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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1898)
THE DULY ASTOKIAN. TIKSH.VY MOHMX,,. .11 N K , lv JOHN T. I.IGHTEH. Editor. Telephone NO. 64. TERM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION. P.VILY. 8nt by mall, per yer Bent by mnll, per nionth Bervrd by carrier, per month .Nino . .50 . .00 WEEKLY. 8nt ly mnll, per year. In Hdvnnc....$I .00 rot-tags free to aubmril-era. All tomiiiunlriitltms Intended Tor publi cation ahould be directed tn the rditor. Builni-M communications of ii'.l kind and remittances mut be addressed to "The Astorian." The Astorian guarantees to lit adver tisers the lareest circulation of any n-vis-paper publlkhcd on the Columbia river. Advtrtlfiln? rate can be had on appli cation to the bui:nca manager. The Weekly Aator'.an, the teconj oldest Weekly In the atute of Oregon, na, next to the Portland Orrgonlan, the largest weekly circulation In the atate. It would be a prvmaturt to assume that the war l to come to a speody termina tion. It Is much mor likely to le carried on for a time with eerlous rose on both sides. We have no right to presume that the hundred thousand armed men In Cuba In the field for Spain will yield without a tnig;le. One thine la certain, they are not going to atarve as long as there U a mule or a potato to eat. Torto Rico la to lw Invadtsl at once wlthniil waltlnir fur ih ndiietl in of anttag oe vutw. uenerai copptnger will ltad the Invading army, and It ! be lieve.1 Genin-aJ Fltzhugh Leo will aeconi - pany him. and be made the military Rov ernor of the island when It juss.s under American rule. The expedition 'r this' ri ' purj'se will sail fnm J.ieksonvll while the heavy orlnanoe. ennnii -siary , .,, , -r . . wardt d from Tampi. Abtt 1- "' men vtniii ). me :iiiu.::g Il n's Just been learnevl that there are only about S.OoQ Spanish troops on the islanl. Instead of the !)..) it wa. eupp'-eej. and thi has dettrmlned the government capture Forto Rico at onev. ... .. ! There are many democrats In both : house who have Tirmlv sto-J bv the an nexat'.on pulicy, anu should have al! due credit for It It Is a fitting time to say that heretofore the democratic party has The examplt- if tae Fvnr..yivaii:a .md .... .v- 1 Kansas r-pu jlic.ins :s r unnieiid to tn- led In the great achievement of annexing , . , . pet'Pif o: a.l the states, without r--g.ird the territories that have broadened the tj politi' S, as a s.ite and patron.,.- ,ne- . . ... , ,'. follow, country from the or.ginal strip of col- ! onles along the Atlantic until we have the ocean, gulf and great lake boundries. I: was objected to the acquisition of T-ias , and California that the purpose of the statesmen who were the most lariat ntial advocate of that policy, the be hind it ell was the extension of slavery. There may have been some'.hirg of at one time, but the sr- at common sense of the American people was favorable th. n r.s it Is now to getting mvre land f .r onr folks. If th-re ivis a wrong in th-? . . war vim aiexici tne jcop.e con i"noii 1 and the irrand results c-.ntitm-.d the dom The agricultr il exp Tts f T the ft- al yar which ends with .ts nr. nth are th-. greatest ever known and it will excel tY-i.ixi.o--'. Th-r.- has n--v. r b- n any thing like It. V'n to this t:m- ': w.t the tanner ex; rt yar of firm prod i-ts. The value that eor reoch-.-d .2ii Rut this year th- sum will be consid.. r- adly in excei-s of this amount, cmpar-.d . with the last fiscal your chow an Increase of Jl 1." th.s w. '. "M a month. I : The inon-a in tne ixpiii of .r-ad- sluiTs has heel remark. ihl-. The t it il ex- : ports for th-- y. day and will . xc ir w.,1 rea. ;i ji. d the ..Xi'.'r's of bread- tftuffa lust year by fM.