Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1921)
8T: Al JUSVV.: 1 WHAT C HA j SWEET I ; y-Li Pi HOME jack Wilson JUST 5f9.NlO.lVG TH Clothes Town EV; OOP'! 00 YOU NOW Wrlf MOTHER- WHY sone': SO THEY LL IRON CASY 1 w Is- DC 1" 5? C Of Aii irC they ARE SO "HOLEY" "7" II i nUTL... M J Driuux. ' -' , y jammait m The Boardman Mirror PUBLI8RKD KVRKV FRIDAY eaaen ia all of us the needs and coupons electricity will bring. Electricity enters all pua- jofiife The tisb, the fro, the animal and the being. You, heir 1 11 said "mj, hut she has person- l 'y It's ohms watts, ampere I2 00 PrTN that she is disnensino Ht,. ' ' more sensitive than Application for entry . second-..!! mttr ; , . , . itBou racoo.pewHac " ner light snmes M.MK A ( Ufc.VEl.AM). Publish! SikicrlptiM Electricity What is it? Do you know. The: word is derived from the Grtek. meaning amber. A chap by the' name of Thales in XJ H. C. found by rubbing nmoer with silk it attracted light and dry bodies This was as far as the ancient advanced in the science I of present day watts and kilo- watts Business was bad unun 1 till 1000 A D when a Kent nam ed Gilbert 'invented a machine. ' and wrote a book. He construe ' ted a machine which consisted of a glass ball turned by s handle and rubbed by a cloati pressed against it by hasd. In 1739 a mar, by the name of Grej Uans mitt.-d from one poId to the other id the conductor aui nonconductor were discover ed. Id 1 743 the. Leyiien Jar was accidently discovered And a long in 17"2 our own beloved Benj vranklin pulled more brilliantly. RIpc. triciVy developed by water power "an do more than any oris thin? to lower the cost of livn and raise the standard Ik ia tho root of agricultural wealth and j the key to industrial life of the future. This ger.n.f ile veioptr ent wiij never be attained jby private power compjniea Tr, mt c.uje thr u Government xnd DMsaia. .-retyoo awaK b nt eds of the times. BO RABBITS WHISTLE AND CAUSE THE WIND? We print below a communica tion from one L. L. Bush of Bay Center, Wash., proving that rab oits whistle and in substantia tion of Mr. Bush's theory we also publish the expert testi mony on this subject by one of our subscribers: Luke's Consolation. Whatever else may itappen. Since our country has tfon. dry, Th sailor ttUI will have his port, The fanner have his rye: The tottoo still will have It-yin, The seaeuast have Its hyr. And each of us will have a Mer, No matter whsre we are. Luke McLuke, in Ciriciriti ErKjuirer. W001U011 011 .lap Question. As many on the West Kxten , sion expressed surprise that the Kepresentittive Woodson voted ' J . ' from the Heavenly ethei against House Bill No. 101. gen with his famous kite. In 17ti0,eraliy known as the Anti-Japan-Bt .Hum made the hrst light-lese bill. I lake this opportunity ning conudctor and opened an in dutr.v for "rod peddlers" that Bay Center. Wash.. Feb. 23. To the Editor.) Alien t John Burroughs' answer to the question whether rab bi's make a whistling sound in signal ing or in fear, permit ine to ay: number of times, psrhaps several douu altogether. I have heard a near whistling sound which the Indians have always told me is the sound of Um rabbit. to The sound is nearly a whistle, but slight iy vocalized. A slight approxi mation to it may be made by a com mon whistle through ths lips, wasting much unused breath through both lips arid nose. it is some years since I heard It last: but as I recall, the sound is made at interTals of perhaps two or three seconds for perhaps a half dozen times, then a wait for a time before the series is repeated I have never noted it except in the woods, in the early part of the night but well after dark, and always at a distance. The series of sounds have sometimes been 1 repeated at intervals for two or three hours. I think. My Indian informants were familiar with all the wild life of the region, and would be unlikely to be mistaken to the bird or mammal making the OOOd L L. Bush. to set the matter before them in its true light. 