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About The Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1870-1877 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1871)
I "I.- * • t. I \ ■ « t i J ' » •f 4' ■ I r » L nmr •* • - - »--r .^■■■wwarirnnT » *T— I j* MIS» ELLA NEO UM AD VEKTISEMFXTS. THE I ’ l.EA'il KE .» ’ <>!«' MKMOItY. COLLEGE ADVERTISEMENT. NOT». to represent Christ's burial, that the arrivals : Ox A D1S< ot HHK KKLltEKKU IX . ASHLASIl. j.O»- [verson remain under the water three' Tire mail arrivò» from the Atlantic State* and w(N eorx-rvOnsuoN, J uly 2 xi >, .IS71, nv Mil. days ? If trot why did .yon tell the .- . all points nòrth at 1 o’clock p. m . . 1. 1>. D iuveb , Pby.AruKB ix raa JU. E. t'acju 11 n* w.r. people of Ashland This ? ' Now,, when the great golden nun Jias Mgil from tlie south arrives at It p'dock a . k . buil.Mlnoar tlx J hridgwat Imlepemlem e. and an » Aorxr roa/rus A mekican 1} uii . e S octktx - is now th<M'.oiighly repairing the same for the . j 'nnaxruBxs: draM ’ n tho n^any-oolored i curtuius of hi* 7.' How many could John immerse in Bl iMficr; Tils Usviu^ktr UK.rilt B ible axu iu - j .irjx^se of .aUH'fii# WheAt. Those, dpwiring to do The mail^a^us Monmouth for the Atlantic Acnox er BAFTisYi. Nirn-sviKEN by E i . i > eii the eleven months, immersing ten hours postern couch about him, and tho soft, will find ever* aw’'>m'ifrodatMJ»». H acks fur* . ni l I. IV: -s ' States aud all points north at 11 o'clock a . m . niched those "wishing them. . R. H oot , or the Ji*riT«r C uvr ^ h . per day ? .. Could he immerse one a tender tn'ilight I irs thrown over earth j. c. dk T l .' Also, for points south at 1 O’clock r. M. * T. F. CAMPBELL, •>4tr * L TlglUiblq Union Revision is not her dusky manVe“and't*]>tane<r!UXith a? nirnute? he immerse '198, Letters should be in the Posto&lce ludi an PÚESIJXEXT ANP PROFESSOR OF -I^HLE HiSTOll.T a nnWu version, .for the Presbyterian | 000in tho eleven months?- Is there star." do< H Memory lift tho niysti'v vail ■ _ Blacksmith Shop. - J AND LlTEHVnitE. 1 hour Wore tlib departure of tiiu Mail tocrisure ■ nnd Methodist denominations, as such, any evidence that thorq,were more tlian. Of the shQduwid yt ius II ir L have flown I- : 11 ‘»¡.di: KBÁMBB. Ir.iUiig buiiï l)uW ¡»nd being sent the »•’n» day. ‘jTninodious, shop at the s<jutjiwet»t M commodious southwaet corner I JAMES C. •CAMPBELL,____ _ • W. WATElUiOlfSE, P. M. are not rcprescntotl iff it, , ■ I th ia Um t—s abuiitted t o l i is lxpli«in ? iutu c'tiii'iiity, and when more I parr'orr JE c X'IT jc "Public Square in7 M<)nih(/utK, ia 2. Irtifiierse is not a translation cf pie I Might he hot have authorized others to the pictures jn the diul galUrie» of the I ' rnoFEssofi of ir \ thex \n<Ss ’ ax r> a « th <» num ready to- do, at kHortjmítee» and,hi good RELIGIOUS NOTICES. style, all work in his line " Thankful to Greek, word Daptulzo. Indeed there is i help him; or might he not have done as -East. ____ , .‘ hw friends for former j»oirGi»fige, he so- Pllof V^Oi: OF GREEK AND ,. LATIN» LANÇVAüÉii no word in any language nuder heaven I Dr. Adam Clink and others say perhaps icife a couiiunauce of flic ¿ame. 7?' / Christ 1 an Clinrch, cornrr of High an<l Tendexlv I• linger jivor loved "ones, * ‘ AND JLÍll^l-m'KE» . v Uen ter fit roe ts, Halcm, Orogon. L. L. lfowlaml, ! that will express tho meaniug of flie he did, that is—gave directions and the whose feet long ago were laved l>y the StoBtor. Lord’s Day \yorsl.dp:—Preaching^ 10‘y word Buptiil’o. Therefore the word people immersed themselves ? Is not icy waters, whose songs now echo on j a . bi .; BuhUky School, 2 p. ( m .;^preaching, or can not be translate!. There • is ¿'no this as likely, ns that probability of iuetuftng, .7 r. M. <Weok day worship: -Pmyer- the everlasting shores, striving tn vain r I 1HE J a OCATIQN of the coi ;- lkge is C entral , A c cessible mOOting, Tuesday, 7 p. * m . Social meeting, mode in it. It signifies not mode, but yotirs, that they were sprinitlrj by dip- j to peneirate the mist that intervenes, to j , I II. l.lXhSAY^p and B eautiful . - , Thursday, 7 p. m .; Suuday-scVool teachers' condition. According to Homer when catch lint a^glimpse of the light front ping hyssop in the liver, etc. * • AVlNtl 1’EKMA.