Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1921)
"On THE Vol. i BOARDMAN, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 4. L921 No. 4 RESUME OF OREGON LEGISLATURE WORK. DIGEST OF BILLS CONSIDERED AT SESSION A GOOD. START Salem. The 31st assembly of the state legislature completed its labors after a session which extended five days over the 40-day constitutional period. By holding over a few days the session closed without the cus tomary midnight confusion and tur moil, with measures being killed and passed while many members were so tired they were unable tu fully ap preciate what was going on. Usually there is more or less criti cism of a legislature after the ses sion closes, but the sentiment seems to be that the 31st session, while It did not haw before It as much big legislation as some previous sessions, considerable of the business transact ed was of some importance to the in terest of the state at large. Before the house adjourned a reso lution was passed expressing appreci ation of the manner in which Speak er Bean presided. President Ritru r of the senate, before adjournment, was presented with a beautiful ring. Road Legislation Important. Probably the most important legis lation enacted was passage of several bills relating to the state's highways. The principal highway bill passed was the bond measure authorizing ad (lit tonal bond issues totaling $7,000. 000 which, with the other bonds au thorized, will bring the total to with in $2,500,000 of the amount availabb under the constitutional limitation a, 4 per cent of the state's assessed property valuation. Another highway bill designated the proposed Roosevelt highway along the' coast as a state highway and au thorized the highway commission to apply state road funds to its con struction on condition that the money be matched dollar for dollar by led eral funds. The state highway commission and state board of control were empow ered to issue short term bonds for highway purposes. Two bills enacted as part of the highway program will affect owners of motor vehicles. One bill revised the state motor vehicle code and places the license fee on a weight basis, so that owners of barge auto mobiles are required to pay higher license fees and motor truck owners are taxed according to width of tires. Gasoline Tax Increased. The second bill levies an additional tax of 1 cent per gallon on all gaso line used, so that gasoline will now be taxed 2 cents per gallon. The new bill exempts gasoline used for trac tors, "lotorboats and other industrial purposes. Appropriations approximating n. 600,000, definite salary increases al fecting eight state officials, revision upward of the schedule of compen sation for many district attorneys of Oregon and release of many other state departments and Institution heads from definite revenues fixed by statute, were some of the financial bills passed. In the absence of definite figures, state officials said that the appropri ations authorized by the legislature were larger in the aggregate than that of any biennial gathering of the lawmakers. Innumerable so-called bills increas lng the salaries of county officers also were passed during the session, as were a number of measures fixing definite compensation for justices of the peace and constables. Reapportionment Bill Passed. The reapportionment bill passed tooki one representative from Linn, one from Marion and one from tbi joint Douglas-Jackson district, and gives one additional to Multnomah, one to the twenty-first district, con sisting of Crook, Deschutes. Jefferson, Klamath and Lake, and one to Mal heur county alone. No changes were made In the present classification oi the state senate. The co-operative organization sta' utes, passed in 1915 for the particu lar benefit of farmers and producers, were strengthened by the passage of a bill amending the code in several particulars, with special reference to the validity of the marketing agree ments. Several important bills affecting the preservation of the timber In Ore gon and the development of the tim ber industry were enactd by the leg islature. Among the most Important were those relating to the eradication of insect pests, opening up of trans portation lines by means of condem nation of property and the bii's and resolutions relating to the conserva tion of the state's interests in the Oregon and California land grants. Salary Increases Granted A number of bills pnnidiug for alary Increases were enacted. Suite superintendent of schools, in- er I from $3000 to $4000; attorney general, $3600 to $40U0; state engi n3er, $3000 to $3600; insurance com missioner, $3000 to $3600; governor, $rU00 to $7500; state tax commission er, $2400 to $3(iiK), corporation com missioner, $3000 to $3600; superin tendent of banks, $4000 to $60u0. Besides these increases, the fixing of the salary of the state veterinarian is placed in the hands of the state