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About The Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1870-1877 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1871)
MISCELLANEOUS r . ÛE<». BOOMJiB. ' W. K. ROBERT*. w ADŸBltTISEMEHTS. COX & EARHART BOOKER & ROBERTS, Auction and Commission Dealers WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MONTANA Flour. Mill Feed and Crain MO.ORES’ BLOCK: «ALEM Books and Stationery O regon . PofiTX-AND, ■ f I, [Successors to J, K. Gill.} 4“l 1 r Jihf Í.3 gtft-j» j ate* STRATTON & WALLER, sAMna, STATE STREET. WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALERS IN R exiakkh . !» ■ is —A.-re. —re—• 1 1 Ô6 « N 2.V3 1 1 N 3 N 1 4 Hl . 1 N N 5 821. . 1-1. • «78Í 11,', 'N 7P81 . . I N 9133 ' lW.Ttt-o.tH 1-.. — N ' 11 57| • . 1 .. N 12 61 .. 1 . N 13 úT 1 N N 11 w r . 1566 . i N I--“*' 8 bn ,>t; i . N 1 1 18'60 ¡ 117. N 1 ' 1 N 1 b'20‘57! . 1 ' N 1 ‘•tHfbL -11... -- N 1 I 22 11 ■ 1 . N •I«23 ; h /. 1. N il Í-. * r h—t- —N- rejJ 1 26 65’ 1 NW 67 Smoky 1 N 1 2H741. . 1 ■ •N f.29 74i -41.. N .1! 1 80 76fc . 1 N 31 61 . 1 . N •I ' -« I From the. Apostolic Tîiïieà. I The-nrnliition to be an earnest- inves tigator of Scriptural truth is a very htndnble one. That we_ have mimy > brethren thus ambitious, the ’’Qudnst Departments’” of onr various papers ; amply proves. But from an examina tion of a large number of these queries, ‘ the writer has been forced to draw some very unfavorably ' conclusions re- dating, to them. Many show a jiaiiw Memory is.liKc A yast shcot of canvas, splitting çontentiousn. m T. wlrii’h çgyors surrounding Jis in all diati^tions, on not of the true spirit of inquiry,. ...Surh which is printed in bold au'-Findelible , a quuarion as the following should not | characters all tliec-acLs of our litese be allowed to waste printer’^ ink and | This canvas is so large and so mysieri-, ] Tax an editor's brajhs; ously arranged, that it can never be all "Dear Brother Errgeticns'. ' occupied; neither can we prevent the “A bo ‘bells! mentioned in Exodus scenes being placed upon itr for the xxviii : 23;'xxxix : 25, typical of church, 'magical artist of the mind is always bells“?' "This question has exercised ont ! standing with instruments reajly to pho qlass for the-last three Lord’s days, and . tograph every act, whether good or bad, , wb submit it to your able pen for solu public or private, known to the world tion. -If the opinion that these ‘bells’ ; or only to ourselves and our God, ani? are ( typieal of church, bells be oorroet, Í I hold that they aré not matters of J place them at their intended place on . then ( the canvas, from whence neither time ( expediency, and as the word • is in the ! 5<or any effort . of our own can erase , plural we may have severnl in one ! them. Time may indeed dim some of church spire. This would bo like the i them for a season, and we may think I Roman Catholics, but if Scriptural let 1 SFBCTAL NOTICE. them gone, when suddenly they will I us know it. • shine forth as bright and fresh as on “EpHiiim TKxrwtsTEB. the day they were drawn. ‘‘B ell ’ s (’ boss R oads , i We cannot turn from these scenes of July, 1871.” ) "llÊl’LY. |he past; they tfre over before us, w here- ever we go, whatever we do, reminding ‘‘Our opinion of this much noted I us of our wisdom or folly, a source of ■ passage of Scripture’ has been expressed 1 continued joy or lasting sorrow. If , three or four times during the present j this is true, if our past lives are to be ; volume. But dur corresponifcnl being OFFK K AO. fit FROST STItKET, always before us, like a grand panorama, . anew subscriber did not seo the nnm. PORTLAND, OREGON how important that we do nothing but I bqrs containing it. Since our former ¡ what we can remember with pleasure. exposition wo have consulted the Com- -I We would judge a man to have a mor- i nientarv of the learned Dr. Von Pig- ’ bid taste indeed who wduld decgrate snoutzenhansen, in hoc'loco. He is of the walls of bis parlor with pictures of .. the opinion that the original ' does not i