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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1917)
> 7 ■ -- -— 9m — FRID AY, A PR IL IK 1917. reception ot W . O. W . kail last Sat ining and tha follow ing About Eventa in the City and County. solo— Mauds Toa tea. Dairy Pr Mrs. T . J . T hrift visited friends at Sunday. tost bevo offered tha Bay Owen Knowl- serrieea to the Piano duet— Maymie Delong, Mildred Norton. A fter the program games o f vari ous kinds were endulged In, the moat popular being an indoor track m oot About 11:30 refreshm ents consisting o i ice cream , cake, coffee and mints lira . Was. Grow has ju st returned to her home a t Coaledo after spending the winter at Kingi an, A risons, for the benefit o f her health. She visited her aon, Wm. A . Grow, at Alameda, California, on the way. He ie now Bttperintaiidftlit o f Mu Spreckles sugar refinery at Crocket Point. M rs. Grow •ays the weather was fine all the way up on the railroad until aha crossed W . E. Cleghorn starts tom orrow the Oregon line and then it began to morning on his return trip to C alifor rain within an hour. . nia, being apprised that his w ife, The decoration were o f gold, green and white, bring a combination o f the colors o f the tw o classes. Crepe pa per o f theee colors waa used fo r stream ers, lampshades, ate. The place cards also carried out the color scheme, bearing a basket o f cream roses, tb s senior class flower. Evan ths cakes were white and gold, and gold and green. It was during the luncheon that M ist Ada Downs, o f the Seniors, pre sented to Miss Catherine H ersey, o f the Juniors, the Senior cane which is handed down to the succeeding senior class every year. One enjoyable event and to the hon ored one a com plete surprise, was the presenting o f a large birthday cake with lighted candles to Miss M yrtle Nealy, Doris Tyrrell m aking the pre sentation. A ltogether H waa an event long to be remembered by the members o f the He want down there w ith her in De cember on account o f her health. ROADS INCREASE VALUES. One County In Michigan Sees Werth i J. W. Nob let, o f the teaching force at the city schools was enrolled in Money spent In road Improvement Colonel Roosevelt's proposed division o f the right kind is making a profit of before com ing here last fa ll and m ay 125 per cent a year In W ayne county, be a member o f the first m ilitary Mich. The county spent $££ 00,000 on construction and maintenance during force thia nation sands to Europe. tee eight years from 1000 to 1014, In Sheriff Gage says Geo. Bryant’s clusive, and In this period the assessed FOrd la a great car. In going out to valuation o f property In the county, the Hoffman bridge yesterday they outside o f the city o f Detroit, Increased climbed seemingly im possible grades from $02.707.000 to $114448.120. or 82.0 and plowed through mud ju st like a par cant. O f this Increase 30 par cant. Or $22,- snow plow works on the railroad. 000400, Is credited to rood Improve 2*4 Before you plant your grain or potatoes give them a good soaking in thia Formalde hyde Solution. It will improve the quality as well as prevent smut and rust. Squirrel Poison Now is the time to put out poison for the “ peaky critter»” aa they are more hungry now than later and consequently a greater number will be destroyed. % Veterinary Vaseline A~very necessary article to keep the in shape through the muddy sea» Seed We have a very complete line of all seeds —field and garden—and the finest Onion Sets. Prices consistent with quality. K now lton’s ¡D ru g Store The war which began last weak ap pears to be stim ulating the demand fo r m arriage licenses in this county. There have been ten issued by County Clark Oddy since our last report, and that is the largest number we have ever recorded bore fo r a single weak. Spectacles and eye g lasses skilful ly repaired. Broken lenses duplicated while you w a it V. R. W ilson. 10U Mr. and M rs. R. A . Jeub expect to •tart next Monday or Tuesday fa r M inneapolis, Minn., where Mr. J .’a people reside, to remain fo r an indef inite period. Ho will be missed es pecially at the court house where he The meeting o f the Woman’s Study has 1mm one o f the moet efficient Club last Friday afternoon waa up to helpers. the du b standard in interest. A t the next meting, A pril 20, the annual Roy M. A very w ill this week sever dection o f officers will be held. his connection with the Herald here to accept a position in the office o f the ^ b > y Burns and Marten Tyrrell Coos Bay Times at Marshfield. Mr. csB s home last Sunday from Oregon Avery has dona good work on the U niversity fo r the E aster vacation Herald during the past year, and wa and after