Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1959)
r Clackamas Count? JHeto? Cstacatta’s In Its Fifty-fourtu Year of Publication Volume No. 54 10c Per Copy Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Jan. 2, 1959 Number 46 Make Yours a Happy and Prosperous New Year! Kiwanis Groups *• F. A. Annual $3.¡00 Per Year Lend Christmas Baskets Banquet Date Set By Phyllis Fitch The Estacada Chapter of the [ ; Future Farmers of Am erica held I their annual Parent and Son ban- i quet at the Estacada High School I Gym December 13th. The opening ceremony by the I F F A officers. Invocation by Phillip Gente- 1 mann. Introduction of guests. A delegation was sent from the 8th grade class of each school of : this school district. Roy Gaylord presented a short talk about the trip he, George Su - 1 ter and Phillip Gentmann took to the National Convention at Kan sas City. The F F A creed was given by Robert W eisgerber, Gail Ecker, Dick Klinker, Vickie Haak and Ted Hodgkiss. Chain report by Larry Hare F a ir activities by Phillip Gcn- temann. The F F A band played a number followed by a violin solo by Mr. W ilson, the high school music teacher. The Safeway projeet award made by a Safeway representat ive to W ayne feashum and Larry Hare. Gary Lanning given the , foundation awards. They are: F a rf Mechanics and Public Speaking— George Suter Farming, Soil and W ater M an- agement— Phillip Gentemann Chapter Star Farm er (top aw a rd ) — Phillip Gentemann John Sanderson presented the achievement awards as follows Bronze A w ard— Louie Scales Silver Emblem A w ard — Fred About 11 am. on Monday an ac Kirchafer, Roy Gaylord, George cident occurred on Highway 211 Suter and Phillip Gentemann in lower Currinsville when the Main speaker was J. B. Rodger, binder chain slipped on a load of professor o f Agriculture Engin lum ber on a Park Lum ger Co. eering at OSC truck as it went around a curve. Eddie W hite awarded the Chap In trying to avoid the lum ber ter Sweetheart award to Donna which was falling off, a car driv Kitching en by Ronald H. Hare, o f route 1, John Sanderson closed b y giv Eagle Creek went over a ten foot ing ackonwledgements to the bank. L arry L. Hare, 16 a pas mothers, F H A , Mrs. K eller and F senger in the ar suffered severe F A advisor George Gentemann. facial lacerations. The car was demolished. Estacada Chief of Police, James Barden answered M A JO R E L E C T R IC R A T E S the call as county deputies were M A Y B E IN C R E A S E D ................ at distant points and not immeni- M ajor electric rate schedules of Portland General Electric available. company w ill increase from 10 to 15 percent if the Oregon public utilities commissioner approves a company application filed re- cently. U tility officials said they an- ticipated a public hearing by the The W ell Baby Clinic will be the P U C and a delay before held at the Estacada Grade sought-for increase could be act Grade School Library on Thurs ed upon and if approved, made day, Jan. 8 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m effective. In announcing the filing, Thos. W . Delzell, P G E board chairman n o N J E N K IN S M E M B ER OF and ohief executive officer,point- E X E C U T IV E C O U N C IL O F MT. ed out that this was the first re - SK I P A T R O L quest fo r a general rate increase j ) on Jenkins is a member of the stocked with fishing tackle, gro made by his company since 1949 Executive Council o f the Mt.Hood ceries, picnic supplies, confec when P G E was granted the only ski Patrol. The Council met re- tions and pakaged beverages.Ol- The U p p e r Clackamas River general rate increase in its 69 yr. cently at the U . S. Forest Service sen announced his concession Cham ber o f Commerce Christmas history. office in Portland with the Reg will open coincident with the be “ It goes without saying that ional Architect and the Regional ginning of the fishing season Lighting Contest was ju dged Mon day evening b y Ty Coarell and costs have increased substantial Forester to discuss the matter of next spring. Ernest Rynning. They hope they ly a ll along the line since then,” building a First A id building at N o w nearing completion P G E ’s missed no one. Glen and Clara he added ‘including the cost o f Government Camp. This would Promontory park w ill be an ex Marchbank won first place and new money which has been a ma house first aid equipment and tensively equipped, 16 acre re $15.00; F red and Rose Bartholo jo r factor in this period o f ex there would be an emergency creational area on the shore of mew, second fo r $15.00 an How- pansion. room fo r doctors fo r minor su rg the 4 mile long N orth Fork res ar and M argaret W esterberg of ■The continued inflation o f wa- ery. They would also store ervoir. Less than an hour’s drive Dodge third fo r $5.00. ges and material prices long ago ! equipment fo r use in mountain re ' from Portland and expected to be highly popular, the park w ill in- us" al bea^ would have necessitated an elec- scue and there would be sleeping Dezell said, quarters fo r ski patrolmen. The elude facilities fo r picnicking,ov- tlfuJ sP€ctac e a" d for those of trie rate increase’ extern- money fo r this building w ill have ernight camping and boat launch- * ■‘ ■¿worth ‘had it noe been fo r the Portland General Electric com j„ g a trip to Dodge, to see it. H e was sive program of automation and to be raised by contributions pany announced today that A rt j not in competition, having won technologiical improvements to from the general public. Th e fund h u r C. Olsen, 9260 S. W . 