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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1898)
' ' .... . . 1 S THE ASTOMAH has the largest circulation of my piper on the Columbia Pivr THE DAILY ASTORlAN tS the fclffest and test paper on the Colombia Fiver KULL ASSOCIATED PRKSS REPORT. VOL. XIA'lII. ASTORIA, 0KK(il)X, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 22, NO. 117 1 ' ? fi . V I WH AWIJ I'OSHIVHLY. HEADQUARTERS ,1'OH, TOVK ha no ics TINWAItB COOKJNO UTICNIIIJ inoN riric THE THICK Ant WOII A TO MAKK IT BXPEIf- ivr to iiwt ruiicwmenE. Eclipse Hardware Company (H AWES' OLD Hi, .NO) tmi:fuuuuinntntnuiiitiuuinitiuiiiiuiu:iiiiiiiuiutii:ui!Uittminiiiuiiutt:::::;! 1 Wm !:;;;;i;ti:iiiiitiiitit:itttiit!i:ttntiiiiitiiitiitttiititiiiiitititiitittiitiiiiitiitiiututi.'nt'Ai 'iiiiiiiitiiriiiiiiMi.iniiiMifiiiiMiiiMfiiiMiiniiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiitiiMiifiiiMiiiif MiiirV S' I D roHAVi; " '.aiaaaaaiuaauataaaiaaaaaaiaaaiauaauiaaaaauaaaaaiaaaa.aaaaaaiiaaaiuaa,iaalilaa.ajaauliuaiaaiiiCv VTI ltlvvaaajj uuuuu umnnrru COPIOUS DISPLAY OF ART Ilvt i v art u lc cxt ilt h tin- rtirioMty if Anu'rii aii I'l'i'l'lc. 1 1' Voll lU Vfl" MlW ntir j;imms ii will lie It livut to iii-itrt tlicin. If vim Iihyo M'cn tlii'lii, irint'inlii r tlu'iv arc plfiity of ctirintis to follow llnit niv juit at iiitrir.-tinj;. Our stoik of ('liiini-Janius' jjivmls roiiiirisc inany articli-s of piirriil iisw' ami uro rcn-iln-fil iIki nimv striking y tlu ir ijiiuint eloign nml curious tiiiili. I'liliuiilcil vnricty jiarlor ornaments ami li(iibi furni-'liin1, toys nml fancy articles. fire Works ' a9s 'n abundance; very cheap - I Other nrtides too numerous to mention. Chinese, Japanese ) I a Trices very low. ;i WING L 1 ovru njsnrufnnnrjvninnnnrw asr -v: v. : -jv -a.'A'.A-'Ar v NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED Four 1 1 unci red Different Patterns Wall Sin k Co., Merchant Tailors, were never hotter prepared to serve the puhlie in their line. Cients' iMirnishinn (iooiIs of all kimls. Suits miule to order ipiicUy, I,arp' stock ready-made goods. Cleaning anil ropuirinj;. Itumcnihur, Price Tiilk. WAM SING & C06jAC"',rc,st- 5. CHARLES KAIN & CO. Cirry a line assortment of Japanese (Joodsnnd a largo mini lino stock of FI UKWOKKS and (lags for the Fourth of July at very low prices. Wo nro also makers of LADIES' IINDKUW KAK etc nt roa sonahlo prices. 367 Couimcrclnl Ht. ' tnSOTITaUSEJfffflETSUa g To Cure Dyspepsiav Hat regularly. I lave food prepared by compe tent cooks. Eat where you relish the victuals. Eat at the Model Restaurant where you are assured of the above conditions. Plrtt CUm Whit Heir All Hours DAN BTKAM FITTINGS I'LUMIIINO BIILET IKON WORK nr. Uncle Sam Was Right Ij w..ud i ho Hipri ililna II tin' Minium lN'irit Imit l.rm writ I. A mi Mlmay o..r II miiilil I 11' le I In all) a. liilirh rolntnctit If unltiill 'ii!l Im.Ii' ..f Thlt liiilli nip Ilmi ilinr li tlklil snd iimi kind i.f u..r for klti'lr ol t .irrt...iiiili'iti c Si nml lir Hlial kin! Jim Haul mil iil' ) mil ilrhiaii'lt KllUflf IU ft-nl) fiimti 111 Ikr IiImI lifrrar Morlt :i ... Griffin & Feed .. . fi AROtiNf) THF MOI SF a: in the way of summer hardware, l mir I. r. pick". . III. .11 .,llirl.r, t (t.i. li"k. aur.liii ir..rl.. i,r f l .i.. '. watering pots, porce. 3. ..... . L.....I.. -....- I......... t .v ' I..H1 f n 1 1 1 .... , l'iiiK iiiihb 3 . ir.ii o r, Imlli plant sprays, Ii.un- in " k h...'k. lawn mowers, garden I li..a.. an. I cvrtliliiK from it whci- f. l.iri l.i .1 . arp.t i nk. un.1 which 3 a Kill fln.l III our i- jr. 1 l'"lr at." k of hardware. 3. S rOAPD t STOKLS CO. runjru i vavaaajuu ioi iaj uvnr LEE & GO .Astoria. Or. 5 J : s" - v. v v : v ssr. Ni I i I BARBER, Proprietor, 579 Commercial Street. IT IS SURELY THE THE PURPOSE EXPLAINED Why the Investment of San tiago Was Undertaken by the Administration. CERVERA MU T BE TAKEN Menacing Fleet Must Be Dispose! of- Hotson and His Men Must Be PelcaseJ-What We Have Done. SHAFTER. SAMPSOn. GARCIA Hoi J a Consultation-Small BoJIes of Troops Will First Be LinJei it Dlfftrcni Points Along Coast -Sfanlarls Forcibly Impressed. A... I. I itr.l rrr. I :-;. ' li WASMINiiToS. J. in.