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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1904)
4, -; . .J Polk County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AJiD PUBLISHER. PublUhed Weekly at $1.50 per Yeat. Strictly in Advance. DALLAS, OKEGOX, APBIL 22, 1M. Tht -way to build up Dallas is to pat renin Dallas people. Republican 5tate Ticket. Supreme Judge, F. A. MOOEE. Dairy and Food Commissioner, J. W. BAILEY. First Congressional District. Congressman, BIXGER HEEMAXX. Third Judicial District. Circuit Judges, GEORGE H. BUEXETT. B. L. EDDY. District Attorney, JOHN H. McXAEY. Twelfth Representative District. Joiut Representative, J. S. COOPER. Republican County Ticket. State Senator, U. S. LOUGH ARY. representative, D. L. KEYT. County Judge, ED. F CO AD. Commissioner, WILLIAM EIDDELL. County Clerk, E. M. SMITH. Sheriff, M. SCRAFFOED. Assessor, C. S. GRAVES. School Superintendent, C. L. STARR. Treasurer, J. T. EEEZLEY. Surveyor, J. P. VAXOESDEL. Coroter, R. L. CHAPMAX. It is gratifying to find that a large number of men in every pre cinct in Polk county who were identified with the majority in the recent Republican county conven tion do notendorse the higb-handed, rule-of-ruin policy pursued by the majority leaders. As the excite ment of the contest dies away and an opportunity is given for mature reflection, the shameful treatment of the minority grows more and more apparent, and many of the delegates do not hesitate to express their regrets fur not aiding the minority in securing respectful hearing and decent treatment at least. The fact is now appreciated that the forty or more delegates comprising the minority in the convention were men who had made a fair and Lonorab.e fight for what they believed was Inst for the party and should have been treated as brother Republicans who were asking only for that to which they considered themselves entitled, instead of being subjected to insult and humiliation and denied any recognition whatever in the make-up of committees or in naming the ticket to be voted for in June. The dirty . work of the convention is just now beginning to stand forth in all Us Us.'!y naked ness, and, judging from the resuhs that have been achieved to date, the work of the new leadership is nut destined to prove sucit-ssful to any astonishing degree. The Re publican party believtsin majority rule, bu.t not in the kind of major ity rule that permits the minority to be bullied and brow-beaten and treated as a band of criminals. Men who honor and revere the names of Abraham Lincoln and James Ci. Blaine and Wiiliam McKinley are men who love justice and fair play, and some of these newly- hatched leaders w ill soon find it out. "Whereas, we have watched the course of Hon. John II. Mitchell and Hon C. W. Fulton in their efforts to develop the material interest of the State of Oregon, and Spring Medicine There is no oth r ten son when good medicine ia so much needed as in tle Spring. The blood is impure, weak and impoverished a condition indicated by pimples and other erupllo:; on tLe face and tody, by deficient vitality, los of appetite, lack of strvrgta, i:id want of aiiiu.itlou. Hood's SarsGparilla and Pills Hake the blood rure, Tigoroa and r'.ch, create appetite, gie vitality, strength and aslniaitoti, and cure all eruptions, nve tie whole f-i-dly be'ia to t-iie t'.oui tcday. Ksi"i Sarsa;ar;!'.a tiji --r ueJ In oar fair.iiy f-r v...i-e ti:: sd aiw- irjod refuit. List srri r I wi a.! r-;i loa ar.a , A a b-jtfe of 1 a-iJ ai usual received treat beneCu" 1I:5S F.rvLaa EOTCK, Slowe. Vt. Hood Sarsaparilla promises to i cur &nd keeps trv. promt. Kh'3 CAlOiOT BE CuRED. So oniforn.!-.- w:ottful has Pr rierce'a Favorite P.- cc-iuiim r ;.-ri :rs a : i cr I" i ..w? ,;:.rt7,; r; the worst cj.v- of txk dire v. -c. cai'b for'ar.'f case of tbe r diseases whica j cannot cure. , rriT!irn v.av is alone, as he er:e asd ' ocly reincdr fr t!:ct distress com- j moa forn-s of s'riintfS. of ! positiTeiT dtc:i;c curauve prop nit as to j warrant ;t ct-iers tn and ; ttioUiur tfcer.:e;re ts forft:'- the nndcrfipnc J r..' oi , icsedv hcrAy ; r;?' ;'' ,';:T:' Jr" in leyal mfo7 ot tne I r.-.'.cc :- :- :n s:y , esse ot" tiie above diwafe- tn 'i.i.M J-::tr fiir and reaonsi-ie tnil ot" ccr .rf. .sent, ; we fail to cr.rt. Xo otter mer: .or ' the cure of wataan' txcuHir a:.:t: . i backed by sach a reicarkable g-.;..rai:tee ; BO other tne ik-;-je for tfomin'i iKs ' po wwl ni f-.