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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1916)
Devoted to ihe Interests of. Southern Wasco County VOL 2, NO. 44 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN .WASCO COUNTY, OREG0N, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, J9I6 THE YEAR $1.50 Criterion Duus & Rutherford are over hauling the thresher and header to be ready for work the first of next weekr The Misses Daphene Dyer and Violet Miller : were among ' the callers at the J. E. Miller home Monday. '. C. E- Tunison Jr. and II. B?rn um went to Flanagan Sunday to begin work with ' the Tunison heading crew. We have cabbage, string beans tor sale. tin. ' beets and -A F. Mar- J. Harris of Ridgewav, passed through here on his way home ,f rom Portland where ha wen,t to get a team and wagon. : I. N. and J. 0. Winifree each purchased a, Polandchina pig tfrom J. E. Miller the first of the week. " B. 0. Nosker was driving a new span of mules lately. ' is the third or fourth pair this year. Bakeoven, Shaniko, Ridgeway and Criterion were all well rep resented at the dance Saturday night, all report a good time. ' ; , Rev. Ellis preached to a good. Go to Talcoty's for confectionery congregation at the school house and icp cream.' . here Sunday, after which trja j ' ladies served-a splendid 'basket! Hail Insurance, Maupin State dinner. ' : ' ' " ' i Bank.' STOP! And consider why it wilj pay you to tirade with me. No overhead expense, sell for cash. Yqu get the benefit in low prices. Now; is the time to change, you can't afford to wait long er. Give me an oppor tunity to serve you right, LAKE'S GASH STORE Sugar $8.6o White River Flour $6 BUYS $1000 Field grain 'Insurance for 3 months You pnnot afford to take the chances against wild, fires,' cigarette smokers and thresher engines. .Insurance covers the grain standing, or cut, in stack, in sack', in bulk, in V ri warehouse or elevator. MAUPIN STATE BANK A-V SHOE SALE 8 Wapinitia Items , ,pr Miller and "daughter came out from their summer home at Clackamas Lake last Monday, re turning in the evening.' The mill shut down Saturdaj till after harvest v Geo. Magill and son Arby came over from Wamic last Tnesday, bringing over his threshing out fit. He expects to begin work Monday. f Frank Gabel and son Harold made a trip to; The Dalles Tues day. Miss Dorothy Doyle and broth er Edmond made a trip to Mau pin Tuesday, meeting their sister Miss Irene, who has been in training at The Dalles hospital the past vear, and is out on her two week's vacation. Dee Woodside expects to com mence heading at his lower place next week. ' ' Mack Hollaman and family expect to move to Clackamas Lake Monday, where ' he will be employed by Joe Graham. L- D. Ielly and ' family of Maupin,' E. A. 1 Hartman and family and E. J. Fischer and some others made a trip to the Hartman' sawrnill Sunday. '"Rev. Merle Staines and family made a trip to Symnashb last Supday, Mr- Staines" performing an' Indian marriage ceremony. Mr. a'nd Mrg. V. B. Tapp took them up in their car.. Archie Tapp met with quite a painful accident last Sunday by a horse kicking him on the arm which was broken some" "time ago. He was at once taken to Dr. .Elwood of Maupin, who pronounced it dislocation of "the old break, Mrs. Delia Powell who has been real low with the typhoid fever,' js reported much better. Mrs- W. O Wilson' caipe up from Tygh Tuesday ip. their new Ford car. Heading commenced on the J I. West place Wednesday. Joe Graham came' out from Clackamas ' Lake Tuesday morn ing, returning in the evening. J. R' Keep, Mr. Mears, Mr. Cohen 'and jsevera! other men from Portland spent several days last week at Keep's Mill and Clear Lake, working in the in terest of the ditch. A. L- Daniels left here last week and is employed at Keep's Mill. " ' " ' ' ' Mrs. B. L. Foreman and .son Bill and -Miss Celia Flinn were visitors at Maupin, Thursday. ' B. L. Foreman made a trip to Maupin last Saturday, bringing back a , new chopper weich he recently purchased in Tie Dalles. Lu Henneghan and wife and Miss Erma Smith and Tom Hen neghan made a trip to Keep's Mill last Sunday and report the water down to the big cut. 51 Wamic News One of the most pleasing events of the summer season was the lawn party given by Miss Minnie McCoy at her home Saturday night. A , bonfire lighted the orchard when a numher of the young people had gathered to ipend the evening " playin ames. A lunch was served ai the close of the evening's amuse ment. " ' Postmaster Carl Pratt is the busiest man now' days. Every lay he is besieged by a bevy of voung girls who are wanting their pictures "todk" and he spends all his leisure time in ar ranging positions, back ground, scenery and "such like'' and in "snapping the camera." C. S. McCorkle, Dorothy, Mrs. L. Kamp and Terry Jones, Mrs. Mary Pratt, Crystal Pratt, Harry McMurry went ' to the Jlling- worth place Sunday where they had a picnic dinner on the creek. Mrs. J. H. Gilmore, 'of Cres- well, who is a guest of her m.6th er, Mrs1. R. B. Sanford, and her sister,' Mrs. Mary J?ratt,'' made a trip to Smock Saturday, Carl. Pratt accompanied her. They were' guests 'at the N. Jones home also at the old homestead of "Mrs. Gilmore. ' ' ' Mr. and Mrs., Jake Marine who arrived here from Pendleton left today for a visit at the Chas Crowfoot