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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1916)
I The Quick 1 I Asset I Bn MAY DALLARMAND I Z: uyyngiu, me, oy w. o. Chapman.) "Sorry, Mr. Walters, but my orders are definite you must pay the bill within 48 hours or I shall have to close you up." "You are subjecting me to a severe hardship, sir." J Mr. Thomas Biggs, senior partner of Biggs, Bluett & Co., opened eyes and palms expansively, shrugged his shoulders, arose from his seat and took up his hat. "You are asking of me impossibili ties," spoke Sidney Walters. "Every dollar I have in the world is invested in this business. Actual orders far overplus my liabilities. In another month we will have not only a free deck, but a surplus. I beg of you to alter your hard decision." "Business is business," spoke the other blandly. "The house went all over your case before I left the city. You owe us $2,000. It is 30 days past due. Our rules are invariable. I came down here to look Into affairs. I find that your quick assets are shy over 40 per cent, where In every healthy business they should stand in the proportion df two to one as to active debts, I find almost the re verse. What in the world ever made you bulk all your capital in fixed assets? It is ruinous. It means slow liquidation in case of a failure. Com mercially your business proposition is not Bolvent. We shall have to have our money by Saturday morning or me a bill for an accounting." Which means ruin for me," said Walters drearily. "If you would give me time to go to the city and apply to some of the banks" impossible. You would have to delay me here for several days, and my time Is precious. Can you not get your friends here to assist you?" i am practically a stranger," re. plied Sidney In a low. strained tnnA "and the community, as you know, Is a poor one." Sidney, Indeed, spoke the truth. When he determined to start in hunt. neBS the manufacturing of fine con tact metal tolnts for Intricate vnhlflA equipment he had discounted the ele ments of bulk as to shipments. An abandoned plant at Acton was offered "Impossible." for a mere song. He purchased It He paid cash for his machinery out fit and overbought as to raw mnte rial. It was wllh a great sense of com fort that ho Anally opened the lltllo factory, giving employment to bohio 20 men. Expenses and wages were low. It was true that Acton was 20 miles from a railroad. It did not even boast an automobile, Tho town wa Isolnted shut In to Itself but onco a week a slow lumbering side-wheel steamer enmo up from the cltv with passengers and freight and took buck the product of tho nlant. narked in neat boxes, not ninny of them, for the points brought a high price, wcro man ufnetured under an exclusive patent and sold readily. Sidney had settled down to n hum drum routine, ;Iud to be apart from tho Jnr nnd bustla of tl;o city. He figured out a growing business bused UJion light overhead expense. His help was not overworked: ho was modest In lila stylo of living. He brought work and romfort to many a poor workman. Ills ambition was satisfied. And now, suddenly, terrifically alarming, came the advent of Biggs, Many a time Sidney hnd realized that he was straining his credit, but tho ordora ahead were sure future In come. The plnnt and equipment rep resented solid values. He had not been business man enough to compre hend that the Ironclad rules of busi ness demanded quick assets that could b swiftly reallwd on In case of exigency. Mr, Illggi left for his hotel. Sid ney sank Into a rhalr dejectedly. He caught th echo of a sob In the next room and went to its open doorway and peered In. His office girl tat leaning over her typewriter, a hand kerchief applied to her eyes. "Will you please let me go homo, Mr. Walters?" pleaded Arline Tracey. "I I have a dreadful headache." "Surely," acquiesced Sidney. "Some thing has come up where we will sus pend business for a day or two." He watched her dainty form and colorless face sadly as Arline left the office. It was of her and the work men he was thinking. If he had to give up business what would they all do. For the girl he had always felt a great interest. She was an orphan, living with some relatives In the vil lage and had come to him asking for employment the day the plant had opened. He had told her kindly that there was little bookkeeping to do, he could run a typewriter himself and had planned to start out on an economical basis. Arline had told him that she required a very small salary, as her father had left her an Investment In the city wtych brought her a cash return each six months. She would "grow up with the business;" she could surely be of some service to him, and Sidney hired her. Since then he had been glad of It. Arline proved a treasure. She took an Interest in every detail of the busi ness. She seemed happiest when the work was hardest and most pressing. The man from whom Sidney had purchased the plant was wealthy. Sid