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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1904)
Ipolft County bscrve Blank notes for sale here. H. G. Campbell, agent McMinnville Insurance (Jo. Try some of those sweet pickles and onves at maa s. Uounty Judere J. E. Sibley was a Portland visitor this week. The Observer office wants the print lng you are particular about. Windmill and complete outfit for sale at a bargain. Chas. F. Belt, Ladies, It is no trouble to make bread with Crusade flour. Riogs Once you eat our cakes and home' made bread, you will have no other. Kiqgs. Patent leather shoes and oxfords, all swell styles. $3750, at the Bee Hive Store. Mrs. Samuel Coad has returned home from a three weeks' visit in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Starr have moved to the Kientoff house on Eail- ' road street. v The Bee Hive Store has the agency for-Douglas shoes in Dallas. Call anrl oaa tham M4Vtll Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hawkins have moved to their new home on Railroad street near the depot. Buy W. L. Douglas shoes best $3.50 values on the market. For sale at the Bee Hive Store. District Attorney J. N. Hart has been confined to the house this week by a severe case of lagrippe. Oscar Hayter, Democratic nominee ror istate Senator from rolK county, was a i'ortiana visitor. Monday. Prof. C.T. Whittlesev will preach in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning, rror. Dunkieberger will make the address in the evening. L. 'Green, a former pastor of the Christian church of this city, has united with the Presbyterian church and will hereafter preach for that denomination. He may decide to h cate in Lebanon. The Dallas Zouave Band is to be re- organized. All tne old members are requested to meet at the City Hall next Tuesday evening, at 7 :30 o clock, to perfect plans for the organization. Joseph Tuck, who was badly injured about the head while working in a Washington sawmill one day last week, is reported to be improving, and it Is believed that he will soon recover. Mr. Tuck is a brother of Mrs. George L. Hawkins, of this city. Miss Maud Hawley, who has been a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. B. F. Mulkey, for a month past, re- .. 1 UAM I. . t ir .u Tuesday. Asdland Tidings. Mrs. M. M. Ellis, Mrs. J. C. Gaynor and Mrs. J. G. VanOrsdel attended a meeting of the North Pacific Board of Missions of the Presbyterian Church, in Portland, this week. Mrs. Lu Magruder, who recently underwent a severe surgical operation for abscess of the bowels, at St. Vincent's Hospital, in Portland, is gradually regaining strength, and is now believed to be on the road to recovery. H. L. Fenton, of this city, purchased the Yamhill county mohair pool, Wednesday. His bid was 33 cents per pound, a quarter of a cent less than the Polk county growers re ceived. The pool contains about 35,000 nnnnrls nf mnhnlr Georgo C. Will, the Salem music and sewing machine dealer, was in Dallas, Wednesday, making arrange ments with A. H. Harris, the jeweler, to handle his line of pianos, organs and sewing machines, this being more convenient for Dallas people than go ing over to Salem. Anyone needing anything in this line will get them as cheap by leaving their orders with Mr. Harris as at Salem, Mr. Will's growing business making it im possible to call on his trade as heretofore. C. L. Hopkins, of Fa'ls City, was a Dallas visitor, Saturday. Found Out! It has been found out that Pollock carries an excellont line of Shoes and sells them mighty cheap. Clarence McCaleb, a prominent young farmer living west of Mon mouth, was a Dallas visitor, Wednes day. Ladies, read F. J. Chapman's adver tisement and get a bottle of the best furniture polish you ever used, free of cnarge. . B. Jamieson, the Monmouth warehouse man and Democratic can didate for County Treasurer, was Dallas visitor, Wednesday. Dr. H. L. Tonev. dentist: crradnata or Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 and 1 to 6. Examinations free. Phone i5. Sale! For three davs onlv. we will offer Ladies' Venise Fancy Stock and Top Collars at real bargain prices. A good variety to select rrom. bollock's Cash Store. Al Herren and family will move t6 Salem next week. The dwelling where they have been living will be occupied by Mr. Iliff's family. Independence Jiinterprise. Lot For Sale One of the best building lots in the town 60 by 178 feet. V.P.FISKE Z Mrs. H. H. Chace, the milliner. went to Portland yesterday to select more Spring hats for her store in this city. A large shipment of choice millinery from San Francisco will arrive in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cosper, who have been at the bedside of Mrs. Cosper's father In Salem, returned home Tuesday for a few days' stay. rhe aged sufferer's condition remains unchaneed. and little hope is enter tained of his recovery. On April 18, 1904, there were adver tised letters in the Dallas postofflce for Mrs. L. N. Marshall, Miss Lucy VanTassel, H. C. Derrick, G. L. Fisher, F. J. Heller, P. Headman, Birt C. Hale, Nate Ladd. Wm. Thompson and Luther Vitteto. C. G. Coad, Postmaster. Dr. Mark Hayter is building a neat cottage on the lot south of E. B. Piper's residence. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Big nold have moved into the dwelling house recently completed .by the Doctor at the south end of Levens street. Lloyd Launer is the new night operator at the telephone office in Uelt& unernngton's drugstore. Lloyd is a courteous and obliging young man, and his work will doubtless prove satisfactory to nis employers and to the patrons of the company. J. S. Talbott has purchased William Holman's interest in the furniture and fixtures of the Cottage Hotel and has taken charge of that popular hostelry. Mr. Talbott will keep the house up to its usual standaid of ex- -cellence and will doubtless eniov a heavy patronage. The lawn tennis court on the vacant lot east of the Observer office has been placed in flue condition for playing, and new netting has been put up at the ends and in the center. The local tennis club has a large membership, and some lively games are promised during the coming Summer. H. E. Lounsbury, traveling freight agent of the Southern Pacific Com pany, was iu Dallas a few hours Friday afternoon. Mr. Lounsbury says that a large number of Eastern people are taking advantage of the omeseekers rates, and that every train iuto Portland is crowded with mmigrauts. It is estimated that un average of 52 people leave Portland every day to seek nomes in tne Willamette Valley. M. G. Flynn, of Philomath, was a JUallas visitor yesterday. J. R. Ford, a Falls City merchant, came up rrom Foreland last nignt. Social dauce at City Hall tomorrow nignt. R. R. Turner, of Corvallls, attended the Democratic convention in Dallas, Saturday. Mrs. Ella J. Metzger attended .a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Odd Fellow's Home in Portland this week. The Dierke piano recital at the Nor mal chapel in Monmouth tonight promises to be a rare musical event. and it is expected that many Dallas people will attend. A special motor will be run to Dallas arter tne concert, The Toledo Leader says: It is feared that a terrible tragedy has been enacted over on the Siletz. A homesteader over there has written the following letter to a Toledo butcher : "Please do not send me eny more meete yet already; I have butchered myself." R. E. Williams, cashier of the Dallas City Bank, was chosen by the state delegates as tne I'oik county member of the Republican State Cen tral Committee. Hon. G. W. Myer, of SmithHeld, was elected to a similar position on the Democratic committee, V. P. Fiske, editor of the Oregon Woodman, went to Portland, F riday and had an operation performed on his eyes by one of the skilled oculists of that city. Since returning home his sight nas steadily improved, and it is believed that a complete cure will nnallv beenected. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Plankington's silver wedding anniversary at their home near Bridgeport last Wednesday was a pleasant social anair. Mrs Plankington's mother, Mrs. Wise, and grandmother, Mrs. MoUrew, were present, making rour generations oi the family in attendance. A fine dinner was served, and many hand some presents in silver were received C. D. Simpson, a popular young merchant of Monmouth,' . and for many years a teacher in the Inde pendence public school, has been compelled by ill health to seek a change of climate and will spend the Summer in the Coast Range mountains, west of Pedee. It is hoped that the mountain air and outdoor exercise will soon restore his health. Mrs. Hazel Strunz, a popular actress of New York City, is visiting at the bome or Mr. ana Mrs. ueorge Kerr. Mrs. Strunz is known in the theatrical world as Miss Hazel Sanger, and, as a member of the famous, orig inal "i lorodora ' company, acnieved wide success in the field of comic opera. Her little son is living witn Mr. and Mrs. Kerr in this city. Charles Baker left yesterday for Great Bend, Kansas, to again enter the employ of his brotner in tne grain bu vina business. He will have charge of the elevators and implement ware houses of the company at several grain points and will also superintend the buying of grain. Mr. Baker has spent many years in this work and is recognized as a grain expert in the Middle Western states. Elder Poling Resigns. The United Evangelical Conference of Oregon closed its sessions in Hills- boro, Tuesday nignt. nev. j. j. roi iug, who has served the conference for 25 