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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1920)
VVctno8W, February li, 1020 Asm,AD tt-EElttY TIDINGS Pack tHRFK jumumimnnntn L LOCAL AND PERSONAL mnummautntuttmmmtmmnS FRIDAY'S KKWS Mrs. Fred Homes bus been quite ill at ber borne In the Belleview dis trict for several weeks pust, but i8; reported to be much improved at present. W. H. Smith of East Main street celebrated bis 88th birthday Tuesday of this week. In spile of his ad vanced age Mr. Smith Is quite active and Is feeling well this winter. A. M. Heaver received a telegram this morning Btatlug that bis son, Aldred M. Beaver, and wife will ar rive here on train No. 16 Sunday evening to make a short visit. Mis. Beaver is on her way homo from San j Francisco where she had been mak ing an extended visit, and Mr. Hea ver Is in Klamath Falls thiB week on a business trip. Mrs. Pryor of the Hotel Austin Went to Yreka yesterday to visit with friends for a day or two. Mrs, Held, who has been quite ill for the paBt week or so. Is reported, ing the rendition by a free hand much better at present. i drawing by the pastor, Rer. W. E. I Bean. Mr. Bean has unusual tal- The funeral of the lale Mrs. C. A. ! ents in this direction, and uses 11 Malotie of Med ford will take place lustrations frequently to bring out from St. Murk's Episcopal church of Important topics In the Sunduy school that city Sunday afternoon at 2:30 lessons, o'clock. Kev. P. K. Hammond of this city will have charge of the Ber-1 Mrs. Frank Guisinger, who re- vlcoa. I n Colorado, stopped off on ber way E. N. Butler, the expert chocolate homo in Ogden, 1'tah, where she vis- maker, is taking time from his ranch' itod the family of Rev. W. L. Mellln duties to come over and Instruct ger, the former pastor of the local Claude Millet In the art at the Pluza Christian church. The reports that confectionery. the Mellinger family are enjoying a fine home in that city and are very W. J. Dougherty and daughter, j well and happily located. Mr. Mel- MIbs Myrtle, went down to Medford , linger, however, stated that as soon yesterday afternoon. They were ac- as Ashland gets the normal school companied by Mr. and Mrs. W. G.jhe is coming back here to live. Curry. . S. S. Smith, manager of the Med- Charles G. Millet Is back from i ford Mail Tribune, was an Ashland Wheeler county where he had been visitor yesterday afternoon. Mr. making a visit to his former homo. Smith came up to meet his wife He wag accompanied by A. G. Smith,! who is returning home ufter a two father of Mrs. Claude Millet, who , months' visit with relatives in Kan wlll be a guest of his daughter at : sas. her home on North Main street. J. A. Churchill, state Ruperlntend- ent of the schools, was an Ashland ; visitor yesterday from Salem. While in the city he Inspected the high I school and the teachers' training1 class. Mr. Churchill is touring the Bouthern end of the county for this purpose this week. j ' ' Ben C. Sheldon was a business vis-j ltor In Ashland from Medford yes-, terday afternoon. j I on North Main street for several A bouse built entirely of Douglas n,oniils past, expect to leave In a fir, Sitka Bpruce, western hemlock fow day3 for ti,e north. They have and red cedar grown in Oregon and accepted a position with the Ha Washlngton is going to be the cen-j wnfian studio of St. Louis, with an ter of attraction at tho fourthconiing!lfl,1)0ntnient in Portland. Their exhibit of the Own Your Own Home Ashland pupils will be turned over exposition in New York City. WEDNESDAY'S NEWS E. V. Carter left last night for Portland where he will represent the Ashland Commercial Club at conference with the state highway commission. airs, inn mio ui . Ashland this ween visiting nor l111" rents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guniere, ; nnd sister, Mrs. D. Perozzi. j Rev. C. A. Edwards was one oi a , of ,he A Mcillti,.e Morton stleet committee of six, two of whom were houae un(, (Jt tQ KnR an(, wiffi from Ashland, who visited Medford of pUHiltc-un, Calif, yesterday for the purpose of select-j . . ing a site for a new Methodist ! T,e Asllan(1 Frllit & p,.0(1ce asso church and parsonage in that city. : ejation siiipm 0t its last carload This location was selected and It j 0f applts to San Francisco Saturday, understood building will commence j This consi3le(1 o( 10513 boxes of New 'there shortly. 