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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1898)
""j:ui ... THE ASTORIAN tias the largest circulation of any caper THE DAILY ASTOR.'AN Is the bluest inj test cper on the Columbia River '2 Q on the Columtla River KULL ASSOCIATED PRICSS REPORT. VOL XLVIII. ASTOIMA, OHWiOX, TIT-SHAY MORNIM., JINK 21, IBM. NO. 11 j 'f, f i 711 A wh AMI I'OSll'IVtLY - HEADQUARTERS ,.1'OU BTuVICH IUNU1C TINWARE COOKI.NO UTKNHlI.fl IKON I'll'U TIIIC I'lllt'Efl AI1E BUCH A TO MAKE IT EX TUN- ' B1VB TO HUT EIJIEWIIEUE. Eclipse Hardware Company IIUffM' iniimumummutimiiiimiuuiuitumuti:! i' y?, si Ah1i !L IV I I .Mitniiiiiiisiir.iiiiHiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiniiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiHniiuiiiii:'.!!'.',: CIGARS. CIGARS. CIGARS. C I Cars- ;!. YW&W nnuutflvjvuuijwwuuuvuuiiaiuuuiuuuwuuiiuuuuuuuuuuuvuunn COPIOUS DISPLAY OF ART Kvtiv urtu'li' fxrilrs tin' niriity of Aim rictiu I't-njilc. If yu iii'Vcr jhw our (JimhN it will ! u treat In iiijxYt tlit in. If ymi liavo M-tu tliiin, ii'iiifiiilur tlicft' arc plenty of rtirioiu iliiiii to folltiw tliat art' jtHt as irtttTt'stinjj. Our MH'k of ('liiini-Jii'anrt' pMiils comprise many articles of cniTal uo atlil arc rcn ilcreil the more Htrikinj,' liy their tpiaiut design and curious fniiii. rnliiuitcil variety parlor ornaiiiciits antl lioiw furni"liiiis, toys nutl fancy articles. Fire Works i F la9s ln abundancei very cheaP I Other articles too miim rous to mention. Chinese, Japaneso i Trices very low. WING LEE & GO. Astoria. Or. I i Kv.-v: v v-.Nr.vrv NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED Tour Hundred Different Patterns Wall Siuy it Co., Mi reliant Tailors, were never hitter prepared to serve the puhlie in their-line, dents' Furnishing; (iomls of all kinds. Suits made, to order quickly. Lnrp' sleek ready-madt poodx, Cleaning and repuirin;. eiiiontt)cr, IrlccH Titlk. -VVAH SINQ & C0Aa6Com,rc,,st- 9, CHARLES KAN & CO. t'urry a lino assortment of Japanese ( ioods and a large and fine stock of FIUICWOKKS and Hags for the Fourth of July at very low prices. Wo are also makers of LAWKS' UNDKKW F.AU etc at rea Honahle prices. 1 367 Cnmincrclnl Ht. riiiMimirRirfirew.uriiimMIW To Cure Dyspepsia Hat regularly. 1 lave food prepared by compe tent cooks. Eat where you relish the victuals. Eat at the Model Restaurant where you are assured of the above conditions. Flr.t cum Whlto Helf DAN All Hour HT'IAM riTTINOft I'l.UUllINO llllI.liT IRON WORK ETC. OLD iND.) uummiuuiiiiiniiiimiuminn::::::; t: uncle Sam Was Right h Hint M..u.1 ilir power. Itiluk II i In- Mi'imw Na irltii u. writ I. n .in rili.i.y n.iT II would I Mli'l heart) it. tnui-h roiiwuvttl If ull lllllwt KMMrl) Hole ) Hill Indicate, tluilllirre L a f lichl and a wiiiiin kind itf U''r for fllffefi'iil kind, uf i orrriHiiiiti'tici. Ni mat I.T wh.t kind nil Kant r rtu U.'1f )..ur detu.ii'li j snlwri emit nrfil) ttivti. I til I if lalrtt lllrnri M.rU ... Griffin & Reed .. . jj i: II w not uxu to .ivi trnJ. lr'i I Inch i1nmrl!o nuiU him V hv nut irn ihro quit lr. ml lung t nmih n1 chm1 .nough for ny- lioity. WIIOLUAI.E ONLT. Foard & Stokes Co., :v vvvaa.v VA A, 4 4 V' 4 BARBER, Proprietor, 579 Commercial Street. I I THE TWO HOBSON IS DOOMED Spanish Refuse to Exchange Illm-We May Have to Pay Ransom. THE NEWS OF THE DAY Spanish Phantom Fleet Makes Another FlasnLlght Appear . ance at a Heme Port Much Excitement. TPOOPS NOT YET LANDED Anxiety Telt ty Sampson as to Non Afpcarance of 5haf(cr- Situation Critical Circlion Han J -The SpanlJrJs Starvinj The Lnemy In HIJInr. I A-.