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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1904)
gill VOL. XVII DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 29, 1904 NO. 7 L bl I w - I W 1 w J J .'I 1 w I it 1 1 H For Fit, Style, Finish and Fabrics ?V I lEe Best G - " 2. w I X I W Hand Tailored JI - K; !K -sNEr I - t'i'j CdI-rrtghtteilTlI,rt3h3nrt Mr If JM - 1 3 Ivwvvv arments Made TRAGEDY AT CORVALLIS will be found at THE HUB CLOTHING COMPANY'S STORE- Such goods can only be found, in exclusive clothing stores. They are perfect in fit and workmanship, combined with taste and exclusiveness of patterns and they are more modest in price than you would expect. We in- viteyour inspection before buying, as it means saving of dollars to you for Men's goods. You will always find the best and the largest selection at a man's store. We are here to stay but we will occupy quarters' temporarily on account of delay of our new room. We will soon make it known where we will be located. But from now until May 1, in order to reduce our stock we will make an extra effort in the prices and you should take ad vant age of this. It means a saving in all Men's and Boy's goods. Also, remember we have a complete line of Men's and Boys Shoes that cannot be excelled for style and quality, and our Hat stock is without a doubt the best selected and largest of any on this side of the river. Our Underwear department is complete and we can safely say we can fit any man from the largest to the smallest. If you have not tried 'this store for Men's goods of all kinds, you certainly have missed something of interest to you. Come in and see us, and remember that from now until May 1st wo offer special inducements. V t w V Two Men Killed and One Injured in An Attempt to Arrest Drunk en Hoodlum. - KM Kt w St G. W. HOLLISTER, Manager. K vt vt Vi Vt vt Dallas, Oregon You Can Get Your Money's Worth If You Buy Your Groceries of Loughary and Company THE VERY BEST of NEW GOODS ARRIVING BY EVERY FREIGHT. Their prices are right and All Goods are Guaranteed 0 Methodist Episcopal Conference at Los Angeles, California. The reign of hoodlumism in Cor vallis culminated in a bloody shoot ing affray about 1 o'clock Sunday morning, in which Chester Keady, the la-year-old sou or George B. Keady, and James Dunn were :killed and Nightwatch D. A. Osburn was probably fatally wounded, while Sheriff Burnett escaped by a hair's oreacttn from meeting a similar fate. Young Keady has been tho acknowl edged leader of a band of hoodlums that have been responsible for a series or outrageous actions in Corvallisand which have aroused the indignation of that community. Bert Turner, who was with Keady when the shootintr occurred, was arrested as an accessory. The trouble began a few minutes be fore midnight, when some one fired a revolver near Broders' saloon. Officer Osburn, then a block away, hurried to the scene and found Keadv. Turner and others discussing the question of wnetnor or not Keadv could wMd Ren Guier. with whom Keady and other boys had trouble some months nn Osburn advised Keady to go home, and did what he could to pacify mat ters. After parleying awhile Keady and his companions passed to the First National Bark corner, where there was njore trouble. Keady passed out into the street. followed by Osburn. Here Keadv displayed his revolver for the first time, and notified Osburn not to approach, Osburn kept advancing, uigmg iveady meanwhile to do nothing rash. After passins thirty yards or more southward on the west sido of the street in these relative Dosi tions, Keady entered a crowd that had collected near Zierolf's store. Dunn tts among tile lot and he mowl rr i . . . . iveauy 10 give up the gun. Avuauy presented the revolver n,nrl holding the crowd at bay, began to oacK on across the street. Dunn n.nrl usburn emeraed from th Pi pl'mvH Tr. . ..... aeuuy Kept backing until almost directly in front of the postolYice and within four feet of the pavement. Bv this time, Osburn, still endeavoring to pacify Keady, and tellinir him to rlo nothing rash, was within tevi feet of .iveaay. "Don't come any further or I'll fire saiu .eaciy.Dut still Osburn advanced. A report of Keady's revolver followed, and usburn staggered into the arms of Dunn. Osburn was at once sup ported to the hotel and surgeons summoned. After presenting his revolver in a threatening manner to John Vineyard, Keady and Turner passed south on Main street and thence after a detour of several blocks came down College street and stood talking on the side walk, just south of James Taylor's