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About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1919)
fr!W. piernkv 19, 1010 PA63 w(J t j ASHLAND TIDIN G S Established 1171 Published Evry Evening Except Sunday IT - THE ASBXAKD PRINTING COMPANY Beit R. Greer Editor I ; I . - m wmmm km res on in n rsM ran ran rrw ran nw rrm rwi nan tnea n nan fTK! fPNl fF"fl fPfl rnn rTfl tr fPfl fPfl fW TPfl frfl fpfl Ffl IPfl frn fpfl fPfl fPfl frfl fPfl If!! fPfl ffflfH GREAT DOUBLE i . ,, xwENifpffiCE J LLAI1I1I OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. TELEPHONE 30 , SIHSCRIITIOX RATES DELIVERED IN CITY On Year. Delivered !' Dna Vnnth TWIvaraH 0 On Week t IS 15.00 8.76 1.60 Subscription Rate By Mail Outside of City On year by mail ' Si month! by mall Three month! by mail No out of town ubecriptlon taken tor leas than three months. By Mail Ouulde of fnlted Bute- On year... ...,.11.11 Six Wonthi.. v t 4,1 No aubacription tor lew than six months. ADVERTISING RATEH Dleplajr Advertising Single Inaertion ,ch Inch JOe YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising " ". .... One time a week, each Inch...,. each time 17 He Two timet a week, each inch each time 26c Every other day, each Inch. .......... . .each time tOo ETery iaeue, each inch each time 17 Ho Local Reader! Each line each time (I worda to line) To run every other day lor on month, each line each time To run every lsaue tor on month or more, each line each time Claaeifled Column On cent the word each time. To run every ieaue tor on month or more, H the word each time. Card! of Thanka, 11.00. , , Obituaries, !tt cent the Jin. Fraternal Orders and Bocletle Advertising tor fraternal order or aocietlea charting a regular Initiation fee and dues, no discount. Rellgioua and benevolent order will be charged for all advertising whan an admission or other charge it mad, at . the regular rat. Toe Tiding bat a greater circulation In Ashland and ita trade territory 'than ail other newspapers combined. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postofflco as Second Class Mail Matter. Charlie Chaplin It teen a a "hired man," the much imposed upon slave of a hypocritical farmer In "Bunnr side," hit third million dollar com' edy to be released by First National Exhibitors' Circuit Tb action in "Tb Trap," a Uni versal production, take place In the Yukon, during the gold-rush day, and revert to New York. Tb wild, picturesque scenery of the Klondike, the habits of the men and woman who wnt there to cajol tb yellow barpy gold are portrayed wtth In tense realism, It I laid. Tb eubse quenlevents, which transpire in New York, reflect ' tb plot strength of tb Davis story. In bas-relief to tb plot and action are tb photographl- cal possibilities present wben depict lng borne of wealth, ' The aggressive methods of tb men who vl with each other for a place In New York's 6c 'business world, are faithfully por trayed. , The part It distinctly different from Chaplin' characterisation In "A Dog' Life," In which he played the role of a young city,- man, and "Shoulder Arms," In which be Was a' soldier, the two first $1,000,000 coniedle prdduced by Mr.lCbaplln's new ' cbmpaby. Th entlr back ground I tbat of a quiet countryside where Charlie shows bli unfamiliar ity with rural life In a ceaseless suc cession of happenings. STREETS OK PRIME IMPORTANCE Were we unfortunate enough to be tb street committee of tb Ash land city council w would consid er two Ashland street of prim im portance. These are tb streets run ning up to the automobile camp ground. Tb on starting at the First National bank corner and the other the park drive up Mill street. The first Impression a stranger gett of a city goet for In determin ing hit chance of aettling there. Moat of Atbland't newcomer are arriving by , automobile and camping in our free grounds. The streets leading o the camp grounds should be kept alway In tin repair smooth and eaay a a boulevard Indicating th aplrit of the city to keep up Itt property In good shape. Before the fall rain set In these street should he gone over with special view to drainage so tbat the great rut tbat lack of care would bring this winter 'would be done permanently a Way with. Where culvert are needed 'to carry away flood waters, wber gut ter are needed, where th street needs crowning to keep them dry, the work should be done now. It will pay big return on th Investment. STUDENT ROOMS OBTAINED ' (Special to Tb Tiding. ) i UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, lu gen, Sept. 10. The housing situ ation at the university, which was a ' perplexing problem a few weeks ago In view of the large Increase In en rollment, ha been remedied by the response of tbe people of Eugene' In offering (pare rooma to the itudedt. Professor H. 