-.vw The ix- ,f wheat will d.i,,- thos.- , l ist p-irts of year. Corn will m ik as 1; .i-l ,.'i aa wheat. In ail other iin.-s of farm I product the in r-use is phenom-n:il. TI past year has b'tn olio of pr.jti- to tl 'J farmers of the country. It lias thousands of them on round financial !nr. Morti'm-'es hive l.e.-n r-.leas.-l by the vvholesak- and the farmers 1;. nerally iire in better condition today thin th-y have bo( n for many years. This sit iatlor. will enable them to make n-.-d ij im jiriivomtntK and pav.- ihe way to uet (reator lU'liiovments In tin -omm--rrl;il world. THE SPANISH POLICY. There is pathos In the persistence: with! which the Spanish officials continue to j deny that nnyihlng has happened and ' renew the asurance that "Spuin Is full of ' hope." it is probable c-nouifh that the 1 nation mill Is expecting to hear of vi-tory J over the Yankees, but th (ifliolnls rerta'n-! - ly realize the hopelessness of the situa tion. Yet what are they to do? It re quires more courage In a ROVe-rnment that la not sure of Its own tenure to acknow ledge defeat than to keep on llnhting. U may be said that Spain cannot keep on fight I iir much lons'T, but at least she can keep j;i the form. It Is possible to cay lhat Santiago is only an outpost; that Porto Rico la not Cuba; that General Blanco atlll holds Huvana nnd sureess- I fully defies the power of the Ctl'.Vd Slate to mme an.t take It : n long n Illamo holln out, th i ll. my li kiuVd. nnd Spain Is "full of hope." The govern ment la hard up, to bo sure, but n no money or supplies are Nina sent to lHaneo, he Is not casting, .in.l It no more hlp are sent to s.a, out little money tucd It.- pnt. Th.nss are a'aout as 1m. 1 an they can be. ut',.1 by m''H('H( thi' ;nuiile :hr.n:ch the su-nni, r, there ni'v he a chance- of rs ln-icr. This 1 app.'i'i ni'v tV Spanish altitude lu' n.vv, ; lint he , hi:-,.;.d ly the - 1 :.. ; Iri the net. rh In !. '..1 .11 '111. a may have I ftnisli. Th.s plan n-ot :hi: :N- ",n ,t .he w ir to a :ty t t!ie re n: e.'nteiu o . r ; i i'.i.l' J ti.l i to a;;a. k it h r. iv . f h !UPI ! iu v th.'ie. Th : ly c an a. kit tt 1-. 1 1: !i . . t -I . :h I n uit 0"',;'.d ! ; V, it 1 douh; :'. the know and !: is ;he ; ! . y , keep the k:ww h ''f possible. Th s far ::. really s us: a. red. h.y have f th- ,r : 'vernnu-nt to fr ":i thorn as l-r: as Slt'AKAtM'.V PAX.M, IX lhI..Ti'S Oh.oaeo T.mej-Hera.d. To rennsylvan.a i jfld :he credit for hringini the Xi.'.M I' prohet be fre the pe.-pie as a Is-ue. The repuhiioar.s of ;hr. ta:e reoc' do .la.'ed in f,v ir of btfl'iiiig the canal and pryfao-.l tne d'iara...-n with iXolUiit retisons why I: -ho.ihl 'o i! 'f.o. The example sot hy .vam.i has been followed I'.v Kauris, l'he np-'bll- ' cans ef the r stat hue p.r. the fd-iif'T-n: lowing piar.k in :h ;r ihe eVivraroi' ' !:.,:!' r.i .- . : :i i t,.::at, '.a: 1'. w !l 'n t of i.'le u, r s '. w '. riM-.t iv.nt has :r r.a y sil M,, 1 lie rm- I so ' : i.t 1 the re the N...I- . s;. ,,l!y :. en i... n i. A- h iv- ;a:u. :i. i 1 1 .i a as possih.e. N It ;r w.,y e.t-a;d h: to briitg this :n: r :,.!;: . ' .u;,:,:;, .,,..1 has,. ::-;: n ti 'ti fa n the lor il '-l wat-rw.iv Atlairie an.l I'a ,. .. - t I" , 1 , -;,t, t.x;j i;;;; . y. r ;.,. n,Js. :h. 1 pie I i h 'r e t: -. p . -ti f ! p-r:ante :te c tn.i.. rh. fan ic 1:11 as tr.p, . 'il ill I y fiu- I .: C'-n- t mi. !i a I 0f j. ir, -op, w.i- ! "!-"'-l ''' : th-ri nh - h n 1 1' iJirl thtra up, n t.vs s'.i.i v.iitfd them of n. t f tl:rc f route :li- ,-..i:-.s. The :i-.c.-. .-:.... , f war h...- ,i : m-re ' ' than saps I- :.i. :r. the ark,::.:. .v.s .f ace; I :hty .r.-:::u:v of :h-:n-lies a!, argu- nttii: .it 0:1. e ;,la.:i at-,,1 c ,:iv.:i, ,i.g. If th-re had K. n no war w.:!i S;m.:i the j '.:. pp.jict m-sii: hav,. Ian-1 nei t -r y.