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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1882)
'4 1# 11 1 Happy Childhood. [ ’ How pleasant it is to gazé on the nnocent amusement of happy ;h ildhood ! There is little Johnny [playing beside the newly painteTF ifence. He draws his dainty finger lover the moist surface, making beautiful arabesques and undeci pherable hieroglyphics that would set an antiquary into hysterics of , picturesque by its borrowings from the fence, and his face and hands are effectually disguised in the pig ment. Happy, careless^innocent childhood! And he Recons John ny's mother. ..How ea^eFly she seizes her darling ! How closely she hugs him in her fond embrace! Now she disappeared with her dar ling within doors. AVhat are those sounds which issue thence I It is Johnny’s voice. Is he laughing merrily over the remembrance ®f his recent sport ? Possibly ; but it does not sound like laughter." Again we say,’ happy, happy childhoocT.= Boston Transcript. * . . * ---- .. ------- .------ —x.---------- . — « “Gould any boy or girl break that thread?” asked Mr. Moody. ‘ Yes, yes,” came up from all parts of the hall. “ Break it to bits then,” said Mr. gp instant the~ thread was torn K to pieces. Then ► Mr. Moody went on: “Although that thread is a very little thing — I could bind t*he strongest man with it. 1 could wind it round ami round him until he was a helpless ,pr’fSffHT'r;"and"'he rwild neve© brook it and escape.” Following up this line, Mr. Moody gave a short and impressive talk on little sins, en tailing the children’s serious and eager^ttention to the close.-— Hi. Fell Against A Sharp Edge. This is furnished by Mr. Win. Will, 1613 Frankford Avo., Philadelphia, Pa; Some time since I received a severe in jury to my back, L>y falling against the sharp edge of a marble step, the stone penetrating it st least a half-inch, and leaving a very painful wound. After sufi'ering for a time, I concluded to apply Ht. Jacobs Gil, and am pleased to say, that the results exceeded my ex pectations. It speedily allayed all pain tod—a w u l li ng nn.l byenntinuedL.USfix. made a perfect cure; I really think it the mos>t.afHcticions liniment I ever used. — Rockfofd (Ill. ) Rvyiider. Good Company. The Cream of nil Hook, of Adventure. . A NOTED BUT ÜNTITIÆI» WOMAN. [From tho Boston GZOie.] PIONEER 1“ I DARING HEROES - DEEDS. The thrilling adventnres of all the hero ex plorers and frontier fighter., with Indian«, out law« and wild l>ea«t«, over our whole country, from the earliest time« to the present. Lives ;in s it rfrfwrtu'' ish. Boone, henton, Brady, Crockett, Bowie, Houston, Carson, Custer, Cali'omia Joe, V ild- Bill. Buffalo Bill, Gen«.'Miles and Crook, great" Indian Chiefs and «cores of othors. GOUGE- OUSLY 1LMJSTHATED with 175 fine en gravings to the life. AGENTS WANTED. Low priced and beats anvthing to Sell. J. DEWING A CO., 420 Bush St., San Franc:, co. 12-29-(>m 9 Messrs. Editors B2KTHE ~'",TGc a !>o vo^,V,B l ia’'I Tg m i BM l( f (Il a B i Bi n b . ham, of Lynn, Mass., who above all oilier human beings TVVELFTH ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT may be truthfully called Hie ‘Dear Friend of-Woman,” OF * as some of her correspondents love to cali ber. She is scalously devoted to her work, wliirfh is the outcome HILL COLLEGE, of a life-study, and is obliged to keep Elx lady NEAR assistants, to help her answer tlie large eorresp<indcnce FLORR9CE, ALABAMA, which daily pours In upon her, each liearlng Its special b arrier rt s uffering', iff jnJ f release ftrea 0fejfe__ .- :(1HH1 anillkst,. ■ Vegetable Compound Is a niedicire for good arid not " ApbRESM evil purposes.. I have personally investigated it and am satisfied of the truth of tills. T. B. LARIMORE, tin account of its proven merits. It is recommended FEORKVCK, A EBB A MA. en.l prescribed by the best phydeians ta the country. One sayB. “It works like a charflixnul saves much jrain. It will cure entirely the wolwt'form of falling «if tho uterus, Leucorrhoea, irregular .and painful Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, I- n.