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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1920)
Oregon 'cai oruoi ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS . ASHLAND, OUEOOX, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1920 vol xmi NO. 83 ASHLAND IH HI j LINCOLN BANQUET! Ashland will bo represented among the speakers ut the Lincoln banquet to be held in Med ford on Lincoln's blrthduy, February 12. This will be Prof. Irriug Vlnlng, who will make the addresg oil Roosevelt. Prof. Vln lng Is an orator and speaker of wide prominence, and given such a subject will do the occasion Justice. Dick Posey will also represent asiiih.iu j with one pf his original poems on, the political situation. Other speakers for this occasion will be Bishop Hughes of the Meth odist church of Oregon, who will make the address on Lincoln. Colo- nel R. C. Wasliuurn win mane m; Da8eball team 0f Company "B." political address. Prominent men of ; Tnci. are foH1. (.ompaI1ea )n the bat the state will also give short talks, j tulioIli lllld eadl coml,any to havo There will also be eome splendid a team ... c..(.h of tive cll.B8es of ttth. local music in charge ot William Vawter and fine orchestral music, j wn,Ktling, Hlu track. The winning Tickets are selMng fast for this oc- con,1)any ln naci, event to get caslon, and the'mmiber is limited to.arge cup which is to become the 30- j property of the company. A word of warning to income tax payers is contained In a statement given out today by Internal Revenue Collector Milton A. Miller, who points out that returns must shot all Items of taxable income for 1919. CiUesswork, estimates, and other hlt-ormiss luetics are barred when a person is making out his income tax return. Accuracy and completeness must be insisted upon. And remem ber, the return is a sworn state ment; as such, it must be thorough and accurate. Salaried persons and wuKe-earners must not contliier their returns to figures showing a year's pay ut so much a day or bo much a week. The actual amount drawn should be as certained and reported. Overtime, bonuses, shares in the profits ot a businoss, value of quarters and, board furnished by the employer, and a nuuioer ot oiner iiems 01 ""', 0BKB handled by Manager Briggs of nature which are compensations for (he aBsocaUon bocalnlJ an important ' services, are taxable as part of tho tac(or ,n th(j pi.0l,uctg of Hectlonj year's earnings, and must be !nclud-,of val,ey ; ed. - During November and December 1 Income Not Always Cash j(he prollucUHI1 ot egK8 fe)1 oft B0 It must be borne In mind that b.uly lhat M recorJ of the gU,pj compensation may be paid in other , January receipts. ! forms than in cash. A bonus paid in .Liberty bonds is taxable at the mar ket value of the bonds. A note re ceived In payment for tervices Is taxable- Income at its face value, and the Interest upon it Is also taxable. Premiums paid by an employer for life or other insurance in tavor 01 employees Is additional compensa tion to the employees. The income tax does not apply to amounts received under accident and health insurance, or under workmen's compensation laws; and damages re- . . . coverefl by suit or settlement for iu - Juries or sickness is also exempt. , Tlps received by waiters, pollers,. and others are taxable Income for such donations are in recognition ot, services and are not gifts. J A pension played by an employe or by the U. S. government Is taxable income. A widow-who received pay-j ments In recognition of the services; of her late husband, may construe such payments as gifts. Aside from what a person may earn by his services, there are ninny other sources of income. He must l l nn.,K,.l ll fr lliu lUC.ime ... .un umiu... . . gains he made in business and other ventures; aiso tue income mui h.d money and property earned. """" " ,, I countv, aH of whom favored submit- Boys and girls of the Oregon l Ung the qnegtlon ot roa(1 Domlg t0 trlct! , the residents and believe the issue Not only has Governor Ben W. 01-. wjU ca )y a larM milJorty cott given his hearty indorsement to, . . b . the army essay contest, but he has! called upon