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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1917)
EHI H erbert-N nna, th e new S tate H igh w ay Engineer, whose appointm ent w e mentioned last w eek, spent some tim e in Coquille today in consultation w ith Roadm aster Murdock. W h ile he Meadow Lark b the Name. Th e name Buttercup hevtnf*~1mea so frequ en tly appropriated in the dairy business, the D airy Products’ com pany which has in itiated work in the Coquille v a lley by purchasing the plant at the Coquille V a lley Crea m ery, has gone a little fa rth er afield and chosen “ M eadow L a rk " as its cognomen. Th at nam e is certain to become a household word on the Co- MAY CLOSE , ROAD TO BAY D ay Clerks— M rs. J. A . Lam b, F . C. # The County court has been con True and M ri. F . G. L eslie. sidering the n u tte r at d osin g the Co N ig h t Judges— L ee Goodman and quille-M arshfield road during the A. L. Nosier. com ing summer season but the n u t Night Clerks— W alter O erdihg, T . ter w ill not bo decided until th e M ay J. T h rift and H . A . Young. term tw o weeks hence. It w ill bo The council then took up the m atter necessary to close it fo r a portion at o f the exchange at real estate be the tim e w M le the rood from Coalodo tween the c ity and th e Coquille V al to Coder Poin t is being rebuilt, but ley M ercantile C o- w nereby the c ity fo r Just bow lon g is not y et settled. was to acquire the Patterson G rove N orth o f Coalodo it is expected that tract and the M ercantile com pany the C ontractor Perham w ill push his oon- eld c ity hall property. G . C . Sanford tract to a speedy com pletion and that recited the details o f the proposition, fo r moat o f the aeason it w ill bo d e a r ending w ith the inform ation th at the interest on the |2810 held by Leo J. ■ailin g there. C ary to date was 6208.44. This brought M. O. Hawkins to Ms “ I say, no,” said M r. HawUna. “ A ad I say, yea,” replied M r. San ford. I t waa then pointed out th at i f the deal waa made Feb. 28 the rent from /the old city h all would « a to the now owners from that date, and would p ractically balance the in terest from Fob. 28 to A p ril 16r M r. H sw kins in sisted that the deal waa made Feb. 28 end made a m otion to that effect, which w ee defeated 4 to L M r. San fo rd then moved that tha exchange bo considered as mad# th at day and Me m otion w a « adopted 4 to 1. The necessary ordinance to author ise the exchange waa presented end received e 4 to 1 vote, M r. Hawkins votin g in the negative. A a the votes at three-fourths o f a ll the council, or five members, are n ic ie s ary to adopt an ordinance containing an em ergen cy danse, the whole plan o f exchange o f p roperty appeared to bo killed, but M r. Hawkins, a fte r statin g that ho voted as ho did aa a m atter at prin ciple and because ha believed him self to bo in the righ t, moved a reconsid eration o f the ordinance. A s ho voted in the n egative it was (teclded that he efiuld not make such a m otion, under standard rules o f order, and Council man Gardner started the m achinery again by m oving to reconsider. The ordinance was then unanimously adopted and the c ity attorn ey instruc- n ext day. A s the m atter now atonda the park haa cost the c ity 62,884.29. O f th b 6740.29 waa fo r in tercet on the notes held successively by M r. Sherwood end M r. C ary; 684.00 fo r taxes; 610 fo r an abstract; and 62,100 fo r the origin al price o f the tract. W ith a valuation o f 62,600 on the old c ity hall the actual cash outlay to the c ity b 6884.29. » in this county, and made some v e ry g ra tify in g statem ents o f w hat would probably be done here, w e reg ret that we cannot quote him d irectly, as he states that his opinions are subject to revision as he becomes m ore fu lly inform ed as to the local situation. H e inform s us th at M r. Cecils, a U . 