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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1920)
iiL & JlxaeJ Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL.6, NO. 18 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1920 THE YEAR $1.50 Don't Miss ihe Good Things Ellison White Lyceum Shows are all high class performance?, aud in the c ruing number, Feb 17, tlie Waters Company present au entertnin nietit that will hold your interest and leach y ou how to laugh again. Mr. Waters will appear in Character itnpersoia aions that are exceptionally clevei and laughable. Mrs. WaUrs is also an impersonator and together with Miss ISdna Falk, the eii'gr, they offer a program that we consider the best yet. Only two more performances this season. Don't fail to ite them both. Roads are now open to Wamic, Wapinilia and Tygh and its time for you folks to "jazz'' out a little. "It Pays to Pay F. M. Jory On Sale Fridays and Saturdays: Fresh Hamburger Pork Sausage Bologna Sausage Cold Boiled Ham GROCE House 10 per cent off It Pays to Pay , Crescent Garage Agency for Dodge, Ford Cars, and Republic Trucks. Full line of tires, tubes, oils and auto supplies. Full stock cf Gcrc&e Ford Parts on hand also Ford cars in stock; if ycu want a new Ford this spring, better get cue now as there will be a shortage in the spring. If you need anything in our line give us a trial. First Class Overhauling and, Repairing . At Reasonable Prices Livery Cars Day cr Night. Call CRESCENT GARAGE Tygh Valiey, Ore. ' Dr. H. C Dake DENTIST OFFICE HOURS: I I a0 baumgmtmer" I LAWIfiLK ! Maiapii irg0)ifii Maupin School News Mrs. Buchanon is ill ah. I her pupils aro taking their instruction in high school loom. The principal goes to Portland Friday t consult with lr. Dt-K'-yser in regard to his ouUes as instructor in the optical colli ge after clos-e of school hern. Miss Selleck conducts the work of the high school room during his absence. Several are still out with mumps but the situation is improving . Mrs. Morrison visited the school Thursday. The children are haying lots of fun makiug valentines for the valentine boxes to be opened Fri day afternoon. Our attendance in the primary Cash at Jory's' ys Dresses on woolen goods Cash at Jory's 9 A. IJL to 5 P. M. RIES .... room still continues irregular, gr nan are absent on account ol illness. We were so glad to have Mre. Stuart with us for a whole fore noon One day last week, wish tuon folks would come to see us. St. Valentine reigns supreme vil.h us this week and many yulu ible lessons aie being Itarntti from the study of this saint. Our valentine box is furnishing great pleasure to our httlu folks. Lincoln and Washington are getting their share of our lime also and much real benefit is being derived as we live again the incidents in the lives of two of the great men of history. Wapinitia Items V. A." Dane received a telegram fiom Lashier, Minn., that hie brother was very low and he left fur there Tuesday morning. Fied Hackler returned from The ;ades Wedesday where he was .a. witness in the trial of the young In ian who was sentenced for forging checks, Cecil, the second younger son of Mr. and Mrs. George Magill of Wamic p,isnd away at 11:80 Tues day night and was buried yester day at the Four Corners cemetery. Mr. aud Mrs. N VV. Flinn attend ed the funeral. Mrs. George Claytnier has been quite Bick this week. Mrs. Waller Woodside has been down in bed for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Wood visited el the Tescimtr home Thursday after noon. Mrs. Ira Gresham is quite ill. Mrs Vesta White of Vancouver araived Saturday at the iVagill home at Wamic. The Wapinitia Baseball !i b will organize at Wapinitia Sunday Supervisor H. N Dodge has a number of men and teams at work on the road. M;.r:ha Wall is here from the Valley visiting relatives, Mrs. Azalia Doule from Canada is visiting at tho I'aquel home here and Seltz Miller home near Maupin. Mrs. Doule is a step daughter of Mr, Paqutit. Perry Howard, a pioneer of ibis place was visiting old friends litre last week. Mrs. D. VV. Sliarpe is on the sick list. The Cattlemen's Association heliL- their annual meeting here Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Davis who succumbed to the 'flu' last week at their home near The Dalles left four children. Mrs. Davis was formerly Miss Alphretta Ware and was a cousin of Mrs. N. W, Flinn and Mrs, George Magill. Local Interest For sale 21 head of cattle Write or see Geo. o-born, Wapini tia, Ore. Misses Millie aud Amy David son came out from The Dalles Wednesday and are vii-iting rela tives and friends. If your hens don't lay feed them Lilly's Poultry Totii; for sale at The Maupin Ding Store. Stephen Wing, Tom Swift and O. 0, Morrow were over from Tygh Wednesday morning. Mr. Morris now sole propi ietor of the Tygh Valley garage at that place. A nunibor of ranches near Maupin and Dufur for sale, write or call W. C. Ilanna. Maupin school Dist. received a car of wood this week. G. t. Derthitk hauled it up from the track. Weather conditions the past week have been ideal of lliffasim Cold nights, morning fog clearing nvayadniiltiiig warm sunshine. You owe it to juuixlf and your family to see the Ellison-White Program, Some of the bert t.ili ni on the Circuit r ih L here at 1. 