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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1898)
1 N:Tf OU! C'OOkc, Jvncuivv!; . r,":.- ; . .ro r;cf In !: T;;;;r;iVr.::,ri; t i I ccu0n ,1. c wiii bo liable to prereculioa ME ASTOIMAN hit thl lirftlt clrculitloB of toy paper On tt Columbia Itivir THE DAILY ASTORSArl IS tot ttrrest inJ test tapf oa tfn Columbia f.ivef ! FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. The Only -y Stove Store FAILED IN HIS ATTEMPT TO POISON AGUINALD ,.. IN ASTORIA ... Of-,. ' IILif:y mflll m Rn raff flsnm .fN El II I . t I, I I CI . ITI I 1 111 I III m. w i it i is i iti i m ill iu'i ". l-r ' '."" 1 - ' ' I " -"' : r '" ' 1 Vol f rv ' """ 1,1 ' ' A8T0JUA, OHEOOy, TUKSDAY MOKNINg, BEPTEMBKK i 18J8. m Our Hpaclnlty; BTOVI2B AM) RANOCH We know tlio IiumIhohm. Twenty (iOUI) Htovt', hco tho Htock ut tlio Eclipse Hardware Co. THEY LEAD EVERYWHERE. 3.50 to tfO.OO. Vive Cameras $5.00 and $10.00 I'HOTOtiKAI'HIC GRIFFIN : Thlngi eoroi hit any again Dd the farmer haoov 1? V COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths -Boiler Makers Machinists ; Foundrymen Logging Engine Ilullt nnd Repnlred. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Minufactortrs or the I'osorpasscd ... M Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Maouficturcrs fur the I'aclflc Coast for the KOIJEKTS KATEK-TIIJE H0ILEK. . . HOSIERY AND JITOM . . . New Goods Suitable for Pall and Winter Just Received. Buying direct from the manufacturer and only reli able goods, we are enabled to give our customers ex ceptionally good value. SPECIAL- 100 doz. Wen's Sox, Wool, Cashmere and fine cotton in Blacks, Tans, flatnral and Camel's Hair at 25 cents per pair. C TT. COOPER THIS LEADING DRY, GOODS AND ycnrn cxicrinjco. If you wnnt a THE BEST ON EARTH SHTLIK8. & REED. Prosperity is witf? us- - f You will think so when youjsee the superior quel-1 ity of our ROYAli CREAM FLOUR contot be equalled for Bread. Pastry or Coke. I STOKES 10 Loggers' Supplies Kept In Stock CLOTHING HOUSE OF ASTORIA Spanish Prisoner Placed but His Action .. r IT IS SAID THE FILIPINOS WILL ASK FOR Europeans Are Favorably Impressed With the Proceedings of the American Officers, Who Are Charged With Hatching Up Imaginary Revolts That They May Win "Glory"-;-Some, Fearing That America May Re-Establish Spanish Rule Are Making Preparations to Resist Such Action. MANILA. B.f.l. U.-The Rrpub Ilea nillln uwrli that n at tmtt wa mm1n to noUon Au- iiulilo Kriday nIKbl. Thn leward. It I itllrH, iiw 8n:h prlituner ho hal Imvii allownl hli frrrdum, muke move- mrnt which n!-rrl like lumivrrlng with Uiwl of 1'iup lninliHl fur Alfuinaldu. thrrvuifin th vlrwart tn.lcj .piwnful ut th toup tid frit (trail. Klrpn Krum lnan frlr ar allrl to hav l n rn(a(iil In th ronnplrary. Th lHi.iil;nc. It la further nllrgcd. t- trmiitrd to lynch alt thf H)iinlh prUori- rt. lut Atulnulda ItitFrvrOotl. At fluturdajr'i -ton of tha a- nihlv It upprari Anulnuldv wan ahaonl. tun hla rciirrntitlv rrlmrd tho aiory f thp outraxv to llir mcnibrra, who uiiun Imnualy aduptrd the ihnlrmnn'a rop.a:U hat thry all go to Aliulnuldo' houae, l'rra aympathy with him and ronitratu- ti him upon hl rirai. I'urttiK the evrnlnc a aprclo4 thankaglv in art-vice waa h-IJ In the church at Ma oloi. Boup Intrndrd for Agulnnldo If now aub- Jrctrd, It la aald. to a chrnilcal aimlyala before brlnt prufnlrj to the Intungrnt Iradrr, and the Bpanlah prlaonrra are kept clotely confined. SITUATION AT MANILA. LONDON. Sept. 1.-The Hong Kong correapondent of the Tally Mull anya: The Filipino eonireea hai favorably tm- SEE THEM! prr'cl the Euruirani who have wit- ge around South America. The plan I nr.ard lla prorrrdlnlta. It la believed that hv '' collier precede battle- ., ... .. , ahlpa and two to go alone with them. In Ita drllberailuna will reault In a pe'.ltl'in to ' addition to theae eacortlng the craft. Act-J-reMdent M. Kinky to eat.b.l.h a prouc', Bwreury Allen odl4y orred that I"'""' T)ie Attitude of the AmTlran offlcrra dltion. The Celtic la a tt.