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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1920)
JUL JL& ' JkSk dtlasrita Demoted' to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 6, NO. 20 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1920 THE YEAR $1.50 New Subscribers I Iim following renewed their subscription to the TimeB during the past few days: H. F. Bothwoll II. L. Driver C. G ?k"fislierg J I. Wesi Wood for Sale On I lie miiiii roud and pni d level.Krmind to loud on, no liilU, 1-2 mile east of U. S Hndi-rnby place. Price $8 25 a cord. Saniufl Appling. PoBlofTice, Maupin, Ore. Poland China Hog For Bale, inquire of Claymier or R. W. McCoikle. We have the registered papers wilh him. lie is a good hog, will trade bim for, a calf. Imp Mrs. John Morrow of Hood River is a guest at the Q, C Mor row home at Tygb, Mrs. F. C. Butler of the local exchange waa a guest Wednesday at the Morrow home. I "It Pays to Pay F. M. Jory On Sale Fridays and Saturdays: Fresh Hamburger Pork Sausage Bologna Sausage Cold Boiled Ham House Dresses Woolen Goods "It Pays to Pay Cash at JoryV Ford We handle four ot the best cars on the market If you are thinking car or truck come in and talk it over with us. Why not buy your car here, it wont cost you any more than to buy it away from home, and we will give you just as geed a trade on your old car. First Class Mechanics Auto LiveryDay or Night CRESCENT GARAGE Tygh Valley, Ore. Chandler Republic Trucks BAUMGARTOER LAWYER NEWS TMES OF LOCAL INTEREST Any tiling in 1 1 c jewelry line. Manpin Drug Store. Mrs, E, A. Cyr returned humc WoilncmUy from tlio Several email (arms wanted at once, George I,. Mrtiric. L. V. DiCump made a trip to Iiend Saturday night. Houses and lota for m It in Manpin. -George I,. Morris. J. 0. Chaatain of Wainic pur chased a Ford lust week of ti.e Crescent Garage. Ham and Eggs, and Saudwicl 03 and CotTce at Cyt's Co ifectiom ry. Attv . Ikumgartner has com ple'ed the eticlorfing of hie lot by fencing the front. Mrs. W. II.' Sta its . arrived home Sunday, This wiek only, Kmuses Ear Cindy, 3 for 10,', at Cyr'a Con fecliouery. J. Jf, Woodcock is now driving a nice little Ford roadster to and from work as his mill. Sheriff Chiisman was call d here Tuesday morning by the alarm sent in by some Chinamen Cash at Jory's Dodge 1 Base Bail! Manpin Busehall club met and irgHtii.ed Sunday, electing H. I,. loiris manager and O. V. llenii k "plain. A paper was partly eii ulated and yery liberal donations uhscribed by Kalipki business ,ieoply The Manpin lineup for .us on is the strongest Muupin has ever had to this iiili, Wn are cxpecling uood guno in 1920 unit ask thejmnnlh. 'I he cxiiiiiinalioi.H nr.if support of all hint ball .ins as I have been harder lliaii v.-mil. well as all boosters. ' I'mctinc giune Sunday, Fobiti- bad benttiied by I tiudret's of dot ary 2'J. All material please be present, All local teams corJially i v i led to orgmize and eoinpite, 11. L, Morris, Mfcr, op i he river that a crazy man wan th. ting across the river. liiyifc- tigiiiion diutlused inly tome tar - eet sliootiiiK wilh an accic'eiital dint-hm ge hilling across the tiver. Hai v ry I.. Morris has a l ew desk p:.oiie for I he really office which wi.l be eonucctel with the t witclibou id soon. A nice supply ot Watches. The best to Ui bad; E'gin Watches, Hampden W i i bea that n ill paes Ruilioad inspection for Bale at The Manpin Drug t tore. George Williams waa here this week frem Montreal, Canada, his first visit to trends here in eight years. On account of tl e raise on soda pop to us, we will I p foroed to charge 15o per bottle oi 2 fcr 25c starting March 1st.