Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1873)
S f v O 5- 'J o o O o o o Tl - M asoxic Tho Masons, of this city "Last summer," savs tliP T?.,,- propose to celebrate St. John's Day in a "a mau came to. Yamhill countv tin- OREGON CITY, 0UEG9X, JEJGJISTI- 'dkowse.).-A -nan named Koljrt Stansfield. aged about .31 years, who resided omo-dte this i.hiec for the p ist two vears, was tlrowne.1 last Y esdav about noon. The ferryman no- tier the name of Hopkins. lTsfml at McAlinnville some davs, when he attracted attention by his contradic tory statements about himself m-,,1 hi.s business, but he soon went to nesdav about ticed him coming down the Lank of this side with the manner suitable to the occasion, next Saturday evening- The installation of their oflieers will le public, and an ad dress is to be delivered by iron. S. F. Chadwick, Secretary of State, after which there is to be a supper for the Masons and their families at Myers t r 11 I afterwards Hopkins, bootmaker at Eleited. - The following are the ofli. Lafayette, took a letter from the post ers elected for the ensuing term of i om, , . 11 . . "intelligible. He KIND WORDS. The Associated IWormed Presbyterian says: Kor years Perry Davis' Puin-Killer has been known as a most useful family medicine. Kor pains and achs we know nothing so pood as the Pain-Killer. For manv internal dis-'asc-s it is equally e-ood. We speak from experience, and testily to work for Mr. John Miller an,l I what "we. know. No family ought to be with him to tne bunch crass pmmtrv i east of the mountains mn t;,,,! i Messrs. Perry Davis A Sox, rrov., R. I, ' ' u 1 V. LIUiC I I'lV-ifi aartcd across w ith it. Be- the IM.occa IVsreo Lod-e No. 2 , 1, faiieu in me am ot others, and after V1!! if started he noticed StanslieU O. O.F. : J. T. Apperson, X. O.: Mrs. i jn linf nongU , made out on tic nJ oat.and tandingon Kloiser Apperson, V. G. : Mrs. M. M. i ? f"nv l Wll'"tU' fththe water. From Charma.U. S, Mrs; Hattie P,,;, P. . ... r - iiii i ne s:i ; ( I i:eiiiiJL; in January. t .wards the west, and consequently c.hiM not see v. 1 at was going on. vo. n.-i.-!diiir the shore, the man vasiv wheretobe seer, but a stick and hat -were floating in ihe river, which imme diately gave him the idea that the man had fallen over! oard and was d row li ft 1. Search was soon afterwards made, and the U !y rc ovetvd elos; to where he foil in, bat t o late, as life was ex tinct. It is 'supposed that he was at tacked with a or that he was intox icated. He ha-i had s-vcral tits before, and those who nre familiar with him, sav Chat If wa-. not intoxicated on this iK-casi'-n. He leaves a wife to mourn )iis sudden death. Christmas Tuet.. Sc. Paul's Church was thronged l.t-t Wednesday even ing bv parents and hildre;i to see the C Chris' mas Tre and listen to tlie excr-ci-i-'s. Tic ehu -ch was most beautifully decorated, b-tt r than ever before, an. I tin: Maying by c ac ehildren was render ed in a oi.iim -i which must have made Him heart of all parents glad, ami cause many to wish that th-y wen- "again a child." Tiie address by the I lector was one- of his happiest cli"Vts, and was rc- jlete with goo and impiot tut ad vice to jiarents. It v. as indeed a most splen did addn-ss for the o; easi ai. The tree was ladi-n with m my costly gifts, and th n-'-ipi'-nls .cre ail happy ami v 11 jil.-a.i:-d, and m my of them will lorn; rrfnieiiib r Cini-ui:.s Mve, li ', w'uh plea.iun; and Dis: :iir.f no:; nr Ci:n riricATi:s. It li:t4sell'm ln'i-ii ot;r ph-.isnre to see a more happy crowd of children congre gated t'lan there were last Prid.iy evei.- Pkrsonat.. John Chenoweth, a young man who lia.s beori in mir employ for the past two years, has left us and is now employed in the job office of A. ( J. Walling, Iwp, of Portland. John is a good and faithful young man, and we wi-h him every success in life. Lost. On Christmas live, Two Gold Lockets; one, a small heart ; the ether, a bluc-enamel 'd heart : was either lost at Myers' Hall, ormi the way from the Cliff Ib use ioihe Hall. The finder will please leave the same :it Mrs. Hay-lies Millinery Store. So.