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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1898)
TllK DAILY ASTOKIAN, WEDNESDAY MOKMNO,, SKPfEMBKR 21. 18'JH OOIM T. UOHTBR. Kditor. Teiephoa. Na. ft TERNS Of UB8C1UPTION. DA1LT. m f Bitiu p r tf mall, P saosjlll eTfj br Trir, pt month .100 . M WEEKLY. ft mall, par yr. In aavane... r-ostag fr t0 ioMcnfttr. ..H00 A3 communication intnd4 tor publi cum should b directed to the tdltor. (MM communication of ail kinds d remittance must b addred to T, Aatortan." Th Astoria guarantee, to It dtr Oairt tb Uu-aesl circulation of any nwa ytiwr Rubliataed on tb. Columbia rltor. adsertlrtng rts cast b had oa appll n'iua to th bustaes. BWUW. Tb Astorlsn advocate th cloalnf of h Columbia river to ocean vessel be- isea Astoria and Portland In order to nmiHsl lb loading of wheal for export at the former point The Tribune under- ssaade thl to be th point at Issue, 11 Uiere la misunderstanding on our part. It U to which, la th cheaper, rail or water transportation; and until the Aatortan i establish as facta Ita aesertlon that grata iajf b tranaferred from Portland to Astoria at lea coal by rail than by water, it teem uaeteat to dlacua any iber thaM of th proposition. Pendle ton Tribune, Tb Astartan haa too bl(h an opinion f th falrneaa and honeet diapoaltion of th Pendleton Tribun to bellcv It wil fully misunderstands tb point In contro emi betwvan th Aatortan and th Ore gonfan. ar rather Inclined to bellev. tb Tribune baa been misled by some of lh. sohsldUed, statements concernlnc th matter vMcb hav appeared In other pa per. Th Aitortan ha never advocated tb dosing of th Columbia river to even cean vessel between Portland and A- torts, and tbe Tribun may satisfy Itself as to tb truth of this statement by an Kamtoa2laa of the files of this paper. It ts (roe, as an Incident to tbe discussion vt the main Question, the Astoiisn has maintained that no public necessity rx- Ists for tbe creation of a St-foot channel In tbe river tu Portland a move Portland baa been for some time contemplating, and. as an argument against future ap propriations for such a purpose, the As torlan hss stated, ana we think proved, to the satisfaction of every intelligent person who baa followed the discussion, that sorb, national appropriations do not benefit th Inland producer, but operate to kia Injury la postponing th extension ef the common point freight rat to As toria by th O. R. ft N. Company. The wisest wflt be loaded at th mouth of the Colombia sooner or later, no matter how maca, water th Port of Portland com aadnfotr or tSw national government suc ceeds la maintaining In the river. The Astorlan contends, however, that the presect saving to Inland farmers would "bo so enormous If the loading were done ber now that It is their duty to Insist pes uc w:uot waiting th slow course of ) lu natural occurrence. The Astorian has repeatedly stated, and latterly accom famed th statement with a demonstra-- oa, tfia CWIittO at least could be saved t inland producers this season by loadlno graia ships at Astoria Instead of Port land. We are sure If the Tribune will fake the pains to look into the matter eloseiy. It will reach this conclusion at nee and without difficulty. It Is the policy f the Oregonlan In what Interest we tears the Tribune to infer, to mlconstrue the position of the Astorian, and attempt 1a create the Impression that Astoria op poses a general system of improvement for all upper rivers. Such is not the case; and we do not believe any well Informed f.iper can be induced to really believe to. The Tribune clearly shows the sin cerity of Its misapprehension of the As toria contention when It speaks of the rheMpneini of water, contrasted with rail transportation, as determining the ques tion. We earnestly ask the Tribune's cor rection of th error Implied by rni'-h a statement. The question of water trans portation tn any depth of bottom between Portland and Astoria has nothing to do with the real Issue, except as It may con cern the O. R. 4 N. Company In avoiding the division of the rate It now receives for grain from the Inland