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About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1919)
raj '1 i i iVIiU, pUtaber 19, 1010 f." Y ifl free Concert By In LHh'ia Park '" Tomorrow night at 7:10 In Lithla I park Ashland lovers ot music . and otbors who can aland mualo and love ragtime, will bava an opportunity ot hearing on ot the best banda on tha Pacific count. Totnmaslno's famous San Diego Exposition Band, which la (" bound from tha California Stata Fair at Sacramento to Salem tor the Or ' egon State Fair and and later on to 'the Western Washington ' Fair, will . atop off for 'Saturday night In Aah ; land In order to break the long Jump t and fill a day which they would bth . erwlae havt to apend loafing around Salem. Incidentally the Ashland Commercial club and the band are going fifty-fifty on the proceeds ot an artistic souvenir program which la being. printed and which 'will be loi at the concert. No price la aet ' on the program and none haa to bay one. However, everybody should bring along from ten cents to a dol lar and kick through like a good fel low. The club haa some good uses for extra moufey and the band baa to eat. .; After the concert the band will play for a big dance at the Nata torlum. Dance lovers can't afford ' to miss It i Every member of the band. la a member of the A. F. of M., which la ' to a musician what the Brotherhood is to the railroad man. Incidentally It guarantees that the musician la a top-notcber. He haa to be In order to hold a nnion card. Several of the aololata with thla band were former ly soloists with Creatore, Ferullo and the Banda Roaaa. r Director Tommaslno la ranked as one of the greatest directors of the. wprld and baa won an enviable reputation throughout the United States to which be came a few years to.. . , . . . i JO nil ASHLAND OWA TOURISTS , i Mayor C. Bl Lamkin la In receipt ;' of a copy of the Denlson, Iowa, Bui . letin, containing a fine wrlteup of 1 the visit to Oregon made last month , oj me national &auonai association. ; In apeaking ot the trip to Southern j ' Oregon the writer, a. L. Caswell, V,' told how the cities of Medford, Ash ,'; land and Grants Pass undertook the ' gigantic task ot transporting 216 " newspaper people across tha rugged . , bills , and mountains, through Ira- 'mense woods to Crater Lake, a dls . tance of 81 miles,' with meals' and r lodging at the lake. Ten thousand ,'- dollars would ' not mora than pay tor this part of the trip, Mr. Caswell ' atated, and that the people of Med' ' 'ford, Ashland and Grants Pass' have i'v the hearty thanks and kindest re l membrances ot this crowd goea'with- out saying. Not an accident of serl .'.ious moment occurred to mar the . trip, while numerous sights between the start and finish ot the trip at- , forded more knowledge and addl h tlonal wonderment tor all. i.-y In apeaking ot Ashland'a enter V Jtalnment of the editors Mr. Caswell 'jaald: . '.'.-: ' ;: . "Ashland welcomed the editorial L ; party back from Crater Lake wttl I ' j aupper that makea our mouthi r , water still, aa we remember It. Th , " most charming ladles and gentlemen 'of the business firms ot the town ; I bad made up a supper ot blackber ' j riea and other fruits, with meata and i other substantial! that was voted by , ', all the finest things they had had on ; ' the trip. Here among the mountains la an Ideal place to live, with health- . giving waters bubbling from the '; mountains and the natural resources . ' so improved and beautified aa to de- ';. light the eye and attract the amagl- aatlon. We advise a atop In thla part ' . ot Oregon by anybody who can at-. ford the time. It Is one of nature's I ' Paradise places, and the climate is ' ; aald to be Ideal, aa la that of all . western Oregon." J" 1 I It's as