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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1898)
THE DAILY AST0R1AN, WKDKKSDAY MORMNti, SICl'TKMltEl! SI, m. " " TOtUT'i WKATHER. ' tinnwim. AROUND TOWN. John P. McQowtn, of Chinook, 1 In the C. U Houston returned last night front Portland. 0. H. Cooper tu ssain hih t th club Itey ycntcrday mHo 7. The Hrltlsh chip Ftufomont It off tn river with pilot on board. In the poMr court yetterday O. Bovtn r fined IS for drubkenna!, Charlea Itobaon. who hat been HI for th punt few dara, ha recovered. An adjourned mevtlng of h chamber tf commerce wai held iait night. ftrltUh hh Artfo and Lady ! boll, will leava up for Portland today. Itv. iff. llarcotl entertained a com pany of frlende at hla noma laat evening-. Tha tur Sampson la lylna at lha 0. R. & N. dock undergoing aoma alight re pair. Hoefler'a full cream caramala at tha Bonbonnler. All candle tnada In full view. 4f. ahd Mr, J. 0. Hanlhorn wer p aengcra on laat nlght'a train from h notropoli. Mr. Stanley Crimea, who haa been rlsltlrm In Sacramento, returned to the city laat night Mis Nora Nlrkeraon returned Sunday from a vacation gpent with remtlvea in California. William Pobl waa yesterday appointed administrator of tha estate of Alfred Gibbons, deceased. The British bark Mozambique. Captain aicCrona. 3D daya from Shanghai, tn bal last, arrived In yeeterday. Dr. Finch haa removed hla offlc to Fourteenth and .Commercial a'reeta, op poalta Foard & Stoke. A number of boata wera on tha aanda abrest of the city yesterday, tuning for torn cod and aalmoo trout. Judga A. A. Cleveland, accompanied by bis aon Chariee, returned laat night from a abort vUlt In Portland. Every peraon who believe In saving money three hard time ahould read Her man Wise' moving price ad. The regular meeting of Qulnlin lodge of Elks waa held last nLgbC Several new member rode the goat. FWdor Kablea. a native of Germany, waa admitted to citlienhlp In the circuit court yesterday. Tonight la mixed nlxht at the A. F. C. alloys. The acores made mill count In the contest for the Herman Wise medal. Fish Commissioner McGuire went up the river to Pillar Rock yesterday for the Does your grocer money-back other baking powders as he does Schillings Best? Moving Prices MEN'S HATS Stiff and soft hats, In all shades, worth from tl to 11.25, now U cent. Stiff and soft hat, in all shades, worth from tl.iu to tlOw. now 11.35. Stiff and soft hats, in all shades, worth from C25 to 13.00. Dow 1X75. Stiff and soft hats. In all shades, worth from i.2i to H OU. now 12.50. Our hat etork for both men and boy is so lunge that It I Impossible to panic ularlxe; every hat Is reduced. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Regular Moving I'tise lrlce Grey cotton Shirts or Drawer I 50 t 35 Natural Wool Shirt or Drawers 125 90 Camels Hair Shirt or Drawers 75 45 Ribbed Woollen Shirt or Dorwerg 1 OS 70 Our underwear assortment Is too large to mention In detail; we have underwear at from 6(c a piece to S7.50 a suit; but they all share the same cutting fate. HEN'S SUITS Before dei lding on this removal we pur chased Hn enormous HKsortment of sultn in all color and styles, made up to pl-aca but every one of these splendid suits must be sold. Here are a few fltsur. : K'iMilHr ,M. vliig l'rlee Price Men's Black Clay Suit 110.00 7.15 Men's Mixed Wool Cheviot.... 10.00 7.15 Men' cheviot, blue mixture... 12 50 9.25 Men' Cheviot, br'n mixture. 12.50 9.25 Men's Satin Lined fSlack Wors ted 15.00 9.75 Men's Blue Clay Worsted 10.00 7.15 Men's Blue, extra line 17.50 12.75 Men's Grey Clay 11.50 8.90 Men's very flno fancy mixed ".50 12-25 Men's extra fine Worsted and Cheviot M0.W $22.50 Do.'.ena of other grades, to t25.00. reduced in the Herman Wise . rrjv of procurer vrl llv talmon for the dlp!sy at th Portland t xposl- Hon. Xon't take the time to fa noma when fou can enjojr a fine merohanta' lunoh at v i mire. ...rved1 with lunch ' i connected lth the quartermnnter depart- . . .1 mf niely In Vncl Saw new territory. Father and mother, ae our new ar-' ' rival of bey and children" clothing; Just 0,mn,f(()r, ,w nw r Afw, , pllem, frtroh- 0ur PrKi " "ith, foundation for the I block, and right. Shanahan Broa. . ,, , . ( work m.n, lwi ru,hed on the new bulldmf. ,V:tfw . the trk of niovlna-the bulldlnit occupied Mr, C. t Newman, a first clasa dress- i ry, ,h r)ce bath to the lot adjolnliw maker, would like to sew In families. 