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About Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1958)
»were served by Mary Skinner,»14 from the National Guard Non- ' ak re 5 THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY N E W S ¡¡U rn Allen Bonnie Brock, VivianScommissioned officers academy.» Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Dec. 26, 1958 Jjjodgkiss. » H e attended the academy onlyg LaFaye Fouts * Mrs. Flora Ware of Estacada|since September and graduated» STAFF C O R R E S P O N D E N !N .- l ■ a g 'Tagle Creek .. Mrs. Mart-arr« Ross 2 The Jr. Choir held a Christmas ¡Jspent tbe week end with her sist-vwith second j l high honors ................. ... Mrs. Nellie Currln " 'urrm sviUe {¿party at the Viola C om m u nity»^ carl Bennett. ¡{starting class of 50. .......... . Rav Gord, j ««ball. Rev. and Mrs. Verne Ren-* - - Irv and ■ Bonnie — ■ Briscoe *>—----------- i«™> has been a faithful atten-M •arfteld A ------ ------ ------------ and » Jim « » Jerry Mrs. Lafaye Fouts * ,rlola Sand directed the group in a num-£j,-outs bought new horses in»dant at National Guard since Mrs. « ......... aderhold **e» George « b e r of games and refrsehments»tlle week. Irvin Briscoe ¿¡joined three years ago. A a i«i«u »s w ia i«ia ia ia i«w i«U M «i> lc i* u r u r i0 i U * s an Arablan;his daughter B o n » * « {nie a new pinto and Jim Fouts •B SE V golden bay, thoroughbred. ^fW m tftX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X . it » » Air. and Airs. Stanley Levin left di y »recently for Ookdale, Calif. by» y gtrain to spend Xmas with theirg y » »daughters. They will also await» ir ¡{the arrival of two new grandchil-» •u y »dren. 11a and Teddy Skinner are» yhe'ning with the cows while they y y Levins are gone. y » ou a hum ,s me proudest bach-o y y »elo r in Viola Valley.Ile has a new J y »N orge automatic dryer, y y v Mary Skinner, Cissy Garner, » ;«Dan Fouts and Joan Smith ally {{enjoyed the dance held at Red-g »land for the Juvenile Grange. » ;{ The Stanley Fouts, and Jimÿ »and Mr. and Mrs. Ed __ „ _____ Hodgkiss.» ¿{Teddy and Arlene„Mr. and M rs.» l 9 5 8 I »George Smith, Herb and Bobby;» y l ¡¡{John Sanderson Jr. attended the» M a y a feeling of love » FFA banquet at Estacada recent-» ¡Viola Happenings r I -Happy "-Holiday With hopefut hearts we join you in singing His praise. May people everywhere come to know and love the true spirit of Christmas and the joy that comes from giving as well as receiving. 1958 ESTACADA To one and all we wish a very a n d charity fill y o u r Sly- U The Cascade Riders held their» house this Christm as »annual Christmas party at theuv a n d for all the year. »club house Saturday eve.After a »wonderful pot luck supper the v V V Vs c!o!ighted to y »group played games and let the-J y wis.i you the very b;> »sm all fry have their gift ex- y best Holiday ever. »change. A short business meeting» y Thank you for your ^followed during which the fo l-» y y »lowing new officers were elected^ fine patronage. y y »fo r the coming year: President-» y » l xxxxxxr !««;«•« xxxxv* * »Clarence Haak; vice-pres- Stan» y y »Fouts; sec-Shirley Murphy; treas y y ■ Gloria Skrelunas; CCRCA Repre-{{ V » sentatives- Dick V.’agner, B o b» ■ ■ »H aak and Phil Fishbum. Execu ¡J ■ Stive Committee- Leo Vinkler, E .» ¡{Goings and Irvan Briso. Publicity» »G ary Fouts. Two members» Evert Stahlnecker »w ere introduced Corky Haak and» »Jim Fouts, who have reached» " *-u„ 1 ft a ».. K f xxxxxxxtixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxi fth *' ripe old age of lG and so be-» 8 »come bonified adult members.*; »T h e Cascade Riders have an un-» ¿{usual method of gift exchanging.