-iminatlon and Ulceration, Floodings, all Displace .e-nts npd the con TO ACKN’TS. sequent spinal weakness, ami U especially adapted to the Change of Life.” It perm-rites every portion of the system, and gives GOODS new life and vigor. It removes faintness, flatulency^ destroys all craving for stimulants, and rollcvcs weak ness, of the stomach. It cures Tdoating, Headaches, IT yon arc out of Employment and want to Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Start in business, yon can mako fropi $3 to $10 Depression and Indigestion. That feeling.of bearing a day clear, and take no risk of loss, we will down,causing pain, weight and backache, fs always send \ou'on receipt of $11, goods that will sell —f nllT,‘ul ‘.y ii- use II. will at n il times, and ««.■dily ia a ta.i»r days for If the A^ent. fail» under all circumstances, net In liarmony- with thfi law to sell these goods’in four days, they can return that governs the female system. all unsold to its, and wo will return them their It costs only $1. per l>ottleor six for S"., and is sold by ' money, can anything be fairer? We-take all «J Aiggisti Any advice rvqu ¡red as to apudal eases, and i-i«k of loss, and ti e Agent gets - tart, d in a bus thenames Of many who have hern rrrtnrtsi tn perfect iness that, will be permanent. and piiy from health by the use ot the Vegetahlo Coinponnd, can be $1 (MX) to $3,000 a year Ladies can do as well obtained l>y addressing Mrs. I’., with stomp for reply, as men. We want” an Agent in evejN' county. at her home in Lynn, Mass. \ Full particulars free. Address, U. H. Manufact For Kidney CoBijdaint of rither sex this coni)s>nnd is uring Co., No. 116 Smithfield Street, Pittsburg, unsunswsed as atAindaut nlLndaut trutiinonialM testimonials show. . . Pa. 12-31-3m. “Mia Pinklianj ’s Liver Fills, Pills," “ aro Hip ” says one writer, ** trnrld for tho cure of Constipation, thr best tn the Biliousness anil Torpidity of tbe liver. Her Blocid TY Greatchance to make money. Purifier works wonder-sin its special line and bids fair /Ujl/iThiwo who ahvavs take ad to equal tbe Compound in its popularity. vantage of the good chance« for making money *A11 must raspect her as an Angel of Mercy whose sole that are offered, generally Iteeome wealthy, ambition is to do good to other* while those who do not improve such chances ph i ia«|wl ph to, Pa- (g) Mrs. A. M. D. MARS’ A President, AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER ’ UNSOLD RETURNED. __ . . Little Lottie to her friend: “I have so many cares. Yesterday a One evening a lady of New York, little baby sister arrived, and papa while on her way home at a late is on a journey. It was only a hour, without an escort, was ap piece of luck that mamma was at proached by a lewd fellow, as the home to take care of it/’ boat on which they rode“ neared its your old things look like land, < who asked : remain in jx.v-rty. We want many men, wom new by using the Diamond Dyes, and en, l«>vs and girl« to work for us right in their “Are you alone ?” “ No, sir,” was yort will be'happy.^ Any of the fashion BAPTISMAL ROBES. localities. Any one can do the work properly the reply, and without further in able colors for ten cents. from the first start. The business will pay more rpiIE “LADIES AID SOCIETY” OF THE than ten limos ordinary wages. Expensive terruption, when the boat touched, fiirn ialied free. No one who engages fails 1 Christian Church, Portland, is prepared to outfit “ If I have ever used any unkind furnish ’* Baptismal Robes ” to those desiring, to make money rapidly. You can devote your she jumped off. at prices from $5 to $7, according to kind of whole time to tlie work, or only your spare mo Full information and ill that it needed “ I thought you were alone,” said words, Hannah,” said Mr. Smiler, cloth. These will be «ent by mail to any part ments. sent free. Address S tinson A Co.. Portland, of the coast. Address, H erald Office, lOo First Maine. the fellow, stepping to her side reflectively, “ I will take them all St., Portland, Or. 5 again. “ I am not,” replied the bock.” “ Yes, I suppose you want lady. “ Why, I don’t see any one ; to use them over again,” was the TIIB LARGEST AND ONLY (•MPLETE TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS* WARE* IIOL'SE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. ( who is with you ? ” " God Almigh- not very soothing reply. A T MX!1!) 