- urr-ani t'ci carit.- e Trcp- ertic that w"t:'.'i 7!.Tnrit its ntar.ufictr.rcrs in oakittf rch an crTer : ro other rer;. cy ba. i'.:ch a record o; rrrea oa wh:ch to bajt anch a reiTka!c oS.-f. Therefore, instst ra baring Dr. P:erce's Favorite Prt -r:-.--:...-. and tuns your back CB anv vncz:r . st dealer w.v-. inaolt your iaie::r; nee by atic-trj.tirg to foist upon tog seme inferior aa'.i.cte, under the p-. t'.-it 'it is ju-t as C-d. Insist on hivir.? the an cle which fca a record of a third f a ctr.tury f c-.:r-.s and which is backed l.r those wn.;i to torteit $jco if t"ier car.i.o: cure rr-a. Incase ct'.nded by.; kuc-'hesi drain a ol3ti..n .f Dr r? s Lo'.ii-a Tiv.'.et hoc!d be t- - s.:.;,-:r:.y w.. tr. the "Favo:i r:M.T.rt.c.i. Tr.rT by a!I orr! . r -accr-s. ni: ; t i'f ' c' S-nd ?! cvtj-.s Kanip i aMa-rL i i Common Sen. JS-.-lio'. A3jnser. ACwitsa W'-Rin's I;s?5 iAkv. uujio. X. Y. vrik and sv-k nomer, are invited to cora! Ir. I'tercc. by Utter ire. ccr- - 5' ft'u; ri-. A . ' -.-" -V; :" N V Dr. li.:c 4 l iUu curs; t,u:v--:: A:i .".:e whereas we have vit-wtd with satis faction the able manner in which ; v, ihfSB memkri of the L'nittdlk (States Senate ate representing the 1 state of Oregon and the Northwest, ; now, therefore, be it resiilveJ. etc.; I etc." Just a earn pie of Republican j i resolutions as we read them in curly. txchang-s from all parts of the's, itatt except from Polk county, wKptp John H. Mitchell's natce S was not mentioned. That Mr. Frank C. Raker, V his absence on a sick bed, wjs selected as chairman of the Repub lican State Central Comajitlee is not only a tribute to his qualifica tions and efficiency, but an unusual testimonial of confidence on the part of the committee members. Mr. Baker's political taler.ts and wide acquaintance fit him admira bly for a position of this kind, and we predict Lr him the successful discharge of his important duties. Oregonian. The Democratic state convention nominated Thomas O Day, of Port land, for Supreme Judge; R. M. Veatcb, of Cottage Grove, f jT Con gressman; S. M. Douglas, of Lane county, for Dairy and Fx-d Com-mis.-ioner; A. B. Clark, of Elk City, for Juint Representative from loi and Liccoin counties; R. I'. Boi-e and William Galloway for Circuit Judges, and J. J. Whitney for Dis trict Attorney. Not a man in the whole bunch stand; a ghost ot a chance of being elected. The number of voters who have registered in Pcik county to date is 1740. Two years ago the tola! registration was '2036. 1 he looks will close "ihis year on Saturday, Mav 14. at 5 o'clock in the afti-r- nooti Only three w hich to register, so you' hurry. remain in 1; have to TWO NEW SEWERS Contracts for Construction Will Be Awarded Monday, May 9. The construction of sewers on Mill and Court streets w ill begin as so-"-n as contracts for the work are awarded. The city council met Monday night and decided by a unanimous vote to proceed with the improvement at once, aud it is the intention of the board to have the work completed by August 1. The cctioe to contractors apf-:ars iels-where in this paper. The c-.uncil rx-m was well Hue. i Monday evening w ith property owners ;ho are interested in the propz-setl s-wc-rs, tut no objr-cti- n was made to the improvement, the price: pal obj-ot ! of the visitors being to gain informa jtionastothe character and expense j of the work proposed to be tlone. The ! plans and estimates of cost were ex-; hitited, and members of the board, took pains to supply all the icforma- tion desired. While plans for a sewerage system ; for the entire city have Deen prepared, : no attempt will t-e made this year to sewer any but the business and resi . dence district between Cotsrt and Mill ', streets. The courscil has no desire to extend the sewers to the residence por tion of the town until the improve--j ment is Hske-I for by a riajority of ! prc'jf-rty owners on any street. The ! objevt of the present board is to get the ; improvement started, and it i-believed that when it is once ucd-r way the 'people will realize the benefits of sewerage arid never rest cvi.tetit until jthesvsU m is exteLded to all parts of town. Sukide la Kings Valley. P.. M. MvConnell, who Las l.een liv- ',iux in King Valley f,..r the past !tw.