-i.-s. to have n tinaily . at-'ane 1 !k cause jhs-j-!-; wir-, without know '.(.4:0 of r int.rvs; Jn the eu'ij.ct. I As it all the pr"s,ne-- .nor -.ho oj!1- 1 struction of the at an tariv .late. PAN-SEROUS AI'FAiiATIONS. Every once in a wn:le a Rhus: crops up in tile c-iluicns of The d;i:lv rr weeklv ,,rrs, Th,s fna!,.ly j;irll s.)lm.:ix..a aj. umos the part of a pram, n idt-r on some 1 l .ne'.v r-ad. uh-i t-rrth.-s ?--...;..! rrat el- . rrs ,,, of ,hrir w... Uri;n thtf v:ij-Jlu from the uti.-- -.n w ..r'.d hurls furr..ttir-.-' abjut. sma.-h-.s w:r..j--wi. or. ! tndttlK'' j i in un-ar:h.v h .ivi.r.. a: ur.j. lcars. , . , ' i row- p-rs-is ..T-!:: th- M ,1 lie O'jilii -if the o,.r.c- ... h.s g! "tsa.p, ; . iy..: there :s .1 ;r. n: -t he .-. ... ::- .is- t: r tl.'.y haant.-l a: v,"i n n rv-. iai,s tralaily attacks ::i hti::iati : n-m tit re id usually m.ast v...!-n and hariss : n-r. :.-:t- Si-ilts-ti- .-s d..-r-.---ar.l..l a: t hr :i.c. .1 n 1 :) in ...:tise.';. r . ; r.-.rvt i li. .- e-ntir-F r s s ; t . nr ... thorough rni".'y. cs it al- .!?nt. dysp-ps; 1. ... b.;S'jfii. u.. ; w h. h r.i.-vu-:i-..-3. Th-: .Moki T'ta pos.'.ivciy urts f .tk h-a l 1 . . irt ii--.--'ior. ani oor.sV..r.i n herb drink, il-.-n .vts all the skin, pi r od u-::r.z a p-.-rf c cr mor.ey rtf jr..-d. :j ,.r. 1 ': , sale ly Ks'.-.s-' '"nn I'rt; ' Tho :i:.i;lo pin i- a re 11 wom-n n.i-i 1: i tr. it , I v. h- r- tii- p. 11 - n t , i '-inir so twist, I that t is w-ii niati mt Bean the -3 ' J M- -A Btjnatuo 7 Bean the IwK.'j 'j(ti.-r5B"- ; j ; i "'' I j 1 'il "k -md whit- Swiss i; ii 10 n i'l'i r- I ar- -'..r'i. iii irly f-'.. Inn I General Debility j and LOSS of Flesfl r ... t , - , bcotts tmuision has btxn the .tindard remedy for nearly u V-tarter of a century. Physicians vidil adrn;t that they obtain re j!ts from it that they cannot get :""H any other flesh-forming food. There are many ether prepara .ions on the market that pretend :o do wh TT'i sJ vil Joes, but they fail to perform it, P,urc Norwegian Cod-liver 0:1 .'. . , :' . . ".r"'' iuu' i'-illy blended with the Hypophos r)i.:tes of Lime and Soda, which o are such valuable tonicj -V maices this preparation yO'jb c onc anl checks th?. wasting- .enaency, and th fiatient almost immediate y commences to put on flesh and gain a strenjt'. which surprises them. I sure yen tret SCOTT'S I ne.'ii.jn. Ste that tht n.ii .uu iin are on ifie wuj.,er. Juc. nd $ !l -irufi-.ts. SCOTT & C'.-.VMU, Chta,::,:-, f;,w Y.rk. Arc Sc;p'.'ys first ve v Ktlmit .tt rr ...I t:,t. tUtiiin. (MU.'II ,S i'.Hi .IS i'.'.'...j'.V I.u'St Vts.:ul no r.'.horcoP.lw hi!.:', jviur, .'.nil sotia, p.iv r.oi r -. ..i v o I'.nl .n ..n -;.. Ns'lMJ. Koss, HiltK QlJ!PPiNMftPlUll MARINE 0TES. The Pilot itihoom-r ssan Jo put to s a yesterday. The tu Kellef arrived down from ".in land yesterday. The t'oiunihia crossed San Francisco. ihu Sunday The tug H'birts, from the sound, ,ir- riv.d in ycstenlay. Tne tug Monarch, arrivtd In yesterday. The ttiu War l--r r sound vestt rday aft! ,'rom S m Franc cras n. i d out f 'r the Th-- S'.ite. fpm Sin Francisco, arriv n Sunday wtih a h -uy freight lit. The Itritlsh sh p v'rinipt nl, win rs. .,i; laden ., - ! f"r vJa-.-ttstown. f.r or'!' ! 't st' rd iv. Th" Fm-h ship Atnlaman. wh-. a: I is in the lower harcr a::d w: ' a'oiy have cut t"day. The i:ri:h sh p l - r - II ill. ! " ! ' I'aptaiti S o'.t. II 'li.n fr 'til Sh itu-hai. ballast, arrived m Sunday. I The ship Tra-I., V::ils. 2.2 t'ti- V'apta.n J '-i.s, !a ,la :r"in R,:i Ft .n I Cisco, in ballast, arrive! in Siinoay. The Fr:t:-h t ark Fort ("ar'.isle. I.LN l 'ii- f .ij.t.iin F. ters. two .lays from the s "1:1 In tow of the tug Wan-l-r- r. arrn.,1 " 1 vesterday. Tnestoirr-r Fulton. ..ur davs from Sin Franeisto, with ballast and a huh: ,ar." f lumber and shingles, arrived In Sunday and proeovdtil up to I'ortland. Tide Tatle (or June. 1898. 