^ erry W ish in g youa »Everyone writes man or lady o n » Joyous Christmas ¡{the package and so the gifts" are{{ » h r is t m a s »distributed; after which an ai-» ¡¡{arm clock is set for 5 linutesV »and you can exchange with any-» ¡{one else. and we add » Sam Roth held r. pre-Christmas» our best wishes. a?dinner or a.I those who exchang- . »e d work last .immer :.t the hom e» ¿of Mr. and Mrs. John McKenziei> »recently. Guests included Mr.and» »M rs. Stanley Levin, ',r . and M rs» » lim Anderson and children and", I Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cook and» »children. » Mr. ;.nd Mrs. Fred Brown have " »_ i 7 •'» i. born in si \.n <~ity Dec. 12 M » Mrs. B'm.iie Rcg.ogie and Mr. 5 » F rie n d lie s t of w ishes »and Mrs. Church of Milwaukie» for a M erry Christmas ¿spent last Wednesday eve with» » and a happy H oliday. Sthe John McKenzies. » » % Mr. and Mrs. Vern Riedel andj{ » » «F re d spent last Sunday with the» » /¿Ray Kapischke family in G laa-» *jstone. (4-------- ¡5 « r* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sliferi' V X X X X X X X X IC X X X X X X X X X X X X X X -* {¿and children visited at the homeg A of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A llen » ¡¿recently. Ed Hodgkiss’s brother W illiam s ‘c-zxxiS 'e-ixx^-szxxX K X X X X X X X H ¿jwho lives in the Wilhoit district',1 Eagle Creek fji-' seriously ill in the Providence«' | MOTOR COMPANY CHRISTMAS Lloyd W eir anc. Gang Jim's Ice Cream Bar Estacada JOHN'S BODY SHOP M a y all men know the true spirit of the Yule season i and a H APPY NEW YEAR! Ames Flowers 5 Machine Works M erry CHRISTMAS and we add M our best wishes. C Sc W ith grateful hearts we raise our voices in prayer that people in all places will come to know the true spirit of the Yule season and that peace will reign forever« SAGNER'S Howard Smith Real Estate .. R. "Bud" Rivers! scnm r Dick and Violet Richfield Service » Lockers m a n : 3 “hospitaL ”i Mr. and Mrs. Seely Riedel wish/ {¡to thank all those in the district» who bought subscriptions from 1 their son David. He won 4th placed iiin the contest and is the proud-/ {¿possessor of a §40 check. i V i _______________ » ft » v 4 w ■ CURRINSVILLE i l Mrs. Nellie Currin Mrs. Kay Tunnell was taken t o » ¡Good Samaritan hospital last» Sweek. She is getting along won-» ¿'lerful after having surgery. Mrs. Delores Strange and Miss^J ¡Donna Menzie gave a surprise» ¡party for Mrs. Elsie Hale Thurs-|{ «day evening. The rooms p re » ¿sented a festive appearonce with» ¿all the decorations and Christmas» You have made this a ¡arrangements. Mrs. Hale received» happy business year ¡many lovely gifts;among them a » ¿birthday cake in the form of an » for us. W e are most -open Bible with the 23rd psalm» grateful. «in decoration on'the pages, whicnS ¿was a gift from the hostesses.! (Games and singing Xmas carols] ¿were enjoyed during the even-! ¿ing. Miss Donna Menzie assistedi Cliff and Marj Hanks ¿Mrs. Hale in opening her gifts.! ¿The guests were Mrs. M ildred» ««<£«<€« « « « ’• « « « « ■ « « ■ C l « « « « « « ! ¿Linn, Mrs. Reva Linn, Miss San-» sdra Linn, Mrs. Loiuse Douglas,J ¿Mrs. Wilda Fifer, Mrs. Q ualls,» Mrs. Feme Haines, Mrs. Ina M en-» zne.Mrs. Bruguier, Janice B ru -» guier and Mr. Jeryy Hale. » BEST WISHES TO A L L A friendly wish for you » » this Holiday season— H ave a M erry Christmas. Raymond L . Jones VIEWPOINT HI-WAY CAFE DEC 25 Hl*rry Christmas! A vary, vary m#rry Christmas to all af oar friends la this community. May this Holi day ha filled with treat ¡ay aad happiness. Merry Christmas! GRAY'S HARDWARE Jerry Hale graduated on Dec. CHRISTMAS T o old friends, and new friends we hope to earn, accept o u r best wishes. The engagement of Miss Don-» da Menzie and Jerry Hale was an-» nounced at the farewell party o n » Sunday honoring Mr. and M rs.» Woody Gaillard who are moving» to Arizona. Jerry is a long time •< member of the Methodist choir J which Mr ( Gaillard directed. » A belated birthday party w as» tendered Mrs. Elise Hale w hen» i the Birthday Club surpised j Saturday was a potluac» dinner. Mrs. Earl McConnell ba-i ked the birthday cake. Cards and bingo were tfhe diversion of the evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heiple, Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen from Susanville,» Oaiif.Jtr. and Mrs. Earl Brankett, “ Mr. and Mrs. Earl McConnell, Mrs. R. H. Currin, Miss Donna Menzie, Mr. Jerry Hale and the honoree. Maxine's TO A ll OU R FRIENDS To our greeting we would like to add our thank you for your patronage. » #• » . ».» Dr.PaulSiommskit Kut N Rurl Beauty Shop A i¡ce S c a g g s T. C. Jones 3 Estacada Jeweler