\ e \T.LV LOCATED A V I -meeting, Fiiday, 7, p. m . All 'persons >re cor iron is red hot it is baptized, and when r!’iib i olliug prairie'on w Li-'li it is situated Is Mi/.xMuihn, with a iew of continuing tin» the aye that beamed so lovingly ¿t old- Is'Uijrtted by tnulxjr, l>'fdere«l With a serrate ! Business Bro. Driver, I wish you to an of G em ^ ral M ebch - andmino . 1 am dially invited to attends Visiting Members aro it gets cold it is re-baptizexL, And Community with all ar- the foregojng through the C hiiistiam .But, u(d;_it's only “through-tho glass fringe t dr towering lira, ut ar king .the course o! prepared to supply requested to make themselves known. ;. again, at the bnttle of tint frogs and the LucXimtite, tour aides south: the, JVd-. liclcs’iii Ujy line. t « M essenger , publishni in Monmouth, i very darkly,” only a faint remembrance i lainuit>\ ht.wo niih ?» east, «u>d tlie I ae its »Ju. six The ChrlMtuu Church nt ■ Monmoiithx mice on tho bank of a lake, tjio lake was mile ’ iitj/tff; wldhAtte oak hills, with iheir dense' meets every First Day of the week, in the CoT- Oregon, at. your earliest convenfbeo j of the facps that were so dear, lemg ago. , , Mfc Snxk con d-Us in part of * foliage, rise, one alxive »■anotiicr, in solomu - lege Chapel. John SteWart, A. W. Luca«, and said to be baptized by tho ' blood of a and oblige your ignorant brother.__ , r Nihv wfc realize the value of this pre- i grandeur, to the niaiii hiuxiL in full vieiv. twoiity«- T. F. Campbell, Elders; E. A. Bhirley, HrLind- frog. In this from Hiftner the word cions gift; igeping,1 Although Wl:’may nirltes disiAut. The Vu.’UiM«u range, too, rising X>i-y Good*«, M artin P etf . rmon . fi»»in the valley to tl.d east, stretches away for • say, Deacon«. Bunday school, every Sujiday, at HapUdio was useiL jilunge m$d)y into the vortex of pleas eighty or ope hundred, miles to the- siiow-ulaT D’l O’clockj a . r . Worship and breaking ffib 3. "Buried by baptisti.’-'—R oue vi, Î The careers of tlie papers wljich have. 1 roots; H hoes, J lots. al-d aiuuihite *U.* ‘J,u 1 tn of Mounts Hood, JetTorson, and the ure Or crime, a spot in our hearts hear loaf at 11 a . Bi. Preachfflg on the 1st and 3d '4, does not refer to tho body, but to the Tlirce^Ditrr all in fitr np.w -frnnv tii 9 ‘ ceased to exist might prove of some in- Sirndayr of eaelv^wfonth, at .11. a . M., and at 7 ways green, though the worpl luay ley®«. Groceries, Hardware, toreat if tiro facts were ascertained and p. m . Also Saturday» preceding the 1st and 3d. soul. think it seared and dead. How many Tlie lofty range iinmedl&telY west, -breaks tUft.. 4. Tho Devil is the author of death, wel] narrated, but their aiUHfi-js legion, at 7 p. m . ' - timyi;when the tempter yas whispering HOa-brecsu.-, ajul tfive*, iirtitH loratrty, rr.ty ir • CROCKERY, CLASSWARE, if then baptism Is a'n emblem of deuth and there is scarcely a walk of enter*' gentle w ind fpon the north or- wmlh1. With a i bis ring words in onr e.rr and our ' gfitial uji Tbrut iiig ciiinater aJU't.l.s a j.f.j ii- aiuPburiai; tlib minister while in tire prise wherein more money has been latiof» «listiiiguiribiKl for. iudit.-iry and moral Cl iris timi Ále&séngí t . >School Baoks, anil Stationery ! r fhiil nature was almost ready to yield, ! Avort'h -and removed from tho di> ersions and act of immersing represents, the Devil. strnk, ex-opt perhaps iiu 'wild-cat" mill lias she glided like nn angel into that i tobiptatirtHH of- a ‘city -the unrronndingH arc ail M onmouth : H aîtrday , S kptkmbeh 9, 1871. 