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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1920)
Wodnesdiiy, February 11., 1020 Face two ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS EstabliBhed 1876 Published Every Wednesday by THE ASHLAXD PRINTING COMPANY P.ERT R. GREER Editor OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 SUBSCRIPTION One Year Six Months Three Mouths Outside of the n. vn- Six Months ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertisements, per column inch, each issue, 25c. Local Headers, the line of six wordB, 10c. Classified Column, lc the word, each time. Legal Notices, 3 1-3 cents the line, each time. Cards of Thanks, $1.00. Obituaries, 2 Ms cents the line of six words. Fraternal orders and societies charging regular Initiation fees and dues, regular rates. religious and benevolent societies will ...I... :. nf nnllalii.ll la tfilrun ilU UU1IMSS1UI1 Ul vuiiiiwm in u,. .us ivb,..i . . o The Tidings has a larger circulation in Ashland and its trade territory than all other newspapers combined. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as second class mail matter. INTUITIVE HILLS PROPOSED I!V THE LEGISLATURE The following hill will he submit-j ted to the people for n vole at a npe- rial general election May 21, 1920. We publish it here so that citizens niav have the opportunity ot suuj- the proposi d legislation before the date for voting on the measures: Senate Joint Resolution No. H (Suhstitnte for Senato Joint ltesolu-jthe lion No. 2). Be It Resolved by the Senate, the, House of Representatives concurring,! Tthat the following amendment to j the constitution of the state of Ore-j gon be, and the same is hereby, pro posed: Article I of the constitution of the state of Oregon shall be and is here by amended as lollows: "Section iiil of said article, which; was proposed by the people by initia-! live petition and approved by a ma- jority of votes cast tiiereon at the1 general election held November 3, 1!U4, and by a proclamation of the j governor, dated December 3, 1914,1 took effect on said date and which: section reads as follows: "'The death penalty shall not be , inflicted upon any person under the! laws of Oregon. The iraxiinum pun-; Islinient which may be inflicted shall be lifeimprisonment. " 'All provisions of the constitution ! and laws of Oregon in conflict with! this section aro hereby agrogated ! and repealed insofar i s they conflict herewith, and this section is self executing.' be n iu the same is hereby repealed; provided, however, that the repeal of said section hereby made shall not lif ted the indictment, prosecution, trial, verdict, judgment or punishment of any crime of murder committed be fore such repeal, btu all laws relating therein are hereby continued In lull force and effect for Mich purpose." That there he and is hereby added to said article I of the constitution of tho state of Oregon the following section which shall be numbered 37: Section 37. Tho penalty for mur- ,, , , , 7," dentil, except when the trial jury! , er in in iirr ifo",...,. a ... i m shall in its lenlicl recommend life; ,,..,., ,. ,,.., ,, , .,., 1 in. .ii inn. ii, mi i u ally sit 11 11 be life Imprisonment." ! That there be anil is hereby addod to said, article I ot the constitution1 of the state of Oregon, the following; section which shall be numbered 38: ' "Section 38. All provisions of the, laws of Oregon abrogated and re- j pealed as iu conflict with section .111,; which .section is herein repealed, are hereby revived as of full force and effect from and after the adoption of this constitutional amendment, sub-' ject to amendment by the legislative assembly." Be it further j Resolved, That the secretary of state Im .'mil tn. w iininiiu ..,ii,,..i...i ...v..j u....,.,, .. and directed to set asido four pages the official pamphlet containing thelniiiative and referendum moas-!.. llies to be voted on at the special lection on Al ty 21, 1920. in which arguments supporting and against i this proposed amendment may be Minted: two of said pages to be set ' , i.ii.i.. .... .,. .. arguments in support of tho, 'ages for the negative arEunieiitn-! ' and be It further i Resolved, That a committee of one senator and two representatives be; appointed to prepare and file with the secretary of state affirmative, and a iike committee to prepare and file negative arguments with reference to the foregoing amendment. i . i h nale Joint Roi.tiiiimi No. 17 To amend section 18 of article I of the constitution of Oregon by a resolution by the Senate and House of Representatives concurring: ! Whereas it la in the best interests of this state to promote the devel- oprm-nt of its natural resources, of Wlinh in timber and mines aic among Ihe fun-mont; and Where..,,, roads to inaiket must be jirotid.