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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1878)
ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE i . r 1 i T 3)t (ntcrpnsc. OREGON CITY, TIURSDA1. OCT. 21. 1S7S. Adjourned. The principal thing to thank God foi ls that the Oregou Legislature ha3 ad journed; and adjourns, leaving most of the important corrective IcgiVation called for bv tbo people lost ia the ob structive chaos of the lobby; notwith standing the apparent contradiction of our reasons for congratulation, we offer thanks because it was pitiable to see meritable legislation longer buffeted betweeen the foils of the sharpers. There is scarcely a member bat that ought to bo spanked by bis conslitn- ency, because a better assessment law wa? not enacted, but between the ira- piacticables who desired to lax every thing without deduction for indebted ness and the seosibles who wished ihor ongh taxation and a rigorous inqnisi tion "as to who the thiugs beloog to,' was inserted the craftv, i.isidious de signing element in the employ of con centrated capital, who want the present law perpetuated, so as to shield them as heretofore, and he whole si rue tire falls to the ground ia confusion, leaving the old order of Ihiogs to subsist for two years longer. So, too, a Deeued lefoi m wasdemnmled by every consideration of public welfare in tho Pilotage Laws in force on the Columbia river; but old Flavel, of Astoria, had his faDgs so fastened in the commerce of (he Stafe that the prayers and importuuHies of the boards of ii.'de, ns well as the coca mercial lights in all Oregon, were with out avail, and Flavel and his roooopo list and esacfiog ways will coatioae ns an evil-eyed "old man of the sea" for another ca. TheLegislafn.econld Dot riso above (he allurements of persoonl interest to enact legislation ii tho cou fessed interest of the whola State, and fo our commercial status vill eotrliaue to be impaired. Tie soncenlraf ion of c:Dial was so prreat that a till for the legnlatioa of fares and freights to a reasonable maxi mnm never bad any chance f'otn the beginning, and so the people of EasJ ern Oregon will continue to be exacted from. Tbey sent a delegation of nin compoops (with the exception of "Wright) who wet e easily guMed in O. S. N. Co. grooves, and we have no farther solicitude for a com munity who williiglv fnbmit to the yoke and send fawning sjcophaots to lepresent them. The Legislature has consented to a farther lobbsvy of the School Fond bv failing to restvicf. tb Can eml Looks company to a uniform raU of toll. The ten per cent, gi tss tine to the School Fund, amounts to Dolbiag, as the com pany pass their own f 'eights f -ee. We pointed this out and its con-octive, bat byinr.ction the swindle is sanctioned and the old order of thiols contiare. The LegisTat ure has sanctioned poach ing of foreig.i iDonev-Iouners, who skim large interest exactions from tho State and p.ry uolbin? for the privi'ee. They bnve show a a vcy tender reg rd for tho best i ite-os's of the c. oii.rtl-its of Europe, l.!t tho Munoe of it is uot with the foreigners. Much morj of wroDgs rnrTghted might bo recapitulated, but we (nrn from the dark side of the picture to its obverse, to view that which the Legis lature muv reason ibly bo congratulated for. Tiro count is b :ef: They eopcied a la7 vitiog snflicient t;x mi the boats and re's to ho employed iu the salmon catch to enst In tbepmp gvt'on works, whereby it may le s ifely ;.ssn-)ed that the iudstiy may be :i petnated. They ulso chafed the twenty years within which time vibt of aciii.u for the recovery of real estsic deiei toiiies. totenyejrs. Tfc cnts oil tea tars of burrowing aod uosj lg around ihrouirh i peccadillo faults or tiile for the legal! gentry, for which the special llianks of ) every one else is unqualifiedly due, and ! will be generously given. So far as we are advised this is nil of general and far-reaching iutcest that the Legislature has to be congtaf abated for, and as the mournful concourse, of incipient, full-fledged, and have-beou ! statesmen wend their wav iu funereal- train out into tVie realms of oblivion, lit us drop a few briny tears over them, either because they were at all, or are. Some of the newspaper fraternity inspired by the coin of the landated, are endeavoring to hoist some of the legislative lights to this apes of fame by liberal puffing. The Stanuvrd thus attemps to elevate John Ileury Smith, of Linn county, but the cold clo7s of the valley being such ;insens.i!e c'av," won't stay fixed nn the lof' v pedestal of the Slo.ulrrd's empyrean imagination. John Henry miv be loity in sfalnro. and from his great hiiht may be able to sweep cobwebs ont oT the sky, but no ranting, vapid, egoiislle aud overgrown blunderbuss en claim acqua;Dtance with the various Gods on t'-at account. The only thing Jehu Henry did to make him singularly conspicuous wastoba the only one to vote against the Portland Bridge, an act demanded by every con-ideratioa of public intciest, and only one motive to be thought of for opposition to it. Linn county hasn't got an eminect rtan, either pres ent or rrospe?tir3, in John Hen rv. His pertinacious fight forFlave! to eoniinno to oppress the farmers by Lis unjust charges for bar pilotage is another in- stance wbere thia eminent Granger was found in the enemy's camp. Hias cul - John Henry. - . , 1 ,-.