Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1878)
ft m I1 - -J w 1 --.-p. . fiu Fr6f'--55-'J - v ' V V iU v s - I c. IJ 3l)c Enterprise. -jjj m CITY. Tili iDAV, JIUX IS. iii:viTii-. 0 Fair cI'isihI last Friti.iv. jj.j.i,! ('.unity Treasurer's nolicj Fanners h.i o put in a l amount of fall -.-rahi. ! ;vt! to pre; Lie '.;!-Mr.J- j,' I'.'.itrl a I c , lire: I Wi' I .c fair ,:') .1.1 his (ino 1 I.:tk i: i.i lc- owe l l.r'vs. i c: ('ii;h Droji;,. . l t ..lit' .u I!.-i. L 'i'. '!'!l5 is e peeled to preach tak Hi.- r..i:ii huvh in t :-vunl ly m r nni;j-. ,ir voinr ' lYi v '.ii'.'il v- i' h ':'" ).t. r. J. I'. v ml wr.s pre r 1;J. J-fll'.T wreli ! ci'd -o 1'. 1. IV' ii.':i'. si. i .1 n (' ilifnrm.i lat v. i','k to I )k after tlu ' C'cIcuimIihI llein JluhU-r." I'lMt'. s. l. V ; . f : !!, I c.'ij ('iiU; ill at rmarl y of this ci'. v, Vijturii 'or soiiid lhih pas'.. M'. A l t I favoe.l us lust wmU itii a li m! l'i oi i.uiicr (x;.ird ratsea mcl lii-i -,-u ''' We wciiM not live alwavs, we ask not fo 1 i. " !i"-e suhscribci aflor .vub.seiiber jo i"! i-e.-. I" pay. M Us lather Ilohlen, a former resilient oftfiN I'iiy, i-i teaching in the public ..(.'. 1 i-iVNloiia. A 1 : i i 1 t A Tjous are paying I lie 'st m.srkct-pi'ici' fi.r lio;4s. See Ihtir ail. in itiu.ll er column. J 11. i ; ret -u, a resMeut of this section for srvc nl years past, has locateil at Ciaw I'.i. tlsville, li'ini county. The new .-.haft- for the IJonan.a was li cii i!it up la-t M outlay, ami .she will js. 'i n ! i t .n 1 y i'tr work aain. It--. Welch returneil froui K istern Ore ci)ii last S ilunlay, .inl is aain icaily lo look a'ier the "teeth of the people." IIvnvt!i i'.aek s!:ii-!e,l wit'i his pi inly several i ivmi::h for Spi !;a 'ie Falls, W.T., where In- ill make liis fut ure home . K' V..T'V. W. Sellwoo.l, of i'ie K pal elm eh, who has been visitin . ItalU s pr.iit siouaily, h is re; uriicti .--e-t'ie 1 tin it-ion scwiii' il h t in j his a! nincliine came om the Fair last week. anil ii i. .i' Mood. Vir. i:- (e. c'i. r -;' a nr. .-. n 1 ir.imfetls l :;-;er than Mt. liu'ek has been e:i'ra-.el pa! lie sel;.x,l at Ml. Tie;' -cull lii'.'net 1 i.pcra'-lons lust .M.-tioav. The .!lt-.viu'x i th1 rinnuint of fa;:fs to be eell -i tet! I .v Sli--: ill' 1'il.biiry for 1-7-'.: S;'.t- t in. .-l.'.V.")...:',; sel.ot 1 tax", 5?1, !7i..2 ; p (1 fax. -t'l "! !. I. i ? T'mr j I ;y Mrs. J. T. AjV,r.t-:. had h. r -at- !k ! open ! the Sal. in 1'air J i oimi II I e . I :il tit 1 1 irs CXI i ae!( tl 1 v ti.- i; -tin ici i .1 ;.-( n s. i i W-i . . t tw i M! No. 7) i'i' rod need by '.'apt. . ; r-! for t!ie erection ( fa !;.h n t he W ii !a metic fal Is, was idly li. vii uer Thayer. a: p"- ;.it.!.i H was si nt tip "Ida vs by :e W 'i last .c-k for ass itd'btg i.i .1:.1. iters wid l. se rve 1 wil li a-: i .!:U! it ;: ti.'.-r a.'O !1 L -aiVlUl. . 1 con v. i ii hi i f O i--. hi 'i'i iiiil v :l 'I. t '11' !!i ! 'li Wash i.ureh. l'o.t- fa i V I 'on IMC Novi : ii! i r 7th, Ki 'rr :it, t. and .iil ic i. n with'.u- d -r. ( Sive hi;:l a S I I .' I ' ' ; 1 ci d i::. lib I A-' i Oi" A. -; : '1 v oi I)ubl::i, f;--ni 1. v .'. :.'.:i.d. in b-.lia.-J. f.r v. 1 1 c.c.l on 'I h.:; sit iv nitrit to cress I 'c ba v hea:' a es w -:e lis. She v. as co;:- i .- i n- :ie.s I,:.i.::aw i f Portland. I !: a m t . in.!.- . :.l! b ( ' 1 1 ;:t I.i '. i - o! ! ' COST i t't e. eia c.'ii to take in the tiii-file t .lia e;:.:.r, so man : !i ! v : ;i:i ic in lie e e :;:. I 'm s ri v. i i,t l!;:s I the last. ! 1 ;.( e c: e o ' ! ! V ' 'o 1 . 1 ;.('. It in n:v mol :l k Ct W Md d In M M . Vii-n, ssrs. P.-dl A or a certain i'l a I ; II of 1 c IU :! v.a-i k ,-tt I lie 'aseaoes. U 1 v the aulh-ui(ies at W a I i rs ci t i i ' Olie : t! h ceiling meiu- dm will m. n arrive and pro i i;:s con'rai t bv coniiii enciug (-., ;,.:,n .lelher. M rs. I'.liza S. John : . . i . i: i b i. .i !.( r 7- t h vriir f life on the I i' '.. ! 1 bis ii;c::lk. (iiandii'.llier John-.-.ii e; ire an e.s the plains with her iius 1: :ial, Ik v. Johnson, as a mis- ; i-::: . in I- .". After mar.y ycaisoi" toil :.nd j aivalion, spi nt in helping lo lay the k line;. lit n o I Christian work in Oregon, she is sj i tiding the 1 email ider o ; her days uior.g h r ( k'ilt'.ren -at preM nt with her s. a;, W'. Ca'-i Johnson. r i A In-s -i v A ss. i nr.- I he'a llfA S'.'.i C, l . says: Fast, ivemng a .tout !. ( an aliVa v o":-nrred on boa' tl i he s i r M.Cihv. w iiaii cam:' near prov !; oia ..tie.. is, if not fatal, 'o lie.' captain. M r. .lames Co. hrui. The following par ticulars were given: A man named Tln.!V.a-Siiickl.nid, from Ma: ion county, was on board en io.;te to Fasti rn Oro and also ha1, a horvt with bi n. Wlit-n the purser ci-iae an-uud to collect is sai l Strickland refused to pav. Tiie l.o.,t cam" on lo this city, when m iking a landing, the captain e.snje to the lower deck an-l informed Strick land tli:t bis horse could inn. be taken :s!i'i'c n.'