1 towns and Ben Davises. . E. W. Redifer o Seventh street i: quite ill at present with an attack of pneumonia. ... Miss Edith Mooney, an Ashland young woman who has been teaching in the public schools of Roseburg came home lust night for a short I Visit. The schools in Roseburg have been closed for a time on account of the prevalency of flu. Mrs. S. B. McNair went t- Mistle toe yesterday to see the family of J. M. McCoy, the section foreman (there, who have been so afflicted with sickness. She reports that the grand mother, Mrs. Wood, and Mr. McCoy are both considerable better. Mr. McCoy had regained consciousness yesterday, and had been told the Bad news of the death of his wife and little son.' Miss Bertha Davis, of Corvallis. state supervisor of home economics, is in Ashland today conferring with the faculty and board of education in regard to the compulsory educa tional law of the state which pro vides for a part time school, one of which has been started In Ashlmid. Mrs. C. E. Davis, a niece of E. N. Norton and Mrs. J. P. Halfhill, who has been an Ashland visitor for near ly three months, left last night for Ban Francisco to visit with a sister, lifter which she will Join her hus band in Long Beach, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Goodman and . Mrs. Ural Coleman were among the Ashland people who went down to . Medford last night to attend the I musical comedy at the Page. Mr. R. P. Cornelius went to a lo- cal hospital yesterday where she un derwent a minor operation. She ex pects to remain there for about a week. H. C. High, who recently moved to Aahland from Seattle, bas pur- chased a nise on Fork street from Mrs. C. E. Lane and is making bis peramnent home there. Mr. C. C. Crowsou and family are moving this week to their new homo on Oak street. Mrs. William Hell, who had been 111 with "sleeping sickness" for al most two months, has so fur recov ered ua to ho able to accompany her sister, Mrs. F. Thomlinson, to her homo in Portland, for which city they left last night. The latter had been calIt(l here when ber sister took sick and has remained assist ing in the nursing. Mrs. Hell ex pects to remain in Portland until she has fully recovered her health. During the Sunday evening ser vices at the Christian church Mrs. Alta Wineberger sang "The Llttlo Brown Church In the Wildwood," which was effectively illustrated dur- turned a short time ago from a visit Mrs. J. E. Callahan and little son, Jerry, left this morning for Little Shasta where they will visit friends and relatives for some time, Emmett Lee of Seattle has been a guest 0f his grandmother, Mrs. M. a. Baldwin, for the past two days, ne jB 0n his way to Los Angeles to visit his sister. o. W. Lehuan and wife, who have been conducting the Hawaiian studio I to Mrs. A. C. Carpenter, j ... . Mayor C. B. Lamkin, who recently bought the Dr. W. E. Blake bunga low on Bush street and Is living Hle,e now expects to move the build- ing to his new purchase on the cor ner of Hush and North Main streets, ! it is stated. This will be one of the ';fjnest residence sites in that part of the city. THURSDAY'S NEWS I The Billings agency report the sale Mrs. 0. II. Barnhill is sillily for the seventh grade teacher in the Washington school at Medford this week. . Mrs. H. H. Learitt's son who lives In San Francisco, returned home with nis nlother when she came back from that city last week. ... J. M. Kirkpatrick has trailed bi3 five-acre tract in "Paradise Gulch" for a ten-acre tract ten miles north east of Portland. . Farm Bureau meetings for this im mediate vicinity have been planned for Belleview, Friday, February 6; Talent, Friday, February 13, and Valley View, Friday, February 20. These meetings will be of great in terest to the ranchers and Stockrais ers throughout the valley and will be largely attended without doubt. L. W. Smith of Kansas City, father ! of Mrs. Isaac Crisp of the Nelda cafe, starts today for bis home after mak ing an extended visit with his daugh ter in Ashland. Jesse Barham of Dallas, the fourth of the" Barham brothers to locate in Ashland recently, arrived yesterday and will bring bis family here In a short time. Miss Kola Kent came home last night from Roseburg whore