8he t(rmi,n wi't or will probably he can be found at 150 Twilfth treet, of , ompltttd today. v addressed at Warrenton. I I Si-rseant E. C. Flint. Sergeant O. O. The funeral of Alfred Gibbons will take wr. Fort Canby; J. W. Ullllhan. Fort place at 1: o'clock today from rVhl'a ! Stevens; Frank Itadaer. ClauUnle; V. undertaking porlors, and the remain in- i E. Watson. W. H. Hunter. Portlund; am terred In Greenwood cemetery, A double .ulte of nvm. for three or , h rrkr House, four grentlemen or a married couple, with j " or without board; also tiithi and pleasant 8. 8. Schmidt, Charles C. NoMwlck, B. single room In 'The Rucker House.'' ' Michael, Caleb W. Welsh. Frank Wool - sey. J. U Perry. E. It. Haker. wife and Opening daya of fall and winter mil- ; child. Fred Srhenck. IVrtland; H. W. llnery on Thursday and Friday, geptem- J Pott, K. C. M.; W. 8. Zellln. 8sn Fran berrnd and Ord. at Mrs. M. McKenate s. Cisco; O. L-ndsay Crawford, Yokohama; I conter ith and Commercial street. John L. Carlson left for Portland last ttirto .uni.l he his son Ludmlg. , night accompanied by hi on luui. who will attend the coming term of tn j Armstrong business college In that cly 8hcriff William returned yesterday from Seattle, brlns'lng with him Michel Bacoiunlcb, who I the principal wltnesa f.,Kh six tn the aulovtch murder case. The lavender tea that was to hav been given at the residence of Mrs. Oilman on Wednesduy the list, will be postponed un- til Wednesday the tsth. on account ot sickness. Daniel McLean, who was severly injured while workln- In a logging camp near Knappa some time ago. Is rapidly recov ering, and was able to be on the street yeterdy. Robertson Gibbons, brother of the late Alfred Gibbons, telegraphe. yesterday to Gorge Sanborn to have the remains ot his brother buried at Greenwood ceme tery. T. N. Hooper and wife, of Davenport. Iowa, are the guests of Captain George I Wood. Mr. Hooper Is vice president and superintendent of the Davenport Wster Company. Gold medala to Harper whisky at New Orleans and World Fair. Chicago. Try It. you will endorse the Judges' verdict. Sold by the Foard 4 Stokes Company. Astoria, Oregon. Constable Wlckman left for Qulncy yes- tervlay with a warrant for the arrest of Victor Hugeman. charged with having stolen IX from Isaac Bowerman some time ago at the Clatsop mlu mess house, The case ot Michsel Zulovtcn, who is held for the murder of "Pat" Barne dur-' In; an altercation In their fishing boat some month ago abreast of riilar Rock, m III come up before the grand Jury today. The steamship Braemar, with a general cargo for Hong Kong, consisting princi pally of. flour and wheat, arrived from Portland yesterday and docked at Flavel ; to coal up. She wtll be ready for set to-; day. . Beginning Sunday, Sept ISth, the A. ' ,t C. H. R winter schedule will go into ' sentence, whereat both plaintiff and de effect Tra.lns will leave the depot at, fendar.t shook hands as good friends as Astoria 11 I L tn., arriving at Portland at 12.15 p. m.: and again at 6:3) p. m. ar riving at Portland at 10:3 p. m. R. M. Wooden was in from the Nehalem yesterday and swore to a complaint be fore Justice Hughe charging E. L. Ged dea with threatening his life. A warrant ws Issued and a constable dispatched to the Nehalem to arrest Geddes. Wooden i Nothing Convinces people more than prices. We might assert and talk until doomsday and make no impression, but when we leave a lew dollars jingling in your pocket, that's different . MEN'S PANTS Pants Is something that everybody know all about, and yet tue styles sre o varied that an adequate description t Impossible: we have regular sixes, extra long, extra short, extra -waist, extra tine and extra cheap pants. Pants