-d in oid"r to promote such development; and tt' , . ,i . , ... Washington. M,d r,.onido and oUht weMem st.t.-i ha.e piotided by ronsiitutnin fi r tiie taking of suh roads uinl.-r ttm rijiht of eminent do main and go hate acquired an ad vantage over this ft.,le lu the devel opment of such resources; no, therefore, be it Kesohed, That section 18 of arU- RATES BY MAIL $2.00 1.23 75! United States , i ' I9 62 14,5 be charged for all advertising when ,i t Mia arli!;ii 11 ,1 VM l'f lai tl V rilfO clo I ot the constitution of the state of Oregon be, and the same is Hereby,. amended to read as follows: I Section 18. Private property snail 'not be taken for public use, nor the particular services of any man de- .....mum muuiut jinn v.umeci1"""" nor except in the case of the state, without such compensation first as sessed and tendered; provided, that use of all roads and ways neces- sary to promote the transportation ol tho raw products ot mine or tarm or forest is necessary to the develop- nient and welfare of the state and is declared a public use; be it further; Resolved, That the proposed ques - tion of amending section 18 of art!-; clo I of the constitution of the state. of Oregon be submitted to the peo-l P'o lor ineir approval or rejection at the next general election or special election; and be it further Resolved, That the secretary of state bo authorized and directed to set aside one page In the official pamphlet containing Initiative and referendum measures to be vot"d upon at such election in which argu inents supporting tho jiroposed ; amendment to said section may be printed; be it further" Resolved, That a coinmittoo of one senator am 1 two representatives be appointed to prepare and file with1""1 01 "lu ' " m:" government in : the secretary ot state arguments iu support Of this amendment, IIoiim' Joint ifaKoiuimii . 11 lie it Resolved Dy tho House or. Representatives of the State of Ore-: gon, the Senate jointly concurring: That section 7 of article XI of the constitution ot the state oi Oregon livill), in uti-Ving sections the cer be, und the same is hereby, amend- j ,iri,Mites will be mailed. ed to lead as follows: Sec. 7. Credit of Slate Not to be Loaned; Limitation 1'pon Power of Contracting Debts. The legislative assembly shall not lend the credit of the state nor ill any manner create any debt or liabilities which shall nnihij in in nm nhhn ,.n. i'" vious debts or liabilities exceed the i case of war or to repel invasion , ....... i ... ' """'" " !''iid maintain permanent roads; and . .... .,...,. 1. 1, , ..1...1I ....I I x..,, ..... ,.. .,w. hiui... in.- .eh,n,.i.o ""'.""; "tiie group is a quotation from Victor lend the credit of the slate nor in any manner create any debts or lia- unities 10 0111111 nun -maintain pernia- nent roads which shall singly or in the aggregate with previous debts or! ,. ,., . ,. ,. ,. , 1 .,i.,. im.,.,..-.. .,, ,,1,,,,..., exceed lour per cent or tne assessed valuation of all the property of the state; and every contract of indebt- e.tiiess entered into or assumed ny in im ui-ii.iii wi tut; m.iit; in iiui.iiniu of tlle provisions of this section shall .... ..r it... ....... ... lie void and of no effect. Resolved, that the proposed " " ' , f . t,,.,,n i..c ... im. nms uiikuii mi mtn upproval or rejection at the next spe cial or ....... .1.. 1. 1.... ..i.ii nin...jn . . . 1 1111.1.11,1.. ...i i no state ot uiegou. ; recent war, either iu action or in l Lester, and one brother, Joseph Les Resolved. that a committee of camps nr luisoitals communicate ,er. Funeral services were held Fri ll...,.n 111 a..P....,l,.l!.-..n ...... ...... U...1 i"" iinmeiiiaiely witli the Post. This ap (2) senators, be appointed to Pie-1 pile: not only to relatives of Ashland if.tin ..,! r;i.. ,.,.... r proposed constitutional amendment . . -". antt oe it lurtner ! uesoiveo, inai tne secretary ot stale be and he hereby is authorized ami uirecieu io set asioe not to ex- ,ie.itli of the boy; name and address ceed four 4) "pages I" the official f nearest of kin; date of boy's pamphlet containing the proposed iu- death. itiative and referendum measures to! Tu (l;lt!l nl 1V 1m, ,.cnt through the bo voted upon in the year 1320, in mail, addre ; ,1 to Lynn D. Mowat, which argument Bsupporting the pro-1 Adjutant, A Post Xo. H, Ash pased constitutional amendments