1II..H W tKU la'W' W jttKK I'ATE A H. P. M. A it. IV H. I i.mift. 0. fi. h.m ft ..I.". 1 10 W 4 1 1 ) 13 j 5, 4 30 0 8 4 3 4 : u is 6 1 11 f.' i i 5 ii 00 so" j 3 .d 1 T i til 5jlJ-i i .. . ui'SO' ; . . . . . 4 . . . . 1 . . i 1 21 il'j lj"1T 0 r ni ii n, inn : 41 1 "i l ill ) J 7 1 8 In i 0 8 -.- 1 I : 2 11 s : 1 ii'i -t 1. " ; - i ; Jo; 5 1 i n : 4 b '.: 1 10 3. p.' -.-! i : i, i .a ; 5 iu j 1 a ji : j i) 5 12 ; t :i ; ; ujl' 1 1 1! ii li; '1 ( I jj 6 U31231J.S1S u 7 3. . i ; 4; ; ; 1 ii 1 'j i jo 2 1 U S jo ; i( s . 7 1 21114 : .r: ; s 11 9 j: ii 1 r: vj: 3 41 o s 3i: 3 3 la pi 5.1 unit: 4 3 0 3 4 .s :i ; 1. licit 11 'l'i -i 2 j 0 1 ; :. : 5 IT ...... 12.265 ti . 01 6 "1 3 J IT ...... ..11 4: a 2 Is I 1 13 0 i 6 It 71 .: 3 .' ; i) is 8 1 1 ,s ;i"i 7 4 Wed. , 1 hurs. !. FtC . J,ln" '' Jlon. T u v ed. Tr,Ufi, rru .. lt- ta. T:.r.s. d. . ars. 1'- , Sat. ., Sun. ., .VI n. . ; T'l . . U-'l. , , 1 nurs ' Fri. ... its 1 r. ... : n.m. ., M -n. T.ies. : V. ,1. 1 hurs. ..V 0 il 1 1 , ... 11 J Sill'' X'!", IZH - :s: 2 4: 7 4 3 V.,: I tiiol . 1 1 1 -; i '.' '.' J I . (; j - 1 . .1 't Ti j li I 1 t'J ' 1 . 11 ... 1 1 ; 1 "4 7 , 11 1 j : 1 ,.; 7 i u : .12 ' 2 j ' 1 7 4: . 2 1 tj 1 j .: j .( 1 1 a it- '1 4 8 i: . 4 2 j l-i Jl " '. ..74 '.1 '. VESSELS BOUND TO ASTORIA. Midi.?. llesa--::ger, iir t.k, 134 tona,' I Nagasaki. A.-iander fila'k. Uunn nr. Antw-rp. Forthnank, Peteron. Br hk, 1323 tona, Oertrhent!. Jooph FullfzT, Harvey, Am rh, 73 tona. New York. Clacltmannanahlre, Thomson. Hr ih, 148: tons;. Newcaatle. , Silberhorn, fJlbson, Mr bk. 1771 tona, 1 ldverpool. j Argo, Maclean, Hr ah, 14 tona, Ant j werp. Caatle Rock. Jonea, Br tit, l.Vfl torn. niugv. , Lombard, Raiaon, Br itr, 1,K8 tona, Hong Kong. Ounfnrd, Macl'henon, I?r kh, 21 8 ton-!. Hamburg. Patriarch, Breach Iir sh, ton. Ma- nil. a. Fost-ldon, Bush Hr ah, 17)8 tons, New castle. Oertrud. Hlnke, Cer h. 1..-3 tons, Kobe. Howth, Martin. Br bk. 21W tona, Cal- , cutta. I Emln Pasho. Chrlstenaen rter vtr. Inn H. X niitfrn YV'allacetown, Motley, Br sh, IOI tons Antwerp. Antwerp. t,.hr, c,. I Jorin toon, .-uagee, Lir h, 17i tons Hiogo. Stronsa, Harry, Iir nh, VOt tons, Yoko hama. N'.rfius. Schuite, G'.-r sh, Wjj tons, Ham burg. Wasdal..-. Kisner, Iir. sh, 177'j tons, Ant werp. Korr-Ft Hall, Sc'jit. Iir. h!i. Shanghai. I'ort Klgln, I'.enney, Ur. bh Antwerp. Andrada, Adams, Ur. sh , Antwerp. L'. halburn, Forbes, IJr. sh Newcaatle. Arthur Fitter, Der.ker, fj. tons, Yokohama. '''. tons. . 1H2S tons. 2;'j1 tons. . lio'i tons. '- th., Kj; Vas-o I;e Onina, Tertrurn. li'T. sh, M'1.1 Sydmy. Mooltan, Kcllt, Iir sh., KlU tons. V'oko ha ma. Iiroderlck Castle, Ferguson, iir. sh., 1715, Shanghai. Ednvfed. joncs, Iir. bk.. VM tons. San Francisco. Thalassa, Hellmege. r. bk., 1371s tns. Hamburg. Colbert,, Fr. bk., 1218 tons Tahl Hay. r.tithyn Cnstle. Ijavlea, Ur. bk, Kfj tons. Sun Francisco. Inverr.auld, Jackson, Ijr. bk.. l'M3 tons San Francisco. Yolo. iJannicuick, Br. eb.., I4ii tons. Hong Kong. Christine, Warncke, Ger. bk. llftO tons Hiogo. 7 r. A'v'--.'T Why doe one man nk anoiher what lime It l, If time w il tell. There Is no Joy In thin i , njual to the ItapplncB f nnvhi i iioo.l. , woniau'D health Is her ilean-t p.Ks.stlon. tlo,, looks, lioo.l times, happln, m, , alio lis continuance, ilepetid ,ni her health Almost all f the nf n.iiniu la liaeiahie illieetly of lUillteelly to ome .1. i atigetu. nt of the oiiians ilisiini'tly fi niin. ue. Ttouhlo ,i thla k.ud are oft. u tlih'.ecieil 1'ieau-o a very natural un.l proper modesty Keeps women av.i from l!i -.e.ani, w! :n-.H;,neo up n iam ut ii ion and local treaim, nt Is ;.u,i il! ai me!e- - i. It ,.'iur,i'll. I';. I'loo'. K. nor, t,i I'i'.i iio. will ,l,i more for III. m than .loeiei . PI ... Il w .11 il tn,ii' thi'i the lJ:'.t..,. h d i I-m can uu I. h, pi.sci tus li, li I.. ,i pic r p I 'll of I'r i; V ;. in .h..r w . i : i - ;.