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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1898)
a. ..It THE ASTOMAN has the largest circulation of any paper on the Columbia River THE DAILY AST0R!AN Is the tlj.est and best paper on the Columbia ftlver FULL ASSOCIATKI) PKICSS REPORT. VOL XL VII I. ASIOKIA, OIIKdOX, Kl'NDAY MOKNIMJ, JINK 111, !!. N0.14 '"yTI.. .... , vine WMmmmmgm Wl! AWIi POSITIVELY- HEADQUARTERS TOVEH HANHICM TIN WARM COOK I NO UTENSILS iron nr tub rmcEs ahb such as to makb it expek- BIVE TO PUr ELSEWIIEItB. Eclipse Hardware Company (IIAWCH' OLD iiiiuuuiuujuiuniuuiiinniiiiiiiiuiiiiuit;mniiiiiutuuuiunmnri:iiimi:ii: 1 ' C'GARS. CIGARS. CIGARS. MANILA ' CHARS. . ft :. fl WORD TO THE IHISE IS SUFFICIENT It slaiitls t) Iraviii Unit wi can give voi Mcttcr sati-l'nctii'ii ami letter prii-fslou (idods tlian ili'iilcM who carry vnricgutwl Stocks, when ours is a srialty. GROGKERY and GLASSWARE IS OUR PORTE .... NOTE THESE PRICES FRUIT I'int jars, per iln.cii, (iuait llall'Kal. " BERRY'Ko Small ICE CREAM One Quart .... $1.30 Two " - - ' I. SO Three " .... 1.7") Four " 2.00 Six .... 2.75 Ico (.'ream Dishes, 2.r .'55 nml a0 cents ier dozen. TIN A1NI GRANITE WAUE O. SUMMERS 3d and Washington Portland, Oregon I'OU HTKAM riTTINO ri.t'MHINO BIILKT IRON WORK BTC. Bi..ND.) i untie Odin ti 4o ni&ui Wli.l ..ii. the i.nwnri II, Ink If ilir . nil h iNa irliir lid l..i writ I. 11 nil IllhllV It w.'llld I i.e crc.'.rd nelly lll'liil rolulliflil If ulltllilel KH'lrlr null- l rl 11)11 lllilli Ilim llirrr ! flithl slid worn kind of iMpcr for ilifToiint klniti of rurn( in -. No mat Iri r lil kind y nl vtr ran ui.iv di iniiit I KilwrlptUi Krml) rrtVri. j til Ike UImI lilinrj norLt ... Griffin & Peed .. . ji If w not umI to ilii brand. I.w.y' (-Inch domHe nd him : We hv nut tut thrro quit long, ml Imic nouh nd good nuugh for ny- WHOLESALE OSLT. Foard & Stokes Co., JARS "iD cents i;,') " s.' " DISHES 10 12 If) 20 2") cents each 2"c per doen FREEZERS AN ATTEMPT TO M'LINLEY IS INDIGNANT Deprecates Reports Published Reflecting on Gen. Miles. THE NAVAL RESERVES Will Be Recruited Their Full Strength and Protatly ient to Manila. SHELL MOPE FORTIFICATIONS The Tern With Several Other War Vessels Hate Soxe Pojil Fun With the Spanish Sot Hers-Blj Shipment of Dauson Cot J w AHII1''.T"N. J -i i I I TV A K' r. I.) M.i t 1:1' M i rt t-i t.'i .1.1 t.i .ee tile fl' . . r w .i i ti.l. f. t Wll'.'e h"U-e t"- i'. Th r-- t 'he J.U ' I . - l. t ii r. '.h a !!i" pi..:.t:it a:el h.m dt.'.:i!i. .1 tt::h :)n i -'ir-e if f il.n. r.i! .M.l.. .in I ii ' I ! .1 r h.m "f :h.. i 'tntii i!!'! "f th" ir:ny. '1 tie vp tat V i I :n 'Ii- I'' "' ' .f ;. M l. to i r- f "en', it c ,.f Die ;.r. . fl-.. ! ivt a W'-t'l f tr'i'h !:i I'. The purpose .-f the a lm;:r-tr .!.; lt re. .ntt.c ii. :u nd M:'.' - 1 i V.i-!i,i-ti-n ;i' tlr. I'm.' :i t . 'ti-Mit w.'.'i llilll II" t" '.!! f'ltllt" . I'l'l:'..-' "f '..'le ' iilllp.illltl. "It l pl:n that the .-.itiipa i: i I'-'lf li.m (ii"n far away fi 'tn the .ir'sinal line, on which It wa .Irawti. .i'i.I re cent .level. ipttunln !l le I'd to the be lief on the part of the pr. i.. m that the piaiin ni'ulit be ain tided ieinewhat with b' tn tlt. "It ha been auKKotnl that owitu. to the heavy ib tlllitld for tr.M. which have far rceede.l tile nllllli'er .'tifcltl ally deenir.l to b aufflclent. there will be iH'tT.alon to lene another cJiil for volumecrti. llavtim in mind the Knitth ( tlni" reqtilred to develop raw material into Kcaxii'd ..ldler. ii reve.Ued by ex perience at fhtckanmuftii. Tampa and 'nmp AlK'T, there In no ilo'.iM the president will be In thi matter nn.l that upon the xiMcnce of It ritlsollable doubt .is to the H'.lhVb ' ' of the present military force he will lake steps to ncrme It. The material secured under .iti.'th. r call will not lui'iudo .i.u!s nun, nnd the nu n will thus bt n!.. liitcly ureen and wholly wKhout null tiiry ciulpnii nt oi any kind." i-iii Tin: i'iin.irpiNKt. Naval Ib scl viH Will Probably be Or.b red to Manila. Portland. June K The rccruilinn of men to nil up to Its maximum strength the 1'lrst (ircRon rcKltui nt is goliur on rapidly. 