years, and was presiding elder, tendered his resignation, as he expects to co East this season. Mr. doling s remarks, as he presented his request to be relieved, caused mucn emotion among the members of the conference, as he has endeared himself to the ministry. Rev. M. J. Ballantyue was elected to fi 11 the vacancy. Dan Poling and Chester Gates were granted licenses to preach. Among the ap pointments announced by iiishop Hartzler are the following: Dallas, A. A. Winter; Bridgeport, M. J. Bal lantyue; Lewisville, VV. L. Arnold; Independence, Chester Gates. Our new creamery has received a nice coat of paint. Miss Bertha Frink has gone to Dallas to work in the Cottage Hotel. The Falls City school is on the in crease. There are new pupils every iew aays. Rev. Whirry, of McMinnville, preached to a crowded house at the Christian church last Sunday night. The Watkins mill has been ship ping an average of from two to three cars of lumber a day for the past six weeks. A. S. Stewart, of Washington county, who Is a son-in-law of Zira Hinshaw, has moved to Falls City and is build ing a nouse ror nimseir in the south part of town. Gilbert Tyson, of the firm of Ford, Tyson & Co., has been in Tillamook county for the past ten days. He says mere is more business in .t alis uity tnan in an or xiuamook county. Families are here every day, look ing for houses to rent. Empty houses are as scarce as hen s teeth in our town. Men with capital could make some good investments here by build ing nouses to rent. A Fair and Chicken Dinner will be given at the Christian church by the Li. a. s., on Saturday, Apmi 23. The Fair will be held in" the basement of the church, and a great variety of useful and pretty articles of dress for ladies and children, cushions, etc will be sold ; also, the. new style din ing room wan-rack rorunina. etc. A good chicken dinner will be served from 11 :30 a. rn. to 2 p. in., then nveiy social arternoon with music. Lunch served at 6 p. ni. A cordial in vitation to all friends in town and from a distance. Remember, tomorrow April 23. THEIR DAYS DONE Henderson Simpson, Mrs. Mary An derson and Mrs. Sarah A. Dunlop Pass to the Great Beyond. INTRODUCTION OF STYLES 1 904. "i i ii nun ' jtiti iMan w 3ii .... .viiiJMMMM"Mfl ofifsisMj pM ' "BALraSOTol X l V,U - S CLOTHING G , Vftl f fin' ( MILWAUKEE i;- H iviff', Spring Summer 1 & k Our stock of Spring and Summer Clothing is strictly up to the standard. Every garment guaranteed free from imperfection in both making and material tailored from cloth that has been sponged and shrunk. We cordially invite you to call and make your selec tion early. Our goods will please you and our prices can not fail to be satisfactory. Adler's Copyright 1 903. by David Adler t Sons Clothinj Co. OUR Spring Sack Suits are not of the or dinary character. You see a group of them here. There is a certain nobbiness in these "Adler" clothes that appeals to every stylish man. These are decidedly young men's clothes" They have dash you a admire your own appearance if you wore one. live DALLAS, OREGON. ? amous Tailor Made Suits Extra values at $9, $10, 12.50 13.50, 14, 15, and 18.50. ore. Mrs. Marv Anderson died at the home of her nephew, R. R. Riggs, at 5riac;eport,Aprii 15, agea 75 years. She was born in Missouri in October, 1829. She married James Lewis in 1846, and crossed the plains to Orecon the same year. She joined the Pres byterian church in 1853, and in 1870 became a member of the Baptist church. She leaves a nephew, R. R. Risers, of Bridgeport, and one brother. G. B. Riars. of Proebstcl. Wash. The funeral sermon was preached by tier. j. Li. wnirry, or Mcniinnvuie. Mrs. Anderson had a wide acquain tance among the pioneer people of Jfolu county, and lived a blameless. Christian life. Mrs. Sarah A. Dunlop died at her home one mile north of Dallas on Thursday, April 14. She had been ill for several weeks with an ailment of the stomach. Mrs. Dunlop was a daughter of Elisha Hughes, and was born in England, she leaves a hus band and three sons. She was a faith ful member of the M. E. Church, and was a refined and amiable woman. The funeral was held from the M. E. Church, and was lamely attended. Henderson Simpson, who died April 10, was buried in the Elsh ceme ter.srTuesday,' the fuueraL services being held at Airlie by Rev. Haynes. Deceased was born in Arkansas, January 30, 1841. In 1860 ho was married, and one daughter, Miss Lelia, and three sons, Phy, Dave and Fain, all of Polk county, and his wife survive him. He moved to Oregon in 1845, and has lived on theLuckiamute most of the time since. Mr. Simpson was well known throughoutthe county and leaves many relatives. He con ducted an extensive logging business, besides farming. I BUSINESS LOCALS. COURT HOUSE NOTES. PROBATE. Estate of James