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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1922)
The Candidates for Governor VffHEN a candidate for public office makes a campaign promising what he will do if elected, it is fitting and proper that the voter examine the public records to ascer tain whether or not the candidate's record squares with his campaign promises. In the present campaign Candidate Pierce professes to be the apostle of lower taxes. Mr. Pierce's Record Of the $9,376,000 of state taxes for 1922, Mr. Pierce specifically approved of $8,564,039. This is 92 per cent of the total. Mr. Pierce had no opportunity to vote on the other S per cent, as he was not a membtir of the legislature when it was Up for vote. , He voted for 97 per cent of all tax appropriation bills of the 1919 session of the legislature, and for all the appropriation bills of the special session of 1920. In the last few years he voted for 189 salary increases. He voted against the bills to consolidate the state bureaus and commission);. Measured by every standard, Mr. Pierce is the most consistent little tax booster the state of Ore gon ever had. Mr. OllcotCs Record He introduced a change in the itate secretftry's report which has saved the :tate many thousands of dollars since 1912. His renovation of the peniten tiary savrid the state nearly half million, dollars He secured funds for a training school building for the Boys' In stitute without a single dollar or additional taxes. He is the originator of the Ore gon Blue Sky Law, which saves the Oregon people millions of dollars annually. He was responsible for the stopping of junketing trips by state officials at state expense. He secured the passage of a budget law, effecting large econ omies in the state government which could not otherwise be accomplished. The change In the State Ses sions Law, recommended by him, saves the state $10,000 a year. He has been universally com mended for the excellence of his official appointments. He has taken the first real con structive step in the equalization of the state tax situation by the appointment of a committee of experts to investigate and report to the legislature the entire scope of the tax problem irl this state, thus assuring that any changes to be made will be made along sane, conservative and constructive lines, which give far more prom ise of securing results than dem agogic bewailing and idle cam paign promises such as are being made by the non-partisan candi date of the Democratic party, especially in the light of his rec ord as the champion tax producer of the state of Oregon. Vote for Olcott for GOVERNOR REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE WALTER L. TOOZE, Chairman C. E. INGALLS, Sec'y I iota I Cadets Ta kv Provisions to Poor Families ft Fff V : ;r Ni A "it ' -if .A 1 '',., fa U -U k ' r, 1 l. : X I . -4,1 ' . .i . i, "AS-'- JUNIOR NOBLE AND JOE HILL k In tdillllun tf their irnmlni: in n'Kulitr schi'ol roursos of study the younger fadi'ts of Hill Military Ai .uli mv. I'lirlliird, arc rivcii military drill and lessons In service to othisrs I'aul NnMe unci Jim Mill (both Juniors) are among thu small bnys of thu academy whu Jciincd ttm ha'ki't brigade on a recent oxppdl tlnn maiJo by the ynuiiK putiils uf (lie si hool nnil who look baskets of provl slims to poor and deserving liuiiilles When tlm (all term opened recently. Ihe first thing IIiobo lads asked as. "May wc save our allownnces up for a 'basket shower?" KuvIiik allowamen menus no andy for several weeks sml that takes cnuraKO v. In n one in h ven years old Under (he provisions of thu huuillid enminilfnry school bill, lo be tnted on November 7. this ndionl, snioni: many ulhers which teach ust such principles, would lie lorcid to tlusu The Maupin Times Published every Thrusday at Maupin, Oregon Jessiliue E. Morrison, Publisher Subscription: One year, $1.50; six months, 75 cents; three momns, 51 Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914, at the postoffice at Manpin, Oregon, un der the Act of March 3, 1879. PROMINENT PORTLAND EDUCATOR IS HONORED JOSEPH A. HILL At a recent meeting of representa Ives of several non-sectarian and Pro testant private Bchools held in Port land, Joseph A. Hill, president of Hill Military Academy, was elected ex 3cutive secretary of a permanent or ganization formed on that occasion. Mr. Hill, in addressing the delegates, said: "Our private schools are en dangered by the measure known as the 'compulsory educational bill,' which will come before the voters this November. We have given our best thought and effort and years of un