Image provided by: Hood River County Library District; Hood River, OR
About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1916)
i i 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it I 12 ?3 ?4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 28 29 31 32. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i i-9 43 44 -45 46. 47 4 49 50 Jt 5 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 PREMIUM LIST SOUTHERN WO COUNTY'S ' v ; ' Fourth Annual r fo Be Held At TTfG vipy, Wednesday, ura amj Friday Sel3th;il5th. l. IcAtee, Pres. ' J. Kenned Vice Pres. F.C. Butler, Sec. M tl T. Haroef, Trea. DIRECTORS t.D Kelly JC. L. Hausec , '" W. H. McAtee ' F.C. Butler S. Brown John Engles i.'E Kennedy f-rpduce Grown on Non-Irrigated Land ' " flRM PRgpjJCE pi VISION C Class nj. , Pntry Premium Exhibit of grain " Half ushe Turkey Le4 Wheat : l.oo Half Bushel Forty-fold Wheat....: l.oo Half Bushel Club Wheat .1 l.oo "Half Bushel Bluestem Wheat .... I.oo Half Bushel any other variety winter Wheat Half Bushel any other variety spring Wheat Half Bushel Rye any variety ...L.i 1 Half Bushel Beardless Barley . Half Bushel Irish Barley Half Bushel Blue Barley ............::. Half Bushel Barley any' variety 1. 90 1.00 i.oo i.oo 1.00 i.oo 1 I 00 Half Bushel Oats any variety 1.00 Half Bushel shelled Corn..!. I i.oo' Twelve' ears Pop pornl............;;... .! ,1.00 Twelve Ears Sweet Corn 1.00 Twelve ears Field Corn ... i.oo Sheaf 12 Sulks Sweet Corn.... i.oo Sheaf li Stalks Field Corn'..: 1.00 Sheaf 6 Inches in diameter Alfalfa.. I.oo I 00 i.oo 1.00 i.oo 1 00 1 1.00 1.00 Sheaf 6 inches iii diameter Clover. Sheaf 6' inches in diameter Timothy. 23 Sheaf 6 inches in diameter Sudan Sheaf 6 inches m diameter uats Sheaf 6 inches iii diameter Wheat...... Sheaf 6 inches in diahieter Barey.., Display of Hops - Claas 2 .. Peck Small White Beans-..." Peck Coloied Bean Peck Smooth Peas...... Peck Wrinkled Peas Z.00 i.oo 1.00 l.oo Produce Grown on Non-Irrigated Land 'vegetables DIVISION p Class 1 Potatoes Late varieties Half Bushel........ Potatoes Early varieties Half Bushel Potatoes 3 Late varieties specimens each Potatoes 3 Early varieties 6 specimens each Beets Table varieties 6 sp cimens - Beets Mangel-Wurzel 6 ..pecimeus Beets Sugar 6 specimens Carrots Table varieties 6 specimens. . Carrots Stock varieties 6 specimens .. .... Rutabagoes any variety 6 specimeus.' Turnips auy variety 6 specimeus Parsnips any variety 6 specimens Cabbage Early 3 specimeus Cabbage Late 3 specimens v 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Cabbage Heaviest Head rvot Interned...... Cauliflower 3 specimens 1.00 Onions Yellow Dan vers 1 peck 1.00 Onions Bedweatnerneias 1 peer 1.00 Onions any other variety 1 peck 1.00 String Beaus 3 pounds or display . 1,00 Peas Table 3 pounds or display 1.00 Cucumbers Best Display 1.00 Squcsbes 3 specimens 1.00 Pumpkins 3 specimens 1.00 Watermelons 3 specimens 1 .00 Watermelon Largest. 1.00 Muskmelons 3 specimeus 1.00 Tomatoes 6 specimens 1.00 Individual Display ot Vegetables i,.oo 00 FAIR FRUIT PIVISJON t. ClMS 1 Applet Five Specimen! Each Mo Gravinstein til Waxen 22 Arkansas Black tj'j Bisairck - 124 Gano ... U5 Hydes King 126 Newtown Pippin...... 127 Rome Beauty. 128 .Winter Banana.. 129' Spitzenberg...;.. 130 American Golden Russet 3I Baldwin .a....-.k. k.. 32 Blue Permain ... 133 Ben Davis 134 Grimes Golden Pippin 135 King' of Tompkins1 Coafcty. 