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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1882)
12 CHT4T8T T AX HEHAW. ’S Condensed Directions For*^ 15. Accuracy is vastly Teaching Arithmetic.. portant than rapidity. PIERCE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE more im I ’ 4 > »."■L—FOR----- 1G, Mental operations should, in 1. Train beginners from five to six years of age on combination «9 of general, precede written arithmetic. numbers, not exceeding ten, in ad- The two should be takey together. , MALES AND FEMALES. . H he next session of this prosperous and growing institution will and division. Begin with counters, arithmetic which all pupils should open on MONDAY, September 4, 1882, and close on THURSDAY, April 26, 1883. such as small blocks of wood, shells, understand are the four fuies— OBJECTS. corn, beans, or pebbles, and ’use common and decimal fractions, the * r This College wan founded in 1874, for tho co education <if both sexes, upon equal condition« them for two or three months, ilrytil tables oGweiglits and measures, and of entrance and graduation, and has had a healthy amt steady growth from the beginning. Our the pupils can make the cotnbina- interest. All the rest of the text aim is to give a good, solid education in the various branches of a College course. upon a Clu-ixticii Imsis, and thus to prepare students for ihe practical and beautiful pursuits of life, and __ UAii*2Us.Ay.ith<>u.t the aid Vf. objects. book may be omitted without much for lummable.citizens!)ip. ■ _ . LOCATION. Ioss 1 >y all but bigh-fechool pupils. [Grube method.] The C ollege Buildings, consisting oil two substantial brick edifices stand upon a campus of 18. A great deal that passes in 2. After from three to six months ten acfes in the pleasant village of College City, in the southern part of Colusa County. The town is pleasantly located in a Ixia-itiful, retired and healthful spot, in the midst of a moral, extend the combinations to twenty. schoof books under the name of cultivated and enterprising community, ami is easily accessible from auy direction. It is three miles east of Arbuckle, a town on the Northern Railway, with which it is connected by a daily . 3. reach figures and the forms ol arithmetic consists lai gel}' of school stage-line. . Hite scenery around is inspiring. To tpe north rise the stately form of Mount written arithmetic in connection master’s exercises, of neither prac .Shasta,"Ihe snowy peaks of Lassen, ami the picturesque Buttcsj on the.east“ wind the blue waters of the Sacramento, and stretch away in the distance the pinc-cliul Walls and snowy domes tical nor disciplinary valtie.-^ Jo/tn of with the mental work. ./■ the Sierras ; while ou the west lie Snow Mountain and the purple hills et the Coast Range. Svxtf. - COURSE OF STUDY. 4. Chi’dr.n under ten years of • ■ • ..'<«< . . Two complete Courses of Study, ^ie Cla- issical and tl.-C Scientific, have been arranged, im- age should be limited to operations ___ ________ Languages, English; Science, Art, Music, together ________ Mathematics, Ancient and Modern J ^>Lynn, .Mafia., always was a good _ bxaoing Book-keeping. . The« ly and Practice of Teaching, History, etc., and students, by the ad in addition, subtraction,-multiplica place for health, but it Las become a ihblc, vice and consent of the Faculty, can pursue those studies shown tw to be most advantageous to the close closo of the regular Session, a Normal Nirnnal class will lie formed and taught by two tion, and division, in order to secure modem Bethsedia since Mrs. Lydia E. them. After tlio of the Professors for the benefit of those who desire to puss cxaniiuatiiin lie fore some County accuracy and readiness. Problems Pinkhatn, of 233 Western Avenue, in .de Board for Teachers certificates. _ ' her great discovery of the Vegetable and analysis conic properly when » - ■ . « To those who have sons, daughters or wards to educate, we can offer rare advantage« and Compound, or panacea for tfh> principal the reasoning faculties arc more de indiicenien’ts to send to this School, viz. : ills that afflict the fair creation, l’bis strong - 1» A qiiiet^nd orderly College Town, with no Saloon, Diinkirig-place or Gainbling-honse veloped. . within three miles of the-buildings. Your sons are here free from these temptations to differs, however, from the ancient rcene ■ crime. 