she is teaching in the city schools this win ter. The schools haie closed down there for a time on account of an epidemic of Influenza which has struck Roseburg. Miss Edith Moody, a teacher In the Roseburg schools, Is also home. Mrs. Margaret Hall and Miss Helen Layton left last night for Oakland where they will visit for some time, after which they will go on to Santa Paula, Calif. D. A. Phillips of Liberty street Is reported quite 111 at present with an attack of grippe. . noy AndoiBon of Klamath Fulls, a former resident of Ashland, was & business visitor in this city yester day. He stopped off here while on his way to Grants Pass. BATI RDAY'S NEWS Mrs. Ed Maxon of Talent was In Ashland today visiting friends. The mountains and surrounding foothills were covered with snow this morning which fell some time during the night, a iigtu rain aiso .en ... . . II here in the valley, but was not enough to wet the ground to any: extent, All south-bound trains were late yesterday on account of a wreck that tied up traffic up the line. Train No.l they are conducting revival meetings 13. due here at 10:15 a. m., did not 1" the Methodist church. Dr. Dan arrive until after dark last night, ford reports a great meeting up The other south-bound trains were! there. Pastor Knotts has already re also several hours late. Reived eighteen new members Int . . i the church with more to follow. James Barrett of the East Side Mantel nas purcuaseu a rancu, u i stutwl helonnini: to Andv Welder of siuiea, oeionging 10 aiuij vteiuei ui T-ilont This Is one of the finest al- latent, tins is one oi mo iinesi ai ...i.0 i .i,0 u..n,.v ,,.! u Market has purchased a ranch, It is a valuable acquisition. j j The two little children belonging; to Mr. McCoy, the section foreman : of Mistletoe, who Is so seriously sick ' .... - . ..... - ..... anu wnose who unu young sou uikii lunt it.aflt o ,o utill undo,. Ilia nura til' kind-hearted women of Ashland. Mrs. L. C. Dunn has taken the little lfi - months-old girl, and It arrangements can be made with the father, is think-; me noiei Asnianu u,,u, u..;, m Ing of legally adopting her. The home, month old baby, a boy, is still being j cared for at the homo of Mrs. S. B. W. M. Barber and H. O. Anderson McNair. It is not known yet whether; "pect to go into the real estate busi or not this little one will be adopt-' "es 'n Ashland under the firm name cd by an Ashland family. ; of the Ashland Healty company. They ... will open an office in the buildim: S. W. Clute. who has been serious-: occupied by W. A. Freehurg about .... iy 111 wun an attacit oi pneumonia for the past month, Is able to be around the house again. Mr. Clute: has been a very sick man, and his many friends are glad to learn of the' improvement in his health. I ... ! The Self Service Store, succeeding1 the Plaza grocery owned and oper- ated by C. E. Sams, opened Its doors this morning for business, after be- ing closed all week while inventory was taken. This store will be oner- ated by H. A. Stearns, a new comer' to Ashland, and presents an attrac - tive. appearance The Idea of self- service is a new one In Ashland and will undoubtedly meet with general approval by the public. Jack Clute drove over from Call - fornla yesterday to spend a few days w th ins ratner. s. w. L' ute. ... J 01 her son, George KoDison. hue win W. J. Carpenter and wife, who 8 '0 Talent this evening to visit have been spending the past year or a duughter. so In San Antonio,, Texas, have re-1 ... turned to Ashland and will resume A large number of Ashland people their residence here. wit to Medford yesterday afternoon ... to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. G. N. Gray loaves this evening C. A. Malnne, which was held for Gazelle where sho will remain f"' St. Marks Episcopal church, until Monday evening visiting with Rev. P. K. Hammond of Ashland con firends. t ducted the services and meinb"ni of ... j the Ashland lodge of Masons served Miss Hazel Clute of Dunsmiiir was pallbearers. in Ashland today, a guest of rcla-: ,,,,, n . 