a week at homo will return the first o f the weak to Eugene. it his first duty this m orning to ex amine the insane man, Brunner, who has been in ja il since Saturday. Ha waa ordered committed \/S the hospital at Salem and the attendants called up in tins# to so n s down hero far him today. The low lands o f the river bottom were all flooded again last Sunday, and the downpour last Tuesday morn ing didn’t help any in drying them off. Tha weather is still cloudy, damp and cool, and though the gardens planted in January a n up and grow ing, about nine-tenths o f us a n still waiting fo r the ground to become fit to stir. W ord has bean received by the par ents o f the tw o young men ♦»»«♦ Ear! Leslie and Reuben Meat Jr. took the examination at Vancouver last weak f«* medical corps, w e n accepted and im m ediately ordered to duty. They had expected to be heme fo r the Easter vacation Aram the University noueure A fter this refreshm ents, consisting o f frappe and nabiacoa, were served. Those present w ere: Fraulien Lean- na and A lice Curry, Marion Schroed- ar, Vera K elly, Gwendolyn Endicott, Edna Hariockar, A da Downs, M yrtle and Sylvia N eeley, Clara Lund, M il dred Norton, Maude T oe tee, Mias Hoffman, Zalina Strang, Edna Robin son and Miss Ada Mae Newell. Die H erren: Leslie Schroeder, Jack Leach, A rthur H ooton, E ric BUp, M s Hoiigm sn, and Mr. Nobtet. Mr. and Mrs. Newell from M ellette, South Dakota, visited the dub. for the purpose o f securing speedy ac tion on the appropriation fo r the con struction o f ths road from M yrtle Point to the Douglas county lino. S. A . Griswold and S. R. R oy, who have been em ployed at Camp 1 at Sumner, went to Portland yesterday to enlist in the United States army, tie d Pika, o f M yrtle Point, also passed through hare en route to Portland where he expects to join the navy. 3- Formaldehyde “ D aylo,” the new name o f the E v- ment because the assessed valuation er-ready flashlight, 1« an expansive o f Detroit Increased only 47.7 per cen t The increase In county valuation above cognomen. The B rer-ready people the rate o f Increase In the d ty waa offered $3,000 fo r the boat name sug gested and as fou r woman suggested the same title, each one waa presented with a check fo r $3,000. Nearly every m erchant in the city has signed the early d osin g agree ment and it is expected to make this move unanimous very soon. There is -, articles for this «i - is •bout the dry, cold weather there thia spring. The w riter said he had planted no garden yet and didn't ex pect to be able to fo r tw o weeks. We hope to do batter than that here, though the alm oet continuous rains thia month have made planting later than ever before. • - - - . Jas. T. Jenkins, at Parkersburg, there is a deficiency in thia Use they waa in town Tuesday. will probably be ordered to report fo r B. S. Knowlton waa a visitor over examination soon. on tha Bay yaatortoft The grand ju ry wfl convene fo r the J. R. ffrahfiim was' in from tha Fair- A pril term o f court next Monday with view country Tuesday. apparently few casco to engage its The A pril term o f the Mrs. J. A . Lamb returned la ri Sun attention. circuit court w ill begin on Monday, day from a abort visit over at tha Bay A pril 28rd, a week later. M rs. T. H. Downs, who bos boaa Dr. G. Earl Low went np to P ort very ill, is reported to bo sltrgjy im- land W ednesday m orning to take the frfm fn fftion fo r AppointQMBt to til® medical corpe. His application was fo r arm y o r navy, where the author ities needed doctors meat. seasonable w ant Miss Phillips Surprised. More than 126 milpa o f concrete road bava besa put down by tbs Wayne county com m isriooers since the county System was adopted In 1908, and the roads built with the $2,000,000 bond Is sue are etili In good condition and giva •very -promise o f more than outliving tbs bonde. The commissioners state m their alntb annual'report for last year that they never bava had to taka np and replace a single twenty-0 ve foot section since they have been develop ing this type o f road, although aoms o f tbs roads bave been down more than t Every mile o durable ruadg laid la cutting down the cost o f upkeep. Last year the commissioner* had forty-six miles more roadway to care for than the yaar before, yet they spent f& im mas for maintenance, notwithstanding they have supervision over 1,246 nil leg o f other types o f road, such as m ao •dam and gravel, outride o f Incorporat ed cities and villages. It Is estimated that 90 per cent o f the traffic In the county la canted on 90 per cent o f the road mileage and that concrete construction should bo continued until there are about 800 miles o f such roads. . . The