'A. Clark, chairman of tb faculty committee arranging litt of lodging places for the stu dents, has been canvassing th town with splendid success. WOMEN DOCTORS COME FOR BIO CONFERENCE ' ' (By the United1 Press) NEW YORK. Sept. 11. Seven of Europe's most prominent women physicians are expected to arrive to day from Norway to attend th In ternational Conference of Women Physicians In New York, beginning September 17. ! The group include Dr. Dagaey Bang and Reglna Stang of Christi ana, Norway, specialists in derma tology, pathology and hygiene. From Copenhagen Dr. Johanne FellbeYg, Dr. Betty Agerbolm and Dr. Estrid Hein will com. Dr. Gerda K. Ro nanus and Dr. Alma Suadquist will com from Stockbold. THE CITIZENS! BANK O FASH LAN AS YOUR BUSINESS INCREASES , you may require an ad ' ditional banking connec tion. You will find Tb CltU ' cent Bank of Ashland of valuable service to you. W are ever alert to the beat interest of our cus tomer., Account solicited. MMttritsltMMaaMiafH DEATH THOT DUE I1IGESII Th body of tb Stoddard, Who was late found TOURISTS STOPPING AT LOCAL HOTELS Visitors registering at the local hotel are: . . Hotel Austin ' Miirinwl Blavion. Prlnevllle: MU- jdred J. Morrissey. Portland; B. E. Cbauncey Morton, Eugene;. M. Li Cummlng. ' a m a t dead In Eugene; Mr. ana Mrs. j. b. Arnoiu, his tent at the Oskar Huber camuiMr. "d Mrs. J. H. Arnold, Detroit, on tbe Siskiyou, waa brought in to j Mich.; Frank i. Barne and wlf. San Ashland laat evening and I being rm'acc-: J. u. sauia ana wne. held her until the county coroner i Spokane; Mr. J. H. Corcoran, Port arrive. According to report, frdm , : W. Lloyd Grave. Geo. W. the camp, the deceased complained i R. & W. Schulie, Portland; Ollv of indigestion in the forenoon, and ; P. Newburg; R. M. Carroll. had retired to bis tent after seeking the cook camp to obtain soda to re lieve bis trouble. That was th laat any on remembered of teeing him, and It It tupposed thnt heart failure probably resulted following an at tack of acuta Indigestion. Arrange ment for the funeral will be miide later. AIRSAPPI TO BE ARGUED (By th United Press) PORTLAND, Sept.' 11. The case of Henry Albert, who appealed front a sentence of tbree years and a fine of $10,000 given by tbe United States district court on a charge ! making disloyal remark? relative to the government, will be argued In the United States circuit court ' ol appeals at Ban Francisco on Octo ber 14, according to advices received In Portland yesterday. The coo will be argued for the government ly United State Attornty Haney mid Deputy United State Attorney Gold stein. v 'I . Home 1 Restaurant Good Meal and Bhort Order, and Night ervlce.' 297 East Main . Da, Former' Citizen Back to Ashland John O. Rtgg Is back from Good ing, Idaho, where he went several week ago with a view to locating. Tb attractions of Ashland proved too strong, however, and be could not resist the' longing to return1 to the Llthla City. While In Gooding Mr. Rlgg met Rer. and Mrs.' W. J. Douglas, former paBtor of tbe Meth odist church of Ashland; who are now located in tbat ctty. He stated that Mr. Douglas ha Just returned from a three weeks' visit in Colorado, while Mr. Douglas was Just home from Idaho conference, from , where he had been returned to tbe pastorate of tb Gooding ' Methodist church with aa increase of salary. APPEAL FOR HELP "TO REMOVE CATTLE Water Commissioner Earl Hosier reports that cattle are running about over th watershed up Ashland can yon at their own sweet will, despite the word sent to the forest reserve office stating that they must look af ter cattle there and keep them away. Mr. Hosier stated that he made a trip up the canyon last Sunday and aaw a large number of cattle all over the mountains, through Wagner gap end near Mount Aahland. Tbe wire fences have been cut, he said. In sev eral places, allowing tbe cattle to roam at will wherever they wish to feed. At tbe last meeting of council it was decided to mak on more appeal to tb forestry, but meantime take the matter up with U. B. Sena tors Chamberlain aud McNary by tel egram and see It government heads cauuot remedy h( matter. YOU Compliment Your Friends When You Write on ' Eaton's Highland Linen Our Stock Alway Clean and FVesk.- Our-display shows a great variety of charming teleotioo. BEE OUR WINDOW Polcy'sDrufl Store FOLEY A ELHART, Draggiata - BAND BANG AT NATATORIUM AT 9:00 O'CLOCK CONCERT IN LITHIA PARK AT 7:30 p. m. Saturday Evening Sept. 13th : Tommasino's 21 piece Italian Exposition Band slopping enronte from Calllornla Exposition to Oregon Exposition m Tickets for Dance $1.00 plus war tax. Ladies Free Junction City; W. P. Hicks, Chica go; Charles B. Plalsance, Los An teles; Mr. Ethel C. Swearlngen, Madison Lake, Minn.; N. R. Greer, Medford; Oeo. A. Hampton and wife, Portland ; Walter Dorsey, Indianap olis; JVO. Nelson and wife, Gales- burg, III.; Lottie ' M. Inglson, Inde pendence J. A. Churchill, Salem; Mr. P. H. Mason and son, Berkeley, Calif.; Mr. and