1 tives and friends. Mrs. T.'J. Mackey and Mr. nnd Mrs. William McDonald drove down J to Medford this morning and spent i the day in that city. ; ... Harry Paul Gustafson, who has: been visiting his parents in Ashland j since Christmas, left yesterday fori Portland, where he will enter a chi-' ropractic school. . Mrs. Florence Lee. the countvl iiealth nurse, will be in the Ashland schools for three days next week.' She will be in the Junior High school' all day Monday; Tuesday morning in' the Hawthorne school and Wednes- day morning in the Senior High j school. Mothers of children having health problems of any sort, are wel- come to call unon her and cun reach! her at these buildings by telephone on these dates. 4 Mrs. E. J. Roberts Is home from the Belleview district where she had been spending several days takin care of her daughter, Mrs. E. E. Gall,, who has been quite 111. The latter is much improved. Mrs. Ada Stwinard left today for Gold Beach, Ore., via Grants rass and Crescent City. -Sirs. Stannard is1 administratrix of the estato of the' late Hon. John. R. and Mary E. Stan-: nard, and was called there in tho interest of the estate. E. P. Moore returned yesterday: from a ten days' trip to the coast. ! He visited Brookings, Harbor City! man who has been so seriously ill t and other points on business. He 'there for the past two weeks. This' took a load of truck to the ranch of' little girl is being cared for by thej bis brother, F. W. Moore, who will j Ashland P.e.l Cross, end is an In go on it and Improve It during the; mate of the home of .Mrs. C. li. At next year. terbury, from where she sturted to 1 the Hawthorne school this morning. Wesley Brown of the Brown Mo-! The month-old baby, which was tor company was In Ashland yester-! brought to Ashland by Mrs. McNair day and made arrangements for a lo-i when the mother died a week ago, cal agency for the. famous Nash Six. 'has been taken by Mr. and Mrs. Hor La Von Zundel will be the local sales-lace Mitchell, who will take steps man and the Automotive Shop head- towards legally adopting the little quarters for the Nash where a carjone. Mr. Mcf'oy is much Improved, will be on display and where Mr. land hopes are entertained for his Zundel may be found at any time. early recovery. MONDAY'S NEWS j Luther ' Bfdwell of Bronddus, Mont., is a guest of his uncle, George j Yutes. He will remain in Ashland for a week or so, after which hei will go on for a visit In California. I Mis. E. Galey and daughter ar- rived Saturday evening from Fo' t-i WMt far up a9 land and will pay a visit at the home; (he p,ant gnd hi(d B of their son and brother, H. C. Ca-; ThoRe (n the pHrty wUh ley, of this city. I (he tPliclier we.: Marie Hatcher, , , 1 Erna Bess, Isabel Silver, Berdena El A good sized audience listened to j,, nd Edi(U Dod(,e the patriotic leciure vii uiutum uc livered by Rev. C. A. Edwards at the Methodist church Sunday evening. Mr. Edwards paid a beautiful trib- ute to the great statesman, which was enthusiastically received by all. Mrs. Snow, who has been a guest ' . . If.. 1 IT a. I 'I... ..I..n , or tier parents, mi. u.. (Junierc, anu sisier, airs, u. i e.i returned to ber home Saturday even - ! ing. Dr. S. A. Danford and wife came ' ' ' . . In yesterday from brants lass wnere Jay Crissey and C. G. Jones of - - - Jamestown, N. Y., were guests ut the Hote Aust n over Sunday night. The , .,, , formor bag come to the coast In the, search of a brother of whom he has not heard for several years. The last that waB heard of the missing man he was located somewhere in this section of country. Archibald Mr. and Mrs. James 'have sold their ranch at Brownshoro nd have come to Ashland to live. For the present they are sotpping at iI.a tiai r.r Tui..h Mr tVnnlmre i "'" , n ' '"' on ntwum i. ., '.ls eyes to retire from business, Tho Income tax collectors arrived Ashland this morning and will re- main here all week to assist any one ' making out their returns. They hl(To opened un office In the city hall where they may be seen every ('av 'his week, Mrs. J. L. Herr has purchased th- bakery on North Main street from :' - "iin anu win sue n ner per- sonal supervision. She took posses-, w .Hon this morning Mr. Smith has: clff y. ' taken b home on Koeea street where & j he will reside j company of their friends, the occas- it n i. , r ii -. nr Mo" being complementary to Mr. and ; Mrs. H. B. Robison of Lodl Cal f.,, whose ...arriago ho Is spending the winter in this' ((mk (Ince ,s "tml''i " "'" "" 1 Air. ana .urs. ahiilu m. ur,m-i of Portland were over Sunday guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beaver, " Mrs. J. L. Heir and Mrs. Dora Hubbard were visitors ut Roguo River Sunday, - . Harry Harrison, who has been sick for the past week, is able to bo around again. ... Miss Gertrude Mischo, who Is tak- '"8 a course in nurse's I raining in hospital in San Francisco, is home on a short vacation. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lamkin and niece. Miss Mary Ives, are back from 'rip to I heir farm near Montague, Calif. They made the trip In the Lamkin car and slate tnai wnu no. exception of a few miles where the road is rought, the highway is as smooth as midsummer. G. S. Butler writes Irom San Fran Cisco, where ho and Mrs. Butler are spending a month on business und rocreation, to add ten dollirs to the nrl7ea for Hie "Kssav Contest' to be conducted In our city n hools, to help stimulate the energies of the stu- dents to do things. Those who nine charge of the collections will put Mr. Butler's name down on .the doners' list, Mrs. S. B. McNair vent to Mistle toe yesterday and brought back Mary, the 6-year-old duu iliter of Mr. McCoy, the unfortunate section fore- The Social Realm Took Hike Saturday A happy little party of eight girlB, with their teacher. Miss Edna Lee, tnnlr itiU im th nnnvnn Saturday Surprise l'urty If any one has the Idea that Leap Year is the prerogative only for spinsters and unattached young girls It was exploded last Saturday night ': when it was found with what acclaim .. wre ,unty ()f anmiing tleir ,if0 parter8 tor ig their life partners for ! sninn nap idsrt. pvpn If it were the ; husl).im, of a llei(,hbori aml that for one evening only. This was demon strated when a large company gath- Hifiil at the Mnlel Austin and went Mrs. F. J. Shinn on Oak street where they gave tills worthy couple the surprise of their lives on the 27th an niversary of their wedding. This was when exchange of husbands took place. While tho members were per fectly willing to have their husband participate in the happy event, each . .. . . ' . one simply turned her husband over to the neighbor w li le Bhe Joyously . . . escorted some other woman's bus hand to the scene of the festivity. A delightful evening followed the ar rival of the unexpected guests at the Shinn home. Among the amusing , ti .nines which took place was a mock ml"'l'i"s"n which Mr. and Mrs. hhinn appeared in the guise of em barrassed groom and blushing bride, supported by Dr. and Mrs. Webster as ,lUell(,,ints Tiihn IT Pullnr mi. . ,, , , . peared as the solemn clergyman, and performed the ceremony. Prof. H. (!. Gilmer played the wedding march and Mrs. Fuller sang the old-time favorite, "Here Comes the Bride." Games and contests followed, alter which refreshments were served, the leading feature of which was a hand some wedding cake. The haimv ' h event closed shortly before midnight when tho faithful old husbands look ed pretty good to their former sweet hearts, and were ullowed to return home with their wives. Fancy Work Club Mivts Mrs. L. D. Good entertained the Fancy Work Club yesterday after noon at her home on b street. Those present spent the time crocheting and doing other fancy work, after which delightful refreshments were a sister of Mr. Jenkins. M.vllng of Teacup Club church held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. W. H.!jj Hodkilison on Church street Tuesday US afternoon. A good sized attendance iTjp enjoyed tho hospitality of Mrs. Hod- jp kinson und her assistant hostesses who were Mrs. J. H. Fuller, Mrs. J. R. McCracken, Mis. James Len nox, Mrs. J. M. Miller and Mrs. II. E. McKoe. Mrs. G. W. Gregg gave a reading which was greatly enjoyed! by the company, after which delicious j refreshments were served. Entertained Dinner Guests Prof, und Mrs.F. C. Relmer oT the Southorn Oregon Experiment Station 1 .ii. ...i.. ci, M.i. iv p,.r eiliui liiiuru in UUIIH3I M.iitmij ...... C. I. Lowls and M. O. Evans, the for- mer 01 suieui unu iuo lauor ui iuh- land. (Ylchratcd Birthday Mrs. F. G. Swedenburg entertained 11 few friends und neighbors at her home last evening, the occasion be ing'her birthday anniversary. Music was one of the leading features and games were played, after which the hostess served a fine birthday cake. ( lull Met. Members of the Come When Yon jjCITIZENsO W BANK faO FASH