- :! -N'-.w Hi.- .irniv la n. .111 ;.. 'l f-i.'t .ti 1' .' !. ih rr ! . .f itiiii ni'-v.- .ii S in'i .ii...i i..mii.l .mt w.t.iy l.v an nrniy .W. fully ii. . n 1 .1 1 n 1 .1 ihr ( n- 1 ml pl.ut .if !h.. .lm:n:'r.i!..n. II.. a.iM linn Sintl.i! .1.- ''uL.n .i n l (. If un.1.' 4 tn:!',Mry !iih. ..f .i-i-l.iM.Mi. H wn ll-'l .1.1 ip'.-'l f-.r nu ll ii. II ini; fir l fr -m :!i" rl. I nil. I .iill.ita ..!. nf l!li' .l- mi. I. Hli. nil 11 rnllr.iiil .ir ..r l'n iry lili;hii Hi.- irn1i.r!.iii..n iiniiui!..ii ..f .'.:ir l !!ii ;..n tv.nil.l 1... inri.-iil.ii a a n l.i ..f tn 111 t .1 ry ii..lli-. K"r 1h.1t r. .- h- .il'l. 1I11T1. n.-y.T Ii i l li. - n :n '.! nf ii"liitf llil il :- iia ill.- !lrl l..i.'. mill lli.-n (irii.liKilly -x!rn.1liiT Ihi- m:il Mry i.rlli'na w-.tnr l. Trii. .i(-i-uiitliin of Sinuniiii, h iiinli-.l 1. nt. vuil.l Ai-oiimillh ap.-lnl Im l.lrntiil tun wry i.-!r.i!ile n.l Thi flrM nf Ihi-ic w.i ih. niiUir.. .if Al "Tvorn'n tl.-.-l. wtili h woul.l nl wiiy ri iiin'.n nn nnn-nnln nnil m. rmo Iiik f.ii'O'r until rnlln-ly illnrJ of. Annih.-r pnlnt wna iho rrl. mih- of !! .in nn.l hl iiKn.vliiti'n. TROOPS ARRIVE. Associated Tress pispatch.l On Hoard Associated Press IHspatch Hunt litiiily. off Banting.! de Culm. M n- 1 n y . June J. 1 p. 111., via Mole St. Nicho las llaytl. Tuesday. June :t .Copyright 1 Vis bv the Associate.! Presa l-Tlie Vnlted Slates army for the Invasion of Culm about hi.'"! strong, and commanded by Gencial Shifler, arrived off Santiago de Cuba ill noon todiv. The time of Its Ue bnrk.ltlnn has not yet been determined upon, but It probably will be wiihln the next three days. When the fleet of thirty live transports with Its freight of flcht Ing nun swept up the southern coast to day, mid slowed up within sight of the loomed cllv of Sintlngo. the nnxLmsly 11 ailed soldiers were greeted with rins ing cheers which faintly echoed to the transports from the decks of the block ading warships far Inshore, they were answered by the troops most enthusiastic allv and In kind. It was I o'clock this morning when the lookout on board the cruiser lirooklyn re ported seeing the smoke of several steam ers iiway to the southeast and n moment two later he announced that a dozen or two transports were In sight. The news was exchanged from ship to ship. Half an hour Inter, grim forests of masls had sprung up apparently from the sea, nml a "most Impressive scene was pre sented as the nrtiiada swept gracefully up from the horizon toward the shores where the great snuggle Is to take place. The transport were ranged In three shift ing lines, with the battle ship Indiana on the extreme right, and the other imti-of-wiir on the outskirts of the fleet. In this order the transports and their escorts steamed slowly In toward where Morro's red walls aili-nmed In the sunlight. It was Intended to take the entire fleet to the lines of Rear Admiral Sampson's fleet of war ships, but nn order from the admiral slopped the advance of the ships Hlioiit fifteen miles to the southeast, nml General Shafter went forward on the Se guanincn to confer with the admiral. The transports lay on the smooth sea while plans were discussed by the leaders on board tho flagship. Not the faintest hint of their Intentions regarding 11 binding has been allowed to escniii'. I'ndoubtedly, however, somo of the troons will be landed nt Gunntnnnmo hay. but It Is generally believed the mnln hodv will be landed much nearer San tiago. The long and trying Journey from Tampa left tho men In better condition General Shatter and His Men Ready to Land in Southeastern Cuba. THE INTERESTING EXPERIMENT BEING WATCHED. Ax Uti ii I'n aa Diiat(h. NI.W HK, Juno II A "Piiliil 10 the Trilnint frin Waahlnirton .i): Th airlml ()f tin. llfth nrrny rurj.a, uml'T (inu ral Khafltr, at the r-in,, xvoua off San:l.i, hl(h. In the i.f ill.