1'oriy-one nu n were examined here today and twenty-nino accepted. Twenty-seven recruits will leave for San Vriiiiclseo tomorrow. Now that the tiUcatlon Is definitely set tled that the naval reserve Is to be mus tered Into service within n short time, It Is desired to recruit the divisions up to their full strength. The men with special ituallllcatlons lire In .binan.l, especially machlnlMs, eiiKlncers and seafaring men. Tel.'trnuns recently received from Itcar Admiral Miller say that us soon as definite. Instruct Ions is to details nre re- eive.l, the work of mustering In will commence. N"o decision have been made as to the ser vice to ho performed, but It Is quite pos sible Hint they w.ll so to the Philippines. ANOT1IKK HOT KXOACKMENT. Murines In Cutters Set the Spaniards Humilng. Off Santiago, June 17, via Kingston, June K-it'opyrlghtcd ISt'S by the Associ ated Press.) A hot brush between some Spanish troops nnd n reeomioitering party In olenm cutters occurred this morning In a small cove west of Morro castle. The MnssnchuBott' steam cutter entered the cove to tako soundings nnd reconnolter. When well Inside the inlet, a detachment of Spanish Infantry opened lire upon th cutter from a blockhouse. Tho fire wii vigorously returned by the marines In tho bom, 1111 also by the marines In the New York's cutter, which nnd followed in. The New York' cutter was hit ten times. A Spanish Spy Tries to Touch Off 400 Tons of Gunpowder. TALK OF HARASSING THE SPANISH COAST. N:V Villi. IV A Tim. h from W'anhlwrl'in a: Ni w r'l'f n .f tif- fiiniitiK i.f th- HMnlh vnl t ihi oat. an.) th c.nurn the r-fK.rti caune, trv n In. n a. Hie Im-nut nf ui.. War liuaM In tin- plan o( Ait jnt 8. rrirt.iry Rnvoh, now for many ii'l n tin- "In If. tn makp u il'h 111 111" Cariarli-n tml the Hitinh t'a; l,y ay of Interi-Mlnir anil occupying tin' HiMiii'iriL i).' .r iin anilr, Tint ar. nme Jl'tin ncin of i.i'n''.n nm ni th'e who i'.r-rl operation in in a rul.l .m ;h rt,!h oa,i t U lleviil l.y th' who h.i l'okii at the mittir carefully tnat thf ini.ral iff. '-t of nnh u .li ni'iiKtratloii nUil he to terrify the people who IU on the nhore of fipaln ami wouM rve 1. 1 I t!i,k the Kpanlnh to t.-riim i.irlli r than If '.he f.iro- of th-i Unttiil 8 Ultra were not to employed. An ohjectlon i.ri: 1 lii the navy il.-t artnii tu itKall the Immediate dlnpatih of a fl'et to HMin 1 that It would biinir the war to a i I..-I- li.-f'rr tin- ailiiiliiimra'.ion tou;, (omiilet twin of the work It has cut Out. It la de!rei that the occupation .. the rhlllppliun h.i:t In- c"niplet''l l'orto Rli-o aralnivl U-fore Spain ue. f,,r .aie. If tlv)e undertaklnira are Li u. rouii'leil out ."f'.n- Hpaln l to he vlolti-il. It mltsht not be before AuK'ist that the. fantet vensela of the United H'..ilm imvy could ! u-l to kn k at the d.r of C'adlx. or to nail Into the MtMlu-rranean and ound the defenses a; Port Mah'nK. The an-viir riin-l.- to 1I1U arKutm-nt l.y naval officer who fe-lleve that our patrol fleet might lie put to better UH than l: l tw. I '. "all f .r tin- fin n i iistf hip to be r'-aily f..r ji rvl' e In Spain, will he to oe the chance to carry out the I wl m-iue i .1 nip.i ajii whl h Mr. Itoowelt l.lrl. hji a careful rea.l.r and disciple of Capt. M'lhun. . n. ( ill u:tni::r ! the f.n t lint the pi-.ple on the ef the t'nlt.