Empire with the Astoria road or any other Independent transportation line. In other words, tht people of Astoria are not seeking to com pel the O. R. 4 N. Company to do husi esa with the Astoria road If It doesn't want to. What they do contend, however, U that the O. R. & N. Comrany charges tbm Wand farmers enough money, as compared with the relatively less charges f other roads, to Justify s deliver of SljHr grain at Astoria Instead of stopping 'at tt Portland and then dtmardlng an wifier toll to take It to the seaboard or to San Frnnclsco. Does the Tribune think tW contention of Astoria antagonistic to tho Interests of the farmers of the In fond Emplr or the people generally of Oregon T Of course, we know the Tribune does not so think, and yet this Is all there i .In the Astoria controversy, except that mne contend not only that the Inland fiiruier would be benefited to the extent mi uie ireight rate Involved by laying his praluct down at the actual seaboard In viS of at Portland, one hundred miles Inland, at th asm charges; but sr. alio claim thai by pulling Astoria on this tamo common point plan of equality with Portland and the port on th Soinl, th proximity to the open ocean and other admitted advantage of Astoria would mak It aurh a cheap and deeirabl port for ship, to com to that In price of in land it rain at Astoria would almost If not quit equal th prlc now obtained for It In San .Framiaco. Now. will the Trthun take this subject up again and explain It to Ita Interested reader In th luht of th real merit of th Astoria proposition her presented? mm What infinite ami pride a tan takes in wedding trousseau. How ever? dainty gown and 6lmv bit of lingerie must be. But how about herself, her own fine and delicate physical organism Has this moat important of all considerations been neglected t Has she any wcaanesa or ail ment which is going to unfit and incapaci tate her for happy marriage f No woman is fit to marry who has any ahealthy condition of the special struc ture most intimately concerned in wifehood and motherhood. No modest reluctance should prevent her seeking immediate re lief from such troubles. There is no need of tb mortifying examinations so detesta ble to sensitive-minded women. Doctor Pwrce's Favorite Prescription is daily cur- ing thoosands of women of these troubles in ioe privacy Ol meir oomea. The 'Favorite Prescription" is the only an educated, authorised physician. There I i. h.ii. . ik. .n so obstinate that it not completely and permanently care. Mrs. Emma O. Clover, of Krdkey. Jay Co.. Isdiaaa. in a letter to Dr. Pierce, san : "1 na recommend Dr. PSerot"s Fatorite Precnploo to anyone who saffrrn with any female dura. When I was to my teen I waa always nek. 1 took yoar medicines bciore I wu nirnnl. and now I am a well penoo. I am bow twrntv three. 1 have alao Ukra Dr. Pierce's UoMen Medical Discovery aad ' Plcaiaat iylleU.' and caa recommend them alL" Tl ia a dramrit'l hnine Id aell rati nnl n ,,11 .on h Lot'a wife evidently suggested the tireaslon "rubber neck." Slok headacb absolutely and perman ently cured by nstrur llokl Tea. A pleaa- ant barb drink. Cure oonatlpauon and Indigestion, make you sat. sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or or money refunded. and (0 ceota. For al by Esu-Ooon Drug Co. Hum. Dreyfus certainly has the sym pathy of every woman throughout the clvlllaed world. THE PIONEER LIMITED I th nam of th only perfect train la th world, now running every night be tween SL Paul and Chicago, via tb Chicago. Milwaukee ft Bt. Paul railway th Diooeer road of the ween In adopt ing all Improved fadlltlea for tb safety aad enjoyment of passengers. An Illus trated pamphlet, showing; views of beau tiful scenery along th rout of tb Pio neer Limited, will be sent free to any per son upon receipt of two-cent postage stamp. Address George H. Heafford, General Passenger Agent. Chicago, III. It Is the woman with a sweet disposi tion who Is regarded as tremenoously ay." but when she does turn look out. Experience Is tb best teacher. Cm Acker - English Remedy In any case ot coughs, colds or croup. Should It fail to give Immediate relief money refunded. S cis. and SO cts. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Until you lose the use of one foot, you never realize what a nice thing It would have been to have had three feet origin ally. THE 8CRE LA GRIPPE CUKE. There Is no ue suffering from this dreadful malady. If you will only get the right remedy. Ton are having pain all through your body, your liver la out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, la fact are com pletely used up. Electric Bitters la th only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your liver, stomacn ana moneys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at Estes-Conn Drvg Co. Only SO cents per bottle. Judging by the awful grimaces and con- tortions some musicians make, ine 'rm "playing on their Instruments" Is mlsap piled. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever sores, I Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. The girl's room that Is deemed the pret tleat by her schoolmates is generally filled with traiih. according to her mother's no tions of decorative beauty. That the Wood should perform Hh vital functions. It Is absolutely neccsssary It should not only he pure but rl'h In life. givlnir elements. These results are best effected by the use of that well-known standard blood purifier, Ayers" Sarsapa- rllla It Is not pleauant to think that we are suffering from a plague of fleas, but such seems to be the cane, judging by the uni versal complaint of housewives. Dyipepela can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little tablet will give Immediate relief or money refunded. Sold In handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Not only were the tables turned upon the Spanish during the late unpleasant ness, but warships und every other old thing movable suffered the same fate. OASTOXl.XA. Bsartth 9 ou Haw Always Bought Saves IVor'i Neglect hould never be laid it the door of a housewife. It may be the workt harder than her neighbor, but doesn't go about it in just the right way. Her neighbor ues ' Till B. a. rilunia tvarasi, taii V.J rmar ... irrrn sJI UkurparulIaipoter. i rHtiSKrlwiMlluUiM, IM rrriSXill ttrMCueasMa rcmmaii wmb owuift, Tu nM uffrr p ikI curw br l"-'"n M beraiM atnety per rent ar traabled (tk snaHtl- rl'PIIKNBIsUtonivkBorMOeiDeutwlilieuluo.fuua. kiw leailnhxa- sla. A ! ewiitra r rw "i swu MriuatiMilwt. li.Akbai.wi aeatfl.f rassnmila(aa4lriaMiiaak Adarass RATL HBBICIS I CSX, P. O Bos Ws. Baa IWeJsr, Od, f Me CHARLES ROGERS, t Commercial 8t. Th woman who never uses slang Inten tionally often finds herself Indulging In th worst sort simply becaue so many exmmnn orMloni hav bV USJ( r- ; ,j,emslve Into slang. i Tjript Thankful worda written by Mr. Ad E. Hart, of Orotoav. 8. IX: "Waa isJsrn with a bad cold wbJolt settlsd on my lung; cugh set ba and finally terminated la eon umpUoB. Four doctor gav m p, say ing I could Uv but a short time. 1 gav mj aeJf p to my Savior, determined If I cowld not stay with my friend on earth. I wovla meat, my absent one abov. My bo band was adrtad to get Dr. Ktng s n, Onnanmnltno Cou.h. ! n" New Dlscawery nd Colds. I gav It a trial, took In all eight bottlea. It baa cured me, and thank Od i M aavwd and no a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles tree Sate -Conn Drag Co. Regular sm et and R. Ouaranlowd or pru funded. to The careful person has begun la save money for Chrlstrass. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Qoinlne Taoteta All drufc-gtats refund tbe money It It fulls to cure. S cents. The genuine ha L. B. Q. oo each tablet. Don't borrow trouble; borrow" a dollar, you'll hav more fun with It. a .at. a. s BmisiU yf TIM H.1 tM Hi ifwrn fcfl Thj Initial Bifietar f Which half of the world Is It that can- for th other half to know how It lives. TOUR FA. S Shows the state ot your feelings and tn state of your health as well. Impure Mood makes Itself apparent In a pale and sallow complexion, pimple and sain erup tions. If you ar feeling weak and worn out and do not hav a healthy appear ance you should try Ackers Blood Eiixir. It cures all blood diseases where ch-ap sarsaparllias and so-caiied nurtflers fall; knowing this we sell every buttle on a positive guarantee. Just now there Is more one summer r-!inpt hotel-keeper who his a hird link story to tell. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Army and navy conclets In dr.n and othnr matters will be the raife f.r some time to come. Luxuriant hair, of uniform color. Is a beautiful head covering for either s-x, and may be serured by unlng Hall's Wn-. table Sicilian Hair Renewer. Enthusiastic surf bdthers say that Sep tember Is the bmt month in the for this healthful diversion. CJABTvniA, Bean th Kmd Voii Haw Ulnars fought Moses must have been a foot-ball plnyer for dom-n't It say somewhere that he wai found between the runhe. NOTICE OK KIM KG ASSESSMENT. For the Improvement of Thirty-first Htnret. from Franklin to flrand v nue. and of time of meeting of board of equal isation of said asseMment. Notice Is hereby g:v-n th.t the .m.HH- inirni iuii (-.jniiumiiK irifi yin'vyji h-.i-sh- ment for the street improvement In the city of Astoria, Oregon, known and ilexiK- nated as the improvement of Thlrty-ilrst HtreM, from Franklin to r;r.inl ave nue, has been filed In the ofll'e, of the Auditor and Police Jul((e of wild city and hag been reported to the Common Council of said city, and huh roll h now open for Inspection and will no remain until Tuesduy, tho 4th day of October, 1x;, at the hour of h) o'clock a. m.. nnor to which said time. all objections to said assessment and said assess ment roll must bo filed i wniinir with the aforesaid Auditor and police Judne. when, by virtue of a resolution of the said Common Council duly udopted at a regular meeting thereof held September lith. 1K8, which resolution appointed the said Tuesday, the 4' h day of October, wm. at the said hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of snld day, as the time for the review and equal ization of said assessment, the Hoard of Equalization for said assessment, whlctt board consists of the Committee on Streets and Public Ways of the aforesaid Common Council and the Board of Asses- end Worry Washing PovoEft ami keep J twic a clean with half tlie effort, (..ol.l Dust Vahin Powder Rtven uianv a woman the reputation of hcinii a queen of houckeecr. V yux uso iif UtKcsl rvtckaK-kTrKtcn ecunoinv. th uais. K 1ti, ImIh. fslUWrNK. tj MANHOOD RESTORED uaraairrdtocll aerrxat diwuea, auefa as Weak uZr. Z? l .ej. .11 drama, Ium of pwer la Ucaersttr? 0,,m?Zi ed by over exert wb. routhful r,J7 f r. iT.-V?7ri " ""rmnv.cMimptk.aor l.nt.ctred by the a7MWn.l?.rTrrtaV.0"ru; tiug Cu.uutnbaui.gartat. Tau4 aad Vamhm auiUaw T 5 ESTEi-rONN DRl'O IXk. Aarenta. Aatorta. MANHOOD BESTOREOSl lk ol a taoiwi. t r.jf a piiriKlw. will ,.kI)t cur rou oill a.r. 1-a.u.ta tbe rimple. I bibw to stsrry, kai,i,Uui trmlM- V.nrori( 4 tuiijlK. 1 1 sura all loe. bv .t.T or i.lht l..i. mtm al Surharx. lurk II Mlrheeke. Uh ... k.A sors of said city, will meet In th Council chamber of th City Hall. In th City of Astoria, Orrwn. to review and equalise aid assessment, and thereafter report their action to the said Common Council. This notu t published by order of Ih Common Council of Astor.a, adopted Sep tember mh. is. 11. E. NElJlON. Auditor and Tollc Judg of the City aforesaid. Astoria. Oregon, September 17th. li NOTICE OF RECEPTION OF lUPd. Nolle la neraby given that, tb under slKucd Committee of itu Common Council f h City of AJtorl. Oregon, will on Saturday th 24th. day of September, at tb hour of ten o'clock a. m.. al the u,u" ",r u"w " s-umw juoge oi ) city, receive and open sealed an. I proioswls for the construction ot a certain Improvement In said city, designated as tbe Improvement ot Exchange Street from Ninth to Tenth Street, In that part of (he City of Astoria aa laid out and re corded by John McClur. Said work shall be I'onstructed according to the plans and spetirtcatlon for said proposed work, now on nie and open for Inspection In th offlc of said Auditor and Folic Judne. No bid will be considered which shall exceed the amount stated In Ihe etlmat for soJd Im provement, now on file In said office, or which shall be different In form from the form specined In said plans and specific- I lions, and I.I l.l.l. .h.ll K. .... -.l l. -.