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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1882)
14 J» It has been remarked that a large nose is a sign of character. So is a red nose, but it is a more brilliant - sign and of a different character.— JV. (X Picayune.* I TUTT’S PILLS As a Physician, M bs . 1) h . S mith has gained n national reputation. She has cured Women and Men, in all parts of the country. To-day she has patients in every State in the Union’. She treats the sick at tiieir homes , by letter. She gives references of many well-known j»er- tons, whom she has treated, among them Mrs. Alexander Campbell, of Bethany, W. Ya. For references; testimonials, question list etc., inclose stamp, and address M bs . I) b . A ugusta S mith , s , k _.. Y— " Ù - 12-21.-3m Springfield, Missouri. “ biidiupaiha.” Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. SI. Druggists. ---------- ;-------- •* “ Women can resist a man’s love, if man’s fame, a m’ai/s personal ap pearance, a man’s money ; but thev cannot resist a man’s tongue, when he knows how to talk to them.”— f Wilkie ColWn.8. - — Moth< rs ’ Mothers !! Mothers ! I! Are yon disturbed at night and brokep of y < nr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so go at once and get a bottle of MBH. WIN FLOW H SOOTHING SYRUl*. It will relieve Hie jKior little ■sufferer immediately—depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother oli earth who has ever used it, v. ho will not tell you at once that it will regu late the bowels, and give re«t to the mother, iiijd relief and thechild. operating like luagic. ft is jsTfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is Die proscription < f one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold every where. 25 cents a bottle. 12-1-ly A boy says in his composition that “Onions are the vegetables that makes you .sick if you don’t tat them yourself.”— Ex. Skinny Men, “Wells’ Health Renewer” restores 1:< alth and vigor, cores Dyspepsia, Im- )<( tence, Sexual Debility. $1. A visitor, on calling at a friend’s ) ntrsr» during t+nr session “of the Legislature, was questioned thus by I; little boy; “ Where's your “ What do you mean, little boy ? ; sked the visitor, “ 1 heard pa say ihe reason y>/u came to town was, i on had an ax to grind.”— Ex. A rumen’s Cough Syrup never fails to Cure if used in time and according to di 1< ctions. We heard a prominent physician say r> few days ago that he thought it was » e duty of the proprietor of Ammen’s • 7 ugh Syrup to give the formula of the j edical faculty, so they could prescribe : nd use it without violating the rules of lie profession, for, said he, “ bo mauy « I ruy pvtiente {»raise it to the skies, and ' s; s v’*1111' under iuy observation •»>li< reTt has been remarkably beneficial,' ♦ mt I know it must indeed be a wonder- j al discovery in medical science.” This j'ledicine is for sale by respectable drug- I ists and dealers in medicine every- Where. SEWING MACHINES SALEM IRON I WORKS. 1 t L —;o:— is tF^e p U. T1. DR^-KEJ, 'SYMPTOMS OF A Mrs. Dr. Âiigusla Sinitli—liiïïior of . •♦‘The New Precess Cure Treatment.”. Begin carjy to cultivate system. There is nothing more! We^jful than a systematic habit, and it should be acquired while young. THE MOST POPULAR ---- • OrALL*---- * MÄNUFACTUR ER f>F , Loss TORPID LIVER. of Appetite, Bowels costive, Fain in STEAM ENGINES, the Head, with a duB sensation in the >ack part, Fain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Restlessness, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and mili /M achinery REAPERS, THRESHERS, &c. CONSTIPATION. ALSO TUTT’S PILLS nre especially ndapf ed to •uch cases, one dose effects sucli a change of feeling as to astonish the Sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and cause the body to Tntae on Flesh, thus the system is nourished, ami by limit Touic Action on the I»i<esli,v Onnun, Regulor Niools are pro duced. Price 25 cents. 