-frtev.ra.tor and toward the Inaurgenta unUvor-!,uII,1J' ,hlP- "d ,h ,rt " dlatllllng able crltuum among Kutr.pc-t.1 who have I ,tlP- Th'"- Pacl normou. and .. . . lAnlitant Secretary Allen aald no euch ri'turnid from Manllu. They blame their! . , . 1 perfectly ciulpped naval expedition ever almo.i rrlmlnul nexllgence of native char- acter. und their elementary Idea, of colon Ixii t Ion. Tlio officer, .ecmed determined upon winning glory at the expenae of the In aurKerit by hatching Imaginary revolts. Agulniildo ha obeyed every order, whether accompanied by threwit. or not The Irniurgent chief at I'aaay declined to move, and Agulnaldo aked Gerxral O'la not to proceed arnlnat him for four dya, ao na to gave him an opportunity to Inter view him. The Manila correapondent of the Time, aye: in- insurgents, ursea oy constant rum- ors of the Intention of America to re-1 establish Spanish rule In the archipelago. continue actively recruiting their army. Hundred, from Manila are enlHtlng dally and troops are being drilled everywhere. Great diligence Is exhibited In Imitating public, for their own profit He declares the American formation and manual, par- that the prospect makes his heart quiver, tlcularly In volley firing. Entrenchments nd he concludes Ms manifesto In these ; words: In certain portions are being strength- ... , ' It is the army taey are trying to de ened. and a vigilant line of picket, is kept anJ Franc the. f flrlvng ,Q outnlde the suburbs. At tho same time ruin. the attitude of the Insurgents Is more friendly than before the evacuation. Sev eral thounund rilles have recently been landtnl. and four new Muxlma hive also been brought ashore. A general occupying one of the rich province, sent AnulnuUlo IXi.OM) In cash last week. Nearly 10 per cent of the American troops are sick. 11IO OARRISON FORCE TO BE SENT TO CUBA. Forty Thousand Men Will Go Soon Evacuation of the Island by Spanish Will Not be Awuited. WASHINGTON, Sept. 19. It Is the pres-1 ent intention of the administration to send to Cuba as a garrison force for the Island about 40,000 troops, In addition to the force charge In a letter addressed to the adju now In Santiago under command of Gen- tant general of the army and hand It to eral Lawton. Within two weeks orders j will be Issued for the movemont to Cuba of the first 1000 of the permanent garri son, and It Is expected now tnat they will sail from the United States about October 10. It Is not tho Intention of the admlnistra- tlun to await tho evacuation of tho Island by tho Spanish forces before sending the United Sutos troops to Cuba, as Indlca- Hons now are that It may bo several months before the Cuban commissioners completo tholr work. Quito naturally a considerable number of Spanish troops will remain on the Island, until arrange ments for tho relinquishment of Spanish sovereignty over It has formally been concluded. COLLIERS' LONG VOYAGE. WASHINGTON, Sent. lH.-Tho advance guard of the naval expedition for Hono lulu and eventually for Manila, started yesterday when the Abarenda sailed from Fortress Monroo. via Brazil. The Abar enda Is a collier, one of the four which are to keep the big battleships Oregon and Iowa supplied with coal on their long voy Poison in the Insurgent Leader's Soup, Was Opportunely Discovered. : the LVltlc and Irla be added to the eXDe- un()er ,njp flaj( The iqulldron w, be able to keep to .ca for an indefinite time. WOl'L-D DKSTROY THE ARilt AND RUIN THE REPUBLIC. So Declare, the Due d' Orlean. In a Mini feato. In Which Ue Denounce, the Symputblxer. of Dreyfu.. TARI3. Sept. U.