tiring devotion to the cause of educa tion and now all our work would be swept away In the flood that is direct ed at the private schools. "Oregon already has a compulsory educational law. Why should this new measure be necessary? Private schools such as the Hill Military aca demy and others on the list of those to be affected use practically the same books and courses of study as do pub lio schools. But we have smaller classes and can give more Individual attention to the pupils. To do away with our schools would be to Increase the taxpayers' burdens materially for :t would take millions of dollars to build extra public schools, equip them and provide them with teachers. In iddltlon It would destroy the means of living of hundreds of our teachers and jmployes. We teach Americanism most loyally and our patriotic exer cises dally inspire our pupils with irlde in their country and a respect .'or authority." Voters, Do You Understand? That the so-called compulsory education bill, on the November ballot, would close every private school of grammar grade in Ore gon? That It wnuld deprive parents of the right to send children to any religious school or non-sec-' tarlan school privately operated In Oregon? That It would confiscate mil lions of dollars worth of prop erty without cause, now devoted to private school work? That It would add more than $1,000,000 annually in taxes to the taxpayers by throwing sev eral thousand pupils Into public schools, for whom buildings would be necessary? That It violates the sacred rights of parents to train their children as they deem best, by robbing them of their constitu tional right to attend privately operated schools where religious thought Is featured or to a non sectarian school, such as Hill Military academy? Education Bill Unnecessary. The so ( ailed ronipulMiry education bill It unnecessary, nrrordtng to many Hided opinions, because On-con ul ready has such a law. It Is working well. Is fair all around why change It? mmmmmmwf 1 mm' "M? Why Stir Up Strife? The socalled compulsory education bill, on the November 1 ballot, hat alrt.uly Ktirred up much religious strife Why make It a law and con tinue llils harmony destroying program that can do to good? Oregon will not disgrace her self among her sister states of j the nation. The trend is now strongly against the so-called educational bill. Men and wom en are begining to understand it and to what ends of suspicion 'and civil friction it would lead. Except for a few, blinded by zeal and others who remain mis led by the arguments of propon , ents, voters are turning against (the measure. This anti senti ment is due to grow greater with each day between now and elec tion, and the school bill will be severely beaten November 7. 1 Editorial Hood River Glacier. i Old and Young Patriots Unite in Ceremony tL- X I . vv-; ?? v I Alflv- " ' "'-isfva. G. A. R. and Hill Military Academy Cadets Salute the Flag. One of the features at Hill Military academy recently was a patriotic ceremony in which the honored guests were prominent members of ' the Grand Army of the Republic. The tiniest cadets and the elderly heroes of the Civil war united in the service. These inspiring ceremonies are frequent occurences at the academy in Portland. AmoDg the juniors were throe little lads whose mother passed away a few months ago. The father who lives in California could not leave his business to care for them and so sent them to the Hill Military academy saying, "Keep them through the grades and high school." The private schools of Oregon are carefully caring for many orphans and half orphans who would be most directly injured If the so-called compulsory educational measure should become a law. For that reason many taxpayers are working to defeat that measure. In addi tion if adopted the bill would cause a great increase in taxes as the private school children, numbering nearly 8,000, would have to be cared for in public Institutions and schools. It is necessary to raise this additional amount by special levy for the following reasons: To pay bonded indebtedness and interest thereon and District warrants and interest thereon. Dated this 27th day of Oct ober, 1922. L D. Kelly, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: Lawrence S. Stovall, District Clerk. NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 84 of Wasco County. Oregon, that a school meeting of said district will be held at Maupin School House on the 18th day of November, 1922, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the budget herein after set out with the levying board, and to vote on the propo sition