5. If a text-book is used by the of marvelous cures in this important 2. An able, experienced and enthusiastic Faculty* ;l. CpiqJcte course of study, vrTIi tboiJt>tTgtrin!iti iff'tii-n.------- —------ ————.— pupils, omit all puzzling and com- "particular : The healing agent, with all 4. The advantage of NortuaHiaiuif.g. plicatcd problems, and all questions its virtues, can be sent to order by ex 5. Low Rites of Tuition and Meliorate Expenses. Our charges are lower than those of any • Mlier K c I hm J id like grade oh the CoaaL and yottn - men and womer who have to educate press or until alt over thc wcrich” involving large numbers. themselves, will here find rule opportunities to carr} out Uicir noble purpoaea. , I KM’KVSKS : 6. After the first year, teach dec After vainly spending live hundred $25 oo dollars for other remedies to relieve my Tuition in (lullegiafoJlepfti-tnient, per term imals in connection with whole .. -i. preparatury, fir«; grade ... .. 22 50 . wjffi^Uiflxejab. hesjhuioir in declaring* . 20 to “ “ “ Huconil grade.. numbers, at least, to the extent of that St Jacobs Oil will cure Neuralgia, .. 10 00 •• •' Primary........................... 00 adding and subtracting and of mul says M. V. B. Hersotn? Esq., (of Pink I ns trumeii tai Music, per month...".... ( v*2 00 ham & Ilersom,) Boston, Miss., an en of Instrunient..................... tiplying and dividing them by thusiastic indorser of its merits.—Cham Use 8 00 Vocalization........................ .................. .............. .................................... . * 00 Drawing and Painting............. whole numbers. Limit: First step, bersburg, (Pa.) Tieraid. Modern Languugea, i>cr term. ........ ......................................... . .................'................... 10 < 0 4 00 Board, ;>er week...................... - ............................................. tenth ; second, hundredths; third, All tuition must be paiil'fn advance. Peunuuislijp at teacher’s pi ice. No janitor’s fees or thousandths. s extra charges. S KIDNEY-WORT | For Catalogue or further particulars, address. 7. In the second and third years, J. C. KEITH, President, Colli gi City, C m I 12 32-6m IS A SURE CURE teach common fractions, limited for all diseases of the Kidneys and mainly to halves, thirds, fourths, ---- LIVER----- THE OLD-PATH GUIDE. An Extraordinary Offer. etc., to twelfths. Illustrate simple It haa spcciflo action on this mo<t important < — organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and .operations in the four rules by inaction, stimulating the^healthy sccreUon of F. G. A llen , Editor, G. W. Y ancey , "Associate. There are a number of persons out of em the Bile, »nd by keeping the bowels in free mean« of apples, crayons, or lines condition, effecting its regular discharge. ployment in every county,—yet energetic men rpHIS ISA LARGE E1G1IT-PAGE WEEKLY. gkJlol'sri*^ If you are suffering from I devoted to the advocacy and defence of willing to work do not need to l»e. 4 hose will- upon the blackboard. ■W1 Cl 1 Cl I I <1» malaria, have the chills, are bilious, dyspeptic, or constipated, Kidney- * ing to work can make from $1'00 to$506« month Apostolic teaching and practice. ‘ Ask for the Old-Paths, and walk therein ” is its motto, its 8. I se the blackboard yourself Wort will surely relieve and quickly cure. clear, working for us in a pleasan» and perma practice and its teaching. Its matter is pure, In tho Spring to cleanse tho System, every one should take a thorough course of it. for the pin pose of giving explana nent business- Tho amount our agonts make safe, fresh and sparkling. Its make up is »1 SOLD BY DRUCCISTS. Price SI. varies,—soino making as high as $500 a month, I orderly, neat, attractive and on excellent paper. tions or models of methods. s < wliilo others as low as $10<), all depending on A specimen copy will satisfy all of the aboVe, energy of ti e agent. We have an aitu-le and will cost you but the time and ¡xistal card D. Drift yonr p ipils at the boards, -I KIDNEY-WORT i| 1__ the of great nienU 11 should Is? hi 471 to every -nn— wh i eh t he- request -4* made. Addre ss the House-owner, and pays over R*0 percent profit. Publishers. See ” Our Principles,” and “ Our sending up one-half the class while Ite-Issued with Fullest Possible Information, Each sale is $8 50 to $10.