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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1922)
PORTLAND OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE Portland, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAYS Complete Chans Saturday. Adults, Matinee, 20c: Evening. 3dc. Continuoua 1 to U p. m. Children 10 cents all times. MEDUSA Waterproofed CEMENT will make Silos, Granaries, Basements, etc.. Water proof, Rotproof, Ratproof and Fireproof. Medusa Waterproofed White Portland Cement It the best for Stucco Plaster on outside for Bunga lows Does not stain and dirt can be hosed off. Write for Literature. Sold by A. McMILLAN CO.. 340-360 East Ankeny Street. Corner Second. Portland. HEMSTITCHING AND PLEATING. Buttonholing Buttons Plaiting Tucking and Chainstltchlng All Mail Orders given careful and prompt attention ELITE SHOP, 128j Tenth near Washington. L) A D'O DrPT A 1 TD A AIT A good place to Eat and Un WelL trt- Ol-, -A- The Phonograph Known for Tone CtJB 1.1 1 KM IJ IV A PA A gents wanted. Order direct from factory, 380 East V lrCl TMJrVFV MorriBon St, Portland. Oregon. PORTLAND HIDE & WOOL CO. 10S UNION AVENUE NORTH, PORTLAND, 0REQ0N. Write for Prices and Shipping Tags We Pay Highest Prices for HIDES, PELTS, WOOL, MOHAIR. CASCARA BARK. Address Department B MRS. LULft VAtltl FULTON, ARK. Suggests to Suffering Women the Road to Health Fulton, Arkansas. "I used Lydia E. Pink ham 'a Vegetable Compound for a soreness in my side, i 1 L ME UOtt ffQft 'i STRADIVARA PHONOGEAPH CO. Page & Son Portland, Oregon Write us for prices and market conditloni on Veal, Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc. Forty Years in the Same Location. KIMBALL Pianos and Phonographs sold on Installment plan. Mccormick music co. Oregon Distributors 429-431 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon FINKE BROTHERS Manufacturers of all kinds of Tanks, hard and soft wood Barrels and Kegs, Write for prices, 264 Front, Portland, Ore RHEUMATISM Jack King Cures it. Ladies and Gents Exam ination free. 207 Dekum bldg., Portland, Ore RAINIER HOTEL Rain $1.00 ud ns. 128 N. 6tk SL PorHuid, On Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all Depots, and one block from main Postoffice INFORMATION DEPARTMENT. PLEATING SPECIAL I would suffer so bad ly every month from my waist down that I could not be on m; feet half the time. was not able to do my work without helo. I saw your Vegetable Compound adver tised in a newspaper and gave it a fair trial. Now I am able to do my work and don t even have a backache every month. I cannot praise your Vegetable Conv pound enough and highly recommend it to those who have troubles like mine. I am willing for these facts to be used as a testimonial to lead all who suffer with female troubles, as I did, to the right road to health. "Mrs. LulaVann.Box 43, Fulton, Arkansas. Its this sort of praise of Lydia E. Pink' ham's Vegetable Compound, given by word of mouth and by letter, one woman to another, that should cause you to con sider taking this well-known medicine, if you are troubled with such symptoms as nainful neriods. weak, nervous feelings. miserable pains in your back, and can not work at certain times. Here is a woman who is so grateful and glad to be relieved from a painful and nerve racking physical condition that she wishes to tell all sick women USED TRUCK BARGAINS 1 to 5 ton GMC, Republics, Whites, etc ' Send for our Lilt WENTWORTH & IRWIN, Inc., Oregon Distributors for GMC Trucks 200 Second St., Cor. Taylor Portland, Ol -""N If your RADIATOR heats or I leaks, send it to us, j Armstrong Auto Radiator Co. (7 Barniido street, Portland, Oregon Cut seam, hem and machine pleat skirts ready for band. Hemstitching, 5 cents per yard. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO, S6M1 ruth St. 85 cents BRAZING, WELDING & CUTTING Northwest Welding & Supply Co. 88 1st St CLEANING AND DYEING Chances for Some That We Know. Congo Paper Musicians wanted. Ex- Portland. Ore pert performer on bangtable. Knowl- edge of harmony not essential, but force Is important. A vigorous oper- For reliable Cleaning and ... ,t.n m i. ,iv,t v Dyeing service send parcels to "Cior " u'S"a" uui wan. mi6"v " so be engaged if very muscular. Appiy etc. Boston Trnascrlpt. "IF IT HURTS DON'T PAY." Guaranteed dental work. Crowns $5.00, Pli, toa J1S.00. HrldL'fiWOrk S5.00 a tooth. Teeth extracted by gas. Latest modern methods. Dr. Henry Semler, Dentist, 3rd ind Morrison, zna iioor auskv mug., r-uii-land, Or. Write or phone for appointment 111 ft fill C Expert advice on any I II If UniX Income tax problems. m Several years' actual experience in Govern DDADI CMCmfsnt Bureaus Is offered rnUDLtlllO those unable to visit our oftice. Mate your troubles briefly and send In with SI and we will give you hon est to goodness advice. It will pay you to get in touch with us now. E. J. Curtln, Room 806 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Oregon. us. We pay return postage. Information and prices given upon request. ENKE'S CITY DYE WORKS Establlshed189u Portland CUT FLOWERS A FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke BrosFlorists, 287 Morrison St. FOUNDRY AND MACHi'NE WORKS Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison. FOOT CO RRECTIONIST Featherweight Arch Supports made to order. J. E. Tryzeiaar, ois rmocK uiock, Portland, Ore. HIDES WANTED We tan deerskins properly tagged, also pay highest prices for horsehides. West Coast Tanning Co., 892 Tenlno St Portianq, ure. Mill. PR RARRF.R COLLEGE Teaches trade in 8 weeks. Some pay -while learn ing. Positions secured. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnaide street, Portland, Ore. MONUMENTS. E. 3d and Pins Stl. Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Works. Cuticura Comforts Baby's Skin When red, rough and Itching with hot baths of Cuticura Soap and touches of Cuticura Ointment. Also make use now and then of that exquisitely scent ed dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum, one of the Indispensable Cuticura Toilet Trio. Adv; Fire Proof and Modern RITZ HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON STS. Depot Morrison Cars direct to Hotel. Popular Prices, Center onopping ana x neater uisuiwk. i FRANK A. CLARK, Prop.. formerly with Clyde Hotel. . Hotel Hoyt Located Sixth and Hoyt Strictly Fireproof and Modern. Near both depots and convenient car service to all parti of city. Marry If Lonely; most successful "Horns Maker": hundreds rich: confidential: reliable; years experience; descriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs, Nash, Box 650, Oakland, California. SHIP US YOUR WOOL Cleaning, carding and mattresses. Crystal Springs Woolen Milli, YBOJUmatilla, Portland. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR We help the appearance of women. Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma tion, value, price a.o. 400 to 412 Dekum Bldg. The First Fan. Who Invented the tan? Eve, said the essayist. Venus, declared the poet, Oliver Wendell Holmes, when she de nuded one of her doves, a fan-tailed pigeon, of her plumes. Whatever Its origin, the fan has belonged to wom an alone. Do They Get a Bonus? STATE NEWS ) IN BRIEF. J Pendleton. Harry Rose, well known sport promoter and business man of Helix, 18 miles from this city, was Saturday night shot and killed by the Helix marshal when he resisted ar rest, it was reported In this city. Newberg. Newberg Is co-operating 1th other parts of Yamhill county to obtain a large display of agricultural and horticultural exhibits for the Pa cific International Livestock exposi tion, which will be held In Portland November 4-11. Pendleton. Investigation is being made by officials of the county into the report that poisoned bones have been strewn about the east end of the county near Ferndale, and many valuable bird does have died from eating the meat on them. Cottage Grove. The number of tour ists stopping over night in Cottage Grove was smaller during the paBt year than for the year before, yet 1180 cars have registered and they carried 3605. It is estimated that this number spent better than 110,000 in the city. i Eugene. The city water of Eugene la absolutely pure and the malady that Is now prevalent among students of the University of Oregon Is not the result of contaminated water, said Professor Sweetser, head of the de partment of botany and bacteriology at the university. Hood River. The season's first kill ing frost struck lower levels of the mid-Columbia Sunday night. Crops suffered no damage, as all harvests had been completed. Havoc was wrought in the valley's numerous dahlia gardens. The minimum tem perature was 25 degrees. Imbler. An acute housing shortage Is In evidence in Imbler In spite of the building activity. Additional build ings will be erected In the spring and if a good market for the fruit is realiz ed a factory may be established here by local capital to take care of all the low-grade apples that otherwise go to waste. Bend. Announcement of an in crease of its capitalization from $50,- 000 to $100,000, with a paid-up sur plus of 820,000, was made Saturday by the First National bank of Bend. Rapid THE SCHOOL-EARTH'S NOBLEST MONUMENT mm y'i Copyright 1922. International Feature Service, Reprinted through the Cotrtsey of Hearst Sunday Papers. "This giant building represents the PUBLIC SCHOOLS of the United Stales. This is the ONE thing that is important in this nation. In comparison with it NOTHING ELSE has impor tance. ' "The Capitol, where Congressmen sit, the great monument in memory of Washington, the mountain ranges, the WHOLE NATION is subordinate to this noblest of all earth's monuments THE PUBLIC SCHOOL. "What the nation is, what its laws are to be, its future use fulness in the world, ALL depend on the school in which the children are faugh'. "Protect this monument, build it higher, nobler, better, and you have provided for the future