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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1898)
.-- ) """ . ..,,., . TUB hAlLV WKHNfrWAV IoftXIM, KlTEMnKK gf i 1838.. ' on. Urn. ffitt ttloatt a iutrn wane no j i.iimb to 4 he H"". ; I Bti tr. lln Ukcn (6 muk a t'Ki 1 InvontlKMtlori laio th. I'M, tin dwetura 1 tMllevlrix ltlir th meal wh. dlK-nwid ,or th rornlilnatlon of tin anfl icf r j mitifxl In p'.onin, , (CfllANf Ol.OIKn UL'FFKIl KOK LACK OK FOOD. MJ'r Ullii-rr; Bayt Their Cnlltln la fSV ROHINSON &Co. The Pat Market Flour, - Feed and Hoy HA.TTICHM, Aij Wn-thlnuton Mtreet, 8? 5ol A genii far tha LUNLAP HAT, A. V. ALLEN ...Fancy and Staple Groceries.., Fruit Jurs dud Jelly (iIuhm. With Mm Fruit tof? in Ilium W. F. SCHEIBE, lull Dim at Me.. Tk.. 4 Amukir' AnlcUs, 474 Cmmrll Ml. J. rcrittt RECEIVED IN TUK PKlUAkY, OUAUtfAA AND ACADEMIC O&ADES THE SISTERS OF THE Conyent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. 0RE00X. Ilardleg .pll lur U .cbonl . .t.f .pnliig.Mpi-tib-tb. for retea, .to., adrtraae Ue rrepertoreee l lAAAAAVnfAVAnAAVAAAArtUAArtAn AnAAAAAlAAArtVr THE PALACE Astoria' Leading Restaurant nvorythlnu Htrlctly PlritClnHw. W. W. WHIPPLE, Prop. i UVTUUVVAAAAAAAAXVAVUAAAAVXAAUUAAAAAAiUUVlAilAnr tpr. Estes-Conn Leading of Astoria uwwwu Try ProMtoio,' i tbe Headache. THE0C Astoria's LcadingHotel Mcclcr Wrlglit, Props. NEW OOODSJUST ARRIVED S Prnr HunHrpH Hlffprpnt Pflttprnc Willi Sing & Co., Merclirmt Tnilora, were never better preimrcd to servo the public in their lino. (Jenta' Furnishing Goods of all kinds. Suits irnulo to order quickly. Large stock ready-ma3o goods. Cleaning ami repairing. Rettiember, Prlcon Tnlk. OREGON 1'cirtlenrli Ora. PrlccH Lower Thmi Kver MnuUalurr anal ll.r In FINE CIGARS! M, INSTRU MENTAL MUOIO, PAINT1NO AND VOICE CULTUBE FORM A 8PEC1AL- DEPABTMINT Drug Druggists sore iBd'plcmit cure for Kopp S "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE The North raoiflo Brewery, of whiob Mr. John Kopp it proprietor, makei beei for dotuet'lo aud export trade. Bottletl beer for family nae, or kes ber tnrpllad at any time, delivery ir the city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY STATE NORMAL SCHOOL El C DENT Monmouth, .Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS KemiUr Normal Con me ol three reara. beilor yoar wliollv pnifiMinnal. . Traluliig dHpartmeut ol ulue Kisdei with 'M chtldrau upe 0E"RTSKTK't.v,, m 8tat Light tiMOM Tnltlnii, bookt, bowd'rmd lodrrflig (ap. Htudeiitr. boarding Uiemielvoa, lhl 00 rwr year. Aewlemlo gradoa anotted from hlh fechooli. (ittalogitei .henrriilly tout on appllcttuu. Addreat , 'P. L. CAMPBELL, President, or. 'W. A, WAKN, 8erjrerPoiil "Mm ' THE EXCELLENCE OF SY8UP OF HGS it due not (tily to tli orlirlnality and Implltlty ot tlm comlilniitlon, but also to Hi. cur. mil tklll with which it la manufactured y aolrntlflo proceaaea known to the C'Ai.iroiiKiA Fio Hvhip Co. only, and w with f Imprest upon til tho liiiportaiii:e of purcliatlnjr the true tod original remedy, At the fronulna Hjrup of Fig It manufactured by the C'Ai.iroitsu Fio riniui' Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will aaaUt one In avoiding the worthier Imitations manufactured by other par tic. The high ttuncllng- of the Cam POHXtA Fio briiti- Co. with the mcll cal profotklon, end the aatltfactlou whlih the (fi'tiulne Kyrup of Fljfa hat (Tlen to mllllunt of faiulllet, make, the name, of the Company a iruaranty of the excellence of lu remedy. It la far la advnace of all other laxatWet, at It acta on the kldnryt, llrcr and bowela without Irrlutlnjr or weaken tov thvtn, tnd It drx-a not gripe nor