teachers In the public! schools to set aside a portion of Fri- day, February 20. as a time "n , which essays will be written in the, class-room. As no essays will be occepted save, those written in the classroom, this; means that everyone oi you win nave: Instances ar9 citod of mines, an opportunity to compete in tliis' especially in the western part of the mammoth contest. I C0UIltVi wbose development is re- Governor Olcott s,ays, in Part.l tarded ,)y poor transportation. The about the movement: -It Is a move;board dajms th,lt at prescnt Siski which will develop a higher sense of you ranks we wjth other niountaln patriotism not only In our boys and C01inties ln respPct to highways, girls, but in our adults, as well. For The taXpiayeis in the second super this reason I call upon the teachers SQT ds,ricti whlch includes Duns- in the public schools ot the state to get aside a portion of Friday, Febru-I ary 20, 1920, as a time in which es-Lf says on this subject are to be written by the school children In the c1upb rooms of the schools of the state. Ii trust that every teacher will Bee that: the keenest interest Is manifested . . . in this plan lor the promotion ofj patriotism and the protection of our: nation and its homej. The city council met in usual ses sion last night where the routine business was carried out, the princi pal work bolng devoted to the pre sentation ot bills, etc. A. C. Ninin ger was elected chairman ot the council for the coming year, to serve in the absence of the mayor. Water Superintendent Hosier reported a lot of work needed on the line up the canyon, brought on by the inclement weather ot the winter. He was In structed to repair leaks in the pipes and strengthen the trestle that has been weakened this winter. ASHLAND STl DENTS IUSY' AT V. OK. O. Dick Siiim, the pitcher on the Ash Unid Hi, til School champion 1917 basebilt team, is one, of the three; leithanded pitchers Coach "Shy"! Huntington thinks have the best! chance to m. ike the Varsity baseball j team this spring. . favored us with a full page clipping headquarters oi me c...m.uiu.. uiuiu mir, west (loes to establish the northwest ( AKKr, in alter tne nygienic Freshman basketball is progress- from the New York Times (Section1 in southern Oregon with Pastor Wil-j A vote was taken to decide the , Rreut0!,t tourist playground of' conditions in the public schools of lug nicely now, and with "Bill" RelnJ 2, page 1, issue of January 4, 1920) Ham B. Hamilton of St. Marks question of sending the school chil- AmerCa. ! the county, advises teachers that hart, a former Salem High School; containing an exceedingly interesting' church as dean of tho district. The dren into the Ashland schools for the A Minnesota farmer will no more no pupil should be permitted to re star, as coach, there ought to be a! and Informative article from the pen first meeting of the new deanery , school year 1920-21. thhk of out t0 the Pacific ' school if her pupil show fast team this year. The Ashland j-of Charles A. Seidell on the Non-will be held in May, when Bishop ; The entire vote of the district wascoagt with hia whole purpose lhat 8'K" of having sore throat, head men out for the team are Arvln Partisan League's operations in North' Sumner and othei; prominent leaders present and the fact that the vote; of 8eeillg the attractions Ashland has' Mlle- or if e needs to resort to Burnette, who was picked as an all-! Dakota. i of the church will be present. The was favorable toward educating the' otfer thim yolI wuuU thik of sneedus or has running of the nose, state guard last year, and Edwin Along with other data which would ' new district includes the churches children of the district in Ashland, going t0 Elirope mPr(,,y , orilfir t0It is usually best to require a stutc Pr9 u-l...,. iu , fnr!,,iru. r pr nf Orpunii are of Jackson, Josephine and Douglas goes to show that the Belleview splr-l . .),,.,, tl f block unnn which ";cllt fll,m tho doctor In charge of asIiIuikI high, Hubert Prescott a sergeant in Company "C," R. O. T. C, waB picked to lead the wrestling team of that company In the Intercompany, athletic nieet. Dick Shim was picked to lead .the letlcs boxing, basketball, baseball.' 