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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1904)
inn iriiiiii-i Hiiwirr - AIV ifllfiniiif El 1 1 1 1 1 I DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 15, 1904 NO, 5 VOL. XVII 11 7i ?vwvvwvvv 1 V? ORCEO OUT and WE MUST MOVE We made our Landlord a proposition to give him practically all he asked for except $5.00 per day, but we offered him $1.00 per day the same as we now pay, BUT HE SAYS NO. We feel that we have virtually offered him double what the room is worth, and we can't do any better. But we had a friend come to us and offer us a large tent so we would not have to be put in the street, but we have no lot to put the tent on. Now if some generous big hearted man has a vacant lot that we could use and will come to our rescue in time we will be very thankful. (Who has one?) YET WE WILL CONTINUE ML M AY AT THE OLD STAND. But unless we can get a lot to put the tent on or providence furnishes us with other quarters in the near future, we will have to pack our goods up on the above date and wait for our new room. SO DON'T TAKE ANY CHANCES You had better come and get your Spring Suits, Hats, Shoes, and Furnishing h A. 9 " I fq'ra. - I 1 O j I m l o A Goods now while you can save from $2 to $3 on a Suit and in proportion for everything else. Our misfortune is your good fortune. DON'T WAIT. Now is your opportunity, as the stock is complete. The prices on our goods will sell them if you need anything. We will sell to reduce the stocK quicKly. I MS I flMlt G. W. HOLLiSTFR, Mgr. We will sell to reduce the stocK quicKly. w w sty sty sty LOUGHARY FORCES WON Dallas' Candidate for Senator Defeated on First Ballot. Harris Captures Entire Congressional Delegation Keyt Named for Representive, and Ed. F. Coad for County Judge. -D. L. You Can Get Your Money'sVVorth If You Buy Your Groceries of Loughary and Company THE VERY BEST of NEW G00P5 ARRIVING BY EVERY FREIGHT. Their prices are right and All Goods are Guaranteed PHONE NO. 44 LOUGHARY & ELLIS, Wall Paper! Wall Paper! doubt oue "F the largest and best assortments of wall .paper to be found in the v llev. We bought these papers at the right prices and took! advantage of the ca? freight rates to Portland, which is less than one-half local rates. Thus we say : NOW WE CAHHOT AND WILL HOT BE UNDERSOLD OM GRADES OF THE SAME . . Wealsocarry alargelineof sample-books of latest novelties m par and house decorations and can get anything you want in these lines Our stock of paints, varnishes, stains, colors, etc , we havl selected with care as to quality, for we believe the test is tne cheapest. The New Wall Paper & Paint Store. HEATH & CORNES, Mill street, Dallas, Oregon Child Loses Eye. A distressing accident happened to the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lucas, of Eickreall, a few days ago. The boy was playing with other children and was in some manner struck in the eye with a stick of wood. He was taken to Dr. Gillis, at Salem, and it was found that the sight of one eye had been destroyed, with a probable chance of losing the sight of the other eye. "I have used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets with most satisfactory results," says Mrs. F. L. Phelps, Hous ton, Texas. For indigestion, bilous ness and constipation these tablets are most excellent. Sold by Wilson Drug Co. sirffciii Like the running brook, the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from somewhere. The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone pice SICK HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY and permanently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat. sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. S cts. and 60 cts. Belt ChtrrlnttoB. Dallaa, Oregon. You Know What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula la plainly printed on every bottle, showing that It Is simply Iron and Quinine In a taste lew term. N Cum. No Pay. Mo. i 1 1,1 marrow and neaitny are full of fat. Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver oil. For pale school girls and invalids and for all whou blood is thin and pale, Scott':. Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. It not only feeds the blood-making organs but gives them strength to do their proper work. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWXK, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York, jee lai $: 00 ; all druggists. Carried away by their unexpected success in the primaries, the leaders of the majority in Saturday's conven tion threw discretion and cool judg ment to tho winds, and rushed their men and measures through as reck lessly as if Polk county had thousands of Republican votes to spare, instead of the bare majority that it really has. No thought or concern for party suc cess in Juno were evidenced in any of tho proceedings, and the frantic efforts of the majority leaders to keep the minority forces from getting any recognition whatever was something new in the history of Republican con ventions in Polk county. No recogni tion in any way, shape or form in the organization of the convention, or in tho make-up of the State and Con gressional delegations, was accorded to the delegates who favored Mr. Kirkpatrick for Senator, and it is a standing joke among the boys in North Dallas and East Dallas that all these two precincts got was the ap pointment of two tellers to help count the vote for coroner. Men to whom Republican principles and traditions are as nothing, and who care for the party only for what they can get out of it, were recognized as leaders by the majority forces and were allowed to control the caucuses, make-up of theticket, and proceedings of tho convention, to the shame and humiliation of Republicans to whom love of party is first and individual success is second. It was manifest all along that D. L. Keyt was the real choice of the leaders of the Loughary movement, and it is known that they were ready to throw Mr. Keyt into the . race at any moment they saw a cbanvh to land him, ami thus defeat bot'''ghary and Kirkpatrick. But in (ftder to carry the primaries against Kirk patrick, they wero.obliged to build up Loughary's strength to a point greater than they wanted it to be, and when Mr. Kirkpatrick refused to withdraw from being a candidate before the con vention, the Keyt men were afraid to drop Loughary and were sorrowfully obliged to sidetrack Mr. Keyt to an office in which there is little pay and absolutely no political glory in an "off year" when there is no United States Senator to be elected. Even delegates iD Independence who pro fessed to favor the candidacy of J. M. Stark were afraid to place that worthy citizen's name before the convention for fear some man other than Mr. Keyt might win out if four candidates went into the race. The Congressional issue was dragged into tho Senatorial contest by the op ponents of Mr. Kirkpatrick, and at their caucus it was agreed to support a straight delegation for Harris. Mr. Kirkpatrick and his friends stood by Hermann, and placed before the con vention a delegation favorable to the present Congressman. In this in stance, as in all others, the majority would not recognize a single wish of the minority, and the Harris slate was forced through by a vote of over three to one. The convention was called, to order by W. W. Percival, chairman of the Polk County Central Committee, at 10-a. m. and nominations for a tem porary chairman were asked for. C. R. Farley, of South Dallas, offered the name of W. T. Hoffman, of South Independence, and no opposition be ing offered, he was elected by a unan imous vote. TJ. S. Grant, of South Dallas, was nominated for temporary secretary. G. W. McBoe moved that a com mittee of five on credentials be ap pointed, and the chairman named as such committee G. W. McBee, Frank Lucas, J. A. Baxter, P. Hadley and E. E. Paddock. On motion of D. P. Stouffer the usual courtesies were extended to members of the press. O. E. Lcet, of Falls City, moved that no proxies be recognized unless the person holding the proxy resided in the ' same precinct as the delegate granting it. This bold attempt to de prive the Kirkpatrick forces of three votes met with a storm of disapproval, as nothing like it had ever been even attempted in a Polk county convention before. G. L. Hawkins arose to a point of order, stating that the ques tion could not be brought before the temporary organization. He de nounced the majority forces in the severest terms for their efforts to mercilessly crush and beat down the minority just, because they had the power to do so. He called attention to tho precedents set by Stato and District conventions in tho matter of allowing proxies, and closed by scor ing the opposition for being afraid to trust their own committee without in structions. Several anti-Kirkpatrick men spoke in favor of tho motion, but each time Mr. Hawkins answered with telling effect and was making things so strenuous for the chairman and his followers that the convention breathed a sigh of relief when J. H. Moran moved to table the motion. On motion of