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About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1919)
fcrMAf, SeptemW 10, 1010 - ABtttllCD DAtLT T1WMQI paqi Tirra f y wax '4 .' f " TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS On cent tb word each tlm. PHYSICIANS DR. B. B. MOO UK Chiropractic Fbyslclan. First National Bank r Bldg. Phones: Of tie, ; Ken. i: 07-j. ' DR.; ERNEST A. WOOD Praotlo limited to tyt, itr, com and throat. Offlc noun, 10 to II and I to 6. Bwtdenburf Bldg., Asb- ' land. Or. 71-tt -THE FIIIT SHOP" Bring It to me, I can tlx It right. Lawn Mowers and Bicycles my spe cialty. L. H. ROOT, 137 H, Main ' street, Ashland. WANTED MEN WANTED (or work on canal at Oak street bridge, Ashland. Ap ply on job. lQ-6t DR. I. I, KM-MENeV Physician and aargeon. Practice limited to aye, ar, nose and throat. Olassea tup- piled. Oculist and aorlst (or 8. P R. R. Offices, M. T. and H. Bldg, opposite postoftlce, Medford. Ore ' Phone 6(7. t ll-t( D. M. D BOWER, M. D. 216 Factory s ot. fuone No. 4D8-R. Uses radio heat largely in bli treatment of chronic diseases. Tuberculosis, cancer and other . Infectious, all , menta, respond marvelouely to said treatment. ATTORNEYS BP.IG08 A DRIOU8, Attorneys-nt- Law, pioneer Block, Ashland. L. A. ROBERTS Attorny-t-Law, Rooms t and 4, Citltens' Bank .'. Dldg. 8TENOO RAPHE R8 JKSHIB B. THATCHER Public Stenographer. Commercial Clab Hours: I a. m. to It a. m.; 1 p. m. to S p. m., after 8eptem ter 1. . CONTRACTING AND Bl'ILDINQ A. L. LAMB Contractor and Build . . veaieni, ijrica ana Wood , work. Tel. itl-J. 34S Mountain At, b. U DELSMAN Contractor and builder, Ashland, Ore. Ksttmates cheerfully glTsn. Free plans when we do yocr work. Wbea securing us, you tare tb cost of a super Intendent aa wa work right on . the Job with the men. Pboue 120. PRANK JORDAN General Con trading and repair work. Cement . work specialty. Tel. 430-J, 227 Granite 8L Xltf TAXI SERVICE EVANS TAXI SERVICE Fir pas senger Chalmers, Seven Passenger Hudson. Trips anywhere. Reliable driver and quick service. Stand at Rosa Bros. Day Phone 21 1; Night, 10k FINANCIAL FIRH INSURANCE Is a business man's aafeguard as well as credit endorser. Why not protect your property as well aa your credit? Make a bet ot 14 against S1000 that you will not hare a fire loss In a year. - Yon win If you lono Old Reliable" Insurance Companies. E. T. Staples. Hotel Austin Build lag, next door to Ford Garage. 1-tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE An Ideal Stock ranch, 1400 acre, big range adjacent; . hay, water and grain. Attractive . price and terms. Write or call at offica for particulars. B. T. Sta ples, Hotel Austin Bldg. 1-tf FOR 8ALE 1 1 ft acres near Belle vlew school house, 5 acres in al falfa, balance In fruit. Inquire 078 Boulevard. Phone 826-R. ' . ' ' . ; lo-t FOR SALE Beat and most proflta Die, modern, free Irrigated, 15 acre borne In Ashland; one that pays big Interest on the asking , price; and is roally ' cheapest , though high priced. If you want a real noma vnn will ha nmnH nr "one look will convince you I have it. k. u. sanford, Lower Helman Street.' - , 10-2 WANTEI-Vlolln to rent or buy. Call 128 Wlmer, or pbone 472-R. , 10-2t WANTED High school boy, clean, honest and willing to work, to col lect subscriptions on Saturdays. Begin work, XI rat Saturday In OcJ tober. Enquire at the Tidings of (ice. WANTED To rent ,a piano. Will give It good care or will buy, but It must be a bargain. Phone 485-J. W. E. Plerson, Boulevard. - -3t MEN WANTED for work on Pacific highway south of Ashland. Wage (4 60 per day, 8 hours, steady work. Board 11.01 per day. In quire Oskar-Huber. Office up stairs In City Hall, Ashland. tl-tf FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT Six rooms, close In. Owner will take room and board on. rent. En quire A. H. Davis, Beaver block. 10-3t many Instructors and I Teachers at Institute FOR BALE FOR SALE Fine Jersey cow, tests over 6 percent. 846 Scenic Drive. E. W, Hunter. 1-4 FOR SALE Golden Cling Peaches for canning, 2ftc lb. , 244 Grant St. Pbone 4414-L. . 