- a ltila',i. n.l .1 1 11 i.' l ; el'" T'l,. I'.o-e, , ' l' . a 1 ' I . Iheiv. , I 'Mllli r u- ! N. V n: . i . in, l i I'.umv .i : !! w ho rr U s II I--.( the II 11 a ad lia.lM ., ,l e ot uu 1 1 b io M ,1 , al All I e ltl'ATS TPK M.OMUKK. Mr. A. 0. Thomas, ,.f Mar) me. Te , i haa f.nitid a unite vah.ap'.e d' oety than h n yet been nude In the Uluidik'' 'it 1 year he sutTond untold agony tinm eon d by bemnrth agc, and aa nbaolutely cured by I'r. King s Sew lMscovcry for I'onsiituptlon, I'mthtis ! and fold. He deolani that gold Is of; little altte In comparison with this mar Vtloua cure; would have It, even If It cost , a hundred dollar a bottle. Asthma, hron-1 chltla and all throat and lung affections, I are poaltlvely cured by lr. King a New ! lhscoery for I'mistm pttun. Trial Pottles free at Kstes-fonn Prug Co ile.-0 cent and SI W. liuaranteed to cure ! or price refunded. j I. !: I.I., (l i..l w"h till,! ! p;e(. Ihid management keens more people In poor . ticumstances :h n any oth r one t cans.- 'I', t tie Hiecc-fal one mil! lock ' .ihead an I '.iti a!i' id '.hit wh ti .1 f.l0!.l'. le ,'!'!!:!: tv pi... 111. It..!,' h ;s r, .1 ! to lane ntaie ,-f p. A I. ,: f r, :!'. .; w:'l ..!- save tir.i.h evp 'it.' ar.-l val'.i.l'.e ttr.e. v r ih :it and c ire ful man ..1 k" p .1 Iv: of i h i:-i''or-. ,r:h ' a ll.-m-vi. : ' 1 1 ' w a 1 s 1: ah I th' n for a I v. t p , . t-o ! -. r 11 cat a w m'. '.. t . nfi. , 1 n s 1 l,I l:i t ho .1 a-e j w ru n :n ,:Im ;., . ' tMiit'o . .1.: a :tr f-.i::' w- ii. .-.! w 'l-ii n I: iv .. a li- u ' h i;m- 1 r 'vild t-y . k r . It: - I 11 i r 11 !-l 1 ,!'- I -. H W llel e , !l is a, I so.,- 1 t-iir : -rs fill. li s w sc. 1 . rv '' t ' !! a. I mi oe.t tf tfi s w I ..!:.- gu r.ui I',, tr iv I I-...-.V in-ot as rn'n h -! hotit a to k'-t. W !l el I. t tl Iti I ! I.ty a- CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Itie Kind You Have Always Bought Siguatu.-o of Fiii:K riu.s. S.n.l your address to II. :. Itu.klen a; Cn, Chlc.nt-.. and c-t a fr.,- t unple .. : ' - t I'r KliU'a New l.lf.. fi.U. A tilil wi.r you ..f h-.r merits. Tin .. 1 Ilia are easy In action and are particularly rfTi-tlv.. In t'l. , u ,, lck 1 1 .il.i. li' cure llf I 'ijns'.p Iti' '! .fid T.r M ilurla and l.lvr trout-: tiny hive 1 n prov-d Intalu- Ill !. Th--y are i;uarant I to In- p.'rf"ct:e ""- """ ' t-o 'lu'-i.-ii'n.s Biiiiii iiii t ana 1.1 r. tiitr.. e , . .t-,i.t. i.. n..( u. .,.',......',:.. Th-y do n.'t ' ' """' ' I y kivIiuc tone , t" s'miach and bowels greatly lnvl-ira.- j the r-yst. tn. a te l'i rents per box 1 1 cat 1... . - . Br bk, ISM""' v.o. U hy Aek'T's I': ; 's.i.'." k : r.i:- r ini,--.r jtnv f ta',l,t ir -.a letrs j-.,r 1 .1 '1 s a r.s s.i',. I mi h I ii"' s h- irt-burti. j - i"' .1 f t- r .I' ll' psiii 1 in. lot !e r-:i'f. 2'. md jo, : - '''.Ml I..'l c. f - 'in "f dy rumed at. : i." lis- Too rn'o h I- toll. .11. - L- (.,.., ' IriiiK-r to 1 c"'i s 1 I- 1 I, id 1 - an lll- in-ikn. tli" h itui'i al h. I i-t 1,.. r. -. Mr. John I'.-vins. t-'li ' r of the Tress, Anthon, .w:i. says: "I have us-d Cham- brla!n's Colic. 1 holeta and b: irrhoea Itemi.dy In my r.nnily f ir fifteen years j have re. iiimneiiiled n t hundr-ds of ,' oth-rH. and have p. vcr known it to faiil In a s n:l.; liis-.incf. For "ale by Ch'is 1 Itogi-rs, Iar'u-gist. I .No ih. v wh. 0 :iv a ll 1 If I Ic t h 11 J h.s ii nt I- 0 a 1 ! Ta 17. it. nn 11' 1 one - in That the blood should perform Its vita on. -i'.iip. 11 11 iinsoiirriy neresHarv It' Ml'ocai r.