mm IltJ& to no, Aimm mm w w rw Ew. xoa ixiuv la kMpliia nar US Mil Olmi, UouM TO mil It. Your tbo know It ndl BEBGMAN 8HOB OIL It's bo Jok ellmblni i tala sftor iim la Miff mtximt, r Itttlm rt tmH XI Ux miwm of l (loaKB. Put s Uuit BEBCkUNN SHOE OIL mm ttatm. It totUrnt Omb hat akM fclldiis mach uWr wmUrproufs thtm, sad aukos tbtm M toniM. Gm a eu toiMf-tni for ail fctods of saost. ' ' V Theo. Beramann Bhoe 19 iixgJCo, Rutland, Ot. 9t UJ at r-- .1 aad SW f-M, Dn, !. "-."'I IViMtr Bkaa : u t " ' "J ar.a erwtina " kf otuy Wan tmas twnt, Famous Band Saturday Night Slgnor Tommaslno la a musician ot great skill aafl baa etudled under the world's greatest masters In Eu rope, such aa Chevalier Costantlno Ootil and Professor Vllsse Trovatl. He haa played many Important en gagements alnce coming to the Unit ed States, and In a remarkably short time he baa made for himself an en viable standing In the musical world of America, and In consequence be haa. won a boat rt friends and' fol lowers by reaaon of bla artistic merit. It la as a program builder aa a director that Slgnor Tommaslno baa won. such aubstantial measue ot success, and it la his Intention to give the music-loving patrons of hit band an opportunity ot enjoying his terpretation of the highest type of muste by the old masters as well at cuniposmuns uy luo uiuuern . cum- J081 'tllllllllllllllHIIIIIIHIIIIIIimilllllllllllll'' LOCAL AND PERSONAL Have a fit at Orrea Tallorl e eitt Cliff Payne makea apple presses. yard In the Willamette valley, died 11-1 in South Bottom Tuesday. She was ' 61 yeara old. . . .' , -j, 4 J. H. McGee ta ' remodeling his , Mrs. "Simon was" bora in Illinois store on E. Main atreet and putting In land crossed the. plains In ISM; to some convenient Improvements. He 'eating first at Boise, Idaho, and later will use 'the room formerly' occn-' coming to Salem with r hei1, father, pled by Miss Hargrove's mllllrieryj The latter conducted one of tha early store for hla suit and coat room, thereby expanding that department and enlarging hla facilities. W. Johnson brought Into Mayoi Lamkln'a office yesterday a basket of the most luscious looking fruit from the orchard of hla brother, Al bert Johnson, on Walnut atreet. Tbli display waa placed In the Window where It temple all paaaersby, and makea strangers want to aettle Im mediately In Ashland. The fruit consists ot several fine varieties of tpples, pears and grapes, and la a truly tempting sight.' - . a y R. L.. Morris, owner of the fine cherry orchard on Walnut street, left yesterday for Bend.' , . e : see ' Three experienced waitress' wanted at the Austin. Hotel. 9-tf e e L. J. Davis and wife were buslnesi rjstora) In Ashland from Talent Thursday, .. Mlsa Mabe) Scott of Sams Valley, a teacher in the Rogue Rive; school, ha. been .pending the week I In Alhland aa a guest of Mas. Lulr; Vaa Wegan, and attended the teach r lnitlt-ute In session, here. ..''...... William Hulen of Portland la In Ashland spending a few daya with bis wife and little aon. The lattei wilt live here during the winter ox'. account ot the' little boy's health Which forbids him living elsewhere -. J. C. Kaegt of the Ashland Trad log company atore, with his daugh ter) THae and Wrs. Jean Haatlngs. waa A Medford visitor yesterday af ternoon. " ': " '-. . '' ' . Hemstitching, Plcotlng, 16 cents a yard. W pay the postage. The Vanity Hat Shop, Medford, Or. 6-tl . '. a..' . . WcA. Rocketellow cam In from Portland yesterday and I a guet of hla cousins, Mc and Mrs. C. E Lane. , , , v i. .' Chris Ulrlch, one of the pioneer .resident, of Jackson eounty, wa- up yesterday attending the pioneer reunion held In Ctmttauqua Pioneer hall. . '... .' .'' Mra. I. C. Williams, who has been under the doctor' car In WKltler. Calif., for some time, will start tor bar bom near Tuint Frldiy Ut-ht. a Dance ht' Talent Fridai, 11 Good Urn and good floor. . ' 10-lt 1 . ....., ' Dr. Win Hays is home from Cedro Wooley, Wash.1; tor a short v?atlonl He I engaged In a hocpltal In that city. - ' ..