.l his fare was pail. This so enraged. Strickland that he sprang at the captain. I ae same instant whipping out a v. ..-k.-.l .... an" k ii u. w lien was seen o t'l d a-k-hand s. As the on n clutched I. .a- deck- lands seized Stiieklan.l. una ii el v tiissh; I'lisued between , mil ,1 a ii. and . I: ai t the men got his ban. I cut, was t!:e 1 nife taken lroin him. tnn ; siiMiTo iiied. who took him cer Kvau wa and conducted him to 'die city a ( 'ad. i at. C.nv in-tiii: Mails. The lost office De I'-'unent id Wa-h'-ntnn h is taken im-j mi tant action with regard to the trans-j atati-.u of ol 1 and silver coin through : .lie mails. Circular- have been prepared j directing post o dice officials lo receive gold : nd silver coin as third-class mail-mal ter i .n pickiiges pot to exceed four pounds in ; weight, at the rate of one cent postage lH't j ounce, with a. tuition d charge of ten cents for regist rat ion. One thousand dollars in ' in, which weighs four oouuds, can thus l ' registered from S.m Francisco to New York Tfor sixty-four o nts. Some gold has ahead v I ct n st nt us letter mail. The ! i-der has alrtady gone into ttVu l. VrciPKN r. A learn lialonging to Dr. Welch was s .vci ly injured by tha plat form at tiie Oregon City mdls givin ,i away last M n 1 av an.l nr-vinit itrng 1 theuito the ground about ... tect. i ne ? , . 1 I .. ...'..!. Ai... 1 ..l,l Mt Oil! oil team na-i im .-..t .. - - -- , ..tat foi in on th: liver trout, whuli was very weak an.l irit us - I for any such purpose. tin- of th l ibs broken and is horses had several laid up at the iivciy stable. Family Imsti ihunck. Yes'erday a warrant was iiu d fr a man named For svthe, living near 1 1 ol comb's charging him with atieniPting to kill his wife and two bovs. aged F and 1 vears. last lneso o veiling. Th- e seems to he two sides . to the stoi v, and we are unable to get tin straight of it. It seems, however, th.U Forsvth had received ?"') from the I-1r' aud that was the came t ihed'slt!iban-v. Canal Com m ission i-:u. - - Mr. C F. iVatty, of this city, was elected Canal 'ommisioner bv the Legislature last cek, witti a salary, wo believe, of Sl.UHd jr u.'inum. J-MUMIIIIIII I ..n.,,,, WM, i ..IU-UH,'J C'L;e'...inia.s at the State From our c -changes we clip the follow ing notice of Clackamas county exhibits at llic State Fair last week : We noticed the blue ribbons on the Northwest i ranker Washing Machine manufactured by A. M. Cornelius, of Ore gon C ity. Housekeepers, lake notice One very attractive display which has hot nccn noieii iicrcroiore, is tiiat of M -.s J JteVore Johnson, of Oregon City. This' consists of a number of water-cr lor paint- I in , rci.ieseiiting Oregon plants an.l j l-.wcrs. Jho laiina of Oiego,, is so rich ' i.i .eaiuiiui specimens timt .subjects for work ot this kind are almost inexhausti t -le. ami Mrs. Johnson has shown most excellent iaste m her select imw i. ll. l.ami.ert . Lambert, of Mihvaukie, has an- a. " T 've t-u in the same -vicin-iat wci-h two each has j Y? ana.av-stod by a band of citizens. pies t si i a ucrries, jtist ripe on the stem. He .-hows on four apples gloria, inutidi weighing six .ounds. Close by Cl 'rk iV: Wise show you bas kets, clotlu-s-pins, knife baskets, etc., all made of Oregon woods, at Oregon City. P. M. llineaison, whose beets beat an v body else's in si.e; also turnips, carrots, sijiiashes and potatoes, on which he has taken first premiums: also beets and corn. .ludgo . F, Wait exhibits a sack of po tatoes, which unloi Innately did not tret cnteicd. lie calls them" " llurbank's Seedling," a few of which kind took fust premium this fair, by Mr. Delashmut, w ho got the .seed of M r. Wait. Thevaie a long, while, smooth potato, somewhat re-cnibling the kidney in character. Judge Wait planted one-fourth of a pound of the eves, anil raised from that amount two buhels of vet v line large tubers a wonderful yiel I. Our county was awarded first premium on pears, grapes, plums, quinos, beans, riib'bii-ios, niangul, carrots, bioom-cor l, potatots. e'c. CI;: 'ins Ciiaa'y X;:il. As witl be sec fro n Post aia :ter i ion, i ho inaii-a-'c blame for t lie i.-re l bv a cotii'iinniealion M ' "s, of ( 'lack:: mas sla s on t ho t rains a. e lo gula.-Itv of the Ia nas- cus mail. 1 tamasci-s li ;il;i)iit six miles from Clackamas station, ami, as we under soil'.! it. the mail leaves t lackamas everv Saitirday inoru' n;.' for Silvr!on via D.i-mascu-!, Viola, etc.. whiic il leaves Silver ton lor t 'l.c-l.a nas Krioav siiornintr. Our pti-kages f; r l.n:i;sct:s, V iola, N Hon, ; e, i c pl.'.et d on he noit !i-i ..mii-.l train Tin;. -Miay af'te I'l-oii. and sin. old !.i! U-ft at ( 'I ;c!;ii mas stali-m, but it would seem, fioni Mr. Mills' sl.'.it-iiici't that they are ia!:c-,i by to 1. i t land, and taken up Fri day morning, past. Ci ickamas. .toSalem, and irem I he. e to Siivc rtoii, where I hey must arrive after the carrier has left, a-ad are held t hci e for one week. All that is neee -ts.