-il Stat.- h ive bvt-n frixhterh-d out of their nil, tin r h. !:! I'V Hi' ri- .h .n!"in nh. that apt"-ar In the m-w am one day ami d:ivip)-ar the next are a iii-ne ai 'l Imp-."-.; t'. il.- r.l'e a the ru-a n-rje-nt. The pren-nce of the d.lumhia and Minneapol; along the Kpah!.!i ..let f -r a wi'k i.r two. and the (iinture l.y thi-m of a few ve4.-: in the coiik'.wIiw trade. It I urged. w.Mild i iik-ake tin- utrii t.-t iiitt-ntlon of the S;wnlih lablnit. and would put an en.i to the report of the probability of f .imur.i util !k fad: mniadrun cpwKintf tho ..Jantlc. Naval ofH' .r alao admit that the Spanlxh gov-.-iiiim-tit cul l iU.-t n ci.l deal of the talk of thin propi'ited da"h to 8.aln by p..rnil:t:nii; two rial ahi to run uver I thin eute of th- o. and Ju; nh'.w the 8panlh fl.i out of ranpe of Amirlr an lutterte. A l"ld act like that W'Hii'l at leaat mike It apparent that an Ani' rl ti un.l'-rtakii.R of like ch.iract.-r would have had its merits. ..I the in' :. r ..f th.. Mis-i- l II 1 ttS h.l'l tile S'.OCk l.f ll ! S r.tle U '. - '. -. d. but no on. was hit. T he T' .i d" "ed tire w.Ih h-r s.x ; ..Hid. is "ll the hiils!'!-. and the ViX'-n '..itii's. Into the eve mil p-p"-n-.l tile I !. kli .use with her npi l-llre guns. Kven l i.liv the (Spaniards retreated into the '.sis all. I the two cutters w-.thdrew. The ships str.niKsl within yards of t'.e f.o t before o.ciiiiii; tlr'. and then fired 'h deadly accuracy. The Texas st".d in the narrow channel in ..nler to avo.d grounding, but the Mar lc. li.M'l steadied ah. ad and sw ung upiund I., the s..uth side of the harlior. 11. r tlrst sJiots win: wide, t.ut the little t-'iw.itoe, wlibh w:is following her. found the range and sent her -hots straight into t- fortltl'-atlons. hurling Into the air t rt. k and dust. The Texas th.-n finished the business, two ..f Ii. r l.'-ln. h shells rodu.-lng the fort to a pl. tiire.iie and useless ruin. Tlie Marbbhead th. n turned her atten tion to the Kirr.icks and works on the west side of the hartior and demolished I hem completely, sending the Spanish Bar ifson Hying for their lives. As the Span iards ran down the mainland the St. Paul' r.-lnch guns were trained on them and several of the soldiers were seen to tall. The numlx r of killed nnd wounded Is not known. The bombardment lasted an hour and a quarter and was for the purpose of preventing a number of Spanish troops i r mi leaving the town to man the fortl tbit1ons. AN INTBIW'EPTED DISPATCH. ilives a Spanish Official Account of the Condition at falmanera. iluantanamo. June 17. per Associated Press dispatch boat, via Kingston, Ja maica, June IS (Copyrighted 1K by me As.iclated Press, l An Intercepted ,"!' patch from the Spanish military coiu iimnder of t'almanera was taken friim i he body of an unfortunnte messenger who attempted to pass the Cuban lines. It gives an otth'lal Spanish version of the attaik of the American fleet In the cap ture of the harlxir of Ouantanamo a week ago and discloses the fact that starva tion Is facing the Spanish troops In cast cm Cuba. This is vcrlllcd by extracts already tele graphed nnd taken from a recent issue of n newspaper of Santiago, de Cuba and from the fact that a number of Spanish regulars have surrendered to Captain Mc Calla. offering as n reason for doing so the necessity of obtaining food. The let ter leads: "t'almaiiei'a, June 111. -To the Command ing tJencral of the Military IMvlslon of Santiago de Cuba: I am continuing to serve out half rations of everything, and in that way 1 shall be able to reach the end of 'the month