5. Baptism was.designed to be acorn- ing. Men take it intij their heads that favorable lbf health, virtue, and proficiciD’y see tel corner of our hearts and-, with a , Trost in fV< rv (lupai tna-rit i f ‘»Judy. MIS! íill A ní Í ous reàïhng . L'enroration of tho desoept of the Holy they are gifted in a literary way, and C. Vincent, BrokoT, 320 California st., is our tender hand lifted the cliinrt ’thpt had I '' TLe.College w under the- care of a Board .of- Spirit on the day of Pentecost. having the power to write on subjects I teuly authorized Agent in San Francine >. falUu there* nnd tearfplly pointejl us to •TriwteeH'. who -w ill kparc u<> pxmn to make it Ktx-p mustantly ob huiil C han & lee * P aten »’ 6. If baptism is designed tq represent which liny» deeply interested them in- j J. M. B»l<in»orfr is our only autlfurjzed W indow C urtain . the flowers that bloomed and ,the gems EQUAL TO THE DEMANDS OF TjIE AGE. ■agent at Portland, Oregon. the burial o(Jesus Christ the'immersed ilividimll.v, they' launch weekly papers, The McinUirs of th- Faculty are c75ih|ietefitreiF lliiil sparkled there in the su-imy days of orgetic, andalevutu«! to. the uauhc of Education. R xmqvkd .—G. B. Stiles of Dallas lias pejsonYntist be kept uiider water.,three supposing that the public will take~an j- old, ere wc had suflercd the m|st of sin J equal ,iut«re$t in their .hobbies. But , established Head Quarters, iu bis new ^lifys. j to vairthejmrit.y of onr. Inures. Oh! if 7. Mat. iii, 5-(5—“Then went oat to they quickly discover tho laborious na and commodious building on Main ! we. would pay more earnest hqcd to the Street opposite the court house. Bro. him'J'erusutem aud all Judea, and all ture of th; task they Lavo undertaken, ’ MY MOTTO: ‘ wooing voice of Memory,• if npt so often - Stiles lias established a reputation for the legiouL.round about Jordan. And . and learndlmy ruust write, not to please K.v ■ t.r. Lnftrm xxn (pTCK (i r T mxa.-*, • put-rougMy Uijek ber-gentkr^raftrl, onr ■promptness and fair dealing which Tnust were batrtized of.him in Jordan confess- j Diemseivos, but their readers; that they f|W SIXTH SESSION OF CHItUsTIAN hearts would not so foon grow weurv A Xojtege will open on the first Munday dry, diffienjtdetails; analyze secure for hint a' liberal share of pat- • ing their' sips.” According to Bap- ' npiststudy PüstolïliT'Buililliiï ■ ■ Manmouth. • ,,1U ami old. But we are, ufraid: some of day). c»f September, lH71, aad cluse on Weflnes* -------------------- ... htlixpsay ; ~ |. list authorityT JoLii's mls iion could not knotty, intricate problems,—and plucc the scenes in the'Pust are not pleasanij duV l>ofor^ the thihl Huriday m "Jfme, Jli i.iii iitli. N'o». .’Illi, lxTi. nl If The Soision will consist of iwo terms of tx$enty have lasted .over eleven myrrtlis: There them Lafore those who gobble them up, harsh words, Unkind actions:, and-too Wenks cac!c/\*ith a recess of on« _w»*uk"for . DD S tate -F air .—Through th« poli ten ess* with ns little tljpught on the labor be. i. fore a simple nji*llmwatieal calculation and an interniclgitc ex- many steps from the strait and narrow . Christmas''"holidays, x>f E. M. Waite, Secretary, w’o havo a ininafion and renewing of chu^es-ut the end of would convince any one that be could stowed," as ba* an alderman on the ch.- path come before us: and- wo dread to the tirst term. . f List of Premiums, tegular and spo<«ial, ndt LaVe immefoed that immense multi tree which has tested for hours the skill t - . - io be awarded at the Oregon State Fair. have the — light from the y lookiback ------- ■ and —---------------- o— , —-I of the cOolcZ Then ho asces tains that Trrrii» n peb teiim : < HÍ D. BOON, blight things of our ‘past reflected tfn Salem, October tHh,. ¡Monday} 1871. tude in so short a tim£, even if he had whftt hffTioInmtnicedDra a pleasanT pas 1 our. present, _ never ’ thinking of Him contfiiued in the watoy every momentjof The list is large ' and the preni’ums re Primary Department Orthography. time, isimenlity _a dry, -hard profess X C’o MM RI ! < IA L S Tl; IX T, Reading Scries, 47f*ctical Aridi- S alem , whose path was not all sunshine, who ! spectable. / the timq. He must therefore have ar- .