9-r *OT1'V successors to miller & richard ty and’ the angels, sir ; I am never ***** Magnificent promises sometimes X t C o J l &JC i X 9 scotch type founders , alone! ” This arrow pierced the end in paltry performances.” A mag villain’s heart, and with these part- nificent exception to this is found in 205 & 207 Leidesdorff, and 529 Commercial Streets, Kidney-Wort which invariablypeTforms ing words, “ You keep too good even more cures tlihn it promises. Here - SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. company for me, madam,” he shot is a single instance: “Mother haare- 1 -------------ir»»p on the, largest Stock of America.»! rancy Type ever kept on thia Coast, together with a ccmnlet»» stock of MUler 4k R i c h a rO’ a B c o tch Tape, and ©ut of sight, leaving the heroic covered,” wrote an Illinois girl to her can furnish at a momcnt’B notice anything in the Printers' line from a. bodkin to a. Cylinder Preet. We have a. very large stock of Now and Second-hand Printing lady to enjoy good company.— Hu Eastern relatives. ** She took bitters Presses of all makes and stzea. We are sole agents for, and keep In stock, Campbell for a long time» but without aLy good. Cylinder Presses, Cottrell & Babcock ditto, also Peerless, Clipper, Jewel, Gordon and ral Home. Washington Jobber», Washington Hand Presses, new Baxter Steam Engines (just So when she heard of the virtues of Kidney-Wort ant got a box and it haB Mr. Mo)dy gave the children of completely cured her liver complaint.” Glascow, Scotland, a striking ob ject lesson in one of the recent chil dren’s meetings in that city. Pro ducing from his pocket half a dozen reels of white thread, he spread them out among the audience until the white threads were stretched along the galleries and from bench to bench. Ife gave no explanation 1 of the meaning of this procedure until the process was completed, and by that time the curiosity of the children was fully aroused. This is a boy’s composition on girls: ** Girls are the only folks that have their own wav every time. Girls is of several thousand kinds, and sometimes one girl can be like several thousand girls if she wants, anything. This is all I know about girls, and father says the less 1 know.about them the better off I' adi." .............—«= “Hough on Rats.’ ----- *. Clears oat rats, mice, roaches, ilia , ants, bed bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c, Druggists. ¥ the thing for printers), Tuork Water Motors, Gem Paper Cutters and a full line of Sanborn’s Bookbinders-’ Machinery. Our Fidelity Roller Composition and Peerless Printing Inka are considered the best in use. Have you used our Perfection plates? They cave editorial work and composition, and therefore save money. Send for our Catalogue. _ REMEMBER -Ml» Mowse on this Const can compete with ns in Quality of Goods. 9 NOW READY I ORDER AT ONCE New Christian Hymn and Tune Book. This work contains oyer 7<x> hymns and 3(111 tunes, «»bjects to meet all the wants of Christian . people. Books are well printed, on gold paper, and very sulistantially bound. English Cloth, red e,lgcsi single copy, 60 eta. Per «lox . - Cheap E«lttlon, Lonnrt tn Boards and Printed on cheaper paper, stngle copy, 35 cts, l'er doa.jj3.6t>. NEW CHRISTIAN HYMN BOOK. Cloth Binding, single copy, 35 cis. Per dox. *3 60. •45 eta« Per «lox. $’4,40. Address JOHN BURNS, Publisher, - - - Board Covers, cjngl«- copy, f ~ST. LOUIS, Mo. IIead«iu<*rtera for all the Publications of the Christian Church, « Ì