Mr. C. N. Rice, Oak land, Calif. Hotel Columbia 'Elisabeth Sammons, Fall City; Evelyn Carstens, Rogue River; Ella U Welch, Portland; E. R. Martin, Portland; O. Ham well and wife, Los Angel; Mr. and Mrs.' T. Skinner, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Conner, Mis Conner, Ban' Francisco; H. Brown ahd'wlfe, Sacramento;' Mrs. Ada East, Medford; Mr. and Mrs. JV V. Tbaxter. Portland; J. F. Scot ton and daughter, Lot Angeles; Mr. Cha. T. Tolley, Phoenix, Arli.; D. R. Perkins and wife, Turlock, Calif. Diamonds W ar offering torn real value la Diamond. Ton cannot lose; the chance ar good for a much higher price In tb near future. O.H.Johnson Thekweler ORRES TAILORS TO R MEN AND WOMEN Best Woolens; Latest Fash ions Alway 8. - Satisfaction Gflaranteed C.B.LAMKIN Bargains in REAL ESTATE City had Ranch Propertfe. Houses te Rent. CRta' Bank Baildlng. P E I L' S ' Comer by th Park. I want to do out on Cream Sep-antDia. , .Have twd left over from before the war prices, aadT will sell them ac cordingly. Bout are 400 lb. capacity. . New and nsed'Bewlag Machines of moat any make for sale or rent, We bare bnndred of used Sew ing Masblnea that we have taken In trad for sew White machines, and soma of them la a Kood aa new. Will U told for a small price. - Off- Days are usually he f efleiion of some upset to bodily health. Coffee drinking usually exagger ates such conditions and fro qaendy produces them. That's vrhy'80 many former coffee diners now favor The Original POstum Cereal Boil fully fifteen minutes and a : delightful beverage results. fFino , for children as well as grown-ups., Everywhere at Grocers Two sizes usually sold a 15c &sd 25c. 'I- ,-..1.. ......u,)! hum ttgciiiiiini:: City to Let Bids For Paving Road The city council at tbe adjourned meeting last nlgbt approved of the plans and specifications for grading and paving the extension of the Boulevard from Ashland street to Walker avenue. It 1 the Intention of council to have this stretch grad ed this fall or winter, the paving to follow some time next year. Bldt tor the grading are to be advertised for, to be opened September 23.- First Claa Baking Product and ' Light Lunches BON TON BAKERY AND COFFEE PARLOR Corner Fomrth and A Street Across From th Depot. Fresh Meat, and Lunch Goods 1 Largest and Best Stock In Ashland. WB ARE HERE FOR 8ERVICB East Side Market James 'Barrett, Prop.'J Phona 188 Ashland Furniture Ch ! COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Furniture, Carpet, Linoleum, Stoves, Ranges, Cooking VtentU and Camping Outfit. 92-04-00 North Main Street WrZsTZsmZs 2ri sCli iniiirrnivi mm THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SOHOOCS NO OIPRTSUNT Tka CaJft-nltf lacladai ttw OoOai cf LtUntnra, Botaxa taA UK Artfc tai U lU BAoda ot Ul. MMMh. la patUud) , ArebiUrtor, Jooraiikm, Oo aum, KduuUo. ud Mwia. SPfOIAl rsATURI A kMUftd omvm, beIU ( umltt Wu. atulira (tcUltlai, km nU, Willi au otiportnniOM lot wlf-lulp, "ihlwk tor fvnrtwd." . fUr drmocimUe atiDuMixi' ud Uw haota "Ontos SvliU." T t mUIocm. nhHtntfd bmkM or avelfle tafonuttan, Mnm: THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON. Better Conditions BetterMillirig, THIS YEAR In Ashland Butte Flour AsMaiM M!M. Phone 49 ' Ashland, Oregon. 4te t MmflrtaSI iff 4 M& at m mmm mm f m-- M . ffA. a, sst v iwr. iw; imtizic VAUPEL'; Mew Fall ftfriwals The most complete and beautiful line that we ever had on our shelves for Fall' are arriving every day. It will pay you to look over our big line. Dress Goods - Trlcotine. Velours, French . Serg. and all" other known materials are to be found in our new tock lu all the seasons latest shades. Priees ,will be right and quality th beat ' tor th money. Buy now. Bath Robe Blankets Full sit and already 'to be cut to patte'rn. Com in different color combinations tbat are pleasing to ' look at, and big values to wear. Priced at $8.00 each. Bath Robe Flannel Now is the time to provide for thos cold winter mornings. This flannel comes In grey and white, navy and . red, tan and blue, and grey, purple and white color combinations. 88 in. wide, priced at 66o per yard. We claim 'thia flannel to be the very best quality that can be bought for tbe money, bonce the-Value. VAUPLTS Blankets Largest and most oomplete Una to be found in this part of tbe country is In our store. Plaids In all the different comblnationa, plains 'in' all colors. Now It the time to prepare for winter ....... .$3.00 to $11.00 L Dress Velvets New and nifty for Fall wear, comes In black, grey and natural shade In -exra wide width can be cut for throw. Moderately priced with high prices taken into consideration, Furs Don't fall to Inspect our big line of Furs that we have tor Fall, price, quality and style will be right on every article tbat we sell. The arti cles that we have today lu ttdck ar worth 25 per cent more On the 1 market today. Buy now and get larger values.