0-4 FOR SALE A team of mules. weighing 12(0 lbs. each and don bla harneea In good condition. Price IISO.OjO. A bargain. See B. R. Greer at Tidings office. 2-1 mo FOR SALE Vetch Gray Oats, Cheat, Rve. Baled Hay, Rolled Barley, Grass Seeds. . Ralph Waldo Etden, Medford. Ore. (( tf FOR SALE. Slightly need dimen sion lumber and flooring. Good as new. Phons 120. Hit FOR 8ALE A few fine Barred Rock cockerels from especially se lected, heavy laying strain. Pbone 2F14, or write Mrs. Mary H. Tuck er, Box 112, Route 1, Asniana, Ore. 10- LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed proposals will ba received by the Board of Directors of Gold Hill Irrigation District at Us office In said District In Jackson County. Oregon, for the purchase ot ten thousand dollar (lio.oto) -Mxmae of said District unUI 8 o'clock P. M . the 4th day of October, 1010, which said Issue of bonds will bear date July 1, 1010, bear Interest at ( per cent per annum, payable semi annually on the first day of Jan uary and July in each year, princi pal and interest payanie at me fis cal Agency of the, State of Oregon In New York City, said bonds to be numbered from 1 upwards, and to mature serially approximately aa follows: 8400 July 1, 1024; 400 July I, lif 450 July l, 1Z6; 4ou juiy i, About 200 teachers. Instructors "and visitors art Id Ashland this week at the county Institute In session at the Senior high school, and much In terest la being felt la the splendid addresses and discussions given by the various prominent educators ol the state who are present. One of the most attractive fea tures of the Institute is the music. The assembly singing Is In charge of Miss Bay, the new musical Instruc tor In the Senior High school, and her Introduction to Ashland la af fording a great deal of satisfaction to music lovers In the city. Special numbers bx local talent bave been provided by a commute, composed of Mrs. Van Fossen, Miss Mary Young and Prof. Appelhoff. Th muslo yes terday was particularly fin and much appreciative comment has been made by all who heard It. On account of President Wot; T. Foster of Reed college In Portland not being able to arrive for the morn ing' seiwlon at I clock today, It was thought' beet to rearrange th pro gram somewhat. The teachers met at 8 o'clock (or the department sessions,' tb geenral 'sessions taking place at 10:20 to 12. , j' Yesterday-the special music were a piano solo by Miss Nellie Beaver and Scotch songs by E. W. Hunter at the' meeting session, and a violin nolo by Prof. Appelhoff and a vocal solo by H. H. Corlls In the afternoon. Today's features were a vocal solo by Cbarle King, and a bass clarinet tola by Prof. Appelhoff In the (ore noon, while a ladles' trio by Mrs. Ashcraft, Misses Poley and ' Allen, and a vocal solo by Mrs. ' Ashcraft were rendered In th afternoon. Tbo same Interest that started the opening sessions of the Institute held good to the closing, and the annual assembly will . go down In hlBtory as one ot the most helpful and In spiring that had been held n Jack son county for many years. MRS. VAS1ITI CRADDOCK ' DIED LAST EVENING Mrs. Vasbtl Craddock,' wife of Daniel Craddock, died at her home at (8 Nutley street at 8:30 last evening after an extended Illness. The Craddock family had come here last month' from Northern California (or the benefit of the Invalid'! health, but her disease was too far ad vanced to ' receive benefit. Funeral services will be beld from Stock's un dertaking parlors Sunday afternoon, with Interment In the Talent cemetery. Austin DAN CONNER, Proprietor. Headquarter fof Commercial Men and Tourist. European Plait -Bhtcelbnt Grill. Merchants' Lanoh. Two Blocks from Llthla Park. ASHLAND. ORKOON. New and Attractive ; ; Realty Bargains acres In city, alfalfa and fruit. Rich soil, scenic locution, euBy of access; .' modern bungalow. At mortgage price, 23600. ' 80 acres alfalfa at edge of town gooa Duiiuingi,1 a real money . maker and a bargain, at (10,000 i , acre fruit and garden, modern