-.t onlv be imre bin rh h'ln life- I glvlrur eli'iri-nts. Tb-se r solts .in- b-a, f-fT' Cti'd by the i,m,. f th H veil knowr, standiird bloi.d piir-'llir, Ayi-rs Hnrsa I parlll 1. I j-i l-t. 1,- fr-,. 1 tic 11.- -. d. ni' d 1 ' : , ' 'l'i1' n.a 1 r l i'iii'ii'. 1 1 ! r r, m 1 1 . .- , .id Mr. p Ki-'rham, of I'.k" Cl'y, Cel.. s.i;s: lioring my brolh-r's Int.- :ilr!n-'. from ni iatic rh'.-uro.'ClH.'n. ciiaiub rlaiu s Tain Ittlm was. the only remedy tha' gave hi in any relief." Many oih'-rs h iv .cHtin.ii to tin.- promiit relief finm pain wnan tins imamwit afrords. For sule by Chiirlrs itoiri'is. dnu'cint. I '' i haps Hi- re i - on f.ini.. ,,. ,M;,. ,, rr-in h i.f ih. Iv . up. a-,, ni, , . jH 1,, ,-iiiise Hi v I'.. ir 'li. y may nr vi r bivi- any gn-ai ore . ! .VI:- f-i F.ngh.-h i.'i ' will sicp 11 v.lil cue th , or nai.'i' y i'- n's. I'or 'ilc ''-.iitii at. ny Hi 11:' V Sl e,,,d t'.vejvi; III fond-"I. Y 11 nts ;i ri-i j bv I. -ii. n-t.'unn In ''o 'ih- -Ml day la n,,i th- ,,,. y,,u hIi-hiIU s.-l-ct f.,i- bend willing unii-ss you 11 re ' specially sun of gi-tiing your Inad dry. Luxuriant hair, cf uniform color, In a bountiful head-covering for either ex and may be secured by using Hull' Vegb 'able Sicilian Hair Renewer. i A Beautiful lt or.lrr lolurihrt iiiiiinliiic ll.ASTIC STAI1CH ( I Irmt lli.tiiili.lhi iii tiiti-ts. I l , I luliiugrr l'o.,(l Kcukuk, lnw.t, li ne ii t iili i I.' ll I: ANN' AY it lu .nililul irsrnl willt en It p.ii kaijci'l lau li snl.l, 'I'lii sr ut tii iilMiic In (lie lortitul loeuf if u! Pastel Pictures l lii v ate t ' ills. In s in sin ,.iiti air t tilitli il ,i d'Uowa: I I IJIncsr.iul n t to Pansle nnJ narjtucrlti'8. jn KH0 Of ttn i . CI 1 H'' t -JCHUSiNOtRBHOfC? i s rKMJsuk : i i,i,m '"ii ii him k;- ' 1 - Tlt.'sr rare pi. tuie, lnur 11 ,f tl-t. U.l.rKi'V.ul m . :k, I ,l Sll'oe t . in Ims -t,i.!i I lioa I'll - l'" '.111 Tail tH'os arc a. i t,, ati I t ami ate i 'ti, 1:11, nl In t. laics .no th''IU t'lCtll I'l 1 ( ,1 !!.ec t i t. . 'li ! i: ' i en aw it 'til e o .1 ; .1. ii i . ptr. ! ! Iv. :.i at;.! is . I ', I i I atl.' i;ct a 1 i i If. riiv, ! I't-cs , . 1 tl.r ill Grerers K'O.' Mrl'c Starch. Accopt K3 Sjhstltuli. MStfJ'riCl.iifCaWJ't4lM'tti44 OABTOTIIA. : - ., 1 - t a li , i . . - f . .a,a S, 1 W 11 '. t! r ! w :'h a c '11 K h J '. 1 v r... . i;.. a-. 1 I n: f ill had a ! i or.- s,.:e c'.u:'i ih-n itrr l--f-ire. I' 've ii., I ii an- r :i . ,:. . a' re-j ;..r( t". t :. r-lo f. an.l b. tug r t.m ir--n, led t 1 t: .1 I-".'.;,- I'tuui'oi'r lain 1 tV'igh ll'-iiv 1; by a frt.-nd. w ho. kn 'w. j rg me to le .1 p or w.d'w. give It to ni', 1 I tr.e, 1! .1:1 1 nt h the m Jt gr.r.iti.r.g r u'.t. The t'.r.t bottle r.lletr.l mr very tu'i h ari l tiio . ,-on 1 ti.o.t:,) ah. il'itt le j c irr.i ru- I 1: ive not had as g "d health fir tmt.'.y ).ar. I g:i :h. eertincate w.'-houl ol.c.M'.ion. a.rt'.p'.y In apprecl. ' a: on of the gratitude f- lt for the cur . rr-cte.l - K .p'-otfiii) . Mr., Mary A luard. t'laremore. Ark. Ft iil by I'harli Ib-grri. druggist. '1' .'1 1 .1 - r "1 I: t WHITE COLLAR LINE Columhla River and I'uaet Sound Svl Katlon Conii'iiny. Ht'-inier Telephone l-av.- Astoria dtllx 'v.fl't Htnl.iy. 7 j.. ,. I,ov,- Tirtiiin.) -'ai'.)-. rxc.-td Hun.lay 7 a. m. Telephone t . kets f . on a, atner Th imp.oii T. J. r.'tier. r. '..tter ' ek- t. i . . I : h .:-... 1:1 Tel II Scott. l're.Men. . W. Ht'in.-. Ait'-nt A''.r: I Ickcls to all point ..liAST.. ForSdlc ty0R. & Afcni. Astorli. ! 1; '.I it-, I..-,.-, 1 Throuah nalaci- nnd tnurl.i ai,...r,.B dlnlriK im-l lll.rury lis-rvutl.iii ir Kl.KOANT VK.STIIIF:.K THAINrt Kn 4 I.lmlte.l I'.irtl.irid 11 I No I Limited arrives Portland t 11 11 a in. MMFM j l era wA II HI: .