-i if we are correctly infoi tnetl as to I he niai ter, won!. I be for the agent lo s .rt the Ore-aim City mail between tiiis I !;ce and I 'iacka.-iias station, where it shtadd be dropped, or if it was (bopped he next morning up it would be all l ight. li is a perfect s! one the way the people of Clackamas county have been Irealed in to mad i'aciliiies for the past live or six looitiis, and Postal Agent Steele should see that we get relief. ;! "iVhat Pi. Yoa Kii'f.v .V at it: Ci.a lamas, Ogn., Oct. -.'I, 1 -7.S. I-'oTTo'.i Fn: i:',:im:isk : Will you permit me, through your paper, to make inquiry of the early missionaries and immigrants to Oregon if, within their knowledge, or di ! they ever hear that the 1 ndiaus of this ct linlry ever made sugir from plants? J f so, when and when ? I make this in tjuirv at the reouest of the Commissioner oi' Agi icc.b ure, wlio writes as follows: ' I have iu'brmaMon i hat many years ago tic Oregon Indians ma. hi sugar from a kiul ((" iced growing in your country. As I a n in search of plants that produce sac-tat '.lie juices, I will lie glad if yen will make (!!i;-: i t inquiry i.i re.gaxl to this plant, and, if possible, send me speci mens of the see. I or plant; or put nc in comi muuiea' ion with those who would be !:!;elv to furnish me with cither." Xow, if anv peso.:- has knowledge, or has good au'l.oi iiv tor believing t hat ti ll.ll.l'.lS of t;e ti:ey v i.v g; the' P. lion. u ever nrioe siig r from plants, ill i o, fislv confer a Invar on me iugsucli inVormalion, I ut in iv aid oai Imet't i l its seaich i n t his dircc W. M. I'll 1 1. i.i es. (;.Aci;.i.v!, o i :oii F:n i i'.iti'i is:: : you aslc, "Whoso ;!'.., O -t. 21. ls7-(. -In your last is fatilt is it ?" We sue ! ike n;i '-ht ask t!te same question and m our own reply, but for fear we might i'w. u-.ini mistake that vim have, anil censure the wrong ersons, we will 1 t-....i..,.i v,.n- on with vour cluo, for it is time somebody had a lkk, but be sure vim do not hit the -wrong person. Damascus complains, and justly ..... n. it the I'oit'.and nailers lio not reacll that oilice in clue lime, .mi" tm-- -t the Portland papers ire taken lo -saicin arai sent uaoK u i'-' ." - , i " ii h iving never been to this ofhee, as the I . M. at Damascus well knows. Now in re- ran' to !.. .'vn.-1'lM'K lor 1 ' llliasciis . it, lias come to this oilice l-ut once m me i.i- ( . .. ... ...i(- ii.'.iiii nl- : six wee ly (Wk' mail. s ami men -as .soul. o..t , h is invariably our rule) by tirst . . A. All 1.1.: PnWhimi iki-.Igc bill- The foMosving is oT.i ief outline of the provisions of tho l'ortland Fridge Fill, which has been passed by both branches of the Fegidaive: The Fridge Pill provide t hat t ne Port lmd l.iidgeCo. inav build a fridge on or above Morrison street, ami the : com- P." SI iv the right io use sueu si i vet -. .' -.- t!iev' o'.av select. 1'.',.. bill allows th co.npauv si.-v ,if". . in hieli to coin; It te tin WOI K. 11 also : dvi S th- county court pow cr to regulate '; h rates of toll. T!,n P.i I I IllsO pri Vl-k'S I that tho draw , 111 -1st be kH feet in the i iear. l nose w u . . ... (Iw-i ' are inteicstid in t I,.-! '-re w ill bj !!-'d C I i 1 1 in m k in." "- , No exclusive priv- : i'ieg"is granted the comiany 01' l.r'a. The followin r is a list of the letters re- niaiuiiig in the p' 'e IK-stt klCC at VMCgoll v .'J, Clackamas ctiui.ty, Oregon, Oct. 21, iss: A rmstrong. ltolckom. H. W. Cook. D. P. Cis'i bw, Miss M. I-M wards, I ). J. 1 let! man. ("has. i la: i ington, A. Fong. A. M artin, M rs. C. Itoherts, Mai. Welch, Vv'. i. Hi-own, lii'V. 11. -Carliie. Sam'!. Yolhers, J. C., Jereniiidi. Forester, M '-s F. Meiirv. Ik'V. O A. Jones, lieo. M. I'- b K' l-cntl ir Mrs. Nichols. F. D. (2i. liockpey, ) no. 1.. Welch, W""- :...l If called for say w aen a.ivei..-. - -.1. M. b.uMN, P- Fo has with V.mi Only. --Mr. .iinined that he .. A will Hughes com pete and he is now doing P. rtland pi let's, ; so and sellin" goods for cash only, -vs ii. has been said that I'm Hand pi jet s iire "way down" vou will find that the cash whii'h von al-vavs nav at Port land will , buy just as much ai P.. A. Hughes s "ii-. t "ive ii'mi a call with your casti in ...wi' aim see for yourself. Ni-av Jt t-.Tudge Thayer has ap- poiutctl Hon. K. 1. Poise. I. 1 lVim anil .Lis. K. Kellv as Judges of the Supremo Court under" the new law. The present ..:. I..-- - i - , Lit rn-l 1 S. I'l Gsal V of .1 ;:r Crer sm ill. and we understand that Judge Shall in k will not accept the posh ion at I hat salary. Ch.ynnki. Orr.M.n.-Mr. Jos. Paquet, who had the contract of removing a num ber of rocks from the channel of the Will-win tie river at Uo.