ney wondered if he could not get him to help him out. Be went late that afternoon to his home, to find that he had gone to visit a farm he owned at some distance and would not re turn until the following evening. Was It fate, or did a sense of re gard for Arline, the longing of a lone ly, troubled man influence Sidney to lessen his pace as he neared the house whore Arline lived? She hap pened to be at the gate. He was glad to be Invited Into a cozy parlor. Ar line was cheerful, anxious tn enter. tain him. A little elf of a fellow her cousin prattled about Arline's pet carrier pigeon, "She sent it away today," he con fided to Sidney, and Arline flushed hotly and had to explain that it was through this medium that she regu larly corresponded with a very dear girl friond in the distant city. Sidney met with a severe disappoint ment the next evening when he called on the man from whom he hoped to secure a loan. The latter had no ready funds. Sidney longed to stop for another pleasant evening at the home of Arline, but It was late as he reached the house. He passed rest loss hours alone at home and conse quently overslept himself the next morning. "What Is this?" he voluntarily ex claimed, as entering the office the first thing that attracted his eye was a signed receipt in full from the Biggs firm. 'Mr. Biggs left it. explained Ar line, and flushed and paled, and began to tremble. "Why, I don't understand this!" "I paid It," confessed Arline. al. most pleadingly. "Oh. Mr. Walters dont be cross about It, please! ,1 overheard you talking about auick as sets. I sent a auick message to mv friend In the city and got mv invest ment changed Into a certified check, and the carrior dove brought It safe ly here, and I paid Mr. Biggs," and Arline broke down there under the Intense strain of the moment. Th astonished Sidney stared at her. spell bound. Arline had saved the day. Arlln had won the heart of a true man. And the outcome of the episode was life's noblest, most treasured BBsnt mutual love. Appareled for, the Boudoir - 1 p . i Hyonotizlna Animals. Hypnotizing a hen Is a trick known to most country boys. It is an old exDerl ment, first described by the Jesuit fa ther, Athanaslus Kircher. who laid hen on a table, held it firmly for a lit tlo whllo, nnd drow a chalk line front of its eyes, with the result that It remained as If lu catalepsy In India it Is known that a cobra caught by tho neck nnd gently pressed will soon becomo stiff and remain sc for a consldorablo time. A frog fns toned to a board nnd turned suddenly upside down goes Into a trance. If you pick up a crab and wave It In the air It becomes Immobile, a female bending her legs over her abdomen male sticking them out strnlKht. snmo Is truo of tho freshwater craw fish. Among the Insects "death feigning Is common, and is often n means ot saving tho lifo of tho insect. Tho hypnotic condition Is Induced In man by suggestion ot physical In hibition, but In both cases sensatory ptimull may nssir.t. Those stimuli may lio optic illxing the ru.U' on some ob- J' ft) or tuitilo UlruMiig the atm) or otlicrwlso. Tho Arclicr'g Advantages. Tho eye cannot, ot course, follow tho progress of n bullet, and the rifle man may miss his game by tho meas ure of one foot or five, yet never know the amount of Ills error. Hut the flight of tho most swiftly sent arrow may bo easily followed, nnd a "closo" miss gives tho shooter a Bolf congratulatory thrill almost equaling the happiness of a center hit. There is a trntiflea- lion In watching a shaft flash tiast tho head of a Justly indignant, much astonished squirrel. And there Is real excitement, too. In watching a steel- pointed arrow leap into tho blue, there narrowly falling to Intercept that ro gue of the woods, the heavily flying crow. The archers great advantage rests in the comparative silence with which his hunting may be carried on. A shot means the soft twain of a how. string and the low whisper of an arrow and these sounds seldom greatly frighten game. Outing Feminine daintiness and lov for beautiful color may be indulged with out restraint within the walls of the boudoir. There is no excuse for any sort of ugliness there. Lingerie grows more and more airy and dainty, and in negligees the prettiest fancies of de signs are Interpreted In any extreme of style. Satin and chiffon, thin crepe and fine laces, are the alluring medi ums with which the artist works out her dreams. Ribbons and little made flowers add touches that betray her delight In the work she undertakes. Color is such an Important factor In apparel for the boudoir that the less expensive sheer fabrics, in the same colors as silk stuffs, are used with as good results. Voiles, mull, lawn and thin mercerized cottons are made up with laces and trimmed with ribbons to make negligees that are as cariti- vatlngly colorful and dainty as any others. But they cost a fraction nf the price of sheer silk materials. A negligee worn over a combination