shauie, infamy, idolence, dissipation*^ support our idea of bells at all, bu» that .IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uh- crime, selfishness, dishonesty, bypoc- the true ex> g' sis of the passage is (that . cultivated LANDS. located in ALL parta of the STATE, for HALE. risy^-cruelty, and everything repulsive the belhs when shaken from the east to morality’ and refinement; yet there l towards the west give ont a prolonged BEAL'ESTATE and other Property pur ure thousands of men nround ns, - tintinnabulât ion clear aronnd the sa chased for Correspondents, in th« CITY and throughout the WTATEH and TERlilTORIEB v.ho pass themselves os perfect exam- 1 cerdotal hem of the epliod, and up as 1 with treat care^uuL.mi.. the most ADVANTA ----- ----- -------- plea of refinement, morality and good far as the sacred breastplate. It is GEOUS TEEMS. taste, who are every day of their lives sjmply emblematic, of the great fact I HOI S and STI 4tU - LEAKED, LO A NS decorating the walls of their memory i that the sacred functionary ‘still li-. NEGO HATED, and CLAIMS OF AL' DES with just such pictures as these. 1 The For further light oil this subject, the CRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COLLECTED and man who would thus hang such deco- ! referred to the learned pro- a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSI- NEKS transacted. ration* in his parlor, would not be com dfuetion just mentioned.” pelled to behold them but a small part ’ S ocial SxcoraitxCT.—All mon aro more or less of the time, or he might remove them svneophatie, but all manare not curiously so. entirely if he wished; but the decora- j The recluse and.the misa.-.thiopo aro not excep tions of tho memory are always before tions. Thoir vory peculiarities constitute the- us and eannot be.jfaken away. If every | arm by which they loan upon others. Your o<l<l, excelitrie or singular men are npt excep man could be reminded before doing tion«. Their lUlio anecdotes, oddities singular an improper act, that he would be com remarks, unn-nal *s»< is%demeanor ami queer pelled to gaze npon that act through all expreesions of cottnteuance are the air- retorta eternity, but few could be induced to do by which tlioT keep their heads above the sea surface of social life. If Toler fCartwright. what they know to be wrong. wr.W ADVERTISEMENTS. John Smith and a-few others wliu we're gentiinly* occentric, had not lived anil furnished models «FIDITI L1SM—ALICÉ: C*HV and anecdotes, a largo numlxtr of men would The. Banner of Light, a Spiritist paper fail of recognition. Thef would be very pnobby <>f Boston, published a poem which it nolmdies, and no* get a helling once a yey. announces as from the spirit of Alice Sycophancy has its rise in a necessity of onr Cary. We quote a few lines: eartjily state. We are . dépendant rmo upon Dry-iloqd., Groceries, Uoqt«, Hhoes, Etc. "The voice of dear one«, «oft and low, another. The rhercantlle life fnrnialiea an apt flaid come again, when from a* j-on go, illustration. From the village "store keeper" I Agents'+.r all kifi-ls of Agricultural Imple -And bring na new.from over tho river, to the merchant prince each is dependantupon a I ment* and Sowing Machine«.. Will ««Il low for BLAIN, YOUNG A CO.- That shall Still onr hearts for ever and ever. lees or greater number of hia follow men to | Cach-or Produce. 22yl supply Rim the condition« by which ho makes ; Allsuiy, Oregon. "I have MM «Ram for I find it here his w«y tn the World. Ho. renta not, if he That there’s communion twixt me and yon would, bo independent. This sense of depend Twist the life below and lieaven abdve.” etc. Ferriage .Now, if Alice Gary were on the foot ence pushed to findue extreme is sycophancy. OF THE SALEM STEAM* FERRY stool, she'wouldn’t own such poetry. Persons kept in prison for tong periods of time | Strange that, if in the better world, she’ have found soeial «ompanioDship in giants, in I should drop back to' a‘ sillier style and rat» ami in mice. Thu is * nXlural longing, more awkwardness in rhetoric than any and wilt, in order to its palification, lead ns girl in school days! The very attempt Into sycophancy ere we .are aware of it lie who to thake a point on Alice Cary's absence can get along in life and steer filear of truoule ico' in favor of the Boston Devilment is but fawning and sycophancy, and yet not lie disso a near evidence of the delusioD, Such cial, ■ has learned the hardest lesson in the stuff as the Banner of Light calls poetry book of eibics. Stnmi<ir>1. fr1 , from the skies, is nothing but smoke snd^ gas from another place.