-. :a .. ,1 'f ! -; ll J w SIIINMTn J.m- .m - 1-!i iim( r.''.,,.i : j iv fr"in r.iititi.i..ire W . t . .li : i Mi.m.'i ii :;. i :;. r .', II...-. i!i. Si'.i n. h (.--iv . i ntn. Tit r h.ii'iii- II '..,:i .iri 1 I, , ,u, n li . I I i'l.- W.i' liii.i;i"ii. J mu i.' U'-iit. ti..if ll .i.-..ii. :h. Ii. i.. ..r the Merr'.m 1 1.) ie t r i ii - f. t r. .1 (run the :i.:ni :!:! to- l i the I. ne ..f the ti.iv and r u" ! tn llle lil.l.le '.f ll. . '"Illin it ! ;r"'ly thM tt-k. Th .n-".l :i a .1. 1 1 : 1 1 1 . 1 y .1. .in liv the a.lMi:;.'.-- trar. 'II today. ' t A.'H l.lte.l I're.H l'IIill) K,iiw:.'ii. Jiinial.a, Jme W. ' ltain.h ii. ItrniKh i-.mul at Situla". iiioi aetltirf f..r the 1'nlte.l Smt-i In the neifotutiotn with the for the ex. hallKe of IJe'.lt. mint !t"h- eoti iin, hlia iMinr.iilea. h.m mipK-til " the olhYlal at Wii-hlnijton that v. n n r.iniom nilitht he paid to nv. itre the pnunpt release of the AinerKnn prls- oneri. That Ide.i wan iindoiihti ally xpreHi'd In euhle dlfiMtehi. Mhleh panned through the colonial authari- ! ilea here, hut In what form It wa ehaped In not dear. I .Vielate.l l're l)iat h i Key Went. June :. Snvnl nitlivr eay Itliineo hn notltl.,1 the Ainerli.m lleet that he will hereafter rv 'Kiili" no (lair of truee. Moir i canle keeps tlfin. heavy r-hells at the Mo, k.i. sipiadt'on. I Assoel.lte.l Press Il ) V(ishln:toti. .lune ?. I ne war ih' iartllletlt h.s received A dl.sp.1t h Stat (UK that the Sp inlsh lleet had rouirtn d to a Spanish port. Till: NKWS 1'ItOM WASlllN'iTON. Assoelated I'r. ss IHspati h.) Washington, June Pnhlle attention here today was almost evenly divided be tween the movements of lleiieral Shatter's army, the piolialnllty of lelnfoivenietils huvltiK reiti'hed liewey and the stiitus ot llolisoii, the liiival hero, l'p to a In t o hmir this afternoon neither of the anxiously awaited messages whk'h were to announce the arrival of the trans ports nl Santiago nitd Manila nad reached either the war or navy departments. " Wiis not doubted, howevvr, that our vea ncli were off SunlliiKo. A direct report from the licet oautiut he expected until ii lute hour lonittht. It t' not iliiuhted that lust about the tltne Slmftcr appears off Santliiijo the fharlis will itpiiear In Manila hay. leading three tiiinsiMirtu which bring nearly il.tHHi solilleis to liewey' assistance. That fact will nol he known, however, oitlclally for two or three days. It Is iiicHllincd here whether with force to hack him Dewey will feel .Insti lled In assaulting Manila or even In (in cepting lis surrender. Hither course would Involve a responsibility for the admiral and It Is extremely desirable that no pre text be nfforded the Jealous Kuropcan powers for Intervention at Manila under Iho guise of protecting the Interests of their subject!.. Therefore It may bo that Admiral Dewey will wait for another P'n days until a second Installment of troops reaches finite. In this case he will prob ably land the troops that arrive In the town of I'nvlte. which Is now completely under the control of himself and Insurg ents, and employ the nunc In accustoming them to Mnnlln methods and climate. During the day dispatches announcing FLEETS OE TRANSPORTS ARRIVE Troops to Aid Dewey at Sampson CONDITION IN HAVANA DESPERATE. Ai l.u,-, 'r Lliai:h.J l T' !!' NT i J in" A .i!i i!;inu h h., r-:M h 1 hi r from Uivatu. uf'.'