-luetic ... . . ...... t.... 39»-00 ion until he drops the atnateur and tie ranged them on the bank of the river, did not condo nn us for the evils of' our Preparatory Department — Algebra, . Our young friend Frank Owens node and having token a bunch of hyssop votes hik-lifii to tho work. Bookseller- and Stationer, ; past, but sAid, _“Go thou and sin tw -Gculogy^Buiany, Zoology, Astrpn- through our pleasant village tho other dipped it in the' river and sprinkle^ omv, Fuglisli Composition, Latin * Hi Cbu rlrou «. more."— Staiiilitiil. . • . amt Greek Graniìuars and Peed- - day aud by depositing '»¡th us several them in a body. -HAS UX II ISP THE— , ■ -1, ' — I ’ 1 X 15 OO , ........................ ;.............V This brief counsel <*fe-the Apostle- Pcjj.-r is* lar®» watermelons infnsed the spirit Bro. Campbell, with your permission, very important. Courtesy snioothH the rough». ■ A Bhcn’e Island map experienced-a sensation Collegiate Ifepwtnu'nt^-Full C’olteg-e (’hri.Mtian llvrrinah C-»nWe/.. iO 00 ; of-gtadness-into the' hearts of all con I will ask Mr. Driver a few nuesliohs wu¿uf life, und makesM i-ietv net enh . i:<lur-1 !tia'n ,ir¡'>■ an < ex^-riem .-.l nrnMn uJ. a ** ’ • - II.. . strul-k »..../.I- 1:. ..«.1 1 luul —.Ì I hi Í s R. -R t TiH’ion .stiiutlyJir,.:uh ance-. M follows ; He &;s by lightainR,'¿nil UpTts cerned. < NEW AW < HOICE COLLECTION Of on the foregoing, as I had the goop for able felt agreeable. Why can not every one bo For tqii \vuek.4, or lialf terni,'nihst be f auX^n taLen uff vyithout «.riou. l.v injuring bini, ’lie - -ï >- Church (Mttóic, fur the Church of Clui.4x iu eûwte’nM' H cttritu bnt littfor it—Lunortli a entering tltejSehooL^and ^ikt.» paynfeuts to I al There will be a special meeting -of tune. to form his nequairttanee,. npd w 1. i ll)!. ,1 .1 peëuluir i mad? ut the commencement‘of each half term Elegant cloth-bhidïiig-, v< rinilîion edgf >. ficai. It i» especially important that say- L hear liim preach on the following title, gilt letter - - - ¿1 -, to the duaahf the sushiniL__ -, — . • gene rili l'riuriplei*, but if it is nlillie muni hu the Hesperian Literary Society, Mon- 1 imnisb-rs of LlnrT^q¿l should l>e courteous.’ - - - - 12 ( Board can I«-' hail in private familial at from Per Dozen - J’;' »- ••-ul.a'ç Ju- b>em->ed la ' <l%y evening Sept. 11,1871, at 7 o'clock. Lord's day, from Mat. vi, ¡13.-¿-“But V-uiinisier's usefainwH isohel, « A large stovF vT ’ Vhristiün rTvrnn Duoli •< oí» j t?2.5o to ¿ lt.50 jter Week. '4>l fiwWo««! fasliluneil bootjack. . -I . "... ; — :-------- —------ .----- ■ — . < 'ho >4.1 bootjack, "Beck ye first the kingdom of God and luipairtùdjiy a uêglôet of what arp a, the Il - . S th - pix Tor..ule b^/Al Di 4 A.-P., • Ilia righteousness," etc. I found him a the A^urtesfes of life. A may who ha* Butler, Druggists. 7 * Door. and Sash Factory. very pleasant and agreeable preacher, pushed hfanK^f tip /rom thè lower walks of : Iii«tructioua gu !*««>(•<> F'«»i t«-. s 'flu; Vlark.t A Hocfety mav l>g awkward Hi 14“ movement», and 7 VEIiY STYLE OF BOOBS MADE TO OB- f BT 4 COMPETENT TE.U men/ TERMS, EEASUNABJ E. and a very sociable and. comi>a»ionabl« uneburtiy in his TnahLærs, and yet if he have I U dor, on short notice. -L^_ Advertising Compel* Aticnt-ion. man. I, therefore, take the more liber- real talents, lie niay be useful, rather in spite oj : .Monmouth Market K pnit. — A LHC— ' HASH, with or Without light», to suit custom ers. . ty with him in regard, to the foregoing, than iu ronaeuuejjcv of lu^ js’ant of i &I ìs J l . A’ftriter in^AH the Year Bound says: Wax-Work, & Leather-Work, »u;.s, etc . W. WATERHOUSE, notes; as he told me in private conver Yet stteh a -one may be, according to Bic ' mean- ♦ The truth is, in this world sheer labor Ultiln «Ir» et. one door «otilh <»f CHn«*> , 25 ] - ; Softer, fresh rolls, AJM) ALT, Kisfi-Tiir FANCY WORK I sation about the same of the discourse ing Af Uni Apiwdhh • I Eg«,, j-tioz..... . . ,rv ... ¿a 4 and industry always make themselves MONMOUTH, ; : î : OREGON, ded), and his genuine kindness o WHEAT AND OATS. ? 