land, Ore., or m y be telephoned to may be printed. the Ashland Commercial Club. The first meeting for organizing the Jackson County Farm Bureau tor 1920 was held at Bellevlew last evening. County Agent Cate, Home Demonstration Agent Miss Poole. Ro- ,,.,,. .... .ami rianeriy, manager oi me uu- reau co-operation ' exchange, and Ceorue A. Mansfield, president of th farm bureau, were nreseiil In assist tlle ork' ! Th fur in hummi j tut luni'of tin r. nt mill it U nli iw. . ( v !o t..U of.,he Bidcudid work acc.Mii- M.h,d aurluK the past year to make M'r every ntiz, on (oward attain-; ZTu.Z toM.60. iblle fh? tSm any farmer see that the movement ""''t of the ideals for which they Mers are asking for u raise from I olds wonderful possibilities lor the fought. J7 to (8 per day, it is claimed. They ful ere. Man ignr Flaherty pointed out iew ui wie ways in wnicn ine nurea.i will be able to enrich Jarlturin county Ly m.ny thousands of dollars !1k I I coming year and in years to come I By the co-operative handling of live- stock alone it is possible to keep in the county close to u quarter of a million dollars that now go to enrich the middle man iu Portland or San Francisco. Miss Poole told of the work for the housewife and children, that can uot bo counted in dollars and cents. By a lew well chosen examples she showed the great value of the work and gave her hearers a glimpse of the wonderful future of the movement. President .Mansfield dwelt on thejiegard of luwful and p;o. o. 1 con farm bureau movement iu a general way urging all to lend their support 10 11 wolk ""lt is 1,ouml ,0 u(,e0"le a powerful factor in increasing the production of our farms and ot giv ing the farmer a chance to market ; his produce to the best advantage, i Mr. Mansfield has the work of the j bureau at heart and is throwing all ' ol' his energy into making the year's work highly successful. Jackson i county is indeed fortunate Iu secur- I ing such a man to direct the ufl'airsj 'he organization. ! Albert C. Joy urged bis neighbor! to support heartily the bureau and . I il .1...I 1. ! .. l. 1. assured them that knowing the work era to bo of more than ordinary abil ity for carrying on the movement, they might feel sure that Belloview would be proud to point to the fact that the people responded and united is a unit in supporting the Jackson c(mn(v Farm Bureau. The Biirham brothers, who pur chased the timber tract on the Sis klyous several weeks ago from E. T. Merrill for the purpose of operating a lumber plant there, have started: the construction of a road to their mill site preparatory to building the;"""8 " plant. A large amount of machinery . ,,...,, .,,.,.:..,. ,, ,ha ,mt of 1)Uil(UnB- tlle mill wiI1 start .very! soon. .Messrs. Barhams' mill will he located about two miles back from the j i ro,t (I , it i8 their iDtention to . , . f ... b lna.k t0 siskiyou, which will be their shipping point. They expect to rush work .lt the llant as mMy as possl. ble nm, bo(,in 01,uratong ll3 soon as t10 mjll fg comlileted. , ; $ !- $ $ ??$ !$ ? s AMERICAN LEGION With special exerciseB on Wash ington's birthday, posts of the Ameri- L!K'n throughout the country will assist in convoying to me next ot kin of the American soldiers, sail nrs mid marines who died iu the war, an expression of appreciation on the. the lorm ol engraved ceriincaies. i Franklin D'Olier, national com-1 niander of the American Legion, hasj made arrangements with the adju- Unlit general of the army for the dis- trihutjon of approximtaely 118.409 1 certificates through posts of the Le gion in all cities and towns wher! posts have boon organized. To those I Tho certificates for relatives of 01 tlloil' son Max, who is soon to re deecased soldiers who reside in for- Vrn to CJallfoniia. where he Is em .,, , ,,i ployed in a garage. The evening was eign countries will bo presented , Hpt,,lt in playing games und dancing, through the military attaches of the, At 11 o'clock the hostess served u de- allied countries, while those for Por-1 in liiro Alas!.-:, Maniln .mil in, tin li win no oisiiiiiiiied under tne turec-t linn ol the several department com- m.nulers ()f the American Legion, The certificate shows a group r,, 1P cenotaph In the Avenue des!, , V 7 . , JsluIn1 1 ! Wednesday having dental work done I liamps Klvsee, runs. In the scliool , .,1,,,,.,. ai.e ,i.ltos " i !l-l 1-1 9 1 0." Above! .. ... .. ! ihm, ,vlli,.,, f,.,.. ,v.1ui,ll,i rB.u "'riie people should come to pray at (nl. graves ot those who died tor their country " tu i.i : ,.., ..T ... J 1 1 memory of of the Cnited States l)f ,.rica, who died for liberty dur- ti1(. meat war, the homage of , France . ,,,1 ,, ... and 1 he engraved signature1 of the presieent of the French reniib-, !.:..,.! ,.f ..... n . . He, jtayinoi:.! t (linc.'ire Tn r..