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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1917)
Store, Puhrman** Pharm acy, Th<> Backet Store, Schroeder’s Confection ery, Folsom ’s C onfectionery, N osh r'e C onfectionery, C larke’s Bakery, Shore’s P ool H a ll, Dunham’s •’ >d H all, Machon’s P ool H a ll, N osler’s Barber Shop, Ferbracbe’ s B u b er Shop, W oodruff's Barber Shop, Mc Donald's B arber Shop, Siekala’ C ar- age, G ardner A Larsen’s G arage,, Schroeder’s Jew elry, W ilson’s Jew el- cases in the C ircuit oonr t here and be come fu ll citizen s o f the U nited Statee are on M e in the office o f the county clerk. Those applyin g to make p ro s i a t the A p ril term are as follow s, the land o f th eir n a tivity fo llo w in g th eir d ra ft n m uster ro ll pream ble, and tea follo w in g is th eir rep ort which was signed by about 60 o f the citisene o f Coquills and v icin ity : w ill dose >pt Sntur- “ W s, th e undersigned, realisin g the argen t necessity o f m ilita ry train in g a t this crisis in our national existence, this crisis in ouc-national existence, selves into a m ilita ry organisation. W a p ledge'ou rselves to ba present at aff m eetings and drills, unless ex cused by the commanding office. W a furtherm ore pledge ourselves to com piste subjection to m ilita ry disipline.” ALF OF TAXES ALREADY PAID M r. N on a * h the ulnwr in charge, who built tin Columbia H igh w ay, and no batter evidence o f h i» abU ity could ba desired. H e has baan a resident o f O regon fo r nearly fou r years, a ll o f which tim e has baan spent in road w ork. Ha w as born in Oregon, but enlisted whan th e Span- ish-Am erican w ar began. A fte r his discharge from tea arm y ha took a course in highw ay engin eerin g a t the U . S. A rm y School a t F o rt Leaven worth, Kansas. Subsequently he was eity and county eng ineer a t E l Paso, Texas, where he was engaged fa r m any years and bu ilt 600 or 700 m iles o f road. % H is selection as en gineer fa r the O regon highw ay commission happily elim inates the possibility that an un lit appointm ent m ight be mads throuh p olitical favoritism . LOWER MILL HAS CHANGE A deal was consummated the first o f the week by which the S itka Spruce company, o f Portalnd, secured the lease Which E . E Johnson had on the low er m ill, owned by the D ollar com pany, and that m ill is n ow in charge o f Roy W ernich who is op eertin g it fo r the Sitka company. W ith the sale o f the lease gem the contract which M r. Johnson had w ith Urn Sitka Cam te a bosses in cal da north o f th e B ey KoKttl Klub Election. N ea rly h a lf the m embership o f t%» K o-K aol Klub ama present a t the, an nual election o f officers last Tuesday evening, a t which tfcte the secretary’s rep ort was read showing that the club was seen w ith tea w orld. When Lae J. C ary took the presidency three years ago, there was a debt o f $260 owed by tea club and that this ha paaaa New Law Firm in CoquiOe. non tra il- F or the better accom odation o f th eir clients the law firm o f PulfOrd and Pierson w ill hereafte r conduct taro law offices, one a t th eir present location a t M yrtle Point, and the other at Coquille, a t the old lo w office o f Jodge Sperry, in the Robinson building next to the B axter H otel. B y callin g at eith er office clients can eom- municato w ith whichever mem ber o f the firm they wish, by phone i f aec- casary. M r. Pierson w ill continue t * occupy the M yrtle P oin t office, w hile M r. P elfo rd w ill ba a t Coquille. x l to n r- business ¡od». the »isewhere •dncsdhy [all, and although apany o f • w ay o f u- o f the Enrolling for the School P ro f. F . B. Anderson is m asting w ith better success than he anticipa ted in securing pupils fo r the Com- m ercial C ollege, he w ill establish hare. In the fe w days he has been canvassing ba has enrolled th irty boys. A s work am ong the g irls , who alw ays furnish a fu ll h a lf o f the col lage students, has bean deferred un til M rs. Anderson arrives, this means that six ty are assured, which is a long sta rt towards the expected hun dred. which the grand ju ry w ill appear next M onday- Th e only person bound over fa r in vestigation by that body is an Ita lia n by the name o f d’Aaabroetes, the story o f whoaa attack w ith a kn ife on a fa llo w em ploys a t a lo g g in g "V a y; but that they era expeditin g tea w ork as rap id ily as possible and w ill use th eir utm ost endeavors to g et the farm ers into connection w ith the fed eral treasury. In this connection, the Sentinel wiahas to state that so fa r ut its in form ation extends, the principal d if ference between fed eral farm tonne and state farm loans is that the local organisations according to the nation al plan a r t co-operative to the ex tent that each member has to stand to guarantee the loans, o f a ll th e others to the exten t o f his resources. Christian Endsovor Convention. The first annual convention o f tea southwestern C hristian Endeavor Un ion w ill be held here in the Christian church A p ril 20,21,22. The w ork o f and in terest during the past year un der the vary efficieat leadership o f M rs. Edna W ebster, who has been ably supported by M iss M yrtle Cun ningham aa union secretary. H arold Hum bert, o f Eugene, who has made a study o f Endeavor Union w ork w ill be present and w ill deliver an address F rid a y evening, takin g aa his subject “ Th e Common C hrist.” On Saturday evening ha w ill apeak on “ The Banners o f God.” It w il be w orth white to a ll who are interested in young people’s church w ork to attend this convention. RoUof Corps, Meeting. Th e W om en o f the Coquille B e lie f Corps w ill hold a cooked food ante a t Anderson’s store, Saturday, A p ril 14, the proceeds to be used to d efra y the expenses o f Decoration D ay, so w s bespeak the patronage o f aO good d t-