-'.' . . e e ' , Mrs. .1. B. Hall of Meet- rd Is In the city, attending tho teachura' In stitute in teaslon here, Mrs. A. C. Owen ot Weed I. spend ing a few daya In Ashland, looking after business Interests. .' , . ; J Be W. A. Freeberg for watch clock, Jewelry and spectacle repair ing. Old price. ' - . - , 1 .o.d. e Messrs. Robert Warner and Ulm Rhode came in laat nlaht from Cra ter Lake wher they had ' t 'n aind Ing several days. They rep. tod the roads over the mountain a u ry nlip pery after, the rains. . .. , . . ' . "' . ; . . Mr. and Mra. L. J. Orrea are back from San Francisco where they had been spending the past week. They report a fin trip, and enjoyed their visit to the city. 0. T. Bergner got back yesterday from Portland where he bad been making a business trip for several weeks. , e Mia. C. M. Bomar ia back from a three weoka' visit in Ban Francljco pnt with, her daughter, Mrs. Mar- vyn Flynn. ' Mrs. Bomar says she hardly knowa Ashland since ber re turns, there bava been so many changes and Improvements alnce aha )eft.J' ' . ' : '- .-' ; , a e J j," . .Ed Anderson and wife .and Mrs. Donna flraffue. (. Pboenli were, In Ashland yesterday attending the pio neer reunion.' , , .Mrs. Cliff Jenkins and little tlaugb ters toft pn (4 last night for Grants Pass for a Jew days' VjsU. , t . . Auction Bala - September IS, J. p. m.r at -ware house foot of First street, furniture, rugs, sewing machines and various other articles to be sold for storage, M i . ' " C. F. BATES. OREGON STATE FAIR Salem, September'; 11-17, Bplen did agricultural, livestock and In !du.trU. Mhiblt. ol4M !m,aU( m iuperb nelug b,,r gn(j Dett,r tbaB Ver, ' j , Ai H. LEA, 4. Secretary, Salem, Oregon. H-6t FrldaVi FIRST HOP GROWER DEAD. ' (Special to The Tidings.) SALEM, Ore;, Sept,' It. Mrs. Isa- i belle Simon, owner of the first hop day hotela ot tbla city. Mr. Simon died In 1891. ! Mrs. Simon Is survived by a daugh ter, Mlsa Rose Simon of - Marlon county, and a son, harles Simon of San Francisco. ' ' : ' TOO LATH TO CLASSIFY, i FOR RENT Alfalfa pasture for cattle, two miles from Normal acbool. Phone O. '-H. Orover. , , Jl-1 Doe. 11-lt FOR SALE Flemish Phope 322-R. Glanf RABBITS .. Choice young, dressed and deliv ered. Phone 143-J. . V. . 11-1 ISureMill Do My Part To enlarge the payroll ot Ashland f by buying home manufactured wheB . . . , best and moat tor the money, at The Lithia Bakery - R. C JOROENHEX, 1rbp. ' ifice SALE Property on 'corner of Church and Almond atreeta conalatlng'of lot I06x 60 ft. front; house, upper story tlam aged by fire; good garage add-fam ily orchard. All tor $600 If taken within ten daya. 1 '"''' INQUIRE 128 NOB HILL ? Ashland Feed Store ; i i ' FLOUR, FEED, SEEDS The Beat That Can B Had On the Market. j,:.: , My Name Is Dennis 8S8 Eaal Maisu ' Te Md OnSavings Accounts V Interest i A. Dollar Start an Account STATE BANK OFASELm. ifkTy PAIIILESS PUSTU fails H tan 19 CJUiCU ir mil Won it pstoa dsspi PAT UniM CURED Wrtttn Gaanntei A TUMOR. LOatP. I w tone s tas u; i raca at km k) I OANOKR. Itatvarj aakia Ml sods t DStR-a. 1ZQ- 00K SUiTFRKbl TaatlmonlsU j Wrrtato om. I fey Icjh tesn's Erssst Si ttWTAiw 01111 it pii-ji r-r r n km curio It y JSriji Dr.S.R.Cham!ey Co.f8fCils ui iiiui niniitiNGf DVWS mfmnm u i BnatKt Cineir Jpitlsniti lirtei iiUu- f u..i,.l if sihttH at- rw'Ma, CaL a, a- - 14 - - Sacr 7 mm iiiiiiiiiHiiiiiniuuuu The Social Realm aiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiinmrntrmT Epwortii League Rally ! The regular fall rally of the Ep worth League of th First Metho dist' church