-r having tin more than three !) on the -y. It It from a hjr.t and !! with private aff iim, but ha three omnou word, "nfi.iir. Kf"IriK wirc." n firrlnR to the con'llllon of th- city. Hunt- illir fim h.iv lw urrii-l. Tie y wiro thnv on tin, way. Thy iitato that the outlook ! .i ;h rate, anil there l no p 'n-mtullty i.f k'"-iinif the lnur(e.n out of the l-t part of the province. They ("lui.ititly haia.a the rlty, cut .ff aupplti , ami !-! roy the tim. line Hl.ite o -tit i.'it n fon e to Ji.l.elire the Initutxenta, iut the train wan lUrailMj and the loldier had to rttreat Hhl fift.i: t.n i k . leaving many J.-id. The l!.k.nle I fa;d to hn tie'-n run "veral tlmeii ty amall iv.Kein, but the t"ti and un.mun;ii..t l.i n-l.-.i wi re f little ai.i ount. The statttm nt mailc that the city and (arr.fcjn cnft t wi'h- aiel a cl"r lnv "tmenl. 'I h" Id vi that (lrat I'-ritaln and the t'nlted JVnte have united In the ulo. kade. The off.cer of H. M 8 Tait-t wi re to have (.ilm-l lalualiie Information a to the c"nditln of the garrlon and reerte(l It to llu I n t.. I Hia'.i. M-lieve IVrvcra'. Ie.-t han been ur.k atn: i at Samp'on'i mercy. !); It tn I a;.' .in 11! in. ., b ,d r fii-wl h .t,-,. l....,n and h: f. II . w prl"- ..!.. - . r- at.-.t tnd.rri atlon. which wdii... lat.r by Madrid advice. .pii'tlMT Hie a. la as a 'iv a ilw l"ion had li"t I... n p e hi d. Phoiil. I (Strain adopt the . ro. I and iiruisiial ei-urse of r. fusltig an i batiee the r K'iiatioris of the mar il narim.Mt are siiiriel.-ni nie.-t the r.i' Tie- prinelple Is '. i. l down In Its reKUla- tloll". 'II. ' il.atl. 11 Will neV.r l.e r "rt. , to tt a ti'.'Mire of in. -re tei.nge. but only as a ireisure "f friieitlve r.t rl'.u r Ion uel im'i o. r i a 1 1 1 1, 'ii -1 v and on ivi...'.ab!y; 111 tt t I s .. r. Ion hl,l I nlv be r. rt I o after eanfel Inquiry Into the t. .1 oi nt f te . s aiel the eh rii' '.-r of the .' .i, th ,i nviv .1. m.ind r.-trl!itit..n. t'ti- j t !-t ..- ! of.'i ra'e r. tall. it'. n r.tnoies ' r. nt further mid fartlo r ft 'm the I niit''ng rub "f w ir an.) t.y j r : .1 .'.rides b a.'s them to intern. vine i war ef f.V ices " j It n.m pvnt.d oat i ay t y n'.nir ! itl'.r "f the army that th.. St'.iniaiI I l. id most t.. hike bv a course of ir.e-lty iineh .iid call f.T re'.ii Hat Ion, ns th- imi.b.T of Si:mlsh prl itiers Is far Kr,"t ' . Iti.iii the niiiiiber of American pris in ! . rv ! 'I'M. re was a wholes.!., i hrl-teti t-: l'i 'he eaiy ,!. i.,t t mi nt ;;,y when ie r : : irv sup, !!.. tn.- nam. s for no i "lab ih:rty-!le war craft. All of provided f..r In the last n-ivnl ap propriation '-i'l nnd while the t-otitr.icts f-.r th.'.r r.'ttsinetioti hive not h-vn let. vlv.Ttl'i'metits have I n evci-pt in th.- of the monitors, and all boat will h,- under way before the imI.1 weath The tlrst tn the list ,.f big battleships l the Maine, for inngr.-s has .rovl.e.l that the name shall be i iniltiued In the naval list, fuller bin'shls will be railed the Mi-sour) and Ohio. The lint of the t ovpd,. Is.iits b.ars the name of the brave itnitig l?ti"in TbiKby. who was killed on the deck of the WiuMow under the guns of l'ar.etins. the tin! American naval ottbs r to lose his life 111 the war. Tour slates have the privilege of giv Inir their names to the monitors Arkan sas. Connecticut. Klorldii and "Wyoming. The names given to the sixteen torpedo boat desiroiem are those of American famous naval