡following story by Bob Bradley* 2 Eugene Davis and Susie Caswell»ing ()f ehe bid for a reasonable S0f ¡ articular interest. Bob serves* jjof the Capable Cooks presented” time or to reject any and an bids :as Extension Forest.r in D o u g - * skit ‘There s a Hole in the Buc g antj to waive minor informali \ ] JS County: t . i-?L: ... ik et’ assisted by Christine Kish-g^^. Charcoal production is quite* (paugh. Hap Davis called and» Published for the first time I a thriving business in some parts?? {.Mr. and Mrs.' Howard W ester-Decem ber 19th, 1958 and pub "2 of our country. It is especially* iberg and Emery Keller played: Jlished for the second time BeC’SaCtive in cer.ain hardwood re-^ {for an hour of square dancing. »ember 26, 1958. *g'ons of eastern United States. * Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Ott attend R. R. Cooke, Recorder. «Many metallurgical and chemical:' Jed a farewell party at Hardingj users of* ¿industries are large »Grange hall in honor of Mrs. Rita| lesser amounts« «charcoal, with ^Klump. ¿finding their way into domestic!! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner are GOV. HOLMES URGES CARE sand specialized fuel markets. «the first family in Dodge to have: I.\ CHRISTMAS DKI\ ING « ‘While we in the West still doJj ¿their Christmas scenes and ligh t-j A Christmas free of traffic A not have the great industrial* *ing up. Mr. Horner who has wonS,u,aths woul(1 l)t, thl, best gift markets, we do have some of thejj ¿the lighting contest for severa*»drivers could give this year.Gov. latter markets. They include* «years invites everyone to come“ Robert D. Holmes said today citrus growers, domestic use,» ¿jand see the beautiful scene. he urged drivers to exercise the restaurants, foundaries, incinerat-« Dodge Community 4H Clubs utmost care and common sense ors, lanudries, meat and fish cur-J[ [held a home made candy sale in over the holiday. ing, railroad dining cars, ship- * 5 Horner’s Market recently. The „ For those who refuse to take yards, and tinning and plumbing.* sale was a great success and thejGbe Governor’s advice, State Po- “With the above markets,plusjj dubs wish to thank everyone who2uce ant| Otbor law enforcement some of the industrial markets,* and yours this day. helped. ¿agencies will be out in full wheih can be supplied upon re* I A s each Clm stm as comes around ne look forw ard to Carol Simmons was invalided<strengtb, with special attention! quest, and the advanced design o l* for several days with an infected*(brecte(j toward the known hoi modern ' i’ns.the owner of hard* teeing a n il greeting our m any loyal friends. W e take foot. 2iday killers, excessive speed and woods m v eil consider the* pleasure in saying "hello ” a n d Irish you a M erry The Dodge Teenage Club held*jbe drinking driver, production < ' charcoal as a way* m o semi-formal dance Dec. 13 a t« state safety offical, reminded! to utilize these trees. ¿ P ro d u c e r A p p ro v ed A ysh ire M ilk U .8. L icense INo.^ Christmas. the hall. A nice crowd enjoyed£that in Oregon, Christmas traf- * “Not only do most hardwoods* the evening. *ic is far more dangerous than :'CX<C>(tC<C<C>C>C<C<C'«>C’<<C<C<C<C!C!C<CI(!CtclC!C'C>C<(tCICICtC>(l(IMI('C<ClC,CKU Mr. and Mrs. Howard West<*r-j[isjew Years, with nearly twice as, make fi:.j charcoal, but the by-*<e’t of soft-wood timber* x berg spent the week end at _ t h e ^ ^ y accjdents and injuries cc products tn»iw w c.'s'c,<‘ticie‘ci«i«'c•«'<'«'*>««*«>*««!<i£’cic«c>c<c>c|«,«i*,*,€'*,«'«,«,«,«,«'i^arlnual get to gether of the Wes- curing over the Christmas pei- harvesting may be used as w ell.« The indusrty is young in Oregon^ Aterbrg family in Portland. iod than over the end of the-j and therefore practically un-A J Mrs. Pearl Truex of Greene, year celebration. known. Nevertheless, here is a« * Iowa, arrived in Dodge to spend Last year,Christmas time traf-j ¿[several months visiting her daug- fic accidents killed 5 people and! tree farmer in Josephine County* who is doing a good business in« injured 111 others. charcoal. ‘He is E. W. Jiggs Morris o l« Cave Junction, who runs one of* the The few fact charcoal plants people in the« that many will state. He produces an average* NOTICE OF BIDS be making extended trips; of 10 tons a the month from over his pre-« „.stretching holiday the Sealed proposals will be weekend, caused Traffic officials to urge drivers to get an early BOUGE iH2 WAYS! Dies S MEADOWLANDDAIRY filt. Hood Cleaners & Laundry & Staff * 'ß&fcll'W i A wceived ThiTnffipp of ot the tne City*! :;Ft’ a ve *toP . t0 in time re*t- to an,!'jscnt at the office Gii.y«ic, for o f,en home avoid* single kiln, but is planning* ' * ¿Recorder, City Hall, Estacada., jthe last minute rush. ¿ to ^uild more kilns soon. «Oregon, up to the hour of 8 P.M.Q _______________ — ... ‘Jiggs uses limbs, tops and oth-« 'on results the 5th and day the of February,1959,« ¿ er leftovers from his regular tim-* «tion Pumping Engine with 500^w | | | ¡.pi cost is,«¡his timbcrlands located in the« furnishing G.P.O Valley Try a where C lassified 320 acre« high Adv. grade's in the«ber harvests on his dgallon booster tank, hose body*'«0r m an for TDUr ad. in. one (1) 750 ¿Illinois M.. Class “A” Triple «hardwood Combina charcoal ¡f„w . j ust phone us or Charcoal is a natural for';: are* _hrin«?