5 delivered the Loixl.s flay before. This uni ___ _ __ : Outs fi bUKlU'l............... ...... - felt. This is a theory that would be anwHds for his lack of -eonv^ntinnul puli . 5b . By a lady who thoroughly wntendands this <le- last discourse, which I had the pleas ; partineutof a genteel ednc;»|ion. Wliëatr- t? bush. .. * - $ But there are many transgressions of the lì €>“ dear to Mr. Carlyle as representing > HXHr — ure of hearing,. I want to review at of íburtesy by those who haw not the excuse of S^rh fhdmou (J-t; bailed-.. . something real and genuine. Work, ho 7 00 . ■* ♦ To Stilled. some future time, if it'will not he con ignorane^ or limited opportunities. Many who oRocimiES. wopld tell us, is n^rcr thrown away. WHY THE’ 22 * are familiar with the rules of good breeding, sidered presumption in me to 'attempt MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. 1, jfci . 15 Sugar. 1 Men who spend sntns of money, and 1GS such a thing; as I ^as told by one of and x*iilj ivate ■!, .manifest, toward thoeo ef less Sugar, 8. , ' sums pf trouble and toil, together with .his admires that Ise wak one oJ tho favored position, a studied disregard or utter Tea........... ....... i (JO “ choice, 25 thoughtlessness of the most ubviofik proprit’- L. GROUND, much ingenious polychromatic device, i ablest preaclners iii^lie M. E. Churehx 12’ » Haleratmi. . in nourismng flourialrfng weir their names ana and wares, wares, . id also by a friebt1! of mine that he -ties of life. For example, a tea iied and able • Dili *wbop&. iiduwter calling ón a family of his charge« who, Casgimere..................... ’. .$1 25<o,l 50 Mietimi th , are pretty ; certain to find such bread as mid knock me sky high in argument. ■ though not very^poqr. were under the necesity I ’Orogen Flannel.. ........ 5 ot. C2'i _ rnlticn. ' they r liourt have /iaal cast tinnn upon flirt the wiilnva waters return- Tweed......... .................. .. I 006£ .. . But to tlie task of reviewing tho forego i of living, for the timo being, in small» house dì ! Prints..................... ... . .. DEALER IX' *12li46'-’ V ing to them. The wise who travel in but one room, said with some appearance of Mustin .. ........... ing notes. ; ’ PERRY DAVIS £ SON surprise aipd even disgust, “What! do you c<xd.\ “ . bleached the underground* railways and see "T. Why ate not the Presbyterian and I aud eat, and sleep, all in one room ? Wkv d< n't V ad ^I s , oils , ktc Queenswaro, Medici nos, “Kitto’s Starch" staring at them from | Linseed Oil............. ..... I Í IS THE Methodist denominations represented I you have a larger house Castor ..... . ...?. 2. over the heads of their vis-a-vis «in the Nut ........ . ... . 1 in the Bible Union Revision ? Are The worthy family didnqt ’ n eed to be thus re- carriages, or the Grasshopper flowing 0<»al .............. L B£5T FAMIL7 SEDICINE OF THIS AGE. ....ifí mintted of■ tia»«4H#”nvenM‘iMx»s"‘to w likh they • White Uad.......... ... 1 Machine," no doubt salute those titles they opposed to Revision ? If sp why ! ' BAIUN, HAMM, ETC were obliged to submit, w hile paying «for ami. did Wesley revise, nnd confernce pub with a “pish!” and a ‘'pshaw;!" But lb................... *. 