1 wrote Mr. caued American architecture to Woodson asking him to define reseiuola the turrets of Babylon, his attitude ia regard to this Tboa we "step up" as the juice bill which carried in the house is "stepped" down to the pres-!but was defeated in the senate, nt day l)r Steinmetr It might remtadiof hiun that this locality be said that from B.C. to the j was inVerested because it might present day they are all "feel ! attrac Jal"nese settlement ing " One will tell you that do Ultt irrigated districts. To The Editor: To further enlighten the John Burroughs surmise and to sub stantiate the Indian lore given by L L. Bush t hat rabbits whis tle permit me to pass on to those who live to learn a brer whistle legend of an upper Columbia as River Indian, George Winnimuc. 1 he upper reaches of the Co) A HYPNOTIST IS A MAN WHO AT HOME HAG TO ROCK THE L-BY TO SLEEP. 4 - PKOFH8SION AL CARDS Francis P. Adama l'h.MM inn und Surifcnn I1EHMIHTON. ORE. nk Hldr. 1'hunen; Office W K. 1M! Office HourH-l:!. 3-6. Call, aiihw i--! clay or ultflit. DB, W . W . ILLSLKY Osteopnttilc Pliysiciuii in 1 1 Surgeon Phone Residence 711 Office 5fil Office oer hank Building, HermlttOD Calls answered at all tiours. S. E. NOTSON Attorney-at-Law Office in Court House Heppner - - Oregon JAMES D. ZURCHER ATTORN EY-AT-L AW Stanfield, Oregon Will be at. the Highway Inn Wed nesday of each week. DR. F. V. PRIME DENTISTRY Hkh.mihton, ohk. Hank Hulldliitr PaomM Office, 93 IIouhs Knaklenue. 9i! 8 a.m. to j Francis McNenamin LAWYER Heppner, Oregon Roberts Bldg. Phone 643 Expert Work ON WATCHES, CLOCKS OR ANY THING IN MY LINE Bring or send your work or orders and I Will Pty Return Posttfe Wm. H. Ogden JFKtlES TO THE WEST EUD BEMUTOK 0IEC0K Only Restaurant in Pen dleton Employing a full crew of white help The French RESTAURANT HOHBACH BROS., Props. Elegant Furoitihcd Rooms in Connection electricity is a fluid and that it may be poured as you pour wa ter. Another will tell you thatit is due to a pecular strain or stress of a medium callad vther That when in this condition the ether possesses potential energy or capacity for doing work That electricity i not a form of matter, it possessing only two physicial properties in common with material substances, name ly, indestructibility and elastic ity It does not possess weight or extension Another will tell you that electricity is created by the contact of dissimilar sub stances the positive and the negative Did you ever notice the friction caused by a positive wife and a negative husband If this"juice" could have been Started from the time Adam gambled with the spple to the present day, the lU'JC) Fair would be super-light ed. And again follow this gent, who evidently ranks hiirh in the cience. Matter, the ultimate atom is a group of electrons, a aeries of infinitely minute solar systems in a ooustant reciprocal bombardment. They radiate contiuually a certain amount of force which passes thru the eth nc atmosphere as vibrations Vibrations from 36 to (0,000 per second aie know n as sound vibra tions. Violations from one mil lion to two million per second are known as electricity. This un known quanuy seems to be run ning in an open field, subject BtO the fin lings of scientist or lay man alike Permit me to ease BJaall tiv telling you what I think it is. It is a "bug " Don't confuse this with the cootie fam ily. In many brains this elec tric bug is unborn today, but the coming deca le will bean elec trics, una and this bug will a- His reply which fully explains ; umbia Hirer are known for their the situation follows, and seems; heavy westerly winds. George to be a satisfactory explanation ! im Darted to me in a heaw 'mI J. L. Vaughan 206 E. 1 -or: St.. IMtMss, Or. &iectric J'tx- Supplii 5 R. N. Stanfibld, President Ralph A. Holtk. Cashier Fkank Sloan, 1st Vice President M. R. Lino, 2nd Vice-President Bank of Stanfield CAPITAL STOCK 1 25.000 Four per cent Interest paid on Time Certificates of Deposit tures 2 d Electric Contracting' aVIUIIBHIIIIIHIIIHIIi of his action in the matter. Yours Truly. A. W. Com, Pres. Com. Club Salem, Oregon, February 19, 1921. Mr A