- is of th orolnanc In rela- Ihe provisions lion to tbe Improvement of said street, approved September 17th. 19CL The light to reject any and ail bids la hereby reserved and this notice la pubiuh ed by authority ot Ihe ordinance above referred to. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, September .'lit. bSL C. C. UTZ1NGER, CHARLES GODDARD. JENS HANSON. Commit lee on Streets and public Ways I of the Common Council of the City of Anuria, NOTP'K OF VIUNU ASSESSMENT. For the Improvement nf (ir.ind avenue from Taenty-nlutb, sirewt to Thirty-third street, an.l of time of mix'ting of board of equalization of said assennnient. Notice Is hereby g.ven th 4i-. nient roll cmtiilnrng the siw.lnl ilsso.-nn-nt for the street Improvement In the Ity of Astoria, Oregon, known and desig nated in the Improvement of lirand live, mi", from Twenty-ninth to Th'rty-third atrial, has been flliid In the oflb e of the Auditor and Police Judge of mid c;y, and has been refined lo tho Common t'oum ll of said city, und said roll Is now op'-n for Inspection and will so remain until Tuesday, ihe 41. 1 day of October, IK"., at the hour of lu o'clock a. m., pr or to shut) said time all objections to uswssment and said assess ment roil must be riled In writing with the aforesaid Auditor and Police Judge, when, by v.rtue of a resolution ot the snbl Common Council duly adopted at i reifuUr mewing thereof held September liib. lsifli, which resolution appointed lh said Tuesday, the l h day of October, IX. at the. said li'lur of I'l o'clock u. m. of snld 'i .y, aa the time for the review and equal ization of sail assessment, the Hoard or Kqualizatlon for suld assessment, WMcn board consists of the Committee on Streets and Public Ways of Ihe aforesaid Common Council and Ihe Board of Aes sors of said city, will meet In tbe Council clumlx-rs f the City Hull, In the City of Astoria, Orcton, to review and e'lu'll.e said assessment, and thereafter report their actions lo the said Common Council. This notice Is published by order of the Common Council of Astor.a, adopted Bep tember I'.th, 1KJ. H. E. NKI.HON, Auditor and Polk Judge of tbe City aforesaid. A'torla. Oregon, September l'tll, 1HA NOTICE OF FILING ASSESSMENT. For the Improvement of Twenty-nln'.h street from Franklin to Orand avenue and of time of meeting of board of equal ization of said assessment. Notice Is hereby g.ven that the Hmess- ni'iu roll containing the spectnl assess ment for the street Improvement In the 'Ity of Astoria, Oregon, known and deslg nated as the Improvement of Twenty- ninth streat from Franklin to Orand avenue, has been filed In the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of wild city, and has been reported to the Common Council of suld city, and said roll Is now own for Inspection and will so remain until Tuesday, the 4th day of October. li, at the hour of 19 o'clock a. m., prior io which suld time all objections to said assessment and said iiHses ment roll must be filed in writing with the aforesaid Auditor and Police Juilite, when, by virtue 6f a resolution of the said Common Council duly adopted at a regular meertlng thereof held September l.'ith. Win, which resolution appointed the said Tuesday, the 4th day of October, lS'JH, at the said hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of sold day, uh the time for the review and equal ization of said assessment, the Board of Equalisation for said assessment, which board consists of the Committee on Streels and Public Ways of the aforesaid Common Council and the Board of Asses sors of said city, will meet In the Council chambers of the City Hall, In the City of ..storla, Oregon, to review and. equalize said nient, and therenfier report their ai-tUuis to tho sM Common CoiiikII. This not' I niblllie( by order of th Common Couiu-ll of Astoria, adopliM Hep- tmlr IMh, ISW, It. K, N'i:(.H0N, j Auditor and Polio Jul of th CUy afores.tld. Astoria, tingon, rtoplemUer ITth, IMW. NOTICE