1 rniy is me average amount Bpeni per nionlh by each man In the unl-ls made out of the fact that the tax ther sentiments 111 regard to paini, cily u()ul.(ls or i,eam, Blun provide: But a new spirit Js pervading the versify. The women get a'jng with1 rate has been reduced under tho before they start proceedings. Thej tleu va0(.natjon for persons desir- Northwest and a new co-operation is un average of $40 jiqy month. These League's government, while nothing'1" therefore wait until a petition ine p,uteciion against infection.) evidencing Itself. Cood roads, ad figures were urrlved ut by tukiuu. iH said of the 400 ner cent assess-1 'a circulated among the Park street , , smanm)X ,,sta i couimunl-! vertlsing und allied development in a general survey of all the students living at the university. The cost , increase iu the actual amount col of living for college students has in-ilected for the state government. creased from 25 to 40 per cent since 19 10'. I With the beginning of the new year the hens of Ashland and the surrounding districts started to make mi nmireiult inerouaa in iho nm. auction of eggs, and the Ashbellont! Egg Society is beginning to receive and ship eggs from the Frut & Pro-!" dm e Association wheie they are han- died. This society was formed last: March for the purpose of handlhH all local eggs and giving them a . ,. . . .,, W0).ked out g0 ad,,,!,,, that the nowovcri gnow tilat about 1100 doz- en were sold. The price for the first'; From his finger the dying soldier fur. ral have l;c,,i mada-at this writ-, '"Per schools finds it necessary to 10 get an occasional glimpse of the week received for th.j eggs was 00 tore the wedding ring and pressed ing, but the Ashland friends will be se- The advice ot the county 'impression one of its efforts is inak cents. The second week was 60 it into Miss Farrell's hand. '; noticed of details later. Mrs. Ma-heillth officer may be obtained by f'K on the world. We wish w- n.nix tlm third week Eg cents, th.: I "Take it to her nuick " h:i ,,.,i hv ). i,i,aiv,n,i nml calling Dr. T. J. Malmgren, Medford,! bad space to rerint all of these let- fourth week 53 cents, and tho fifth week ig cen(s This Is considered outr.,KC0Usly ,()W us compared with lha tirl.-f.a nf Ynvomliar imH Tlnppnl- I'.--'o her when thn one nrice hovered ,.,, . ,-,. bnt ,hn fact thut the same amount of food for the. .. . ... ,.,,'. .,, morft PC9iwniB the rinir. Sh knell in ruli-h l' - - -nn-, ... h hli f : prolit after a. Anyway, when one; remembers that lt was not such a time aeo when we considered W(J C0H(l afford tQ cal eggg when they got down tQ n c(;nt3 a uozcn or ,ower the I)rest pl.ic(.s d0 not 6eem RQ uistre63ingly 1()W, YREKA, Calif. Siskiyou is the next in line of progressive counties i ), nc h..n.iin i,i,.inL-gi-i in mo iiiuuui u. i.ui 'h ns tho board of supervisors has ...... ... r a..: Btiui-iLMi xisl.iui rtiiumiv ..I. len to prepare notices lofun eiecuon to be held on the question of voting ; j1 050 000- BUpervlsor8 reache(1 the ded. i sion after interviews with large I landowners and business men of the by th(j sta(e gnwajr comml9. .Qn a)J he foregt servicflt lB m. ljoB.uollar boIld ssue win piace the couny jn high ral)k among the C0UM. t,eg of the gUt0 f()r roa(U u ,s ield by tne slIpervisors that f . dr.,wb.lcka t0 the develop- ment Qf (he C0Hnty ,3 ,ack of g00il : muir, Sisson and McCloud, had de- ci(Ied bfore tl)e action o the board 6,1)crvis0rs in calling the bond election, to bond their district for road building and improvement, . WILL MARRY 'EM FREE iu tul- -iim iiiuivi,'uI tr " CHARDON, Ohio. H. W. Clark, n graduate of Harvard Law School. w)l0 recently was elected justice of i tho poace here, has made a novel proposition to Geauga county, bach elor girls. "I'll tie the knot free of charge during the1 year 1920," says Clark. "for all the girls who have reached mature age und who ran absolutely! prove to me that the marriage pro-! posnl was made by themselves ' anticipates m big business. He ASTORIA. $200,000 apartment house to be built. PORTLAND Morgan razor works to enlarge plant. TAXES RAISED 10 l'EB t'EXT (Oregon Murdock, Voter.) j forinorly of the j n. n. Columbia Highway and Roadmuster of Coos county, but now executive engineer of the Asphalt Association, 15 Maiden Lane, New York City, has figures as to the Increases of state, taxes occasioned by the League's so cialistic Industrial program. Assessed Valuations 1918 t 205,315,957 1919 Taxes Levied on Farms 1918 1,088,355 1919 4,540,820 coming year, mm im " cellty (.om Dr. David Roberg, state munity of the Northwest, big and lit- While assessed valuations have, pressed themselves to council. This lua,(U oiri(,el.