home on Juniper. Miss Berl 'Prince of Portland is staying with her grandmother Mrs. 1 W-' H. Magill, while Mr. Magill is away with the thresher, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crabtree were over from the Jake David son place on Juniper today. David Wilson and Mrs. Chtt McCorkle left Wednesday for SawtellCal. ,. Milt Morris was over from Juniper Friday Mrs. Morris and her daughter Mrs. Bigsby accom panied him from Tygh. Percy Driver went home with him to run the hsader. a new Ford. ( ' ' Mr. Joles and C'auia are busy binding the Oresch crop. Several children have been Bick from the changes in the weather throughout this vicinity. Cecil Tunison Was a caller in Maupin Sunday. Sidney, Don and luby Wilsop were visitors at pay Tunison'B last Monday. '. Mr. Coberth, went to The Dalles this week for' another car'.1 Mrs. Muller is cooking for the headers on the Curtis place. Quincy Morrow after his pan Wednesday " it havinc beeb at Fifcheas garage for repairs.' Go to Talcott's croam sundaes. for your ico Local Items See Maupin State Bank for grain insurance, E. A- Harman received a car load of salt last week. . ' A party of fishermen from the S. P. jt'iS. general offices in Port land, were at Neena Supday. One man got a fishhook paught in his eye, and had to come to Jijaupin to have Dr. Elwood remove it,", The McMillian, JRussell and Thornton families 'left Sunday noon for the 'Willamette "V.aUe'y and Washington, camping and berrying on the rpad. Darrel Elwood, who was visit ing here last week returned home Sunday. ' ' Smock Items We are placing' on sale 200 pairs of men's and Women's shoes that we will sell at and below cost. If we have your size you can get a pair of shoes cheap. I 5HATTUCI1 BROS. G. W. Bargainholt wife and grandson,, went to The Dalles Monday returning Thursday bring ing doors and windows for the new house. T. E. Farlow and Chas. Cline is working on the buildings at the Tygh Valley fair grounds. A eon was born to Mr. arid Mrs. Joe Laudor Wednesday the 3d. "Mr3. Fischer left for her home it Summerville, Ore., after spend ing a couple of weeks with her daughter Mrs. T. J. Vhitcamb. J. T. Courtright and wife, Mrs. B. W- Morgan and daughter were Vv'apinitia 'business visitors Tues day.', ,"Clav and Leone Whitcomb snent i i .. ... several . days last week visiting their aunt Mrs. Courtright. C. A. Syron and children went to Maupin to meet Miss Ella and baby sister. They were returniug from school and visiting relatives in Willamette valley. Lillian Yockey received a pair of canary birds with case from her grandma at Gridley Cal, Rev. Lareen from Gateway ex pects to hold services here the 3d Sunday of this mouth. Mrs. Wayne Spoor spent Mou day with her aunt Mrs. Chester McCorkle and grandfather D. A: Wilson. They are going Tuesday to Mr. Wilson's home at Sawettel, Cal. 'where Mrs. McCorkel expects to visit some time. Dorothy has charge of the household duties while a great aunt is visiting her from Idaho. Edward Disbrow is helping F, E.. Spoore in haying. Mr; Veatfall of Portland came here Thursday to look after prop erty he bought from 'Mr. Grant a year ago, and called on several neighbors while here. ' A lady from the reservation i3 a guest of Mrs. Nancy Jones. 26 MILES of spooth, firm, hite sandy beach sloping gently ipto the sea no dangerous uncjer-tow a score or more of jk- ; ligtfully interesting oaean$de hamletssimple, restfull life combined with different, .tasteful foods and only .the best of summer resort ' pleasures That's ' ' 1 NORTH BEACH ' ; '"PRIDE OF THE PACIFIC" Weather and leach conditions are just right-therefore, GO NOW we will be glad to hefp plau your trip. Ask for the hw North Beach folderf-just off the press. Fares and full information upon application to '. . - , . . R. B. BELL, Agent, , , p-W- it F. & N- cq UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM "Spokane Interstatejfair and Liye toek Show ept. ;4-9" (ii) i I White River Cecil Tunison is cutting grain for Jno. Morrow. Anson Lindley was a caller here this week and he and Mr. Tunison made a trip to The Dalles. A 10 pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Grover Webb. Mother and child are doing well. Mrs. Clyde Kellog has been visiting her parents Mr. anil Mrs. Myrtle Brittain. Wilbuns' went to their Wapinitia ranch this week to begin harvesting Mrs. Doering's sister and hus band Mr. and Mrs. Dennison motored oyer from Grand Ronde valley the past week. Mr. Wilson and Sidney went to The Dalles Monday bringing home the; universal car The Ford Motor Company is one of the argest consumers of steel in the world 200,000 tons t,his year. The great yolume of production over 500,000 cars--and the efficient Ford manufactu ing organization brings producti n and stlling costs down to a minimum. That's why Ford Buyers get more car for less money! Runabout $390; Touring Car 440; Coupe let $5?0; Town Car $640; Sedan $7.40; " i, o. b. Detroit. ;0nsale,at 9 f?a "' " 1111 a1 mmiB MAUPIN, ORE ' J "When tjlie Harvest Days Are Over" v v V V v.. You'll be, planning a, new HOME or barn, may be a silo or milkhouse perhaps your district needs a new school, or town a new church Let our Architects make your plans ' to suit your ideals and your pocketbook. "See Peter, Kjlpurg about, it!.' At the Rome of. "Tura-A-LumW (A biiy w.ord for good lumber)