-k Island, has eoin uletcd his work. The new channel is i cing used by the Loats very advanta geously. at,yj5auiiwriit?M: a)lMiiMi'U 'I llll, Hl'IIM 1 Oil l-e:ll bfm. I I i ii . 1 1 ... - ( ..v. . . ..i ' ".th iV ;- - s.w, "1D'a" cr solved upon " of ea,s. 21 of ,u- ,s V ln" l ;e.l"e paWy. The Muinee, 2l of American grapes aViVrn of COU. ,Uletl that Lc, was their V l'icuc'i ami i.erm;in: black bon i;w .m.i l luuity oi meetimr out to t ho wi Indians Insolent. A Gentleman from the Kittitas coun try reports that serious trouMe is nn ticipateil with tbo Inaians, ulio are daily becoming more insolent and de monstrative. Recently a buck belong ing o Moses' gaug attempted an out rage on a white woman, but her screams brought several men who were at work within hearing distance, to (he rescue and the Indian tied. Just previous to his (our informant's) departure the In- xiu ayain proven to be a desperate vil- staud- set tiers por- ..tch the punishment to which lio so justi fy deserved, resolved upon sending him oil' to tho happy hunting ground's on short notice. So thev made a grand charge on him with the? bnts of their rilles, and one settler dealt so heavy a blow as to br.-nk oil' the stock of his gun. However the Indian dodged about and finally got away under cover of the darkness, which was now coming on, without sustaining any other injuries it has since been ascertained from his comrades on the reservation than a broken jaw and several severe bruises about the head. The Indians are all (neatly incensed over this procedure and declare they will have revenge Tho Indians are preparing, it is gener ally believed, for au attack uoon the white settlers as soon as opportunity shall present itself. The ugly breach between them and tho settlers is being widened every day, our informant states, and both parties are arming themselves for an outbreak. Numer ous complaints i re made against Heat tie and other merchants on the Sound, whom the settlers claim are supplying tho Indians with all the arms and am munition they want. Recently, our iuformant states, an Indian returned via the Suoqnalmie pass from this sec tion with three kegs of powder on tine pack animal. Tho restless feeling, cn gendere.l this among tho settlers by these well grounded npprol ensions of Indian troubles, coupled with the gen eral excitement manifest over the outrageous project of establishing. av "Indian JJotany JJuy" in the very heart of their conn) ry, for the accomodation of the savage hordes of Cue Columbia, well nigh driven them to desperation They are for the most part, beginning to feel just as if they would sooner fight than not, and are making no ellbrt to conciliate the red man. Sea' tie Trib une. The A4rojriid ions. Tho Oeoe-al Appropriation Ivll, as rissotl by both houses, makes appropi i utioos for the next t'vo years which may be sum ia ized as follows: Executive Fund $ 19,-100 00 General Fund J'i.HiO 00 Fugitive Fund 2.000 00 Incidental Fund 15,000 00 Convict Fund 52.70 00 Insane Fund 121.000 00 Judicial Fund 132,000 00 Indigent Fund 2,000 00 Common School Fund 15. 4.00 00 Sta.te Land Fund 1,000 00 Deficiencies 23.228 00 Total .?o22,751 00 fjhakspeaio hath thi to sav. on Ma t and Tony (i'i M.eastTe tor Ale.i j ure"): " ! Oh ! it is excel lent To have a printer's kew ; but. it is villainous To u-.' it like printer. Con til great men blunder As Mart himself does? .Mart would ne'er be (pru t : I-'or every pilfering petty ottieer. If, urit'ortuiiatelv, ot" lt'j ubtican antocptlents. Would, mereifui Heaven.' how bo larrupix'tl! Put Mart, proud Mart, Iir.-K-f In :i lilt li; brief authority, Most, ignomwt of what Tony's most assured, With his yard-stick adtl inllexible tape-line, Plays such lamastie tticks u u iiisiiiurniTs As makes the Assembly weep. Col. Kelly replies to Oov. lhaycrs notice of his appointment to ihe Jtldgeship ar, he did to Tolton on Fat rick's suggestiou to bribe an Oregon elector, " I fully endorse the above." A seaman namod Gaorgo Burns on Friday last was run over by an engine on the Oregon . Central It ail road at Portland, and was so mangled, that he died within an hour afterwards. No blamo can be attached to any one ex cent tho unfortunate man. who neg lected to get off the track, though sutli- cientlv warned Territorial. Xo houses to rent in Vancouver. Six thousand deer skins are annually shipped from Seattle to San Francisco. There are to bo some big races at Seattle on tho 22d and liod of next month. About C.00,000 pounds of hops was raised in tho Pnyallup valley this sea son. An ordinance has been introduced fo the Vancouver Council to close all sa loons at 0 i. m. Fred. A. Clarke, one of tho "Washing ton Territory pioneers died in Puay allnp valley last Friday. The rebuilding of St. Joseph's TI03 pital at Vancouver, destroyed by fire in August, has been commenced. The ci y prisioners are nude to clean the streets at Walla Walla and it ought to be the same in Oregon City. Indians at Seattle