( iu rega.-d to the no-j tie. In an effort to make the North been increased more than fourfold, body Is "perfectly cognizant of the fesHiy , vaccination In the public! west tourist attractions accessible thus making nossiblo a reduction in j the actual tax rato, the amount re - qulred for taxes has Increased 109 per cent. Oregon farmers who re- ceive tho Non-Partisan League prop- Uganda will recall that much capital ment increase or the 109 per cent: As heavy bond issues have been floated under the League control, in terest und principal must be met on those bonds, which will place tho state under a still heavier taxation burden, especially as most of the bond monov has been snuandeied in wildcat industrial ventures or un - productive expenditures, SOLDIER'S LAST ACT .MAKES WIFE Oi XFRSE PHILADELPHIA. A dying sol - dier and his sweetheart nurse who hul, h,.,.,01, ,,., ,,, e,.,.ii,,.n h to his bedside, exchanged wedding' rings as the soldier died at his homo here. Tho soldier was Lieutenant Horace' Scott Fl.ost Hj8 afnanceil ,.,,, h Mrs. Virginia Lee Stuart ot Wash- ln(;ton. . The niBlu nurse, Miss Farrell, was attracted to the lieutenant's bedside by his sharp breathing. " ! whispered. "Something Is choklne me," he gasped. "Hurry ." 1 The nurse ran from the room. In fl few npcn)i(ls alio i-t u u-illi flip ----- - woman who shortlv before had Inir- ried from her .Washinetnn hump In' nurse her affianced husband. She; o - - th , , whis,.r,i ,,., n..r! hand clasped his. Ho attempted to'pends to so. r evlent cn the results r4ise to his Hps, but the last sharp, of the now- o,s between the major BtruEKle had left the nowerful soldier1 weak Viriflnia. we are married " The word faded awnv unit (Iip ine worus raueu away and tne lieutenant passed into a coma that, merged with death. . j Mrs. Stuart or Frest is of the Eng- lish branch of the Washington tarn-1 ilv. sav her friends An uncle was. - in-!an assisiunt secre.ary or tne treas- nrv under Presidpn. Pierpp !..! -" -- - ""i- .u " u. ine DioKerage department ot the Aetna Life Insurance company, here since he left the army. Before the war1 he was theWashington manager of, the rompany. IDEAL VOI XG MAX? THERE ! AIXT XO Hl'CH ANIMAL! ' CLEVELAND, Ohio.-The "ideal", young man must posses 17!) virtue J This was the conclusion of some enn i,,), ..,.. . .... uv t..ii..ii fiucio itiiu ui me ie.ji.i'1.1 m ux, am. u. ui UIU nilllKU! Avenue Congregational Church pre pared a symposium of virtues. Honesty, religion und moral clean liness headed the list. Neatness and cheerfulness were near the top. Cleanliness, goort mixing and a good; fan, has been spoken of lor mole "" p. , k n i of the Auto Section of last Sundav's ! "f ''''mi's by other communities and job came next. They were followed than a year and while he has the to n.nm....s , 1 lrtliiiul Oregonian, featuring your '"ive sent out dozens ot letters, nr- by good manners, sense ot humor 'support of the National league he ls They wandered around, tapping anu 8pImidill filnp si() rt)1l j , v ' (lll : tlcles similar to the Oregonian nr education. courtesty courage and in-i to bo opposed by Johnson, other Picking, near where their father had anlPtivl.,y ,jM.