<0. (inc agent Bules.” Of II TEEMS. J uly 1, *882.— the other half is engaged in slate in Pennsylvania sold 32 in two days, and cleared $64.00. An agent in New York niade $15.00 in Single SubMiption, One Year, $2 00; Six work. Give both divisions thé cue day. Any man with energy enough to work Months, $1 00 ; Three Months, 50 cts,___ a full day, and will do this d mwg .tlic year can same exercises, aud insist on •food CLUB BATES. cake from $2.000 tn «'i,! fMlj^yrsc—« 0 ohlv- A tew Map of the North We <t »«■ J- —brnri?—wnnvonc man in each comity, TnH-ta him will To any one sending a club of five and $10 00 figures and neat work. issued by .1. K. Gjt.I-r—*• (>.. PtiMinhcr» anil give the exclusive sale as -long ns he continues cash, an extra copy. to work faithfully for uh . '1 here in noconqieii- frequent drills in addL- Uoekwcttefsi T he O ld 7’ atm G uide ($2 (Ml) and : mig like our tion, and nothing onr invention made, mad^e. T he Woitn and T he WoBk <50 cts.) $2 25. from $2 0 toil,you to invest, <4n _...... “ '' t i ii The: operation ih whieh more =34^1,,,^ M.qi eonldi is the latest information Parti« s having f /' ii ii ii < in u ii ($1 (MO $2 50. i.j, oivh..n,j..l W ii bilichili TnfrLtnrr, obtain a General Agency ibi* ten c< untie;! or a T he CniiisTiAN H erald <$2 00; ST 00. «tato. Any one can make uu iuvestmeui of mistakes are made than in any concerni all the recent Governinoli t_i$urvevn ef public from $25 to .sr.fWXTtvtttfouLllu. ¡east rink o I I hhh , . Address for s|>cciinens, lands; all the jmhv -towns; all the Railroad as U. C. C line <fe Co.. other. .«* <.ur CirculaiH will show tliatfThiStr Routes in operation and projected-; Public iral Publishers of C’lnircli and Sunday $25 can offer a . ‘ Mi d-ys trial return the goods from all points, and in fact, ill that can unsold to uh and get their money back, if they S<-liool Supplies, 310 Wes* Main St., 11. Fix every new operation, or Roads I hj necessary to a Complete and Reliable Map. 12-19 6111 LoitisvineTJiy^«^^^ do not clear at least $100 The/ show that a Price for pocket form, on tough bound paper, principle, by long continued and cloth covers: Oregon, 75 els.; Washington, General Igcnt who will take ten connfi.iH and frequently repeated drill. 75 cts., Oregon and Washington, $1.25 ; Oregon liivCst $216.4)0 cau after a tilal^of 90 days re- Oí I»it a week in your own town. $5 Outfit tinu all g-iods unsold tons, and have money, and Washington, Wall Map, Mounted, $2.50. free. No risk. Everything new. Calc leturncd t'1 tliem if they fail to clear at least 12. Do not take more than one $75O.O0in that Cime. We aro not tmyingyidar- itai not required. We will furnish you every Hz ' Send your orders with tie above ies, Blit want men willing towoik ¡uul obtain thing. Many are makiiiu fortunes. Ladies liour a day for arithmetic. KUtouitta to the puH.slii-ie, and limy will mail as llteir pay the piotits-ol their eiK-igy» Men' make «s much as men. and Isiys and girl» make t3: Depenrt Tnamiy upon slate to a ny a ii dre tw.--------- ----- ■ml willing TO work on <>ttr teriUH will not woik gretti pay. Render if you want a business at CTT” Lilwral »ates to agents and dealers. on any. Those nioaniiig .businesH will icccive which t on can make great pay all. t)u> time you and blackboard drill in school, our large descriptive circular^jindxi^raonliiiiG work, write fór particulars to II. H allett <V J. K. GILL St CO., ; r.v offer by enclosing a three Tent aid nip,'with Co.. Portland, Maine. rather than upon problems to be 93 First St : : Portland. their add ■esi. The first to comply with our terms will secure the county or counties they MIMTM lift AMI MMlMkKRS. worked at home. d limy wish to work’. ANO NOT / Address, R e ' xf . k M*M r*«TL ’ jiixu ( o., 14. Seldom assign home lessons U7" WEAK -Ä: ......... OFT. 118 Smithfield Street, Pittsburg, l’a. rî Î byW itrilirnnk.'tB. By mail, 80 cts. •’ t «'"1"™ r a* f buuranit«■ Miti uM in arithmetic. , 12-31-3m 12-31-3111 * JULO 1 REE J »■ KIRV1Í A CU.. 3« Dey Bl .N.lf T I ! i.VDKEHKSW. ■ « OREGON & WASHINGTON. DVKb W||||| ft ferSCo,«Traft’ 7 BEARD I.elXlllW im- ..U h»r fodd IrtMui or bare fa.«. I Will fixe. • fall •hhter» >»» 4 «• fi «»»k». •nd old war l aary beard ‘ne stark I to 3 Pkg». T'k T • Ä‘, I Ü * CU, I’ai.i,ee,III. 8 /¿y*