I. Ball, deceased- Frank H. Fawk appointed adminis trator ; T. J. Graves, Ed Bell and G. L. Kelty appointed appraisers for Polk county, and Silas Allen, Merritt Mc- Kiniey and unester Hancock ror Kam hill county. Estate of Anna Bigler, deceased- bond filed and approved; Christ Leh man, Albert Gangain and Ernest Alleman appointed appraisers. JURY LIST The following is the list of iurvmen drawn by Clerk Loughary and Sheriff iord to serve at tne May term of Circuit Court: J. W. Caldwell, H. S. Butz, Joseph Card, W. C. Bird, I. W. Elliott, of Dallas; Homer Hill, K. C. Eldridge, of Independence; J D. Baughman, of Monmouth; C. J. Pugh, J. D.Cameron, of Falls City; R. F. Loe, J. R. Koser, of Rickreall ; F. O. Byerly, of Salt Lake ; J. L. Atwater, of Lewisville; Ed Patras, J. Bagley, J. H. Ground, of Luckiamute; J. W. Baldwin, A. Anderson, of Buena Vista; D. G. Meador, F. M. Lackey, of Douglas; u. w. ueckett, 1. li. Brophy, T. J Gardner, of Eola ; G. A. Larsen, William Butterick, A. M. Holmes, G. L. Kelty, of McCoy : A. H. Anderson, W. J. Gray, of Spring Valley; vv. a. Mack, or uridgeport. The PolkCounty Republican Central Committee will meet in Dallas one week from tomorrow to elect a chair man and secretary and lay plans for the coming campaign. U. S. Grant, of Dallas, is prominently, mentioned as the probable choice for chairman. Proposals For Sewer Work. Sealed nrooosals will be received at the office of the AuilUor and Police .'urine of the City of Dallas, Oregon, until May 9, 19oi, at 7:30 o clocit o. m. for the construction of a newer in Court street from Hayter street to the County road at the east end of Court stree'; a eeweriuMill trect from Hayter atreet east to Lyle street and south on Lyle street to intersect above mention ed aewer on Court street; and an outlet sewer from the east end of the above mentioned Court street sewer at the County road, northeasterly to the LaCreole river, in the manner provided by ordinance So. 00, subject to the provisions of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Dallas, and the estimate of the City Lngineer, on file. Bids must be strictly in accordance with tn blanks, which will be furnished on application at the office of the Auditor and Police Judpe. Contract must be entered into within 10 days after notice of acceptance of bid. And said sewers must be completed on or be- j fore i0 days from the dale of the signing of the contract by the partiea thereto. No proposals or bids will be considered aniens accompanied br a certitied check payable to the order of the Mayor of the t ity of Pallas, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 5 per cent of the actireeate proposal. The rlt;ht to reject any and all bias is hereby reserved. Done by order of the City Council of the City of i'a.lai-, ma le April 21, V. DAS P. gTOUFFE R, Auditor and Police Jndee of the City of Dalla, Oregon. April 22, 19M. DeVitt's Salvo For Piles. Burns, Sores. Raffia for basket work at Mrs. Metzger'a. Go to Wilson Drug Company for books and school supplies. L. D. Brown, Notary Public; type writing. With J. N. Hart. A few slightly used sewing machines at any old price, at L. D. Daniel's. A beautiful line of Spring millinery now on display at Mrs. H. H. Chace's. Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. Miss Bertha Collins Invites an in spection of her largo stock of Spring millinery. The White is King. If you are in need of a new sewing machine, call on L. D. Daniel. One of the best horse-shoers in the state will be found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Pioneer Employment Company fur nishes all kinds of help on short notice free to employers. 215 Mor rison St., Portland, Or. Go and see those fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros, A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and win satisractoruy do your work. . wanted: To exenange lumber or wood for heavy draft teams, harness, 3i or heavier lumber wagons, hay or grain. Oregon Lumber, Wood & Light Co., Falls City, Or. We don't claim to have the biggest stock of wall paper on earth or in Ore con, but we do claim to have the biggest and best stock in Dallas, and we want you to come and see it. L. D. Daniel. Wagner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock of bath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on the West Side. They have engaged the services of a first-class plumber, and would be pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or office. The finest and most skillful work guaran teed. Milk Cows For Sale Two fresh milk cows for sale. J. M. Burford, Dallas, Or. Eggs For Sale. Brown Leghorn eggs for sale ; 50 cents for setting of 15. S. R. Kennedy, Dallas, Oregon. t Early Potatoes For Sale. Early seed potatoes for sale. H. S. Butz, Dallas, Or. Hack For Sale Two-seated Studebaker hack, almost as good as new. Price $45. Frank Rowell, Dallas, Or. Eggs For Sale. S. C. White Leghorns, great layers of large white eggs. Eggs, 50 cents for 13. W. S. Muir, Dallas, Oregon. Horses Wanted. Four or five head of good work horses wanted; suitable for logging purposes. Address, Box 265, Inde pendence, Or. For Sale. A well Improved hill ranch, contain ing 142 acres, located two miles from Pedee store. Liberal terms. Address C. W. Pagett,, Pedee, Oregon. Attention, Horsement The imported German Coach stallion "Alban" will make the season of 1904 in Dallas. Terms, $30 to insure, $20 for the season, with return privileges. J. R. Hubbard, W. H. McDaniel. 