Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1921)
z -1 Vol. i BOA RDM AN, MOKKOW COUNTY., OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25 1921 No. 3 REVIEW OF OREGON LEGISLATURE WORK. WEEKLY DIGEST OF HILLS CONSfDEKEB Salem. The constitutional 40-day period proscribed for legislative1 ses sions expired Saturday, but owing to the fact that many bills remained lor attention, both housss deemed it wise to extend the session over into this week and adjournment was taken until Monday morning. There were 2S8 measures when the two houses began proceedings Satur day, so it was quite evident that a Jam during the closing hours could not be avoided. By extending the -sion beyond the constitutional pe It could be brought to a close in an orderly and business like manner with out the confusion and turmoil certain Emergency Board Bill Vetoed. Governor. Olcott vetoed the bill pro riding that the state emergency board shall consist of i ho chairman of th ways and nit ans committee of the son fcto, the chairman of the ways and J moans committee of the house av': five other m mborn to be elected from the joint tvays and means committee The s nate approved Governor Ol- coi'.'s appointments of n. von der Hel ten of Wellen, George W. Cornwall i Portland and Walter h. Pierce of La Grande, as members of the board of regents of Oregon Agricultural college. Free School Books Defeated. Following a prolonged debate in to prevail if an attempt was made to which all house rules regulating length conclude within the 40-day period. of oratorical display were stretched to Members will receive nc pay for their1 the limit by nearly every member, the labors this week. Among the important measures which awaited final action when the session adjourned Saturday were the road bills, reapportionment bill and the appropriation bills. A total of 745 bills had been introduced in both houses. Of this number 360 were in troduced in the house and 379 in the senate. According to the records the gover nor had signed 55 measures originat ing in the senate and 74 house bills. Few Big Measures Passed. Aside from the road bills, the 31st session will have little to its creait in the way of really big measures of vital interest to the state at large. The port development bills and tne teacher's tenure bills, which caused much friction during the session, were of special interest to Multnomah coun ty. Among the measures of general in terest passed may be mentioned: The new state fish commission and new state game commission and the fish and game codes. The budget bill which directs that every tax levying body must have a budget law applies to every tax levy sens who shall look after the budget items and hold public hearings. This budgt law applies to every tax levy In I body in Oregon. Of more than local importance was the decision of the legislature to abol Ish forever the purse seines and the trollers. who have been operating for years along the Oregon Coast, Another general bill of general in terest is the one which provides for double election boards; one board to count the votes while the other board is receiving the ballots. There are restrictions which will prevent any information as to how the count is go ing until a few minutes after the polls close. The principal advantage of this law wili be that the result of elections will be known almost immediately after the voting ceases. Anti-Alien Land Law Killed. The anti-Japanese legislation was killed in the senate. The senate, after the most spirited debate that has mark ed the present session of the legisla ture, by a vote of 20 to 9 defeated the bill. This bill had strong support in the house, but the belief that the Jap anese question is something for the federal government to handle rather than the state prevailed in the senate. The bill was practically a duplicate of the California bill on the same sub ject enacted last year. The bill received 34 affirmative votes in the house, three more than required as a constitutional majority. Opposed to passage of the bill were 25 representatives, with one membei of the house absent. Soldiers' Bonus Referred to Voters The senate by a vote of 28 to 2 ap proved house jpmt resolution No. 12 referring to the voters of Oregon at the next general or state election the question of amending the constitution so that the state may lend its credit in an amount not exceeding 3 per cent based on the assessable property valuation to provide funds with which to pay participants In the recent world war a cash bonus of $15 a month for the time they actually served or a loan not to exceed $4000. By the same vote the senate also approved house bill 203, which pro vides for the creation of what will be known as the world war veterans' state aid fund and prescribes the man ner in which the bonuses shall be paic and the loans