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About The Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1870-1877 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1871)
< ■hrÌNtiiVji Death- SV Bro., XSEI.s’l’OIl THE Tl>!Mi. Why Boy« Ltavv (he F. ìijh . SOyfBTrilvi; FOB TIIB GIRL«. MIHljELLANEOIH ADVEBT1HEMENTS. the Mentor.I l’epple in tinse tjnies froQiiontJy in 1 supposi* you really love these rough, Cash Paid for Wheat. Nover be eaht down by trifles. If a teasing brother» of yours, but don't you tuirò ofthe hiinicr, “w liy'doesn’t your j spider breaks his __ Lhxuad twenty think you n)ight*«how it a little more Bòli h main on lb» for ni with you?” and * *A ll thrtHo indebted to nid by note ac- can make pavuient in wheat, delivered pleasantly? Ivan toll you I know nil many are wiiudeiiug why it is tlnjt* times will lie mend it ftgaiiu. Make count, to ine at Monmouth.' Caah paid for wheat. H. lilNDSAY. about boy«.. I- was brought up iu a young men iqe having the country and up your mind to a thing, and you ' 43 - house full "of them. I have enough in seeking homes in thè’¿-itiis and vil- will do it. Fear not;-if trouble» come W ACK ) N ! 1 upon you, keep up your spirit, though , ,i my own house this very ii.+utpto-to keep , logos. I have in store, eight Etdon Iowa No. 1, Two- Doubtless, tunny ‘nn'old farther Im»* 1 the day be>u daxh one. thluxs from getting <lull und stupid. I hor»e Wagons fyr sale at f 150.0ft each; er will Tipubleiuever «top forever; . know just how rough, nint nojsy, und thought tha i-eanoBri‘p|ain td be keen,” exchange them Wbept, delivered at Iixl«* heedla»s they are: how jthov fonici to Thwilarkost day will i»aw »way, Mind Yas Iiist'iden.___ "Hoys j 42tf bELL, If the iwiii is geinjf.^lywn, loo’k up a* wie alto prciclit- from Uulem, DlillSS. foffr inuuiiis. months.- ’ ~ ’ - ’ , wipe * - feet - - on muddy ' - * ¿Mj-fc-throw liow-a days are'de.ulful oneasy; there's | ............ | y yëârsAnd rryrrr tlieir Bothel, Buemt \ ista, and Independence. ■ p ]llK>st three l’ or or u almost linee years years he he lias Ufts lived lived their caps aud scarfs on the Moor, and tiothin’ to uni.” We do uvt doubt thut the stars; if Mye earth is dark, keep Great Chance for Agents. At KMi« o’clock T. M. the familiar the life, of a^ lH ^tjan; V5 ith few fanlts your eyes ou hoavonl With G\»l'» pres Dgtyou want an agency, local or (ravettitg, leave their books in the queerest places, Iniys are often inconsiderate, and .not with an opportunity to make to g , tones of the C ollege bell called thy as- > antTinanv virtues For nearly seven to be limited up in tlie last minute- be unfrequently deluded in their visionary ence abd God’s-prrrmises, a man or a day selliug’our new 7 strand White Wire I child may lie chccYful. ¡•embly together in the eojlego chapel. | months, he has »candy been ablo to go, Clothes bines i * T.hey last forever; »atn- fore school-lime. I know* how they dreams of life; but we cannot believe '.Nvoprdesjwir when fog’s in the air, __ ole free, ho there ifi no, rink. Address al The following order was • observed in but he bore it with fortitude and pa once iludsuo Jiicta' iFiiT cor. Water atz whittle on tho carpets, paste kites on the youth of tlie present are altogether A »nnsliiny moniiug comes without witi-iiing. ami Maiden Lane, N. Y. City, or 16 Dearborn at, seating the andicneci tience. * ' the chnir seats, rlaub. the table covers unreasonable nnd, entirely given to’wild 47yl Mind