wear out quicker than your coat or vest; you will soon need a pair of pants, come to see us, let us leave a saving of tl or 12 In your pant. Boys' and Children's Suits Have hardly anything left In cheap Cas slmeres and never kept shoddy eatlnets, all we have I a large number of the best graoei of Boy's snd Children's 8uUs, but since we've cut the prices you might as well buy your boy a One suit and make him feel good. MEN'S OVERCOATS l:g'ilr Moving I'ric Prie Men n M'-n's ODD SUITS Ae hiive about 30 men's suits, mostly sizes (in, nKht colors, worth from $!') to 115, but you inn afford to k''ep one for next spring, or even wear one now tor eveiyday use, at the ridiculous of t.7; r-r suit; nothing the matter wltn them except they are small sixes; that's where the small man gets In. SUNDRIES All M'n's 50 rent ties now 25 rents A Men's 25 cent ties now 15 cent A Men's 50 cent socks now 35 tnts A Men's 25 cent socks now 3 for 50 rents Al Men's 15 cent 0eks now 3 for 25 cents All Men s lo cent socks now 5 cents RUBBER MACKINTOSHES We have only about three dozen men's Mackintoshes left, but the price will re duce them to xero; rather a cold state ment, but these are hot time. Trunks. Valises. Shoes. lilankets, In Twt everything in our store has got moving prices on and they will move b-vmil question; wo are not going to oiy rol.lit to 1'ortland on our stock if prices can help It. $10.50 worth from f7.5'j game proportion. . Kenaoie uothier clsltr- thM OcOrtVt perred written nottc on him that he would take hn life at tha nrt opior;untty. Jame W. Welch hJ received a letter frtun his eon Qeorne, who la now with the American forces In Porto HU'-v He la Stafford. Wood Landing; R. l. Meyers, Warrenton; It. O. HUlman, n Francljco, 8. 8. Johnson. M. P. Hora; Kong; J. u J by: C. H. Callender. Knappton. arc at the The case of Harry Hell vs. t E. Helck- man has been set for trial next Friday. Helckman defeated Bell for surveyor In the last city election by a few vote. A recount did not chann ths result. Then Bell contested the teatlnit of Helckman. ! rlalmlnc that he Is not a cltlien of the Vnlted State. The matter came up tn the circuit court yesterday, and was set for trial on Friday. ' An Information aa sworn to by John Erlckson In Justice Hushes' court yes terday, charging Gust Nemat with ma licious Injury to personal property. Ihe PArtli are residents of West Astoria and the crime with which Erlckson was ctunred was the pulling of a plug out ot a wa'.rr tank nd allowing the wa:er to escape. !t appears that the tank belong to Krtikson. the water tn It being used by several nrhtvrs. Justice Hughes d 8 mlssed the case. In the circuit court yesterday, the case of Frank Bidwell. charged with larceny, was dismissed by Judge McBrlde. Hid wtll Is only l years of age, and some time ago an arrested ft the larceny ot some tool from the AstrU planing ro;ll. He was examined before Ju Hughes, and held to await the action ot the grand Jury. The prosecuting witness has left the city, and there was no evi dence against the accused, the Jury re turning a not true bill In his case. In accordance wl'.h this action. Judge Mc Brlde d.scharged the defendant. ' j Martin Burg was tried In the police court yesterday on a charge of trespass, j preferred by William Jukea. It appears t that Burg, who Is In from the country. Is a friend of Jukes, who Uvea In a scow near the Astor House, and having no key to the dor of hi new residence, forced an entrance through the window of the scow, disturbing Jukes to such an extent that he repaired to the police station and had him arrested. When the case waa called In the police court Juke relented and plettded that that the arm of the la be laid lightly on Burg, who was In town to have a gd time and committed the offense when all good people were wrapped In ilumber. Judge Nelson Im- posed a tine of II'). and then suspended ever. ; Herman Wise, who has In charge the matter of the visit of the Portland bowl ers, received a telegram from A. J. Coff- ' man. of the Multnomah Club, last nlnrtt. ' stating that the visit must be postponed, as several members of the teams are now out of the city. The men were to have bowled Saturday night. In lieu of the For CASH Only liht overcoat I 9 i $ 4 50 bla' lt clay worsted 11 50 9 0 Men black. Oner (Trade. 