(.on. , tide and photographs In answer t,. e.u auo,.,. lounesiy, touiage ana in said to no oi. . . , ,.;.,( made his find three years before. Af-I Through our Seattle Chamber nf"l,",,'' rn,m municipalities and or- dustrlousness. candidates who have been In pi lit , maae n.s , Commerce and the Northwest Toiiri,,, ' gani.a.ions. We want to make tho Fifty young women inserted thel since Herrmann announced his m-,,w"a" : Association wo are now favorablv wl"l, northwest a region not only following: Itention of giving up the scepter are! up a nugget welgliliig tne oun. es. i CHsid(lrillg (n )llatt,,P of emt ,.,-. of abundant scenic attractions- He must have Bnn,l lnu Hill" Edwards. John B. Foster! old mixed with quartz. K all .ll(.rg,.,lr cimpalgii. in order Mother Nature took rare of that .,........ " uu.u .u mnitc, iiiusi ue jony, ne must not flirt, and several evnrn,prt .i, ....of ,k. ... ... no ue uioniie, and still others liked him "tall and dark." PLAX EARLY WORK ON CALIFORNIA STATE HIGHWAY CHICO, Calif. A few days more may see dirt flying on the last ' stretch of the state highway between ! Chlco and Red Bluff, In the belief of, George C. Mansfield, state highway i commissloncr. Mansfield said Highway Engineer through the stirring political cam-iNear East reflief, which Is assisting Thr,l(.h t,e courtesy of the Ore- haven't the scope or finances to at n,ii,i, .,,,1 c a I.... r ikDi: liMV.. ni.teil with much ihlni. announced. Derboghes came , wnUin circulation manager I hare tempt It: but the Ashland Commer- . . . son, who constructed a portion of the; Los Molinos unit, were to confer o.r some minor points in connection Willi! the work in the vicinity of Vinu and be ready to report an agreement at! silver mines and pr ed. would j a meeting ot the commission next like to know whether silver is apt, week. jto stay for some time at a price of ' This development followed the ac- a dollar or more per ounce. Silver' tion of the Tehama supervisors In securing all rights of way along the! original survev running hr n,iiJ east of Vina. j HEADQUARTERS TO F( Med ford has been mimed the counties. . : The topic ot paving Park or Mill: street was brought up at the meeting council last nlfcht and received of residents living on that street are; desirous oi .iav...t, ... ", I l.....n ....... large amount ot travel by tourists ! over this stretch ot Btreet, and the fact that it is unusually muddy In winter mid dusty in Biuniner, but the council wants an expression from the "", residents expressing their wishes, and presented to council before tak- lug up the matter. The city will have a large portion ot the street to pave, it Is stated. Mrs. Mulone, wile cf Major C. A. Malono, died at her tome In Med - ford at about 2 o'clock this niorniii nfter a short illness. Manv of Mrs. ! Malone's friends in Ashland were not apprised ot her illness and tlio news of her death th'' morning came as a great shock. '1 .ie de-eased had lived hero for a nui ib' r of years and was ! well known and neatly beloved by a large circle of fi lends. Two yeare i... .,, , ,vi. w i,0i..,,i Captain MaNme of tho First com- puny, Coast iTrlillerv, entered the service, RIu. &iloue and children accompanh d Hi 1 to the north where t))e). live( reul. ,,, army c,lmpa dllr. ing t' n ie.iod nf her husbands' ser- vice. On th l.ttefs discharge from tho army they cume to Medford where thev havo resided for the nast year. No arrangements for the in vmw uni nnfl i CHICAC,), ill., Fob. 10 Baseball .,.;)) )..; r...nn..a )...' BE I MEDFORD '.uuiluio mil iu. (..I.;.. iinf3t.-iD u.i '"".wno UKes to nun ami usii, is ui nukn nf n m,,:-) miw! ii;:,r,ma , .... T ... -......... i n.o' ,), id, nt ,n..,.i ..,,, national pastime ut a cni'itiu if inn ml. lit Vifiii'iilwfiH ).,... ... ,i.u Ollllllllk H.1D lUMiir, v r .1,., ,i;,n, ,ip. !r: leagues, in indivP ..! and joint ses - i,iiv.t.. ,i .. ...' aions, a meeting of the national com - m.o.-n .....I a mnfwencfl will, the M" " C.iail IIU1USU..I IB UBDISHCU -.i, ... ,- , minors. I a8 the place for a mediator or ar - of late, any American league meet-! bitrntor betwePn the two sets ot com - illg- sm6lls of brimstone. The two , migaioner8 wllen tney are at ,Kger- factions-the 'faithful fire" ot Ban neads Mr Carter comeg .om Jack - Johnson and the 'rebellious three";.-. county. wnero the RoKue ,-ver probably will toe the mark with huge - chins on each shoulder. , ....... ... I. ........ ...... c,(i r ,. ,.,. In fnkn , gtigL.ii.i. ... - mo post which uauj rtDn..iu ,c , signed is the ticklish tasK untitled 10 the national commission. American league politics may stick its pug iKicious tint into tliis season , it Tr...,.v T K'illilp:. In n cnllilidiltn ...... The Boston-Chicago-New lork clan , of insurgents will lobby against his , they needed pocket money for a, and aulo-camp and indirectly choice on the grounds that he is a!Pmg outfit, so they packed their, through It conceived the Idea of a Johnson henchman and that his .p-!lli.. left tliolr father's ranch .. lit-: M campaign for morn and better pointtnent would not loosen the grip i way from flat creek, and started;... o-camps Mr V ., ,.,,,. ,,,.,, hat Johnson had on the commission i Prospecting in the old fashioned way In Iter Indicates .1, such a camp.iign , .... ..... (i, tin,, about a week ago. '"ay he waged in lb., near His lliroui;)! w: iii;iiLi-iint.( u v.. UllieiUei. National leacue magnales are said , , ... n to favor anyone who knows baseball and who hasn't a financial string on any club in either league. Judge .. -,. t.,,ii tn,-.-,l tnrist. audi I , i,... t Wntker. of, f anu'. - new York, sponsor of the nex boxing Il, ..... l- un. . . The conference with tho minors ig last but not least on' tho schedule. With common agreement on only a low noints. the mogul face the task of drawing up n l ew agreement that meets wllh the approval of both.fac- Hons, A SILVER UMNO To ""' 1 ' . Those old enough to h ive passed - nnwllrnm H.rnoot Svrla in 191 1, return - Interest that as bullion now from H.upool hri.i.n ' for the first time In 4 Is worth more than the ration of 16 to 1 of gold. The owners of Oregon mining is attractive provided mere Is reasonable assurance that such , nr., will he maintained for a pe- riod of years. I $ $ 9 j . BELLEVIEW NOTES. A large number of Belleview peo-i Ashand's future as n resort com plu met at the Bchool house Friday j ,mlnty depends upon what Ashland evening and went on record again, (ioe8 for ,tsolri not ,.. hu( ., as a progressive up to date commit- :U ot tieing in tavor or tne Dest along an lines is as mucn nave as ever. Tho first meeting for organizing the Jackson County Farm Bureau for 1920 followed the election. Comy Sllpei.inU,mient 0. W. Ager isslle(1 a statement received re ..... . - .-.. The lutter contains a copy! of llal.a(,num 141, 1)al!e 53 0f the! 0l.(.gon Sl.lool o 1919, and usQ (he foliHWnR rllg from the' S(ute ,Jol.j or f leidtli : "If smallpox1 exists in a community, the county or, tVi no chi( anal, be pernltted to ut- , , without mesentinir sat- jsfa,.t()i-y evidence of having been' successfully vaccinuted within seven j years." i I The above ruling applies only to those communities where tho epi- identic actually exists. Even in such! cases, the superintendent states, it 13 not desirable to resort to vaccina - tinn of ull school children when only one or two segregated cases of small - pox are to be found. Vaccination should bo required only where indi- cations would lead our county health officer to believe an ipldejnlc is lia- ble to occur. When the question of whether vac- dilation should be required, or whether a school should be closed for fear of an epidemic Is raised, the' advice of the county health officer ; should be obtained. Superintendent , Ager states lie Ib informed that there i "0 cause for alarm here In Jack-: son county except in a few cases now 1 e" under control. No school should be closed just because one of the 0F3". .... . . ... .... . ... i.. ... FJ. . V-llliUI. MMI.H..1 ll "O Mr. Carter is the . . , cliuiriiiiiu of the newly created state . i .u 1 ...... t..u i -m - ... , .... Opu Ifl I H IMO I1UII1 MIM1 int!lllt!B " .. aes3 the galne coniniissioners and'""" "''"" ","-,!'l"'. '""1 . fi',h conimssioners fall to agree, SW'"9 ,'l'.nf,t r""" Asl'l;""l s (,x- UIII t,(u mr. Carter stops In. He , ., . ....... ,.. 1 ilal(n't had to do that yet, but the ... ., . ., ..... .in., fjsh f,Rt cver belng gtlrret, Up,' USII HKlll IB ever uruiR milieu - .. ..... ,. ,hOP- h,a fishermnnl . .. .... ,at t no mou.n o. ine itoguo anu ine i sportsmen along the upper reaches hlV9 never bee1 Mu t0 tolerate each 'other. Oregonian. j llfclJUimi. ueuiK" niiiwi.11. . I.'