— MethotUet RJ-* border. ' — U3 Front street, Portland, Oregon. K7“ ALL KINDS OF COUNTY PRINTING and BOOK-BINDING to order, at reasonable rate»- / ' , -r ; " fob. 18-1101'J :y - - Take TSToticg.v All accounts due me MUST bet paid in 60 day* from date. R, CLARKE. Wheat taken at $1.00 per bushel, on all ac counts. Dixie, July 81. 1871. - 49ntf LEABO’S FERRY! A New .and Commodious BoatK Ban by suspension pulleys. • “• MOORE’S CORNER. MAIN STREET, The Road » in good condition, and the banks have been greatly improved. A Competent Ferry man will always be in at- tehdance. CHAS. W. PETTYJOHN» Li’f -• Proprietor. CÇNERAL MERCHANDISE School Books CkOTtUNO, GROCERIES; DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, Albany Biqnk Books HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Oregon. Stationery, Musical AGRICULTURAL Façfljçr’s and Mechanic’s Tools. MACHINERY instruments, - Hu¿_LSpoke«,BentRimeShafte, Pole»,Holt», Ac. Sheet ZM aisííj , Eté. J 1 KN RY BOON r . Offer for sale the following, spendici an- Mortñient of machipea: ‘ „ Swcrp.itake Th:-esht-rs- With new improve ments for 1871, which makes Uiiff* the best' I mauliinr ever brought to this coast Gcnniiii- Btifkryc J{ui|iir mi:] Mower 1 mbjHud hand and Helf-rakcrti’ - taivoHzcs. This machine stondA, at the ®ry head~of American Reapers, and for strength«TLeauty ftnd eaceUtmcu» baa_3)0 Qffual. New Yd» It Combined iIva.pur and ITdWer --with automatic self-raking attachment— , two sizes. This machine is too veil known tom i cummendatioh ixeiu.' Wf guarwiiee it i» every respect. New York II and Reaper siul Meivtr— Combined, wilT do good work under alt cir cumstances. Burt*« bineJ , Iliapir an «Lrdng/«x<x>licrj|, ■ the market. .» DEALER IN ' ’ . Books & Stationery, O regon . S alem , Musical Instruments, Stoves and Tinware! OREGON, Mower—QidnZ' o L oujxm » uj :—;— Easterly Reaper-nn<l Mower —Combined. Waller Wood’s Reaper anil Mpwtfi— : Coiubihedr --------- ---____________ Bnekeye Mowrr,—Four sizes. Wood*«, flower—Two sizes. Hxeelsior Mowcr^-Two sizes.<*s GenuTH# Header*--With new iin- provoments-vlO to 12 feet cut. Burl’s Clipper uiiil CriiiHn's Sulky .Rakes. --------- — ' * €»riifiii"k Revolving llorse Rake«. Horae ' Powers—Corey’s, Sweepstakes and Pitt’s—all sizes. . 'Endless Chain Thresher*. J ' Snaths, Grain Cradles, Hay and Scytlics ’ and Grain forks, Stoves. Plows and Har rows, in*great VariotyT'dMardwai’e, Iron and Steel, Hubs, Spokes, • . - • 1 Felloes, Rims, and Axles, Ac., ~ Ac., - Ac. ave opened aad established a Stove and Tin'Store at tbg jibovc named H place, with the largest stock of ' -Cook, *F*nrlor Ever brought to Polk county, and at prices ar any place this aide bf AKE ALSO P r EPAHKD TP Dû' O f A ll K inds , in a F irst - C lass M anner . We are Sole Agont's for the well-known . B o W je P remium W agon ! Which we offer at low prices and will warrant them equal, if not superior, to any wagon in this or anyotber market—a written guarrantee fumised with each wagon, . T. ClAUXGHAM <fc CO. 8ak*m, 'Oregon, Juno 17, 36:tf Cheap ! Cheap I C ountry M erchants Furnished at the Lowest Wholesale Kates. (E7” Tur PrnLic arc invited to Call and Ex amine BEFORE going dlsewhero. S L. FEXNER A CO. N. B.