of levying a speeial dis trict tax. The total amount of money needed by the said school dis trict during the fiscal year be ginning on June 30, 1922. and ending June 30, 1923, is estima ted in the following budget and includes the amounts to be re ceived from the county school fund, state school fund, elemen tary school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the district: BUDGET Estimated Expenditures Principals 1 $1575 $1575 I 1 1200 1200 Teachers 2 1125 2250 Janitors 2 180 360 Clerk 1 25 j 25 Other services 100 100 Total $5510 Notice of School Election to In crease Tax More Than Six Per Cent Over That of the Previous Year Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 84, of Wasco County, State of Oregon, that an election will be held in said District at Maupin School House on the 18th day of November, 1922, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, to vote on the question of increasing the amount of the tax levy in said District for the year 1922 by more than six per cent over the amount of such levy for the year immediately preceeding. Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc$1000 Supplies (chalk, erasers, etc.) 125 Library books 100 Flags 20 Janitor's supplies 50 Fuel 225 Water 36 Postage stationery 5 Total I $1561 Maintenance and repairs $100 Bonded and inter est thereon $2720 Warrant and in- erest thereon , , 1500 Total . $4220 Insurance $ 160 Miscellaneous: $ 150 Emergency $ 200 Estimated Receipts From county school fund during the coming school year From state school fund during the coming school year From elementary school fund during the coming school year Estimate of probable unexpended balance at end of current year. . Estimated am't. to be received from all other sources during comii Total estimated receipts, not induing proposed tax.. Recapitulation Total estimated expenses for the year Total estimated receipts not including proposed tax Balance, amount to be raised by district tax Dated this 27th day of October, 1922. Attest: Lawrence S. Stovall, District Clerk. $ 524 00 108 50 604 00 200 00 , 3500 00 . "' 4936 60 ,$11901 00 , 4936 50 $6964 50 L. D. Kelly, Board of Directors. ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 84 This original estimate is made in compliance with section 231-A of the school laws of 1921 and shows in parallel columns the unit costs of the several services, material and supplies for the three fiscal years next preceeding the current year, the detail expenditures for the last one of said three preceeding fiscal years and the budget allowances and expenditures for six months of the current year. ("Six months of the current year" means six months of the last school year.) Expenditures ' ITEM (Expenditures and budget Expenditures for three fiscal years (allowance for six months! next preceeding the last I of last school year school year I. I II. I III. IV. I V. I VI. Estimated .Expend i- Budget Detailed ex 'Second vear First vear e x p e n d i-tures in de-allowance inpen ditures Give yearly give vear- tures for tail J 1921-22 detail ,for the last totals I lv totals the ensuing! I J 1920-21 year of the i 1919-20 'i 1918-19 scnooi year o year perioo, i rti r 1 1 . tuia Duagei; Principals Teachers Janitors Clerk Other services Total Personal Services 1575 00! 1125 00$ 1125 00! 1200 OOl 180 00! 180 00 25 00 100 00 5210 00 fillOWflnpp 1867 50$ 1800 001 1440 00, 90 00j 12 50! 22 50 1992 50$ 90 00 12 5ol 1992 50 $ 90 00 12 50 1542 0$ Furniture (desks, etc.) Supplies (chalk, etc ) Library books Flags Janitor's supplies Fuel Water Postage and stationery Total Material. Supplies! Buildings and (Jrotinds Bonded, interest thereon! Warrant, interest theron' Total Indebtedness $ $ $ $ $ 1000 oc$ 125 00; 100 OOi 20 00! 50 00 225 00 36 00 5 00! J561 00 100"00$ 2720 m 1500 00 4220 00 3145 00 $ 3505 00 37 50 62 50 f 100 00 5 00! 25 00' 92 50i 12 50! 2 50! 333 50$ 50 00" 127 21 81 50 100 00! 6 75 314 71 45 00 $ 50 00; 175 00! I 50 00 i 5 00 ; 60 00; ! 98 25' ; 6 75 I 2 50 $ 447 50$ 25 00$ 590 00 $ 968 60 360 00 325 00 Insurance Miscellaneous Emergency Grand Total 160 001 150 00$ 200 0C 11901 0C I 40 00$ 50 OOj 23S0 00$ !$ 359 16$ 775 00 $ 361 771$ 1550 00 40 00! 2668 12$ 2790 00 $ 4596 '7t 6348 60 1. I.nU'rpnPP S Stnvnll rln hnroriu rartifv that iYia aVrwa cclimnlA rt . t Vear 1921-1922 WnH nrpnnrprl hv ma oml that tho ovnonrlitni-oo orA hnrlrrot .1 of the current year and the expenditures for the three fiiscal years next preceeding the current year as shown above have been cnmnilrd frrm thp rprnrHs in mv rhnrco anA ..4 4 copies thereof. Lawrence S. Stovall, District Clerk.