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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1917)
T h at the m w D airy Product* Co. and the F . E . Conway M ortgage Co are deeply im pressed w ith the d airy pooaibUitiee o f the Coquille ▼alley, waa made absolutely certain la «t Wednesday when M r. Conway end D. P erozzi came over here and offered the d irector* o f the Coquille V a lley C ream ery com pany $7,000 spot dash fo r the plan t and enough m ore to pay fo r the tu ppliee on hand, am ounting to poaaibly $600. I t w aa im poesible fo r the d irector* to cloee the deal, as thé proposition m ust be accepted by the ateckohldera, but notice* w ere sent out the asms even in g to a ll the stockholder* n o tify in g them o f a Cream ery m eetin g to be nel. The selection o f teachers fo r the eom iag school year was the busi ness fo r which the m eeting was held. The board voted to retain Chao. A. H ow ard as superintendent fo r tlw school year 1017-10 a t the earns sal ary a t last' year, $1.600. T h e other teacher* re-em ployed ware. M iss A d a M ay N ew ell a t <8$ per m onth; J . L . G ary a t $80 par m onth; M iss Rena Anderson a t $76 per m onth; Mias W in ifred Spencer e t $62.60 per m onth; M ies Catherine Dun gey e t $6160 per m onth; M ies Emma Kennedy a t $70 par month held at the Cream ery week a fte r next and $6 extra fo r draw in g; M iss M ay on Wednesday, A p ril IS, at 10 a A llen e t $67.60; M rs. In s* Chess fo r m. It is urged that every ow ner o f $80 per month as principal o f the Academ y and prim ary teacher; Miss Mabel B ey a t $86. A ll these teachers who w ere receivin g less than the m ax imum salary fo r the positions they It is anticipated th at the $7,000 w ill not only pay par fo r the 180 shares o f stock outstanding, w ipe out the $2300 m ortgage and pay an y other a State of War tion Declaring W ith G 1,000,000VO LUNTEERS CALLED FOR President’s M nngr to the C onfess Which Is Pronounced One of the Greatest Documents of All History. —War for Civilization and Democracy. solemnity that the Am erican p * The court has under advisem ent the purchase o f some registered dairy stock fo r the county farm . received here about 11 M r*. A lm a R atk leff, the very e f ficien t and ob ligin g stenographer -in Judge W atson’s office has resigned her position and finishes her w ork there this afternoon. She expects te leave by Sunday or M onday's train to Join her husband a t Coalanga, w ar w ith Germ any. A l- Cal., in the Bakersfield section w here e it is w ith a feeling o f deep he has a position in a toggery. M rs. R ackieff w ill stop a t Florence en » w ill receive this news, route fo r a v is it w ith her husband’s W hat the future has in store fa r no m ortal can tell. The follow ing press dispi o’clock this morning. Portland, A p ril « — P . C. today— Pacific N ew * Service. So the die is cast and we are though no other course w as posi A ll we can do is to uphold the president O IL STATIO N FOR COQUILLE 'I v e a hospital ships and ships car- d a g re lie f to the sorely bereaved |d stricken people Of Belgium , ■u gh the la tte r w are provided w ith Its conduct through the proscribed mas by the German governm ent it ili, and w ere distinguished by un- istakabie marks o f identity, have point fo r th eir products in the Co- quille va lley seems te be p retty w ell assured. Although w e have no p osi tiv e assurance from the officials hav in g the establishm ent in hand, from what wa h ern there is little doubt that e $7,000 to $10,000 plant w ill be located on the D ollar p roperty ju st w est o f the Cream ery between the riv e r and the railroad. FOR M ILITA R Y TRAIN IN G HERE t i « i o f D r. Low , have had quite a lit tle d rift ia m arching form ations and the idee is te form a local d rill com pany o f a ll who fool it a p atriotic duty to participate. I t ia not intended ev present to or ganize a m ilitia company or a home guard, nor in any w ay obligate the members b y a ffilia tin g w ith the State m ilitia, but i f the em ergency a r e » they would be the nucleus . around which could be gathered e m ilita ry company fo r patrol duty or w ar duty. A s waa said in a recent w eekly na tional publication, a w ar w ith G er m any w ill not be a young ladles’ sem inary pillow figh t, and the highest ex pression o f our patriotism w ill II* in our w illingness to answer the call when needed. rder to discuss the m atter o f tin g such a d rill company here, Norton, as president o f the sreiai Club, has cattsd a m eet- r 8 o’clock this evening o f a ll n In the city who desire to g e t instructions in m ilita ry d rill I t is not expected te change the nemo o f the cream ery a t once, but to b egin the , m anufartnra o f cheese under the C oqu ill* V a lley C ream ery com pany brand. said proposed road and represent and declare th at the said road would be built w ithin the ensuing 12 or 18 N or is this a ll that C oqu ill* and the adjacent country can count on. M r. Conway is a liv e w ire through aad through, end in addition to the capi- ta l o f the Conway M ortgage Co., has connections and frien d ly relations w ith monied m m who n r* seeking sa fe investm ents. When he says the people o f C oqu ill* w ill find them sag- e r te aid in the developm ent o f the C oqu ill* v a lley in m any w