... e..ii.nn 11 Hpiiipr. th... They had history to prove thati ... , , , , ' '"ere was gold nere, inr ner. a ... . , Snrlne creek had been found the; 8 P Ini t cu K haa th(J , biggest and richest pocKeis in ine days ot '49. Here their father three years before had found a gold. The boys visited Reddin The boys visited Redding today and , , bad tho gold weign i a a it was1 I found to be worth au Adolph Do- t .u. .., ,...rhnp.l the urows.jr, ... J". : nugget. I " ' SEEKS HIS Wlfft DAIGIITERH IX Tl'KK HAREM NEW YORK, N. Y. In an efrort to rescue his wife from a Turkish harem where she has been held cap-j' tive for about four years. Asdouri .............. .... irmp....... nf Ilueine. , " C ...J Is., saiieu mis ween .... ......w p.1 u. rescue Mum... - j was seized by the lurss. oui ii.h..- aged to escape through Siberia. Three oaugn ers. ...... ,-mPe cam- were seized at the same time asn. establishment of more wife, and are believeJ also to hare a)d bp(t(r Uvg camn f-h,t for vU(. been sent to Turkish harems and the,,ng motoristfl. We realize here that . u. km.a nf find lie nno nr s ha If-illl.en trood CaluliS scat- .ainer u them. A son, Hovenes. escapeu ",l" ;enoU(!h , propery make pleasant a his father and is now In school at. . , w are doing exfrf. Wsukegan, 111. THE BROADER VISION The (lay of ' every cily for Itself ,! l()Wn wllh the oUlt,r fellow." In wnBt every community In tho nnrtli- Mark, Antoinette got It in the neck. 0( eonri.e Anhland and Southern Oregon must have the goods to lure h(J touri(jt t0 tal.ry here wllen he visits the northwest. That is up to us. But it Is also up to us to get In the harness with every other com- and tho tourist's visit pleasurable. A few years ago this would have been an impractical vision. Even now it may appear that Ashland's part Is a small one and that the lit- 'an mi m umo sinan cnen. these efforts the Northwest finds it- self a unit, In one important department of the great business of att -icting and providing for tourists, Ashland lias found Itself the pioneer and the leader. In the movement for Hie establishment of free nut oca nips' ; throughout the West and did you 1 "'low unit ill per cent or the au- tomobile tourists camp Ashland has 1 ie. 1 nis leaiieiHiup must now he turned over to organizations with the scope to direct future develop- "lent along this line; hut Ashland "ill always remain the pioneer, and ,n ny continual otlort remain the model toward winch oilier cominuni- lies will look when seeking that nicn is nesi in auto-camps, Secretary Mowat has a file at the Commercial Club filled with letters t'm "11 over (he l ulled States in-: quiring concerning Ashland's auto- camp. Practically all commence with "Since Ashlnnd Is recognized as hav- iK 'be best nuto-cainp," etc. It good for an individual and a city ters, Now they are beginning to come from the broader organizations. I The Oregon Slate Chaniher of Coni- 1 . .... .... ,lll-1LI-. m a III I heginuing: "As . . , mil lias the best rami) ground 1 11111 writillK you." etc., announces lhat Portland is planning a hi a,,(l 'at the chaniher is ("King up a stntownlo campaign lor I'"eme. . nuersines. park super Inlendents and commercial organiza- : """" " writing tor ,. f,, ,.....: ,. ... ll .. I 1 '"' uit'on on Ashland s camp.; :. ., ... f . . l - ',' y ' "'! " . , """ln;!' "M,''7 1 ' " ' '.' r ' ' . m"T'" " " "l 1 tjoll the , ...... . ...v: IIII.LI-ni HUH, nlnst compreliensive orga.iiza.ion nf kind III the West, which Is sun-1 ported by several states and llu j Province of Hritlsh Columbia: Ore-' Ron donating 25,000 n year to its Work has been in correspondence) with Mr. Mowal for jome lime, be- j came iidcmmm inipi-puf.wi in ii... i. letter and Mi. Mowat's answer I .,,,. Mr. Lynn D. Mowat, Sec, Ashland Commercial Club A)ll.Il( ().