cottage, beautiful location, at i mortgage price, (1600. ; Another acre close to above, ad' mlrable location, lots of fruit and t fairly ' good 'house, (1300. A very gdod plain house with half ' acre garden and fruit at mort gage price, (1160. -s ' A fine' profitable 16-acre orchard home, good,. Improvements for ,' trade' free of epcumbranpe, :for auitable southern California ' . property. ' i Some good Income property In Bel , . llngham, Wash., free of incum ; brance, (or exchange (or Ashland property. A ten acre orchard and ranch in , edge of town, good buildings, 10 ; ' acre timber lot adjoining. A ; ' money 'making place for sale at j ; , cost of Improvements, (6000. 4 acre mostly Bear Creek bottom ' ' alfalfa, balance Is beautiful bench location with modern house and 1 fruit garden, good barn, etc. A : real money making place close In and .circumstance force a sale at (6600. I am spending no time on any thing but real bargains and it may be worth your while to look over my listings before you decide upon a purchase. . ' I have some good sheep and cat tle "ranches and range, and many Tjronerttas not mentioned above. . I ought to be able to slut your wants. Let me try. E.T. STAPLES . . Bonded Realty Broker , j Hotel Austin Bldg., Ashland, Ore.' 600 July 1,1121 600 July 1,1031 050 July 1, 132 760 July 1,1036 800 July 1, 1937 95U July 1, 130 be unconditional 600 July 1, 1028; 660 July 1, 1930; 600 July 1, 1932; 700 July 1, 19M; 800 July 1, 1936; 900 July 1, 1938; Snlrt hlds must and the purchaser must ba prepared to take delivery at in urn oi Th Board reserves tb right to reject any or all bids. (Seal) CHA9. CHAMPLIN, - Secretary. 58-4 Fridays ' 2,325,000 DE LAVAL SEPARATORS IN DAILY USE THE WORLD OYER . Wberever grass grow and cows ar milked, you will find th D La val the favorite aream separator. Mora D Lav a Is are In us than all other makes combined. , ' The De Laval Is tlma tested. It was the pioneer cream separator la 1878 and has led In popularity aad sales for forty years. It's th world's standard cream separator. ASHLAND CREAMERY Real Estate For Sale (By Owner) OWN Yotat HOJIB AND BE HAPPY wome for Sal at Cash r rices or Payments: A 7-room modern plastered bouse with basement. Lot 100x100. Good soli; some fruit; sightly place; over looks entire valley. . A (-room cottage; basement, barn or garage; 18 acres land; abund ance of wood on place; (aclng Uthla park. . A S-room boos clos in, lot (Ox 100; extra good soil: fronting paved street; pleasant location. A (-room plaatered bona, large sleeping porch, garage, . chicken park. All first claaa condition. Lot 100x100, clos In. A (-room modern cottage In good condition, on block from First Na tional Bank; small lot; sightly location. ror particular se Mrs. u. B. i m Lan at Transfer Office, Oak St. I L HUNTING SHOES Brown Duck With fibre or. rubber soles. The ideal shoe for outing use. '.Price 3.50 MR& " pAtJL' APPLEGATE ' ' 1 SUCCUMBED TO ILLNESS ; Mr, Paul Applegato, . who with her mother, Mr. Tracy, had com her about three weeks ago for th benefit of her health, from Yoneall. died at' the apartments ot' Dr. Shaw on North Pioneer avenu yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Applegat had been ill (or some tlm and her trouble was too (ar advanced for this climate to afford any relief . Th body will be shipped back to her horn in Yoncalla on train 1( this evening. Her hus band and' father arrived on train 13 this morning and, will accora pany 1h body back. Ashland Iron Works (Incorporated) Office' and Works No'.' ill, Helman St., Ashland, Or. Reality always surpasses imagination 1MPEMALES MOVTI-IPIICB CIGADLTTES leaye nothing to your imag ination. -They're mild and rich, fragrant and cool. ' The fine tobacco, cooling' mouth piece and maia paper wrap ping make them the' real thing. . I0orl3c The John Bollrasn Co. Branch Manufacturing Engineers, . Rpalr Work General - " PAULS EHUD ft BARRETT1' ' Fine Tailoring ' ; ' For Mra and1' Women. 