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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1882)
P . C14 R T S T ÍÁÑ IL K11A T. 1J. 13 *• Wise and Otherwise. l‘l JUTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. -£L. XIOES j EOZELTO, s'vccEssonJro F. R. CHOWN, , ’ Importer and Dealer in 77/« readers of the 11 erai . d will —A lady inquiretl of a neighbor i jJease 'observe that no advertisements FISHEL & ROBERTS, Corner First slud Alder Sts., iiardwahe , how a certain friend of theirs, rfoto- ore inserted excejJ, those ?/’<r believe to 1 rious for his laziness, who had been he truxltrorth¡/. in writing to or eall- 145 First Street, PORTLAND. r iuiion our ttdrerUsers,.jJettse s ay i/on ilLwas... getting oni thft_ iieply. .wasy -^EAn MAIÿj 7“ THE LEADING their advertisement in TiiEr “1 believe’he is now able to sit up saw C hristian H erald . This will ac - - - - OREGON. Clothier, Merchant PORTLAND, at his meals, hut still he has to lie commodate both them and vs. 12-1 C-tf Tailor and Hatter down at his work.”— Ex. GARRISON ’ S OF OREGON. —A colored man came into a O C. BLANEY, M. D., Galveston newspaper office, and Sewing Machine Store, Guarantees to sell .tjie.very best Clothing/or less money than any other house in tho State. PHYSICIAN and SURCEON, wanted to take the paper. “ How 167, 3rd St., 12-12-tf . ' . PORTLAND, OREGON. longdoyou want it ?” asked the clerk. PORTLAND, OREOOS.’ Dili, a — Plummer & Byc-rley’s Drug Store, BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY, “ Jess as long as it is, boss, Ef it Cor. i irdt and Main St. Belts of l’ur<* Copper an/l Tin for Chnieli«"), Schools, Fire Alarins,Fnrni'«,etc. Fl'Ll. J lii-itjence—32 Jcffi-isun St., Cor. Second st. don’t fit <Ie shelves, I kin t’ar a JOHN B. GARRISON, Proprietor. warranted * catalogue sent . 12-1-ly VANDUZEN A TIFT, Cincinnati, O General dealer in all linds of Sewing piece of myself.’’ Machines Attachments, Oil, Needles, (¿tf. ----------- _ .. ,-T- ____ . —: r— —r-— ■» . —It was at one of Oil City’s Sewing .Machines repaired and warranted If yon want, to brtjr a good Sewing Machine call or hotels that a man, after vainly try send foY information. Illustrated catalogues ■ 12-3-tf ing to comb his hair with a broken -sent when desired. Norris R. Cox. comb, made the sad remark, “ I can J. G. Glenn, 2 not part with thee ” I — An exub rant youth hails a 147 THIRD ST. PORTLAND ■A supposed acquaintance on the street with “ Hello, Joe,” but finding his mistake adds, ° Oh, excuse me; 1 S. W. for. Kirst mill Yamhill St*., thought'you were another man’” PORTLAND, : : OREGON. Being a tfoUeMfoir of ninrrl ( 'hristian ministers. We have now in preparation the photographs Office House- From S a . m . to 5 p. m . Laconic stranger answers, “ I am.” Ilesidcnco, 291 Second Street. 14-3m of President Garfield, »*• A. itoi-ge« ami Isanc E{*retl. Uùr shall at ait early i date publish others, which will enable ourpeople, at little expense, to obtain a complete < abinet. —“.What is home where love is These photographs (albertypes) are most perfect likenesses, amt are the productions of tha ’s best style artd art. < ahitmt size, Mil inches. not ? ” asks a susceptible young DR. E. O. SMITH, ’ pliotograph In placing these photographs liefore von, it is our intention to spare no expense in making poet. It’s a mighty interesting the 'Cabinet complete. 