what you run after. Never be Chicrgo, III. The l’lesnleut of tbe' eollegc mijl the Ho culled Ids father, mother, ■ sisters ’with paint, and spilt- mucilage an 1U1’ speeulntions. content with a bubble that .will burst, tipeaker were,-seated behttHl the' »peak- and brothers-to. Ids bed side* and told R. R. PARRISH. Wjc'. have scon New England boys I or d fire-work that ends in smoko add bed anti bureau. I know,, ¿¡row they I t ' s stand, iñimcdiútely behind them them good-bye,-an.I to “b * good,’’ and ‘ corno in .with a whoop, and clatter up, "growing iip” to manhood Oil the forms ijlaikne»». Get that which - you can Practical HarnesS'Saddle Maker ■ Svere sealed flie .Trustees. Tho Master ’ then, without a struggle, folded his hands stairs like_»o immv fire engines, the mo- ■ of. their fathers,, and our practical ex- keep, and which i^ worth kpeping. Inn depends noe, Oregon, ,' ' JUrick Maaous, t with—their .attendants, j 1yKm bieèsinns pnre «nirit then meat tlie baby g<>es to sleep; and hew jjt’fieneé ’oiid observation* have taught to;n.>t!outf sti-l ling, that ,vill stliv- :____ J f ‘___ ____ 2____ ____ Occupied ' tho front scat before the ' passel away, and -left ua_hero to mourn they nie «1 ways leaving tlie door opFn, us that gloss errors are mmle which ••Uz*; -Id diver ily away, '^-A OOOD ASSilBTMK.vr OF— htuud. . The Master Wood-workman ■ his loss. We miss him, oh! so much! and cutting,-and.bnrning, and ,blowing leikl llaliy young men to laave the .-farm, Fight hard against a hasty temper, o with liis ultepdauts amt Painters on the I ‘bit morning at noou and at night,” ami Bridles, tbenmelves up. But »for all that, «<?- and which canuot be attributed entirely ¡“Ang^rSvill cqiui *, but resist it stoutly.' Mexicarj -Saddles, light The Mailer’ Brick-maker with mourn the loss of ope so dear; but wg opuld not spare (Ijem from ourdwmes to (lie ybutrg men themselves. ' AxSpark tuny set q house on nrff A fit Bits, Helus, Spurs, Vf’liipJ, Lushes, ■ v Jiis tytteixlauts were- seated on ‘•the left: ‘‘Sorrow not as those without hope; for very well, could we? aud isn’t, there Let us make a practical illustration: ^bf.pnssiTSf may give yon cause to monru* Muit The Silver t’oraet. Baud, under the if wo believe that Jesus died aud rosé something wrong tn' the family when There is a siimit, active boy of fifteen 1 all the days of your life.. / Haiti a», « leadership of Mr. 11 Yfjnoii, i c.- i , again, (-^aiD, even msh jvhieb which sleep -leap in even so so luem thorn also in .'sistenl can cat! therrbrotbers a “nuis- summer».' His father”is a farmer of ‘ Gollara. He that revenge» knows hoi-eel; . « / Laflit»’ Saddle«, jxied; the space between lW.>i>urUr,s . Ood wilr6rhig witT1 l)iui .. ; The tiic-ek p'^scaa a peaceful breast. • aiiee?’’ Y'ea, that’s the very wold she uioderate’means, and entertain»', in com Horso Bruihei, Patent Leather, Currycombs, staud ai.d the fi out seats. I lie audience There is a great consolation _ir.