commissioners hope to see this road system carried to a point w h en no cltisen In the county will lira mom than three miles from a good road. Brisk Reads. Tha experience o f the last few yean, la which the ch an cter o f tn ffic on the P u b lic highways has changed ae re markably and so rapidly, proves that b.tck Ia the beet paving material now known for country roada, says the Columbus (O.) Journal Brick roads more to build than macadam or concrete, but they but so much lo n g « that they most be cheaper la a term o f yaera. A brick read surface properly laid at the right season o f the year re. quires almost no attention and la prac tically Indestructible. Macadam, on the other baa proved Its unsuitability for p i nan it day tn ffic .. Some e f the fine macadam roads In tbit country built duly tan or three yoara ago a n worn out already. They “ >“ ♦ be w aited on almoet the must ell— NjjB B B W all PN M time MW to keep them tree from holes and ruts. They sim ply cannot stand up under tits atn ln put upon them by automobiles. Concrete aa a country road pavement Is still more ae less In the experimental stage. It Is cheaper than brick, but It does not seem able to wit bet and tha titering and 'thawing o f spring and Call, and a cracked and sism sil concrete reed ta a miserable thing and danger- mas la the light o f pramat knowledge brick la by ah odds tha meat aaOatitc coot W ednesday evening Mias A llis Phil ips enjoyed a vary pleasant surprise when the ladies o f the teaching force in our d ty schools dropped 10*00 bar with baskets and the layout fo r an appetising repast, tne occasion being the attainment o f another m ilestone in life ’s journey. M iss Phillips was presented a beautiful cut glasa vase by her guests. ~- Those present w ere: Mesdamee Chase, Dungay, Minard, and Howard and Misses Kennedy, A llen, Spencer, Newell, Bay, Faw cett and Anderson. Entertained in California. $ 1 . 7 5 M Your Ordir Bifora Y m Forptlt j - i ,7 5 " * ~ m M a i ^ W M « * t a * * W IN T in lilp ■ * Str. Elizabeth Bandon to San Francisco J, E. W ALSTROM .Agoat.Baadoo.Ora. ____Ei tJELU Kruae. Mgr*., 24 CaUf.5tf A F. Closing a vary happy season of cards the members o f the Arrowhead ( 600 du b were entertained a t an elab 1 i orate luncheon at the M ission Inn in Riverside, says a southern California paper. A ll o f the members were FOR SALE QUICK. present and M rs. Oamundson, o f Co 1 quille, Oregon, jras the spacial guest. One o f the finest dwellings and lo The members o f the club are Mes cations in town at bargain term s. dames Bert Spinner, Charles Trask, See T. A . W alker. < < C. H. Shaffner, Allan Voorheaa, W. Boyd Gatewood, G. L. Burt, R. J. F or rent 20 acres o f w ell im proved ( Ochs, Eugene W ickham. farm land with barn and orchard, no house, $300.00 or secured note, near The delegates from the Epworth Coquille City. Inquire o f M. H. Her League her* to the County convention sey. 12t2 at North Band today, tom orrow, and Sunday a rt: Bov. T. H. Downs, d r. and M rs. J. A . Richmond, M i« Ada Newell. Mrs. Laura Brandon, Misaes Clara Lund, Ada Downs, Paulina and Genevieve Chase and Bay and Leland Peart. They .want over on tha a fter noon train today! J* E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore. \ Willard Starasi Battery RIVER TIM E C A R O COQUILLE. Bast« Deport. (A ll I oave ‘fo r Bandon and landings except the M yrtle.) T e l e g r a p h . .1*30 p. Charm ....9 :1 3 a. m. and 4:16 p. m. Norma (m all and express) .6 4 0 p. m. Dispatch week day*.......... 1:00 p. Dispatch S u n d a y s............. 1:80 p. R elief ...................................7:00 a. m. M yrtle fo r M yrtle Point ..1 :0 0 p. m. Rente A rrive. Telegraph - . > . , ^ . , . . . . 1 0 * 1 C h a rm ___ 9:00 a. m. and 4 * 9 p. m. Norma (m ail and express) .5:00 p. m. Dispatch, weak days ....1 0 :3 0 a. Diapatch, Sundays . . . . . . 1 1 * 0 a. Relief , « » * , * , . i , . , . . , # . . 1 * 0 p. Myrtle, from Myrtle Petek .liN s. &| Service Station AT COQU ILLE POSTOFFICE. M ails Depart. Marshfield and Eastern 6A0 a. m. M yrtle P oint '8 :8 0 a. m .; 7:25 p. m. Power* 2.00 p. m. Marahfield - 8.56 p. m. Band on U 0 a. m .; 4:00 p. m. A rago (b y boat) 1:00 p. m. Malia A rriva. M yrtle P oint 0:13 a. m .; 4:1$ p . m. Powers 9 4 0 a. m. Marshfield 9:00 a. m .; 7:40 p. m. Bandon 4:00 p. m. M y r tle P o s t , O r e . to be aa •t any A rri I'pay Coquille to M yrtle Peint and return fe r re- Prices fo r Overhauling and la g on application. P r « advice. STORAGE BATTERY SERVICE Dr. H. P. BLOXHAH OSTEOPATHIC PH Y SICIA N ami ;• SUBGBON has opened in » v . K L. LEW ELLEN RESIDENCE , M yrtle Petek » to l l j t to • and by np- STATIO N A. B. TAYLOR, Prop. r.» * 1 .... mm -