-.t.i.. 1 ., .,. ! t .. .....u .is. i )H forwa ii imiueui.iteiy to State 111:111 .iiari"is. Vsiiniiiil Post No. 4,iror some time and he worked for Air. .... a nnrlCiin Legion, lir.'en V renuests -tin, i ii,.. ,i.,ii,,.u f ii A....I ii : " 1 . ....... i " ...wi.v..T nil nuillllllll IIUJ.T nne 111 service tlunng the . .... . . .. .. . ... uoys, Put also to people who are now lvlllK . who hnve lost son. no ma rr Hum wnere tne boys en- listed. Data wanted includes: Name and : jf possible organization at time of! The French government Is present-; ing certificates to the nearest of kin of all Americans who died in the! ..ervice, this presentation to take. place In every city mid town In the,'"'8 rretiencK tester. P.Ufed States by the local American', i t . ... , uegiou i.os.s on reoruary z.nn. The Ashland Post is planning an! appropriate ceremony and desires ; the full co operation nf relatives M"h,U "' M,mv"'- w'iU'r am' ,:'- l'lllCS W lid if.lVH llwii livnu in llio - r--- - . m ' il v:ir. in urdt-r ih tt n i nu Wt.a i.n f the wniWe tlu bovs made will . The American Legion is not fight- nig uni.i nil atis uy taking the law . into its own hands. Tli .....n..... .,f the Nation al Orirariliation of veter- una is expressed iu a statement just issued by Fraukliu D'Olier, National Comniuudor. "We must always clearly bear iu mana tnul any disposUlou 0u the part of individual members of the Legion or of local posts to take law iulo their own hands, to reguluto by force or demonstration of forceful intent what is contrary to our inter pretatiou of one hundred pur cent Americanism, or to act as self-son stituted vigilance commlt'et In dis stituted authority, is uw mil sub versive of the principles ana ideals of The Americun Legion, but will weaken uud tend to destroy our iu fluence for good in Ihis country," he declares. "In our efforts to assist iu the maintenance of law and order, the American Legion must, Itself, set an example of lawful uud orderly ac tion. The American Legion has bu- come so strong wo need fear no force from without but let us be Mt. that no overzealoug. or tUouglit- (ogs unfur act of cur own occur i ' to weaken our Influence for national betterment or alienate the support of true Americans." In a letter recently sent William Howard Taft, in reply to an editorial written by him, interpreting the spirt and purposes of the American Legion, our national commander, Franklin D'Olir, pointed out a three fold purpose by the great body of ex-service men now enrolled in the Leg,on' First: He said, mutual helpful- j uctm " ' and position, through service to tlleir countrJr may 'e;lve " eral consideration which we have rea son to expect from a grateful and patriotic nation. Second: Protection for our coun try from foes without, including a truly democratic; a truly American military policy. Third: Protection for our coun try from foes within. He conchies: "Although the American Legion j represents nearly five million Amer ican citizens who have demonstrated their patriotism and loyalty by wil lingness to make the supreme sacri fice, we also realize that the strength of the Legion and the measure of our influence and service to the nation will be in direct proportion to our ability to co-operate effectively with the one hundred million loyal and patriotic American citizens in the promotion ot loo per cent America ism." . - Talent Tidings . "''.' " """' V. Ti. n.i.l ll.. TI tl Tl luillf.! .. J III llll 1 IJ. -II I "J young poople at the Ames hull, Sat urday evoning. January 31, in honor "clous lunch. Shortly after 12 they "leparted for their homes after having ulimit 11 vprv on Invulili. nvoiilniV m,. Vm, 11., uh f auhiu,.,i off for u visit with his cousin, Mr '"an Mason, one day last week. He was 011 his way to Grants Pass. , . . , , . while there Edw. ltoblson and Miss Edith A Tl ilnmnn uiaH & ah li, n rl ff lull ,...0 T 11 aa ',' m ..0...-.0 "ay aiiernoon. creek' motored 'to Ashland Tuesday afternoon. Ml'3- El' Mxn and Miss Dona Fithraw were Ashland shoppers 1 uesday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Rose and Mrs. Nida Out man were among the Ashland "Hoppers Sa urday. mi. unit niia. jiuutii t 111K11 ncie in -ri v.. n....... M U..Kn- ITtnl. ........ luiuiit nunuiiv via. it. ik nil. fi.Ki. e , . .,,,r0nt0 i, in-, wnii. rj7.,i. Fred Lester died at the Sacred Heart hospitl the 27th of January 410 nrtn w .InllVB Ul 111. Ul.l, J., tt.lU U resdent of this valley about seven years. He has lived around Talent ri.,.. r... ..bii. i tl ua.uuor niino neie. nas no it . - ' "r me nm ears at ine lime or nis ueatu TJ . ., . . .1 , . ,. . " iciives tu liiouiti ins nib father, E. H. Lester, a sister, Hattie day, January 30, at McGowan coin pany's chapel, Rev. Springes, offici ating. Interment in I. O. O. F. cem etery at Medford. Mrs. John Robison was a guest of Mrs. George Robison over night Tuesday in Ashland. Miss Pearl Dunn, who has been vis- Ring her grandmother at The Dalles in eastern Oregon for two or three months, returned home Thursday Mrs. Alulligan, wife of the depot agent, returned home Tuesday after an enjoyable visit with her parents at Oregon City. Mrs. John Hearing spent Thurs day in Ashland visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Maude Porter The basketball teams have decitled to postpone the series of games they were scheduled for on account of the Mm chM0, fiar(ner ,, Mrs. Jonas Barrett were in Mcdford Friday attending the funeral of the j"" Mrs- J?- Jone9 welP Toiiiiiuii .lunula i ursuMj. Mr AIfre(i hlg been qulle gick m last week but is somewhat Improved now - "Mrry Alason was an Asnianil Last Saturday morning the team an nn.l lt..t.i.i T.. 1 pit i nlMI nn riiuint;i Ul llio 1 ill fill 1 1 riuatioti Ditch rnmnunv wpnt on a H!ri!te.f.or R raie in tMr wapea- The :'re under the supervision of Atr. Hit i lard. It l stated, who refused to com ply with their wishes and the results were that about 12 or H teams traTe'ed for home while two or thre "re """ on ,he Job' When the strik- ing men called tor their checks Mou- day, it is stated, they were' refused them until some missing singletrees could be located. . Miss Maude Fry and Miss Bertha Havmon of Phoenix were visiting at I little house he Just acated to Mr. the homes of Mrs. Earl Briscoe and Tmonliofl'er for $600. Mrs. Mose Crawford at Talent one, Mr. William Carey, who has been day last week i in very poor health for several years. Mrs. Elizabeth Beeson was a vis- i accompanied his daughter homo itor in Ashland Wednesday. . i Monday evening to her home In As Mr. Bickerdvke was an Ashland toriu, where she can euro for mm visitor last Thursday. The Bicker-1 until Ills health Is improved, dvko family have been quarantined; Mr. Lester Weirs ot Aledtord, who for the last month with scarlet fever, ; recently returned from 1 ortland ar but are all getting along nicely now'ter a couple of yenrs' tsay there, was and expect to be out soon. In Talent Tuesday visiting friends Mrs. Henrv Pace of Medfovd was! Rochard. the infant ion of Mr. and visiting Henry's parents here Tues-jMrs. Carl Foster has not been get flay ' ! ting along nr, w.'ll us wished Tor, al Mr. Mark Kline has sold the tim-! though' his condition Is not serious. her off of his homestead, which ' - ' " l.r.iiniht liim ituon. Now he is rid-i r.'mi KALE Fine registered Hol ing around in a fine new car. Mr. and Mrs. Kline are living iu Mcdford at present. Mr. J. C. Mason was a business vis itor in Ashland Monday afternoon. Among the visl'ors in Me.lford Sunday night from Talent wen? Airs.. REAL ESTATE. Hose, Mrs. Crosby. Mr. and Mrs. Hi- . ley. Nycewarner, Fletcher, Sprr. In the County Court of the Stale of and Cllra Clarke. Oregon, for Jackson County. Air. and Mrs. Herbert, Biillson wore over from Applcgato Thursday in ti,0 Matter of the Gunrdianshlp of visiting relatives. They were-acrom- Howard McCall and .Martin iMc panied home by their mother, Airs. i?nt Minors: Fred Spencer, and the three smuHj pursuant to license granted by or children of Airs. Flclcho.r Spencer, i ,ier ( w County Court of Jackson for whom Mrs. Spencer is caring ; f!ollllt, Oregon, mad" and entered while their mother is convalescing January 31st, 1!i2, in the matter from an operation she underwent a )( lll0 (.uardi'ansliip of Howard Alc week ago last Monday. (-. m Alartin .McCall, minors, the Mrs. E. H. Jones was visiting a! miorsigned, will at his orfice, from the home of Mrs. Clint Casey In . after March lith, 1 !t 2 0, proceed Stringtown Thursday. 0 spU: ,lt ,)rivuto sale, to the highest Mrs. Leo Notherland of Winters ijt((ior' for cash in hand or such Calif., arrived in Talent Monday ! torms ll3 r!l ,i ,.ou,t mnv approvo, and morning for an Indefinite stay with , sui,j,.(.t 0 n,e confirmation or said her mother. Mrs. Margaret Crosby. court the following described real There will be a communily gath-l ,... ',.