-these used, and I've those half-, If yon-have an enemy, act kindly to mon withJiis neighbors, miiiiy old fogy- ! Cinchas, Chamois Skins, Tacks, Copper 11 lied the cliápiel. promises, to wHlPh he.w^s nigat t\s»nr: dozen year!, for the speaker wns^pTi’t-T isms. During. tlie~wìntér, his boy is IijtnHUid mnko him your friend. You Rivets, Cards, Rawhides, Stir- may not win him over at once, but try At the sound of the liell tlie audipuct edly a, legal -heir. We would not call tv, delicate ^irl, and I was a good depl privileged to attend »ciiool a few weeks v rups,; Enameled Duck, etc., arose whilst thn President implored the him to suffer here iigaiii. We would , astonished Io hear her say, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. if he is dilligent arid faithful to do the agpin. Let one Jiindncsa be followed Divipe blessing. The Band "discourse 1 m>t have InTn tback from tjpit bright by aupther, till you have accomplished "A boy in a family of gifh is.a per chores before arid after the school-ses - GS7* Ail Order» Promptly Attended to. Call sweet music ’appropriate to the world to roam over life's tn.mnltuous your end. By little and little, great^' and see pic. ‘ ■-”* . ’ 32 sion of each day. I-u these few weeks fect nuisance. ” 'F. .. ......... .t ■ i »I . 1». . < I . * ; , »ion, after which the I’lesideut iu a.few sen. No inore will we.hear bis gentle things are accomplished. The “nnisanco” cama home from of eaóh zyear, he is to get What' liis fa 'Water falling day by day. remarks stated the objeet of the. meet- voice-{jludflcning our home aud hearts, school prcsenily ;jk lienrty, good-natnrod ther terms “learning enough for a farm- Wears file hardest rock away. iug and tboyrxlcr , to be . observed. . .. The ¡ for Ije is gone- bul let us live, that we. locking boy of eleven or twelve, whist * er. ” Frani-April4o November he must And so repeatingTiindness wilt soften audieucc then repaired to the new.foun- meet him in the ‘’realms of light,” far, Main Street, DALLAS. ling ‘ Kingdom Coming”' with all his j work on thè farm,-r where >rorb is the a heart of stone. - • : datioil, -.proceeded by Superintendent, - far beyond the sun-lit sky of Hoaven. snare bieatli. He stopped suddenly as albprovailiug motto "Imp early down Whatever you do, do it willingly. A % W. IL Bra.lsl.nW, couduetiug.. the ,M|tt- t !,.. 4l,a i„,:: Whj <lu «tí’l th. i.i> JieTiaw ma, and cn;no forward nwkwnid- to dewy' evé." No-matter ’if lie canriot' boytliilf (s whipped-'to school never J. M. CAMPBELL. ter Btiek Mason» tu-the-euruBB,- fwHujv—*■ Hc-ansv-OT nita tíeni fif>moiír<MiÍW¿fdpv4ul. j ly. enongh to speak to me, for .lie was ! lioe more than a half row while liis fa- learn» liis lessons welt: A man that is , ed by the Master Wwod-nwikmaii, lieai- •axl - nnmuiaangoleáu mu’ |<ail n i nj«ft«^ t, ___♦ _ ___ ____________. , i evidently unaccustomed to meeting tlier hoes a whole one, he must stay in- w ihp e ll e d to work-c a r e» no t h ow b adl y Vig U»lilet;di?T H.x colita uTi ilg the de- i "» »»■ »n.i, l»>u.H Ibon. tlw nn i nt, Unfortunately,, liis foot the-fie.ld and keep digging along. No Doors and Sash always on Hand, ' i, . t n »• . t .i Straight way re’ieved ihein from life’s wean- company. it* is performed. _2___ posits. Fue 1 rosurent read a list of thei 1 came in contact with liis older sister'» matter how nittch liis limbs ache and he A cliccrful spirit gets on qnick, articles deposited and by whom tlepos-^.. . J - —AXÎ> drees, soiling tt_slightly. • - loti gs for a hm- free rest-ion, Ire must „■ A -aiftitWer hi tlie nrnd wilt stick. ’ ‘ : • n6Ffrwr^.tbiy are within ftie door V. ited. The box «vos then pifteed-by the Tlait ahiiti out Lutband every .hurtful tiling. "Y’dit cliimify thing!” was th^ itnpn- IiArscwfe, and by "steady toil in^Jiis.. .