oautrate. In order to (ft-t lu beneficial effeett, pleate remtnbrthe name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. tin rrt4xcito4,ru Let uriLLK. Kr. xtw te. . r. TO HOLD NEW LAND i I they rould obtain food by foraflnx trim (Continued from Flr.t Pa.. J country, but now thry cannot do th1.. . A a reault the men who bav. not ben Iry of th. Kirat Vahlnton volunt.eri. ; I'W "' hy Jolnl the army are auf ll.'ranka Colonel Kumton by reaaon of , ',r"' frvatlon. They have no prior avrvlca In th. ftuUr army, both ! money wHh which to purchaae food and havlnx muntrred In their commandi on I cannot tak. It from the flelda. 'l ha ay ii, troop, iliould be paid off at toon aa pot- Oenrral M.ller hae made application by , alblo and allowed to return to thHr r-trli-yraph to the bl f of ordnance at iirtlvi homea, w here they can oni . more Waahlnaton fur rnouvh Kraa-Joricnaon jenjc"K In peaceful puraulla. Th. pay rifle, to arm the four retlmmta thai are nittil of the troopa la, however, a aerluui colnc with the expedition. Tbn Wyoming battery of light artillery will be retained here. Th. Klghth Cull - fumia. now doing garrlxm duty, will prob ably l left undieturbcd. TllltEE CUVI8KUH WILL UK I'lT IX COJdillHHION. """ , Aaaigneu to .-sunn Aiiannv onuau-uu v...- 111 Treaty of 1'iac. la tflgned-lllda . party of Cuban officer. In uniform went for Uulldlng the Monitor.. iMu JloKUl ,nd WPre Bl on, grt,.tC(1 . ' 1 In a tuot frku'Ily way by th. Brnian NKW YOIlk. Kept. K-A dlapatch td!mcrt thort. Th. laiur tmbrtceJ the th. Herald from Wa.hlngt.m aaya: Cuban, tnd Invited them to breakrat!. It It h intention of th. navy depart-1 fverythlnir waa oulel al Rn,l,. .V,-n mvnt to plar. three men of war In cum nilln during th. coming month, iheao ar. th. cruiaeri Chicago and Allan!, whlrh hav. bc.n undergoing repair, at tbe York navy yard for two yeura. gnd tb. gunboat Yorklown, which hat vn pui in vvHuiwou ivi aei.-va ( " Mar. laiand navy yard. Th. ChUaao and Atlanta will be at - t - .1.1 ... I . . V. I algned to th. Nurth Atlantic fleet until 1 th. cunclualon of th. treaty of peace be- f I ween Hpaln and lb. I'nlted Slate, when their future atatlon will be determined. The Yorklown will b taalgned lo thv Aalnllc aquadron. wbct. lb need of email gunboaK. In th. water of China aud th. I'hlllpplne I eapeclally felt. Capialn 1. II. Cooper ha. beert aaalguaU to the command of the Chlcugo and Com mander C. S. i'ercy. equipment oflucr l J the navy yard, ha been (elected to com j maim th. Yorklown. 8o far a can bo i learned the Atlanta . commanding oltlccr ha not ot be'n determined upon. It will not b. if the Chicago UMlgned to th. Kuroean tijuailron. lo i be formed In November. The Intention or th. department to relieve Commodore J. W. I'hlllp, In command of tne aecuna tquadron of th. North Atlantic fleet, In th. event vf continued peace, and analgn him to duty a. commandant of the lis ten navy yard, I regarded a liull. atlv. of the Intention of ih department to tend Commodore II. L. HowUon lu ecu. At th. Kuropean iquujron It the only com modore'! iKt which will be vacant, It would not be turprUlia; If he were at liuied to that command. Hid. will be opened on October Ut for the v. ucuuii hi iour cuaai uutvnae numllori authorlted by the laat navul appropriation law. It raid at the de partment mat four llrm will urely bid th fnlon Iron Worka. Ilath Iron W'orkt, Columbia Iron Workt, and lm logu. A Sunt. The department ha not yet awarded th. contractu for th. con miction of th. torpedo boat and torpedo bout di-atroyera. Considerable oppoaltlon It allll niiinlfeaird by ehlp builder wnoye bldt were not recognlted by the naval board on conatruclion to th. alignment of contract to th. Herrecho(T and John W. Trigg of Richmond. Commodore J. C. WalHon hua reorted to the navy depart ment that ho hut aulled from uuunta- namo In the Ncwurk with two other vet tela under hit command for tho tcene of th. wreck of the Infanta Maria Teresa. t It the purpoae to ulnt In ra ting the 1 wrecked vestvl. SEVERAL 1'OISONED BY KAliNG CANNED RKEr. Neurly One-tenth of the 1'opulutlun l'lulnwoll. M:, h aicki-l)o-tor v.ll I Make an Investigation. N1LKS, Mich., Sept. SO.