-i xr.i.K. The children of the Meth odist, Congregational and liaptist Sun day Schools, i:td a grand Soeiableat Pope's Hall last Wednesday evening. The children all had a very pleasant time, and remained there amusing in various wavs until ten o'clock. Located. W. A. Mills, an old citi zen of Washington county, has lately located at Mars'.itield, where he i en gaged in tho mercantile business, in partnership with Mr. Phillips. justice, he did read it. Sheriff Bird immediately sent inquiries to the potoihee from which the letter was dated, and learned that a murder had been commit ied by a mau wjlu an. sweied the description of Hopkins, and a reward would be paid for his arrest. Next, requisitions were pro cured on the Governors of Oregon ami of Washington Territorv, ami a deputy sent out to Miller's stock ranch. The river closing by ice, nothing has been fe.rther than news of iii i-arrest. The Sheriif telegraph ed again to Missouri and learned tnat an oiticer would start immediate ly to receive tho prisoner, and will pronaoly be ncre by the time Belcher can get down the river. AiVnox. Messrs. Milne A; Howell propose to sell their entire .stock of fur nil ore at auction next Wed nes lay. This will offer a good opportunity to persons desiring anything in their liu I-' Pki-okt. A rc p. .1 1 I jas ie. n circulation in town that a man had been shot on the other sid of the river, and his body thrown into the water. The report is undoubtedly false. SaVlJ?os Cukss. "Sambo, whar you g;t dat watch you wared to de meet m las Sunday V" y, you ignorant nigger, how- yon know 1 had a watcli? "Kase f see de chain hanrr out dr por-ket in front." "Go way, nigger ! 'Sposo you see a halter round my neck; you link dar was a boss inside ob me?" Tin: Deiiiocrat ic State Central Com mittee is to meet at Portland on the 2.1 of January. It is highly import ant, that every member should be present, and the initiatory steps ta i -i . - Ucnts. Although a stranger to you I am not to voar invaluable medicine, Pain-Killer. I "formed its acquaintance in Is 17 and I am on most intimate frms with it still ; my exK -ience in its use coniirms my be lief that t-icra is no medicine equal to i'ain- Killer for tii "luicit and sur-- euro oi Sum mer Com Plaint .Sor ' I, roup,F!ruises and Cut -. I have used it in all and found a 8K-ed , cur.: in every ens '. Yours iruiy, 1. J. i..-wwi-" cit, .m. v. Judging ljy our own experience whoever onei- inaK'-s a trial oi i errv iavis I'um- Killer, will not lail tor commend it widely as an unequalled linimeiit, and valuable internal r -uicd v for colds and various other complaints. Kccfu -VontA. Tlie efficiency of Terry Davis' worUl-re-no.vned I'ain-Killer in all dis-ases or the bo vels, ev. ji in that terrible scourge, the Asiatic ehol -ra. has been amply attested bv the most convincing authority. Mis sionaries in China and India have written home in commendation of this remedy in terms that should carry conviction to the most .skeptical. Wiiile its H: ularity in com i.iunities nearer home is ample proof that the virtues claimed for it lire real and tan gible. Amonj lainily m-niicines it stands unrivaled. lUxlita Cuurt-r. The fltfurtUt: Kren'; (!iz-tti- of Roston, savs: It is iui!ossi!)le t rind a place on this broad land where tVrry Mavis' Pain- Kii.I.kk is not as a mot valuable remedy for physical pain, hi tli" country, miles from physician or apothecary, mo I'ain-lviili-r is ctn-rish -d (is tie.: exclusive panacea, and it never deceives. 1 1 ' I.- I 1 . - ' T 1 1 T ' , X - . T .- TT r TTT i C r.'ln lit" . valuable medicament, and, unlilc-; most of t In: a rt icl -s : t he da -, is used by many physicians. It is pj r! icu iariy d -sira ble in locations wher pii sicians ar" not near; and, by k-eping it. at hand, families will often save tlie necessity of sending out at mi ! night for a doctor. A bo'tie should be ic. pt in" every house." l ran Her. We have tested the Pain-Kit.t.ek, and issure our readers that it. not only s all the virtues claum-d lor it, but in many instances surpasses any other rem- uy we have ever known, Hcrdiu of uo- ! Lihrrti. novliiinl DEALER I2T GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CORXER OF SEYEXTII AXD MAIX STREETS, OREGOX CITY. Has Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, Iirown and Bleached Sheetings, House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Linen, Irish Bosom Linens, Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Cor9ets, Ladies' and