livestock sanitary board; the salaries of the state prison warden and his deputies and the parole officer are to be fixed by the governor; salaries of 'he heads of Other state institutions are to be fixed by the board of con trol, and the salary of the dark -of the state land board will be fixed by the land board. This ultimately means increases lor these officials. Revisions in the salaries of a num ber of district attorneys of the state were granted. The legislature refused to increase the pay of jurors, and also refused to increase the salaries ot the public service commissioners Motion Picture Censorship Fails. The senate refused to concur in the action of the house and disapproved the bill introduced by the committee on health and public morals providing for the censorship of all motion pic tures In this state. A senate joint resolution was adopt ed, providing that there shall be sub mitted to a vote of the people at the next general election the question of amending the state constitution relat ing to the special veto power of the governor. The proposed amendment provide that the governor shall have power to veto single items in appropriation bills and any provision in new bills declar ing an emergency, without thereby af lecting any other provisions of such bills. No anti-Japanese legislation was en acted, although the house did its best. The general sentiment was that this was a subject which should be left to congress to handle. For the soldiers, the legislature re ierred to the people the proposed bonus. The matter is to be settled at a special election to be called in the spring. It is the only measure which will appear on the ballot. Among the important bills passed were the following: A measure which places bond com panies under the supervision of the state corporation commissioner and adds new teeth to the blue sky law to permit the commissioner to exercise his control. A bill declaring the ownership of the state to the beds of the meandered lakes of the state. It affects particu larly Malheur lake and is expected to bring about $2,000,000 ultimately into the school fund. The bond commission bill makes the state treasurer, the state superintend ent of banks and one member of the accident commission a special board to pass on the commission's investments. A state budget system was approved under which there will be compiled a ' m iss of information which will reduce I state budget-making to its simplest form and will lighten the task of the j ways and means committee in future sessions of the legislature. Creation of a tax commission to In-' restigate and seek to find new sources : of revenue. The commission will look for some sort of income tax, presum ably, and under the measure creating ; it the commission will ask for data on income taxes from the department of the internal revenue. A logged off lands bill, under the provisions of which It will be possible to haiclle the snag-infested lands on an extensive scale and bring into produc tivity land which is bow almost less I than worthless because of the stumps. , ! J n rlARDlNGr OREGON NEWS NOTES OF PRINCIPAL EVENTS HAPPENING DURING WEEK TREE PLANTING DAY SET FOR SATURDAY Saturday, March 5, will be tree planting day for the town of Boai'dman. The eotninittee in charge urges that all owners get trees out around their property and S. H, Board man will donate trees for Mam street from the depot to the business section. The work is in charge of tbi commercial club which organiza tion has also endorsed the mo'e m nt for federation of the var ious organizations of the com munity at a mass meeting to be called in the near future. Peti tions have gone to the teclatna tion service containing names of the majority of residents of the projects, agreeing to maintain and develop a Community park and cemetery on lands offered by the government for that purpose These lands adjoin the school grounds and the river and ire ideal for the service Tempo rary arrangements lor gn to camp grounds are under consideration periling more extended develop ment later. The old grounds cannot be used this year an the growth of the town has absorbed them. ! Snpiii Warehouse. Ftank Otto, the enterprising bee man'-is erecting a bee sup ply warehouse with concrete basement on his ranch west of Boardman, in order to properk care for next season's output of honey. He will install a large power extractor and have the very latest improvements neces sary in order to operate success fullv on a large scale. This is one of our infant industries hers but is destined to place Board man in the list of honey producers. FEEDING COWS SAWDUST The facetious statement, re peated In a Joking way. "Put green goggles OD the cows and foul Uietu by feeding sawdust and shavings," Is apparently not going to be necessary In future to fevd them thai product it has been found by experiment that sawdust from non-resinous soft woods can be used, but