--Cij's Ci n fecliouery F. f). Stuart's liancV'i' " HiOp bungalow on the brow i f is bi ii e painled white. be bill 1. A. VVbaile is doing the work. 1C. C Woodcock vent o ". Dalles Friday lo attend the b. V iloiugs, and was accompli nil d ' Maupin i-linday by his hitler, II. F. Mr. and Mrs. Woodiock returned to '1 he Dalles Wediis- J day morning, j It iy K.iylcr an 1 Bites ShalUck iare attending the auto thov ill Portland this week. . Mis. McKay and daughters Mrs Lillie Sehalis and IJazel MiKsy are here this week visiting rrlr tiyea, A. A. Brit ton and Mrs. Don A. Stogsdill. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. While- ai d baby and Mr. Whaite nturiitd(a from Dufur Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nye ac companied the latlcr's home fi om Ti e Dalles lastwetk. Mn. Nye had a serious attack of flu from which she convalescing. Willis Fallow stopped here Wednesday night with a band of cattle enroute to pasture on the Criterion hills. The Anna If. Stege r.nd J.. E. Miller properties, of Criterion i 1 . i , 1. ! 1. .Ui U ,eae aisposeu oi iqis w een unougu ILuvey L. ami George L. Morris. More prosieels in the near future. Atty. IJaiuiigartiivr, A. 1'liilinl e and Arthur 1'iikc imiioved the rocks from the former's lot Mon day and 1 uesduy, makii-g a stiong fence on the rear of the lot. , Mrs. this. Kessler who wilh br sifter lioin B;ink8 has been 'called home by shortage of help in husband's shop, N, J, Sinnolt haa sent this ollii e an allotment of guno n seeds to' he distributed in this fiction Call fur yours beforn tbere gone. Mrs. H. A. Wbaile went to Dufur Sun lay evening to be wilh her daughter Mis. A. M. White. E. B. and W. I.. r wi re Maupr.i biiMuem callers Tuesday niorning. The former called at the Times fliee lor i-ome gsr eu bppiI.j and exnreffed his apprecia tion of our little fheet, saying he, Maupin School News Mlevoii primary pvipi's win have Ken having the )iiini h it -turned tbU week mid n ) lien ca-e heve o'icrrred. isa Selli k is ell ii g nvei lln mumps uii'ily. Mis. Hiidnint'ii is teaching ibn primary r in itm. ing her n lff tier. lliHtJ Leonard Fiirlnw lid Mabel Cyi begin .are Hie only l)i(i!i school pupil none ! t. iking over !)0 pi r cent Ihi bus llmuigh our local nd .d II III MP. Mrs. Curl Head who has bean helping care for relatives ill at the C. E. Tunison homo rutin in d l' White River Thursday. J. I, West, J. M, Madron, and H. L. Foreman wera Miupin tall- ' eis yesterday from tbc Wapit.ilia . section Mr. and Mrs. G, W. and son Oearald weie M.dlatt Ma upin i isilois ftoiu Biikeoven Saturday Rev. F. L Burns was a gtieat at the parsonage and pr ai heu here Sunday. Prospects of a matched game of baseball, Sunday, Muieh 7 at Maupin, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Long went to Madras Tuesday, will return home Monday. Therj will bo services at the church Sunday with W. H. Aldridge in charge,. II. L Driver and Q. C. Morrow were over from Tvih Saliuduy evening, Mr. Driver is also a veteran of the recent war, geltii g bis right leg 'shot, up' aid is jutt recently gettldg full use of it lie1 laiining Coyote point above' Tygb anil is lery much plensed ovwi' prospects fur a bumper crop of 37o acres of grain Ibis jear. j & r. and Mrs. J. M. O'Hri'm 1 'V"re in frntn Wapinitia Salurday. ' Pearl iivic and bis father wen- daopin visitors from Wnpiinlia i i Wednesduv. 