OF 1NTHSTION OF COMMON tXH'NCU. OF AfUVlUA, OUKOl'N, TO KSTAHI,I8II OHAPr, Notice Is hereby given thit Ilia coin mun couiU'll of the city ot Astorln, Or, iron, propone to establish tli grailvs at Olni'V A velum nt Its lnlrvitnii lth 1th or llobson atiyet. In snbl city, at tl nnd feet nIhiv th bits of lMile, at !' Aveiiu throuiiit huh ill bulk-bend runs nl Its liitorseciion with said 5th or llobson sirrel, nt M feet above ths bni of srinli'n i n. I tit tllo l'ier-liead line at lis ltitervclu with i.iid tli or llobson street al 20 feet iibov I lie l4 of grid: th grttilr of all slieet crotalnvs nft ted thsroby to l level nlld the gmde of th Intorvciilng sirtets to b a lsii siirfnv bt-en cnisslngs. And iiiib'ns ix reiuoimirnni' tUnil by h owners of t hr e-roiirUia of ibe proper. ty adjoocnt to said streets iul ntrc lions Ihervof be llled Willi tbo auditor mid pollcti Ju.tee wllliltt ten dsy from tb dal or tbe final publlvittloit of thin no lle, which dual publication will be on lowlt, tbe S4th dny of Hepleiuber, IV'l, lb aUl CAiinnitin ui at Its earliest convenient or within i nioiuhs after sikld (Itite ealabllsli tb alore.tld grades by ordimtm , ltsl Heplemboe U'.h, 1WJ, and pub. Ilshed by uuihoruy of tb bt i-omnioa council by resolution dated iJpteniber 1st. isi H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judg ol lit City ol Astoria, Oregon. NOTICE OF INTENTION F TIIC 1V.MMON COtWOIl. OF TIIC i ITY tF ASTORIA. OIUMON TO IMPROVE IIARRIHON AVKNPft 1IETWKKN SEVENTH AN! EIOHTH STREET Nolle Is hereby gsnt that t.le com mon countil ol th city of Astoria Intend to Improve all tht portion of lltrruon avenue lying between the sirai't cnsslng as now laid and plankel at Eighth strt. and th trel crossing ss now laid and planked on Seventh street, connecting said Ktglilh and Seventh sirveis, by grading m to Ih full width of ssld street lo the eu!!lihed grade ltrel, and by nlank.iut th same to lis full wuitn between sidewalks, gutters and curbing, and constructing sutlers, curbing and sidewalks on eo.h. side thereof; uid Im provement lo be constructed in accord ance with ordinance !'l of said city, and the cost thereof to be defrayed by special asseeament upon the lots, lands and j premise fronting and abutting u;m. adjacent to and utherwtie benented by said Improvement, ahbh bts. UnJs and ' iireimsi' are. th purpose ui said , improvement, hereby In. lu.ll wl hln a iltatncl hereafter to b called in uir- rlson Avenue from Seventh lo K'lghtn Btreel Improvement District." and aant shall embrace lh following described property. l-wlt: I.ot I. J, 1 and 4. In block IT. and lots J. . 7 and , In block r, all In that pari of ih city of as laid out an.l re. or.le.1 by J hn M I'lur and extended by Cyrus olny, in Clatsop county. Oregon. NOW, THEREFORE, unleaa a reni.m stntnc signed by th resldants of lh city owning mor than n.half of th Drooerty abov de.'rlbl. ht!l be filed with lh auditor and pullc Judg of said city by lh time of th next regular meti lti n lh. -.1.1 r . i m m . n .a,,m..I ..ll.,l. I"' " " , fln, publication of this notice, town lTIIIK,, ,,...... i.- provement will b mad aa aforsvld. This nolle Is published by resolution of said common council, passed at a regular meeting thereof in said city, on th t'.b day of August. IS. Dated September 13. Id. H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Poll. Judg of lh City of Astoria. Oregon. TIME 5vMtUtLI. rrm Portland trHT. Asairt ft-t Ms,! S p. in. Lab lM-r, rnv r r'l V!i , .itiiah Kan- n i'ity, i, ( llli'H.. d ' M W I a M.o tHr. Mllllle,ol ., Hl.l ill, luilulh. lia.ik. , I III. Mini and Fa. i. I t M II ' in sp.kmie 1 . in. '.Ule I Ivrr I O'. . Ii. o'.i A. rlu OCE SI HA HH P5 All 'Ml.lllH .u ! jclt .-Iimiu-. i For -a Kr.iiic h,iI '? !.',;. .i:H.1 m lot A: t . ; t Id r Mm. ! .i. I ' Columbia Rivr "' et u Steamers . p i.i Tu. , a. d ...u. io riruan.i ana lo aI'hh run i iy Landing. ; i ,-,ti A a. in. Mou, Wed and Krl t row l orn i.d. Will.mttt HiVcr. Oreniiu ri .. N,., ft. hlem A Uav ,iii,i' 4 p in I Ue ill Mid rut Wlllam it- a d Yam hill Klv.rg. Dick ii i it , Imvinn, it w r-ijitidiiiif., 7 a. m II i p m M'l ..Wed a d r rl Tuen.'l bur and "at 1 l.v Rlnt'l Mil III.: Moa. Wed A Flilny l. lW. A lo . lu. .nk klvtr. Itlparlalo I.ewltmi. "mi,, m. n"d Iave Lewlstown dally encpt Friday. O. W. LOUNBUERH1 W. H. HITRUBURT. A,,n' Qn. pas, Agt. Poruaad. or. LUBklCATI.NO OILS A 5PKCIALTY Fisher Brothers ASTORIA... SHIP CHANDLERT HARDWARE IRON AND STEEL COAL OROCERIEH AND PROVISIONS FLOUR AND Mll.f. S-irirn " f AJSTJUi?'