will take place next Sunday evening at 6:10 in the leagu rooms ot the church. Tbla rally marks the end of tho vacation sea son and the beginning of renewed activity for tha young people of the church. A 'program of more' than usual Interest la being plunned and a live meeting la'assured. E. O. Smith will be the leader ot the meeting. The song service will be In charge of O. H. Yeo, and Missea Wood and Jllson will render a violin and vocul solo respectively. The special work of the fall and winter will be out lined by the newly elected president m, ,.. -..m.. WHO' RICHARD HARDING DAVIS' J- , GREAT NOVEL OF TlIE FROZEN NORTH . ?TM Imp" starring oiSvc Tell The most critical will be pleased with this entertainment SuiOnos-Coatino-PIaid id Wool DressM Bought on last spring's lowest market and just before the market went sky-rockeUiig upward. They are cheap at these prices Coatings $3 to $5.50 A Good Georgette ' $225 yd - .:-7 ' - Scsie Blouse Shop A new lot of those famous Empire Walsta Jnat received. These are for those m ho want blouses of the better kind;' Doiens of the most popular priced ones to select from. . ' i rew rm rem rwm trm rw fTWI fpfljfl fr"(l M iitrj kaateaaiiMiaVii sstaal Uawst Ufitt iltmillfSl atfaai Ulaaa of the society, Mr. Willis, and his corpa ot vice-presidents. ' ' This will be a worthwhile- meet ing and all young people of the church and their friends are urged to be present. e" '' -i f Entertained at Curds ' ' ; ' Mrs. Clark Bush and Mrs. Louis Dodge entertained informally at carda last evening at the borne of the former on Pine street. ' The af fair was arranged in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W.' E. Newcombe, who will leave Ashland In a few days for Red ding, Calif, A small company of their close friends was present. Hostess For Societies ' ' Mrs. Leonard Oorthuys entertained the' Women's Missionary Boc!dftnd Ladles' Aid Society of the Methods church at Talent yesterday 'afterVoon at her home on the Pacific highway'. : J TttC TrltATER-BEAUTIFUL . Na BIG DOUBLE BILL AFRAID GTWORK? ON THE SAME PROGRAM Wool Plaids $2.50 to $3.75 Tricptine ; $3.75 Skinners taifeta Skinners 404 Satin $3 yd $3.0fyd t Fall Suits and Coats Are Here - - I And They Surely Are Handsome :: You who plan to leave Boon for School or you who wish- A , to select early from the cleverest models will do well to , , see these new garments. The NEW FURS are Here, too. 1 Sec Them This Week 1 1 fi fPMl fpfl Ipfl P(l fpH fpfl P.H aWU US IMsV iiaBU ahfiSi UsW ash trrniiiniiiUi NOTICE Owing to the general advance in the price of Kodak finishing throughout tha country due to the higher cost of labor and ma terial w have found' it necessary to advance our prlcea on this work . accordingly. The following prlc list will tak tfct Sep tember 16th: ' ; i 6x8 Ex. Rolls Vest Pocket 1UX3K .. IttxtK 8VsxlH .. 6x7 ..60 BERT 7x118x10 H. HINTHORNE, Studio Ashland The Camera Exchange Tidings Wire Hews 12 SIdrlings Heather Jersey $6.50 . IV fi rr.'i Silk and Wool Poplin $2.75. ' t I : "f '' ''" 'i " SOUSE GARMENT S0H1E STOCK. attiiiiiiiiniKiiiiiHn8Hiuimtiffltffltt84 Developing . .16 ' Pack, .86 Printing .06 lttx4K .06 !x4 .06 , 1iBMi .06 4 X6 Post Cards .06 Enlarging .76 11x14 ., 10x1 1 Ex. Rolls, .16'. .06 .06 .06 ....... .M6 O. O. ' DARLING Purling tttudlo hrs Ahead Portland Papers f m i n " fT " 1 . - : . ft Velvets $1.85 ' A lot of the moat wanted etiadra in good quality of velvet. It U con siderably under . the' market value at Helper yd. ';'. '-. , . ' : . J . i . .',' ' ' ' ?.( ,,''' .. A ).. . . - Corduroy $1.75 Good light shade for robes and kl monoa and -dark shade for coate, aklrta and outing sulfa.' -, ... -SPLENDID QUALITY AT t.73 VD. Broadcloth $4.50 yd ' A Fancy Linings. $2 to $20 STORE NOW, AND C0H1E AND SEE Aim