- - The Pi ice of Wheat and Other Mat ters Affecting its Value. For two seasons previous to this, owing to very high prices prevailing far wheat in the fall, the volume of the crop naa, as eany as mis ttato, aireauy been sokl iy n.e larmers, out ttie oruer . is reversed this year, and in conse- j i quenceoflow prices, hardly a modi- cum of the crop has yet been disposed o of. If the farmers are holding in the iuuienu u.m lM'ft-s m jetriw u "sta'n0" us in the face." We, there tho level of tho two former years, we fore hve m compunctions to mantle imnK mey are grasping xor mem sioiiny, wiiu ine protamines un against them. Wheat is nnprecedently low in Europe, and yet in the face of values lower than ordinary for years, prices declined fully one shilling per quarter last week, compelling the Fort- land buyer to recede from S1.5i to 31.50 per cental. It would not seem as if it could decline farther ia Europe, but there is a factor ia our midst that might easily compel a deduction in the Fortland offer for wheat. It is the item of ship's f eight from Portland to Liv erpool, which just now, owing to a stress of numbers of unchartered ves sels ia port, is reduced to the excessive low ratu of tea dollars ner ton. Now when the few ia competition for imme diale loading have chattel ed, it is very natn'-al to conclude that an advance in freight-rates will ensue. With the Liveipool maiket stationary for wheat. whatever advance there is, must be de ducted J torn the farmer, and lessen the offer for his grain. This is a plain and undeniable reposition. Now the old est man in the couolrv can not see fur ther into the 'a;ni roa'ket th..n a tyro It fluctuates and turns beyond the in- teveatioa of hamaa agencies. Tbiogs unseen might happen to double the value of wheat in tea or within the same time, to farther depress it, and no man in Oiegon, or in the world, can tell in one day wbt tbo next will briogfoilh except by the guidance of tho " avsrjge;" so that lh9 hue and cy sec up by r. few crazed imbeciles that a ling of operators bave depressed the market," which is often heard in Ore gon. is but the blatant mouthing of an lonorjmrts. Probabilities ottea get knocked ou the head by facts, aud who ever withholds his wbcat whea he 5s ready to sell, pod sbonhl bell ia older to meet his just dues, from that mo meot is a speculate-, and must ;aka his chances wbea he has to sell like a man, and not ' o blubbering that an "infernal wheat ling has come'ed the ma'ket, and swindled me," when he sells. Now it is not our piovioce to advise our reuuers. v e uave c vea iuem a square 1 . TTT 1 statement of tbo ma-ket situation, with - the one thing loouiiog up that miorht depress prices. It mar not ensue, hut if t, -rr, - v; , ,1 , JUJl 11 Vi-egoa laimet Uoes WllU ins piopen v: noia out migutilv lor a fair fi eight-'ate. Ten dollars iier ton ; n.iMn..i. r .uul u J" uai a Joad, co 'snming a whole jear in the vonmHo'0'.o. Wbe.t is low: too low in : . , the farmer who designs the subjugation o? other t-acls, v.boso ambition leads b;m f.oio co ique'ing to cooquest of fresh Jields iod pastures rew. We wouhl ratlfer see wheat 1 wo dollais per bn&hei tbaa one, bet "what, it is. the world's ina ket makes it. The world's harvests gauge it. and it stand an isolated" ecepJauce, higher IhMi the level of tho world's b-ead-etuffs' value. We dr not advice to Felt or bold, but wo hove only wilten thus much to say that Solomon in all h's glcy would sit dowa iu sack-cfolh and ashes, aud howl i-i icexob'cablo ariguish if commanded to gauge the present roa. Let fr a week, wiih the jssq-j of liTo or death, and seven hundred v ivesor widows impend io the coc ect J e-ly. Sic !,-: yfn. ia Mi'iidi. Vvli in Co'ismJn.1. Biliish Colambia i.? in t'oe tl.'re.-i ."f rep nta'ive c;cction. Tlie:n r hera ihe cdimry seems uppeimopf, ' .iorcams cf tbo e.t'-'io", )oli'".:d mstiucfc 1 althongu the - intcrmin- l ''( wi'.h tbo sLout3 oc tho fray, .fill ?, i corhia diMifg'ntsliiiig featu-cs v'-ih lr.ukes their election, recoguiza- bio as owe own. Tho eashere, the sal vati6n and hope of immortality of the country depends oa who shall get the miaor offices, and the O2posilion man is generally a swindler, liar and thief. That is always the case here, aud we don't see why this common boud of sentiment is not a sufficient ligature to biod them m fraternal accord with the United States. It heralds the approach of the coming event when the shadowy line that divides ns shall fade out like tho aurora borealis, and make of our destiny, a common lot. All that we need to make the transfiguration com plete is to import an Orange society : of St. Patrick we have a