residence. Sheriff Burnett meantime had been sent for, Dunn being one of cue nrst to notify him of the occur rence. Chief of Police Lane was also summoned, and half a dozen men began a search. While Keady and Turner stood talk ing Hermann Breyer approached. Keady levelled his revoiver at him and told him not to come nearer than 10 feet. Breyer made protestations of friendship, however, and was allowed to join the group, lit was while Keady was thus occupied that Sheriff Bur nett arrived. He was accompanied by Dunn. As the officers approached. to close with him, and a shot from Keady's revolver entered his abdomen ine weapon was held so close that Dunn's clothing was set on fire Then Sheriff Burnettflred.and Keady and iiunn fell together, Keady with a snot through Ins face. The ball enter eu tne right side, just below and be- GREAT EXHIBIT ASSURED Portland's Exposition Will Represent total Outlay of Five Million Dollars. inrernational scope is assured to the Lewis and Clark Centennial Ex- 1. !.. .1 Jl. i i . I muUlu tc, and passed out position to be held at Portland, Ore through the left cheekbone. In the gon, from June 1st to October 15, 1905, melee Dunn s weapon was discharged bv President Rim,.vit. ' , J . , ww 0 bi'ivtai kji Exposition represent a total outlay of over $5,000,000. Though covering 405 acres average and com 7? ,um" onc!' Dut 0111y was tho act of Congress making an appro tL n h TTL Priati0n for the Exposition, and his Drs Cathey and Farra were sum- invitation to foreign countries to 7 1101,1 oeasiue or usburn a participate. Portland's mc uu-i. A.eaay was still breathing will when they arrived, but there was no lllllWf. HQIIIItr t I.. low,.vlus l"e I,Ual SI10t- compact in form, and the xne unioitunate young man was person will be able to see are among tne prehend it all in a few days at .vuvnu iii uuiumuuiiy, auui moderate great sorrow is felt for them. Both foreign Oil rto r i . . I O : -"u" made at St. Louis this year will bo :oro ties;utu 111 "wvauw and jsenton transferred to Portland at tho close of vuuuv 1U1 ,uy years. The rormer t ho Loniiam. vvnh,, vu: sprvorl do fil,,.(ff H m - ' :oZ : " iy ll"m 1110 LJnitea states exhibit will bo lOM, elal8. moved eutire tQ Portland and installed u .u4UWi iu ue neid over the re- in buildings to be specially erected. Vl ia, tne uteis Demg This exhibit will be limy apparent, and the action of Hn&epenbencc IRotes I cost. The cream of tho and domestic exhibits to he worth $800,000, In addition, Portland will have many ieatures which will not be seen at St. Louis, such as exhibits demonstrating tne ine, customs and industries of China, Japan, Hawaii, Siberia, Aus tralia, Uussia, Alaska, New Zealand, tne Philippines and India. ine Lewis aud Clark Centennial will be the first international exposi tion unaer Government patronage ever held on the Pacific Coast. It will hi 111 nmi.T iifniT n TlT-i. n . . in Messengers from the Grande Ronde Thead 'Jil ' m " ,S Sheriff Buruet not only warranted, but universally admitted to have been the only course possible. COLD BLOODED MURDER Grand Ronde Indian Shot Acting in the Role of Peacemaker. While Indian reservation reached Sheridan from Missouri aud Mississippi Eiver ahnnt Snnnau nn . 1 . i i I v tv j uwu ii- .iwibiua Tlrtnra a T.i n A . J A; .. blooded mnnler nf F,h.r v ,nu .... f . M1."" ,u' "lm wpwouaiiy T . uwnmy iov rates will be in ijuiua ottvaai, ootn Indians. Savage had been drinking with another Indian, whoso name is not known, when a quarrel ensued, during which Savage drew a revolver. Wa ehino interfering to prevent him using it, received a bullet through tho heart for his trouble. Details of the origin of the quarrel are lacking, but Wachino's part was merely concili atory, and Savage's act was entirely uncalled for, The murder took place about mid night Saturday, but was not reported to Dr. Kershaw, the Indian Agent, until Sunday morning. Portland and region. tho effect between Rocky Mountain PHONE NO. 44 LOUGHARY & ELLIS, DALLAS, OREGON. Account above Conference, the Southern Pacific Co. will make reduc ed rates on the certificate plan from main line points in Oregon South of tlfr Pa;se"fr3Vil-PrrAClUlS: Keady stepped off the sidewalk, with tickets to Los Angeles, for which Agent hi WIN Pnllpnr tho hinrhoct nno iuov rotn ,,-w , , . r 'I l want you, Keady," said the f"lttJ.a "PfClal n fr Shel'iff laying his hand on the latter's ocuwuuu ui mis leueipu, uiuy UACuuieti, shoulder oy original purchaser, the Southern Pacific Agent at Los Angeles will sell return ticket at one-third fare. Sale dates from Oregon