(v situated in Jackson County. ering at the Methodist church Wednesday at 7:30 p. in. There; Prof. ! will be community singing. Reimer of tho experimental station will give a lecture on his recent trip to China and refreshments will be;,on .. .., .... ia described as served. Everything free and every - body welcome. The Ladies Aid and W. II. M. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Louie, Brown's Thursday afternoon, Feb-, ruary 5. A 10c lunch will be served., Everybody is urged to attend. Mrs. Charles Chapman was visiting; with her mother, Airs. Rhoades, In Asmaiui monciay aiiernoon. Jim McDonald of Slriiigtown was1,pg u,p,.pnlo belonging, in found lying unconscious on tho I'a-; clU(liI wa,er Til,Mll. Hilmt0 t cific highway Sunday night near tlie,j fe c0Unlv, Ore-011, subject to Dunkard church about a quarter ol ; tCHV ri ht of Z(,.,, Howard, sur a mile north of lalen Ho was, ( ,, husbillul ()t f,)iy n,)Ward. struck by a truck which didn t bother rel.s)), llltcres,nii miiv intiiirc of to stop, out was ii-eu up i.i.M u,. an unknown- autoist and taken to toe couiny iiospiiat wtieie nr. ;iiaiin- gren of Phoenix was summoned. He loinui tnat tne man s condition wasi not serious, and Air. McDonald is able to bo up and around carrying a few patches 011 his face. Mrs. Adamsi n and little daughter! Alary of Ashland were Talent visitors1 hunmiy. 1 Oregon, County ot Jackson. Air, and Airs. Rchuneger were Aled-l ford visitors "nonday. Mr. Scliune-jn tiP AI;itter of the Estate of David ger is the barber, hero. ivv. Deceased: Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer of Waercr'To. Thomas Ivv. Robert L. Ivy, Em- creek were A.'hl,indvi:;itors Tuesday Air. and 7.1 is. r.iark Kline of Aled ford were mntoring around Talent in tlieir now car Tuesday. Mr. Andy Weidner has sold his beauCltil home plaro located near the school building, to Mr. Barrett, an Ashland man and a butcher at the East Side market. Air .Weidner re ceived $20. 000 for his homo. Air. Alfnrd 1ms sold one of his Tal ent Pomef to Air. F.d;ar Adams, the little brown house situated between I HOTEL MANX Powell St., at C Furrell tf pit m San Tranciscc y In the heart of the ml Dusinsss, snapping mj and theatre district. gi'X It KiiW Dunnmrr ftictillorf iroSi mu water in every room. mm t . . Our commodious lobby ,f ine service,and Homelike restaurant will attract you. -European Plan rates m $1.00 up. Iftt Management W. 6. James MY HEAD! " When ('io head fools thick or aches, when nnn nil winj ii i in ill. rmt.-r.f-snrtq perhaps a coated tooguc it is the signal that poii.on.-3 fire accumu lating in the system, find should bo ClcUIltd Olit fit once. Ayito-intoxieaiion can be best nscrilied to our o,vn ncdect or carelessness. hen the organs fail j in the disclianre of their uties. the putrefactive germs fct in and generate toxins actual poisons, which fill one's own body. Sleepincs3 after meals, flu.diins of the face, extreme lassitude, bil iousness, dizziness, sick headache, acidity of the stomach, heartburn, offensive breath, anemia, loss of weight atvl muscular power, de crease of vitality or lowering nf I resistance to infectious diseases, . rr o 1 aisiuroance 01 tne eye, dyspepsia, 1 indigestion, gastritis, manv forms I of catarrh, asthma, ear affections I find allied ailments result from : auto-intoxicationorself-poisoninff. I lake ca-tor oil, or procure at the drug ntore, a pleasant, verro- j table-laxative, called Dr. Pierce's . I'lcasant Pellets, composed of I May-apple, alaa uad jalap. i giTiSJl'? Everythinjt" 139 .fvr the Conway shoe shop and Mr. Ad umson's property. The amount re ceived was $000. Another salo was made this week, Mr. Pace selling me j stejn hull, 4 years old. Splendid pedinree. Will sell cheap or traiio for Durham or Hereford bull. 1). M. Deter, Siskiyou, Ore. 1 13-2 (II'AHDIAVS NOTICE OF HALE OF ()..,,.,' belonging to the estate ol said minors, to-wit: An undivided two-sixteenths; ) i-K, to each ward, interest ,,, ,,,, . ,,... nf i.;1i rontaininn l ,.. i.iiiu, .,t a noiut 131 !,.,, '.' . ,,,,,'1 1701! ,(is north of ,, ,'...,, ,.nnier of I). L. C. No. i2 jn Tow.nsiltp 39, K(,th Range 2 , . vvin.,ii.ii,. Meridian Ore- ,',. .,, n)Ii i corner: ; ,,',, v,..,h ,,,28 to col.ner; ,,. ttw ' bj ,ods to corner: thence south 19. 