and the safety of the United States." VOTE 314 X YES One Flag One School One Language A. & A. S. R. SCHOOL COMMITTEE 721 Gasco Building. Portland, Oregon. (Paid Advertisement) i Is needed In every department of house keeping. Equally good for towc" linen, sheets and pUlow cases. Girls! -Girls!! Clear Your Skin With Cuticura ' Sample Men niap. uinimmu, laicim, Ubaraterlaa.Dapt.X. Maldaa.Maai. Bold avary wher.. Woof! A Kansas, observer discovers that homes are broken up because lazy wives feed their husbands on canned food. But what of the homes in which the products of the cannery preserve happiness by making It unnecessary for husbands to eat what their wives have cooked? - SHOE REPAIRING IN PORTLAND " , , , J . president, said. Model Shoe Kepair, ill Washington at. tneir eyes IBKen oui auu uieir iiiuuo - . . oalnnmanl nf tha ultv'ci InrlUHtrfPB In many of the large cities of China - " ' there are establishments where beg- ----- gars voluntarily ' submit to having Prompieo me mcrease, d. xiuuu, VETERINARIAN Cattle a Specialty Dr. Chas. M. Anderson, Kenton, Portland. Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Places Lubllner Florists, 848 Morrison St broken, in order to excite, public com miseration. Brooklyn Eagle. Differing Ideas About Robins. Some people in Germany believe that if a robin nests under your eaves, your house will be protected against fire; while others consider it a bad omen, foretelling a conflagration. Advisable to Walt. Saturday night was very stormy and little Alice was quite frightened, so, was told to say her prayers tind go to bed. After meditating a while she ex claimed: "I think I'd better wait till it stops raining, mother, 'cause my prayer will get all wet going up to heaven." Why They Stop Counting. The best years of one's life are from eighteen to twenty-four, says a writer; so we really can't blame our girls for lingering between those years as long as possible. Boston Transcript. THOUSANDS of prominent Northweit people can testify that I permanently cure Piles with out operation, pain or confinement. Your money back If I fad In YOUR caM. Writ or call for FREE booklet. DR. CHAS. J. DEAN ND AND MORRISON PORTLAND, OREGON MENTION THIS PAPER WHLN WRITIN& Further Directions Needed. The grammar school principal went from room to room explaining what to do in case of fire. The pupils listened with respectful attention until he came to his final Instruction. "Above all things," he said, "if your clothing catches fire, remain cool." The Chris tian Register (Boston). Arkansas Consolation. Some of these fellows who are al ways complaining tnai we worm doesn't understand them ought to be glad of It. Walnut Ridge Blade. Due for It Now. A correspondent writes to a morn ing paper to say that he has never experienced an earthquake shock. An income tax collector has noted his name and address. Punch London. HopelessI One of the most discouraging tasks in the world must be praying for con gress. One chaplain prayed for con gressmen twenty-five years and look at them now. Seattle Post-Intelllgenc- er. Mrs. Wilson Nichols The Defending Answer. The office that looks for the man never suffers eye-strain, but its sense of hearing must be slightly dulled by the shouts of "Here I am!" ALL HAVE GOOD TIME ON SUNDAY Anything From Drinking Condonsed Milk to Sanguinary Dueling "Goes" in Coita Rica. On Sunday In Costn Rica the whole family visits the nearest village to put in a g-nla day. Perhaps there Is a religious festival In the morning; at any isle, there Is a mass to be attetHled. Afternoon Is given over to visits which women and children usu ally make alone, while the mar of the house hangs ground the general store or postofflce. as the renter of Interest. If he Is feeling; fliiMh," he front II himself to s can of evaporated milk, a great luxury, which he drains off through s nnll hole, just as a n were champngne. Ton frt-auentty, however, lie on- hi,. liie of rnonslllnlr liquor, s violent heTersge. which Is manufac tured In many tints In spite "t ths ac tivity of government revenue sgents. i ihr. in any of this stuff In circu lation, he usunlly ends the day by In jiin In a mmhete duel with his ui'i' best friend, and both principals spend the night In the Jul;, which even the smallest villages maintain for sucb eventualities. The duelists awake good friends the next morning, but unfit for work for another day or two. Bullfighting is rare In the republic; the only ring, I believe. Is In the capi tal, and that Is seldom used. Cock- lighting flourishes tJ a certain extent, but not so much as In the more-north ern republics. Lotteries are popular. Paul B. Popenoe In the National Ge ographic Mngnztne. J y f ? ' . 'i ' I a, . . .