only, especially In bread. I have no flour of any kind, as I have pre. vlously said, nnd have no way of Rotting any. as there has been no grain here fur some time past. "We are equally short of quinine for the hospital. However. I have taken posses sion of private drugstores and will have enough until the end of fhe month. The tow- Is suffering from privation." MOVEMENT OF TKOOPS. A Probable. Outline for tho Immediate Future Washington, Juno IS. he official dec larnlioli that the cnnipiilgn is to he pushed with' vigor does not necessarily mean the Immediate attack on Havana, although such advice has been tendered. It does mean, however, that the very best efforts arc to bo put forth to put the army In a condition where It enn he used with over whelming effect at nny point at almost a moment s notice. To this end the troops now In enmp ore to be thoroughly hard ened nnd trained. With such an army nt command num bering no less than 100,000, the fate of Havana cannot long remain In doubt wncn an army Is once hurled upon It, BLOW UP Meanwhile the smaller expeditionary movements are to go forward uninter ruptedly. If Santiago Is captured the trained r. gulars w ho do the work there w ill be pushed on to Porto Hico. If nil or most "f them are needed for this expedition, th. n the "provisional forces" referred to by tbii'-ral Shaft.-r In his nnlurg pnb ably will be dispatched Immediately f r .m the . niti.l State to garrison the town of Santiago and relieve the regular. S.s retary in response to a ques tion a to the probable date of the arrival of the first Phll.ppin expedition, said tonight: "It ts likely to reach there any day now. I should think tomorrow." Whm Hske.l If word of the landing at Santiago de Cu'.M of the expedition might be Xrctcd. Ills reply was: "P.wslbly to morrow afternoon: probably Monday." C.OU KKOM DAWSON. Skigway. June 14. via Victoria, June IS. -A shipment of gold dust nnd nuggets .stlmatcd at t ''. came yesterday from Dawson over the Dyea trail. It wns placed on the steamer Tartar and was consigned to Victoria. It Is understood that the gold belongs to the Canadian government. The latest advices from Uike liennou are taut moot of the river fleet has gotten away. I'p to June over !.) boats had been registered by the mounted police. the bouts carrying on average of four per sons each. Of the first 175 boats to make the start 11 were lost, but no one was Irowned. At White. Horse, the police have licensed two pilots and all boats shooting the mptds are required to take a pilot. There are now altogether six steamers on Laike Dennett and fVur on laike Linderman. A HOSPITAL TRAIN. Washington, June iS. The hospital train for the removal of wvmnded and Invalid soldiers left hero today for Tampa. Tho train consists of tt tl Pullman sleep ing cars, one dinlnn room car. one cook car and a combination coach. It is fully equipped for hospital service with medi cines, surgical Instrument nnd apparatus. The party which Is under the command of Major Kichard, consists of 22 privates nnd three cooks. From time to time as It becomes necessary, one or more coaches will return w ith sick or wounded soldiers, sailors or murines, who will be taken to tort Myer, Va., Fort MePherson. C.a., and other points where there are army hos pitals. Those whoso condition demands a high altitude will he removed to Asheville. N. C. Tho coaches which remain at Tampa will be used as a receiving hospital. ACT OF A DASTARD. An Attempt to mow Up tho Teklng's Magaxlne by a Swinish Spy. Victoria, June IS. The steamer Mlowera brings the following from Honolulu, dated Juno S: The Hawaiian Star of June 3 publishes a atory regarding an alleged