136 Winesa? ..J.ll..W.W.;..!.iH'.t., 37 Belflower .... v t. V Peara Fire Specimens Each 138 Idaho 139 Bartlett 140 flemish Beauty 141 Fall Butter.. .'.V 42 Winter ifellis 143 Exhibit pf Grapes .. 144 Eihibit of Plums ... 145 Exhibit of Prunes 146 Exhibit of Quinces . " 5 147 Exhibit of Freestone Peaches 5 specimens 148 Exhibit of Clingstone Peaches k specimens Canned Fruits, Grown and Canned by Exhibitor 149 Cherries one nuart : 1 50 Strawberries. .i ' '' 151 Blackberries ''.'. 152 Loganberries - 153 Raspberries ? 154 Display of Jelly 155 Display pf Canned Fruits 156 Display of fruits not canned.' , FLOWERS Class 1 157 Display of Cut Flowers, by W. H. McAtee 158 Display of House plants iu pots.'....'.,.1..;' LADIES' TEXTILE DEPARTMENT ' " ; DIVISION 6 Class i Hand Sewing . : - - H 159 Fancy Apron Hand jewing 160 Handkerchiefs, not less lhau 5 hand sewing 161 Corset Cover, haud sewing ". .v. 162 Pair Vf Hemstitched Pillowslips 163 Display of Haud Sewing : Class 2 Artistic Embroidery 164 Centerpiece 105 Dresser Scarf 166 Corset Cover 167 Sofa Pillow 168 .Towel ..t.l.U 169 Display of White Embroidery Class 3 Tatting 170 Child's Hood i 171 Corset Cover Yoke 172 Centerpiece 17J One Yard of Tatting 174 Display of Tatting Class 4 Crocheting 175 Display of Crocheting Class 5 Knitting 176 Display of Kuitting Class 6 177 Display of Sofa Pillows Complete Class 7 178 Hand. Made Quilt by Laiy 70 Y" or over All exhibits in Division G must be the hand of the exhibitor CATTLE DIVISION H Class 1 Registered Animals Shorthorns 179 Bull three years old or over 180 Bull under three years 181 Cow 182 1916 Calf Qlass 2 Registered Animals Herefordi 1I3 Bull three years old or over. 184 Bull under three years 185 Cow i8 1916 Calf Class 3 Registered Animals Jersey 187 Bull three years old or over 188 Bull under three years.. .fMIM 189 Cow 190 1916 Calf.. Class 4 Registered Animals ilolsteina. 191 BuUtbtet year old os ovet 191 Bull oncSer three years 193 Cow !94 Ctlf-.... , tEtiAL NOTICES 5 .50 .50 .50 SO Jo .50 .So. s: So 5 .50 50 .50 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE, is hereby given that the undersigned Caroline Harvey h- been duly appointed 1 as executri? of the estate and last Will and Testament of George Harvey, de ceased, by the' County Court of Wasco County, Oregon, and has duly .qualified as such execurix. - THEREFORE all persona havinc Claims' against said estate are here by notified and required to present the same, duly verified, to the un dersigned at' the office of Francis V. Galloway, her attorney at Thf 5 .50 .50 .50 50 .50 .50 Dalles, Oregon, within six months from thevfirst"i. publication of this notice, said, tlate of first publica tion being the1 3Q day of June, 1916 Dated this 19th day of June, 1916 CAROLINE HARVEY, '. ExVoutrix of said estate. Francis v. galloway, .50 Attorney lor eaid'estate. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATIQN-lSO .50 .70 LATED TRACT-: f (publiSibr) Public LandSale. Departirient of the" Interior, U. S, Land Office at the Dalles, .5 50 Oregon, June 19, gi6. ' 1 JNUUim is tereny given that, as directed by the Commissioner of 50 -5 1.00 1.5 the General' Land Office, undtr provisions of ' Sec. 2455, R. S , pursuant to the, application of Frank Gabel. Serial No. 014620, we will offer at ''piiblic sale, to the highest bidder, brt at not less than $2.50 per acre, at 10:15 o'clock a. ar1.4Mn1.4. m. , on the 20th day' ot September, next at thjs omde", the ' following tract of land: Lot i and SKi-i E1-2NW1-4," SWl 4, south, Range NK1-4 Section 6, Township 6 South, Range I3 East illamette Meridian (Containing 80 Acres). I'Tnis tract is ordered into the market on a showing that the greater portion thereof is mountainous or too rough for cultivation.'' The sale will not be kept open, but will be declare4 closed when thoge present at' the hour 'named have ceased 'biddtag. !The person making the highest bid will be re Meridian, tion 1o Proof tn 1. 00 land above 1.00 Rooper, U. .50 .50 quired to 'immediately pay', to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adverse ly the above-described1 land are ad .50 50 .50 vised to file their claims or bbieC' tions, qn or before the time desig nated for sale p "VL. A. Bqoth; Receiver 50 .50 .50 50 .50 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (UBUSIfM) Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The car. Mr. Dalles, OregonJuly a8tn, 1916. medical 1JQTICE is hereby given that " Lydia .Okgutt 50 50 .50 .50 50 of Shaniko, Oregon, who on De cember 17th; 1912, made Hoinstead Entry, No. oiiofo, ana on juue 1st, 1914, made additional nome- stead Entry No. 013315, for wi-J NKI-4, WI-2SEI-4, EIWI. 81-2 SWi-4 Section 17, Township 8 South, Range 15 bast, Willamette A F. Meridian, has filed notice ot mien- 50 tion to make finti mree year Proof, to establish claim to the and above described, before H. C, AUrh lew 50 Rooper, U. S.. Commissioner, at Antelope, Oregon", ou the 9th day of September, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: 1.00 Alexander' Eraser, of Gateway, Oregon, Douald McKay of Gate- way, Oregon, jonn a. miner 01 Maupin, Oregon, William urguu 1,00 of Keut, Oregon. work "H. FttANK WOOCOCK, np Regiser. water has nd is. dftwn crossing. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Supt. assistant . (pubushssr) Department of the luterior, U. S. Land OEce at T,he DalJes, girls, paid, 3.00 3.00 DIVISION I Class 1 Grade Aninala Shorthorn 3 00 2.00 1,95 Bull three yet;s old or oyer 196 Bull uuder three years 197 Cow 198, 19,16, Calf 300 3 00 3 00 3.00 Class 2 Hereford Grade Animals 199 Bull three years old or over . .... joo. Bull under three years . 201 Cow 20a, 1916, Calf,.. 3.00 Class S Jersey Grade Animals 203 Bull three years old or over 3.00 3 00 2 00 204 Bull under three years 205 Cow ao6 1916 Calf CI MS 4 Hoisteint Grade Animals 3.00 3.00 3.9 j 207 Bull three years old or over 208 Bull uader three years Oregon, July 22nd 1916. , NOTICE is hereby given that I JOHtf F. SlNQHR day, and Miss Cowgill gave a veg etable, canning demonstration at the hotne of Mrs, M. H. Staines. ' Annmberdf ihe CUib1 girls were present artd'a cinning teani formed' " cbiuWe' ot',jbs'0briei, Alice Olsen, Sciph 'TaVpy'blenuie Hoi- of Shaniko, 'Oregon, who on Octo ber 15th, i9i9j made Homestead en try No. 05258. and on June 17th, 1914 made additional noniesicau Entry No. 013468, for sEl 4nw1-4, Rl-29Wl-4.'