-Nearly one- tenth of the entire population of l'luln- well, a little village In Allegan ivumy, Is III from eating canned beef at a church social, Fifty-five perHou were poisoned, 2n nro dangerously ill and four jtre expected to tile, the doctor having expressed no hope for their recovery. Those In danger are Mrs. Ethel Cluncy, Mr. J. M. Travis, Mr. John lllahop and L. V. Soul. The ladles of the Fresbyterlun church gave a supper ami about UV guests were present, all of whom had upHr and par took of canned beef. So fur 6(1 enset of poisoning hav. been reported, and In each cat. tt ho been lottmed thnt tne p.nicnta had partaken ot tho canned beef. Bomo wor. violently III, and It was thought a. Schillings ficst is a pub lic as well as a private good. It moans such Ira co.let Suit baking pnwrier BavoiniKextiartt aim spikes as you and your : neighbors want at fair prices. to For salt by Ross. Hlgglim & Company j Vr No Thnri Evrr-Hp.mlM 'UaM4 Ttitt lb. War la Over. NKW yOUK, Ht. W.-Major ll-nji-niln OlhtrtKM, of lh fuln rrny, wlio tr rlVMl tftit from llaritmuo on tli. trufif port Ton Victor. wu t th. hiul()iirirrt of tho Cuban Jurit t nlKht. il wnt to Cuba In April lt and tor a abort tiinii i-rvd at tot-ralary to the pr.lunt of th. provUlutuU govarnrnntit. II. lhn Julni'd tjrncral (lnr Ut and bvcama hi. ao rnary. Major )Mra lft CJctii-ral Jr via on Hopunibor 4, a.fl-r th. lattar't rra. Imiutlon from th. cuImh army. wua thi'n at Jlulrv. with a f'-w nivniOvra of hla h(u IT. Ilulr. la ab'iut 'Jl nillra from Hniillii,), In the Interior of lha ilnJ. and la th. town whirr, th. prim lit revolution niiirli1 on Kfliruury 21, IKJ. A' corillng to Major tilberiu, thd nl4 nation of Onrral ju.rcla and Ita accept anr by (li'tioral Umn waa a eornplci. urin-lM to th. civil olfli era of tho t uoan rapubllc. It waa known that thra wia aoin. frli lion belwern he two oftle'-r. but no one tnoii,'ht (ianl.i woulu roi'Kn from the army, anil even If ha ahould prraviit bin realKiintlon, lli'-y did not bo ll,.ve (Joinii would accipl it. Tb. whole affair of the realtfriatlon and acinptani waa lurrlnl on without the knowladtte of the ilvll authuntlei, at O'litrnl Uomtrt, aa commander-in-chief of th. army, promptly aetrpteO It without conultli lha civil authorltlra. ilJjor (ihrriia wat Inclined to bfillrv. that Uari'la't rmla"na.ton would titii no (aPiialon, although If It bad been ten Or red prior to th. caitlon of hotflllilea It niljtht have Injured the Cuban raun. In epraklnf of th. condition now exiting In th. Interior of he Inland, th. major Id: "The Cuban loldlrt are auurrlnc for lak of food. Uefor. peac. wat declared problem, which will have to be tolved al an early day. ; "I du not believe that It will be necet- aary for the Cnlted 8late lo tend a large army to Cuba. In fact. I think lO.Uij men wuuld aulllce to louk after the lilund I There It no danger of a conflict between the Cubana and rtpanlarda. Th. latter . are pleam-d that the war la over and are i friendly with the Cubana. A an lllua imtl'in of the way th. 8panlardi act, 1 ' woul1 " lh J"'t before I left Cuba, a i I left the city. The