peddle salmon about towu to famines desiring to salt for future use at from 75 coats to $1 per dozen. Forty cents a bushel is the offer "mg price for wheat at Walla Walla. For a verv choice arriciw rue mine rs pay -i-Ji cents, being the ruling price. - Olvmpia Courier: lion. II. Ci. Struve has just received the necessary j pflj,ers authorizing htm to institute a j Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows jo this territory The day for the meeting vi iu iiHit-yaa-a una nui jti uee-! ueeui- ed upon. Lonis Mayer of Vi ?conver, has : contract with parties ia Europe to ship i p:aniiy oi ur cones, lie has now in store al out 4r,0 bushels, which will soon bo sent forward. Upon arrival at their destination the seeds will bo extracted and planted in situations con genial to the habit and growth of the fire tree. The TiKL-pe- diii says that while Americt is getting rid of her for ests, Europe is actively engaged in. in creasing hers. S' in S3 I despise a stingy man. I don't see how it is possible for a man to die worth fifty millions of dollars, or ten millions ot dollars, in a city full of want, when he meets most every day the witherd hand of beggary and the white lips of famine. How man can withstand all that, and hold in the clutch of his hand twenty or thirty millions of dollars, is past my comprehension. I do not see how he can do it. I should not think lie con Id do it any more than ho could keep a pile of lumber when huudreds a d thousauds were drowning in the sea. Do you know I have known men who would trust their tvive3 with their hearts and their honor, but not with their pocketbooks- not with a dollar. When I see a man of that kiud, I al ways think lie knows which is most valuable. Think ot making your wife a beggar! Think of asking vou every day for a dollcr or two dollars, or two humbly beg for fifty cents. "What did you do with that duller I gave you?" Think of having a wife that is afraid of you! What kind of children do yon expect to have with a begger aud a coward for their mother? Oh, I tell you, if you have but a dollar in tho world, and yon have got to spend it, spend it like a king; spend it as though it were a dry leaf and you tho owner of forests. That's tho way to spend it. I had rather be a begger and spend my last dollar like a king, than to a king and spend my money like a .beggar. If it's got to go, let it go. Get the best you cau for your family and look as well as you cau yourself. When you used to go courting, how nice yon looked! wh, your eye was bright, your step was light and you just put on tiie very best you could. Do you know that it is insufferable egotism in you to suppose that woomeu is going to love you always, 'ooking as bad as you can? Think of it! Any women ou, 'earth will be true to you forever when you do your level best. Bob J.taer-oi. Letter fmai Mew Era. N::v En A, Oct. 2nd, I;s"S. Dr.Ait ICNri.iiiMiisi-:: Your very wel come face we love, and wish that every family in the country would take you to their fireside. Our little place, or the people in it, have been very healthy this year; nev r more so. Fvcrvthimg peace and plenty. Our district school will commence next Monday; Henry Faneber teacher. Free to all scholars listed in tbo district. Those coming into the school outside of the district will be charged one dollar or month, payable in advance. This rule w ill tie strictly adhered to. Your readers will be surprised when they learn that there is a strong probabil ity that the Sil vcrton, Molalla ami New Kra narrow-gauge railroad will be built before twelve months shall have passed. The telephone has proved a failure: cause too much wind; and now sonic ol our ingenious neighbors propose lo con struct au ombrometer. Hoping the Fx i kiui:isk will live and prosper, 1 remain yours, etc. Alpha. The gross valuation of taxable pro perty iti Josephine county is SFlOJSo; indebtedness, .'ttJ.SijO; number of polls, Kcws lor the I'eapic. XoIIi-f. r. Selling liis a good assort merit on hand, ami is willing to s-ll t lie same at n small advance a hove cost, for Cash. JVo use of going to Portland when vou can do as Well at home. I am determined not to be under sold by anyone. In (lie Avliole Iristory ot medicine, no preparation has ever performed such marvel ous cures, or maintained so wide ,i reputa tion, as AvKit's CllKitKY I'kctoKa:., which is ree.igiii'-d as t he world's remedy lor all dis eases of t he I iiroat, and '.lilies. Its long-continued series of wonderful cup-.s in a! 1 1-1 has made it universally kuoivn as a safe and reliable agent, to empioy. .Against ordinary colds, which are t he forerunners of more se rious disorders, it eels speedily and surely, always relieving st.-ir.