J. i. Moran for a committee of five on order of business, the Chair appointed J. L. Hanna, C. R. Farley. H. B. Brophy, O. E. Leet and D. L. Keyt. D. P. Stouffer moved that a com mittco of five on resolutions be ap pointed, and the Chair looking clear Lover the top of Mr. Stouffer's head, as he had previously done in the case of Mr. Moran, appointed R. H. Knox, E. N. Hall. A. H. Coyle, Lee Rowell and S. L. Stewart. A recess was then taken until 1 :30 p. m. The afternoon session began prompt ly by the reading of tho report of the committee on credentials. All dele- gates elected in the primaries Thurs day or persons holding proxies from same were reported entitled to scats except the three proxies whoso rights were questioned at the morning session, and upon these the committee made no report. Tho proxy of O Buchanan, of Luckiamuto, was held by F. J. Oberer accompanied by the delegate's request that Mr. Oberer be allowed to act in his stead. Tho other two proxies were those of J. Cabe and H. W. Wright, of Rock Creek, and were held by Thomas Edgar, of Falls City, to "whom the delegates had written a letter asking that Mr. Edgar be allowed to represent them in tho convention. These proxies were clearly so regular and straight that a motion by J. S. Ashbaugh that they be rocog- 1 nized by the convention was carried without opposition. A list of tho dele gates to the convention was published in the Observer last Friday and is omitted from this report on account of the heavy demands of advertisers up on our space this week. The committee on resolutions sub mitted tho following report. To the Republican County Conven tion assembled: We, your committee on resolutions, beg leave to report as follows : We point with pride to the wiso and patriotic administration of President Roosevelt and endorse 'tho actions of our representatives in Congress and urge our delegates in Congress to se cure II possible tne passage uy Congress of the pending bill to aid tne Lewis and Clark Fair Exposition to be held in the City of Portland, Ore gon, in tho year 1905. we commenu tne ..euon ui our umi, regular session of tho Legislature for the selection of such an active and able man for United States Menator as the Hon. C. W. Fulton. We denounce in unmeasured terms the extravagenee of our present county court and demand a more economical and business-like administration of our county affairs. C. N. McArthur moved that the clause relating to the Lewis and Clark Fair appropriation be stricken out, giving as his reason that the bill had already passed both houses of Cong ress, and that such a request by the convention would be useless and un necessary, but the convention seemed to be afraid to depart in the slightest particular from the regular program that had been mapped out for it by its leaders, and Mr. McArthur's motion was voted down. D. L. Keyt and C. L. Hawley were appointed to seat the delegates accord ins to their respective precincts. O. L. Kelty moved that four tellers be appointed. The Chair appointed J. E. Hubbard, C. N. McArthur, W. A. Ayres and J. J. Thurston, overlooking Mr. Kelty as completely as if tho latter gentleman had not been in tho house, Frank Kerslake, on behalf of tin Wirinntriek delegates, moved that T. B. Rowell and G. N. Cherrington be appointed as additional tellers and the motion was earned. The next order of business was the nomination of a State Senator. D. L Keyt placed before the convention the name of U. S. Loughary, the present clerk of Polk county. George L. Hawkins then advanced to the front of the house and presented the name of E. C. Kirkpatrick in one of the most eloquent nominating speeches that has ever been heard in Polk county. He called the attention of the TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove" olgTLature la en each box. lie. delegates to tho fact that Dallas had eceived no office of importance at the hands of a Republican convention for the last eight years, notwithstanding the further fact that the three Dallas precincts furnish nearly one-fourth of the Republican votes of the entire county. He cited numerous instances and gave the figures showing wherein Dallas, after being coldly turned down in conventions, had come to the rescue of the ticket on election day. He told how the Republicans of Dallas have hoped after each election that their action would create- better feel ing in the party and help to remove the enmity toward them, but how this feeling, instead of growing bettor, is apparently growing more bitter each year. He spoke of the .desire ex