15 0) Men's rey worsted II W Men's urey riobed. very fine... 11 if) Men's brown k'TKy LI 50 Men's brown cheviot 1.1 'j Men's chocolate color melton.. 1') (JO And we, have others. 11 40 10 K, 12 50 11 15 10 50 8 00 . . postponed match, two team of tour each will eta4f In a Manhattan contest Mat uro&y nlaht. One ot the teams will b captained by Herman Wise, and the Other by U H. Burroughs, the latter having tl sued a formal challen to (lie former. There Is considerable rivalry among the members as to their rvspectlv abilities aa Manhattan players, and the losing team will have to buy a box of cigar for the victor. The contest promises to he most Intrrvstln-. All lady members ot the cub art Invited to be present. , j Constable Wlckman return-sl List nlnlit from Qiilncy, Coliiinlns county, where he had gone to arrest Victor llaueinan for the theft of t-D from Isaac Itowerman. tnung Itaxemnn I not yet ID years ot M. and confessed to the constable that he had taken the money. He la a n.illve of Sweden, and cannot speak Kimllsti. Ue did not retllie the seriousness of hi of fense until he waa placed under arrest. ami I l very much disheartened over the matter. Ha waa employed at the Clat sop mills, and while In the messhous there tovk the, money. It appears be owed Bowerman It, and on the day of the theft tendered Mm to In payment. When llow erman gave him ths change he taw that he had some money lit hi trunk. Boon after Bowerman left the house and Hage- man broke Into the trunk and took Ou. leaving some sliver. He has sines been enitavd on the railroad at vjulncy. Con stable Wlckman placed him In the county lull, where he will remain until his trial fenm off. TUK GltKAT MKNEFITi OP ARTIFICIAL PROPAGATION. Pnckrr fhuld Make a Uheral Dlspbty at Portland Kxpoeltlon to Assist the New Fish Hill. A aa to have been expected, the pre mature publication of the artlllclal propa gat.on fish bill has brought firth ob jection from certain quarter. The Itiher lr committee of the Progressive Com mercial Asaoclall.m had not completed the bill, and It publication was unauthor lied by the committee. The bill as published Is not as It It will be presented to the b g'sUture, and the opposition tnat haa already developed, while of no conse quence, may have the effect of eerl 'iily handicapping the committee In It efforts to secure Its jviss.ige. F.veryon who h s an ax to grind will now set f.rth his ob ject ors. and anyone who might be pos sessed of a delre to Injure Astoria can air his opinion In some of the city pier. This was the substance of a statement made to an AstcrUn representative yes terday by a man who has worked filth fully to secure the passage of the bill. The incisure, he said, was drawn up foe revision, and is not In Its present Ute ready for present 'ton to the legislature. Great cane Is being exercised by the tUherles committee to see that the nutter of propagation and protecting salmon Is properly eovered, and It Is likely many changes will be made In the bill aa It now stands. 9tejking of the proposed exhibit at the Portland exposition. Fish Commissioner Mctiulre sa'.d a liberal display from the puckers would do much for the Industry, both In advertising It and In securing the passuge of the propagation bill. He sug gests that placards be posted near the display, expla.ntng briefly the extent ot the Industry and the Importance of the state's aid In fostering It. For every dol lar appropriated by the stute for this work ?) will be received In return, and this f ft' t should be advertised. At tho present time not more than l.Ort), DM rhlnook salmon are packed n the Co lumbia river each yer. The value of this park Is about t2. '. It U the In tention to ask the state for $25,u) to as sist In establishing and maintaining hatcheries, capable of an output of i'. i't.0i fry e.n h yir. I'nder the new sys tem to be adopted, the young rih will be kept In the hatcherin until they a re able to care for themselves, and In this way it Is hol-ed that about W vr cent Will reach maturity, whereas only about 2 per cent ni.w obt.iln their growth, the re main. 1-r being ilcstniyed by trout and other fish. . If l.''