attempt to blow up the U. S. S. City of Peking while that vessel was In port there: If the report which Is in circulation to day is true, Honolulu came near being the scene of as frightful a disaster as that of the Maine and in much the same way. The story ts nothing more nor less than that nn attempt was made to blow up tho Peking, but It was frustrated just In time An enlisted man, It Is said, was caught Just In the net of arranging a fuse con necting with tho niUKUtslne whlcn con tained -1(10 tons of powder. The dastard, tt Is said, Is now under the closest guard, nnd when tho Teklng gets out on the high seas, ho will lie hanged at the yard-arm. The alleged culprit Is said to bo half Spanish. The officers of the ship denied the truth of the story, but their denlnl was made In a hnlf-hoarted way. The vice consul for Spain entered a formal protest with the Hawaiian govern ment against the constant violation of the THE CITY neutrality of tills harbor while a state j of actual war ex.sts between Spain and the I'nlt.-d States. The minister of foreign j affairs replied: i "I have- the honor to soy that owing to the Intimate relations now existing be j tween this country and the United State . this irovenimerrt has not proclaimed a I ppKlamatlon of neutrality having refer I ence to the present conflict between the ' I'nited State and 6paln. but on the con trary. It has tendered to the I'nited States j all toe iwivilegt-s and assistance w hich tt i can bestow-, for w hich reason your pro I test can receive no iurther consideration than to acknowb.lge Its receiM." I tin the 2d Inst, the queen dowager. ! K ii.lolwnl K.. l'nl..1 Ci.ij ...-. ........ j-. ...... ,j me t .mm cruiser Charleston with a large American tlag as a token of her appreciation of the kindness of the officers of the warship immediately preceding and fo.lowlng the d.-ath of her kite husband King Kalakaua In California tn ls?L King Kalakaua visited San Francisco as the guest of Admiral Brown on the Charleston. He was taken 111 and died in January, lwi, and the Charleston was detailed to return with the remains to Honolulu. Three Kemahameha school students and eleven native Hawaiians tried to enlist whh Colonel Summers of the Oregon regi men for the trlt) to Manila. The boys are worked up over the war ami are Immensely enthusiastic in their American sentiments. Four men. regular members of the Ha waiian army, Joined the United States forces here. While the United States troops were in this city over 7,000 letters were written by them. The postage, amounting to mi, was paid by the Hawaiian government. TRANSPORTS AT HONOLULU. Victoria, B. C June IS. Advices today per the steamer M lowers from Honolulu June 10, says the United States transports City of Peking, Ctty of Sydney and Aus tralia arrived there together June 1. As soon ns the three vessels were sighted all Honolulu turned out to welcome the sol diers. The docks were lined with people, and as the vessels entered the harbor the spectators veiled themselves hoarse. Such a scene of enthusiasm has never been w it nessed In Honolulu. When the vessels docked It was late, so the order was given to allow no one ashore, but the next morning about half of the troops were allowed to land. Dur ing the day they were given the freedom of the city. The men visited Walkikl and other points of Interest, and hud a pleas ant tune generally. At noon President Dole nnd his cabinet received the ottlcers of the expedition During the reception the steamers and grounds of the executive building were thronged with people. On June 3 the soldiers were entertained on the grounds of the executive building. President Dole was on hand