. W ? L.VARNIBHE8 lAnjocjiD a u rrLIKH FAIHHANK'8 SCALES DOORS AND WINDOWS TT.UJ?AI' IMPLEMENTS PnCAT REDUCED Rflns un-e-flU to all 61 RAltWA1 POINTS EAST Through palac and "tourist sleeper dining and library observation cars. ELEGANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4 Limited leave Portland at I: p. m. no. 1 Liimitea arrive roruand at 11:11 m. For rates, etc., call or address O. W. LOUNBUERRY, Agent O. It. & N.. Aslorla. or A. B. C. DENNI8TON, C. P. & T. A., Portland, Or. fey i &iy Oregon Industrial Exposition OI'IINJ IN ..Portland, September 22 . Ct.0KI!4 October 22, 1898 Tlio Klni'st ami (iremost Kinltlon rv bi'KI III III Northwest. HORTlCUIiTURAU and ACRtCULTURfl rriHlnrls ol Orcein unit Wnslilntun will U ille.niv. In ttiiinlorltil irnfiisloii, lnoltitliii)t iimro vatloilos ilmu rver iN fuie giillioroil luiitl). i r In onv i xliltilt. Cold. Sliver in! Bronx Mcdils wll It AttirJed. Marvelously Rich Specimens from our Gold. Silver and Other Mines Ji'iiiirtfs Renowned Military Hand. Has a engages' lr tb . Astounding Atrial f'eata (t Aero batlc Pcrfotmancts. Very Low Kates on ill Rillroads. Admlulon a i ij i 1 1 . i 1 1 THE PARKER HOUSE KirHt-Clf ihh in lCvery lieBpect. BAR AND BILLIARD ROOM Special UatcH to Thcntrl cat ParticH A. aJ, MAHON, Prop AMTO Ml A, IIHK, Go East... via Hillings snd Iturllniton rout, and you reach Omaha. Kansas City. SI. uls, and all other southern and southeastern citle half a day aunr than tralr who lak any otrwr Una Oo east via si. Paul and lh linrnngion rout, and you rid th rineat train on earth-lb llurllngt r j 04. Paul Chicago Limited. Oo mat via (igdeti aad Dnvr, and you lh wonderful scetxry of lh llocki, famed th world over a lb most mag nlflcent on lh continent. Tlckaia at olH.ri of connecting lma A. C, SlIELlKlN. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Ive Ai'orla (Dally i rrlr a.m. p 1.1 1 l'onli.,.1 sod 4ilirl tf.i-'m tu p. 111 1 w ,11 irB ..s.n vi n pt 1 111 on nriHMiil, t'lsi.a. nl. Uoble; ronnri l ai nl I f. r ike nt iuil I'u et sniiiid e.m Ii X iofi i Mii sai 1 y 1 jo l'ae.ii-r trln. ra rreni..M i yiarfl All imin leaving Astnrla going lo side and morning from He.iSHd run on I III H ive llraiu b. J C. U. F, 11 A 1 O. Ii P. A. THE PROOF f tb paxMlng is la the tla and tb. press? ef BqsMn IS IN SAMPLING That's an aigumant than's eliiaSr. deinoaetratkSB, Our. wtl stand th tai HUGHES & CO. The Choicest Table Wines... tor ramUia Ako for tfafetas4 Coaklng Porpoeaa Private Stock, Cream Rra, Old Hick--, Prld of Kentucky and Rmrtwl BU oW California Bri4la. Carlson's FamilyLiquor Store V TWBILPTH mUBBT MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS Tlic (iTrrHimii WsitkncM, irmvn. 11 Uv and omlloiis,.'i(.ig.j vltfor tiii(J hattl.h " ulna of ni.niru. li. n." 1liy arn'I, Uawm1 Mtfptt womafihfHHl. a hi in ir d nfoim'n( r tirtfrtniariit tHNif. Nu riin rfn.rrtv fur wiiman , cannot do hirm-llfa l WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Puget Bound Navi gation company. Rnlley Outsort leaves Astoria dally, ex rent Hundny, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dallv exrent Hnnilsv at 7 a. m. VMte Collar line llnketa Inlorctiano-eabl on Hulley Oatsert, T. J. Poller and R. R Thomtiaon for Astoria and all wny points, navel. 