heroes, ltalnbrldire. Harry. Chaiincey. Iale. DeiDlur. Hopkrns, Hull. Uvwrence. MaeDonouch. Paul Jones. Per ry. Stewart, Preble. Tntxton, Whipple and WonVn. Tlie names applied to the ton"!" bolts are those or lesser fame but of glorious memory. Ib-svles Haglcy'a they are Har ney. Hlil.ll. Pliikely. Delong, Nicholson. O'lirbn. Shu'irlck. Stnekton. Thontton. Tlnglev and Wilkes. There Is only one vessel, cither hulldlns or mithorlinl. left without a name, a gun boat, officially known as N'r. pt. Word went amund the war department this afternoon that the Oadli sqntnlron had made another spectacular appear ance this time returning tn a home port. WHAT OF lVitTO UU'O? 1 Associated Press Dispatch.) New York June So. The Herald pub lishes the followliiy! sMvlal correspond ence from San Julian de Porto Klc. June jth: Since the iKUiibardnu nt of the rlty Slay VJ there has been a general feeling of unrest, uneasiness and uncertainly as to what Is to come next, as It was ton clearly evident that matters will not rest Ionic In statu quo. Where and when the next blow may fall Is the all-absorbing question. No American papers have come to hand lately, nnd It Is supposed that those which have arrived have been sup pressed. That Is true of those coming by way of St. Thomas. 1 1 A W A 1 1 A N A N X E X AT 1 ON. I Associated Press Dispatch. Washington, June W. The discussion by the senate of the euestlon of Hawaiian annexation was begun today In open ses sion. At the very opening of the question the opponents of annexation quite unex l'ctcdly scored a point by preventing a and no vote or. taking up tho reso lution. When Davis, chairman of the iiiuitnlllec on foreign relations, called up the resolution, the vice president, as usual, announced that without objection, the resolution would be considered. .o objec tion being made, he declared the resolu tion to bo before the senate. Whlto favored th, friends of annexa tion the opportunity they had been await ing, rlu moved to adjourn, and like a Hash Davis demanded llle yeas and noes. Tho vote upon the motion, which was a test of strength between the friends and opponents of annexation, was defeated decisively, 44 to 13. Having gained his point In developing tho numerical weak ness of the opposition, Duis readily to Land at Same Time. imrr.-.-.! to inter the motion for an n's-u- n nv U-inr built for the former p.mpany. live session. The proceedings of the d'' As th" Mail company has given up the atH eliarly that lh T- Is to te r.o I'.k.r.o- and the China and will give up bJur u n the Hawaiian (pie-'llon In t ri .-1 the Peru, the Toyo company, which oper ort:n:ry ceeeptaiice of that term. It lt.- a number of large ateamera In the n.d the purje ..f the friends of annex.i-1 Orient, wl',1 probably furnish shli for t! .li to consume the time In makinirj the trade until Its new steamers shall b :nlin Itelbvlng that the s. rKite has i c.nipl' tel. i!r a.'.y In xeintlve sslon thoroughly I din ii"-l the qu-tion they will p-rm t' the oiioomnts of the proj.-ct t o cupy j all th time. This ilan of iiimisiign Is nrt s .t.ffaeti.ry to the latter, and during th" ' titive s -1on toslay considerable M--t. et .ss w as t:i aliif. ste.l. The strikers today were Mo.rlll. the i n ruble .-.'r.ator from Vermont, an.l one f the republican o.ipom-nts of annexa tion, and Pa. on. democrat. ..f Georgia. SAMTSHN is ANXIOrS I Associated Pr. ss Disjutch ) 'n 1'o.ird the Associated Press lM.-Mtch Pont IV unless, on Senilsgo de t'u'i.1. June li). 