2S lods to place of 1 hn-,n,mr. ,,.,, with the annur . nmn. Ashlofiil. Oregon. Dated and first published Felmt- ... inoii " p p BII.LIN'CS r..,,.,ii.,n nf tlnwnil McCall and 81-5t-w Alartin AlcCall, Minors. CITATION. j th0 County Court of tho State ofi ma Dean. James P. Ivy. John L. Ivy, Lucy P. .Muse, Kmma Lee 1'isher, O. AI. Lyon. (1. W. Lyon. Aliss K. AI. Lyon, L. T. Lyon, I). II. Lyon, Lucy linker, Julia linker. Pallie Patterson, Ilessie Alntin. T. W. Lyon. Carrie Gilgoro, William i A. Chandler and John C. AlcCallie, I The heirs at law of said David Ivy, ! deceased, and to all unknown j heirs of said deceased: i In the Name of tho State of Ore rgon. I You und each of you are hereby notified that on the 2tth day of Jan uary. 11.20, L. 1). Hays, the duly appealed, fiiali!eii run acuug au : ministrator of s-iid Kstate, filed In said Court a petition, duly verified, praying said Court for an Order of Salo of the whole o tne real prop- of said Estate on the grounds for the purposes therein set forth, which said real property is de scribed ns follows: Lots numbered One (1) and Two 12) in Work numbered One (1) 01' the Edwards Place Addition to the City of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon; I Lots One tl), Two (2), Three C! Und Four (4) In Block Six (6) in Edmonston's First Addition to Marshfield. County of Coos, State of Oilmen; i-nd aim. I An undivided one-half interest in land to the East one-half of Lot Three, in Block Three, of D. (!. AIc Fn Hands' Fourth Addition to Cot tatre drove. L::ne County, Ore-ron. I NOW, THEREFORE, ill pursuanc of the order of said Court duly imnde and entered upon the filing of said Petition, ynu and each of you are hereby notified that you are re-i 1 nuired to appear before the said Court on Saturday, the 20th day of March. 1920. at ten o'clock in the) forenoon of said day, nt the Court room of said Court, in Jacksonville. Jackson County, Oregon, to show cause, if any exist, why an order of sale of the whole of said real prop erty should not be made as prayed for in said petition. Service of this Citation by publica tion is made on the non-resident heirs and the unknown heirs of said deceased by order of the said County Court, which said order is dated January 24th, 1920. WITNESS the Hon. O. A. Gardner, Judge of said Court, with tho seal of said Court affixed this 31st day of January, 1920. CHACNCEY FLOUEY, County Clerk of Jackson County, Oregon, and ex- (L. S.) officio Clerk of said Court. By AIILDRED AI. NEIL, 81-4-w Deputy ls Tim cor.vrv comit w thi STATU Ol' OKlXiOX. I OR THE COI'XTY or JACKSOX. In the Matter of the Estate of Sara Anaerson imrraii .uew.s-rt Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned. Administratrix of the above entitled estate, h is tiled in the above entitld Court her final ac- tonnt of tho administration of said est;,te, i;nd that the Judge of said Court !r s fixed S.iturd; y tV 0th day of March. 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m.. in 'he Court room of mid Court, at the Court House in Jacksonville, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections thereto and the "eil,e:cl I",,'r.7r- . . . 1 m LAl'RA V. STEELE, Administratrix. gi - Bt - w l'ix ' EQUITY summoxs In ,he circult Court in and for the '"lty o Jackson- state ot Ore- otis O. Helman, Plaintiff, vs. Desederia Weren. widow of Eric We- !en' Denned, Clarence Lane and tortVotEZl?2Jl. ed; Ingrld Bergstrom and C. L. Bergs trom, husband and wife; Elvera Wallsten and B. O. Walls ten, husband and wife; Eric H. Weren and his wife, Mlnta We ren; Annie Lassell and George Lassoll, husband and wife; Carl E. Weren, A. Blanchl and Freda Biancht, husband and wife, heirs of the said Eric Weren, Deceased, Defendants. To Desedoria Weren, Clarence Lane, Minnie Lane, Ingrld Berg strom, C. It. Bergstrom, Elvera Wall sten, B. 0. Wallsten, Eric H. Weren, Minta Weren, Annie Lassell, Oeorge Lassell, Carl E. Weren, A. Blanchl and Freda Blanchl, the above named defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You and each of you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the Complaint of the plaintiff on file in the office of the County Clerk of Jackson county. Oregon, at Jacksonville, Ore gon, within TEN days from the date of the service of this Summons on you, if served within Jackson county, Oregon, and if served on you In any other county In the state of Oregon, then within TWENTY days from the date of its service upon you, and if served on you by the publication thereof, then within SIX WEEKS from the dute of the first publica tion thereof, and if you fall to ap pear and answer said complaint with in the time as above specified the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the said Com plaint, to-wit: That the plaintiff have judgment against the defendant, Desederia Weren for the sum of Sixteen Hun dred Dollars with Interest thereon at tho rate of eight per cent per an num from September 23rd, 1917, to gether with