1 n-aco. Hanvlew. Lon Unach. and Okllifi) Nahcotta, C. W. 8TONB, U. B. 8C0TT, Astoria Agent President, Telephone No. lL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WANTKt) WANTKD llorHK KHTAIlllMllKI'.M yeara-piirly, rlilier ImW nr gent "' i.f annd cliiiri'li .nuiillnil. as dent and iniiiiHger lier. Need lioiiie, Halary ltrl yesi'. self-dillwr, slsinpeil iilnp M ' ICIiler, 0nral Mngr, car AstouaJl. LAl'IKH-NO MtllW liAUNIN'l -TJIK Miigle lliind Loom, mad of piiHn'l rolled Sleel. Iiile.l Invotil loll for IlielMl lug eliilliliig, undel ar, l"1'1'!,',1" ur heel and Me III hosiery; a child work II; perfect wvi senl os 1 1 Id for t cenls. (Heater West Adverllsm aml Nowliy 4'Kinpiin, llis Wssinng lull aireel, (Hisliuiil, I'ulirnriiU. FDR RENT, iHHI IIIONT-Iil'JSIHAIll.lC KUO.M8, AP upvlitlra, liouiliiuiii Huh. una. roif UKNT-4RN IIOllHW AND HARN nJ ruur acr of lnd, n r Claip ny aiatlnn, anown lb l'li"P I'nniifnc. Apply lo A. Tags', W Coniinrill si., ciiy FOR HA LIU. FOR SAl.K-lliHHi: ANI LOT. '"l lior Orand sveiiu and Tiiiy lilnili lrt. I ..el low II, .i iilM frvl, Al'ply lo John Hull. ' JltSTAUUANTB. OlKDli CKNT aitCAli AT THM Ing Sun Raelauraiit. MISCKLLANKOUS iT YuirTvANT 'KNrirrtHl; lJt ANJ craMllsli call on U.t HiHy Nalliinal. wher all III HeUaiis of In. siHiaoii in b fniiiid. LOTH I IF FINK ASHLAND CRAWFt'HU peauhM, cheap, 4 llN. IIINKI I roll riNK TKAS. KXCKI.I.IkNT COf f, pur mac go lu V roAD STOKM CO. TRT HIIILLINOa UICST TWA AND baiiVif pudr, WKKT " t-RBAM lOo" A I1NT AT TUB jBpa. L'HK UAPIJC LKAf CRKAMKIU HUT lr, t imni 4k Suss. Co.. aiil. WMKN TOU WANT riNIC TWA, KHI C4T. aad .uIvm, try IfWd 4 Slok. Co. ". .aux,n. Tlic"ui;vKR--i;NDicn TtllO AL nnagnnt of August Krais. I dally ImuviiiW raor. and net popular re tort. I'll dub ro-aiui un Uu imiiI 0or sr eio an atiravtlv (stur of lb. MtabUatiotMrt, VMYSICIANi DR. ALFRED KINNKT-0 li'K AT rl.Mo., tvmmorviai atre, nr HUlh. om. hour; aljrning until W: all alrnoon uoili I; nina until 9 o cloi k. dr" o. a rjrrr.H. piithician and Hurgaon. SiKll alinll.n lu dua of worn, and surgery, im. ovr l" tiger's Mora, Astoria, Tvt. Nu. U. DR. JAY niTTue. PIITHll'IAN AND Surt am (lltlrl. rit Offlrt, ruuma I and i, PyihW. Huilding, MIV I ommecwai iri. itw dnc Mm. Tlphon Acting as sistant urgun L'nltd Mist martii boapltal Mrvloe. MASONIC. TF.UPLK IJIHIK NO 7. A. F. AJfD A. M nulr cuniiituniiii-na niu o lb firl and Ihlrd Tul)r v.nlng o ach monlh O. W. LU;Ni4llk.lWU, W M.;K. C. IIOLl'KN. Secretary. ATTORN a: is. II. T. CROHIIY. ATTORN KY -AT-LAW, a Commercial street. V f A MMVt tl W ATTORN ICY Arjl ) COUNSELOR AT LAW. OSle., Bond 4trt. AMarU. Or. Dr Wiill.m.' In4ut rlk 1 Mnlawul will 1 ur ll.lud. ll.liiis sod lutim I'll. lisffcnfi-iMluifinm allaa ll Ik-bins al uir. acts tt DuUlllc. Site Inalam e llrl, ir. ll.lUi lu.llso I'lkt) nl. Bwtil U iwviiared lor IMWa and lick Ing nl lb prlVau pan. Rery Pol arraiil.!. lit dnutstaia. bt mail on r rpl r price i eenu aad fl.ta. Wllilllt tAllllf ACTUniMfi CO.. Propa. reUl. obi.C iL.iwr iTiii'tr i 1 Kf . mm m w 11 w a IhM tiny Lcptulrl . iupno . u.i r 1 Cubebt ot In jecnoeund ArrnJN CVK IH 48 HOURS Valyl th. Mm. jisas( vnirh Vm I Out lnconrnien-.. twve nn..H,, r.i '1111 BMi.rownoi r-sixir ! u..u..i 1 u.. , ). S.ltSutb . W l,ii., a s ! t I d,. 'til'l". til luflama,. rtta Hull Uwu4 Mm. irriisii,.ti wf lil..r 4fl lr !, "iJ f..i f' " 1 ',"1'. 4- ' l iltdu tul u . J. B. VVYATT, Pka N. t Atlael. Or. H 11 r1 wn re, SIHf Chnnilt? ry, ( Iroof rirn. I Yovinlorm, PAINTS snrt OILM. ll AlUnil.a Pl I. l.!, a p. Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO ALL Opo Try day from I o'clock to I H ssi l:H i. 1 ji ra m. ubsotptloa rat- tt per annum. W, Dor. Vntb and Duaa ItrMla. EAST th SOUTH LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIVIQ OVERLAND EX PKICHH. fur HhIkiii, Roscburg, Asblnnd, Hacramento, Ogdnn, Han Kranclsco, Mo lave, Lo Angeles, HI Psso, New Or leans and lh Eaat. Rosoburg passenger Via Woodhum, for Mount Angel, fin. 8:00 r. 11 W A. U t:N A. M M M P. U Dally except Sunday Dally IClt Sunday verton, West Belo, iiiTJwiiTinn, ri "; neia ana f7: A. M UN P. Ml Independence pass' Itiiiai a U urvKina nuMnn. i.r.ra a . Dally, tDaily except Bunilay. ..uniiuoa ai win ranoisoo with Orel. uotimu n viiviiiiti, raciiia Hall and Oca. anio meamenin lines rtr JAPAN. CHsNADH , RALIA 'AND Rebate tickets on sale Ailly between PnrtlanJ, Haeramwito end HaJ Krencls" co. Net rate $17 flrirt-claii, and lu a.o. otid-claee. Including .leeper. ' M Rate and tlckyu to Kastern points and Rlirnnji. Alan tanun Ckln. AM sasi-wai. manager. o. f. 4 p. a.