with pantalettes, is shown in the pic ture. The pantalettes are substituted for petticoats and worn under dance frocks or under negligees. They are of satin, Joined to an under bodice of satin and lace. Wide val lace is cas caded down the sides In ruffles that widen toward the bottom. ; JuBt above the ankle the fullness is gathered on an elastic cord, forming a narrow frill. This combination is supported by rib bons tied at the shoulders. Chiffon and Uruguay lace make the lovely empire coat worn over this combination. It is banded with rib bon in three widths, the widest form ing a border about the bottom. Wide lace flouncing is draped in the effect of a mantle, falling over the sleeves and covering the upper .half of the coat. It fastens at the waist line un der two little bouquets of chiffon flow ers made of tiny roses and ribbon collage. Recently Launched Summer Styles ffff n w i It makes one long for midsummer. for the glory of Juno weddings, or oven for graduation days, to view thn now thin white dresses which have recently been launched upon tho sea of summer fashions. They are a froth of frills and flounces and look as cool and unsubstantial as whito clouds in the spring sky. These models ot the ut terly feminine In summer clothes are repeated in palo tints that are mere re flections of Dink or green or blue. Ois caslonally illusive figures amiear on them, usually In the form of lace ap plique In motifs that are applied to an under petticoat or to tho undersldo of tho skirt. Organdie and other sheer crlsn mate rials are bettor adapted to dresses nf this kind than softer fabrics. Lawns and voiles are used for them, and It almost goes without saying that the flounces and frills are made very full always but fullest In tho softer goods. A frock of white oreandle Is shown In tho illustration given here. It re- teals the cleverest sort of management of style and material, each helping out tho other. The skirt and bodice are In one, set together with a plain belt of white moire. There Is a panel down the front made of a series of frills graduated In width. They are plaited In the narrowest of plaits and extend from tho square nock to the bottom of the skirt. Two wide and very full flounces cover the remainder of the skirt. The hem of these flounces Is trimmed Into scallops and hemstitched at the edges. The elbow sleeves are covered with four plaited frills and widen at the elbow. There Is a oualnt littio t.m about the shoulders, edged with a frill, ana it rails over the shoulders to the topmost frill on the sleeves. The bod ice Is plain and is hemmed at tho sides" in a scalloped hem that falls over the panel at the front. It fastens at the fclde with Invisible fastening of small Bat buttons and loops. Back Yards Show Character By SAMUEL G. DIXON. M. D. Commissioner of Health of Pennsylvania Bret Harte once wrote a story in which he pointed out that for an in sight into the occu pant's true charac ter one must look at the back and not at the front of a man's house. Here was knowl edge of human na ture. If we want to estimate char acter accurately we must have an all around view and not accent face values. This brings us again to the question of back yards. Is yours as clean and well kept ns you can make it, or is it Uttered with trash, cans, kindling and other rubbish? Is the garbage and waste properly covered and free from flies? Is the srnhle nn,l n,.n,,o fly-breeding center for the neighbor- hood? You have work ahead for you for your health's sake and for the sake of decency if any of these condi tions exist. It is a privilege to have a back yard, even a small one. There are thousands of dwellers in cities where land is sold by the square foot, who yearn for a little space to call their own. Those who are so fortunate as to have back yards should care for them and make use of them. If there are children In the family the back yard should be their play ground. A doll house, turning pole, a swing or a tent will provide almost unlimited entertainment and help to keep children off the streets. If there are no children in the fam ily, a shovel, a rnke, a hoe and a moderate-sized backward garden should afford a reasonable amount of health ful exercise combined with pleasure ana profit. f-4rl.4.4.4..J.J..J.J.J.J.J.J..I..I..i. t . lllTTTTTTTTTTTK Under the Country Sky. . ... .T. .T. ...... . . .. .. . . . . . . . . t I TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtttv Tenderly sweet the days go by, . Lovingly still are the nights that flow Under the spell of the country sky Far in? a lund of Long Ago. Stars and moon and the silver lake, Hills and vales and the sparkling sun Under the country sky, oh make Heart and the soul of us one and one! Noise and hatred and all things vile Sink and fade as the hours go by; Dreams at the gates of the valley smile Under the spell of the country sky. Whistle' of quail where the young wheat swings, A hermit thrush In the western wood Love In the gates