executed. house voted down Senator Banks' free school book bill. The final vole was 29 in taVor, not mough to pass the measure, and 2S votes against. It was charged repeatedly that Ore Eon is in the throes of a school book trust and that this" bill offers a simple and economical way out of tiie grasp of the trust. Appropriations WMl Exceed tte.U.UO A At the completion of its labors the joint ways and means committee an nounced that it had readied an agree ment to recommend to the legislature appropriations for state departments and Institutions for the biriMium of 1921-1922 approximating $6,607,3 38.97. This amount is $142,603.02 above the amount of money available under the 6 per cent tax limitation of the c"r Btttutldn. but it is believed sources to meet the excess amount will appear. The excess of $142,603.02 represent!, special appropriations, measures ay proved by the committee not tncludid in the budget and also requests pre sented in person to the committee at its hearings by the representatives of :he various departments or institu tions. Marriage Test Bill Passes. The people are to have the oppor tunity to say by their ballots at the next general election whether or not examinations shall be required of all applicants tor marriage licenses as to health and mental fitness of Biioh ap plicants' to enter into the marriage contract. The house passed senate bill 174 with only eight negative votes. The act provides that It shall be un lawful for any official of Oregon to issii" a marriage license to any person until after the applicants shall have submitted to and passed an examina tion by a regularly licensed physician, competent to examine Bueh applicants, as to their health, In regard to contag ious or communicable venenal dis eases, and mentality, as shown by the physician's certificate. Provision Is made In the bill for It being referred to the voters of the state at the next general election. Bills Passed Over Veto. The senate, by almost unanimous vote, passed house bills 38 and 66 over the veto of Governor Olcott. bills PLANT PLENTY OF VITAMINE VEGETABLES p 1 ' x ' ' Ml w$m : ftp ft . ' ! t ' I - - ..5 .-jC .'-...ik38a - i i i k S f . 2M E: : - t-1-n it. tia element called Itillllllll! UirlOUted ,. flew fond t iel aKKertln- ,h.,, tne- been irvniH h ...,i., i. . some f l'.- . . to liolf- i .,. ,, , , '"" i" -" o iai ., ,. ami wate, MtM. pient) -I tituuii.ini.1 iplnai-b ps ill mui gHidoii i ix ,'Mji, aupios -tnd .:arrnls They ,, 'i'iik .Kid KKH hq pium i'Hlbngn. lettiee and ur- KUttttn vitamlnos nu Ul F PRINCIPAL EVENTS HAPPENING DURING WEEK lAliHAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL ui VASHINQTONT, BIRTHDAY PROGRAM d celebrated Washington s patrtotie exercises in the d i. half holiday in the af The sch birthday I f; lenoou ii ternoon. The followin Drograntl were yiven by the riilT rent, prades: l IRST AND BaOOMO Ttie Good Old Tune-, , N o in QlbbOttl A Little School Bo; loGeirg Wa-bi ou , .Dale Albright The Boy Wsshio ten Badte L'iri n Why An; I Lilt WashtnifMJ' .. Ray Sto-arl Wha Canool Be Denied, Dallas Wilson A Resolve Alb rt BoardmM What Was the Secret Uofaava" A Patriot Vernon Root Row to be Eleroes, Three Boys Allien Oili nth, Howard K agi s, Ted Albrigblt 'Sonjr, Star Spy gled Banner. thikd and Imh'ktii Grades i Washington's Birthday, ..Avh BrwlM rWasbington and 1,... Helen Boat Imao This Wasblagton ol Ou-g, .... Verrel Woodward February Twenty-second Gladys Wilson I'd Like to be a Soldier . . Busy Planting Trees. Board man is very busy at this writing planting trees. A cam paign was inaiiourated a few week a &tfo and whon the Hermts ton Oommercl! club heard about itthf.v came forward with achat lrnge that they would plant more trees this season than Hotirdman, and would furnish a dinner if they failed to do so. The Bonrdinan club accepted the challenge and the race is on. Some one will get a dinner Nov. 1st. without coat, Melvin Siirns These ' Washington's Grave. . Wanda Gilbrel h were passed during the special WasWngtoa. . . .Nellie Partlow Klj-rii AMD BUCTB 0ADI8 St ssioti of the legislature In J. nuary Om, but were later rejected by the SW-, x,l)UI1. v .... executive for the reason that they ; Quolnt u,0s. Kr. dK'i.wi, S,,hi were not eonsiaerea emergency le(iis al ion. One of the bills gave to the highway commission power to fix the salarv of the state highway engineer, while the other measure provided for an In crease In the emergency fund of the state highway commission from $50, 000 to $70,000. Passage by the house of a bill pre- BOARDMAN REPRESENTED AT WALLA WALLA MEETING Messrs. BonrdtOan, Stewart, Fkrger and EE Miles attended the Hvdro Kl etric meeting held in Walla Walla last Saturday and report a very enthusiastic session Strong delegations were nrespnt from Ssenltlo T:ic. M. tfor.l, Noh ' JC .. Bests S -ivelv, a , , , ,. Kuw.