W. C.,)b, iioariinaii. I iregon. I ear Sir: I have just found time to reply to "iir letter of the 16th inst. relative to the llltl sltstl ael 1 beg to say in t bis connect ion that lam alxlutely j Columbia. At the time I passed vptKim ,o u.r j liBSlWl aim ww io aonK as & bon mQt Q go miicn tart tier in the matter than mon gutteral" that these winds si were not brewed by the whims I and caprices of whimsical nature, 5 but that all the rabbits of tK " Columbia River Basin gathered J at some point in Wasco counrjy I for a potlatch That in the J evening they united for a whistle 1 concert and hence the winds along the upper reaches of the House Bill No lirj. 1 hope in the near future to see such trsaty ar rangement tietween this country and Japan that Japanese will not be per mitted to come here in numbers. All that House Kill 1 02 can do is to prevent such people from acquiring land in Oregon. At t lie time of vot ing on this matter 1 had liefore me s telegram of Senator MeNary's as fol lows: "With Senator Lodge chairman of Foreign Relations committee 1 dis cussed today the JaMMM question I a Psdsral stand point lie gne .is his opinion that the government early hi the next adiiiinist ration would take care of this quest ion in a way satis factory to the Western people and that the states concerned should take no action that might lead to govern mental embarrassment in the eooaid- ration of this important subject Yon may quote me. " The Republican partv in its plat form on which Harding was elected pledged itself to national legislation which would relieve the situation ex isting in the Western Hates (Mi ac count of the presence of the Japanese a Col umbia River Indian. But Mr. Hush's letter has set me to thinking The past two years the county agents of I matilla, Morrow, (iilliam and Sherman counties have put on drives to exterminate the raboit. Thru procedure of poison and com bitted drives the rabbit has been driven out. I have lived here for twenty years and in all that time I have never known as lit tle wind as we have had the past year. It may be that nature has been kind to us and again that the rabbit has failed to function. Many times in hunt ing i tie raoou, where it had too long a lead for a good shot, 1 1 " have whistled, causing it toslop! and assume a silting position of' attention and alertness. I am Drop in at the " Bt Candies 1 Tobacco " Pool Room X Barber .Shop : BAKERY GOODS ; C. SNIVKLY Koardifiun. Oregon fr jlUI IIIIIIMIRIIIIIIIIli Li not positive of its ever answer ing back for the excitement of I li:iVI dfe:Lf f:4flt III fh .,lniin istratioti honestly endeavoring to llo ; the nunt "rsed thru my veins the things to w hlch it stands pledged. tn n,ler technique of the and under tne eireuaiateaesa did not ' rabbit was lost sight of. Hut feel that it was best to hamper the j the very fact that the rabbit retieiai government in n.s ertorts to The Continental Insurance Co. sf New York Arthur L. ! nrsen Resident Agent boards a:,- -.sgon (i'Jltr tnhumg 31mt i solie this vexesi question Should th national fotsmsaanl fail to alleviate the attaatloa now existing in this and other states then I shall gladly rap port any efforts on the part of the states tliemse.ves 1 hae faith in the party in power and want to see it have every chance to redeem its pledges without hindrance. Sincerely yours. K E Wool-sow recognizes the whistle is sufli ! ciect to suprwrt Mr. Bush's j. theory thai rabbits whisflp. I 0 I. Wtraw. frt B0AIDNAN. OREliOr) h-OR SALE Thorobreii Golden tam . pine eggs. 3 and SO per setting. J. R Jordon, Echo. R. F. D. I5t, FOR SACK Meat market and si sin ter house. Address I'urkee & Sou Sisufleld. Ore. la caaatctltt e BOARDNAft AUTO LIVERY I e z WE SELL LAND , a kaMSMai. Wi i fin! U( a asaw yoa. e e BOARDMAN Townsite Co. E. P. DODD, Pres. (ft) City Lots for Sale at Proper Prices Boardman is a New Town But Not a Boom Town Ideally located on railroad and Columbia river, far enough away from any large town to naturally become the trading center of a wonderful growing country. 4 4 Jt J 4t4