-lve years was found deal in his r ra Wednesday afvrncoa al-ut one jo'eb- k, with the back of hi head ibl.'wn off. the w'in Usl bir.g a -h- t-in. Mr. M-Xvutiell as t-ui y. ars of a--, at.d a fvrtner re-id' i-t f AI: a-:y. had b- rs in r r I.- alth f..r Mirf time and th? ra-h act was sn'tiitl v.ii.n in a f.t uf i s-n- d,-rcy.-Con-aili- G.n--tv. I Modol Dyspepsia Cupo Digeats what you eat. Have You Registered. j Until the books are closed in May, ; the Observer will print the total num-; i ber of voters registered in tne several precincts each week. In the following i - ... i t-Juic, ui-v . her of the precinct : the second column ' the name or tne precinct; me imm; the name or the precinct: tne intra i column, the total number of voters ) registered in 1902, and the fourth column, tne number Of voters have registered to date. who! No. Precinct 1902 Douglas 125... Jackson 107... Sal: Lake TO.. Spring Valley 73... D.ila 1-- F.ickreall 11 - SDUth lDdef-ecdence..l37. . . South 3Ion mouth 115... Buena Vista S3... Suver 41... Luckiamute 176. . . Bridgeport 73... East" Dallas 203... McCoy 3... South Dallas 155... Xortu Independence. 2C'6. . . Xonh Dallas 154.- Rock Creek 23 . Xonh Monmouth 102 .. Falls Cirv 139.. 1904 1 2 3 i 5 6 t 8 ..40 . .GO . .75 .106 ..HO i 9 !10 j 11 j j., 13 ; jl J ; 14 i jg ! j IS ; j j21 ! .145 .53 .164 . .cs .152 .163 .113 64 . .16 Total 2336 .1740 , lne annual u-mrrance meeting oi the M. E. Church of Dallas wi:i t April 24. under the direciion te:nperance committee. Good asd aidresses along the local line. All are invited. of the music option ! : j O 11. COBB " ? 0. H. COBB & SON MAsrrACirEEEs .xd eepaleees or Olagcns, Carriages, Wim$ aai farm macftinery Rcrse Shccina and PIcw? Ulcrk a Specialty. We have oue of the bst Shoers in the State. Xew and second-hand rigs to sell or trade. S s. Phone Farm 329. CLOSING OUT SALE Of Implements. Note the Following Prices: One ?S5 Bee line Top Buggy One -0 Bee line Top Buggy , One $00 Bee line Top Buggy One 3 Regular Mitchell Wagon ... One Champion Binder fr.'o.uu One Champion Rake 22.GO J. I. Case plow, cultivators, harrows, etc., all wholesale prices. GUY BROS. ;l 'i ; " .ff-fifci.a ft . . 3 m ine cliffe ! i y s 4Cfi Ml J " FOR WOMEN The peer of any shoes at $2.oO The Anchor Brand Shoes FOR MEN AND BOYS Honest and solid throughout Try a pair. !?!!aaBaMaiaMaMWMMMMWW S. C. Dodson & Co. DALLAS, OREGON. BRIGHT'S DISEASE. or pw . Uon Ur , hJkudl jn San Kflln. I ciseo, August 30. cj Acs, 3d. 1901. The transiVr in- j voived in coin and stock $112,503.00 an J j was paid by a party of business men tor a pec) no lor irigoi a insease ana i'ia- ,;,,,,.., incur hi di. Tner commenced the serious inveti- - f tLe SDW,gc Xov. 15. 1900. Xfcer interviewed scores of the cured and tried it out oa its merits by putting over three down cases on th ireatmect and watching thetu. They also cot phy- i sieia!is xo name cbronic, incnrable cases, j j for judges. Up io Aog. 25, eighty-seven ' per cent of the test cases were either well or proiressiiijf favorably. There tieing but thirteen per cent of j i failures, the parties were satisfied cd j closed the transaction. The proceeding : of the investigating mmittee and the j clinical rvports of the test cases were: published and will oe n;ai'ed free on ap plication. Address Johx J. Fcltox Compaxt, 4.i Montgomery St., San Francisco. Cal. Old Rate Restored. J Yesterlay's Oregocian contains the glad news that the Southern Pacific i Company has reduced its lumber rate j fTOTU f 5 to the old figure of $3.10 per ton from points in . Oregon to coast points in California, inis means a ilf th? icdustrv in "Western One, and that the mills will all be i runninc on full time again in the near future. F. Helgerson and moved to Falls City. familv have i North Dallas, Oregon We are goingtomove and will have no room to carry these goods. They comprise the Mitchell-Lewis -Stav-er line, and are all first-class. ..-?o4.50 .161.00 ...t4?.00 . .$65.50 at Dallas, Oregon iioes 5 ecirpij ' Frederick Levin CUSTOM SHOEHAKER All Kinds of Leather and Rubber Goods repaired sub stantially and at reasonable rates. i . . m inti ni , n if t j ff6St 01 ff ilSQQ BIOCK, liaiiaS. UrB. BU J, BI DEALER IN LADIES and CH,LDRENS FURNISH- j liSCj j ) The lareest and best stock ol j Materiak for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon A. It. ISEStnVA niALKE is LIVESTOCK Buys and ships Hogs, Matton and Stock Sheep. Highest market price paid at a!, times. Iddress, k. r. d. so. 1, DALLAS, OREGON PAGE STANDARD WOVE Wire Fence J! Double-Strength, High Carlton Spring Steel Wire. I furnish the tools and help put up the fence without extra charge. 