-rin-r, and often saving life. The protection it. affords, by its timely use in t he t hroat and lung disorders of chil dren, makes it an invaluable remedy to be kept always on hand in every home. No person can a iTord to be wit hont it, and those who haveonce used it never wid. l-'roin t heir knowledge of its com posit ion anil effects. Physicians use tlu CilKitriY I'kctobal ex tensively in their practice, and Clergymen recoin mend it. It is absolutely certain in its remedial effects, and will alu-ays cure where ci res are iossible. For sale by all dealers. DON'T roil (JET IT. If you ar-? troubled w til nervousness, arc disheartened, tired of life, fear deat h, or feel out of sorts, as the saying Is, you may safely conclude that you have the Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint. The liver is very apt to become torpid this season of the year, as ioi sons arising from stagnant water or decaying vegetation are more numerous, and are through inhalation taken into the blood. Unless the liver is strong and active, and fur nishes a supply of fresh and pure blood to drive out the impurit les, tin; atiove-ment ioncd symptoms surely follow, and if not heeded, end in more terrible diseases and death. White's Prairie l'lower proves itself the Oreat Liver Panacea. Its action on the liver is dif ferent from any medicine ever comundcd. Its cures are truly wonderful. Try it. I'rici; hvoii' y-llve cents and seventy-five cents. Liver in King. Tho Liver is the Imperial organ of the whole human system, as it controls the life, health and happiness of man. When it is disturbed in its proper action, all kinds of ailments are the nat ural result. The digest ion of Iood, t h -movements of the heart, and blood, the action of t h? brain and nervous system, are nil im in iiately connected with t he workiggs of the Liver. It. has been successfully proved that (ireen's August l'lower is unequalled in cur ing ill persons atiticted with Dyspepsia or Liver, and all the numerous syptoins that re suit from an unhealthy condition of the Liver and Stomach. Samplo bottles to try, 10 cents, at (jleo. A. H'.rding's. Positively sold in all towns tin the Western Continent. Three (loses will prove that it is just what you want. A. (JAAIT). To all who are suffering from t he errors and Indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness, earl v decay, loss of man hood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will cure you, l-'UEL Or I CHAKWrC. This great, remedy was discovered ny a missionary in South America, n'iih a self-addressed t"nv"lore loflu' Hl-'.v. T. Jos i: Pit In .man, .Station D. Jiiblr House, JS'cw York. novl7-ly. '"The XationaKJold Medal was awarded o r.radlcy A ltulofson for t he Ix-st Photographs in the'Uirtted States, and the Vienna -Meda for the best in the world. IJ'J Moniomery Street, San Francisco. Any function of the body used excessively may produce waste so great that the ordina ry repair of body consequent upon r"st and nutrition cannot make up for it, consdquent Iv, incoi ijMtetict of the overtiirtil orijtin icitt. remit. '1 lie terms, organs and functions, are xiii'iDiinoim a ith nerve and muscle, or nutri tion, electricity and phosphorus. Pythe use of Fv) Voir' JfiitojthoxphitrH, the wasted ele ments arc returned to the lxxly in a form cnsilv assimilated, so that deceased organs or impaired functions arc mad? sound again. i Thus : The feeble and intrepid action ot tne Heart is replaced by vigor. The S'liggish Liver stirred up. Tho Lungs insensibly take in more atmosphere. The Stomach digests better. The t Jenital Organs become strength ened. The Urain active, vigorous n ad endur ing, and t he Nerves and Muscles become by the'use of this remedy ca pable of sustaining "Teat, and prolonged exert ion. For particulars as to the value of this great remedy, sec Fellows' iredial Month!;, at all Druggists. A How of Pearls i G listening through coral" lips is certainly a pleasing object; but a row of discolored, bc speckled. teeth in any mouth at nil is a grevious drawback ; add to this that such a s"t of teeth is usually accompanied by im pure breath, and one can scarcely Imagine anything nior:? objectionable. SODOXT, the great purifier of the breath, and -jyhitener of the teeth, obviates this state of the mouth completely, rescuing its dental occupants from destruction, and counteracting the in fluence upon the enamel of acid socrctions in the mouth. , 1 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, C. RI. KESIEFi Has Just received a largo MULTIPLYING CAMERA Of the Latest Improved Style, and is now ready to take Pictures of all sizes und descrii) tions at as Seasonable Kates ! As can be obtained in the State. SEE PPiiCE LIST Photographs, per dozen. . ...... Gems, 'M for Double Gems, IS for Ninths, per doz Card Size, per doz (or 4 for 75c.) Extra Card Size, eacii (or ?! 50 per doz ) SxlO, each .S3 00 50 . ' 75 . 1 25 . 2 00 . 50 . 