ays beside th e d a iry products Has, wa believe he maahs w hat he says, and th at t* e ir advent in this section w ill be produc- U v* o f g rea ter developm ent in a ll H m * than wo new im agine. T h er* ia another man who has don* much in b rin gin g about this pw ebake o f the crm m sr y and be is a mem ber Yesterday road business was a t the fron t. There is no action to be taken on the Coos City-8um ner road, how ever, as the court considers th at m at ter settled. Ia connection w ith the fe e t that the Sm ith-Pow ers company has b e « opposing the road to Sumner via C o m C ity and fa vo rin g on* down Catching Slough to R setsld e the fo l low in g petition to the court from par ties to whom that com pany recently •old considerable tracts o f land be tween C o m £ it y and Sumner la o f interest. field to the number o f a hundred are to be over here at tw o o’ clock this a f- tem oon to call upon the County court to urge an appropriation o f $20,000 fo r the M arshfield A rm ory. There being no funds available fo r th at pur- pose now the court is being asked te issue warranto to be p*h* $6,000 each Sumner, O regon, Feb. 8. 1917. year fo r fou r years, which the M em b Know a ll men by these presents: field banks have agreed to end Th at w e, the undersigned, who per ca rry until the w arranto are paid sonally or through our agents, pur year by year. chased from the C. A . Sm ith Tim ber The County court this afternoon com pany land ly in g contiguous to the decided to draw a w arrant o f $20,000 C o m Ctty-Sum nar w agon road desire , » the general fund o f th * county to to make known, aid in the construction o f the Mamh- th a t, during the negotiation lead field arm ory. County A ttorn ey H all ___ the C. A . and A ttorn ey L tijo q vist said it would ' Sm ith be lega l. did ex . . Th e tw o principal potato o f the d e-' cision are, first, th at the claim en which the attorn ey fo r the property ownera began this suit is baselees. The claim was that the w hole pro ceedings in the m atter o f this im provem ent w ere void fo r Irregu lari ties and that th erefore the pr ope rty never had owned the c ity anything, although some o f them had paid the aasessmeato in fu ll. And, o f ooume, those who had taken advantage o f the bonding act in d oin g so w aived all. claim s th ey m ight have had by reason o f any such irregu larities. Th is waa the main point in the case, and on this the c ity wins. Urn second point was th at the w ar rants issued $o E llingsen A B ergen in excess o f the amount o f th eir lump sum bid and oth er additional item s properly chargeable to the c ity w ere absolutely void. O f the w a rra n ts in controversy, $1J00 are la the hands o f L eo J . C ary, one o f them fa r $1,000 and the- other fo r $600; $860 in the »p a s s io n , or principle, n s fo r a little w hile unable to re, th at such things would, in b * don* by any governm ent that hitherto subscribed to th e hu- ► practices o f civilised nations, national law had ita origin In ^tem pt to set up sem e law which t b e respected and observed u p » la te ly con vert the cream ery in to a cheese fa cto ry from which wtU ho turned out not only the staple lines o f cheese such as a re already made in the county, but m any fan cy brands not h eretofore m anufactured ‘in tide section o f the state. - > - When M r. P erosxi gras in San Fran been secured from the D ollar com cisco last week he sold $200,000 w orth pany, which owns the low er m ill end sB the land hstw sm the i i — m j and the m ill, end bids h ave b e » ask ed fo r the erection o f the necessary building*, barn, etc. Local contrac to r* who have subm itted bide w ere inform ed that th eir figures w ar* sat isfactory, although no contract has y et b e » signed. Th at the Standard O il Co. intends to put Coos county on th eir official map in good shape is certain from the character o f the plant they are p re paring to in stall on Coos Bay, It is th eir intention to make th at place the distribu ting point fo r the State o f Oregon, shipping m e o il In there by tank steam er*. W ith the loca $10,000, w ere not filed a t the county tion o f, a distribu tin g plant here and clerk ’* office here, the tra n sfer o f it* attendant p ayroll, another fa ctor stock w ill be m ad* to M r. Conway is • added te CoquiUe’ s brigh ten in g personally and ha w ill tran sfer it to prospects end the outlook fo r 1917 be- the D airy Products Co. when the le g a l entanglem ents have been straigh - J. C ary and J. P.‘ Beyers, holders o f the $1,760.00 w arrants issued by the c ity to the contractor* in axcass o f th eir lump sum bid. S ta n mad S t r ip « fo r the City. . I t lathe opinion o f our p atriotic cit izen* that the c ity o f C oquill* should own an Am erican fla g aad erect a fla g pole on the ro o f o f the c ity hall to sw ing it to the breezes. The Sen tin el is fu lly agreed th at such a m ani festation o f p atriotic sp irit as would be indicated by raisin g “ Old G lory” a lo ft ought to be m anifested a t the earliest poesible moment. which they w ere en titled on th eir bid was $8376 and the additional extras above referred to. These w ere $811 fo r overhaul en force account, as R la term ed, and $828.64 fo r the expense o f sewers and catch basins on the street. Th is makes e total o f 61.0U.68.