011,0 Three big number to come. D not miss I hem. Maupin Warehouse i-l.ipped a cirof wheat Tuesday and have three more loaded for Chicago. Wanted Milk cintoiners. E N. Long. Mrs. R. A. Driver cf Wamic. who is in The Dalles for medical treatment has been confined to her bed the past week, . Cracker Jack at E. A, Cyr's, A few good seats for ihe Ellison-White Lyceum Circuit. Play Safe; Phone today. , ' . Mr. and Mrs. Juliup Sl.ipflin and daughter Ella of Pine Grove went to The Dalles Tuesday, re luming Wednesday. ' If you want 6 per cent money for 33 years, see me. II. L Morris Mr. MacGregor, for many years a resident near Badger creek north of Wamio was found dead about two weeks ago, haying fallen from a straw stask where ha had been feeding cattle. It is thought he died of heart trouble. He was at the Herman Gesh place and had been dead a few hours before he waB discovered. Melvin Sigmau and Brintou were from Dufur last night being euroute to Criterion in quest of pasturage for cattle. Mrs. and Mrs. W. II. Staats will be home Monday from Port land where they have been on a vacation. J S. Fraley of Tygh Ridge has the 'flu.' A car off the track near herar Wednesday night delayed the Up f), T. train until 5 o'clock yfster d iy morning. Mr and Mis. C. B. Dabl and di.s. H. L. ohanncu and Mis' .Uullw were over from, Tygh yes. leidaj adernoon. B. D. Fraley brought a new Maxwell roadster nut, fiom The f)allo lat evening. Are you using The Times liner column whin you haye any thing to sell or want to buy some article that your neighbor may have 01 wishes to dispose of? If not try a want ad iu that column. We hi sure that it will bring results. MiAUPIM GARAGE FORD & and help you fet any make you want We recharge your batteries and examine them GASOLINE, DISTILLATE, COAL OIL, OIL & GREASES '-p Goodrich, Diamond, Goodyear, and the best X lrCSS service we cangive you on an;- line that is in our power to do so. We want your business large or small. We appreciate it, We are out for this year's business and we want to help you lo get your needs and it helps us lo keep what you need. ITS GONE No one knows where it it. You have possibly spent hours looking for it and many more hours worrying as to where it might be. There is really only one way of preventing valuable papers and documents from beebmirg ' mislaid or li st, end that is to place your vuluables in one of our fire proof Safe Deposit Boxe.i. Rates $2 per year. MAUPIN STATE BANK At the Churches Services at Maupin church: Plenty of fuel egain for which we are all thankful. We can now have services Sun day evening beginning 7:30. Come arid help us in the song service. Sunday School at 10 1, 'clock. We need you in the Sunday School, Coin'', there is a place fm you, Preaching service, 1 1 E N Lonj.', IV.' or. The Blake'y-C'ongh ranch hen shippid five cars of cattle over tin Q. T. Monday to W L Blakely , at Plymouth, Vn, Bars! Candy Bars! BIG SALE Fe'ow Cost Trice While They last 3 Fars for 10c f See th? Window at E. A. Cyr's Poor Johnie! Ey Herbert W. Copehnnl The fpecialist went through the school To I'.fl the children's sight, A good idea, the world moves on; The plan I think is light, "Now Johnie has myopia, Poor bey he has it bad; He cannot Bee to do his wort, No use to ecoM the lad!" The teacher wrote to Johnny's pa "Dear Mr. Small," Said she, "Your Johuuy'e quite niyoptic,ar,d I think thai you'll agree That he should be attended to; His case I do deplore, fur him to fail to do hia work, It grieves me more and more." Next morn, before the school bill If Mr Sinrll had known llm meaning of the word myopic le would have taken Johnny to a specialist for repairs lo his eyes H.s heart "was in the right place," but he did not understand. HERBERT W. COPELAND, Principal of Mm pin School, also graduate and licensed OPTOMETRIST treats cases cf hyperinetropia, presbyopia, rryopia, and astigmatism with properly fitted glasses. See him on Saturdays or evenings, not at any time that will interfere with school duties. Why strain you eyes to read when relief is so ead'y obtained? WHAT Wi: CAN SELL YOU New Subscribers The following renewed Iheir subscription to the Times during the past few diys: Julius Shipflin John Donaldson A, J. Conroy G. W. Foster K. W. MdCorkle Thomas Flanagan, formerly of hi placp is in a critical condition in a Portland hospital following a evere burning from a goBoline xplosion. . , The garages here ami at Tygh Valle-' are very busy ovuhauling nany cars. Eyesight Specialist rang, The boy gave her a note, "It's from my pa," was all he?aid, Here's what the father wrote: "My dear Miss Smith, you did just right In giyin' me Ihe act; I thrashed him good and huH last night Tor his rnyopio acts. "If he ever'lothers yon again Or ever brerks a rule, , 1 1 wa t to know it rght away lie must behave in school"! Poor Johnny Small! His lot waa hard, 1..... .Oii'g the hist I e culd! When NatuiM fails to do her part The rod can do no good. ELL CARS if Jl v