-inl M :t::.- inn, Kr ..a Bra 1 Spolcme and the W ashing- rjtodoc- ton State uesialature, s, :u g !"' ' K 4w sm-tione of eastern Oregon Oh el Dat. I In Life of Waste . ,,, , inifioo William Tuck entiWI state of Wash- W-ishitgto ,V Grii, . Urain Messii.ger , UigJon ti 'ipt cciate th poeaii)e Washi' gtoi.'s Reception etuwntages of thia great enter Kdua Hrovles1 V- , Play, The Kirs. lag, i ,):'ISP and al' ''-avinK " tonee is unturned m tnewajf or rortcer- Junior H. S. I'op vlously passed by the senate repealing j B0)0 Wahnona Keys Wir the movement the gasoline test law, wipes off the statute books a measure enacted In 1907. enforcement of which contrib uted largely to a gasoline famine In the state last year. Companies re fused to bring supplies Into the state until the law, which required gasoline to be of fifty-six gravity test, was sus pended by Governor Olcott. Legislative Brevities. The house passed a senate bill which placM bond houses under the control of the state corporation commissioner. The senate passed a house bill, which gives the governor control of the tolls of the interstate bridge. Senator Lachmund introduced a bill providing for an increase in the salary of the governor from $5000 to $7500 annually. Seventh and Eiqhth Grades M ,l all towns of our section R' el at ii Wabo Wash in. Bong! Columbia E. ,Bot Ida rat ii I dc, . . . Krain Gllbi .-tb Phmi w lament the impossibility of our M II d tnet opohs taking an active part OWIDg 'O the tact that it is so far remote from the seat of ac tion but we feel assured of their good will in such a progressive movement end shall content our selves with the satisfaction that1 cities of other states who are more in immediate touch with us I'. Dodd of liertniaton. fpther of the Boardman townaiti topped off between trains Wed nesday This is Mr. Dodd's first appearance here since his recent indisposition and he has not as yet rt gained his strength after will in a way suffice to make am three weeks under the doctor's mends for such impossibilities care in Portland An operation j, M0ecUsd tnat x,.w V()1 k was not necessary at this tune , . . , and seems unlucky to be called nd b0 Will be represented for in the future as the diagnosis at the next meeting with a bhows no senoua aigutf. atrong delegation. This year's Portland rose festival will be held .tune 8 10. The Clackamas county farm bureau has b gun a campaign for members. The amount of taes to be collected la La&a county this year is $1,474, S2&M, Marah field hopes to have in the near future a glass factory and a new tannery. The city of Bend was left with an Indebtedneas of f 7o.oto by the out going council. In the lasf two years the state has pi nt $1.4011,000 in Josephine county for road development. A coyote killed by Peter Hallf near Roseburg last week had killed 17 lambs out of a band of 2L Clifford McKlnney, 17. was killed in&taiitly when he was struck on the head by a falling tree near his home, rear Shelburn. A week's membership campaign of the Jackson county farm bureau has come to an end with not less than looo member! lisned up. Getting only one bid for street pav ing at Dallas, nnd that considered too high, it is possible the project will be entirely abandoned this year. Beginning Monday morning a con certed effort was made to enroll (00 public-spirited men as members of the Roseburg chamber of commerce. Average cost of Instruction of one pupil for one year in the Hi ml school is JH7, the city school superintendent announced in his semi-annual report With 2S0 rabbits on exhibition, the annual show of tho Oregon branch of the National Breeders' and fanciers' at oclatlon was held in Portland last week. I The Soul hern Pacific company has announced that until further notice the Saturday night special train from Wendllng to Eugene win be discon tinued. The Lebanon Kleetrlc Light com pany has filed an application with the public service commission asking for an increase in rales for service In Lebanon. Fine indications of oil have been discovered near the old town of Boottaburg. oil Is oozing from the ground for over 300 yards along the County road. According to Pendleton estimates. 