one hundred sixty dol lars attorney foes and the costs and disbursements of this suit: That the certain deed executed by Eric Weren and Desederia Weren, husband and wife on June 23rd, 1913, unto Clar ence Lane and Minnie Lane convey ing twenty acros of land In South half of the southwest quarter ot the northwest quarter of Section Five In Township thirty-nine south of Range One east of W. Al. in Jackson county, Oregon, and which Deed Is of record In Vol. 98, Page 108 of the Deed Records of Jackson county, Oregon, and which deed was in legal effect a Mortgage given to secure said in debtedness, be foreclosed as a mort gage and said real property sold in manner provided by law, and that each of said defendants be barred from any right, title, claim or interest therein, and for such further relief as to the court may seem proper. By Order of the Hon. F. M. Calk inB, judge of Bnid court, made and dated on the 17th day of January, 1920, this Summons is served on the . defendants, Annie Lassell, George Lassell, Carl E. Weren, A. Blanchl and Freda Blanchl by the publication thereof for six successive weeks In the Weekly Tidings, a newspaper of general circulation printed and pub lished at Ashland, in said county, and you are hereby required to ap- -pear and answer In said cause within six weeks from tho date of the first publication thereof. Date of first publication January 21st, 1920. BRIGCS AND BRIGGS, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Ashland, Oregon. 79-6t W. Sl'AIAION.S FOR PIP.LICATIO.V In the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Oregon. Jackson County Bank, an Oregon Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. David II. Palmer, alias D. H. Palmer, and if he be deceased, the un known heirs of D. H. Palmer; also nil other persons or parties tin- known claiming any right, title, Interest, Hen or estate in the real estate described in the Complaint ' herein, Defendants. , To. David H. Pi.lmer, alias, D. H. Palmer, and if he be deceased, the unknown heirs of D. H. Palmer; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, interest, lien or estate In the real estate de scribed In the Complaint herein: In the Name of the State of Ore gon, You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause, on or before six weeks from the day of the first pub lication of this Summons, the first publication thereof being the 7th day of January, 1920, and you are hereby notified that if you fall to ap pear or answer said complaint for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wit: That the plaintiff recover judgment In the sum of $383.20, together with Inter est thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, payable quarterly from December 18. 1919, until paid, to gether with $50.00. attorney's fees. and costs and disbursements herein to be taxed, and for a decree of court foreclosing the certain real estate mortgage securing the debt and promossory note described in plain tiff's complaint, and that said mort gage and deed be foreclosed on said premises In Jackson County, Oregon, to-wit : Lot No. 7 In Block No. 4 In the Nickell Addition to Medford, Or egon; that said premises described' be ordered sold in tho manner pre scribed by law, and the proceeds thereof be applied: I. In the payment of costs and ex penses of sale; II. In the payment of costs and dis bursements of suit, and attorney's tees allowed by the court; III. The amount due the plantiff on Raid note, and the balance, If any there be after said amounts have been fully paid, satisfied, and dis charged, be paid over unto the above named defendants, or such thereof ns the Interest may appear, and thereby all and any title, estate, lien and interest of the defendants and each thereof, Including the unknown heirs of David H. Palmer, alias D. H. Palmer, if he be deceased, and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, Interest, lien or estate in the real estate described, ' be foreclosed and forever barred, ex cept as to the right of redemption as provided by law, and for such further and different relief as to the court may seem proper and equitable in tne premises. This Summons Is published In the Ashland Tidings, under and by vir tue duly made, rendered onH en. tered upon the 30th day of December, 1919. in this safrl by F. AI. Calkins, Circuit Court judge. The date of the first publication thereof is the 7th day of January, 1920, and the last publication is the 18th day of February, 1920. C. M. THOMAS. Attorney for Plaintiff; residence and ..p"l?f"fiMe1for''. Oregon 1 ' -ji i-i wea. wkiy.