pressed by Republicans all over Polk county two years ago that Dallas should be given the head of tho ticket this year as a reward for party loyalty ; of how tli is expression of peace and good-will had virtually amounted to a promise by the outside precincts to support the man that the people of Dallas should choose to head the ticket, the only condition imposed by these precincts being that Dallas should settle the contest within her own borders. He told how implicitly tiie friends of Mr. Kirkpatrick had re lied upon this agreement and how Dallas had chosen Mr. Kirkpatrick as its candidate by a vote of 19 to 10. Almost with tears in his eyes, and his voice ringing with earnestness, the speaker pleaded for harmony in the party and closed his speech by appeal ing to the delegates to stand by Dallas choice for Senator. Mr. Hawkins was listened to with profound attention, and the uneasy expression in the faces of a large number of Mr. Kuk- patrick's opponents, as the speakor took his seat, indicated more plainly than words their doubts of the wisdom of the course they were soon to pursue. No further nominations wore made, and the ballot resulted as follows : Loughary 90 1 Kirkpatrick 37 Stark 5 Blank 4 After tho ballot was announced, Mr. Loughary was called upon for a speech. He responded as follows: "Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the convention : I feel that I should have prepared a speech for this occasion but, owing to tho uncertainties of poli tics, and not knowing whether I was going to receive this nomination or not, I am unprepared. I take this op portunity to thank you for this honor, and to thank you for your earnest support. I promise to do all in my power for the ticket, and to do all I can for Dallas and Polk county. Again, I thank you." Then the Kirkpatrick supporters came in for a large amount of guying for a few minutes. There were loud cries for Kirkpatrick, the delegates not seeming to appreciate tho fact that it is always in exceedingly bad taste to call upon a defeated candidate for a speech. But Mr. Kirkpatrick, gener ously overlooking this breach of good manners, arose from his scat and mado a talk that was brief and to the point. He said ho had no ill feeling against tho men who had fought him openly and honorably, nor against those who had mado him no promises. Ho reviewed briefly the causes which had led him to become a candidate for Stato Senator, and closed by saying that ho would make no pledges in the coining campaign and, therefore, would break none. Two slates were in tho field for dele gates to tho Stato and Congressional conventions. Mr. Kirkpatrick stated that the Stato delegates proposed by his friends were pledged to no man, could be traded for no man, and were all favorable to George II. Burnett. D. L. Keyt arose and Informed the convention that tho men on his slate could not be pledged and were favor able to Judge Burnett. Tho ballot for State Delegates re sulted in n, complete victory for the Keyt forces, with tho exception of T. J. Graves, who was on both tickets. Tho vote was: T. J. Graves, 131; J. A. Baxter, 81) ; U. S. Grant, 89 ; J. R. Ford, 80; Frank Lucas, 80; 'J. L. Hanna, 80; D. L. Keyt, 85: E. M. Young, 81; E. N. Hall, 7'J. Those fail ing of election were : W. W. Percival, 40 ; G. A. Hurley, 40 ; W. E. Yeater, 47 ; T. B. Rowell, 53; H. B. Plummer, 43; W. W. Collins, 47 ; C. L. Hawley, Frank Butler, 50. A n. result of a caucus held the night before the convention by tho anti-Kirkpatrick men, a straight Har ris slate was placed before the conven tion and delegates were elected to the Congressional convention as follows Frank Gibson, 108; H. B. Brophy,107 F. A. Patterson, 108 ;C. It. Farley, M8; Lee Rowell, 109; Loring Bedwell, 90; T. B. Hooker, 100; C. L. Hubbard 100 : E. E. Paddock, 105. The defeated slate was: Fred Oberer, 29; T. W. Wann. 31: I. F. Yoakum, 32; J. II. Moran, 31; D. T. Hodges, 30; l r. L. Hnwkins. 32: II . B. Cosper. 30; G. L. Keltv. 