1 .50 fciir "Pictures taken every day (Sun days excepted) rain or shine. P10TUSE3 F3XISHED UP IX A KEW MINUTES. Having put r-klCES IlUW.N to a small fig nv, 1 iiuYo determined ujon a Gash Business Only. All work Warranted to he first class. Please call and examine lor yourselves. One door south of t'liarmaiPs Store. 'iiimo t City, Ail--. l."i, 1K7S. a-j!5-tf I. WADSET, undertake:?, carri-iaqe akd VYAS&rJ f"K.ER. rBVIE ITNPEUSIONE I W () IT L I It E Ji spectfully announce to t he public that lie has a large spM'lc f eodirm on lioiid and has just completed one of the linest. IP-arses in I he Slate, and is now prepared to at tend to any orders In that line. r. I. WIXSKT. Oregon Cit -, May . 1S7S tf. HERE WE AHE A5AI?5 ! ITI PSfGES. X5TAVK XOW I.V STOCK A VKKY IAIIGE JL assort mcnt of DKY GOODS & mm GOODS CLOTlllXn, 11 ATS, BOOTS, HOSIER V, s :ioes, LADIES' AND G"i'A75' - l UKXISUIXG GOODS, PFRF UMERY, TABLE CUTLERY, C R OC KERY , GLASSWARE, HARDWARE, Forming Utensils, ROPE, GRAJN SACKS, WOOL SACKS, TOBACCO, ETC., ETC., sold at COT PRICE, You mav think that this is aU buncombe, and that we do not. mean what wo advertise, but remember "the proof of the pudding is t he eating," and the public is invited to call and examine our stock and prices, and we feel confident that the general verdict will be B, A.HUGHZ3 Sells Cheaper mul Gives a Billrr Article than any Firm in llic lily. Call and sec wit hout delay : no charges for showing our go-xN. Still at the old stand. Oregon City. Sent. 1. lSTS-tf. mmn & valehtine, . !.) l"iit SlrooL POUTLAXI), - - OIIEGOX, Ix-adtng dealers in LADIES FURKlSKiKSCOCDS, SILKS, SHAWL3, HOSIERY, CLOVES GO 2 SETS, DRESS TRI&tfiNSS, 2IILLISEKV & FANCY U00DS. .AN " IxnmensE StocK Now oien for the FALL SEASON at LOWEST PKICEti in the city. Samples sent on application mm carefully filled. oct3-3in. Choics Bargrain. g n tl ACRES OF RICH LAND ON 1 the Clackamas river 334 5 acres of orchard; 40 acres under fence; g'e ins rted on the first lhxLEXX. OKEGOX CITY, Aug 8th, 1S7S-31U. 0 saigas! EEADY FOE SPHING OPENifiG A i il 0 TK IIAVF: POroiIT AN UNCSALLY will oiler Fxtra Inducements in both Quantity and Quality. Dji9 tit'sazsibSc Abosjt Ssl TiiESt? After seeing how Cheap we sell our Goods. Of course you want fo do tin? best you can with your money, but before, you buy come and see us and we will give you r.argains, Goott iootls, and Lw Prices. We have bought all the Latest Styles, and our stock can't be beat this side of San Francisco. S. At KiiitSIA.V. Xi'ocliaoo snail Wool. All kinds of Produce taken, and we want all the Wool we can g t, for which we will pay the highest market price. Kemembe-r the corner, tit Oregon City, March 8, ISTS-tf. ;n wrifmnchln ie onual to as clesrarstly finished as a first-class Piano. It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo sitions! IT SEWS OftE-FOURTH FASTER than other machines, its capacity is unlimited. There are more WILSON EV? ACKlfiES sold in the United States than the combined sales of all tho others. The WILSCN mEUDlUC ATTACHRSEFIT for doing all kinds of repairing. WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. vSOTiLSOi SEWING AOHIFIE 00, 827 & 829 Broadway, New York; Hew Orleans, La.r Cor. State & Madison Sts., Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco, Caf, W. A. PHILLIPS, (Successor to T. A. Bacon) Dealer iu GROCERIES AFD PRCVJSIGKS. CJKLKCTEI.) TEAS, COFFEE AND ALL Tj articles used for l 'ulinary purposes. High est market price paid for Country Produce. tioods delivered free to all parts of the city or Ciincmah. Orders promptly filled. Oregon City, Feb. 11. lSTS-lf L. JAGGARS, PEALES IX FLCUR, HAY, STRAW, 15 ATS, POTATOES, WOOL, ETC., GRAl?4 SACKS AND TWINE. H'-TTho highest market paid in cash for all kinds of produce . Two doors north of Factory. Oregon City, Sept. 13, 1877-if. WM. KNIG'lIT. SKO. KNIGHT. (NIGHT BROS., can nr. - - - OKEUON Dealers is SHIXfilKS, (KDAU POSTS, OltOC KII tLOTIIIMi, HOOTS, SUOKS, ll.VKUWAKli, Ami evf rytlilirjr iiwually Wept in a coun try store. We Invito the public to call and examine our stock before Boinir to Oregon City or l'ort land, as we are seilinii ns cheap as any house in the State. Come and f:t our prices. Those indebted to the linn will please call and settle immediately, aKOS. GEORGE BRQUSHTCH, -ITrOITI.I) INFORM TIIE CITIZENS OF On'-ron City and vicinity that ho is pre pared to lurnish Fir & Cedar Lumber, Of every descript ion, at low rates. A P P L E A.NS0 X t S . ALSO, Dry Flooring1, Cei!iur, Ktistic, !Slri-e, (for shelving), Iattire, "Picltets, antl FeiifoPasts, Cedar, Constantly on hand. Street and Sidewalk lumlier furnished on the shortest notice, nt as low rates as it can be purchased in the State. Oive me a call at t he ORKOOX C1T filA r MILLS. Oregon City, June 10. 1S75 :tf LIVEiiY, FEED, AHn SALE STABILE. KaT' TIIE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR, OF the Livery .'.'