-The Due d" Orlean. ha. U.ued a manlfeato denouncing the Dreyfualtea. The manifesto begin, thur: "At last the promoters of the odloul I plot against the honor and security of the I fatherland have thrown off the mask. It mtimaaed by them tht the ministers have lowered themselves so far as to be cwn tnelr accompllcea." The tuc d' Orleans accuse the ministry of seeking a revision of the Dreyfus pro ceedlngs. while convinced that Dreyfus Is guilty, under the pretext of calming the "Frenchmen, we will not allow It" SOLDIERS ARE TIRED AND ASK TO BE DISCHARGED. But the War Is Not Yet Over, and the Services of the Men May Again Be Required. WASHINGTON, Sept. 19.-A statement is given out at the war department which says the cessation of hostilities, with the dullness of camp life, has' created a feel ing of restlessness among the men of the volunteer army, and many of them are Imploring their political representatives to obtain their discharges, and the latter, In turn, are flooding the war denartment with requests for prompt and Immediate action. A soldier who Is desirous of securing his discharge will save himself .a great amount of time and trouble If he will set forth the reasons for his dls- the captain of his company, who In turn forwards It to the colonel of the regiment and the latter to the brigade, division and corps headquarters, with their recommen dation. Unless this is done the depart ment will send the paper back to the corn- pany commander. The department has promulgated a ruling to tho effect that tho public policy will not permit, at this time, of consideration of tho applications for discharges of men sorving In the Phll- Ipplnes, Honolulu, Cuba and Porto Rico. It Is to be remembered that the war is not over, and that much depends upon the results and deliberations of the peace commissioners. WASHINGTON REPUBLICANS. TACO.MA, Sept. 19. Delegatos are gath ering for tlio state republican convention, which meets here Wednesday. Practi cally all the western Washington counties are represented, and there are several delegates present from eastern Washing ton. By toworrow night the representa tion from every county in the state will be complete. Cushtnan, of Tacoma; Jones, of North AN AMERICAN National Assembly Serious Charges Against Yakima; and McCredle. of Vancouver, candidates for congres., have opened headquarter., and Coffman will be repre sented tomorrow. Fullerton. of Colfax, 1. the only candidate for the .upreme court on the ground. Judge Elmon Scott, preaent member of the uprme court. authorised hi. withdrawal this evening giving hi personal buainea. Interest, a. the reason. Judge Anders, of Walla Walla, will be a candidate to succeed himself. King county will .elect one man from It. list of six candidates. The other candi date. Include Judge iiruce. of Whatcom; Judge R. F. Sturdevant, of Dayton; and Mark A. Fullerton. of Colfax. The con gresnional candidate are Francis W. Cuahman, of Tacoma; N B. Coffman, of Cbeballs; W. W. McCredle, of Vancouver and W. L. Jones, of North Yakima. NO MEAT IN HAVANA HAVANA. Sept 19.-The meat ring continue .cornering the market, and the slaughter-house tax. the richest Income of the cKy, is materially reduced. The aver age number of cattle slaughtered daily used to exceed 400 head, but today It la below SO, owing to the prohibitive price at which meat 1 .old. An offer has been made by a leading business house to im port, kill and put meat on the market at S cent a pound. At the present price the consumption of meat I restricted to the better classes, hotels and restaurants. TWO STEAMERS BURNING. TOLEDO. Ohio. Sept SO. I a. m. Two large steamers anchored on lake Erie, about three miles from land, are both in flames. They have been blowing distress signals for half an hour and are apparent ly burning to the water's edge. As they have not cleared from this port, their names or the numbers of their crews con- not be ascertained. BALLOONS AT OMAHA. OMAHA. Sept. lS.-The captive balloons used by Shifter's army In the advance upon Santiago have reached the exposi tion grounds. It is said President Mc- Klnley Intends to make an ascension dur ing his visit to the exposition. MRS. BOTKIN S CASE CONTINUED. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 19.