7 156/17* clearing up a netv farm. ’ They were not Very , f Bacon sides, Also, Why did Ind v'hy ild>? kn4 aprays near al luind:- 15671.8 ' Lt* It» later, as their eye Zanders over the lish his revision ? an\i<»us f -i- a repetition <>f their ¡Ntetorfs v>b. ' J Bhuulders, fi th............................ 106f.l2»i An eloquent and popular young minister call" newspaper or dead wall, or omnibus Dodridge, Campbell, nnd AIcKniglit 1st. P<tin KtlUr iiJ tlie most corteoh Cholera lR«Iepcn<tei»cc Mnrlict R« p >i Í. Jcnifc-board, or fly-leaf or magazine, ahd. revise and the Presbyterians publish J ód o n on ò of the mostregpec tabjean d in felli gent; _ ----- '-tbit medical science has produced. I though not Most wealthy families of his charge. their revision? ^Or is tho truo. j-easou I 2nd * Pain Kilter, as a Diarrlnea and dysentery sees everywhere, as a murderer does A complete- asHtetmei i«L First Class remdy, is uneqalled. It seldom if ever to be.found in tWir fears of a correct An aged lady, tlíé mother of thé family, was C orrei ted W eekly by II^ duin A Cui;;:« hill . blood "Kitto's Starch," "Grasshopper Goods constantly on hand. T fails. ’very ill. The minister was invited into her <IB.UX, rUtt'B. KTC. Call and examine, la-tore puf si iw else- / Sewing Machine,” a kind of dull, insen English version leaving out that bone room.« After spending a tew minutes in conver Wheat p bu«h. 3rd. Pain Kilter will cure Crump« or Tains iu .. 7................... $1 ( 0 V. !.. re. Hatúlfectfofl guai u ’ ih v.l, ’ <m\ part of the system. A single dose us biurh,............................................ 62*4 sible impression is produced. By-and- of contentiop, baptism, and thus con sation with her, he remarked <ni returning t«> (hits ually effects a cure. the family, “I hope thè ofc^ from«// will soon boj Flour, l»eat (?4 bbl.).............................. 1 75&Z1 87 bye, when either of these important demning their denominations? PION b 4lhr P^a ATdTeu-’Will’ cure Dyspepsia and in* W-...I...................... _-................ Ate 2. If imuierso is not a translation of better.” digestion, if used according to directions. butter , eggh , etc . necessaries are in demand in the. read-, Such little dÍBcnnrtesies are in the • Butter. ? lh......... •............................................ 90 ‘ ‘ 5th. Pitn Killer is an almost never failing cure er’s family, and when there is nn im Baptidzo, and no word in any lauguage ointment; they injure its savor, if they do not J Eggs. ? <lhz...................................... 25 TIN AND STOVE STORE, for Sudden Colds, Coughs, Ac. will translate it, why. not have two or Potatoes, bush ....................... 1 25 . « . pression of doubt or ignorance, tho pooi^ Glh. /‘ain Killer has proved itselfSovereign entirely destroy its value. II. Front tttxt, ono Dior Snath oí Fort Off ce, GfitKERIKS. more wordsjto translate it and forever ------ z.. Eemeily for Fever and Auguu. ami Chill *------ --- —*-------------- aid-de-camp ot ceuceit, or oonspieuous Coffee P>...................................... * Billas Orejón. ‘ 1 Day In tlie Police Conrt« Fever; it has cared tlfe most obstinate HugM7 .No. 1, V tb ..................... superiority, ste]* in and aids the adver- settle this dispute, say why not? If it " ■ . *< t OOKTSTT. "T.OX AND ’ PABLOS STOVES, Kugtf; Na 2, V fi> ' can not be translated what use is it to (From the Portland.Bulletin.) lb Paia Kiilfv as a liniment Is unequalled, T- tiser. Where all are groping in the Tea. A :.................. ...^ 1 For Frost Bites, C'iiilblaiiis. Burns, Bruir The Police Court yesterday morning preson Tea. (Iid’tec ................................ 7. 