-table on Fifth street, Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Buggies, CaTriafrcs and Hacks. Saddle antl Buprtry Horses. I'ricos Tvensoiiille E. B. CLEP.IENT.', Oregon City, Nov. 5, 1875. Proprietor. NOT FAIL to uriiil for onr is "- I' ronlniMS prices mid ! 1 Ion or mot cvrry article In soii- vaTnabuTtO A V rBIt; IniE tli- nnrrliiiiK' of any art -- Tor -oal Kami I V or AffrK nlmriil i-. KilInTii farif.. tSa-'JI;"S!,?2? in tlif remote part, of the 1 erri ''" and Have, with few exception". el the expeetatlonn or the purchaser. a..r rlil.lH o have made a avi., ot 40 to OO per crilt. y,Il,,,!i!.L ouWoodi .n'mayhind oWal nrirrK in qniinlillM to uit. Kelerciico, lir.t National Itank. Chicago. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., Original Urange Supply House. 7 A SS WatoaaU Av e-, Chicago. IlL H M S C H R A M J o ivinin St.. Oreccn City. MAM'FACTIRER AND IMPORTER OF Knddles, Harness, f.Z?, .Sadtllery-Hard- iu7it ware, etc.. etc. U. -wrneTi tip: okff.RS AS CHEAP AS V can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 81 warrant my KVJSCinM. Saddle and Harness Maker Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 1. ltS.5-tf. Iiiilcrial iSIilis- Oregon City, Oregon, JEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND FOR FLOURS M IBIDDLINGS & CIIICREX FEED. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sacks. tTSO.OOO Banhelit of Wheat Wanted at the market price. Oregon City, August 29, 1878-tf. yaijgaaasii-g-j-g BUSINESS 1 OF KEW GOODS ! m i-i i& ii il ' 2 LAIKJK STOCK AT GItE-T BARGAINS, AN 17 A VALUABLE INVENTION. THE WORLD RENOWNED a Chronometer Watch, and THOMAS C H A R fvl A H E TASLISHED DESIRES TO INFORM TIIECITIZENS OP Oregon City and of the Willamette Val ley, t hat lie is still on hand and doiii"- luli ness ou the old motto, that A Nimble Six Pinct-U Better than a Slow Zhillina I have just return' d from San Francisco, where I purchased or e of the LARGEST Af-iD till StLLCTLD' STOCK OP GOODS ever before otr red in t his t ity0; and consfstn rr part, as follows : Roots and Shoes, Clothinjr, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description. Hardware, Groceries, Oils, Paints and fciash and Doors,' China ware. Queen swa re. stoneware. Crockery, PUiixiiiva.rc4 Glassware, Jewelry oTYarious Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Indies and Gents Furnishing" Patent Mt .:"ines. Goods, Fancy No- Itojie, l--.riiini-r tions of Every Implements of Description. All Kinds, Carpets, alanines, Oil Cloth, Wall Faj-er. etc. Of the above list, I can say my stock is tho MOST COMPLETE ever offered in this market, and was selcfe-1 wit h especial care for t he Oregon City trade.AU of which. 1 now olfer for sale at tho Lowest Market Raies. No use fort lie ladies, or any one else, to think of going to l'ortland to buy goods for I am Detcrminitl to Sell Vhettp and not to allow myself to be UNDERSOLD IX TIIE STATE OF OREGO.W All I ask Is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as 1 do that Twenty Years Experience In Oregon City enables nie to know the re quirements of" the trade. Come one and all and see lor yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIAKMAN cannot be beaten in quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell you all t ho advniilagt s I can olTcr vou in the sale ol goods, ns e store 1 Zt advert ises does t hat, n ml 1' J.v you have been disappointed. All 1 wlsU U" say is fomc, and Sec, and Examine for Aoursclvcs, for Tdo not wish to make any mistakes. My ..... .,i ...I ... lri..n.le TirtXlT f 11 ! I. I ooieet. ism u-ii mi !. " " mil still alive, and desirous to s. 11 goods cheep, for e.-ish, or upon such terms ns agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage hereto- lore ucsiowcu v- llitjr. iii.-u.'i;i.i, Main Street, Oregon City. Ix-gal Tenders and County scrip at market rates. T1IOS. CHARM A . tsr-se-an 1 bs wool wanted by ov.l.T5-tf 'lllOS.CHARMAN. 6 HAS. H. CAUF1ELD, BROKER, reosi City 9 spi. THL IU'Y AND PEI.I. COL NT i Ai iitv Orders. Notes discounted on reasonable terms, i.oaus ji. ...i-.. ...w.. on hand at all ttm. -s to loan on f.r-t class security, lipimsiise i"" " .-- six jK-r cpih. liiit-i. M- i'."" " (not less than three mouths). Offices AVitU l:. L. Ea-tliairt in ' Brick. inj..6-tf. A Rare Opportunity. From 0 to !M) acres of good land. 14 miles from New Era, for sr.' e cheap 'I ho iio " tract part under cult ivation, lor"), or will sell 40 acres at 5S per 'lOlXoS, PR02ATE riOTlGE. Tp. IV A IT COt'NTV .TLIX'K, WILL . be at his office in this c'.ty every Mondiy froin 9 o'clock A. IT. to 4 v. i. tor the transac tion of probate business. Oregon Citj .July is, PSTS-tf. i. jr. CLOVER- PAINTING. KALSOM1XINO AND PLASTEIilNG. -i-TlEL CONTRACT RY THE SQUARE! V or bv the Job. The best stock in tho market used in every Instance. Orders left at the PostofHce will receive prompt attention. Oregon City, April 18, lSTts-tf. i 1 I f f." 1 - i r- I i f