- urmy anil nayy orflcliiU, li.ia icfurri-l l.y thu time. dtvt-Uj the moit lntrt-tlng cvntln K 111 nf the ir, un.1 th.r la frank Curlorliy unimiK the ..i hi-t ottl an u uton Iho part A the American puiilit: tu miihMittc ri'rt (l'i rlt.iiiK thu l;i"-niturk;iilon of u. h a grat military force upon the horn of u r.iuntry h hi l.y the i-tn -my. 'Jin- .!:ihrultiia lnolv.l In thl luniling are thoroughly appn-rlattd ,y mlllliry und naval ro-n who are unable to i .iK their urn lni- r.V'ir.lhig t :n pr tlm rxt-cutlon. Tin- ntii't a1lv.111t.1g. -Mia iioint of d.l.arkatlon, under ordinary ciri urnKt.ini i-, f.,r the Iniatlon of an inve.nnv-nt of H.1111111K" ' found m tin- Curntgie rir.-,- 1 omany' wharf at Aguldore. which U barely t'.x mllef eait of M-irro ui-lle. thl wharf Ixing admiraoly ndapK-d for landing the h.avl.- nupptle. the iiege train, i-r lunni -. and horn.-., hut the Hpanlnrdu are r.portcl to have plainl batten.- In uuch a ponitlon a to com 11. and the liKiilliy mih an rfillladlng fire of heavy artillery, which might easily d. ntroy the wharf Itself by ihelllng, i.r ir.-aie hav.ic utii'.ng the troopi aftiT they had Uindcd. l.ueir. iil!ia!ia who are f with the Bimnlah o(H-rtloni during the Unt two years In Cuba are confl-d.-nl that Ouera! Sh ift, r w.. meet with only sporadic and ImfTw.ual attack by ctttred guerilla band and that the rapidity i.f h: invritment f the illy and bay will both at-m-h and grat'.fy every one but the friend of S,..nn than waa mitk Ipali .1. Tin-re are f.iurleen mild ra.- of typho. on the ho"pllal ahlp, nmi.nit them Major 1 1rt.rt. cf the Tn. ly-llfih Inr.intr)', un.1 aev.-ral in. a ut nniil. There ar-. howwer a. a i.f all kne... no fi-rinu The iliapiiti-ti boat ..f the Aioi-Uo d Tre nn ahe neained aai ng the trun- ...r!. wa eagerly iM-ahged on all mde f .r newn of Admiral ttampxin opera - !Wii. oltlerra and men clamoring fur word from the hl.H k.ulliig It- t Much aatlnfac - t. 'II a enpreaaed nmng the troops when Ii iMi-nme known that the actual . ipture of Sanil.igo la to be left to the army. The American fleet" off SanlUxo haa Imrn materially tr-i:glheiied by the addition f the war aliipn which enort.d the trans ...rla. (oiiaiallnar of the Indiana, IietiMit. M .iiitf .meiy. Duncroft. ll.len.i. Krlci.n illvl Koote. TI1K C.KXKItAl.S CNINSL1.T. (A-lated Trent Ii'.Kpatihl nn Hoard the A l're liisicit. h li liundy, off Santiago de Cuba, Mon day uiatht, June via K lniclon. a, Jtllle Jl pr.Khtctt ! by the As-'-i 1 late. I press. A soon as the fleet of transports had arrived at a point about to send forward a sufficient force to crush twenty mill a on Santiago do Cuba this I any Spanish command which can be con afternoon the ste.inu-r Segnar.inca. hav- j ceiitrated at that point, lug on board Shafter and his The reports 'from Santiago that 41.CM) stan". left the other vessels lying to and I Spanish troons are in and about the city, signalled the flagship of the American do not agree w ith reliable estimates in fleet In order to visit Rear Admiral Samp- J possession of the war department. Ac s.m. The general went on Ix.ard the Hag- cording to the latter, there are not to ex sblp and the S. guaranca then went to cee.1 il nj Spanish troops at Santiago, Accorados, about seventeen miles west 1 while PX) miles away to the northwest, at of Santiago, and near which place General Garcia Is encamped with 3.uJ soldiers. General Shafter and his staff and Rear Admiral Sampson went ashore and prw- 1 del to General Garcia' t headquarters, about one mile inland, where they spent several hours In consultation with the Cuban general. At the conclusion of the conference General Shafter and the other officers had little or nothing to say re garding the plans for lauding the Ameri can troops and for the co-operation of the Cubans. The best Information obtainable is that there will be no attempt to make a general landing for two or three days, 1 Inadeauate force to meet the seasoned but small bodies of troops will be sent j Sanlsh regulars, ashore, probably tomorrow, at several points, both eist and west of Santiago, , ,' TALKS BV THE CARD. Including Accorados. - General Garcia gave the Americans as- j Associated Press Dispatch. surances that they need have no fear of j Columbus, 0 June Sl.