[farm. «and other equipment,all of w h i c h * ------------------------------ species pine* *is described in tihe spccifcations* ¿mixed among his fir and ientitled “INFORMATION AND* T he New“ toads in neighbor^ ¡^ ber. This hardwood situa-« M ay the eternal peace o f «SPECIFICATIONS ON FIRE ¿n ew s in yt uT' f o n t be*(jon ¡s noj unlike that found onjj 2 APPARATUS’’ a copy of which "without it- " >s‘ «many Douglas Cocnty farms and« Christm as abide w ith you 1958 * With hopeful hearts we join you in s in g le i s praise. May people everywhere come to know r -d love the true spirit of Christmas and the joy ' 1 comes from giving as well as receiving. MURRAY ■ NEWELL, INC. 818 E. Pow ell P O N T IA C - G.M .C. G resh am , O reg o n i! X I ■ I I 1 1 * * 2 M ERRY C hristmas G RESH A M , OREGON i ^ M em ber of F e d e ra l D eposit In su ran ce C . 8 I « « * P « Eager-beaver Housewarmer service 1 9 5 8 W e hope your holiday w ill be filled to over flowing with joy and happi ness. SOUTHEAST PORTLAND BRANCH First National Bank of Portland Foster Rd. & 82nd Ave. S.E., 1H‘ ■* v|-— ■ » r i HESSEL IMPLEMENT CO. HESSEL'S CHRYSLER - PLY MOUTH G resh am , O regon HOW SANTA GOT GOOD * t 3 SENSE l A j By a brilliant young author in the« *5th grade of the Estacada school, i which is Mrs. C’ellers room. It was Christmas eve, 1958, small town. The people w ere* ^...1 asleep, except in a big green¿ J house at the edge of town* J where a little boy called Junior* * lived. His father and mother ¿ j were upstairs sleeping, but he* t was hiding behind the stove ¿ J waiting for Santa. « f Suddenly he heard a big* ¿thump in the chimney. He went* t over and looked up and saw a¿ J big fat man. It was Santa.« i Quickly he ran into his roon ^ J and got his slingshot. He (Jun-2 I ior) went back to the ehunney¿ I and aimed it carefully; then fir-* Jed. Santa must have slipped J 3 and fell head first down the* J chimney because he heard it hit J his head. The noise woke up ” his father and mother. When / they saw Santa lying on Junior, i they asked why he was on him. ! Santa said he did not know but' 1 someone hit him on tihe head ! with a rock. j So Junior got a spanking and! t Santa did not pay for the broken j chimnev and stove, but Junior! , did j < Illustration is Santa paddling! 1956 DWYER LUMBER CO. DWYER LOGGI NG CO. fifí 3 Portland, Oregon Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation AT ESTACADA EVERY WEDNESDAY 'News' W ant Ads Bring Good Results throughout th e holidays. GRESHÂÎM STATE BANK x x X A A I S « * He says most of the oak m ad^ «rone and manzanita that 1 take« ¿off my land goes into the kiln.In¿ «my opinion, madrone is the best« ¿species you con find here f° r* «charcoal manufacture. You ea.i« ¿ tell good charcoal by the way it* «rings when you clink two pieces« ¿together he says. & ¿ “The kiln itself is a big con-§ «erete box with an open end that “ «can be bricked up, says an ae-* «count of his operations in the:?, «' American Tree Farmer.” The¿ «coal can be made either by firing« «the wood directly under restrict^ «ed draft or by baking it in ex « treme heat. It takes about 1 «week to make a batch of the jet-* ¿black fuel, including loading and¿ «unloading the kiln. * “His wife, Carol, still 'helps* «him in boxing the charcoal« ¿which he markets throughout* «Southern Oregon and elsewhere.« ¿Business has expanded to the «point where several timber-fall- ¿ing teams are needed during* «summer months to meet peak * ¿season demands. ¿ “I have met Jiggs Morris per-« «sonally and have seen some o t* ¿his operations. It is easy to be-« «lieve him when he says “I’m try-* ¿ing to keep my timberland clean* «and free of slash and making¿ ^charcoal is a profitable way of« «doing it.” He not only knows* to utilize what could be« o r p o r a t i o n ^ ^ , but he also knows how to* ¿grow trees as a crop. « 1 * “If you too, belive that m ak^ ing charcoal could help you tu* growing and improving yoiu^ timberland and still make you* a profit, come and see me at5 your County Extension Office.”* GRESHAM SEED & FEED CO. Patronize your local 'New s' job printer: | Gresham, Ore Phone MO 5-2186*Junior «ior is yelling h*' ho Wa-H-H. 9* J May these be the happiest days of your life . . . and re* a r i<“r nvinv » ears. DKG EMPI RE FURNI TURE CO. Jun Powell Blvd. Gresham, Oregon