to welcome them. The utmost freedom prevailed, the affair being very informal. To each man tho chief executive gave a word of wel come to Honolulu. An outdoor luncheon was served by the ladles of the cny. The transi-oris left for Manila June 4 The Charleston steamed outside and v tilted for the fleet consisting of the re- king. Australia and Sydney, which got away about 10 o'clock whh the Charleston In the rear. While the vessels were in port they took In the neighborhood of 1.600 tons of coal. Of tho 2.500 men among the various ves sels, but two desertions were recorded, and they were from nn Oregon regiment. Two men were left behind, one was dis charged for disability and the other Is In a local hospital. The voyage down was pleasant and the vessels traveled abreast most of the way. altuoimh It was necessary for the Peking and Australia to slow up and wait for the City of Sydney. Eight cases of measles broke out on the Australia. The sick men were separated from 'the other passengers on 'the ship bv being quarantined on the hurricane deck, and the surgeons had the case well tn hand when the vessels arrived. OF PEKIN THE THIRD EXPEDITION The Assignments of Troops Has Been Made. PATRIOTIC HAWAIIANS Government Informs tbe Spanish Minister That His Pro tests Are N. G. A MOST ROYAL RECEPTION Tbe Troops of the First Expedition Given tbe Freedom of Hono lulu While the Government Furnishes the Boys Free Postage- SAN FRANCISCO. June IS. General Merritt has issued A order to General Otl desig nating the troop that at to compoe the third Phli.pplne expe dition, which will be commanded by . Brigadier General King. The order name the troops a follows: The two battalion of the Idaho vol unteer the Thirteenth Minnesota, two battalion North Dakota volun teer, the Seventh California, the Wy oming battalion ani two batteries. Q and L of the United State artillery, commanded by Capt. B. P. Randolph and Capt. William E. Btrkhelmer, re spectively. These troops will be transported by the steamers Morgan City. City of Para. Ohio. Indiana, and Valencia, all of which are being put In readiness for the reception of the men aa rapidly as possible under the direction of Major Long, the depot quartermaster, who is rushing the supplies and coal on board In expectation of having this work completed by 'Wednesday. Th exact date of sailing ha not yet been fixed, but It will probably be not later than the end of next week. The oommlssary officers of the vari ous commands have been Instructed to report to Colonel Baldwin, chief commissary, what supplies are neces sary to be taken on board the trans ports. General Merritt and his staff may sail with this expedu.on. He has had the matter under consideration for some time, and as he Is very anxtous to depart, he Is matting every effort to so arrange his affairs that he can go. Major Thompson, chief signal oftl cer of the expeditionary forces, will sail with this expedition. He has the sail whh Central Merritt and Is now preparing to take his departure at an hour's notice. The signal corps Is yet lacking In .ts required quota of expert telegraph operators, who wid perform an Important part in the conquest, and government of the Philippines. Fifteen are coming from St. Paul, to be followed by others from other east ern cities. Major Thompson will leave an otllcer In San Francisco to enlist men for 'the corps and forward them, together with the necessary supplies, for Manila. General Otis will arrange the detail (Continued on third pagej Ike Royal Is tbe highest grade bkia powder know. Actual tests draw It goes third further th y other bread. POWDER Absolutely Pure HOVM. 1AK'4 OWM 00.. fttw VOM. cm m !