people are aatlsned with lha way General Ltwton handle, the affulra. Ho maintain, order and It courteoua to all clataeg of people. Home , lmrovement are needed th.r. uch aa Ilia re-opening Df tha ahuola but th w lotne n llme 1 1 ' A CRITICAL TIME ; j I . ULirillU the Battle of Santiago. L. SICK OR Mil, fttSn'MGIIT AND D1T THE PACKKRS AT THE BATTLE OF SANTIAGO DE CfbA WEHB ALL lihitUKS. THEIR HEROIC EFFORTS i. cc.r.lXO AMMCNITIOX AND KM iu.NS TO THE FRONT SAVED I UK 1JAV. , . r.. uuiier. ot pack-train No. J. writ 1 f. t Tr. - . ing from 9anibigi Ue Cuba on Julr a : "We all had diarrhoea In mor. or llc vl, nt form, and when we landed .we had no time to tea a doctor, fur li a cm. of ruh and ruh night and day to aeep me troop supplied wlih ajnmunl. tlon tnd ration, but thanks to Chamber nun Colic Cholera and Dlarrhoe ; Kemeily, we were able to keen at work and keep our health; In fact, I ncere!y tHllev thnt tt one critical time -this medicin. was the Indirect savior of our army, for If the packer had been unable 10 wont ther. would have been no way ot getting supplies to th. front. There ; no road that a wagon train could life. My comrade and myself had the good fortune to lay In a supply of thin medicine for our pack-train before we left , Tampa, and I know In four case It abso- j lutely saved life.'" Th. atmv. letter was written to the ; manufacturer of this meuiclne, the Chamberlain Medlrlna Co.. Des Molms. . Iowa. For ulo by Charles SHOES FOR LITTLE GIRLS Sometime', especially school times, they need them; good, eusy1 one, but strong and hard to wear out. As for tho boy, 0. w. gympalhlse with you all the year throiujh, tor tha boy are a great tux on head, heart and pocketbook, bu,t right her. our sympathy take, a practical turn. Hav. you teen our tpoclal shoes for boys? Petersen & Brown. B TH OKLY 0I"I!(J-CAK kOL'TI PBOM PORtUHDTOTHK EAST. THE ONLY ItOL'TK TO IHK YEI.L0W81OI" NA i I4.X AL PARK. l.KVg PORTLAND AKKIVK l lant MeiT hit Kaiama. f.'belinJia. f Vfiliu Hit. Wo. I Hotiln l).i,dtRoulnnaiM, Ab-r ltni. itii,i , fo roma, nVxitle. loi U, o. 1. ron inwu-A-.d. r.'im- i.tirr, up Kalie. K.rlai,0' II IT ' Til U I'.. M.l.l Ifniia, liulie, Afia'ni'la, II: A. M. neii-iiM, ri. ram. iin- It, K-.ll-- tlVi ri,,h. 1st. l'Ul .Clil'.Kgo.Wa.n'i iiiirbM.. Ni-w v-y, Hiii-' ,'l "1 una,' 'ail lp!il.,KokUn. au-J all ;polm. (.' and -iulli-1 !rat. I DATE to Mtnneatiolla. Umana, Kaa aaa City avd bX. Vaul S 1AYS la Milw.uke. and Chloago. H 1AY8 to Waehlnrtofi, PhlladaJphJa, New York avid Do-aoo, aad other Eaaiem potata. nrag chocked trugli t- 4tlU of Uck.ta Por ! ping -car reaervatioo. ticket, map. aod ful) Infonnatloa, call a or rite C. W. KTOV K, Adnrta A. D. CHARLTON Im'I (laa'l Poao. A gaol, Portland, Or U5 4 .rrtana St.. for Third. WHEN GOING EAST- - Oae a ftrrM-daae Una la trarallnar eetwaea Mhwraapofta, 8C Pant aad Chloa-g., and ttw prtodpal to na ta eaotral WkMooaUk Pnltanaa Palaoe B4aptii aad Choir Care la omkia, Tbe Dtetng ear. are opera lad In tbe la tartrrt of Ra patron., tbe moat elegant aenrlce eror Inaugurated. Afaala ar -Mrrwd a la earta To obtain Srrrt-ctaa. Mrrtca your ticket fbovrtd read vta The Wisconsia Central Lines. Dtraet eoaaeotloBa at Chleaco and Mil raaufcaa for aC oaatoni potnta. rrVoO Infwrmaeloa (an on your naareat tMk.t eteat, or write JAB. C FOND. Oaoaral Paaa. Agat. or JAH. A. CLOCJC Mllwrnik., WU Ogam' Aent, M PMarR ij'aat, . -. rorrjaad. Ora " Through Tickets TO THI EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA al PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. TOURIST Rr .Vrwaa ..a VREB RECLINTNO CHAIR CAJUJ Daily to- Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha, tmcago, Kansas City t aa. a . and other Eaatern ettlea Baggage checked through to deattnatton, ''n Depot, fa-n time, loweat rata.. - i"ic-u uKoi hi aj cara. For rate, and oiber lalormatlon call oa vr auure i O. W. LOIINRnKRRT lrl O n i V fti Atlorta. Oregon. or J. H. LOTH R OP, (Jen. Ajr-mt 13S Third cor. Aider. Tortli land. Or. THE NEW "North-Weste&m LiMrrED (20tb Centity' Train. )v between Minneapolis, St: Paul and Chicago, is entertainingly described In an illustrated booklet, which will be for nished free on application o W. H. MEAD, Gen. Agt., ' 48 Wtablngton Street, PORTLAND, ORE. F. W. PARKER. Com. Agent, ova rint Avenue, SEATTLE, WASH. FiMS rOS BILI0U3 AM) EEEV0U3 DISOBSEBS ein-h as D'lnd and Pnln In the Stomach. OlddlneM, 1'ulne after meals. Head, aehts Dilnoss, Drowsiness, I'luablnKS c-r Heia, Lots of Appetlto. Costlveness, Wotoluvi on the Skin,' Cold Chills. Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous aud Trombllnit Sensations. mm THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE gET-Tr:? IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every 8 offerer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE DEECHAM PILLS, taken as direct ed. wlllqulokly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove ol-struotionsor Irregularities of the Sys tran ami cure kick Ueadaeke. for a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MCN,' WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham'8 Pills are Without a Rival And have th LARGEST 6ALE ranra(cntn3dreine in the Wort. Uc at ell Drop 8torea. t74 Commercial IMraat. SOMEBODY SfilD. fiojall n round tbe Hioo Siors in ibe City, examine their Stocks and then come luck to im; jiitiuficd thnt we keep ft better Line mid nil at n lower 1'rice tlmn any of them. But if you Mi to ii void such I rouble, como here in the first j'lncc. Our .Shoe Stock ia K-lectcd with a view to j lenting, not t:s, but our Patrcn. The nult of trying on a Shoe here will be MilinJiictory; tbe roult of using tbtni will bo Fatisfac tory, and even pnyii g for them will be Mitisfactory. JOHN HAHN, The THE RUSSELL : : : Compound Automatic Engine ; , I ! 1 Strong and Economical. Write us for particulars. A. II. AN ERILL, KUSSELL & CO., Manager. Portland, Oregon, ; I -., THE Seventh ani Astor Streets, Astoria. SHASTA MINERAL KATCK, PEn'ER. XOBLE, KICKORY AXl) SHAW'S .MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LKjtORS, W1XES, BEER AND CIGARS Served Pay ond Night. AUGUST KllAT, - - Manager Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF salmon Fruit . Lithographing on San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. . Fairhaven. Wash. Write Us rnjiijsvujvnnnjvvru i THOS. OUINEAN, Proprietor c ? Wfttshlrigton Sts. I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY 1 s Telephone No. 33 2 I Handles Only the Choicest Meats I ;"S ' 41J Commercial St., next Palae. Restaurant. t i ? ehas. Kan & Co 307 COMMERCIAL STREET. Manufacturers of Ladies' UNDERWEAR and Wrappers, etc. The lowest also carry a tine stock of Japanese Fancy Goods, fine C'hinaware, Notions and Toys at wholesale prices. Astoria Steam Laundry C. J, TRENCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, f-:. , .... AdlUniA, OREGON1. asurance ana Snipping.:,.niPacifloExpr.,0. Reliable HhooDecilor JJJU . T T OnlyttQCSet Up The Born Steel Range Every One Guaranteed. m W.J. SCULLY OU1C AfetUlt 431 Boni Street. VTVa-'ia-Wh-Us Metal Works - SyrDp Tin a Specialty. for Prleers. Portland, Or. uvl prices in Astoria. We WHITE LABOR FEKFECT WORK SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Cu9,om Hohm Broker. LOUVRE 1