-.III III 1.1... I 1 .ni ; , , i 1,1 'Till l-ii-t Stl.lll p. in. ripul Hi" H ir :' .. in I."1' l a W 1 . I .. ' V I, A I .1 Mm! 'I, ',ii. ,.. In.,. in,. ' 1 hi' a, .. ' "CI, IN Sll. Ml -a-i i.f I : , ,,, : -.1 -. 1, 11, ,- i'r a.l- , -ai! ' 1 ' i- I. :, ; ., 1 , ' C.,,,,,,,1,,., j.,, , , ! S-:.i...... i T r 01, ,11 1 ,.. ,) ''.' iy 1. 1 no ni - 1 C, 1. in. ' pt ll, H-iie i:v 1 pi M onlay ill .la; 1; I "..'ii 1 -ii i. . 1 Wdlu ii.'t'c IVner. Hi.'.'.ii 1 1 -. , .. , I 1; a. in I I'l Slln 111 I p. III. ' tilllilll) -'-I' HI .V Win- I. -,,.!." "Allium 11 . r, -,,. ,. 7 ''",'' hill klver.. I , I Inn-, , ,, . u.i.l .-..t "" ' '" " , I'a ten, a o -y I. u.dliu-.. :i -71 p in. Wo i..U'ed in d I I I. Kb. ui. Wl'liiinrtti! knrr. 1 111 s. I l.ur porll in, 1 .,, 1 lni,j. A " I Hal ' Wav 1. 01 li.. I p 111. I ii--. Tiuir and Hal. I, .' I: ipa-1.1 id. 11 Moo Wed it: Frldiiy 5ntike klver. lili arli.t'i I.i-h .,,n. I v la u l-lii . 1 . 11. 111. fS'in.l lies, and III ii r . O. W. LOUNSIlKIlflT. w. h. mmLnunT. AK-nt Agtorl Gen. Pa. AKt. Portlan4. Or Emil Schacht ARCHITECT Rooms J17.J18 Portlanil -iavlnji; Knnk Bldj. Portland, Oregon. Present Wild American Popple. ' jj Ulac5 ami V III 5. ,lfM tot; I 0 k!.N(i. ii 'if f!. v t iiulu i, h llir irnnvMinl ('astrl r In ell l In en 1 1 mil tr CI l III ii rsl llt icil lnrtlic brs liinclntlir I'lihlii Tiiltii c.l til all tin- i nlnii Usui In the iMtipi letd t uti. . wmks id art. ,.r the Iumiic, lii'tliitii; lur- .a " 'r a:'l artistic tnrnt, ELASTIC STARCH ! nl lauti Irvstanh mi the 1u.11 ki t. Asl. j our v a r .t ihli Mati Ii BALTIMORE and ai 11 a mil rtn rv uniu iLiiuflu Royal Blue Trains UO w KF.X TIIH LAST AND WEST cn.y line operatlri Iti own through train hctwnrn Bl. Ixtut. l.outivlUe, Jtprlnjfleld. (hneinnatl and New York, via Washlnjton. ltnltimor and I'hiladelplila. The Irnveler over tha II. h O. la permitted to retch !luip-a of th rtrratut renrry In Amtrlca. PKTF.H MAItVKY. I'arlfle (oat Afent, Han Franel-i. I'.oom E. M ill tlulldlni U IIIKONI.V UINISd-rAH K'U TK KKOM I'OKr .A Mi To TMK KA.-tl. TIIKoM.Y Hoi IK TD 1 1 IK Y Kt.l.O -jTilNK NAT IO.NAI. I'AKK. I.HIVK li'liTi.AMi 1 .IKKIVK. Ts ,1 Vil ..r Ka.aiint,; ' ln-iial .. l eidrniU, i No .'. M..1.H1, Mi 111 Insulin No. I. A'e r lefii, Omni I. , e' la. s.-.ittlr. 1. lull,,,' I Port 1'iKiit. i.d, Kuril- '..UK. so am,.. It, ..Uhil II 1 II i'., Nri "l'i IL I', knt.o, .Mi. 1 1." 1! 1, II'.'-. , time. lela, H A M, II. I. 1.,,, -l I ml. Mui-V ill P. ,M' lie.. d , K iih.i. I itjr, "Ir.lui, 1 inlliCI hhll'.,' '. l-..l .' 'i'e., o.vta.h , liu-loi., .S. w Ynrh, I'l. II sd'ii, and ill 1 1 polio lin.t Anil -until j i ''A. .S iu .iluueMioli. 1 111, alia, Kaa as City and Ml l'aul j I'.WM to and Clll-aao ' liAVH lo WMshli.ton. Phlltdrlphla. Nrw York aid Hmtoi. and ui lor llasii'in poli.ta. I'-sKKiia- ehrek-d thru fh 't dratlnatlan 1 of Mcki'ia I For slrrplng.ear re.rrvatlcnn, tleketa, I maps nnd till1 Information, call on ra j rltr I r w MT'iN V., Aslnrla j A. I). CHARLTON ! ll.oi'l I'h... (nul, l-iirlUnd, Or ; '4,'.. ,irl...i, Hi., I nr Tulrd, ilioii's Ncrvcrine i'illi , remcdv !: nervous proa v 1 ra 1 10 11 411a il all ntrvoua O. j:. -f .1. genrralive or 'U.lOI'.l. ,1MI Al 11.11 pans of either ux, such as Nervous Prostration, Ktiling or lo t Manhood, Impotcncy, Nifhti Lmiv lions, Youthful firron, worty. ex- assive use of Tobacco or Opium, which Itad to Comumplion and Insanily. $1.00 per box by mailt 6 boxes for $5.00. CTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Pion., Cloveland. Ohio. For aala hy Etra-Conn Droa Co. r.l In a nm-iwinmrin'ti r-iii. ly f..r (,,,. Hie,-,, ri-termnlorrliii it. Wliili-., 11 11 11 at 11 r 11 1 ill. l-llltrilerf, nr Mlir lllllltlniiiit lii.ii, iriiliiliiiii nr 11I1 1 . ' l I IlKl. r In I u, tittr.. ll'i.rtni.i.4 DM I-, iirliiur.. Il' e.iut..iin. ci'.ii i.r 111 11 1' n 11 fHlfl1CiUM'e-tf'n. I'r'iii".. Niiii nmrlnu. an V'ifi'.ri,o p21 to"1' "ra V-.VX imi. 1. 