6.r, per cent of the Umatilla county grain crop has now been sold. There has been considerable selling since the first of January. Some :iono sheep In the Mitchell country are Infected with scab, so cording to word received at Bend by l)r Parsons, United States bureau of animal Industry expest. Approximately 500 business men ol The Dalles shouldered picks and hOYOll and put In a day's work upon the new city auto camp ground, west of The Dalles, on Washington's birth day. The biggest still ever confiscated by the police was taken from the home of Kdward Berry, In Portland. The still lias a capacity of DO gallons. It can turn out SB gallons of finished whisk) a day. The Sinythe Lonergan company plant, comprising an ice plant. Ice cream factory, creameiry and cold stor age facilities, was destroyed by fire at Pendleton, with a loss estimated at $75,000. The citizens of Ash and Loon Lake section of Douglas county have voted a special road tax for the purpose or building a road from their neigh borhood to connect with the Pacific highway. . Two new cheese factories have been added to the string of factories owned and operated by the Oregon Dairy men's Co-operative league. One of the new factories is at Gaston and the other at Amity. Proposal to bond The Dallps for 1326,000 for construction of a storage reservoir and dam across Mill creek to Increase the city's water supply will be submitted to the voters at a special election March Pi. A shipment of 1,901,400 eastern brook trout eggs was received last we,-k at the MeKenzle fish hatchery The eggs will be hatched and the fish placed In the lakes of eastern and central Oregon. The West Side barns at Medford, a two-story brick structure, was de stroyed by fire last week, together Including 2S A. W. Walker with all its contents. cars belonging to the Automobile company. At the suggestion of R. H Baldack, divisional engineer for the state high way commission, the county court of Malheur county will ask the highway cote mission to improve the road from Vale to Ontario, which is part of both the John Day and Central Oregon highways, two state roads, and as an Inducement will appropriate $10,000 from the county emergency fund to ussist in the Improvement, Fire originating in the shop of the boiler plant of the Willamette Iron & Steel works in Portland, gutted the piling foundation and floor of the plant, with damage estimated at be tween $5ti.noo and 110,000, In a recall election held in Polk county in which Uie road policy of A. B, Robinson, COUnty judge, was assail ed, Judge Robinson received a ma jority over J. !'. Qlrlch, a farmer of Airlie, of approximately 1000 votes. The Astoria Chamber of Commerce was reorganized last week, following the resignation of President Sanborn and eight other members of the execu tive board, as the result of a con troversy over purse seine legislation. Burcbam Bros., who have the con tract for diking the Itainier diking project, commenced work last week. The right of way has been cleared, so there will be no further delay In tho work. The project contains 1300 acres. The Catholic church at Cornucopia, a mining camp 12 miles from Half way, was totally destroyed last Sun- ! day by the weight of snow upon It. j The snow Is eight feet at Cornucopia and IB teat deep in the mountains near there. Acting Secretary of agriculture Ball has Informed Representative llawley that the federal government has no available fundi with which to con duct an Investigation of a cattle dis ease prevalent in Wood river valley, Klamath county. Evidence thai the $70,000 fire at pilot Rock, which destroyed the ware hone of the Pilot Rock Flevator com pany, was of incendiary origin, has Ii d io the posting of a reward of $liitio for the arrest and conviction of the man responsible. A total of 16,039,048 pounds of wool was produced in Oregon during Ihe year IM9, according to census statis tics. This is a decrease, as compared with the 18,S41,S02 pounds produced In Oregon during the year 1909, the year of the preceding census. Penitentiary Official have sent out formal Invitations for the execution of George Howard, who Is under cen tenCS to die PYiday, February 25. Howard was convicted January 22, 1921, for the i der of George R. Sweeney In Malheur county on Sep tember 14. 1920. At a luncheon in Heppner about 40 buRiness and professional men heard an appeal In behalf of the famine suf ferers In China. Morrow county's quota It fixed at $,!4nu and by unanimous vole of those present It was decided to make up that amount in wheat to he sent tO China. Portland's annual spring "cleanup week" may be ludd earlier In the sea son this year than heretofore. Appll cation has been made to Mayor Baker by the unemployment committee of the American Legion to proclaim tho occasion In the near future, so as to provide odd Jobs for the unemployed of the city. Representative llawley has made ar rangements with the United States civil service commission to bold com petitive exam inations f(r candidates for appoint ment us midshipman at the naval academy at AnnapOllS, The ex aminations will be held at Corvallls, McMlnnvllle nnd Marshfield on Satur day, March IS, A naval radio compass bearing sta Hon will be In operation at the mouth of the Columbia riwr within the next week and vessels hundreds of miles from the mouth of the local harbor will then be able So learn their exact positions during the thickest fogs and heaviest gales. The navy department has Just completed the new stution at Fort Stewna. .Subscribe fur The Mirror, t