6 p. m.. via Klngseton, Jamaica. June 2 lO'pyrightcd 1: by the A-!at-d Press.) The I'nited S:ati troops ut.ib r loiicral Shafter have not yet r r:.s. The delay Is Inexplicable. Ac-i.initi-.g to the latest Information In the j...s.-, -slon of Admiral Sampson the trans- ' r " i'1'ciie.i ne,.- u..s moil, - Int. Valuable time and Mv.rable weather lost by the delay. T.. Calkin are extremely active and a cordon has l..-. n drawn around Santiago d. Cuba. O. neral Curcla with 4 i") triors. comlni: by forced marth-s from Panes, is now hcu.llng for Santlae His troops an' wuniti tony miles ot tne ctty. lie l i 3 ii men at Ho'.guin to prevent the Span - tanis mere imm efiecting a junction wttn Oeneral Toralut Santliign. me apunisn in.,.,., , v.uan..iiiani. un- run ahead of the lleet and troops and to der C.eneral Masso, are al cut off fr-m ! arrlve at Sannago or Guantanamo ome C.encral T.ral and are badly pinch' ,1 l.'rjwhal before the other Vessels, taking food. General Garcia and his personal j , he risk which is regarded as great of stalT were picked up at General Kirahls' I meeting with Spanish cruisers. The as oamp. eighteen miles west of Santiago : sumption by naval officers is that any and brouxht Mi the Hat-ship this after- uanger of that kind would be greatly re noon by the Vixen. There the grizzled i jUced by sending one of the convoy ves and wounded patriot had a lmig conver-j ,.u along with the Seguncla as a guard .satloii with Admiral Snmpwrn r g irding for the commanding general, operations for the Investment of Santiago' one officer of the army who has seen and the co-operutlon of the American and a Kre4lt deu, of ... and who has a Cuban troops. hlsh 01,inllln o lhe ablm. o ,ht, L-mteJ General Garcia says the Spaniards are stu,,,,, army ejtpre4J,ej ,ae ..pinjo,, that and cannot hold nut long and ,ne campaign sg-AinH Santiago will be that the war should end In n few months. I a s(Kr, ont, anJ ,ha, u wl nol be a Two regiments of troop wDl be landed sh(iw of ,ik.htls tnat glve a vlo. at Guantanamo bay. which will be hela ; ,ory to che men undl.r GtI1r;v shii(ter as a base until Samlngo falls. I Aithouxh the Unite.1 States are There have tHen no signs of Sanish " - ' troops In the neighborhood of Camp Mc- Ciilla for several days. It Is estimated that over 3oD have l'en killed w wounded since the landing of the marines. i'Uty - etgnt biHiies were round yestenlay. Ui.-st night the dynamite cruiser Veu- ms .iiM .in;ra mree more aaens. a o aticrltlee. Excepting garrisons usu terrltle upiMar followcl the second ex-; ally taken care of. the hospital service is Plosion, and It Is thought a magazine was 'inadequate, and to that Indifference Is bljivtl UP. i attributed the monalirv .he THE THIRD EXPEDITION". Associated Press JlsiMtch. am Francisco, June SO. The third ex pedition to Manila will sail next Thurs day or Friday at the latest. This annoiice- mnt was made at General Mcrrltt's head quarters this morning. The tlnal assignment of the organiza tions to the transports as made by Major General Otis today Is as follows: Steamer Valencia North Dakota bat talions. Ohio First Wyoming battalion head- ipiarters band of companies D and H. Eighteenth Infantry; recruits for the First battalion Eighteenth, nnd batteries G ami L, Third artillery. Indiana Headquarters band: companies U. C. O and L. Twenty-third Infantry; recruits for the First battalion. Twenty- i third; signal corps and the remainder j of company A. engineer corps City of