8. engineer a t Portland, is reeom - mending the appropriation o f 656,000 fo r the construction o f a coast m ili ta ry highw ay in Corn county, and a sim ilar amount in C urry county. The plan finding most fa v o r w ith the gov ernm ent engineers, is fo r the con struction o f this road from Vancouver barracks and Portland down the W il lam ette va lley to Eugene, thence down the Siuslaw to the coast at Florence, and from there follow in g the coast line to C aliforn ia. — It w e* certain ly reassurin g to learn that Coos county is now the only' county in the state in which the State H igh w ay Commission is actually engaged in road building and financ in g a pay roll, though it is probable surveying under the commission wiH soon be in progress in U m atilla. A s to the M arshfield-Coquille-Roee- burg highw ay, the survey o f the east end o f which w ill next week he com pleted b y the state engineering 1 4 j I I < I who creates or cultivates a garden help* g rea tly to solve the problem o f the feed in g o f the N ation s; and th at every housew ife who practices strict The Sleeting ot the stockholders at economy pots h erself in the ranks o f » C oquille V a lley Cream ery held those who serve the N ation. This is Ku a t 11 o'clock W ednesday m om - the tim e fo r Am erica to correct her g ratified the action o f the direc- unpardonable fa u lt erf w astefulness and extravagance. L e t every nun and every Woman assume the duty e f careful, provident use and expendi tu re as a public duty, as a dictate o f patriotism which no one can now ex pect ever to be excused or fo rgiven fo r ign orin g." I Recraitia* Officer Here Today. Postm aster Leneve received notice the first o f the week that e recru itin g officer would bo here on F rid a y end S etu rÿey o f this week to enroll those who wish to en ter the service o f their country. E a rlier in the week Post m aster Leneve him self had received the enlistm ents o f E ric P b p p , W . J. Longeton, R . C. Cook end E arl Iaen- see, o f th b place. M r. Longston ap plies fo r a position ee musician. A ll enlístam ete now Jn sim ply fo r the duration o f the w ar, which m ay moan only throe months, or again a fa ll uty state highw ay engineer. M r. Murdock says that he expects to have the road through h ow from M arshfield to M y rtle Poin t on lino end grade before the end at tile pres ent year. Then i f $ e bend ia s u e b approved in June tide project w ill be in lino to secure its part at the m illion dollars to bo spent this ysar by the commission, Just aa soon as the bonds New Standard Oil Buildings. H. E. Shelley received word from the Standard O il Co. last weak that th ff bid at him self end Edwin E llin g- een fo r construction o f the several buildings required fo r the distribution station that com pany is goin g to es tablish hare, had boon accepted. H b instructions w ere to proceed w ith the work aa soon aa title to the land waa straightened up and a deed secured by the oil company. _ The tract purchased fo r the distri buting station contains about two- thirds being located across the crook from the cream ery. S everal buildings are included in the contract and the price to bo paid b in the neighbor hood o f 67,000. Add to th b the price paid fo r the land, the equipment, etc., and the total investm ent w ill proba b ly run over the 610,000, w e men tioned a couple o f weeks ago. P ractically a ll o f th b money w ill be spent in C oquille and the direct benefit# w ill bo fr it im m ediately; be sides which there b the prestige ac cruing from C oqfiille’s recognition ee e distributing p o in t W ith the large investm ents already assured and others not yet reed y to be made pub lic, it becomes d a ily m ote certain that th b b to be a banner year fo r the Coquille valley. The Germans appear to be leavin g the Hindenburg line behind * them ; w hile the E nglish and Canadians are returning the shells the Huns w ere in too much o f a hurry to take w ith them. The la tter must h ave' had a sudden call towards home to leave their guns in position and the shells ready fo r the hands o f the enem y to fire a fte r them. GRANDJURY The grand ju ry w u throe days th b w i ■ek, adjourning W ednesday. They rp<tfrned seven in- dirim ente, one a g d b iit Ralph d’A m - brosios, an IJAllan, fo r attacking A n - drew D rests, a Greek, w ith a pocket It was voted to request D r. L ow to k n ife ht one o f the lum ber campa g iv e instruction in firs t aid w erk. Misa l í adine Schow, Mias Ednq Har- not boon made public, though, wa un locker and Mias A llie PhUlipe were derstand soma o f them arsi# from the appointed a com m ittee to g e t up a bootloggin g business, i f net d irectly benefit entertainm ent o f o o n f-k ia d to duo to th at offense. One indictm ent secure fúnda fo r the treasury. was fo r non-support, another fo r as sault, and soma fo r gam e law o ff anses. Old billa again st Tom Madden, o f M arshfield, and J. W . Condi, o f Ban- don, w are dlsmieaad by D istrict A t torney H a ll on account at the rem oval o f thy parties from the Jurisdiction at W hether this road is dosed fo r a grea ter or lees p art o f the season the altern ative route w ill he v ia F air- view and Sumner, staking the trip be tw een here and the B ey 28 m iles in- fo r the see son n n igh t crew w ill be put on the Easteide fe rry g iv in g a sixteen hour service there.