It first must undergo a process of tnai ment with certain acids, which change h part of the dry mutter Into carbohydrates. How ever, the low protein content of sawdust as a feed would not augur well for Its future use. BOARDMAN BALL TEAM TO JOSN LOCAL LEAIillE A number of fans turned out Sunday afternoon for the pur pose of a base ball team for the coming season. Plana are under way for the for tnation of a season league cotrt prisinu Echo, Stanfield, Herinis ton, Umatilla, lrrigon and Board man. As we have enough ma terial for a good team it is the duty of the entire community to turn out and assist in every way possible in making our advent into the league a success. Last Sunday the married men played the singles resulting in a score of five to three in favor of the old stiffs but in next Sunday's game they say it will be differ ent. Don't forget to come if Only to root. Wednesday night J. 0. Ballen ger, W. P. Tucker and W. II. Stewart attended the meeting of the Irrigation base ball league in Hermiston, where it was de cided to make a ill-team league by admitting Stuntield and Boardman. Bettor ililppiDK Paclltttee. With a view of securing better and more convenient hay ship ping facilities for the. West End ranchers, an organization was recently formed to negotiate a contract with the O. W. K. & N. for the construction of a loading spur at Peters, about two miles west of Boardman. A meeting was called at II. U. Weston's Monday night to dis cuss the terms offered by the railroad company and was well attended. Much ir terest was manifested on account of the de sire for a shorter haul for the low-priced product which must be handled at a minimum of cost if it be raised i, all With a few modifications the contract was virtually accepted and a committee appointed to collect the money which has been signed up on an acre cost basis. This committee was Messrs. Dillabaugh, Cobb and Mitchell The officers and directors are: President, W 11. Weston; vice pres , Chas Dillon; sec. treas., H. H Crawford. Directors con sist of the above and ('has. Dil labaugh and A W Cobb, FOB s. LF. Alxjut ttiree tons of good wheat bay. Claud White, Boardman Subscribe fur The Mirror. FOR BALBB 0. BhOdS Island Rg4S Prize (Honing cockerels, Woo each. Paul SUiitb, Hoardujun. 3-41 pd The formation of a national guard company has been undertaken at Hose burg. The total number of agricultural stu dattta at Oregon Agricultural college la now 882. The Lacomb oil well is down 840 feet and stockholders are optimistic as to final rsults. Percy A. Stevens post of the Ameri can Legion at Bend has opened a tree employment agency. l'luns for a new building to be built by the Sons of Norway lodge of Bend were begun last week. The Hood River county court has in creased the salary of the fruit In spector to $2."00 a year. An electric cancelling machine has been received and placed in operation by I he Hend postoffice. Total tax levies In Union county for the year 1920 show an Increase from 1580,711,18 to HM.gsSvBO. Scarlet fever and measles have reached the epidemic stage in several sections of DOUglaS county. The wool and mohair growers of Lane county met 'at Eugene and or ganized a cooperative association. The stale Irrigation securities com mission has approved the entire issue of 1,I60,(W0 of Medford irrigation dis trict bunds. Tin- Clatikanie kraut plant, owned by the Oregon Packing company, has closed the Season with a total output of 800 tons. The road fund of Columbia county, Including sonic special taxes voted by Several road districts, amounts to al moHt $200,000. A 25-foot section of the pavement on the Columbia highway, just west of ClatsUanie. was carried away Sun day by a slide. , Albert Peterson, government trap per tit Tklah, in Umatilla county, re ports a month's catch of l!l coyotes ami three bobcats. Raymond B. Btabelraan, Former flax expert tu the Oregon state peniten tiary, died at BslStt hospital after an illness of several weeks. l-'ire. caused by the explosion of hot paraffins, gutted the interior of the Willamette Valley Te'i phone com i pany'l office Si Kails City. The Pacific Power & bight company has asked permission of the public service commission to increase gas rales and street car fares In Astoria. Harry Wilson, a laborer of i'ugene, has left for his old home In Huston, Mass , declaring his Intention of walk ing the entire distance from coast to coast. The taxpayers nf Astoria school dis trict voted on the question of authoris ing an Indebtedness of $75,(1011 for the building of an annex to the high school building. A new engine has been purchased by the Hbod Itlver fire department at a cost of I1S.000, and a new fire hall costing $85,000 has been finished and equipped. John McCue, an expert logger em Pioyed by the Western Export Hi Log ging company near Cottage Grove, was instantly killed when he was struck by a felling tree. The annual report of the