171 East Main. ' Tel. 119 Equipment, Sawmill, Mining and Ship Machinery, Steam and Oas En gines, Boiler and Heavy Steel Work; Grey Iron, Semi-Steel, Brass and Uroni Castings of every klud. Having thoroughly equipped our Plant lor the manufacture and re pairs of heavy and all classes of ma chine and foundry work, w solicit your orders and Inquirle. Estimates and quotations furnished on application. J!jJ i MI FAMILY WASH ROUGH DRY r We do rough dry for 7 teats per pound. Except bundles containing starch band shirts, collars, cuffs, lac curtains, blankets, comforts, quilts. etc. These will be finished and chargod th regular prlcea. Ashland Laundry to. Bank. w,M tfi0 Chm Coe4 Our Other Facilities THE First National Bunk Is not alone depository for fundj. It Is sues Lettrs of Credit, Drafts or Bank Money Orders, and Travelers Cheque. It also handles Collec tions on all Negotiable Instrument. ' Don't overlook the security of our Hafo Itpolt Boxes fur your Valuable Papers. hXkHrstNatiottalfiattk V.Xv: ASHLAND OCECON "IVCARTEtt.POtS i. I M .J.U,.'' Cnv 4 Mcor. cajmim CLARK BUMtAMT CAM BETTER THAN THE BEST CAN NO t : m MAN HAVE ore EAGLE MEAT MARKET Quality Meat. LOUS 8CI1WEIN, Prop. CleanUneas. NORTH MAI.V, ASHLAND . Service. Hat that BEST constantly in Stock, and is the secret of that success wnich hai marked its business career lo, these many years. .i. . We invite prospective purchasers to call and examine our goods and te convinced of the truth of our statement. .The same old stand, 37 N. Main, and the same obliging and reliable service always on tap. Don't procrastinate delays are oftentimes dangerous. Make NOW to take the place bf NEVER, and dilly-dally with no man. QUALITY "Sweetly sleeps the soul con-j tented ... i r In a home that's owned, not rented. 4' cr.r.j;i NOW is'nt that SWEET? If you don't believe it, just buy a place through BILLINGS AGENCY Established 18 8 J v They have real bargains. Also sell good insurance. 41 East Main St., Ashland GROCERIES .; We have you in mind when buying; , , You Want fresh, "dependable "food. THAT'S THE KIND WE HAVE I Fresh Vegetables and Fruils ' In Season 1 ";' ' 'Wliite House trpcery piNCER! &?R0BEklS01, Propriclon i "Phones I55-j56 ASHLAND,' OREGON Necessity for Increased Telephone Rates Good Cues and Tips Billiard players prefer this place because they know that they can (et OOOD cues; and modern equipment makes a lot of difference In th pleas ure of the game. ' You KNOW It . , Profanity, gambling and other un desirable ' elements' ar absolutely TABOO here. W invit GENTLE MEN only. This Is a cleaa, congenial amuse nfent baJL for -decent olean-cut fel- i room cottage: . barn: chicken ,ow' bouse; city water; on Lincoln St, k fiSS Byer Realtj ,0c, ' 40tt ''Closn Sport for Regular Fwa1 t 1 1 mimiiiim (MMiniiniMHit s Billiard Parlor PA I MI Y0UR M0ME Before The Fall Rains, Begin Don't fool yourself, ' Yo'ur'hbuse is going . to the bad fast if it needs painting. The v . " best 'tray to sell your 'home, 'or secure ? i Hgood renter,is by makins "it attractive by ) . A GOOD COAT I OF ., PA INT Stop and Think ! ; We "are headquarters for everything in 'the Paint'line.- It will pay you to con- i ' suit us beTore painting. .1 j ' ; CarsoiiwIerLumbir Company $ 0 Increased telephone rates are necessary to meet 1 increased costs. Recent increases in wages alone to employees totaling for the State of Oregon upwards of $225,000, -made an increase in telephone rates not only neces sary but imperative to pay these wages. " The net return to the' Company iiner the rates 'now in effect is less than 3 per cent Ion the valuation , bf Its property at $13,282,378.00; as found by the Pub lic Service Commission.' , '. ' 'Wbuld you be 'satisfied with such a return on the capital invested in your 'business P Would you con 'aider It sufflcientP There has been no general increase in telephone rates fo? many years: Every user of a telephone who stops to think knows that he would be paying an in adequate rate now if he was not paying substantially more than he was before the war. ".', . Tlie Pacific Teleplione and Telegraph Co. ir...(.,