Para Thirteenth regiment Min nesota volunteers, with the exception of the recruit to arrive. Morgan City Idaho battalions and the recruits to arrive for Nebraska and Ore gon tglments. A tviHirt has been frequently circulated around army headquarters that General Merrltt will divert the course of the ves sel In which he will Journey to the Phil ippines so as to touch at Hong Kong be fore landing nt Manila. General Merritt will mako this move In order to place him self In cMmmunication with Washing ton before he commences operations in the Philippine. Japan may Indirectly aid the I'nlted States. There Is a report current that steamers of the Japaneso line of the Toyo company may be used ns substitutes for the ships chartered by the United States government from C. P. Huntington. There Is a trntllo ngreement between the Toyo company and the Pnolflo Mall company for the operation of tho new steamers Manila and IT MAY I E EASY. I Associated Pr- D -"pati h New York. June 5 A fpicul to the Tinu-s fp.m Washington says: The capture of Santiago de Cuba may turn out to be easier than was expected, bit the pr .partitions hive been made on the assumption that the Spaniards will a resistance equil to that which oul.I be made by the same numb-r ot Annruan tro .ps holding a like position. i.ui the S;uiiush will be weak r than Gen- t-hafter and the fleet combined, while late r-ports about the activity and ef ficiency of ihe Insurgents bad army mer. to hope that their assistance W..I be ot miu value. While there Is not much anxiety here concerning I'.en. Shafur and his army, there Is a un.versal desire to hear of his arrival and f his landing. Army and navy m-n agree In the onin.on that it , army reaches Sam.ago or the point al wnich It is Intended to .and it. before i Monday ur even Tuesday, it will have j,,tK. very well. The transts.ns would not ' .,,i at high (ed. some of them may ; huv dPU;ni anj ,h ,.,.. woul.l keep together In order to atTord the slowest and Unefu of convoy. u is observable that the exi.editi.rn m cht , ot reach Santiago until tomorrow or nxt jay j tieneral Shufter was rather expected to j not aU prolH.riy ciad, most of them have ' u iJioieri ciau, most oi tnem KlKKi shws aIlJ all have plrnty ot and have KouJ nu.Jical atu.ntjl,n- food The iaSt, 1S QuiI(, .((...,,. wilh the Stvinlsh 1 soldiers. Their .-..mmissaru t Kid nvmt- to lhe indifference of the officers to the welfare of the men. for whom thv make I Spanish troops. Thts officer said the same conditions are found In districts where Spanish military habits are found. The I'niled States forces will be superior as much for the reason that they are feel ; and paid as for their greater energy as ( a race. The war department still keeps I secret the exact o!ih of the landing of the military expedition to Santiago. It may be at the tlrst h.ubor. and It may be at the east. Some suggest that there is reason to believe that both the east and west approaches may be made. The early reports from General Shafter fol lowing his landing and observation ot the situation are expected to give the department an idea of the probable dur ation of the campaign. The commander will also instruct the department as to whether plans already adopted are suf ficient number of men to do the work. If not. a sufficient number, whatever it may l(0 wl hurr(cd forw;m (o complete success at the earliest possible moment. THE FOURTH MAN1UV FLEET. (Associated Press Dispatch. Siiu Francisco, June 