|__J2v'il thongiits are worse enemies than Made to Order!! Muster WooìF'wòr^uiuu iu the vault, b WUh iLugtilsbright, and loved unca goto before’ tient jrxelaipntipn, “von—ought youthful days, learn to ba industrious." ! Lions and’tigers; for we can keep out of. and the Master.Masun sealed it, <h>riug J li^tltor L'cdet 1’iK'i / presence evermore; - 4j - l i Cp t i n. u, c a g e.’.’—---- ----- ,--------------- -.- — * '—Gur-friend, wlioiji we will name John, tjiuway of wild beasts, but bad thoughts Aii'l God himqelT. tjieir LortE their Judge and ‘ . which time music by tho band. The BLINDS MADE TO ORDER!! I looked, from tli?. eriiiisoirface of the is not lazy; bitt as he advances in years, win their way -everywhere. Tho cup King. ” „ , •» • •• assoni Idy tlieti returned to the chapel, _Ui.- S it ¡. i « r M ai - y . ‘‘nuisance,” and tried to foney how. he looks idianLliini Mid sees mechanics ■ I that js full will hold no more; keep lud listened to tui eddresv appropriati sweetly llutf-sister wouhl have assured ! getting larger ’wages -for ten liours’lu- ! yohr head and hearW full of good 8 ASZBI lo thè occlusoti by I’rof. L. -L. ili.wlatid ' an otder gontleuian tlmt it Was • of no bor than ho could get on a farm for’toil- thoughts, that bad thoughts- may find of Saletui" —— I: > f With or Without Light«, to «uit Customers. consequence at all, and was entirelyJier irg "from sun to sun.” Can we say he no room to enter. --- -ALSO---— Of the merits of the nyldjcss--we wili own fault for taking up so much rffoin. | is-delude ], when, hawing arrived at the . He on your gnuril, anil strive, and pray, EVERY SIZE WINDOW-GLASS FOR BALE. Onoof the-mpst desiraWW things iu i fiot-now spenk, ns. it will appetir in the In an (¿rui-cliair, one. of the younger age of twenty-on», he says: “ I tbink.I ____ UH tf To drive all wicked thoughts away. >ci< fy i ■. g.w,d natur«. .-In fa'-t, gooil MHSsKNtmtt fh full. Tlie style of deliv ... sisters was cuileit up^. exaaiwirBg with- have li ad a snflteiency of farming. I’ll WEATHERFORD A CO., lintm .., .j. ineT' I’EpAox.tL.-YVe'are sorry this week to à •••■ ery was lilie, the manner, good. The breeding is pi u p u r l a I great interest-aetiew magazine. Ap ex- hang up my hoe for a wjjilo and see if fully displayed/ .A di-ting/islie.l wri take leave of ffur .friend Prof. J. whole, concluded, witl> Bund music and elamatiltn'wf delight brought her broth I can’t find homethin^ more interesting C. C'ampljeJI, The,. P/pi., was. our The benediction by the I’rl-sidiiil. ’ ter has said that whatever we do, we er to her side, aud he was soon absorbed than*thi- weary, pftdding'lifel,” ■ )HUGGISTS friend, and was always , the friend Prèsi lit iu lift- audienr e were many of should keep up the chcerfulness.of our I in the engravings, looking over her Our irietjd has soon lint little beauty of'thc people. He takes with him our the original projectors of Christian spirits and never let them sink below an i shoulder. ■■ „ ■ ’ j 7 "Wait just a -econd,” he begged, as in farming. Ho Las never had .but one warmest wishes, atidn grnteftil remem- College, amongst whom were J. E. inclination to be pleased. DE.VLE1M IN FOBEJfiN AMD DOMESTIC l piece of ground to plant, nnd that was brauco on the part of the citizens of Another thing to which we. sliould< Murphy. n L llurnett, S. ('. A.'ym-- slio was turning a page. i a rough, tough piece of pasturage, on Hopkinsville,.of his services as a teach ;l,:l ‘tp.,,-...1,., ! ; : -I-i-.