Mount Angel Creamery company shows that during th! last 12 months total sab s amounted to g i 94.000 and $104,000 wus paid to patrons for butterfut. With tin- exception of measures carrying emergency clauses, all bills Basted at the recent session of the legislature and signed by the governor will become operative on May 25. Farm bureau representatives from all parts of the state have been at work the past week Obtaining mem hers among the farmers of Columbia couniy. A total of 4.r.ii was signed. A mass meeting of the farmers of the county was held at taker Satur day for the purpose of organizing the wheat growers of the county into the Oregon Cooperative Grain Growers. Central Oregon 'l first highway work of the spring season commenced near Hend with the laying of concrete cul verts on the Hend Horse Itldge road, reeentiy authorized by the state com mission. The Winchester hospital for the cure of tnbefCttlOSlS, which was originally proposed to establish al Winchester, DotlgiM county, has filed notice of dis solution with the state corporation commissioner. A shipment of 1500 coyotes and lynx pelts, consigned to eastern markets, was sent from Bond last week. The lot, representing a majority of the eatclu-s made in central Oregon this winter, is valued at approximately $10, 000. ' Clackamas county is to have one of the biggest road convention in its Tlstory on .March 7 and 8, when all of the road foremen of the county will meet with the members of the county court and outline the program for the coming year. Corn and poultry shows, the first to be held in Salem next fall and the latter next January, were decided up on at a meeting in Salem of the Marion county federation of community clubs. Fifteen of the L'l! clubs in the county were represented. Bight recently confiscated stills were offered for sale at Bend as junk by Sheriff Roberts, after the copper boilers and worms had been so thoroughly chopped up as to make further use In the manufacture of liquor impossible. An attack on the new law empow ering Governor Olcotl to collect all revenue from the interstate bridge until approximately $77,ooo said to be due tin- stale has been paid from the tolls, will be made by Multnomah county commissioners. Governor Olcott vetoed a bill passed al the recent session of the legislature providing that the state, cities, coun ties and school districts should be exempted from paying royalty on rock, sand and gravel taken from the beds of navigable streams in Oregon. a revised estimate of the principal crops grown in Oregon in 1920 was issued by l L. Kent, agricultural sta tistician of the United states bureau of crop estimates. Mr. Kent's report shows the total value of the field and fruit crops to haw heyi $111,978,549, The Hammond Lumber company's mill at Astoria was shut down l-'riday night and part of Saturday, while more than 400 men of the mill crew search ed for two boys, Doyle Morgan, aged II. and MarciiH HsngS, aged IS, who were lost in the forest, south of the mill. Senator McNury has nollfied the state highway department thut he has obtained passage of a bill by the sen ate authorizing the secretary of war to grant an easement over the CelQO canal property in Wasco county for the right of way required for the Columbia river highway between The Dalles and the Deschutes river Due tO cessation of construction work In June, 1020, on the Jordan val ley Irrigation project, the desert land board has decided to cancel the con tract existing between the slate and the Jordan Valley Land Ai Water com pany of Holse, Idaho, unless arrange ment! are made Immediately whereby construction operations will be resum ed. Then ware four totalities in Orsgos due to Individual incidents, In the week ended February 24, according to the report of the slate industrial ac cident commission. The victims were: John M Mi Cue, logger, Cottage Grove; Martin Cruuso, donkey engineer, Port land; Charles I( Phillips, laborer, Pow ers, and Tony Creek, edgerman. Glen wood A total of a accidents were reported. The Durkef and Bridgeport Irriga tion districts have forwarded to the .late engineer for approval plans for the const met ion of the; liurnt river reservoir In Maker county. The dis tricts propose to construct Jointly the reservoir for tin- storage of 5100 acre feet of the- waters of liurnt river for a supplemental supply for the irrlga tion of 4498 acres of land within the two districts. Colls, calvcn and other livestock In the Topsy vicinity of Klamath county, having disappeared rapidly within tho last few weeks, W L. Krain took the trail of a mountain lion and after four days succeeded in killing It. M c Mechem, governor of New Mexico, has telegraphed Governor Ol cott that he will place before the legislature of his slate a resolution Urging the people of the southern com monwealth to participate In the world's exposition to be held in Portland lu 1925. Subscribe for The Mirror.