gorge; and tho beautiful "divarsions" they gener ally get up ia Canada is all we lack to make us one and iudivisible. Go on with your contests. Sir John ilcDon ald is the nenry Clay of Canada, and wo hope to see him tho elect from the Victoria district, as his poroinence in the new Dominion Parliament will in sure for his constituents, a measure of importance they could never hope to obtain from a star of minor magnitude. With Sir John as the Piemier, the Canadian Pacific railwav will no-ain f.iliA ' a step forward, and a realization of (he j wishes of British Colambia be brought i about. Get everything done in order I before the era of annexation: we I waut everything in good condition. Retraction all Over. The Libel Law lias passed, as we un derstand, but just wnat its provisions are, as amended, we have been unable i to ascertain. While thus in suspense it wmild be mettv trood tactics to rub &n f oU det.jal.fttioos against neiollbo,3. dress in line, and .. . fA -n f or b c Grand review. It uncomfortable to hate liaU.dczcnliljci su-;t3 Qa hand, with peniteotiaryf as Scoll remarked, tL(J sujn;ng aml perspicacious face of ... nnil ,,,nUt. IHe Aaano as and - - - j x ' Sapphira, Unit Scolt is u gentlcmin ot linlile vpiaei'. v aud unrijrut- ness, aud itis a mistake that he is a cat's paw for the N. P. and O. ir. N. Cos., who have villainous designs aga- jst the State of Oregon. We retract lor having snggesled that Tony was suspiciously blind while using the ya-d-stickover Browa'sp' lut ing, lie was but obey'ng the natural precept, "With what mcto ye measu ee, it shall be meted out to you, "and he then expected to follow in the footsteps of his illustrious predecessor. We recall the intimation that Mart. Brown has Etolen auvth'og. K-eathes there a man with soul so dead, who raps the "pubs." foe what ihey'vo bled, and taken home from public c ib? A soul so white and full of rage woul 1 su ely not his actions gauge by like wiuds on his jib. Ve apologize to Irebnd for r-U we have said agaiost the port of Astoria, and wheat worth as much (or more) there as it is in San Frauciseo; thellog's Back. too. is a veritable obstruction to navigation, aud ships canuot possi bly get above it. We prosliale ourselves before Gro ver: we bave called him a liar, a pol troon, an elTemiDate hermphroiiife; all of which is susce!iblo of proof; and his despicable efi'o' t to Nieal an electoral vote in Oiegon, as well as comj'lic'iy ia the thefts of his administ ra! ion. makes of b'Oi so mal-odorous a charac ter that even Democrats are ashamed of him, and without adding a liM thei load to his gui'ly conscience, we leave h'iu like the roi lea mackerel of Job iBau dolph, of Vi'gioia, to foster in h:s ovvi putrescence. Thus havitg tvpn r,..ied ourselves, wo now call MustMy i"o.i' iDquisitioa of tho new libel v, an 1 letitjaoki'D oLher guilty edi 3 by the scoo, ard viait condign pu lishmeit upon Ibecn al1 It Costs onev." u;1ti- e nn .A. V V J I T .llV.IIV V Itll . I l t 4 Oil vessel of ordinary size, such as visit Portland, is from to frlOO, not reck omnS lue lnie,usl on 113 vauie, wiuen i wm amouai to ntviriv as mucn more vovnw mnlrnnt Jind lnh. M.fvo Imi.llA Un harbor must be retained, paid and Me(l iust as if tho vessel were ou the American vessels wiitcii line idle, but little more th in tho decay of the vessel and the interest on her value or tins reason Luglisb vessel.- fre I quently take charters at less than stand price Df wLeat biche.- in 1 t v ' , it ik. . 11 10 . - .1 uau Atir ;.i 11117 Oi-c I than European ptices justiiy.' o J The qp'll-driver who composed this astounding n.iruJivo Mas not power fully illotniaated by tho light of iea son or truthfulness, lilnndei busses of this kiitd, who f;o off hn'f-cocted, as tho result of their i!n fledged moral iz ing, are only celeh-a'ed ii speadiog abroad a vast anoant o' mis ijforma tion, which but few ao in a position to refute. It ib true that most' vesse's arriving here from abroad have crews eu,aged for the rooad voyage, but the sei vice papers arc so drawn that the sailor can not get his wages uotil Le termination of the voyage, except a .ery small al lowance. Tho vefy li'i'e pay he is tinder contract to receive (generally !: U:r n twelve dolla's per mouth) powerfully calicos him to desert oa nr jiving ii port, in order to belter his condif'on, by hiring at the better p evailiag here; and ho coase qiie diy forfeits all tho accrued wagce dne h'lin up to tbe date of his desertion. F"-n t his c.'csc, it is safe to srv, lhat t'jo fo e;ga vessels at anchor i a Port- lord In! oor, await'Qg cha' er, a'o but hijlf lua.'joed, with fiilors at twleve dol lais or less per n?oi-th. A fa1! o.ew for a Iwo ibousaad lon ship willDottxccad twenty-four persons, tho wage-list will not aggregate twenty dollars per day, and the Lard-fack diet allotted tbe sea men will not add five .dollars per day for ltie prodsio-jiog of tlie crew; so that fully manned, a large ship's outgo is not ia excess of twenty-five dollars per day; butlvingin port