1 TIMVABE; COl’PEB, BRASS ilark, it is hard to resist the conscious people of other languages beside the es, Cuts, Sprains, &c., no J'hyMi iap ciqj HaJeratu». .................. tod its usual quota of dninks and minor, often AND IKON WL'IE, do more than it. penso ot superiority. “Starch 1 Why, Greek; and wliat uyo in the Greek, see DRIED FRUIT. ders. To e< mo' there apcais to le a peculiar Dried aj»ple* .............................. fcth. Paia Kitt*»' has cured cases of Khuma Etc., etc., cnliiUnHy <m baud. Also, there js a fellow Kitto, who seems to be ing no nation now use the Greek ? fageination about this Court. We have noticed Dried p«ar»............. . ............. lism a»>d Neuralgia after years standings • i Does Homer use the word Btiplidzo in in great demand; at least his name is that the ».ime not of facos usually a'pp&tr in the Dried ¡i.’Athcs............................... Kifter will destri»v Boils, Felons, Stove Boilers, DBT-QOgMs reference to tho acta of heating and prisoner'« dock two_, or three times a week. Whitlows, Old K<»n»s and Swelled Joints, everywhere. Sewing machine! Get , (’assimere ..................... .................. 1 giving ìyhef from Fain after the first ar* ' cooling, or in reference to tho condi Under no cireuniitanccs aro they happy or con Oregon Flannel ....... . .................. the Grasshopper—only four guineas.” Coffee and Tea Pote. plication. , ......... '------- -y~.............. tented unless they arc either in jail or a party Itolkver It will thns bo seen that the advertising tions of heat or cold,? If Baptiilzo sig l(Wh.. P" ih Ji titer euros Headache, Toothache, Tn ceil tT.*. .. .' ............... Tea Kettles, nifies condition then is not the word to a criminal action. Instances have occurod Print»........................... ,..4........ and Neuralgic Pains iu anv iwrt of tho ' Í. owes a good deal to the pardonable lit- > where men hsive got drunk and staggered into Muslin, . ................. ............. . - , condition «■ a translation of Baptidzo. . tic infirmities of our nature. MILK PAN’S AND llJFPEKS, the Court-room for no other apparent pnrpnse Muslin, bJeaciied.............................. 11th. A'iiV/-will save you d.iys of «icknesH • And if it signifies condition, dfil not save that of lieing arrested. To the uniniatcd hams ¡uiormm -*it and many a dollar in titfid and Doctor g . - » IAIU) AND BUHEK CANS; l.V>/17 BfflL ’ Johu the conditioner condition the this may look «foiibtfal and exageratetk but let L Bacon skies..................................... Variation. In the S.ilar Spilt.. i Hams.................. z. A GBEVf VAHtETT ÔF GEM PAKfi. P2ih. Z’oòi A'iffrris a jmrelv vegetable nrepar* jieopie in the river of Jordan confess- them visit the Police Court for a week aud they Hhoulder»’.."».-. t-K, . .............. 10 ‘ j c,12 atiun. safe hi kvop and to uk* ih every ramily. —Aatrnnnmkr»are now morn, and more Milled pre*md P^tti. >» for Tart»», C<Mddng«p<xiU9i, Egg . rTtiesimjilicity ! ing their sins; and were nqt the Roman J will,, we are' Matired, be fttHy ernt wired nptm attending its use, together with iu ti>e conclusion that the sun's spits indicate « Beaters, Porcelain Stew l’ots, for Fruit, * this pdint And again: |ct,those of our Chris- the great variety <»i di-casps that may be entirely NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Broiling Fixtures op Improved Pattern, regular procea» in their ptaition. sad that the brethren nnd Paid -conditioned into . eradicated by it*, and the gn at anioirut of paiij dans. who upcnrihis day lift up.-their prayers llolilng I’iiw, Ac,, Ac., Ac, and suflering that can l»e alleviated through its spots are periodically larger and shialUwil, ,,death, and the Gallatinns -conditioned for the salvation and redemption of the heath Which I ofler for sale at priées that will justify us»-, make it imperative upon every ppri»on to P H. D MURPHY, * their amount. Their nature •is.aiill a profound Into Christ ? _ __ ens of China jygl Africa, and, with them, let imrehasern to p^tryuisu mo,rather than Salem or , »upply themsflv^s Kith tin« valuable remeily, mystery. Various sppaoraures, however, liavo 4 ‘urtlahd Shops. 1 and to keep it alwivsin al Itami.’ 