(,g()1 My I)(.u. Mr AIow.,,. You are to be congratulated on to Interest Hie towns, cities, and cdiii- mil n I tins of this flection of the tinted International Pacific Northwest country to establish, provide nml maintain free camp sites for visiting motorists. Very trulv votirs. L. E. WAIiFORD. Travel and Transport Bureau. A nswer Feb. 7, 1920. ! Mr. L. E. Warford, ' .' w jy )(.ar j.r Warford: Much ohllued for your good words regarding lhat Oregon auto-camp , - secured a number ot copies of the !,. rnllt ,,i ,, ,i K the article mid. should you have use for them, would . n.elKCI. to soni) you a llmitod number. 'r,hrnlll!h ,hp nrthwest are not J thing we can to further the building KEEP PUPILS ILL AND SCHOOLS OPEN County Superintendent O. W. canCH where a contaclon is known to exist, before members from that family are permitted to return to the school. Where instructions are followed and such matters are care fully considered and watched, Su perintendent Ager states It will usually be better to keep the schools open. DOCTORS HOPE TO EFFECT ( I KE OF LEPROSY CASE OMAHA, Neh. Charle.i Young, aged III, of Tildeli, N b., who applied at the Croightou Medical College sev eral we.'ks ago for treatment for a blond disease, has a well-developed case of leprosy, according to a spec ialist's diagnosis. Young became a charge of the state. The specialist said there was a possibility ot ultimate cure. Young is a Spanish war veteivn and believes he may have contracted the disease while in the Army. HOROSCOPE STATUS DRV TIME WONT LAST NEW YORK. The stars say the American people will not h.:vo to go without their beer anil wine, accord ing to the horoscope just made of "Prof." (lustave Meyer, Hohuken as trologer. The"pri)iessor" finds that, inas much as Taurus was in the ascend ant and Venus was posted ill the eighth dimension of thj heavens when the governor was iuaucuratiil. In 4 administration "will he quite a fortu nate one, to say the least." WHEN SCOT AND SWAT WERE FIRST ACyl'HXT PITTSHl'Rtlll. The game nf American baseball received a knight ly tribute here yesterday. Scot anil Swat met for tho first time. Wllen Haas Wagner was pre sealed as a new member of the Ki wanis club at the members' and la dies' luncheon in the For. Pitt hotel, every man and woman ruse in honor of the baseball king. Sir Harry Lauder, who is appearing in the Pitt theater this week and who was tho speaker oi' ihe .lay, r:sa magnificent ly to the occasion. The Scottish singer saluted tho meat batsman, clasping the mighty hand that made the Carnegie ath leto hero of All Swa.dom. Then wltU a smile on his face and admiration anil a hint of emy in his eyes. Sir II rry bust into verse with a tribute to 1 1 it- Hans while tho iissembhigo cheeied : "If you can bing Anil if I can sing, . We cheer the hearts of all ; For life's a game To apt or lame Wha seek to paslo tho ball. I. "Success will cling To Swat and Ilitig An' may they never fall When hiinuie clips (lie mony trips Around the bases all." PORTLAND. Box manufacturers and lumbermen who supply that branch of tho trade, from California, Oregon, Washington. Idaho, Mon tana and British Columbia confer on box making industry. Warning sent to fruit packers and runners to g.-t order lit at once. Box stock do- j clared Bcurce. Whitman county, Washington, in lDl!t produced 1 1 ..It. I, .100 bushels of wheat, valued at $2 I, IGS.HM. I . but of ubiinilaut camps where tho )"" ca.. n..i. coiuum, ronven.enco am. nospiiHiny. ror it in only ny develotiing the northwest as a unit that the tourist ran be attracted (and leave part of his money In Ash land on his way through). ' The broad vision displayed In the recent past and at present by organ izations throuuhnut the northwest so different from the narrow, cut throat, "knock the other fellow to boost ouiRell" policies of the past presages wonderful things for the Pacific Northwest. It Is up to yo "big fellows" to handle the organija- lion and to direct these all-North- W(,a( r,impnRn,; we "little fellows" rial Club Is willing and anxious to do all within it's rower and places itself at your command. Sincerely yours. LYNN D. MOWAT. Secretary Ashland Commer cial Club. N. B. And while we want the Northwef.t to be dotted with fine auto-camps, we are not forgetting our own interests and are now plan- nlng extension and improvementl which will maintain the reputation ot Ashland's l.lthia prk free aiitc- camp "The Best In The W est.