as the are, but half or quarter manned, it is pretty safe to assume that more ofjlien aieat an espouse of less tu rn tiftee.i dollars per day. Less drawing; of the long bow, brethren of the qni'l. The annual report of the president and directors of tho Northern Pacific Krailroad compaoy states that during the year ending August 31st the com pany sold acres of land, for which $3,413,027 was realized, which w&s at tbe rate of over $4.00 per acre; GGO,010 acres cf land were Bold iu Da kota, where tbe company reoeived from tho Government at tbe rate of 23,000 acres per mile, which at the rate of 4.50, would be 3115,200 a mile; suffi cient to build four miles of road, and the receipts f.ioui the sale3 of land dur ing the past year, which was only tbe subsidy for the 29 miles, was amply sufficient to build 110 miles of any sec tion of the road between Daluth and Bismarck. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Slate Land Matters. The committee appointed to investi gate "State Land Matters" made a par tial report on Friday morning, giving some of the facts and conclusions ns touching the management of this busi ness by the Slate Board, upon tberead ing of which the two houses pissed a resolution directing the committee to make futher investigation, i id uliag the other State officials as well. The following is but a brief summary of the findings of the committee: They examined Filch books and files as were turned over to them, butconld not find in them intelligible an account of the affairs of the State land department. The journal of proceedings of the board is not made up uml signed since Aug. 1th. 1871: all since are scraps of paper, jeld together by an india-rubber band purporting to contain iniiiuius siui-e that time. Thev consist of brief aud some-I ii'ies unintelligible memoranda, and no person ignorant of the affairs of the boa'-d could construct a complete rec ord from them. They contain the only account of important business, and yet ao not officially sigued. Since the passage of the swamp land net exrrava gent sums have been paid for clerical services. Mr. Cann has received $1, 800 a year salary from the board. Dur ing the first four years AJr. iJeiscb- maa received a similar salary, and drew at one time 6-4o5, and at anoUier $ir0, as corresponding secretary of the LaGrand office. During tho last four years Mr. Ilackleman Las drawn G,i-.)0 from the board for work that he could have done in CO days, and also at the same time drew a full salary from the treasurv department. The LaGrand office has cost about 3-1 per ceDt. of the receipts, not including sums paid for it iu Salem. July, 1871, Jesse Applegato paid 81,- 8o0 as 20 per cent on swamp lands; it is stated that was returned, not to him, but S. F. Chad wick, ami we d not leara that he was authorized, so u act for Mr. Applegato, and Chadwiok's receipt is for :-l,bu0 instead of SJ,;.1. Amos N. Ktug paid in Sept. Ji, lbil, SI, 1)00, ttiis money is said to havt; . r . - . . - ' - 1. T . - "... . to havo been borrowed by Mr. Ci)ad wick. we found Lis not therefor among tho papers. Since we l)en.i:i our labor ho has paid thi a tuo nut, without, intorest, into tho trtasary. James Clark testified that in" May, '74 or '75, he paid Cann, in Chadwick'u presence, $21 for swamp land in Grant county, taking receipt. There is a memorandum in Clark's filling of this payment, but no entry iu Cauu's books of it. n?ong expenditures of board are largo entries for attorney's foes; Las well, district attorney wus paid 'j2o lor a foreclosure, teu per cent for collec tion, while the law allows him but $25. S. C. Simpson received $1,024 84 for foreclosure of a mortgage against A. Myers, aud II. II. Gilfry .shared larg ely in such dividends. We found one instance where the board allowed al most 20 per cent fee. Most culpablo of suc-h allowances are to Secretary Chad wick for attorney's fees, one for $200 for services iu swamp land matters, the order for the allowance being sigu ed bv Gov. Chadwick. Kt-ferritig to the $30,000 receipt given R. Til. Walker for money never paid on swamps lands, the committee reply to the claim of Chadwick that this amount represented what the total was that had beeu paid iu by those who Lad tiled and then assigned to Walker, by showing that the total paid in at thatdato was $20,450 41, and recapitu late to show that "nearly tho who e of it was paid in by persons whom Walker did not, and did not claim to repre sent." Tlie report expresses doubt if a single doller was aid in on these til ings. "This presents a transaction which in the opinion of your commit tee, is wholly without palliation or excuse," and they add; "calculated to enable any person having them, if so disposed, to defraud any person deal ing upon the faith cf them." The committee has only had time to examine swamp land matters, but say that "the manner of keeping the books and transcting the busiuess has been such as to give opportunity for every kind of abuse." They conclude, from what they havo seen, that "great ex travagance has been permitted in con nection with all these matters," though it is not impossible that facts may de volope to palliate or to excuse many transactions that now appear censur able. They recommend a thoroug i aud completo investigation, and the report is signed by S. G. Thompson and John E. lloss of the senate, and Wm. Galla way, D. P. Thompson and J. S. White, of the house, of all the committee. Mr. J. A. Stratton, clerk of the committee, reports. He summarizes the amou tits received by Col. Cann, clerk of tho board of school land com missioners and the amounts paid out by him as follows: Total receipts taken from the books....?.!) 