-The republican contracting diseases on the southeastern state convention was almost free from the coast of Cuba, as the cllnmte there Is not . factkmul fighting of former years. The unhealthy, only extremely hot at this "national administration" republicans season of the year. : were so strong that opposition to them The Interview closed with the under- ' was not felt anywhere. Congressman standing on the part of both generals that , Grosvenor was chairman. He Is consul small bodies of troops are to be landed at ered a confidant of President McKlnley once at several points olong the coast and his speech is considered significant, where they Mill be safe from attack by Referring to the policy of the administra te Spaniai-ilr, and these will be aide to j Hon In Cuba. Porto Rico. Hawaii and the keep the n .iy In doubt 11s to their til- j Phlliimlnes, Grosvenor said In part; tlmate Intentions. Among the troops that "We are confronted with some new will be landed first are n number of men questions; new questions of national pol frotn the engineer corps, who will begin Icy. One of them relates to the question work at once preparing for the movement of whether we will take, hold and fortify of the main body. j and eternally, with the blessing ot God, Generals Shafter and Garcia will con- j defend the Hawaiian Islands as part of suit further tomorrow. ; the territory of the United States. It will ltefore nightfall all the other transports be the policy of the administration to and convoying warships had drifted near- j plant tho tlag of the Vnlted States In Ha er to the shore and the Spanish soldiers , wall; to occupy and to fortify and make watching from the bluffs on both sides of' It a part of tho territory of the United the entrance to Santiago harbor must be j States, and when the war Is over we will Impressed by the great array ot vessels 1 settle then the question of what sort of standing off shore. There are nearly government we will have over there, slxlv of them, Including the troopships j "Momentous Issues are before us; great and-mcn of-war. The (i.tHHi Spanish sol- questions of politics growing out of the dlers and perhaps 2.O1KI Spanish sailors capture as I believe we shall have cap guarding the city and harbor of Santiago tured foreign territory; questions that de Cuba doubtless concluded that there will be new In American politics. Let us was but small chance of overcoming the wait; It Is not Important to settle the force of American wars. dps and some , status of the Philippine islands now; It Is 211.WO American soldiers and sailors which not Important to settle the character of will be burled against them before the week Is over. WHAT WE HAVE DONE. I Associated Press Dispatch. Washington, .Tune ai.-Two months ago J bv order ot the republican administration, toduv war broke out between the United '! surely not 01 McKlnley's admlnlstra Siatcs and Spain, according to thu proc-itlon, the starry banner of our country's Initiation and the declaration of congress. ! glory shall be pulled down from any fiag The end of that period Hilda nearly 16,000 staff where the conquest of arms has United States troops lying off Santiago ! placed It." preparing to land and It finds cable com- The convention adjourned until tomor tnunlcatlon established between the gov- i row without transacting any business. eminent nt Washington nnd the advance (riinrd of the expedition In Cuba, nnd It finds Cuban territory In the possession of United States marines, backed by the squadron, and nearly all of tho commer cial ports of Cuba blockaded. This Is all apart from Dewey's great victory at Mtt- BEGINNING nlln and the upl.-nrtld renullii a hli-ved In orgiiinzing the upl.