1st Ave. A unique feature of the park ^ last year, its system effected by P G E in an raising campaign will start soon Portland, has been granted the is the one acre Small F ry lake 1 The other home decorations ad- effort to keep operating costs and the construction w ill start concessionaire’s spot at . the com- . . developed by P G E fo r the ex- ed a lot to the beauty of the down. next summer it fh e funds are av- p a n y s new Promontory parte c] usjve U9e ^ youngsters. A ll community and Christmas spirit ‘H owever it is no longer possi- ailable. The estimated cost is alongside N orth Fork reservoir facilities, including electric cook- and they all deserve commenda- b le to hold the line b y cost o ff $40,000. on the Clacakamas river. jng be provided t*on and honorable mention. setting efficiencies and earnings , °.lsf " ; a re^ i tree o f charge to patrons o f the are not keeping pace with the land fo r the past 12 years, was ■ cost o f expansion necessary to G A R F IE L D C H U R C H N IG H T selected from a field of 12 ap pli serve customers in a period of in W A T C H S E R V IC E cants. Promontory park is the 9th such ___________________________ The Garfield Church o f the flation’ the P G E executive said, Plans fo r the concession include playground build fo r public use I _ - i n j i - - f A fl A ll classes of cupstomers, ex-1 Nazarene w ill begin the New a store and a boat and motor by P G E in conjunction with h y -: cet certain public authorities, Y e a r’s watoh night service at rental service. The store w ill b e droelectric developments. would be included in the propos- W ednesday eve. The serv ed increase, with relatively ice is to include missionary slid- small variations upward o r down- 65 Mexjco taken when the pas- | rush story with plenty o f action ward. Un der the proposed in- tor aDd bis w ife were members throughout. Miss E lta Schock, 68, late of Es crease,the company would realize 01 a deputation team from Cas- Sunday. Monday and Tuesday— tacada Route 2, died Monday of $5,190,000 of additional gross cadc College, Portland. There Alan Ladd and Olivia De Ha vil last week at the University of revenues, out o f which local.state will also be devotional slides, la nd in P R O U D R E B E L co-star- Oregon Medical school hospital and federal taxes would take singing and special music, re- N o w playing last time tonight Dean Jagger and David Todd. after several months illness. about $2,900,000 o r 56 percent of r «M n e n t s and a devotional serv- B rigete Bardot in L A P A R IS - The 11-1315 and tribuations of a Miss Schock was bo m at Righ, ice concluded by prayer. I E N N E plus Elvis Presley in his TT oud rel* j wh° comes out Iowa August 13, 1890 where she the total. There has been considerable famous LO V T N G Y O U with L I » «Jth his fortune lost his nv^ mo8t ^ ijfc until com- interest show ntowrd the service beth Scott and W endell Corey. dead and h“ shocked in- infi to Estacada several years V F W P O S T TO M E E T A T one invited. F o r N e w Y ea rs (through Satur- 1 to becoming a deaf mute.A h ig h -1 ag0 T H E IR H A L L J A N . 7TH by both youth and adults.Every- day) W a lt Disnevs great adven- ly dramatic film that is tops. j V F W Harry Randall Post 6879 ture o f all time P E T E R P A N an Merchant sponsored Kiddie Surviving relatives include two and Ladies Auxiliary are to meet all cartoon feature in technicolor. show next Saturday— J U N G L E nieces.Gladys Graham of Seattle, fo r their regular meeting Jan. 7 H ere is a story every child should ln ^ F O R B ID D E N L A N D . IVash., and Mrs. Roseanne Bouch- at 8 P.M. at CurriiwvUle hall. AH White (o r plnk> eleph- hear and every adult thoroughly 1 -------------------- ------- cr o f Portland. , members and those interested enjoy. Second Feature— S I E - 1 Lots o f folks are going to the Funeral services w e r e ^ held please be present. ants for O. E. S Social R R A B A R O N in color in color hospital fo r operations. One Mondav Dec 29 at P M at the The Auxiliary is planning a Club Sal“ Jan. 9-10. Call and cinemascope. Stars Brian of them when he came to, asked y' ™ at ™ at the Clayville Funeral Home followed Tam ale and Food Sale Jan. 17 at Keith, Rick Jason. Rita Gam and the physician: ’Tell me the CR 9-3959 or CR 96417 by private committal at the Port N ew s office in Estacada. Mala Powers. A n exciting gold ' truth, Doc, what’s my bill ” land Memorial. for pickups. Chmn. Lillian Kitching EW YEAR j j j Serious Accident at Currinsvslle / To all of our friends everywhere we send the warmest of greetings for the New Year and hope we may continue to serve you in 1959. Well Baby Clinic Here January 6. Let's Start the Ne wYear Right! Trade at Home & Subscribe to and Advertise in Your Local Paper! P. G. E. Selects former Portland Store Chamber Judges Operator N. F. Park Concessionaire List Xmas Lighting Contest Winners noon j busy The festacada Kiwanis Club copleted a day last Tuesday. They,packed and distributed more than twenty Christmas baskets of supplies and toys to some of the less fortunate members of our area. This program is one of the principle Kiwanian act ivities of the Kiwanis Club for Christmas...... ...... Part of the group active in the project together with a few of the baskets as shown are: Back row ; Daryl Genteman and Louis Ssates; next row are Tom May, Ray Haden, Joe Barr, Phil Gentemann and Rev. Vernon Ross; front row, Scott Engstrom, Rev. Milton Nelson. David Larssn and Gail Ebert. W e are proud of the six Key Club members shown. Plan Set to Give Small M ills Better Chance to Secure Government Timber A joint agreement by the er persons. Small Business Administration The proposed definition was and the Department of A gricul published in the Federal Regis ture to help small firms obtain a ter on December 10. Interested greater share of sales of Govern firms may present their com ment owned timber and related ments to Small Business Admin products by setting aside certain istration in writing within 30 days proposed sales exclusively for ater publication in the Register. small business competition was Unless a substantal reason for a announced today by John G. Bar change in the definition is pre nett, manager o fthe Portland Ot sented, it will be adopted as pub- fice of the Small Business Adm in lsihed. istration, 911 S. W . Washington j U n der the agreement, according St., Portland. to Mr. Barnett, the Small Busin Mr. Barnett said this step is | ess Administration will review the first of its kind formalized proposed Department of Agricul under Section 15 of the Small ture Forest Service sales prog Business Act of 1958 which, in rams with the contracting officers effect, authorizes the Small Bus- of the Department before reques ness Administration to expand its ting a set aside fo r small business form er set aside procedures for The contracting officer is au proposed Government prime con thorized to make set-asides when tracts to include also proposed recommended by the Small Busi Government sales and leases. ness Administration, unless it is The Small Business Adminis determined that such action is in tration also announced a proposed consistent with Department of definition of small business for A griculture program require sales of Government property in ments. eluding timber.The porposal clas sifies a firm as email, fo r Govern Operating procedures, instruc ment timber sales purposes, Mr. tions and other information for Barnett said if the firm is inde implementing the agreement will pendently owned and operated, is be developed jointly by the Small not dominant in its field,and with Business Adminstration and the ies affiliates employes 260 o r few- Department o f Agriculture. j L O S T Ix IT c S T O l Walt Disney Film on Broadway Bill Elta Schock j W A N TED ! Improvements on on Grange Hall at Eagle Creek Start next day Dec. 27 a good sized vol unteer crew went to work with tools and installed the new sill.all in one day. W ith such efficient team work Eagle Creek Grange can look forw ard to more Im provements. Special notice to Eagle Creek Grangers: the next social nlte which should be Jan. 3 has been cancelled. Next regular meeting of E. C. Grange is to be Jan 17. A ll members are urged to attend and suport the new officers and their plans fo r the new year By Margaret Ross Eagle Creek Grange held its regular meeting Dec. 20 preceded by pot luck supper. FoUowing the business meeting a Christmas pa rty was enjoyed by a large turn out with exchange of gifts A special item of concern at the business meeting was the condition of the Grange hall.Fol lowing the suggestion that a long- range improvement plan be started, Worthy Master Virgil Nelson appointed the following members to a planning committ ee: ^Shirley Burnett, Lloyd Potter, Monday evening the’ U pp e- Lewis Rivers, Earl Brackett, To Clackamas River Chamger of ny Buhlinger. Commerce » i l l have its first The first meeting of this com meeting of the new year, The mittee was held Dec. 26 and a main feature of discussion will careful inspection of the founda he future disposition of the bn- tion of the building revealed one iness tax funds by the city. decayed sill. Quick action follow * » ” ” l i * ' I |MI Everpone interested is urge, ed. Matterial was ordered and the to attend Chamber of Com. Meeting Monday at City Hall, 8 p.m.