points will be April 19th to May 7th inclusive, also May 9th, 12th, ICth, 19th, 23rd, 2Cth fine 30th. The last day on which certificates will be honored for return at reduced rate from Los Angeles will be June 5th, 1904. Quick as a flash, so quickly, in fact, j that it is now certain that Keady's re- ; volver was in his hand, Keady fired pointblank at the Sheriff, but missed his mark. Dunn apparently jumped forward $ cms Prmarf Wall Drmot! T V UIVi T? Ui4 a WA Ye have received another large consignment of wall paper direct from the largest factory in the world. We now have without a doubt, one of the largest and best assortments of wall paper to be found in the valley. We bought these papers at the right prices and took advantage of the car freight rates to Portland, which is less than one-half local rates. Thus we say : NOW WE CANNOT AND WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ON OHAOES OF THE SAME DUALITY We also carry a large line of sample-books of latest novelties in papers and house decorations and can get anything you want in these lines. Our stock of paints, varnishes, stains, colors, etc., we have selected with care as to quality, for we believe the best is the cheapest. The New Wall HEATH & CORNES, Paper & Paint Store. Mill street, Dallas, Oregon More Office Room. The business of the Observer has increased to such an extent that more office room has become a necessity. and carpenters will begin the erection of an addition to our present building at once. The new building will oc cupy me vacant lot adjoining our present quarters and will give a large SICK HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY and permanently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back SB cts. and SO cts. Bait Cherrtncton, Dallas. Oregon. You Know What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing that It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tajrte 1ee form. No Cure. No Pay. BOe Eight cents a pound is what a young woman paid for twelve pounds of flesh. She was thin and weak and paid one dollar for a bottle of amount of additional floor space for Scott's Emulsion, and by tat: j regular doses had gain twelve pounds in weight bef r the bottle was finished. Eight cents a pound i- cheap for such valuable ma terial. Some pay more, some less, some get nothing fc. their money. You get you money's worth when you bu Scott's Emulsion. We will send you a little free. maenmery ana omce rooms, liie new ouuuing win oe useu ior omce pur poses, and the present structure will be thrown into one large room to be occupied exclusively by the mechan ical department. Within the next two or three weeks, we will be able to in vite our customers to come and visit us in our enlarged quarters. Mrs. Mona Thompson and baby, of Dallas, arrived here Thursday even ing to pay a short visit to relatives and friends. She will soon leave for St. Louis to attend the exposition. Leb anon Advance. EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST teacher. use ACKer a tngusn .Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fall to give Immediate relief money re funded 25 cts. and 50 eta Belt Cher rinrton. Dallas. Oregon. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl Street, New York 50c and $1.00 ; all druggists. a warrant having been made fo. the arrest of Savage, Sheriff Sitton deputy Hiierills 'red Stewart and Budge Savago, accompanied by deputy Prosecuting Attorney Conner lert at once for tho Grnudo Ronde agency, to make the arrest. As Savage has tho reputation of b.einj bad man, they are prepared for light. Ho is known to havo the revolver with which he committed tho murder still in his possession. Ho is believed to bo in hiding on a ranch a few miles from the agency, though he may havo taken to the mountains close behind the agency.- The country is rough and wild from that point to the coast. Savago served a term in the State Tenitentiary for robbing Ellis Bros.' store at Grand' Ronde. He is one of the bad characters of the agency, and capable of the most cold-blooded criminal acts. Later A dispatch from Sheridan on Tuesday says : Louis Savage, the Indian who shot and killed Foster Wachino Saturday night, came into Grand Ronde reservation today and gave himself up to Agent Dr.Kershaw who turned him over to Sheriff Sitton After a preliminary hearing in Sheri dan before 'Squire Simpson, he was taken to McMinnville county jail for safe keeping. The Indians had threatened to mob him FIRST OF THE SEASON Motor Company Will Run Excursion to Falls City Next Sunday. President Hirschberg, of the