1 1 Free! Free! Free! THE BEST YOU WILL NEED IT. 1 1 I Miing to test the efficiency of our ads, we will pre sent every lady bringing this paper to our store a bottle of Eclipse Furniture and Piano Polish free of charge. This Polish is a first-class article and retails for 2oc. You will need it in house cleaning. CHAPMAN'S Telephone 133. MILL STREET. For Sale. A desirable home in the town of Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, consist ing of 24 acres of laud ; 12 acres in hops, good for 100 bales; quality always good. Two hop houses, large store room, one new Morrison hop press; good barn, dwelling house, plenty of fruit. For particulars, in quire of J. F. GROVES, Dallas, Oregon. Good Farm at a Bargain. 286-acre farm, 4 mile3 from Dallas, 50 acres in cultivation ; 10 acres in hops; good hop house ; plenty of fruit; well watered by living water; several springs on place; good pastures, and plenty of timber; one mile from Rail road; house, barn and outbuildings. A nice home, and a great bargain at $15 per acre. Call on, or address W. A. AYRES, Dallas. Oregon. Notice to Sheep and Goat Men. Goat men having mohair in the 1904 pool are requested to deliver the same as soon as possible. Sheep growers are requested to meet in Dallas on Saturday, April 30, to make arrange ments for disposing of the wool pool. H. L. FENTON, Secretary. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given, that the law partnership existing between N. L. Butler and Ed. F. Coad has been dissolved. N. L. Butler, Ed. F. Coad. TI:rri!ii racr Catarrh in this section of th coo. itry than a ! ctlier dineases put together, &r.d uiiiU U. last few yeir a Buppowd to b jacum'iiy. f or a fT't many year doctor pro fcocDtid it a local aurue. and prescribed local reiieaics. and by coiwtaDtlr failing to car .with lo-r.1 trcataiont, pronounced it incurabla. ;Bci tTic hs proven catarrb to be a constitutional direasc. aud, therefore, require constitutional t.-ua'.Kien:. UaH'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured hy F..I. Chen?y. Co., Toledo, Ohio, iatbe only coiistitutional core on the market. It i take iatemaliT in dose from lOdrop to teaapoon-f'-i!. It act directly on the blood and mucoo urfacesol thesvstem. Tbeyotfer one hundre coilar for any caae it fail to core. Beud to circuiara and testimonial. Addrea. e. i. chesey u co.t Toledo, o. WBold by Drnrrtirt, lie. EmXL' TrTT,'.'T Pill are the belt. Get Ready For Comfort The water-works will be completed soon, and you will need water in your homes and stores and offices. We have just opened a complete line of PLUMBING SUPPLIES Such as I'ath Tubs, Toilets, Sinks, Lavatories, Range Boilers, and fixtures for all these goods. None but experienced workmen employed, and we will do your plumbing as it should be done. YOU CANNOT BE TOO PARTICULAR about the plumbing in your house. Call at the store on Mill street and let us talk it over. VAUGHN $ WEAVER, Dallas, ore. 1 K m wm m ci m at Roy's Confectionery Store BEEF, CHICKEN AND CLAM TEA SEEVED AT ALL HOUKS. ALL LEADING BRANDS OF CJGARS AND TOBACCO SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM LAUNDRY. Waltei Roy, ugiow Buiwing, Dallas, Opc. Just Arrived At the Dallas Boot and Shoe Store a full line of Men's 'Walk-Over' Shoes also a full line of Ladies', Misses' ii and Children's Shoes and Slippers "ST. CECILIA" SHOES FOR LADIES. LADIES' AND MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES. DALLAS BOOT AND SHOE STORE MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. H. G. CAMPBELL FARM LANDS LOANS, INSURANCE MILL STREET, NORTH OF COURTHOU8E Dallas, Oregon LET US REMIND YOU That no matter how small or how largo your order, we are prepared to fill it. Anything in the Furniture Line Stoves and Ranges Included Our store is now crowded with goods, and still we have more ordered and must make room for them A new line of mattings, carpets and rugs just in. The only place in Dallas where you can get a complete housekeeping outfit. KERSLAKE'S FURNITUFI STORE. PHONE MAIN 63. MAIN STREET DeWitt's JKS Salvo For Piles. Burns. Sore..