3. If buried by baptishi refers to the those of our citizens who so liberally iubtcril o Hi«ciat attention Mill Igi given to , led to the opinion that they are gaps or holes largo »unis to the Mi-sjonltry Fund, vb|t Uio i Iibotimd Shoo Alitköi» soul; and the soul of man is conditioned tain oxtonsiro, in tlie luminous surface iTOD X7\ron.l3L. * MÒNMOVra' Police Court some. morning, r<nd‘ tHerts they ; GHEuoN. t or photosphere'of that orb, and those gaps ex po<w ‘ into dekth and into Christ, then in what ?W '■ will find mon and women of their o^vu color I lhe Polo Killcr is ntoy kpown and T. B. NEWMAN.' the totally dark tnttom or nneleons of the sun. condition is it after it' is raikedjont of and raised in the7 same school of religlt'D aajitL .jmpwiâtod in every'.qnai£or«of the Glolx. Phy- Dallas, F«¿». 1, lsfl. BQOTK, CHEAP## AND BETTER THAN This very plansable explanation of a phenome these conditions ? - sTcfans rwuxumend it in their practice, while ail over. Makes a KPEClAWi of KI hhjs . theUisulvQs, no fuileikand lost Jo nil the teach«» Clâjve* <»f Muciety JiHW fourni in it relief and non which is socondgo nono of it« class in inter »a. CHARTES WltSlM, : 4. Where do you find the authority i, 4Pgs of morality hnd truth, that hi compHteon coniforL r Aflminlwt^ttor*« Not ire« est ant) imporUnco to mankind, is, however, ‘ the bonigiitod heathon of Africa ap}>e.irH the bet. Notice m liereby given that at tho Angnid term OCU LIST, - rejected by some of the mist learned astrono for saying the Devil is tho author bf- ter in ay.. Mere u a tip. field L« our- niinwters- of the County Court for Bulk Couptv <negj»ig . ..SALEM; OTHJ JT X Tat Yl.. mers laiUi in Ameiiea and Europe, abd invuati- death? If Wy eren_ admit this then f Brnjamm Mefiffur aWsppAMteil AdhUnMratot* CmnaK-eial H^»b snd h^re too is Hie hand of charity needed, of tlie E-tatir of (h-org# Miller <tereai«cd. All l>r. Witoon nii* made ll»c study of Uic eye a gations of tlie subject are still porsued with \ what relation Joes Christ hold nccord- lhink of honu,*; and, iu yoy raise your prayers person* having claim,» against »aikl citato am i<pvciaift.v, and lias practiced! with good sueuess ( unabated zeal and enthuaiarni. yonr theory, when ho bnrios the thia morning to Him on High, roiiiontljer* the foreby ^rc<|uinMl 4b nreaumt tlia name 1«» nw at fufreveralyears, lie fe^>repu*l to perform all r- Don'tbs deceived er induced to liny tlie , my residence in Hioridan Ih-ecinet.^Yamhilj operations,*ami lute uxptJrienCe in •flforatfag by I many worthless Nmironi* off.-rrad by unprinvi souls of men by eomlitiouing them into . fill cell»* of oyr cjty prison. 4 fteet»mpMded~ bjr tho proper voucher rite hf«iet<pproVvd mcthnrtR.r Ati ctirdnte dte- pW'mnn traveling thtpngh the ««intry. To replace tho book« iu tho HtrMlmrg library death ? , • f fn in the date iMKwf. Aud twes<»f the eye-ar» treated v«iy anccesafnPy, ac which were do.frayed daring .ho seige collec M. Thein»’ industry is marvelous in a man ; wtttiin Mix intmtha knowing iwtobteft to «aid ♦ cording .to the most scientific and • tqiproved i 5.. What was John’s baptism a com who has Keen seventy-four winteft. He is at nl^l^rMon» tion« .Ai being made from the chief German F.idate ale required tn irunipdiikhdv -Nettie the uuslern »»ptlialmic practice. P^rnon-« aftl’cfod Be »nrc andt buy the genuine. Every work l^fire most young men We out of their *ani<*( this '»th dak of Neptc qd>er ¡sVl. libraries. One library, that of Kneningahurg memoration off —- with diseased Eye« kre inVite»! to give hm a Bniggisf and RlmjMt A>i y Country Store Keep,.«, I mm I s , ami yet lib is as lively as any of them at | F.F.5.) \ M1\ METZKEB. er awd Oroe.TN throughout the lend, keep it for l trial. Those who ddnot receivepennan»yt ben- f b »aid to bar« >ent already 40,000 duplicates. ’ 6. Is it nctiinlly nesessarv,’ in order hi» evening. nM‘?ptions. 'A-. tmysyi; 48w4 - * A«lntipiHh-atoi-. J vflt, will nof!«c required to pky fer treat men t. t iVcriyal Muti ’ IR puri art of Mu il«. I rnr •1 - t Christiaii College, u < LOOK AT THIS J ! • 1 f H .....,___ y Cash and Produce. Christian Hymnal /! ! ¡PAIN KILLER i ) R v-c; oo ns, . II-. . a