231 (! Also, further amounts dejiosited liiii-jx xn Aiauuijra total or receipts fo(i,!l.3!) 91 . -uiw i o .i.nn-r s receipts u,.iss JS Knnvr receipts 23,915 01 $ 14,013 30 .iukmi a. oiirerence ol f 1'' 3IS OS Or, if t he ?H,i)28 S item be wrong, of. .....o,(il7 20 no describes a large ntiml)3r of pi pers Mr. Cann pointed to us vouch ers, that turned out to be snnnlv bills: some of them showiug no evidence of uaving been paid. All these havo been credited in tho foregoing account, which could be reasonably construed into being a receipt for money. Tl;o clerk does not vouch that the abovo is a correct statement of the swamp land commissioacrs accounts does not th'iDk any correct statement can he made up from the books. Vol umes "A and li, which seems to have been the only account books kept, are full of erasures and interlinations." Some entries are crossed out, and yet the figures thef state are added up with the resl. Others so marked are not included. It cannot be determined from inspection whether some entries are charges or mere memoranda The clerk thinks the original papers and tiles will have to be depended ou, and such other evidence of money pay ments as may be attainable, involving an extensive correspondence, which of course he could not do with tho lime at the disposal Of the one hundred and ten mil lions of imports into China during the past year tho fraction cf a Iiit!o more than a rollion aDd a half oniy fell to theidiare of the United States. Ami yofc fifty four years aero our trado amounted to four and a half millions. r-f Sfato Xeivs. Fm e is $5 between Coos bay and San Francisco. X. N. Stevens has been elected State Librarian. The gross value of the taxable pro perty in Umatilla conuly is 2.203,172; indebtedness, Lu7,2in. Tom DeWitt, a colored barber of Al bany, has fallen heir to 31,000 by the death of a relative iu the South. Wm. Phillips, engineer ou a pile driver at Portland, was drowned last Saturday night while drunk and trying to get on board the scow. Jackson county wool growers, through their agent, Alex Martin, last week sold about 50,000 pounds of wool at ltoseburg for 10 cents jer pound. John B. DeGnire, a Marion countyr charge, committed suicide in the poor house on Thursday. He was an old man. and tho act was caused by despair . ' A. O. White ot Wilderville, Lake caught a fawn last week that had only iie foot, and one leg was oft at the hock joint, and the other two legs were covered something liko a lib- bit. James C. Corum and John M. Cum mons had a row at little Butte in Jack son county last week, which resulted in tho former shooting the latter through the fleshy part of the right leg. Tho body of an unknown man was found a short distance from Ilarrisburg one day last week, in a straw-stack which had been lately burned. The charred remains presented a ghastly appearance when discovered. Who the man was, or how be came to be in s ch a condition, as yet remains a mystery. Poseburg Ph inden?e : Joseph Per ry assaulted and severely beat a man at En. pi ro last week. Berry eluded pursuit i1 id went to Coaledo, at which pl:'.: La gv.t into and altercation with ihe "wroa;; f. Her," and Berry came out rccotid h,:i I w i'.h a fatal cut in the ab- o.i. 7tr,'d ;.';('',- savo that i in pro ve leoni s o, Da''- WO IiO V il! kinds arc going on at The It says:: On every side of us i i e noisy clink of tbe hammers 1 m -s . w-. 1 1 n-1 I ? ia m inn or nil r 1 1 v . ' . . . i c- i -v I rt n it l fti, 1 111 hf PVl: 111 ffS i. cnlicfnTit'.'il imiirnvfnifnr flTlii 1 l'OS perily. Thero is no town to-day in the state' of Oregon which presents so many evidences of advancement as the The Dalles. J. Olsen. formcily a watchmaker in .Astoria has skipped out, leaving sun dry creditors in tho lurch. Ho left some time ago to lay in a stock of jew elry, since when nothing has been heard from him. Tho balance of his good3 have bevn attached. Herbert, a blight little fellow of four years, son of Copt. J. W. D, Gray of Astoria, was drowned at that place on last Thursda; aflvvnoon. Portland JlaiLe). T.oril trr-.'o"-:- OD'i huyinpr. !!) 4 wiling. I'l.H.r : ' i.'.. $" 10; superfine, $1 15. Wh - iit-Ji Vi $ cental. O il s-r nie. hi.shel, sacked. i !'..-irl.----U contal. j faeou-.-Sides 11c.: hams. 12c-? 18 ; f-iiou h'ers, i 7,!,,-e. ia-.! In ker. lie; In 101b lias, UJvC i laiti" l-'fe.