10-Bar, 40-inch Fence, 40 cents per rod. NO OTHER FENCE COMPANY WILL DO THIS. Call or Write To Me for Catalogue and Prices. U. S. Grant, Agent, Dallas, Oregon Weak Hearts Ars due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of tntr) one hundred people who have heart troubli can remember when it was simple Indiges tion. It ts a scientific fact that ail cases ol heart disease, cot organic, are not only traceable to. but re the direct result of lnd gtst'on. All food taken Into the stomach which fails of perfect digestion ferments and swells the stomach, puffing it up against the heart. This Interferes with the action oi the heart, and in ths course of time thai delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D.Kaable.o NeTd. 0.,iy: lhdctncs troub' --id was In a tad uta u i hid heart troubi with It, I took KodDi Dyspepsia Curt for about fata tDootbs and it cured ma. Kodol Digests What Yon Eat and relieves the stomach of all nervous strain and the heart of all pressure. BottiM on!r. S 1 .00 Sirs hold!.- 2M timet th trial toe, which seiis fear 50c srpard by C O. D.WITT CO., CHI0AO& KELT & CHEKRINGTON Pays for the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Observer mast be paid up to date. Xow is the time to Fnhse.rihe. Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co. TIME-TABLE, Effective April 1. Didiy except Sunday, Wet-Bonrid: Lv. DALLAS Tests' Siding lUHiams A. M. ..T:30 . ..7:49 P. M. 1:20 1:36 1:39 1:45 l:oo P. M. 4:35 4:45 4:51 4:54 5:10 Bridgeport .- 7:a3 Ar. FALLS CITY S:05 East-Bound: A. M. Lr. FALLS CITY 9: Briieeport 9:30 Gituams 9:36 Teata" Siding 9:39 Ar. DALLAS 9:55 Trains S:op on Signal only. L. GEKLIXGER, Jr.. General Manager. ! folding Sawing ; THE ONE MAN SAW. i j i ! ! Runs Easy no back-ache j folds up like a pocket knife,! j and is easily carried. j ! SAWS DOWN TREES. ! i Evervone who has wood to 1 saw should have one. j : j WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICE8. i M. D. TEATS AGENT, DALLAS, OR.' ft -1 1 1 r-. - r t hss stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales 1 1 bottles. Does this record of merit jeal to you ? II aadosefl wtn rvry ELLIS & KEYT TITE have closed one of the most satisfactory month's business it lias ever been our pleasure to ex perience. - We have not made a cent, but we have sent more happy people out of our store than ever went out in Oregon during the same length of time, and the nice part of it is, they are all coming back again. ' Now for Business in Earnest Our Spring stock is beginning to arrive, and we will show the finest Spring Stock of Goods that will be seen in Oregon this year outside of Portland. The whole business comes from Missouri instead of New York this year. We bought our goods in Missouri better goods, more stitches to the inch, and longer vards. We will have them all in during the month. ELLIS Phone 246. h J. 0. Vaa Orsdel Notary Public J. G. VanOrsdel & Son DEALERS r.N :p farms, Stock Ranches, timber Eands and City Property ; 3 We offer a great bargain in a 200-acre farm, lj miles from Dallas; good improvements; fine land. ; j Price $8000. This is a first-class farm. t ROOM I, (upstairs) Wilson Building, Dallas, Ore. !2c r AQNER CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Single Shovel Plow?, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Peg Tooth Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible with Extension Head. ::::::::::::: All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to cultivate a hopyard or orchard. COR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. CENTRAL MARKET Knox & Murrell, Prop'rs. FRESH AND SALT MEATS of All Kinds. Fish, Game and Chickens ICE FOR SALE. Farmers will find it to their advantage to bring us their Poultry and Eggs, as we' pay the highest cash price for same at all times. EAST SIDE OF HAIN STREET Dallas, Oregon. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic cxu tt a i ea tjarb pcas of tovei Yours Trulv, KEYT flain Street John P. Van Orsdtl Surveying. Logging Roads, Dtmi and Flumes a Specialty BROS. DALLAS, OREUOiN. over Ons end a Half lUTIcn No Cere, tlo Psy. 5Cc imcx -ooo uver rx-a.