'The pfelnres wilt bô sol I at the uniform rate of 20 cents each, or three* tor 50 cents. Our object jn this liberal off jr iCto bring our enterprise into immediate recogni place—to the neighbors. tion, so that when future Wot ks are announce I you will have an opportunity to judge of tha quality and beauty of the work. On receipt of your order the pictures will l>e promptly for-» —Johny, who was soaked by the wardedjrou, all charge* prepaid. We guarantee safe delivery. We advicecftibs to sen/1 together, as several copies can be sent together with greater-safety. As we have printed but a limite«! rain the day before told you number, send in your erders at once. Affijre^s STANDARD PUBLISHING COMPAVY, the rain would make me grow; 12r22-3nV»'s^-S. 1X0 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. these clothes are too small for in? ” —Horace Greeley only made a mistake in sex in his famous say Including a visit to New Zealand, Tasmania and Austr'aiiaTl’in> some account of the Christian Churches there, anil their work and success ; together with facts concerning the natives ; ing : the true version is: “ Go-West, missionaries, their work, perils and success ; with much Interesting informrtion, gleaned from tlie best sources, on the natural history religious, social and material progress of these young woman, and get married.’’ countries. Dr TIMOTHY UgOP axd HENRY EXLEY. —Thar iz advice enuff now lay Illa«|rate<l with Twelve Splendid Albertype Plate., Re pt-ml net ions of tlir Photo« ing around to run three just such graph's Art, and Facsimile, of th« Original Plinth. • r « worlds as this; what we are suffer _____. « A charming book of travel, replete with illustrations and incidents of foreign life and lands. ing most for iz sum good examples. Extra Cloth. about 250 pages. Price, $1.50. —Josh Billings. STANDARD PVBLISI1IMG CO., C1MCINMATI, OHIO. 12-22-3m —A company of settlers, in nam ing their new town, called it Dic tionary, because, as they said, THE "NEWNo. 8. DEALER IN “ that’s the only place where peace, Leading prosperity, and happiness are al- ways found.” —“ Did you get that girl’s picture Brown ? You remeinber that you said you were bound to have it.” “ Well, not exactly,” said Brown, Also, every variety of Cemeteryhand other Stone work, Granite Monnmentfi, nn/1 enclosures to burial dots, furnished to order. '■ I asked her for it, and she gave Opposite the Opera House, Salem. Also, Staig'er Brothers, me her negative.” Albany, Oregon. —It takes two to make a quarrel, I3coau.fcic and two to keep it going ; it only THE ONLY INSTITUTION OF ITS KIND ON THE COAST' IT HUNS LIGHTER, FASTER, AND IS yoUuy hvly or gentleman can obtain a Thorough Runlnpan Education needs one to end it. 1 More Durable than any other machine made. . We guarantee it to Out-wear any two —Actions speak 'more forcibly shuttle mschinos. It will darn beaetifnjiy, letter, make insertion and embrojdpr tcpo.txt than words; they are the test of any attachment. A (11J BCt ’pf attachments with eat h machine, leaving no extras to character. Like fruit upon the «iten buy. It Is the lightest running lock stitch tree, they show the riature of the machine in the world, and larlfrw wishing to preserve their. health should investigate its man ; while motives, like the sap, merits. All should give it a trial. Machines sold on installment plan. Lilieral discount for are hidden from out view.’’ ~~ cash. . - • Repairing of all kiudn of machines at reason —“ If God has chosen your way, able mtea and work warranted. Wo n.lvu vt,riy depend upon it, it i» the best that a lull lino of parte, needloa, all, ..u wtldh, Ac. could be chosen; it may be rough, WIIEKolun A AVI I.SOM, M’F’G CO., Mo. SS Morrison St., Porlluml, Or, but it is right; it may be fediodn, E. C. NEWELL, Afnunjj' v. but it is safe.” r THE C1TÏ DRY GOODS STORE THE CHRISTIAN. CABINET. A TRIP~ABOUND THE WORLD STAIGER, - X § tf A 12-1-ly MON I MEN TS, TAB IÆTS.