-'o roll. 2.V'fe. I !'(: ito; s- . j -.-, 55u ' t hshl. hriuts I. d apples in sacks, 4c. ; kegs, i ; plums,, Jl!2o. ; peacJOS, lie; primes, 17. Ivrpi--2i: i u eke u s 1-' lr- W n , 3 tK'Kt H V tloz-'ii. Ifliie.s lr.v. l-'.e ; salted. 5c ; culls, Ji iir. T.l!1 W tie ii.. Wool Is (,Jle. Keed Ilra:i, fU(V?J2 15 ton; sliorts, iriJ ; oil cake, M i.O. Hay Haled, ? ton : loe, $D. finions-l'iHl :4 Il. Multon Stie-p-$i 7.V?2. trejro City Market. Wheat Sie r Ludiel. Oat a 42c bushel with sacks. Barley Choice brewing, 7-ic i'l bushel ; feed, 75c. Iotatoes OOfiifflc v1 bshl. Onions IH one ir. Flour $1 50j..?5 i bbl. Dried Fruits Apples, 3c 1c ? lb; plums, 10 l-c. Apples 2Sfii.1t) V bshl. loose, flutter 2oft"ic Ih. Chickens $2 5U(..1 00 $ dozen. KggH "ic dozen. Ilaeon Sides, Woi,l2lic. $ ft ; hams, :2f5H. Lard 2Hc 1 lh. Hay $12 (.i,?ll ton. Wool llW.Lisc lh. Hides Ci roe n, 5c dry, i:;ic v lb offered for called. Mill feed r.ran, $15 IS ton ; shorts, $20525 t? ton ; middlings $27 50 ri ?.52 5o t ton. Fresh meats lleef, dressed, 3 UiaH Ic lb: on foot, 2e; dressed lios, Co; mutton sheep. S-1.5 6 $:75. M AltHlKD. IIUOWN -KKISKIl In Vancouver, Oct. K 4S78. by .S. I . Muxon, J. I'., Andrew F. T.rown and Miss Mary K. Reiser, both of Clackamas county, i )refron. STANKAUD-NEFF At tho residence of Jesse Chitwood (bride's parents) near Damascus, Sunday, October SUn, 1S7R, bv ltev. Jesse Jones, Mr. Charles .Standard, of Clackamas, and Mrs. Anoliim Ncff, of Douglas count v. NEW TO-DAY. Kame Changed. In tti k County Court of tiik State ok OllrXJON, FOR THE COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS : In the Matter of the Petition of Josrph Iiiuhlclcy for Cha.ujc of A'amc, VOTICE IS HEUEHY GIVEN THAT, o.'H alter due hearing, said jet it ion is grant ed, and tiie name of petitioner is changed to that, and will hereafter lH Jonkimi K.y. By order of J. K. WA IT, County Judge. Attest: W. H. 11. FOUTS, County Clerk. Oregon City, Ogn., Oct. 21, 1S78-4W. Notice. BIDH WlfJ, UK RECEIVED AT TIIE Office of Thomas Charman, Oregon City, for furnishing I.ogs in the Boom at. Canomaii for the h'aw-mill it t he Basin. Bids for nn" year; commencing January 1st. 1S70, and ending January 1st, 1MS0; also Bills for haul ing for su hi Saw-mill for one year to any part of t he City or Caneina'.i. Bids mi st be closed before tli 20fh of No vember. FBEI) It. CHA11MAX. Oregon C'ify. Oct. 21, i37t-td. rrtllK trNDEItSIGNEI) HAS 7.0 CHOICE 1. Sheep on De.rbiii's p;nce, 2 miles from Salem, which will be sold at a bargain. Terms easy. MRS. A. C. I.AltOCQUK. Oregon City, Ogn., Oct. 21. 1S7.S-2W. WANTED, 1 OIMVIO(J:V'OR WHICH WE WIU, .i.)rF pay the highest market price casu down. Farmers would do well to con sult r.s before selling e lsewhere r- , ... AI.r.IlIGHT &. LOG US. Oregon Ci!y, Oct. 21, lS7.S-tf. TICSTEAiOMAI.. Oitrco.v Citv, Oct. 17th, 187S. Missus. Rowkn T.uos.. h'u,rl ,VtV.!:Yur yast powders are the bi-st I have ever used. Thev iIi spi-v,. nil i.-... for them. MUs. La itoooirr.' Howen's Preiiiinin Vm.t n.,,. .1 be had at tho tol'owinir firms: !I..I. irardiio- K. U. I-ellows, W. A. I'hillips, and Mvers & Lro., ol this city. ocl. LM-lt. C(,ujh Di-eps. At this sonson of tho year it is well to check a cough or cold at once, and the very best article is O'trtunir Vcart.ihlp Ctmnh nv,... and you will be convinced after Von trv ;i sample Ixrttle. Only L'.jcfs: for s.-.le iv A.Harding, oct. 2l-it. ESTABLISHED IN I860. A. HUGHES WOULD rtESPECTFUTXY INFORM THE inhabitants of Omro.i City and vicin ity that he is still on hand na doing busi ;. at the oUl stand on Man s. c , three . 1 1 irc niri ii in i uuu r5i-' I 1 11UU r5-' 5l!iM2 ehi lili sVil asctronp- for ! IIIlTl-UcHlVll" , ...... " ,..,,.n. 1 V o ran l)UV ill I'orilanU. -M otoek consists'in part as follows : Dry Goods and Fancy. Goods CLOTHING, HA TS AND CAPS, HOSIERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, Uulics' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Pf l-ftmiery, Jewrlrv of ar!oisqualil leK, (lock tty tlie Kret Makers, ;lu.M Ware, n ina Ware, Y ankee No tions, 1'urket Cutlery, xhiic Cutlery, Platetl Ware, ami Crockery: also, Hardware, Fannin:: Itciisils, liojii', Grain Sacks, and Groceries of all Kinds. IKEKP THE BEST TEA AXI) COFI KK 1 tho market: Bostox 1kih Svrup on draught. KINETEfcr! YEARS' EXPERIENCE flrop-oTi Pitv onnlilps me to know the re- miircments of the trado. Come and examine my coods. and you will sec for yourselves that the old hrni of 1. A. 3 IUGIIES Pannot bo beaten In nuality or rrioo. Small profiLs and quick returns is the Hie or uusi ih'SS, and 1 am di-termined to soil cheap, and not allow myself to be undersold by any limine in Oreiroii City or Portland. I would iiert' my frii-mis for their patronage in tlie past, aid would assure them that my new arrsn;r-meiit. of st IlirifT eurruxfrrfi for cash will enable me to give th-m b' tter bar gains than ever. U. A. IlCCilllS, " B! a in Street, Oirjton t'i'.y. Oct 2f, l8TS-tr. COUNTY TllElSLUEilS" SUTI E. otic:-: s hf.tif. by civk.n that there an' now funds in my hands applicable to I he payment of County Orders endorsed on or b'-fore Jariuar 3 1st. 1S7S. In terest tie l'o;i will not he allowed alter this date. K. S. I.K.MKXT. Tr asur;-r of Clackamas County. Oregon City, Ofrn.. Oct 21. Jt7S-tf. v Hf ;"d. GiTY r. - - i r : SAT-10, FLOTJll, BRAN, SHORTS, MIDDLINGS, CHOP FEED, OATS, CHICKEN FEED, ETC. Parties purchasing feed must furnish sacks. Market price paid at all tims for wheat. !:. if. C. TAYI.OIt, Aent at Pi.rlluit-.l. Oregon City. Oct. 17, 1S7S-1 f, AtJministrator's PJctsce. OTICE IS HEREBY CI VEX THAT THE undersigned administrator of t ie- estate ol Marcus . Spauuiing, dee.'