-?.!. ;ltt-. nti..:,* i« -.nt. el ! “Oh, j'vm always want to see same- . which’ aAsheep would starve to death. er, and his social qualities a» an agreo- aud labored for yiar.s to'accomplish earirage,By<thatImeangeneralgrace-,” said tho lister fretfully. - “T His father lias always taught him able geuUsman Neu* hEri, Wbptttu- tliis Dolile enterprise. Hr. Z. Davis, fulness of behavior: An awkward per- hate to have any ouo look ov/*r n* a industrious, to riraL early in the mora- pai N ts , oha , i rille, Ay. ' • chairman of the comaitti that located h”n ■s ulways more oaessMuagrecubb-, l sh<*lilder.’ —■ fi ing; “tor ’tis the early bird that catches vab N ishes , “t’bre^Gijfi P<7Ili ■go^al Monmouth, ww w Gle a graceful person is always more So it was, from morning until night, the wokmV’anil if lie succeed in life, The destruction- of property during present enjoying the tardy fruits, of on less pleasing. We-stwnld be atten- , There was not a place in that house, so . BBUSHE8, he mttst make long days in the fieN; the recent reign’of terror in Paris was e'arnest laboTs-and enxlons holies for, tire tb the ieguiffs of social life, and by far as I could see, »here the bov was even greater thfefthan was reported. COLORI, cuustuut practice leurn an the require wanted, or a pel-soil who wanted him: He Iills hev'er taught Tiimfo observe and nianv yonrs’ -AND- The.lutçst advices foot up 1,512,000,0Ç0 ments of good society. “Awkwardness and I wondered if the iletir, dead mother study tho beauties of nature-, and listen I to her voices; lie has never tangh frances, or nearly 8300 000 000. CmcfiT llii'iNi- - The Methodists ! ’ can proceed bntfrom two causes: either "W iu cLo*w O1£L00 knew how it was, and whether it would J -i-Irtrn to study the works-of his Creator, continue to have some trouble about from not having kept good company,’ or make hei‘ heart nclie,- even iu licavi n,; Tiro reorgauizatioxl of the French^ army is and by that sjaidy'to see unwritten, but [ completed, The effective three hun keeping their eircuit-riders in. harness, from not having attended- to it.’,’ At to see it. If tlie sisters walked, or rode and about getting• tln-ir harness fitted tention lo the ^banners and customs of or sang, or plnyml corqnet, no one ever instructive’ volumes, ' Oh not and as dred and twepty thousand men. . This is a good j qxhi bit for 'thT^ »ung rupuWtÔ" tO ~be^ ubhr^to PERFUMERY, TOILS! GOODS, to some of their .ambitious colts. Wit refilled people, will “materially aid in i said,“Come, Johny,” And I really .for reading, John finds very little timo i nucke, From the debrwof the shattered force» »for that. Tire old gentleman says “ there ness tlie following lock-handed stroke forming good habits-oLourtown., — AXD — ! supliose they thought lie did not care i oflhê emi’iro, republican Franco has collected You may oftentimes know a well bred ; for their laughing, nnd tensing, nnd j isn’t much time for it on a farm, and I tlïe fragment» and moulded them into a force of at some of these unruly ones, which we Pure Wines and Liquors, .»-■lip from the Ch> istl<tn Ail'O- person by their manner ofsitting; easy, I snubbing, pist because he was a bov, fnrjucfs dout need much book Turnen. no mean power. EOK MF.DUTMAL PCBPORKR. graceful attitudes are’always ’adopted I and was too brave to show that he enred- These book-farmers git ijwfqlly sucked ir’t-: •* , ’» »'V NEW THIS WEEK, "H i ■ a’ ln’t g > ther?,” (ltd you say? by one who has lieen used to good com j I found out another thing, too, nnd 1 iu." I Thus our fi-ictid John is taught to see “No, he will not; he will locate first.’ pany. • \ VT E respectfully invito tl>e attention of »11 that was that the '‘nuisance” was very I " v sho arc in want of inch article» a. are Who is it? What is the matter? No ... Urick for Sale I Awkwardness of speech should be I convenient when the pony was to lie I I cnly a dull routine in a furmers life. kept in well regulated drag e«tal>li»hn>enta. onq hurt, is there? "Well, no, not paitie-ularly guarded . against. “To harnessed, the pitcher to be filled with | ( We are not disposed to derogate regu Onr good» are from Unit hand», and are offered I have now ready for, use and for »ole, at for sale at I.OWEBT HATES. yet; but that young man will be hurt if »¡leak of»Mr. Whnt-d’-ye-call-Jiim,*i'ou- .tool water, a big bundle to be carried ■ larity, perseveiauee, and industry in Monmouth, a choice lot of brick. Apply to DAN. WILLIAMS. Phyalclana’Prcarrlptlnn» m <-<- wrnlely rom- he is soDt to a circuit. He is now in know-who, or Mrs. Thingnm, is exceed down town, or a disagreeable errand to ; the‘education of boys; but these should ponndrd of Par. Drug». his third year in tli6 Conference; he ingly ill bred.” Tho voice should be be done; yet I never heatd any one say, be seasonal with a little of boy’» com- New Harness and Saddle. Shop. traveled one circuit, and learned all modulutcd to a low nnd pleasant tone, WEATHERFORD 4 CO., i "Thank yon, Johnny; it was kind in I mon sefiftp. Human nature cannot be Front »treet, Portland, i Commercial at, Salem. Monmouth, .................... „ -. . .... Oregon. about circuit preaching before ue was and all conversation should bo distini't. ■ yon to tako the tronblo.” entirely wot aside Jn the culture of fel>4:nol7 stationed, and now that he has been two ' youth, without sèriòns detrim«jit to who through the world desires to pass with H. J BUTLER, No doubt lie would iravo started if years a stationed preacher, he will not FRANK A. COOK, * they bad said sg, L’>t I tliiuk lie would ‘ | them; and tho idea, that growing boys inform tlur Pitl.lw- that he is ready do slauil it to’ be sent out on a. circuit. It .Uu -t ieni'ii 4Ji<- liseful art, the world to please." have liked it, and I think it would have 1 should be taught to labor from sun rise all VCill kin In* of wua-k Inlih fine. baddies, Harness, Ill regard to this, we must be gov will ruin him. IE giaduoL d ui college, to snn-dowp, in the 4ong daya in sum- Ac , made and repaired with ueatnesa and di»-, helped him to be polite, himself. patch. A good asxortmoni constantly on hand. and vv— tv Exiv says he is premising; erned by good sense and observation, AND , "Why didn’t yon thank tlmt boy for , I mer, that they may learn industry, is an The work la superintended by an experienced as the art of pleasing is a very difficult ’he dresses well, and neexls lotter accom workman. 4®yl j absurdity. They slionld bo taught to bringing your hut?”. I asked of a I Blank Book Manufacturer, modations than he can get no a circuit, one to acquire. Banish nil egotism, as SALEM, ORBÜON. pleasant little girl. . ■ ■ cultivate the heart and mimi more; to there is nothing offeu»ive to pell bred if he is not acconimodated, the church “Why,” she« exclaimed, “that’s onr ! read agricultural works, and loarn im- aving ektabi . ihhed a first clash wifi suffer; for he will lie sure to join jrcople. Ruokbindery in Salem, is now prepared Quarters! I Toiu .1’ as if that were reason enough i 1 proved ways, and as they become inter- TXcctcl ‘‘Civil l>e. in look» and action«, too, to do all manner of work known to the trade. the »alians or Uongregational- ! c»ted in some new idea of raising a par- for not living' polite to him. -Di every tiling you »ay and every tbuigyou do.