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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1922)
EDUCATORS HIT THEJCHOOL BILL College Heads of National Re pute Score So-called Edu cational Measure. sltlon M xpo Active steps are being taken by opponents of the so-called compulsory fliication bill, which will be on the November ballot, to inform the voters their reasons why this proposed law should not pass. Various Protestant denominations having' vital interests ,-at stake have established general headquarters on the fifth floor of the Consolidated Securities building, Port land. ' From this office is being diEsem Inated literature and information con cerning the bill. The organization is named Non-Sectarian and Protestant Schools Committee for Freedom in Education. W. L. Brewster, ex-city commissioner, and at present a mem ber of l he Portland library board, is the ' .ii.nan. Joseph A. Hill, prill cii.v.l . f the Hill Military academy, Portland, an old established non-sectarian school for boys, is executive secretary. . That the proposed bill is causing widespread interest throughout the entire United States and that It is drawing comment from the country's foremost educators, none of whom, thus far, has been favorable to its pro visions, is the declaration of Mr. Hill. Adverse criticism has been receiv ed from Nicholas Murray Butler. Dresi- dent of Columbia university, who con cluded his letter by saying: "This bill should be entitled A bill to make Impossible the American system of education in Oregon.' It is fundamentally un-American in its prin ciple and purpose and Bhould be over whelmingly defeated." "The task of educating all the chil dren of America is great enough td make right thinking men welcome the co-operation of every proper private and public effort to this end," com ments Robert E. Vinson, president of the University of Texas. Harry Pratt Judson, president of the University of Chicago, says he believes the -roposed law would "vio late fundamental rights of American citizens with regard to the education of their children." "It certainly looks like an attempt to give the majority of the people a dangerous power to restrict the dif fusion of truth which it wishes to suppress," is the way Arthur Had ley, president of Yale university, sizes up the bill's provisions. "These comments are by unpreju diced men of the highest standing, who have no interest other than the public interest," said Mr. Hill. "It is a good sidelight on the local sit uation from unbiased sources." Private Schools Efficient. Private schools, all of which are under state supervision anyway, are standardized, efficient, are NOT a ' menace; they teach American prin ciples and Ideals. Why close them, as the so-called compulsory education bill proposes to doT Space affords only room for the fol lowing expressions: Mrs. Alexander Thompson, Oregon's . first woman legislator, now president of the Federated Women's clubs of Portland The bill Is not American; quite the reverse. It is paternalism at its worst. I do not for a moment believe the generous, fair-minded peo ple of Oregon will vote In such an Iniquitous measure; I have too much faith in them. Edith Knight Hill, for years a club worker, editor of the official state fed eration bulletin With all the em phasis at my command, I will say that this proposed bill is unfair, un-American and unnecessary. It should be so badly defeated that for all time it will lie burled deep under the. over whelming avalanche of an Indignant electorate's ballots. Mrs. Norman F. Coleman, widely known educator and club woman To my mind, this bill Is repugnant, un called for, mischievous, harking back to the dark ages of persecution, big otry, witchcraft. It should be beaten. W. L. Brewster, ex-clty commission er of Portland, leading member of the Oregon bar, member of the Portland library board and chairman of the Non-sectarian and Protestant Commit tea for Freedom In Education, with headquarters In the Consolidated Securities building, Portland I am devoting most of my time in the ef fort to defeat the bill. I couldn't af ford to do that if It were not pernic ious, vicious and violation of sacred principles. Judge Stephen A. Lowell, Pendle ton I cannot too severely condemn the measure. There is a fair com pulsory education law on onr statute books now. Nothing further need b said, .except to ask all llherty-loving voters to repudiate by their ballots this bill. Louis E. Bean, Eugene I am un alterably opposed to the bill. It is useless, a backward movement and en tlrely out of place In liberty-loving Oregon. The Lutheran ministry la general has condemned the bill; Presbyterian pastors throughout the state have re pudiated It; the Episcopalians and Ad ventlsts, whose schools It would close, have joined In the outcry against the measure. The Protestant and Non-sectarian Committee office has evidence from all over Oregon that the bill Is In creasingly unpopular, as people grasp Its sweeping, unfair provisions. Immedia vetois n YOU ARE ASKED to vote November 7 on a constitutional amendment authorizing the city of Portland to levy within the city a tax of one million dollars a year for three years t3 finance the proposed 1927 Exposition. There is evidence that plans and purposes of the 1927 Exposition are not fully under stood and this message is being published to give a more complete understanding and to gain state wide approval of the Exposition plans. It should first of all be made plain that the proposed three million dollar tax to be levied in Port land is contingent upon the raising of a fund of one million dollars by private subscription the men who are pioneering the building of the Exposition showing their own faith in a material way. CJ The one purpose of the Exposition i3 the development of Oregon and Oregon resources. I Oregon, twice the size of the state of New