3.'» Hurray Nt.. N. V. fli ì ^ c ì if TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Brass and Iron Castings fu* wished on Short Notice. G ray H air or WitiSKERs changed to a G lossy B lack by a single application of thia D ye . It im parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of SI. Wat'r Wheel Governors of best pattern known, two sizes. Agent for Degroat’s Patent Ornamental Iron Fence. New and second hand Engines constantly on hand. OFFICE, 35 MI RKAY fcT.. NEW YORK. Tl’TTS HA NT AL* ef Valnwhle Information andY* Useful RcctlpU will b« wnihil I RLE on RppliratioiuJP ( Dr. IS THE : ALWAYS EQUAL GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR “ENTERPRISE” PLAKER AND MATCHER. LI FETI MEt* RHEUMATISM, SURPASSES.^ OTHERS NEURALGIA, SCIATICA. k ' LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, X GOUT, SORENESS or THE ill .- o -------- 0 RANG E MAS S C hicago x namukc iiill , (»31 Marki t St-. CHEST, Suu Francisco, Cal JUIIL. I IIIIUM lv QUINSY, SWELLINGS AND 30 UNION SQ. NEW YORK t. ' SPRAINS, FROSTED FEET AND EARS, . □3'em INTIS AND SCALDS, General Bodily Pains, TOOTH, EAR -------- -—999-------- -— Church and School Bells. frame Hang (|(( ’s ------------- No IF 25 in 23i»9.s $ 25 ' No (>‘¿27 in afolt.s 3G 00 GO &.<ZNo 7 30in49hn>» 50 (lb No 8 3lin7:«m.s 75 I 00 No 9 38 in 925tt>s 130 I co Rumsey «V Co., Seneca Falls, New York. P IT BT j IC TV TI O X S OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. HEADACHE, AMD Itl OTHER PAINS AND ACHES. No Preparation <n* earth equal« JS t . J acobs O il ft« a satb , S ure , BiMPLr and cheap External Remedy. A trial entai'.fi but the comparatively trifling outlay of fiOCitNTS, and evary one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of It. claim.. Dlwtrriowt IK f.t.EV. X I.IXOtTpEB. ICIO BY All DRUGGISTS ARD DIALERS IN MEDICIRt. A. VOGELER & CO. Ilaltimore, Md., V. S.Jit THAT WONDERFUL BOOK GUIDE g SUCCESS WITH FORMS FOR liUSlNKSS AM> SIX IKTV I k welling by tens of thousands. It is the most universally useful book ever published. It. tells completely HOW TO DQ EVERYTHING in the best wav. How. to be Your Own Lawyer, | How t<» Ih» fiiiMiiu.wj t'.irif<-tlv and ShecesH- . fully, How to act in u Society anri ainT ajerywiioro. çyèrywTigfe, A gold mine of varitf ad inforitaïïôn 2......., fo _2. nil classes 'J___ for constant reference. AGfcUVTs WASTE!) for all or «pare time. ’ To know why this l>ook of REAL value ami attractions relia better than any other, apply for term: t<> J. DEWING A CO., S rh Francisco, Cal. - 12-29-Gni NQ4. FAMILY SIZES AND PUK ES. Diaui. of W’t with Costof Bell. yoko A Bell A THAT THE i I DOMESTIC —18 THE— Acknowledge Leader in Trade, the In consideration of the growing de US A FACT THAT CANNOT BE DISPUTED. mand and for the accommodation of the many readers of these works on the Many Imitate It! None Equal It! const, we have sent for, and will keep on hand the various publications of the THE MOST SIMPLE, Christian Church, together with a THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, limited number of other religions au THE FINEST FINISHED, thors, including Books of Sermons, Dis THE HANDSOMEST WOODWORK. cussions, Theological Trent»«*/, Biogra J. W. EVANS, phies, Commentaries, Hymnids, (¿Lurch •49 Pont Street, San Francisco. and Sunday-Bchool supplies, Ac., &3. I’.. F. IlKllOV? Agent, 49 Salmon St., The^e will be sent post-paid (orwhon li«t. Second anil Third, Portlund. so ordered, by express) to any part of 12-9-Gm the coast at Publishers’ prices. lrasineM now before the pub- Money may be sent by Draft, P. O. A. lie. You can make money faster at work for us than at anything else Capital not Ordir or Registered Letter. needed. Wo will start yon. $'2 a day and up . Cull on or address wards made at homo bv the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere 4» BRUCE WOLVERTON, k for us., Now it. llw time. Yim can work 105 first St., Portland. -Woi Hi K|.'.in‘'rini(' only or giye your whole time to IV A VITI? iw Vy New T*i’ «T/ 4 over lOOGold tiri Hiivui Wal.h.-m .Watcl«?* tout for a 3c Mimip. It t l..< l»>w I seni v. a chea to nil p .ri^of U.S tn heexamhied I k fo»e piryln«r nnv in*»’ ev. Umlonb’ed ref* m ucu. ' the business. You can live nt home »nd do the work. No other business will pay you nearly ns well. No one can fail to make.enormons pay by engaging at once. Costly Outfit and toFfns free- Money made fast, easily and honorably. i Address T hue A Cd., Augusta,'Maine.