Inde pendence and Monmouth Motor Com pany, announces that an excursion train will bo run to Falls City, Sunday morning, May 1. The train wall leave Dallas at 9 o'clock. Returning, tho excursion will leave Falls City at 4 o'clock in tho afternoon. This will give the visitors ample time for lunch at thp noon hour and a pleasant after noon at tlie Falls. Tho fare for the round trip tron Dallas wiil bo 50 cents. The Sunday motor excursions to Falls City last Summer proved very popular, and it is probable that many picnic parties will bo held on tho cool, shady banks of the Luekiamute this year when the warm season conies on. J ust now is a delightful time to visit this hoautiful mountain resort, as tho air is cool and bracing, the trees are bursting into full leaf, and the wild flowers are blooming 011 the sunny hillsides above the town. It is'expect- ed that a largo number of Dallas pec plo will be among tho excursion ists next Sunday. Prof. Raymond is giving a course of dancing lessons at the opera house. May Kennedy was ud from Mc Minnville visiting at her home over Sunday. Glen Holman, of McMinnville. was in this city visiting friends during the week. Superintendent Ackerman was over from Salem looking after, school matters in this section last week. AV. A. Wann, formerly ono of tho teachers in tho Oregon State Normal School, was in the city several days this week. Ed Patras, of Airlie, Tom Wann, of Eola, and Surveyor Butler, of Falls Cit', have been here on business dur ing tho week. Mrs. M. E. Hendricks, of McMinn ville, came up to this place on Wed nesday to make a short visit to friends and relatives. Andy Wilson who has been cmito sick during the most of the winter is again able to be out on the street, but only on crutches. Charles MeCaulev purchased the Fred Reese lots in this city this week and will build on them. He was not satisfied with California. Mrs. M. M. Davidson has i ust se cured u widow's pension from the Government, her husband having served in the Indian war. Dan Cochran, an old Oregon State Normal graduate, has been in theeitv this week visiting his sister who is teaching in tho public school here. W. E. Yates, candidate for State Senator from Bon ton county, and n former teacher in the schools of this place, was visiting here over Thurs day. Claire Irvine weut to Portland Satur- , day to attond some of the baseball games that are being played there. Claire 'is quite enthusiastic when n. good game is on the tapis. Mike Flynn, formerly a timber and umber man of Falls City, came to Independence from his mill near Philomath Thursday. He states that he has almost completely recovered from the bruise ho received on his head last Fall. Killed Rare Animal. J. S. Macomber killed a pine marten on nis nni rancn west 01 Dallas on Monday afternoon. Shortly after din ner, he heard hisdog barking vicious ly in the timber near the barn, and going out to investigate the cause, found tho dog and a pine marten en gaged in a lively scrap, with tho dog getting decidedly the worst of it. As Mr. Macomber approached the ani mals, the marten became frightened and ran up a tree, where he snapied and growled ferociously until a well aimed rifle shot brought him to the ground. The animal measured 23 in ones from tip to tip.and had a beauti ful coat of fur. Pine martens are be coming scarce in Oregon, and their skins are highly prized by fur dealers. The Suitor Lumber C'o.'s mill at Linn ton is runninng very satisfact orily. The frame is up for their dry kiln and material is being cut for deck ing their wharf. Oregon Timbcrman. Annual Picnic at Ballston. The annual school picnic at Ballston will be given on Saturday, May 2. Harry H, Belt, principal of the Ball ston public sehwl will have general supervision of the arrangements, and an enjoyable program will be pre pared. Posters annouueingthe features of the day will be out in the near future. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fails to cur E. W. Grave's signature la o each. box. Ma, Goes to Lebanon. The congregation of tho Presbyter ian church, at their meeting, Wednes day evening, decided to call Rev. Green, of Dallas, to the pastorship of the church, Rev, Green is an able minister and a splendid Christian worker, and tho Lebanon church is fortunate in securing his services. says the Lebanon Advance. W. E. Yeater, a prominent hop grower of the Luekiamute country, was a Dallas visitor, Tuesday. W. E. Gilbert was a visitor in Inde pendence, Sunday. face Was Always Very Pale and Thin. Nervous Prostration Faint Spells. Dr. Miles' Nervine Saved My Life. There is preat aanger in a run down con dition. Overwork, mental strain, the cares and worries of business and the home, all have a deleterious effect upon the nerves, which in their devitalized condition readily fall prey to the attacks of disease. Aside from the danger there Is no condition at tended by so many disagreeable symptoms; such as loss of appetite, indigestion or nenr ous dyspepsia, headache, tired feeling and loss of ambition together with the agony of sleepless nights spent in tossing restlessly about, only tu rise exhausted in the morning. Dr. Miles Nervine is a true nerve tonic which, by strengthening the nerves, restores health and appetite and brings sweet sleep. 'Tor six years I suffered almost constantly from a complication of troubles which culmi nated in complete nervous prostration. I had no anoetite. I could not sleen. I suffered from indigestion and nervousness. As is so often the case in nervous prostration f fre 'pently had weak, fainting spells. D octors did not help me. They said my blood was very poor, and I know mv face was alwavs very pale. The very first bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine I took gave me noticeable relief and I felt stron.-er than I had in vears. Mv neighbors in Puyallup, Wash, where I then lived will testify to this. I alio used some of Dr. Miles' Restorative Tonic and Anti Pain fill. I believe the Dr. Miles Remedies saved my life." Mrs. J. C Be.nemct, Tuck er, Liah. All druggists sell and guarantee fir-t bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book. on N rvcus and ffeirt Diseases. Address Dr. Uiies Medical Co, Eikbart, lad. Tom Ziebcr, who has been attending the Portland Medical college, has finished his examinations for the year and will be in Dr. Butler's office most of tho remaining year. He has two more years in college Mrs. J. 8. Cooper and Mrs. E. E. Taddoek went to Corvallis Saturday for tho purpose of seeing Queen Esther played at that place. The same can tata will bo given here by local talent Friday and Saturday. Tho Woodman Circle from Buena Vista came down to Independence on Friday and put on tho degree work for the initiation of five candidates in tho lodge here. There was a pleasant assemblage, and a sumptuous repast was served. Tho Buena Vista lodge does excellent work. The Oregon Teachers' Monthly makes a very favorable report regard ing Miss Edith Owen of this city, say ing : "The Oratorical contest for 1904 has passed into history, and on one of tho pages is inscribed tho fact that Miss Editli Owen, of tho O. S. N. S. earned third place, with a close shave for second. We were pleased with this result and ascribo groat honor to Miss Edith. She justified our confidence and wo are proud of her." Another Mohair Sale. Tho mohair pool at Kilverton, Ore gon was advertised to Iks sold on April lllth, but the highest bid of 33:j cents was considered too low and the grow ers withdrew their offerings until the 17th inst., when another sale was held which resulted in the fleeces going to the J. M. Russell Company, of Port land, for 34 cents a pound. Working on Foundation. Excavation for the foundation of the Kirkpatrick brick building on Main Street was completed Tuesday, and workmen are busy filling in the trenches with concrete. As soon as this work is completed, the ma-ions-will begin laying the walls. A large force of hands will be employed on the new building, and it is Mr. Kirk Patrick's intention to rush the work to completion as rapidly as the weather will permit. Ab Magers and Clol Nash left on Saturday evening for a trip to the orll s 1' air and other points Last. This is Cl"l's first trip to his old home in Missouri for 2H years, and he is - anticipating a pleasant visit. Mr, Magers will go to New York before re turning home. Salem Journal. Played Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various pn.i. of the body Sinking at the Pit ot tat Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Feverlshne? Pimples or Sores are all positive evidenc of Impure blood. No matter how it came so. it must be purified In order t obtain good health. Acker's Blood Eilxn has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other biood diseases. It Is certainly a wonderfu remedy ard we sell every bottle on a posi tive guarantee. Belt & Cherrlngton. Dal las, Oregon. DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED BT using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One lltlU Tablet will g-ive Immediate relief or mone refunded. Sold in handsome tin hns.- at IS cents Belt Cherrington. Dal. a. Oregon.