-The habeas corpus proceedings in the case of Mrs. Botktn were continued for two weeks. ARRIVES FROM COPPER RIVER. SEATTLE. Sept. 19. The steam schoon er Excelsior arrived this afternoon from Copper river. Alaska, with 200 prospectors, who failed to lind gold. They report the gunboat Wheeler will bring down 150 des titute men from Copper river. FRESH GERMAN COM PLICATIONS AT MANILA. Only Nation from Which Trouble Is Ap prehendedBattleships Oregon and Iowa Start for Philippines Soon NEW YORK, Sept. A special to the Herald from Washington says: As an indication that Germany has been scheming to share In the disposition of the Philippines, the authorities have learned that, acting under Instructions from Berlin, the German commander' In chief of the Asiatic station has made an cxhaustivo Investigation of the mineral deposits of the Island. He was assisted by a Gorman engineer, who had been temporarily assigned to his squadron for the special purpose of locat ing coal. The engineer conducted a thor ough Investigation and his report, which has been submitted to the Berlin gov- PROTECTORATE ernment, through VIce-Admlral Von Dled rich, shows that the best lignite deposit, are located on the island of Cebu, on of the Vlxcayas group. This Information baa been received from one of the representative of thl government In Germany and ha been considered of sufficient importance to be presented to the peace commissioner for their consideration. Officials who wera Interviewed regarding the matter admit that there can be only one object whlca would lead the Berlin government to di rect such an Investigation Is the deelr to extend German jurisdiction , over, the island which has the largeet beds of coal best adapted for steaming purpoee. Such an Island is Cebu, reports of which have been received, showing that lignite of good quality is found In large quanti ties. Germany would find Cebu exceed ing valuable a a coaling station and It would not necessitate the establishment of a coal pile at Klao Chou, which an recently obtained. Aware of Germany' proceeding, the authorities are taking precaution to pro vent the consummation of any plan which wilt erable them to reach fruition. The Berlin government, by tne reduction at it fleet In Manila bay gave an Indication of it desire to remain on good term, with . thl government While regretting tha maintenance of uch a large force at Ma nila, no protest was made by thl govern ment and the action of Germany In reduc ing It naval force was entirely voluntary. The report made by the German engineer explain to the official why the German vessels were steaming around the island. It Is no longer secret that Germany la the only nation from which the govern ment apprehends trouble in the settle ment of the Philippine question and It 1 to avert the commitment of an overt act that the president determined to so strengthen Rear Admiral Dewey's com mand so as to muke It superior to tha German fleet in Asiatic water. The battleships Oregon and Iowa will start for Manila, via Cape Horn and Hon olulu next Saturday or Sunday, by which time it Is expected all repairs will hav been made and the fleet of collier will be in readiness. Leave of absence have been given to the officers until the latter port of the week, but no extensions will be given. It being desired to get tha ship away without delay. QUEEN REGENT FAVORS IT. MADRID, Sept. 19.-The queen regent has replied to the circular of the cxar pro posing a reduction of the excessive arma ment of the power and the maintenance of a real and lasting peace.- Her majesty praises the cxar's project, and promise to send a delegate. EPIDEMIC OF YELLOW FEVER. LOUISVILLE. Ky.. Sept. 19.-Report from the far south tonight Indicate that the yellow fever epidetnlo Is slowly gain ing headway. IbeRoyalit!ioh!itesteMebe kaowa. Actaal teat, alum it goeewe tbire farther tha ear ether . POWDER Absolutely Puro aovAi aAKma aowoia co., mw vr 'PS. !