1'or sale 21 head of cattle. Wiite iri see Ceo. o bum, Wapini tiii, Oie. Train Schedule (Daily) W. Train No. oh dm o 10;! in. No. 3ti Hue al 3.25 p. m. (). T. Train to Porlland 1 t'H a. ., from Portland 1 :27 a. in. m MAUPIN WHAT V.X CAN SFXL YOU FORD & MAXWELL CARS and help you get any uuho you want We recharge your batteries tin! examine them GASOLINE, DISTILLATE, COAL OSL, OIL & GREASES IrLvl! cprvirn --- ..- - our power to do so. We want your husinesi or small. We appreciate it. Wc arc out fcr this years biuirrs and we want to help you lo get your needs and it helps us to kcrp what you need. rr- IT'S 'GONE ' No one for it and many more hours worrying as to where it might re. There is really only one way nf preve' tinc valuable topers and (Jocurrents fion becoming miJaid or li-fct. n.d that if to l'lace Jfur valuables in one of our fire proof Safe Deposit BxeH. Hates $2 per yea. MAUPIN STATE BANK - l SENT IN BY OUR Smock Items Ed Chandler a native Wninic boy succumbed to inllueimi at llool River the 1-lh and was brought to Four Coineis for hinial He was about 2'.) years of I lie younger S"ti oi Pied I hamlln who inuv resides Ht. Seattle, W it ., and broth- r of li.ilpb Cb.inilli r of Wani'c, Blanrlit, of .Hood liivei, and Ttet of Ti luieiiisli, VV. He , j(,lim H:HMnd two children Ln0 are Hl) aIUiMed ivi'h the finite ihhIuHj. Waller l.nlford and Misr, Hazel Morgan were inarm d in Vancou - ver, February, 21ib. The young ! p( opla are visiting ui the heme of the gloom's parenls line. The men of Smock have ll,!,, seuson's woo l dutling about done,- Messers Bradway have just tiniahid ami Fallow their rounds will) the woodsaw. The Smock bchool is closed now on account of sickness. Cully Duncan and wife Vim are emlojed nt the Jake Davison place were cp lo Charley Duucau's a week alio Saturday night when I bey were tick and conti acted the flu and aie jjbt now uble to be up. Miss Lucile Kennedy who ha been attcDcling school in Poitland is visilii g her patents, Dr. II DENTI5T OFFICE HOURS: HERBERT W. COPELAND, Principal of Maupin School, also graduate and licensed OPTOMETRIST treat case of hypermelropia, presbyopia, rryepia, and astigmatism wilh properly fitted glasses. See hi in on Saturdays or evenings, not at any time that will interfere wilh school duties. Why strain you pyes to read when relief is so easily obtained? Goodrich. Diamond, Goodycu-v, w f mntiix, vou Oi knows where it it. You have pr - Wapinitia Items Still the spring weather con. tin ues. II. N. Dodge made ft business trip to The Dalles Saturday, re inmiiig Sunday. Mr. Richmond ''ok him in his car. G. E, Wood and family and vl's Cidia Britiain and son came ver from Wainic Wednesday, re inning till Friday initiug at lie Kiinn borne. 0. L p. qoet i. nd son Francis mil Mis -z- loyle lefi Mori ay for In hitler's home in W' Columbia. A telephone meeting . of the lalrons of line IS vas lield at Lew :s' store Saturday evening and it Has decided to move the line ul of the fields on the mad west 'id Wapinilia and Monday a crew went to moving and resettn g the l,,,'s- I he line is now completed to Wnniiiitia, Ne posts will m put in from there lo Calvin Mo- Cork Id's lower ranch. .1 nines Abbott left today fcr I'oilland and will bring a new ear home wilh him. A Miimply-Diimpty play was given at the Tine Grove K'hcol hoiife Friday. A large crowd wan pretent add all agree 'twas splendid Rev. J. I, Parker was called to Wani'c Friday on account of the illiH-cb in the Blackerby family. He returned home Monday. . Harold Helherford, W.J. Hick py and Il-irvey, Sthaiiefmuu made ' (to last page) C Kak S A. M. to 5 P. M. GARAGE and the best aii3' line that is in wl.!" ieit lours looking: I !l