* S till the road down Catching Slough from Sumner Is not in good condition and travellers usually p refer to take the heat there. O w ing to owners o f lota in Coaledo having asked prohibitive prices fo r e ton fo o t strip needed to widen the highw ay to six ty fe e t through there, the court has decided to lea ve the road only fifty fo o t wide. Some o f the lo t owners wanted 670 apiece fa r ■ ten fo o t strip o ff the end o f their lota. When the new rand w ork is com pleted throe grad# crossings o f the Southern Pacific w ill be elim inated— tw o at M yrtle P oin t and one a t Coal edo— which w ill obviate the danger o f accident as those are the only grade crossings between the b ey end M yrtle P o in t Com m issioner P h ilip has been in structed b y th e C ounty court to g o to Ten m ile end see i f the new lo ggin g road o f the Boehner Lum ber To., to E el lake in terferes w ith the highw ay. A com plaint has coma to the County court from there. E ngineer Hind- marsh acid that the loggin g road w ee not y et connected up w ith the ra il w ay. H o was under the im pression that the lo g g in g road only crossed the travelled highw ay near E el lake and th b b not the road aa surveyed aad laid out and consequently the Bueh- nar Co. has a p erfect righ t to it. Behind Hindenburg L b «.' Th e m eeting o f the young women o f C oquille a t the C ity H a ll Tuesday nigh t to organise a local branch o f the G irls’ N ational Honor Guard was w ell attended, harmonious and enthu siastic, forty-sivan g irls between) 16 and SO being enrolled as members. The follo w in g is the lis t: A u drey M . Staninger, Pauline Chase, Ada L . Downs, N adine F . Schow, Maude L . Toates, E tta Mc Leod, Catherine H eresy, OUve Rich ards, M ay W ilson, Jeffie, Beckham, N ellie Johnson, N ellie M cQuillan, M arvel Sheets, G enevieve Chase, Sel ma C. Strang, Gwendolen H. Endicott, Edna M. Olson, Emma M cQuillan, Ruby MacDonald, M ary Pike, K atie Price, G eorgia M ulvihill, W innie Cqr- ry, Kathleen M u lvihill, Ines F . Bunch, Cecelia Hoffm an, Beulah Price, Ruth Stanley, June W iUey, Edith W illey, A lice Curry, Bonnie W alker, Pauline Custer, D ella Lund, H ester H olver- stott, F lossie Lund, M ildred N eely, Ida Oerding, D ella Strang, S y lv ia pie cap itai; "but because w e see in this change the fron rise end potency o f greeter things fo r Coquille. W h ile the purchase o f the cream ery by no monne assurée jthe location bora o f the b ig condenaary the M eadow L a rk -co m pany proposes to build in this valley, it certain ly ren den it m o n probable that w e shell secure the location. Pos session is said to bo “ nine points o f the law ,” and i n fo r i that the fa c t that the new company begins business hors much m ore probable. F o r m any reasons Coquille b (h e logica l point to build such an institution, and as tim e goes on and the new company and its m anagers coma to know this valley and its dairy resources bettor, wo fo r i sure that this fe e t w ill be impressed upon thorn m ore end m ore stron gly. The cow b bound fo r a ll tim e to come, as w e sae it, to be the prim e agricu l tural fa cto r o f our valley,' and aa it b through the condensary th at dairy products yield tb * Jfeiggest. financial returns, everyth in g seems now to con spire to make Coquille the seat o f such an industry, as it b now the hub o f the most extensive area o f dairy land on the Pacific coast. T o secure an extensive condensary here does not m ean spectacular grow th or boom con ditions fo r Coquille, but (h o steady, solid grow th th at b characteristic at Judge Coke spoke in a very earn plim entary manner o f the speedy end efficient w ay 1n which tile grand Jury had discharged its duties and contin ued it fo r another year. This ju ry consists o f the follo w in g m em bers: W . C. Rose, Coquille, fo re man; W illiam W ise, Pow ers; Preston Stephenson, Band on; Judge L . H ar- locker, C oquille; R. T . W hitty, E ast- side; and M ilo Sumner and W illiam Ekbled, o f Marahfield. The on ly crim inal case set fo r tria l next M onday la th at against A rnold M cLay, o f B eaver H ill, fo r seduction, was tried once before, when he fe lle d o f conviction.