-ndld armli-a now In camp. The onVera of the admlnlitratlon feel thu 1 they have a right to look hack with pride over what haa been aceompilithej m the iihort ipace of two months, work- inir In large iwrt w ith raw material In j bith the army and navy. j 1 The government haa now determined ; to end heavy relnforcemi-nm to General ' Sliiifter at Santiago. To this end the' llrat extM-ditlon will leave Newport Newa Thnraduy morning, carrying Brigadier Iuttii-;d ai aeparate brigade of the second army curpt. In all about lew men. Other eilM-dltlutii will follow rapid. y by way of Tampa. llrlgadler Utnerul Henry, the dlftin gutahed ravalrr officer of the regular arm- arrived here today from Tampa, and the present plana are for General Henry to command a division mude up ot the brigades of General Dufflvld and Gen eral Garrison, this division, comprising .".i men. to tie ready for the speedy re Inforceiiiint of General Shafter. It will at once swell the American forces at tianthiKo de Cuba to about !l.0) men. Hut the eXH-dltlons w ill not stop at that number, as there is a determined purpose , llolguln. the Spanish corps commanded by General Pando has lO.OUii men. The war department Is satisfied that the Cuban forces under Garcia can keep Pando from reinforcing Santiago. Should this not be accomplished, the Spanish forces at San tiago would be augmented to about Sj.iW. These are well armed, well disciplined. used to the climate, know the fighting grounds of that locality and are probably as giod an all-around fighting force as the Spaniards can bring to bear. There Is no purpose on the part of the authori ties here to leave General Shafter with an 1 tho government, the stable government I which wo promised to Cuba; It Is not proper Just now to settle the status of ! Porto Rico. I make no prognostication except this; I doubt very much whether you and I will live to see the day when WAS1UNGTON RECRUITS. Associated Press Dispatch. Olympla, June il. As It has been found Impossible to prevail upon the war de partment to accept a full regiment under OE tne second call of the president. Governor HoKers today Issued an order to Captain 11. Hardin, of New Whatcom, to recruit a company of Infantry. Like orders were also Issued to Captain Henry St, George, of Pomeroy; Captain James Ross. Taco ma. and Captain i. G. Maltbl. Waterville. Mator E. R. Fox. of Tt-koa, has been named by the governor to command the battuilon. Dr. J. N. Pollock, of Colfag. has been appointed assistant surgeon, and Second Lieutenant J. il. Monroe, Fourth L'nited States cavalry, who has been ap IKilnted mustering officer by the secretary of war, reported to the governor today. Titonia has been designated as the n mleivoiis The battalion will be assem bled as soon as the government can pro vide camp equipment Governor Rogers left this afternoon for Pullman to attend the commencement extrclses of the agricultural college. RECRCITS LEAVE PORTLAND. Associated Press Difpatch. j Portland. June 21. Thirty-five Oregon recruits and twenty-one members of the siimal corps of a Minnesota regiment left here tonight for San Francisco. HOUSON AND MEN SAFE. Associated Press Dispatch. New York. June SI. ine British consul at Santiago has sent the following dis patch to the World: Nothing happened to Hoabson or the other men during the do m nam men 1. SPANISH CRUISER DISABLED. (Associated Press Dispatch. Washington. June 21. Advices to the st-ite department say the Spanish cruiser Vlttoria was towed into Cadut in a dis abled condition. CATASTROPHE AT A LAUNCH. Associated Press Dispatch. London. June 21 When the British bat tle ship Albion. 12.9GO tons, was launched today at Blackwell It caused an Immense body of water to rise and immerse a crowd of people. Ten bodies were recov ered and It Is believed fifty were drowned. TROOPS AT CAMP MERR1TT. (Associated Press Dispatch. San Francisco, June 21. With the addi tion of 300 recruits from Minnesota. M from Towa and 100 men of the Astor bat tery, the force of troops at Camp Merritt has been Increased to 12.200. Early this morning 332 recruits from Kansas and Tennessee will arrive and a number of re cruits from Iowa and Idaho are expected In the evening. On Thursday 200 men re cruited to fill the Seventh