5f'Jr'.,r. " 1,1 1'1"1" N0I1I hy lraKB-litla. wnii'irtT m. I. I'.i VihiJ' tireiilnr ..'i,l uu , lit nil reiiui-.l OAHTOniA, Bean the ) Kind Ynu Have Always Bought Blgnaturo CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS All ads nil. lei' this II. Ill ! III". I I loll. II l III" .1,1 r, 0011I . per Hun ai li .11I1., , ) 1 1 . 11 1 In- ol'l loll. II1M A 1. 1-1 IIHId' A NTH 1 1 W Willi' Ml'WIsrill'HS T I'" MI'IN- linn .md t. 10 1 nl I 'mill - w lun .10 11- hut a in ai wi r 11. e.l apnli A, I. It. .. or all 11 r I'laiil.lln uiiiiiie and liiglit -It- 01, N I 111' A liui'l' lilKI. I" il" T' I . . I Mien lis, lol k-ll-'lll ll"ll--'olk In ,iil olll, . I 11 lamlll V . I 1 1 . II , As t.o'lall "HP '. XN I'lll' A illlil, Full iilM'11 Al. Il ol I. M'plt il Hi in - "'Il and iliand 111. inn' Mi" iP"itt' W Han. bol 11. li 'It lll.NI' I'nii iih.n i' r si: vhii'H. "i; ,h lulu: I'iiiIiIiiih and uu. I' 11 !' r li 'p In-pilm ..( I., il U.11, rl it o., uiigoii l 'i 'It I1I1N I' 10 11 'I ' III '1 si: M ' It V ll n.i.l t oiu- a, I . - 01 I lot 11 al 1 i 1 1 ', 1 il y si it lull h rout I. a I lie I 1 1 I '" "III, ' Vim-: . 11 v 1,' T I' l ollill,. t , IHU I t s 1 in: mi iti; u 1 111: nl v , .1 l , I; I M rf I I t IllO.t t I lilt III .Ml I I, I ! III -.', I I. III. Ill S I'A I li N IS 1 'I' AT M I In III mpl 1 r mi: a r nit: iiih- lug Sun i; ii. 1 1 I. I' III. vi. 1 it A It li i I I' Mli- I'll M V II I I rsl'IKi I' in. , : inn .., 11! l It. 1 1 ' 1 1 11 I 'ii-' 1 1 i. ' 1 , , , 1;.'ih. .1 . .1 1 11 . 1. . Monday .11: I I'l, III -1.1 t , 1 1 nfi il.. II 'llel, l-'i.u.i l 1 l P. Itt,, 11 !'.! 111I1 .md l it II l h .1 1. I s Mil' Mils .,11 11 M M MII-W IFF I lial,,i CONCERT 1 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH I t 1' U IilW. .lunc 'J 1. t m ! t :! M fi h. tn- m . . . MHs. II. I. IIVKIIIS . 'I'll I, I 1 I 1 dt S M il A r N. it t V. N . .! H. a I 1- Mil l tig i ---p. t .1 l'i t ; . -1. M-Missp i it's a Mistake Tlllrt ItAII.WAY f'MI-ANT Hp. rni. in tin 11. uu n, fmiioiia Ida. a ays'rni. t.laiil Its tlnl:.. Ii) out. IS. III. 'llellul.J 'I'M') tiuii(k in I., rili itaut ina lamp, "'" .lM, d l.y r-jii ju rd Pa..rir trim, .woy ,t.iy .. nltll .,. Ht I'.nil ai i hl'-nao: thr ClllCAi.'i. MH.W At KllF. A HT I'AFl, Aii.11 -i-rr it.a .(,.. i,.,, ,,j t,.ii,ulB trulna. eurrylna tt, ,f.., nm. piirtmei.t era. I.i.r.ry bufrat .mow,,, "ira, an I a a- im in( l0,im al';r. I'arlnr ear., free r-ol:nli in,r ,-ttt ad Hie v-ry li ll diiu cur arrvira. For lovea rales to any ,M1nt 1,, a,. I'll. H'ai-a or Cann.U. ttekxi mrent, or ddrs-sa .'Ply t C J. Kin 1 y, n.-nerui Att. J. W. ("AHFIY. T. P A I'liftland, Mr .1. II. VY,V!T, I n.otr . ft. .-.., (I, I I fin I wnrc, Ship Oinrtf H-r y, ( r K't'rk-s, ! 'l iMitIl4 I'MM I'M im,1 cf 1 m 8prili Mid.i l-.i,l,n u.t)v, n Hhl) Till. NEW "NuKTII WlTERN Limited" ('illl f'.INTI fy Thain ) Ivlwoni Aintu-;i p. .lis, st. I Mul alio1 (".liiiMipi, is I'lilirl.iinini'ly dcvnI'Cil in an iilustialcd l'""ltli'l, which will be ur. "itlictl icii! mi appliciitinn lo W. II MliAli.fJc. Aut., Il'H WllKhllmlini Sltl-rt, I'' if 1 I.AM), oyc. '' W. I'AKKI-.R, i-,lln An,,,, ll.l.l ... ! W:V j T " l-i e ''' .! II 'lie , . ,- fit ! ' " '" " : - 11 I i' ' Mam '' f' -I 'I.. I'll,- We hlte 1 , - isl ,tO 1 1; I'lll-. t !!i. ' ,' I ' ' 1 t r I 1 I ' ! ' : ' k in -1.1 1 ',. t am .' - " ' ' c "it t . !. I ''I ' :! if n.l. r. -a. ' ..1.'. ' - il W , ,, it ":. li -a . ;; . t .. ' v ci' : .1 11 ..- .ti y'l r r-rV.T A Tallin, SUI ILC, WASH.