.ii salmon are worth t'.'.uOO.OOO, what sre !sui isj salmon worth? This is the way the s.tuatlon sixes Itself up. Allowing, however, that only 1O.0U0.0O0 salmon reach maturity, the results ob tained will exceed ten-fold those for any other appropriation made by any 'at. Very few Oregonlan thoroughly ap preciate this, and It Is the earnest wish of Mr. McGuire that the fact be advertised. The Portland exposition afford on ex cellent opportunity of doing so. AN ACCOMPLISHED ACTOR FOUND WA8HINO DlrillES. "He played Applu Claudiu to Ward' Vlrglnius, and 1 found him washing dishes for $3 a week at the Osborn hotel, on the East Bide, a few day go."r- marked a well-known theatrical manager thl morning. Without wishing to nam thl thesplan dishwasher, the manager continued that for two or three week prior he had een a magnificent speciman ot physical and Intellectual manhood lolling about the Perkln hotel. lsplte his very seedy ap parel and general dissipated appearance, there was something in hi countenance denoting him to be man of superior qualifications. "I engaged him In conversation one day," added the manager, "and found out that he wa one of the most accomplish ed actors In the Union. He had Just lert Ward's company because of his Irresist ible appetite for drink. He suddenly dis appeared from his hotel haunt. "IHt week I got a telegram from Dick French, manager of the Seattle theater, asking me to send him a first-class leading man. I bethought myself of the one 1 met at the Perkins, and aftor some trouble located him at the Osborn. "When I met him on this occasion his clothes were In tatters, and but for his young face, hu appeared like a vertlablo Rip Van Winkle. "French sent mo a ticket for him and some money to get him new apparel, etc. You never saw such a change as there was In that man after I had encased him In his new suit. It would have done your heart good to have noticed how he Immediately braced up and felt like him self again. He now Ih playing In Seattle, where, ho at once sprang Into great favor." Th manager nlded that on tho day of this nameless actor's departure ho spoke of him to Mr. Dunn, manager for Hoyf "Milk White Flag" Company, then playing at tho Mar'juam. "That man." said Mr. Dunn, "Is tho cleverest leading man In America. 1 paid him a week myself. Hut whisky was his bane. lie Ik a graduate of Oxford, England, und were he to absolutely dl voreo himself from drink he could easily earn from $70 to $1W pnr week IriKtend or washing db lies at $12 a month. KIRK AT TACOMA. TACOMA, Sept. Jjft.-The exposition building, the largest structure of Its kind In the northwest, was completely do Htroved by fire this afternoon. Flames were discovered breaking out of the build ing at 1:30 o'clock. In 15 mlnutea the vast structure was a lovthlnj? mass of lire, so hot and so fierce uiut no one could ap proach wittily 300 feet of It. A bridge crosHlng a deep rnvlno on Tacoma avenue wag also burned. The building was owned by the Tacoma Land Company and was not Insured. The loss Is I.i the neighbor hood of $100,000. BOYS' A New Department in We have just received 500 suits from the larg est eastern manufacturer in boys' clothing. Never before was there such a big assortment of boys' fine clothing in Astoria. Every garment brand new; high Class novelties in Boy Reefers' Suits, Boys Sailor Suits, Vestee Suits, Boy's Blouse Suits, Boys' Overcoats, Youths' Clothing; all new; most handsomely made and trimmed: at rea sonable prices. SHANAHAN BROTHERS The Cheapest Store on Earth. NOTICE TO CONTtUCTOHS. Wharf and Trestle Work Astor a tk Col- I umbla Hlver Itallroad. I Healed proposal will be received by the 'undersigned at their office. In Attoria, 1 unt.l noon Bcptember U. for th furnish ing of material and