.-is -d, iti imr Miar.ce of an order made by the County Court of Multnomah county. State of Oregon, on t he !'th iay of OetoiMT, 1.S7S, will, on the2'id day of November, 1.S7.-S, at. 10 oVioek, a. M., of that day, and at the Jroiit door of the Court Hons' of Clac'iv.-imas county, in Or-'gon City, sell at public auet ion, to the highest bidder, for cash (gold coin), the following-described real estate, to-wit : The undivided one-half int rest in the east half ol Lot No. three tii) , in Biock No. two (2), in the lown of Oswego, Clackamas county Oregon. a"-eonlini' to the plat thereof. ' V. W. SI'.V IT Id HNtf, Ad miiiinrator. Oct. 17. 1S7S-5W. m. PAUL oobgh, m, 0. TJIYSICTAX AXI) SUKGEOX, XEiV Eli.V OHK(;OX, (GRADUATE OF HAXOVKB, N. II.) October 10th, I.S78-ly. NOTICE TO COXATICa t'LAI?JATS. U. S. I.AXD OFFICF., OltF.OON CITY, 1 Oregon, October l), 1.S7S. IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTUCiTON.S received from the Hon. Commissioner of the General Iaml Orlice, dated August 20. 1S7S. all lHTSons claimiivg lands in this Land Dis trict, under the provisions of the Act of Con gress approved September 27t h, 1S5D, common ly known as the Oregon Donation Act, and the amendment thereto, whoo claims were located in advance of the pubhesurvevs of t he United States and have not been detinitely located in connection with s ch surveys, are her. by notitied to come forward within thirty dar.s from tlie date hereof and furnish such a deseriptiou of the particular tracts claimed by them as will enable t heir definite location on t he plats of t his office. The .attention of claimants is part icularly directed to the fact that in default of such notice their claims are liable to forfeiture un der the provisions of the 3rd section of the Amendatory Donation Act of 1.S5I, which pro vides that 'nil persons claiming ri.mation under this Act or tlie Actsof whicti it is amen datory, shall give notice to the Surveyor General or other duly authorized officers of the particular lands claimed ns such donations within thirty days after being requested to do so by such oilleer; and failing such notice in either case, the claimant or claimants snail forfeit all right and claim thereto." Donation claimants and those holding un der them will best subserve their own inter ests by giving prompt attention to this notice, thereby avoiding the possibility of having their claims declared forfeited under the pro visions of the Act above quoted. Claimants who have not made their final proof and obtained patent certificates for their claims are requested to furnish such proof and take the necessary steps to obtain t heir certificates without further delay. 1.. T. B.MtlN. Register. octlO-lw. T. 11. HAH III SON. llec.iver. Final Settlement. In County Court for the count. of Clackamas, State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of W. C. Harvey. deceased. 7VTOTICE IS IIEKEnV GIVEN THAT 1. 1) aniel Harvey, ad m inist rator of sahl es tate, has filed his final account as such ad ministrator n said Court; and that said Court has duly apointed the 11th day of November, 17S, a day for the final sett lenient of said estate, and for hearing objections to said final account. DANIEL HAKVEY E. L. Eastham, Atty for estate. Adnir Oct. IU. 1S7S-1.V. GherifTs Salo. BY VlltTlTEOF AN EXECUTION ISSUED out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, to me as Sheriir of said county, directed pursuant to a decree of sai l Court, entered September :8t h. 1S7S, in a suit, wherein J. N. Stewart w is plaintiir, and It. F. Stewart and Martha Stewart were defendants, commanding me to make sale of t he real property hereinafter described, I have levied upon, and will, on Saturday, .November KUIi, 1S78, At the hour of 1 o'clock, p. jr., at the Court House door of said county, in Oregon Citv proceed to sell at public auction, to the high est bidder, for gold coin in hand, to satisfv said execution, the following-described real estate, situate in the County of Clackamas and State of Oregon, to-wit : lleginning at the southwest corner of sec tion No. 32, in township No. -I south of ran-e one east of the Willamette meridian ; rini ning thence east 100 rods; thence north '.TT rod; thence west 10 rods; thence smith 117 rods; thence west 1"0 rods ; thence south 100 rods to the place of ln-ginning ; also begin ning at tho said southwest