! bee. ZU, lamau atd Martdrf'Ffdit. An itw vitatidn Was' glVeh HoA tjs 'older' , SW1-4NW1-4, mi- Section 2,9 Townsnip 7 girls also,' and quite a number were Jpreseuf'snd' received some yaluahle. information for putting 15 ast W dk has filed notice w hucu mate rinai u,vo i establish claim to tne up vegetables. described,, 11 C. Harvest is on. A number of headers and binders are Operating. S. Commissioner, at Antelope, Oregon, on tne ana aay of October, 1916. Geo. Magill's thresher outfit is ex Claimant names as witnesses: Henry A. Cooke, Herbert W, Cooke, William IL Wnblsey. P,earl McCulloch, all of Shaniko", Qiegpn. ' H. Frank Woodcock, up s s Register. . peeled Jo start a,t ohn McCorkle's uext week. ' The planing crew and cook at the artman' saw ' mill1 laid off Tuesdayafternoon and went fish? iug on White river; a fine catch. Lewis Woodside was 'hauling luniber Tuesday from the milj. Chas. Walker was down Sunday and took his new bjnder home. EarJ Barzee jyent up Monday and set it up' for him. 'i i f'.. '.'V "f While' B. V U Foreman end son Will were coming' home 1 Wednes-,', day with'a load' of wood, the te'am ,: became ' frightened an'an, the ... iiuesbrPke. anl the horses went about 300 yards when the wagon overturned,. lylr. Foreman was thrown out, but Bill jumped and narrowly escaped being hurt. , Mr. Johnson was up, from, his Deschutes home Wednesday with , a., wagon load of peaches. The Lades' Aid meets every Wtdnesd,ay at the home of Mrs. Staines. All are cordially invited. They sewed material for rugs th last session. Dr. Hatfield was here again Wmiiiai Items Rufus Abhott of. Hood River ar rived here' Thursday an$ is visit ing relateves. Mr. and Mrs,.B. L. Epreman and N. W' Flitin made a round . trip to The Dalles Saturday n the former's Fljnn went to recede treatment for his UniD. 'rs. 'Chadev Kirkum who has Wn Miinlovtd at the Charlie Pierce home near Tygh the past three months leturned Saturday. Bill Shields ' arrived lere Mon day from Silverton. Julius Shepflin has been cuite sick the past several days. '" Evkk made a business trip to The Dalles Monday. Earl Mason walked out from the Saturday and will har vest for S. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were oyer from Sim nashp Tuesday. Tuesday doing dental work. Mrs. John Powell is down with typhoid fever, but is reported as , getting along fine, Mjss Alice Olsen celebrated her welvth birthday Tuesday by in yiting twelve of her girl friends to her home hei;e in thp afternoon. A, fine dinner was seryed t five oclock by Mrs. Pisen. All report r, spledid time and wish Alice my more such, birthdays. Henry Richardson fame out from the mountains Sunday where be has' been wording on the ditch and the big cut, aud reports the been turucd in the ditch to. the Oak Grove We returned lycsuay. Eonuey aud Miss Cowgill, field worker for boys and this burg a yisi Satur SHEEP- f 1 Division J ClaBS 1 211 Ram two years old or over of Fine Wool -2.00 212 igiS Lamb of fine wool ' t.oo 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 213 Ram two years old or over of coarse wool 2.00 214 1916 Lamb of coarse wool 1.00 SWINE Division K Class 1 Berkshire Graded Animals 215 Boar two years old or over 216 Breeding Sow two years old or over-.. 217 Pig six months or under Class 2 Polandchina Graded Animals 2t8 Boar two years old or over...... 3. 3.00 3. a.oi yot 3 n 3.00 2.00 219 Breeding Sow two years old or over j. Jo, 220 Pig six. months or younger ' ClssaS. &um Graad Animals 3.00, 3.00 2.50 2.50 1.50 t.SO Mo .5 .50 .50 .50 221- Botr Vwo years old or over 222 Breeding Sow two years old or over 223 Pig six months old or uuder 2.50 8.50 1. 50- 209 Cow 3.00 2.00 210 I916 Calf.... 2.00