- .1 Utilitarian. "There appears to be no longer a place In politics for the silver-tongued orator. "No," replied 8entor Sorghum; "people have developed great commer cial discernment these days. They no reason why a mnn should wiixie Impassioned eloquence when he Isn't trying to sell something." TOLL OF TUBERCULOSIS IS CUT Physlelsns Report 90.7 Out of 100,000 Die, as Compared Wltn 200 In .1905. New York. The death rate from all forms of tuberculosis In the yenr 1021 reached the retiiarknbly low level of DO.T per 1Q0.O0O population. This In formation has been obtained by the National Tuberculls aaHoclallon from lbs registrars of 43 states lu the Union. In 1921 teturns from 40 stnl showed s death rate of HM per 100.0UU. The decline In 1021 Is equivalent, ac cording to the association, to a savins; of about 1S.000 Uvea In 1U21 over lir.U The association points out further that since It began lis active program In 10O5 the tuberculosis death rate has been rut from slightly more than 2)0 to s flgurs well below 100 per 100.000 population. If You're a Young Woman or Even in Middle Life Hera is Some Good Advice lor You From Prominent Woman. Seattle, Wash. "I can say that Dr. Pierce's Favomte Prescription has done me more good than any other medicine. It 1b the all-round medicine for women for their trials and troubles at most any age. It Is a wonderful medicine for the many weaknesses peculiar to wo men. I sm taking it at the present time; it relieves me of gas on the stomach, palpitation of the heart, cramps In the feet and limbs, heat flashes, nervousness, and other symptoms common to women in middle life. I haven't found any thing that gives such relief. It gives me pep and makes mo feel full of life like I used to be." Mrs. Wilson Nichols, 1823 3d. Ave., West Women who suffer from head ache, bachache, flashes of heat, dls tintss, fainting spells, nervousness or exhaustion, should go at once to their neighborhood druggist and get bottle of Favorite Prescription, In tablets or liquid. Or write Dr. Pierre' Invalids' Hotel In Buffalo, H. Y.. for free medical advjee. a , r.-J1 arHNKE-WALKFR ivc in aauucai businsjis colleci la the blgfwt, moot pertocUy equlppod HuainM Training tir-hoot In the Norlh- .Mt Fit yourwlf tor a higher postUM with more moBe. Parmuwt poaittaae aaurd our OrmSnat write lor oahejog . ourui ua iwnaui Portland P. N. U. No. 44, 1922 Hood River. The last Sunday of open season on China pheasants was spent by scores of local and visiting hunters in the copses surrounding the valley. Most hunters were accompan ied by dogs. The fowls, however, have become very wild as result of the shooting of the past two weeks and but few were bagged Sunday. Bend. Rapid recovery of the stock industry of Deschutes county from the depression of a year ago is revealed In the fact that the number of cat tle, sheep and goats owned in the county Is much greater than it was then, although many ranchers were forced to sell much of their stock last winter. The Increase is shown in the 1922 assessment roll. Pendleton. W. L. Rayborn of West on mountain won sweepstakes at the Umatilla county potato show held In Weston Saturday. Mr. Rayborn took first in certified netted gems, first in the commercial class and first In hill selections of "Earliest of All." This last prize was captured In stiff com petition. He exhibited a total of 147 pounds of potatoes from 12 hills. Salem. After explaining that there is a 25 per cent excess in the United States' apple crop this year and that the apple crop Is one of the most Im portant In the Pacific northwest, Gov ernor Olcott Saturday Issued a proc lamation In which he requests the peo ple of Oregon to co-operate with the apple producer during the national apple week October 31 to November 6 in handling bis enormous crop Pendleton. Active work has start ed In the west end of the county to stop the spread of hog cholera which is rapidly killing much of the prize stock near Hermlston. H. W. Lytle, state veterinarian, has called for Im mediate vaccination of all hogs In the affected area. Hogs of the C. P. Adams farm, which last year took many rib bons at the state fair, have died, and other purebred animals are fast dy ing. Eugene. Thi three evaporating plants of the Eugene Fruit Growers' association, a farmers' co-operative or ganizalion, handled approximately 3,- 000,000 pounds' of green prunes this season, according to a report of J. O. Holt, manager. This does not include the prunes which members of the ss cociatlon dried at their own plants. of which thero are a quite a num ber. This year's; crop was the largost In the history of the Industry In Lane county. Flfty-Flfty. There are 35.5 persons to the square mile In the United States, which is about the same as the number of Jay walkers to the mile of city streets. Boston Transcript. Properly Qualified. The generous who Is always Just, and the Just who is always generous, may, unannounced, approach the throne of heaven. Lavater. MP tdm ihes tgiip It's BENEFICIAL! Aids appetite and digestion, helps to keep teeth clean and breath sweet It's LONG-LASTING! Full of Ilavor that won't chew out It's ECONOMICAL! A live cent package provides a treat lor the whole tamily. 2m VC1i V