corner of sect ion o. .u, nrst atiove named; running tli -nee east TM ttienee south :',2 rods; thence west "i0 rods ; t hence ririh 32 rods to the place of bosfinning : being 10 acres in section No. 5, of township No. 5 south of range least of said meridian; containing in all the premises above described, IIS it eres uioro r ls JOHN G. PH.SUUHY, SherilT ot Clackamas Count v. Oregon Citv. Oct. 17th li78--l,y. FALL OPENING AT J. F. D. WRINKLE & CO.'S. TifE HAVK Jl -i at,' tn a i,ai:;e and complete Stock of suitable to this season of the ocar. Our stock consists of Ilhtck Siiks, Kkick Cashmeres, Colored Cashmeres, IN NEW SHADES, SII.IvS TO MATCH. Black: and Colored Jialcct Clotli.s, oVrohairs and Camel's Hair Ooocls. A fine line of New Style Dress Goods at ?5 cents per yard. A full line of I-iulios' Cotton and Wool Hosiery. Corsets, Kid Gloves, Fringes, Embroideries, Laces, Huching, Bibbons, etc. A large Stock of Felt Skirts irom 73 cents upwards. A Fil Stock of DOMESTIC COODS. We have very heavy Canton Flannel at 10c ter yard. A heavy Shaker Flannel at 20o A heavy Wool Flannel at S5c 10x1 Bleached Sheeting at 25c 5MK) vds slightly damaged Sprague Prints 5c per yard. , A Full Stock of Blanket 3, Bedspreads and Comforters. We have several ejpecial Lines of Goods, in which we are offering Great Bargains, of which we wi'l make special mention later. All we ask is an inspection of our Stock, as we know we are offe.-ing better inducements than are offered elsewhere. Orders from the country solicited, and nromntlv filled. Samples sent on application. J. F. D. Wh INKLE & CO., 241 First St,, t or. SuIrioh, Porliaml. -i 1SSS. FALL ST00K-1S73. M1V1XG RKTl'ltXED I..VTFXY FROM San Francisco, with the best selected gtocts: ol Goods, I would call attention to tlie LATEST STYLES AKD PATTERS, Which I will sell, for Cash at POKTLAXI) SISJCi:S. i The same have been bought at Bankrupt Sales, so 1 can give imlueemeuis. I INVITE TIIE PLT.blO TO EXAMINE before purchasingelsewherc. The following can be had and I DEFY COMPETITION: Dry Goods. C'lotliisi-, Winter Wear. Hoots and Sliocs Hats mill I'ii js, Groceries Crockery, Ilui'duare, tilavsuare, Cntlery nn:l Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Wintlo-iva, Doors, a ncl Uliisds. All kinds of produce liought and sold Oregon City, Sei-t. 10, lS7S-tf. OLIFF K 3 i5 er r"3 O It E t! ON C IT V, O R E C 0 N. T V. BH 0 0 sf I'roiiictoi. Trn ttifir Uoard, S-1 f f-'i pf-r I?-t.v. ? i ;r 5iesil .'( i-nlK. Hoard ;;er Week S.I VO Hoard iiud L.od;;iit$r, pr imh. "S. 0 The Table will be supplied with the let the market aiforiis. list II Sup)ers furnished on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Nov. 10. 173 :tf F. M. HAKS0N IIA.S OPKNKI) TIIE I have given Tins rorri.Ai: Iir.rsF. a t borough r nov;ii ion from ddlar to gar ret, and promise to make it. a li.uw s -eond to none in Oregon, this side of Portland. Everything will lie done to .ulvanee ihe com fort of the guests. The lloue is large an J com moil ions. Hoanl end cljrinj; per week S- liounl er week 4 0 Meals mtd I!e!i, each JS. Free Coach to and from llie Hotel. Oregon City, Aug. 30. l$73-tf. F, IV. STEWART, riu.iri.tor. rCHIS WELL KNOWN AND POn".. A resort has been opened again by the 1. dcrsigncd, who wi;l keep a well assorted sti; of WINES, HtU'ORS, ELLU AM; IIGAIIS. Free lunch daily from 9 o'clock p. ni. BILLIARDS. Lovers of this scientific game will find fine tables at their service. Old as well as new patrons are invitf "call and smile." F. V. STEWAKT Oregon City, October 3, 1S7S. HERMAN ECATLER, 73 Fiist Stieet, PORTLAM), ()KLUO. OILLIAHDS AMD SA?vi?LE ROOMS, 6 PSUS rrI CKLEHRATED LEVERAGE TROW T: ,': .,V;ur,'r's Drew ery, at Portland, is cer.-J """'t'j il ou uraugnt at JACK TREMSATH'S SAL05H. Lie puonc 10 call and give it. trial. ""b -ity, .March I, lS78-tf. GHBIS. Z A U f J E H i I) POT SALOON, 7 vinre.n,e me ivaiiroa a Lepot, f" htPSTHEBEKTISEEIS AND CIGARS J A. In the City. Give him a call. Jya-tf. LAND FOR SALE, HAVE 20-j ACUI" OF NO. 1 LAXP which I will sell at a barirain : situated miles lrom loiUatd. and IJs miles fromJ Clackamas Station. For further informatioit Inquire of I'.ort Phillips at the Postofilce i: On-gon City, or at Clackamas-Station to Oct. 3,78-tf. W. 1I1ILLIPS. fioti'ec. V. S. Land Office, Orbjos City, ) Oregon, Oct. 1st, 137S. J COMPLAINT HAVING I'.EEN ENTEUF.D at t his otliee by Francis S.Johnson against Lerry S. McCraken for abandoning his hoiii' stead entry No. lot,fl, dat-d February C. S72, n)Mn the south lialf of southeast iuarterf sect ion it, T. 5 S., H. 1 E., in Clackamas coun ty, Oregon, with a view o the cancellation ot said entry; the said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at this otliee on the 41 h day of November, 1S7, ; ' -e! .1. 711. ! " spond a rid furnisli t - -t i 111 - 1 ' : - .- 1 ;: ; . alleged abaudonnv L. 'j i'Ai.V, i. - -.I.-;-. oct3 4w. T. 1.. I!.:u;im? !:. .... BLANKS OF KVi-'.l.-V IKS- iiiP Sale at t his otli - . .?ut K- ot can getanything in' ir Lt'e. he 2 ffl II 1 a .i