*’ Main'Stroet, opposite the Court .Houao, ists. ” Strong appeal, that, but Magpllnea, Newspapers and Missle, 1 ticular^jrop,why not let them experiment Beware of saying disagreeable tlii/ig« “I wish I had a sister," said a boy to DALLAS,..................... OB.EOON, w hat is to bo iloni?” Con tho ohnruh and satisfy their minds of its goodness Round in every style. in companyand avoid contradictions i his companion, in my hearing. "Ifa survive? V^e have not heard ilic result. NEW STORE ! I NEW GOODS ! I I or-worthlessness ? There is no teacher | must be so nice to have sisters of your OLD BOOKS RE BOUND. ■• . .. «> and discussions.of all kinds. — Sfuiiil"nl. I like experience. If boys are interested It has been significantly remarked,’ I own.” ni.ANK BOOKS, of every doaertption, with or without printed heading«, manufactured to Prof. L. L. Rogers, of the Willam that “no one can please in company,' "That’» because yon don’t know,” in poultry, why let them commence bus order. ette University, haw written a letter to however graceful his air, unless he be said-his companion. “I tell you t!iey iness for themselves, “with a small I am now prepared to offer a large assortment stock in trad«?, ’ Why not encourage BLANK«, pf every kind, ruled audprinted to the r. J'/rao/e, in which he ac- i clean and neat in liis person.” This ap I plague a fellow the worst way, and the of choice order. nr.'irts tke challenge extended by Mr. plies to all ages and conditions in life. bother of it is, you liavo to take it, . the young mon who are to be among the GH0CERIE3, HFPBlfK« HKAHON.ILB.^J] Underwood, the noted “Free Thought” Nbutne«» is very nearly related to clean because you know you daren't liek’ein.” future guardians of our land, to seek Gray’«, Hnililing, Second «lory. PROVISIONS, an interest iu what is going about them, lecturer, of Boston to discuss the lead- ness; aud here we may speak in a gen These btofhcrB of yours will not al ihg' questions at issue between Chris eral jjay in regard to dress. Singular- ways say wberi you hurt them liy un and learn by their own practical expe CANNED FBUIT8, STITZEL tians and Infidels, talent Staluxnuih. ity'in dress should be avoided, as well kind, careless words, but they feel it all rience and observation, not only farm QUEEN'ITWABE, GENERAL AGENTS AND ! S3 following after tho “very latest" the same, and it hurts in another way, ing, bnt-iheir relations to God and com Beecher compares a text to a gate fashion. A sensible medium should al by gradually chilling their love for mon duties as citizens of our great 1 aid GLASS WARE. Instate Broker« opening into tlio 'Lord's garden; .anil WOODEN and , ’ ’ • ways be adopted. Something in which you, and making them hard-hearted republic! kaysthat many ministers, instead of un-, ronTLANDT-rr*-»-» OREGON. ' It seems wrong that the nolilo calling comfort, durability and good taste are and careless of tills eomfort of others. I . WILLOW WARE, * latching the gate aud lending their hear of farming, which ottr Creator made, I tell yon, girls, yon cannot afford to” B ranch Omen, - - A uunt , O bkki », ' combined. - ’ ’ NAILS, AXES, ers in to pluck’the fruits and flowers, paramount in importance, and which, if 1 J. C. MKNUKNIIAI.L, A(n>», press is hot the matter of indifference lose your brothers in this way. You ’ ’ content themselves by getting upon it need them, and they need you.’ Ma rightly engaged in, is full of interest «EIVE3, in , Ac^ which so many pretend; in company —.VN-OFFICE WHERE GENERAL INFOR; and swinging to and fro.* and most enjoyable, should be left un Tobnceo, -Cigars Pipes and Tobacde. g * nution eonesraing the raMiuroee Of Oreg.oi with well and suitable dressed jierson, ny a boy has gone into boll company, supported by farmers ’ sons. When can lie OMTAl.VKP FRIIE OF CHAM1B. A shoe in which the princess royal bad yon will-fully realize the truth ,of nty and yielded to evil, degrading influ I/MU1» nogntiulilibn first mortgage, real eetate Stationery, Toy« end Yaakeo Notion« ences, simply because there are no farmers shall realize that it is their du .lieen chrirtoned was specjitljy «cut all assertion. and oollatur»! xeenrity. ty to give their sons a'* liberal education Have (or »»Iwa fai-ge «mount of property, lo stronger,. purer influences at, homo to the way from Ijerliu to bp throwii'allhe KINDS OF ¿TANDY. cated tti the town« Si Albany, Brownaville »nd No les» than two hundred and twenty- at schools and on the farm, that shall draw hirii away from it. «sewly wedded pair, tlie PrineoM Louise OurraBte. ‘ " four life ensuratice companies have been I 1 dovign to keep only the CHOICEST and Also, till,000 «ere» of farniing lend» of every Make your brothers your compan ‘ make them thinking, intelligent beings, BEST artieloa, aim oeli tliein at a Small Profit end the Marques of LorH^T A *' description,Tn Liitn, Denton end FBlk Conn tig»'. wound jip in Great Britain within the V ’— — IvAv’ ' ions and friends, «nd-nevef be nfraid or having not only the duties-of manual For Cash. 1’orson« deeirinff ri *11 tlioir property incur years. This is twice us The typical disease of tlirO^ nutiolrs ; . List twenty-six "V j ' no e<|ien»e in placing it in our fund» |>>r ««IB. to Show ybnr love'for timm— Little Cur- and menial lalmr, but of social, mental Produce taken in (¡x<;baiig<rfur Gixxla. unlena a «ale is made. (Wil at Onr olHco, in Par. have thus been classirted /ln Frnlii-e dis- ■ in»»/ » nowexi»t there, }fjral. i " and spiritual culture, wo shall hope to riah’ brick, where wo liu« a team in readigeM I - F’ - * r'»t . * I I see generations of better farmers and MT MOTTO — “Quick 3alos and Small Prafita.’’ to convey parties to view our land«. eakfe nttntks this heart; in America, the j Eleven white girls married colored'men in I I * Tl.e rfumfor of vtwln* chat wenttlijouL'li J. C. MENDENHALL, Agenft • 11 l.'-t ir. ' . . %. . ¿uez C.ui .d iu 1S70 w-*e 401. Lj-.un; in Eugland. He toes. \ | l; onr country’a glory more secure. 2 tf G. B. STILE« Ho3» , ‘ AU>any. Oregon. H ome , August 30th, 1871. T. F. C rariiet.i: , Dear S«-.- It is n>y painful duty to uiinotinee to you, the death of Bro.ther I.AYING TIIK (üllYKlt «il’O.IE George: which you nuty publish in the Tuesday was grade .tucnrorablo iu M bsbexgeu , if you please. ’ — - ' Monmouth by the ceremony of laving ’ Mauv IT biwell . the corner »tone ,of the new eÿllegô Fell asleep in Jesus at his home iu building’, witnessed by st" lUrgo assetu- Yam HilLiiounty, Oregon. Augiwt 28th, bly of citizç4>». I riends of, the, P>dlegell87i, George Wl 'Bidwell, aged twenty' ^OFFICIAL I’U'EH FOR fUfl.K I</l NT) . M onmouth : * S a rvt?i?ÁV. WferrtMiikn 9. 1871. H ! Door & Sash Factory. Drugs, Chemicals,, BOOKBINDER ( u. STI UI<S' H I & UPTON, I ieal ?