20. The fourth fleet of transports to convoy troops to Manila will probably consist of the City of Puebia. ue here on the 21st Inst, from Puget Sound: the Perum, due on the 24th from Hong Kong; the Alameda, due from Australia and the Acapulco, now on 'he way from Panama, and due on the 2!th Inst. They will bo pressed into service If necessary. To these may be added the Northern Pacific's company s steam ers Victoria and Olympui. now at Seattle. Roth these vessels have been granted an American registry and are therefore available as troopships. Combined this fleet will accomodate all the troops that will bo left at the camp, so that ships will only then be repulred for further drafts of soldiers. dewey still IS MASTER Insurgents Hell In Check, Al though They Establish a Government TRANSPORTS ARRIVE NOT Were Expectel YesterJay-Insnr gents Hold Many Thousand Spaniards and Natives as Prisoners NECESSITY FOR A BIG ISAYY Eloquent Pies of a Njt:3 Divine- .Na vies Cannot Be Built la a Moment or Eou?ht Over tfce Counter Dearly Bought KnowleJje Brinfs Good Results 1 .1 TV 1 Mi (Associated Press Dispatch. ANILA. June II, via Hong Kor, June 13. (Copy- frighted, IK, by th Associ ated Press.) The situation here Is unchanged. The Uuurgemi are unable to take Manila, owing to their lack of field guns. Thcjr could not take It even if Admiral Dewey per mitted, which he will not. The report that the I'nlted Slates transport from San Jrrancisco had been sighted Is not correct. They are expected on June 20. All the foreigners are leaving tn neu tral ship. INSIDE THE WALLS OF MANILA. . Associated Press Dispatch. London. June ?). Augustl wires Madrid that he has retired within the walls of Manila and will be unable to communi cate further with the government. INSURGENTS DOING WELL. Associated Press Dispatch. Hong Kong. June 3D. A steamer Just arrived from 'Manila says the Insurgents now hold fOiO Spaniards and l.OOt) native prisoners with their equipments. SPANIARDS SURRENDER. Associated Press Dispatch.) Hong Kong, June ). tCopyrtghted 1S9S by ithe Associated Press.) According to advices from Manila dated June 1", It was reported there that General Nonet m com ing southward with J.OUO mixed troops from Bartacan. thirty miles north of Ma nila, found the railway tine blocked and was taken by an ambush of the Insurg ents. Fierce fighting ensued and was car ried on for three days, during which Gen eral Nonet was killed. The native troops Joined the Insurgents and the Spaniards who were left, about M. surrendered. A battalion at Pampanga of native mi litia, supposed to be particularly loyal, began shooting Its officers and killed flvs when the Insurgents attacked Marabon, The Spanish succeeded In disarming and Imprisoning a portion of them, but th?y escaped when the Insurgents captured Marabon. At Zacopte a whole regiment revolted at a critical moment. THE NECESSITY FOR A NAVY. Associated Press Dispatch. New York, June 20. "Necessity for the construction of a mighty navy for this nation" was the subject selected by Rev. Thomas Dixon In the Grand Opera House last nlirht. He said In part: "Progress always had Its tragic element. There Is always the struggle of two forces, the one pushing forward, the other pulling back. Monastlclsm, which, (Continued on third pago Tie Royal is the highest grade hskinf powoer known. Actual tests show it goes eoe third further the any ether bf sad. POWDER ' Absolutely Puro HOVAL VU(IHI 9O0KH OO.t MW VOMC. BfflBl