York and one of the richest sections of the world in natural resources, has less than a million population instead of the four or five millions which the state can easily support and which in turn would contribute to the support of the state. Cf Oregon has fewer people than the city of Los Angeles. CJ Oregon has only eight people to the square mile. California has 22 and Washington 20. I Oregon is burdened with taxes and the one sure relief to the individual taxpayer is more people to develop more wealth to share the tax burden. I Vast areas of Oregon soil, as fertile as the world contains, are untouched by the plow because the people of the world do not know of their fertility and opportunity. J But these are facts we all know, I We arc- all agreed as to the need of development in Oregon ; now let us see what the 1927 Exposi tion can mean in bringing about that development: Qlt is proposed that the 1927 Exposition shall be the central feature of a ten-year development plan for the stale. J The first essential of this plan is that the people of the East who can better their own conditions by coming to Oregon be made to know what Oregon can offer, . , I It is planned, if the Exposition measure is approved at the polls, to begin, not later than 1924, a campaign of advertising which shall cover all the rich states to the east of us. This advertising is to appeal to fanners, stockmen, orchardists, manufacturers and tourists, telling each of these classes of the opportunities which Oregon offers them and inviting them to come and see for themselves. All this advertising will lead up to the 1927 Exposition, but it will be intended to attract not alone sight seers but settlers and investors even before the Exposition, I It is planned also to continue this development programme after the Exposition is ended and until 1934, J It is proposed that tl-e Exposition shall strongly feature the products and resources of Oregon, so that visitors will become interested in the state as a place for them, to live and prosper, I Each section of the stafe will be given an opportunity to benefit both by the preliminary adver tising and by the Exposition itself. I Railways will be asked t- sell excursion tickets to the Exposition, which shall give the holder! without extra cost a trip to other sections of the state which they may desire to visit. jEach county in the state will be invited to participate in a carefully worked-out plan to direct atten tion to and create interest in all sections of the state. f! Those who sponsor the Exposition believe that these plans will insure a speedy and definite devel- ' opment of Oregon's vast resources by bringing together the entire energies of the state and by focusing attention upon the state. J The welfare of every man, wonwn and child in Oregon is directly connected with state develop ment. Adequate state development means increased prosperity, a better social condition, better markets, more comforts and conveniences, with reduced taxation, J In the present condition of the United States and of the world at large, Oregon's state developmeait will not come speedily unless well thought-out and aggressive plans are put into execution, J The 1927 Exposition as the concentration point of a ten-year development plan is a definite, tangible movement for state-wide progress, and on this basis you can confidently give yonr approval to the Exposition measures to be voted on at the polls November 7. Why the Exposition Has Been Set Fonvard From 1925 to 1927 The change of dale from 1925 to 1927 has been mad: because it has been found im possible to baild an adequate Exposition and to co-ordinate all its features in a general plan for Oregon development in the little more than two curs between now and 1925. .1927 Exposition Committee George L Baker, Vice-Chairman Managing Committee MANAGING COMMITTEE F. T. Griffith, Chairman George L. Baker, Vice-Chairman John F. Daiy Guy W. Talbot Ira F. Powers A.H.Lea W. W. Harrah F. C. Deckabach William Hanlcy Emery Olmstcad FINANCE COMMITTEE Emery Olmstcad. Chairman David M. Dannt Gay W. Talbot Ira F. Powers John F. Daly J. A. Cranston R. E. SmfJh Nathan Strauss THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS TAID FOR RY FIVE HUNDRED OREGON CITIZENS Local Alvin Philmlee is erecting a new cellar at their farm on Bake Oven. Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald have moved into Mrs. H. F. Woodcock's house on Staats Ave. Chas. Crofoot was a Maupin visitor Monday. The plasterer is busy in Harp- ham s hotel now. What the patrons must do Persons desiring the benifits of service on a rural delivery route are required to furnish at their own costs boxes for the re ception of mail to be delivered or collected by the carrier. More than one family, but not more than five families, may use the same box, provided written notice of such agreement is filed with the postmaster at the initail Dost office. Each box must, if practicable, be erected on the right-hand Bide of the road, so that the carrier can easily have access to it with out dismounting from his vehicle Wherever several families re side in close proximity to each other and do not care to have their mail deposited in a common box, they should group their box es so that the carrier may serve all in the group during one stop. All boxes must comply with certain specifications fixed by the Postmaster Ci reral as to size shape and workmnnshin, and be approved by the I'rimrtment. Copies of specifications may be obtained on application to the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, Division of Equipmtnt and Supplies. Each box mustbeequiped with some kind of signal by which the carrier may know there is mail in the box for collection and the patron may know that mail has been delivered by the carrier. A list of approved boxes, with information as to where they (next week)