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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1920)
t IIVI Kh ti tM ll r.a E ii il Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOi . 6, NO. ! V MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1920 THE YEAR $1.50 Obituary tV r.'i ;ti ) Cecil Wesley Magil) who pushed nway Tuesday evening of 1 a t-1 week at liia home in Wamic uiik born Ma'reh 24, 1904, ami depart ed February 10, 1920, being 15 years, 10 months and 17 tlayKulil. Short services were conducted, til t tie home by Rev. J I. Parker, an uncle of the deceased, the family being unable to attend the funeral Services were conducted at the cemetery by Rev. G E. Wood, hit pastor, text leing Job 14:1,2. The beautiful floral offerings con tributed by relatives and friendf helped to show the high esteem bj which he was hi Id. 'Ihe Wamic school sent, a beautiful bunch if f r 8 and flowers. He leaves a lo iig fall e1', mother, two broth ers, grandparents, besides a host of relatives and friends to mourn his departure. Bur, we sorrow not as those who have no hope for we kuo.v he has jui-t gone on before us; he passed away trusting in his Saviour. The Portland Painler-s Denti.4 All work guaranteed. W. T. Slatteu, D. D. S., Trop., 805 Sec ond St., The Dalles. "It Pays to Pay F. M. Jory On Sale Fridays and Saturdays Fresh Hamburger Pork Sausage Bologna Sausage Cold Boiled Ham GROCERIES House Dresses Woolen Goods "It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's" Ford We handle four ot the best cars on the market If you are thinking cer or liuck come in acd talk it over with us. Why not buy your car here, it wont cost you any more than to buy it away from home, and we will give you just as good a trade on your old car. First Class Mechanics Auto LiveryDay or Night CRESCENT GARAGE Tygh Valley, Ore. Chandler Republic Truck A. EAUMGA1TNER LAWYER aunpnim Wapinitia Items Ideal Hpring weather the past week; clear, bright ennohiny day I;t:t nights are cold and froely. Roads are getting good in mot sections; nutos are innnii g again. Ed Davis made a trip to Mau pin, Tuesday, bringing up a load of goods for N. G. Hedin. U. S. Eir'ersby writes to home folks from California where he is visiting relatives he exje.U to return soon. Mr. and Mis. Albert Hammer are sick thw week. Stella IJ.. via is helping-care for them. Mrs. W. J. Hickcy left Tuefdny for Portland. Mr. Browu took her to Maupin. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown re turned. Saturday from their visit ( in the south. ilaruhl Relherford went to the head works on the ditch mar Clear Lake Tuosday to take the readings on the water clock. Mr. Goodenough received a let ter from A. R. Maynard stating they expect to locate near lied ding;, Cal.', and look tueir frrigh to Maupin, Monday to' be shipper there. Mr. Maynard stated they liked that countiy fine, that gar dens were growing and flowers Cash at Jory's' Dodge blooming on tie hillt-idts, bin hat doesn't beat Junipir much as he kiddies here have bun gather ing butteacupB for Ei-ycrul d.iy.. While there remain a few cases of flu in a mild form the disease seems to be greatly on the decline, and all lire improvicg. Mrs. Azelia B'mle who is visit ing at I lie Paquet home has been tjiiite sick but up again now. Clarence Goodenough left a few days ago for" the logging camps in Washington. Jake Tuchner bus been kept home by sickmss the past fe" weeks. Jim. H.iilniuti iscairying the Symnatho mail. Geo. Hice has sold his Ford loailater and puicbustd a new M ix well roadster, Ted Endertby has been drai g'ng ihe roadd in the Pine Grove vu-1 lily this week,, 'i'he Dodge crew has been mak ing a big improvement on the roads east of hero. JoeCiiaham is moving the old Corum store buHding from bis property here. It is one of the oldest hu d marks of this section. Sine plowing in now being done uid if the good weather continues several teain- will start soou. Smock Items Beautiful weather. The hum oi the woodeaw is heard in the ladd. School is closed this week be cause of 'tlu' scare. Mrs. Mulvany and family are almost recovered from the dread disease. Chits, Duncan's family, are reported on road to reecmry. Lenore Woodcock is i,t-me uti the Wamic school is closed. Meters Fallow and Bia.lwny are sawing wood for Blaine u iru lidwanl Disbrow is the pro-,! possessor ot a new Ford which b ih all the up-to-date improvumnt". The patrons of the district wen iuvsted to the home of G. II. Ivuds Tuesday evening where records for t'.ie new yicirola were selected for the use of the school. Mrs. E.tds and Miss May proved good hostesses and the party did not break up till near the wee, sma' hours. I. T. Courtiight, formerly of Smook has purchased the B. V. Morgan place. Mr. and Mrs, Win. Iikhison of Seattle are here to vibit the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas. Vernon Chandler fell from a pine tree Wednesday evening and was hurt pretty bad, but is better. The Wm. Lucas family have been quite sick but were imj rov ing last heard from. Tom Wuodcotk's have been sick but are better now. Local Interest Glen Morris bus purchased a new Ford from the .Crescent G lage, and also Cecil Ohastain. For' sale 21 he;id of cattle. Write or see Geo. oburn, Wapini tia, Ore. B I). Fraley has been taking a vacation from business duties at home with the mumps. For sale a gasoline drug saw at Fischer's Girage, Maupin. 