^ Today was’ naturalization day in the C ircu it court and the cases o f nineteen o f our foreign citizens, whose names w e published le s t week, came up fo r hearing as w all aa three or Totrr S TTTtim r cas-es t r o t n w oe«*i c o n - regulations o f The Codbtitution and By-law s o f Th e G irls’ N ationàl Honor Guard. T o uphold our N ation al hon or from criticism , the Am erican F la g from daeecration, and tha Govern ment o f the United States and these who represent it from personal dis- 2. I solem nly pledge loya lty and good fellow sh ip tow ard a ll members o f The G irls’ N ational Honor Guard regardless o f their creed o r station, and I w ill fa ith fu lly stand by each member, g iv in g w hatever aid and en couragem ent within m y power in 8. I fu lly realise that th b O rgan isation dosa not allow in any form w hatsoever slander, m alicious or un- ju et criticism , hypoccrby, d isloyalty or pretentiousness; that any word or action detrim ental to the principles at the Honor Guard shall bo conbdered a grave offense, aftff b y doing1 T fo rfe it m y Honor Guard Badge, end a t the earns tim e acknowledge the righ tfu l authority o f the Officers o f the Guard to suspend me from any duties until m y appeal b decided upon by the N a tional Headquarters. tinued. On Monday, besides disposing o f a la rge number o f motions and dem urr ers, Judge Coke granted a decree o f divorce in the case o f M ary Ph illips vs. D. H . Phillips, o f Bandon. The follo w in g esses w ere dismissed 4. Furtherm ore, I solem nly pledge from the docket: to show respect to The- Star-Spangled H erbert Lockhart vs. Charles Sm ith; Application o f M rs. C. A . R o Banner, the Nationar A ir, and w ill 8o w e end th b article as w e began, dins and M rs. K ate Rodina, o f A lle - m em orise each v e rs e .' I w ill in no with congratulations to the people o f w ay allow the Am erican F la g to bo our c ity on our brightening prospects. desecrated in m y presence without L . Kronen burg vs. Bandon Construc protest. I realise it must never touch tion C o.; Coos B ay Tim ber Co. and Coad actor's Foot Crashed. the groud, never rem ain fly in g a fte r Sm ith Pow ers L o ggin g Co. vs. M ary Conductor A lb ert A bbott, at the L. M erchant and others; J. H. G iles ) un-down» never bo raised stars dow n Sm ith-Pow ers loggin g train, suffered vs. C ity o f Bandon fo r injunction; ward unies as a signal o f d b tesrt, e very serious accident about 2:46 Julia L . S. Leap and others against never be raised half-m ast unless indi yesterday afternodon between Beaver Frank Fish and w ife, fo r ejectm ent; cative o f N ational mourning. H llW unction end Coaledo. H e slip Opal L. B arker va. Clyde A . B arker 6. I fu rth er realise th at The G irb ’ ped slid fe ll under the cars and h b fo r divorce; The W oolen M ills Store, N ational Honor Guard stands fa r fo o t waa run over and crushed do an assumed names o f J. L . Bowman, high ideals, a principle o f loyal pa that it w ee necessary to am putate it v a F e lix Varxon; Frederick H. triotism , a trust given into the hands o f Am erican g ir b , and I earnestly W heeler vs. Leigh ten v. P la tt Ho was taken a t once 'to M ercy Judgm ent in d efau lt was rendered prom ise w ith all understanding o f the H ospital a t N orth Bond w here the op in the cases o f J. Machado vs. J. J. seriousness o f th b covenant to ob eration was perf or ated. Burns and M ary B. Bums and C. 8. serve the obligations and duties o f M r. A bbott has resided e t Pow ers Murphy va, O. E. H ill. The G irb ’ N ational H onor Guard aa Since the above was w ritten , M r. S terlin g unforma oa th at M r. Abbott g o t h b fo o t crushed under the wheels w hile m aking a coupling at O verland; but that whoa it came to an operation it was found not to bo necessary to m otto, “ Our Tru st W e G uard." W hat the G irb ’ N ational Honor Guard proposes to do aew b Indicated by tha fo llo w in g statem ent made by Theodora Booth, President o f the N a-