construction of wharf, warehouse and trestle approach on the depot grounda of, the Astoria A Columbia Itlvsr Itallroad Company. In Astoria. Plans snd specification may b ' seen, and blank forma of proposals ob ta.nrd t ottlce of underalgne,). Hond will be required. The right to rejeet any or all bids reserved by th undersigned. . ;oHTUWKST CoNSTltl'tTlON CUM- i PAN Y NOTICE TO COXTRACTUHH. Sealed bid will le recelvsd at th office of Klmore. ttsntmrn A Co until 10. a. m. September ITth. for the erection nd completion of a wharf and cannery build ing f.r 8. Klmore. Plans snd specifica tion can tie obtained at the abovn named oftlre. Th right is reservrd to rrjvct any or all bids. 8 ELM OKlv HAVE YOC 1IEAUD THE NKWriT The Southern Pacific will glv you a ride to the Oregon State Fair on any of their line In Oregon for one fare for the round trip, good going and returning any time during the fair. The State Fair I the people' Institution and ihou... be pat ronised liberally. Come and what resources Oregon ha. On far for round trip. THE LADIES. The pleasaot effect and perfec safety ! with which ladles may use Byrup of Figs, under all conditions, make rt their favor : Ite remedy. To g"t the true and genuln article, look for the name ot the Califor nia FUf Syrup Co. print! near the bottom 1 of the package. For sal by all druggist. REDUCTIONS IN PHOTOURAt'lM. flnodgr, the Fotographer, will mak cabinet photo for U per doien for a tew day only. Com early and avoid tn ruih. All work first claaa, a uiual. You Save Dollars By Purchasing Your Drogs, Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles of The otily (Ut-iale drug More where every article Is Sold 10 to 25 jkt oent. lea than the manufacturer's price. Mere word don't tell it all. Here ire some price. Remember every Paten! Medicine. Toilet Article or Dmik is told kt cnt rate. Onr mail order bushiest baa trebled in a year, bet-anae everyone within 3D0 mi ( of Portland can save money by trading with m. Our Keirnlar Cut-rate Price Price Allen k' I'ormn I'laateri to 1.1 u 0 Ayets' har-sparllla 1 00 (.11 Curler's I'illi M l.'i Ossiorls V Hi'ott's Kinulnloii I UO 7H llnorariarssparllla I no m I'alne'iCelerjr (.'ompoilliil On, 7 hymn of KIk W 3ft Orexon Mood FarMer I on W fierce' KrfViirlte Prescription I (X) tt'J Hierce's (lol'lcn Vedlcul Dlv envery - 1 no m Pierce's PelleU 2'i It Williams' 1'ink Pills O) ,TJ Quinine CptilH, or HiiKr coated Taliletn, ill bottles ciiliUlnlmt 100 1-gtuln 2.1 (limine t.Hpsilles, or HuiMr- routed Inhlcts, In boltlos roiiUtlnlnff llX)-grln si Qolnliie t'Hpmiles, or coaled Tablet, In bottles PeoiitHlii rig KiO.'igruIn 4, Quinine (,'npHle, or hnn-f cimlcd Tslileta, In hollies coniiilnliiK inori-graln W We buy direct from the manufacturers in (itiantitpi, which secures the VKUY LOWKKT TKADK ItATKH. This enables us to retail at wholesale prices. Wo pay transportation cbnrffes to As toria on all orders for drills or potent medicines Hinoiintin to $5 or over, when accompanied by the cash. ' Our pliotogrsphie department will in terest yon. Every new thing- in photog raphy is in stock, mid it will delight lus to have you call, whether you buy or not. Woodard, Clarke & Company Cut-Rate Druggists Fourth and Washington, Portlnnd, Ore - CLOTHING FOR SCHOOL A STANDARD ARTICLE r I -T ROSS, HIGGINS & CO THE BEE HIVE has just received another lot of ladies' walking hats. We have everything de sirable and new in this line. THE RAINS will soon Commence; Interview us with regard to umbrellas and mackintoshes; We have a good line of both at very low prices. This Week 99c. will purchase you a pair of our $ 1 .2 5 Kid Gloves. Albert Dunbar,- N. P. CORSETSTRY THEM. BWi THE HANDSOMEST Our Store It Ih ilvm tot to get a fttamlnrd article of gn. tries. Thtv arc mure rcllsMc and cat be depended H. 'c bisdlt only the hot standard qualities other brands arc too tpca slve.cifa thouijh they vll fur less, hccBuse they ctt us turners. LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA j? . Line of Extension Ta i1 blea ever seen il l JUST ARRIVED inAfltnHa flellboro & Son