8tp A nunibor of ranches near! Maupiii and Dufur for talc, write or call V. C. Ilanna. j Mrs. Kaiser was called to Iouf j a week ago Weduetday by the serious illness of her mother Mrs, ' Griffin who pas.-ed away Weduesv day night. Mr. Kaiser and Wini-, fred who came home the first of the weik have rtturned to Ion. i Tim third Lvceum number aiv- ! on in the ball Tuesday night waejll greatly appreciated by a good considering the amount of sickness which has hern tn'iir. W. II. Staats returned Innti PorlLnd Tuesday. Mis. S'a-iin stopped at Hi od River to care for her daughter who is ill. Cracker Jack at II. A. Cyi's. G. E. Wood was oer fron Wamic Monday, If you want 0 piT cent mmy for 3J years, see me. II 1, M rti- ReXHll Cold Tubl')tl good be Influenza and Latjrippi Maupin Drug Store, (H Wood of tin-Crescent Ganigi' was in town yeskrday moiuii g Mr. and Mrs. Claud WiNnn were in from Bakeoven yesterday. The local pestoflic) is distribut ing brooms this week. Nearly everyone 'bit' when an asjenl was through here a few weeks ago. For Sale llolsteiii-Jorsey milk cow. inis is a In it, clas.i null. cow. Inquire of G E. Wood, Wamic, Oregon. Six thoroughbred Poland China! sows to let out on shares. Two old ones, one registered, four young ones, II. A. Muller, Tygh Valley. M. Sigtuan who was over from On fur looking for pasture left the fiit of the week taking back a supply of flour from our local mill WANTED Woman to cook and do some house work for family in Portland. Salary $50 a month; and fare lo Portland. Inquire Times office. li F. II. Fryman anil family left yesterday for The Dalles where they haye purchased a home in Thompson's Addition. A supply of Harmonicas find mouth harps on display at The Maupin Drug Store. Dr. T. Del arhue, Eyesight Specialist. Finest equipped i-rlu-cive optical parlors in cuitnl ! Oregon. Rooms 17-13 Yogi. Block, ...wnr Crosbi's , Drug store. The DaJ'es, Ore, Men wanted on the O. P. Sec lion al Maupin Men who work on thti r-ection arc enliihd to old lies for wood ; ex;' cling n raise in wage imikuilr.tely. G. E. Guuninwiuni, Sicli.o. Foreman. II. Wood, E. S. Pisl.rcw, and the Misies Mttlier in il Urown m -tored ovi-r from Tvgh Friday. N J, SiniioU has sent tin.- nll'ice in allotment of garden stui.-lo be distributed in this si-clmn Call for yours before they're gom. AUPSN GARAGE WHAT VV CAN SF.LL YOU RD & MAXWELL CARS F O and help you fet any luuko you want We recharfje your batteries art! ?;aniine them GASOLINE, DJ STILL ATE, COAL OIL, OSL & GREASES 'T Goodrich, Diamond, Goodycni, and the best 1 service wti can Rive you on any line that is in our power to do so. We want your business lurg'e or small. We appreciate it. We lvq cut for this year's buaiccss and we want to help ycu lo get your needs and it helps us to ke:p what yoa need. IT'S GONE No one for it and many more hours worrying as to where it might le. There is really o:dy ore way cf preventirp valuable papers and documents fron bcconiirtr niislaid ,r lut, ai d that is lo place jour valuables in one of our fire proof Safe Deposit B-'xes. Hates MAUPIN Americrn I cgicn Tl e next rcpnhir mrclii ir el Maupin Voit No, 7H will In- helc I'M). Kith, 8 p 111. at D.tkeV oflici All ex service men art invi tl to attend. No drili'.n; 1 r K' P. work Card of Thanks Wc wish to (hack the t'l-oph' for the help and kimlnc-n givi-n us through mil- e-s in it the death ol fin r pon anil hp tl 1 r. Mr. and Mix Geo M..uill and Faniilt. Andy Anderi'gg returned the first of the w eek to Pun hind after three weeks n t Ihe Mavs ranch. Mr. Andcregg informed this office of the death in P. rllaild a week ago Tuesday of hi fiii ml, Jacob Stabler of Smock, being it 'flu' vLtim. Mr. Btaliler was a Swiss, -11 years of age. He left bis bride in Switzerland shortly before the war lo come to our fai'' land and make a home when Mrs. S altier should come. It not being possi ble to come until recently, Mrs. Stabler and their 3011 were to have come soon to this country. Dfo H0 OFFICE HOURS: Swy ftcd thi Bars! Gaiifly Bars! BIG SALE Below Cost Price While They La3t 3 Bars for 10c See the Window at E. A. Cyr's HERBERT VV. COPELAND, Principal cf NTm pin SchooJ, also graduate and licenned OPTOMETRIST treats cases of hypermetropia, pregbyepia, myepia, and pxt'gmatifm with properly fitted glasses. See him on Saturdays or evenings, not at any time that will interfere with school duties. Why strain you eyes to rtad when relief is so easi'y obtained? knows vvbeif it it. You bsvo rc' - per year- GTATE New Subscribers The following renewed their subscription to the Times during the past 'few dnys: II. B Bell, Robert llolman K. G. Fryman E. N. Long . M. Sigtnnn Wallace Conley Wood for Sa'e On (he main road and good level ground to load on, no hills, 1-2 mile east of U. S. Endersby place. Piice $8 25 a cord. Samuel Appling. PoftolhYe, Maupin, Ore. At ih 3 Churches Services at the Maupin church this week is a regular quarterly meeting occasion. Rev. F. L. Hums is expected lo be present. Tin re will be services Friday ev ening. Feb- 20 li , also Saturday evening and over Sunday., We cxtem: lo one and all an invita tion to attend. K N. Long, Pastor. C Dak 3 A. M. to S P. M. tcn ly t;ldf ict.t 1 ours looking BANK JI