LAN Djl fLM AY we have an j i -"on Dortunity to I 11 serve you? We'll make good. l j I j Can Club were elitertr.lned by Mrs.jT. .1. Malmgn-n of Phoenix. The Leslie at her home on Fairview guests convened principally in street last evening. A good time' French during the afternoon, mid a was enjoyed by those present, and j contest, naming in French the nrti delicious refreshments were served. ides in the room, afforded much I amusement. For the one who named Kitchen Hhmver j "ie m0Ht Articles a prize was award- Mrs. T. L. Sanford and Mrs. 0. V.!'1' 'as won by Mrs. F. D. Gillette entertained Wednesday af-j Wagner. Tea and cake were served, temoon at the Home of the former; 11 Henry finders pouring for the on High street In honor of Mrs. G. I ''ostess. W. Loosley, who Is soon to move into their new bungalow on Oak street. The feature of the party was a sur prise to Mrs. Loosley, In the form of a "kitchen shower." Many nlro and useful gifts were bestowed upon her by her many friends who had gathered for the afternoon. Not an inkling did she have that this purty was for her until Mrs. W. II. Bartges, who had composed the fol lowing poetry, read it to her: Don r Mrs. Loosely, we are hero today .... i ,.t ..i.: , null iuiiiik mint mm e. kind and true And feel great pleasure when al lowed to say May richest blessings e're be show ered Sn you. You know, when kitchen furnishings we buy And use year uftef year without a change. If we should wish another kind to try i think you'll all agree 'twould not hn Htrinco h So, while Aladdin's lamp we don' possess, In some small measiiro we can take And wish for you, with love that longs to bless Its place, New implements your housewife's skill may grace. Aim may mo new home prove a dream comn true. A vision realized an Ideal found- May health and fortune 1ml li alien, 1 on you, And mirth and friendship ever more abound. And, Mrs. Loosely, from our hearts' uffoction Our love, good wishes, greetings, pluuse receive. And may tho little gilts ill this col lection Lighten the tasks, and all fatigue relieve. The invited guests were: Mesdame; !. W. I.ooscley, Fred Neil, Iledberg. Hammond, Martages, llosqul, torn, 1 lilt. Whitney, Ninis, Dean. Rose, Don Whitney, lie. iimtou, Gar rett, Mellae, McConnell, II. II. Gil lette, Khun. W. II. Hnrrou, Ilarne hurg, S. Mitchell, M. Wagner. Misses McCull, Nelson and Alexander. (live French Ten .Mrs. 0. A. Paiilseriiil entertained the French class of the Women') Auxiliary club at her homo on Oil; street yesterday afternoon with a French tea. About twenty were present, Including the leacher, Mrs. ISIHfiSSiio! ... tj jc HLEPRoF HoIERy ' TO women who appreciate that feeling of satisfaction that comes of wearing Boft, Piuig-titting, finely liiniched hoae, we offer a hosiery service that 'meets every requirement of style and good taste. Advance ideas in colors are now on gorgeous display he sure to Bee them. Women's Pure Silk Hone $2.50; Silk Faced $1.50; Fine Lnster ized Litfle 90 cents. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE SPRING SHIPMENT VAUPEL'S QUALITY STORE 68-73 E. MAIN ST. feur-ll liTUrTJrlt -rn Jr? (rt T If" The death of John n.iilev. who has ecn ill withn attack of broncho pneumonia during the past week at a local hospital, occurred at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Funeral arrange ments will he held, ponding word from relatives in Nebraska. !f I FAIi.tjfU.lE any CANCER or TUMOR Wrtfta-tt Kr.ife.Pain i I'M diilii Uittu i ". Ml! TEN GiteSAIITEt . hlj II . t:i n." i fR , D rr: y m I U . SOOTHING PLASTERS one m ' ' "-. A '! Tit!! OR LUMP i or bore on t.i) lip, fnec or I1 "lv In! t in ; CANCtrt; il i, wr Jl'lllM Ulllll I Mt Si l. KO-Pujl' Book Ki n' j I !tT. : illlt i WRITE TO SOME PR MP CI 'i'1 POISONS lcrj RW PIT 15 WM II ill. II CLANDS ami MLIS QUICKLY ( i-nf w. ua in in e, !vv , i. ! cuirerl ..-..riyi'i t i ri-tn.. ni:i nv .il u-.tM Inn imf utiil li lit! ilitl cm., l i i,-.if ivi.y if cancer i yei sn.nii Write Dr.S.R.Cham!eyS0,gi"AuF"i 3 Greatest Career Specialist t'yfng. kWMt ' Offices 57 Sixth St. San Franclsco.Cal 1 PLEAoE WAIL THiS to some one WIIH CANC R l WE HAVE BUOKEN LOTS OF ill dark brown t.iry heels. and black, niili- You can make a substantial sawug if wo have your size. Come In ami try. FlTrT 'f.'Jf! mmiwrn RDS ( USHLtNO J