30. On mot ion of J. E. Hubbard, C. L. EXPERIENCE 13 THE BEST teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy In any r,f nouihi cold or croup. Should II fail to Immediate relief money re funded S eta. nd 60 eta Belt A Cher rlnarton. Dallas. Oregon. Hawley and E. E. Paddock were ap pointed additional tellers. When tho timo for nominating a Representative arrived, there was a painful silence and it looked for a few moments as if the office would have to go begging. But there was no danger of that, for the program had all been prepared the night before, so after U. S. Grant had presented the name of William Riddell, and Riddell had de clined, Samuel Orr placed before the convention tho name of D. L. Keyt. There being no other nominations, O. E. Lcet moved that tho secretary bo instructed to cast the ballot. The motion prevailed despite an emphatic storm of "noes," and Mr. Keyt was declared to be tho nominee. Mr. Keyt was called for, and responded in a brief speech, saying that tho nomina tion was unexpected ; that it seemed to be a vacant place that nobody wanted and nobody would take ; that if elected he would do what good he could for the county, hoping that when he comes back home the people can say he rep resented them as well as he did before. Frank Shute presented the name of John Teal for Commissioner, and F. A. Patterson nominated William Riddell, of Monmouth. The ballot re sulted : Riddell, 75 ; Toal, 63 ; blank, 2. The number of votes cast exceeding the number of delegates in the con vention, another ballot was ordered. Riddell won out on this ballot, the vote standing: Riddell, 74; Teal, CO. Chairman Hoffman called D. L. Keyt to the chair, and, taking tho floor, offered the name of E. M. Smith for County Clerk. On motion of G. L. Kelty, the nomination was made by acclamation. For County Judge, four candidates were before the convention. J. R. Shepard nominated J. W. Hudson; J. S. Ashbaugh nominated Hardy Holman ; J. B. Smith nominated Ed F. Coad, and U. S. Grant nominated G. W. McBee. Two ballots were taken before a choice was reached, although it was clear from the start that Mr. Goad's load was too strong to be over come. The first ballot was: Hodson, 48; Coad, 52; Holman, 18; McBee, 17. Second ballot : Hodson, 12 ; Coad, 69 ; Holman, 15 ; McBee, 10. J. W. Hodson presented the name of Mart Scrafford, of Luckiamuto, for Sheriff, and ho was the unanimous choice of the convention". Lomau Conner presented the name of C. S. Graves.of Ballston, for Assess or, and the nomination was made by acclamation. For School Superintendent, J.R.Ford offered the name of C.L.Starr, the pres ent incumbent, and the nomination was seconded by a largo majority of tho precincts of the county. The nom ination was made unanimous amid much enthusiasm. E. N. Hall named George McLaugh lin, of Buena Vista, for Treasurer. 1. B. Rowell placed in nomination Johu Beezly, a young homesteader in the mountains of North Dallas precinct. Beezly was nominated on the first ballot by a vote of 70 to 58. John VanOrsdel, of Dallas, was nominated for Surveyor, and L. L. Chapman, of Dallas, was named for Coroner, there being no opposition to either of them. JUSTICES AND CONSTABLES. District 1 To bo supplied. District 2 J. R. Shepard, J. P. ; C. C. Garfield, constable. District 3 H. Holman, J. P. ; F. H. Muscott, constable. District 4 A. J. Syron, J. P. ; B. J. Harrington, constable. District 5 Justice to bo supplied ; J. H. Moran, constable. District 0-H. G. Keyt, J. P. ; W. II. McKee, constable. PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN. North Dallas-G. N. Cherrington. East Dallas M. D. Ellis. South Dallas II. B. Cosper. North Monmouth J. H. Moran. South Monmouth E. H. Hosner. N. Independence R. II. Knox. . S. Independence W. T. Hoffman. Buena Vista H. Mash. Suver J. A. Withrow. Luckiamute P. Hadley. Rock Creek J. Cabe. Falls City J. R. Ford. Bridgeport W. L. Frink. Jackson C. S. Graves. Salt Lake H. B. Flanery. Rickreall-C. N. McArthur. Douglas-D. T. Hodges. Eola II. B. Brophy. Spring Valley-J. W. Hodson. McCoy G. L. Kelty The committee will meet in Dallas, on Saturday, April 30, at 2 o'clock p. m., to effect organization. ACKER'3 DTSPEPS1A TABLETS art gold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of the food, distress artor .srinr r .nv form of dyspepsia. Oti ii.. i. .hi.t riv Immediate relief. S cts. and W cts. Belt A Cherrington 1 1 1 1 as Oregon Played Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parl or the body Sinking at the Pit of tnf Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Feverlshnesw. Pimples or Sores are all positive evidence of impure blood. No matter how It be came so. It must be purified In order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood E.lxn has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderfu remedy and we sell every bottle on a po tive guarantee. Belt & Cherrington. Dal '"DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED BY using Acker's Dyspepsia Teblets. One little Tablet will give Immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boi. at 25 .enta Belt Cherrington. Del." Oregon. II 1 if I If