California will reach camp. The First California volun teer has been recruited up to the maxi mum and tomorrow the 300 new men will be turned over to Colonel Berry of thc Seventh, who will take them to Manila. Work on the transports has progressed so favorably that they will probably be ready to sail by Saturday. The monitor Monadnock and collier Nero are expected to start for Manila at the same time. After the departure of the next expedition the remaining troops will be rebrigaded by General Otis. Governor Richards of Wyoming will remain here until the troops trom that state leave for Manna. The First Ten nessee has gotten In Its requisition for arms and equipment. Today the men will have stores, clothing and other neces saries Issued to them and In a few days Colonel Smith hopes to have his command In shape for service In the Philippines. OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS. (Associated Press Dispatch. Portland. June 21.-Complote returns trom the state election show the following result for governor: Totul vote, S4.713. Geer, repuollcan, 43.104. King, fusion, 34,330. Luce, middle of the road, 2,S0ti. Clinton, prohibitionist, 2,213. Goer's plurality, 10,374. deer's majority, 5.4. REVENUE COLLECTIONS. Associated Press Dispatch. Washington, June 21. The monthly statement of collections of Internal reve nue show that the May collections amounted to $14,098,117, an increase over May last year of i3,281,225. THE E 1 THE TROOPS ARRIVE Shatter's Array Off Santiago Enemy Compelled to Divide Their Forces- THE ADVANCE ON HAVANA Will Depend Largely on Ability of Troops to Stand tbe Climate Speedy Developments Expected. LAPCE EVENTS TO OCCUR Momentous Affairs on Foot in tbe War Department-Volunteers to Be Mobilized at Miami. Fla.. an! Other Southern . Cities- Associated Press Dispatch. NEW TORK, June H.-A spe cial to the Herald from Port Antonio says that news reached there that the first division of General Shatter's expedi tion arrived off Santiago Monday night. Now that the marines at Camp Mc Call have become firmly Intrenched there the Spaniards must divide their forces to defend both cities. Our forces are thus about to reap another decided advantage through tne suc cessful landing of the marines on the eastern shore of Guantanamo bay. Um the ability of the troops to stand the climatic conditions at this season ot the year in Cuba will depend In a great measure the time to be se lected for the advance upon Havana. If the regulars are able to keep In as good health as have the marines at Camp McCalli it may be expected to hear of speedy developments In the situation. It Is said that the men under Gener al Shafter, despite their experience of thirteen dayii in close quarters aboard the transports, are in good health. They are eager to get at the Span lards, and stirring scenes are certain to mark their landing. LARGE EVENTS TO OCCUR. Associated Press Dispatch. New York. June 21. A -Times special from Washington says: From behind an appearance of quiet at the war department, certain evidences of preparations for large and moment ous events which are known to be on foot. make their way Into public cognizance. Notably among these indications of the way the war wind is blowing Is the an nouncement that the volunteers en- camned at Mobile on the Alabama gulf coast have been ordered to Miami, on the Atlantic coast of Florida. There are six of these regiments, the First and Sec ond Texas, First and Second Alabama, the First and Second Louisiana, all In fantry, and all from the fact of their coming from the lower tier of southern states, are regarded as peculiarly adapted for service in the West Indies In the hot season. Miami is the southernmost town in Florida, being situated at the terminus of the East Coast railway, far down In the neighborhood of the everglades. The (Continued on third pace-) The Royal is the highest grade baklag powder kaowa. Actual tests show It fees oatv third farther thai any ether bread. POWDER Absolutely Pure ftOYAl sVAKtHO POWDCH CO., NCW VOftflt.