- -A ll H epairino and J ob W orm done vsixj) Neatness and Dispatch as I am a Practical Workman, myself. B. L. FENNER. Independence, March 27, 1871. . h 25 tf Mother’s, I’ve Found It. Cheaper than Évej BOLTER, WÜRTLEY & CO, I E ldendale S tore . ] CARMINIT1VE CORDIAL remove ^ their stock of I Goods to DAJLLA8, and are constantly re- | laxative; in small doses, an astringent medicine, H ave ceiving new and wejl selected goods, consisting It H exceedinglv useful in all bowel atfsetious. Tliis is a pleasant aiitac.ul, and, in large doses, cHpeeiallv of Childrep. Il is-a safe, certain and J effectual remedy for Cholic, Diarrlite, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, Griping Pain, Sour Stomach, Costivanes , Wind on the Stom LADIE3’ DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, ach. Crying and Fretting of Children, In - MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTH1KG, Teething, tliore is nothinyoqnals it. It softens Tho’G u i i i s. and-reniters teething oasy. This is no humbug medicine, gotten up toaelL Hats and Cap9, *' i •« Ponte I _Do not give year children tho’• Rcothing Syr- L UUlb anci alioes. lip»,” fpr tlioy atujiefy without doing any per manent good. The •’ CORDIAL” is prepared by DR. WATERHOUSE, LADIES' AND CHILDRENS’ SHOES M oxxodtb , O'ax. or e W w iirvuE axn tur.. For sale by all Druggists. The trade supplied on reasonaluo terms. Hundreds of Testimon A FULL ’STOCK OF GROCERIES CON ial» can be given npon application. Address l:tf DR. W. WATERHOUSE. STANTLY ON HAND.' of Reduced Rates of m F AVhèat ‘Wanted ! The nnderaignod wishes to buy (20,000) twviv* ty thousand buHlieh mercli&nable*whout. - High est cash price pawl by~ J. C. BELL. 42U* • _ _____ HIMES & BACHELDER, T he nearest and most practicable route front Salem to Independence, Dallas, Monmouth, Cor vallis, Yaquiua Bay, and all intermedia e points. J 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 I 1 11 AD VERTI8EMENT8. S ituated 51* Miu:» abov « S alim , ok T ub W illamette . « Si Í ■ ■4- 1 1 1, MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE AND CROCKERF. GENERAL BUILDING* AG&NT, MonnypuUi, Qrrgon< F tjrnirhem Man«, Rpeciflcations ami Eui- niate«; and purchase« materials for a roasonable cnYnmbtsifhi- I’rtrto* wishing to build mav «are from ten V» flf’oon percent, in coat of materials and lalwr, by the employment of this agenty. Parsons residing at a distance, and wishing to build in Monmonth or vicinity, msy rely on having their M mv promptly and carefully at tended to, j ¿W ft Administrator*« Salt-. I n pursuance of an order cf the C ounty Court, in and for the county of Polk and Rtatc of Oregon, made and entered on the 8th day of AugUKt 1871, I will, on the 25th day of Septem ber A. D. 1871, at 1 o’clock, p.m., in front of the Court House door, in the town of Dallas, in said county, offer for sale to the highest bidder the following described real property belonging to the estate of J. 8. Frederick, deceased, to wit: The donation land claim of J. 8. Frederick, decmaed, knewn as notification No. 2266, and bounded and descrilied as follows: Beginning st a point 15.20 chs. east of the north-west corner of the south-west quarter of Section 15, in T. 6 8. R. 5 W. thence west 25.82 chs., thence north 26.90 chs., thence west 85.75 chs., thence south 63.40 chs., thence east 61.60 chs., thence north 36.50 chs. to the place of beginning, containing 320 99-100 acres. Also that tract of land near Eola, described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the south-west corner of the north-west quarter of Section 25 in T. 7 8. R. 4 west, Polk County Oregon, and running thence to a point 14 rods west of the quarter Section post on the line between Sec tions 24 arid 25, thence west 146 rods to the Sec tion line, thence south 49.64 chs., thence east 12.30 chs., thence north 9.64 oh«., thence east 27.70 chs. to the place of beginning, containing 164 60-100 acres. Also lot No. 3 in Block No. I north cf Main street, and No. 4 east of Meridian street, and lot No. 4 in Block No. 1 north of Main street, and No. 4 east of Meridian street in the town of Bqjina Vista, Polk county Oregon. Also a 5 acre lot, No. 2 of the Donation claim of George Boyd, deceased, late of Polk county Oregon, lying hi T 7 8. B. 6 in Polk Co*. Oregon. Terms of sale cash in hand, gold coin. August, 21st 1871. , . T. TEARCE, Administrator^ J ohn J. D aly , Atty. iio.46-4w. *■