of the valley sings, And the spell of the country sky is good. Wandering winds from the balmy south, Fairy feet on the hills so bv: Love with a red rose in her mouth, Under the spell of the country sky. Keep me tight in your arms of rest, Oh quiet lnnd of the dreams of men The grassy hill and the valley's breast, And the spell of the country sky again. Folger McKinsey In Baltimore Sun. STAR OF FILM DOM & J SCIENTISTS MAY TALK TO OTHER PLANETS IN FUTURE Interstellar Wireless Communication Not an Impossibility, in the Opinion of Astronomers. That interstellar wireless communi cation may be a possibility of the fu ture is a belief now held by not a few scientists. M. Guzman has promised to pay $20, 000 to the astronomer who first estab lishes communication with anv nlnnet or star other than Mars. M. Guzman's elimination of Mars ns a wireless station in the competition he is promoting is based upon his be lief that experiments made bv Amerl. can astronomers in Arizona prove that a wireless expert who talked with th Martians would be overpaid If he re ceived 11)0,000 francs. This nerfnrm. nnce, to his mind, is too easv. too lack ing in romantic and sensational fea tures to be worthy of the modest for tune he has dedicated to science. But, If the 'Martians have learned how to build canals without inviting landslides, have made of Irrigation processes an exact science, and have, as various authorities contend, learned how to fly by their own motive power, there are numberless specialists in this country who would be pleased to call them up by long distance at once. Lillian Gish. Populur actress who hns reached high place In the movie world. War Brings Inventions. The perils of scouting and recon noltering during the present war hnve caused the Germans to devise a pocket flashlight which Is less dangerous to use than tho type employed early In the war, which shed Its rays straight ahead and so attracted the enemy's fire. This new lamp has a hood so de signed that the Incandescent bulb, the lens and the reflector all move In uni son when the hood Is raised or low ered. It can be hung from the belt or held on the breast by a loop on the coat Another type of light, for officers' use, Includes a compass in a recess be low the bulb nnd also dividers, fire making equipment, nmps and dispatch tablets, for all of which a special com partment Is provided. By dropping the compass from the recess Into a horizontal position it Is clearly light ed by the lump. The cover of the compnrtment holding the maps, etc., when thrown back, partly shields the bull's-eye. . Famous War Horses of Old , Replaced by Automobiles One probable, result of the Introduc tion of mechanical vehicles into war fare will- be the nbolltlon of the old custom of cherishing the memory of famous war horses. When generals conducted campaigns on horseback, before the advent of the field motor car, their favorite chargers used to re ceive many honors. Wellington's famous charger, Copen hagen, when he died was burled with full military honors. The Iron Duke's horse was a magnificent chestnut, and he carried his master many hundreds of miles In Spain, and at the battle of Toulouse. The remains of Napoleon's white stallion, Marengo, are preserved at the Royal United Service institution, while another of Bonaparte's steeds, which he purchased at St. Helena, and bore the name of King George, figures in ninny famous paintings. The horse which Lord Ronald rode In the Bnlaklava charge was cherished by his family until its death, when a tombstone was erected over Its grave. Traveler, which gained fame in the Civil war as the favorite charger of Gen. Robert E. Lee, Is now a popular exhibit in a museum at Virginia, Us skeleton having been carefully pre served in a glass case. Some Things That Are New. To facilitate night photographv o flashlight gun has been invented thnt operates n camera shutter nt th in stant the light Is at Its brightest. According to n Vienna thront special ist yawning is a hencftVini It brings all the respiratory muscles of the thront nnd chest Into action. lolarizlng apparatus hns hrwm In. vented In Germany for examining glnss Intended for scientific purposes for defects due to improper or Irregu lar cooling. The principle of tho cnrin ,...i roller has been employed In a device that almost autnnintimiiv Idle neckties clenu nnd smooth. Most ot the carpets made In India are woven by boys, who are told by men watching them how many knots of each color to tie to the warp, a single row at a time. Individual fenders for each front wheel of a motorbus, so mounted as to always be In position for use, hnve been Invented by a resident of Lon don, Sleeping car berths have been In vented with end sections that can be lifted to give occupants room enough to stand erect when undressing or dressing. To enable a man to work In smoko or pis for a rhort time there has been Invented a combination mask and hnt, the latter acting AS ft frnah.att voir.