Gents' Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Ribbons, Laces and Insertion, Embroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Gocds, &e, Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CMLDERN'S SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimney, WUU-li have bee aelecti-d nitH tperial rare fur tikis lumLvt and casket UK SVRPAKSEU IX QUALITY Oil PHICK. TilM IHCIIIiST MAliKKT ntlCIi PAID FOK COUMKY PRODffB, Maj-eh13.Jl73 :tf TO THE CSTiZEiJS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY : GrLfEAT REDUCTION IST DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, ETC. Prospcftns for 1S74 Seventh Year. TUB aIImIVE, An Illustrated Monthly Journal, TlnlTtf - sally admitted to be the Handsom est Periodical In the World A liepresentatlveand Chamt ion of American Tnste f.'.w.i. 1 ic has rmi-oiuic'ii he in at tiiv' o .rt iioase. I'roi. 1 . j n in Lri e one o; nis enr-. r; unnients in I.pc's Gramm irS.-i-ol had :seml.led : this city to-ni:rht. O:' course, c-very-f.r t!n' iu:-:'-( i of rcc-ivim? t!i"ir eer-I '"'ily will as t he public are aware A lave s-.ippjy of vegetables laid I m for the use of the Deaf Mute Sehool, at Saleni, were lately all fro zen, ami ar.?, of course, an entire loss to tliut intitntion. ti.ieit.-s of st-in.ii:-. an 1 a- aeh of , that tiiej.- wiil y;ci tlteir mom-y's woitli. them va- h in ! 1. t.i- !iapy fa -es a; peare.l to brirbtcn wit'n j )'. After t!e di-itriimti-ai several so:irs were sun-; ltvthe sch-'ol, :i:i l a very apjirojiriatc t" !,-.-, de'.iv ::e..l by the He v. J.W. Sliw.o I, wliii a was full of s-oo I n kA to t!i- i-:l:cn :tml a No to th Mrs. Tie.-. Rowley, of Canem-ih. fell last - e!c. !rea!;iii iier an'ile, fioin ; whieh s!ie has sim-e stitiV retl severely. ::e -; now ill',', However, ami v. ill .-Mioii be ablcto sit upaain. I'm-", v-'.v v:'.- - A larire number of the i A j.ansas paoer says: Tho jumpni iiveishopper, tho brown col ored frassiiopper, the cussed old yr.t.ssiiepp( r is h re."' J. O. Nor ris, a jirinfer, for some Jui:io in tin; State J;,uru-il oihVe. died in iliigeno t'it v m the liilli hist. We a.-e pleased to kmuv that j frientl.s of Mrs. M. M., met this sch. ii. 1 has -net the In rhest expee- tati eis of its pa? r hs, and wish il future pro.-.;erity . Aiiukuk'a.- A vi''.;ii'.; m m n-uned at her t:!a;ni:ieenl residence last M..n t iy i voiiin.-', and lia-l a jxeie r:il social time. IKlXATI'.VN I'AUIY. TUj flien-ls of Clattie-.v Ivl li v. about l: yi-ars ol, I i, v. M . . Wirth met at his i cadence and raided in '.i?hio:?f on county, was , Te.i sday c . nin-T, an-t left some HiT---.ted 1 ist.M on. lay, charged with be- j ub-t t st imonials to a vithy i i im i.e 1 in the murder of Mr. I gentleman, and respected pastor. He v-jis appreheiivb.-d at P.-rt- j 1 in.l and on Tuesdav brought to tiiis; pla -e for ex i::ii.!i:ition. Wo are inmim- ; houses . n next T .uivday, i p"j that there was n .t the slightest evi- j cep'.N.n f -:dlers MAilitKOI), At !li" r -si'c-.'ic.' ot .lr. Vane -, 1) -eein'ocr -;a. is,.., I.y K.-v. J. . S 'lbvood, Mr. ;-.-rj:- v.'. V.'.ii'.s ami Mis Saraii An:: It mi su b:l a oi t Ins ei! y. A 2X.iiiii1 of tii-ailh. fh-nee to imp him ia tlie terrible de d .m I h - xvis -.ij-:iir-j;ed tror.i eus- inj; their stock for the next sixty day t..dv. We tiesire 10 see an cii-nhi-iN brou-'ht to ins: ice, but no jer- n sh oi l Ik: arrested and his .-har- a -ter i l iekeli.-d. without d -lt'-e i ( su- aiii the arrest. .souie t-v!- S ui The fi ion-Is of dipt. Nam adn.iiiilsiratioii are fail i nr away . An edition of bet wen nine and t'-n niil lionso: c i)i--.s ni a r tis -iiil work is now r.-ady l i." ,r.u n i! nils . t,-;; ri ii.t ion, and can !) li.i t ior tin' a-iicin ;;t anv dru-' stor. in tile I T i 1 1 1 . -1 1 .-spit i ii.- ia-iiiii Colonies Si. a ai ;.i An: -rie.i -t itr izile. '1 he wor.i r ! 'in: ladies are expected to keep open i ,1.V,rr-"a I" is ''..! ;i-rs vicianae tor is?! All' 111. Ml.. .lllllllt'lilWli. 11 ill .11 I ..' 1 iltl Hie re- ; ous ailments which the hunian st stem is j subj et, and s t s lort h the peculiar jiroper- 1 li'-s .ii it it r s J-iore. Ii latt -rs-;)i. I'lir-'-! ae ! !. -st t:e-.ii-at pr -s -nt Known as a p -i v i ; ii -at! ii and si r. ii.iil Ii, and as a r.'iu.-iiy l'r d -biiitv and discs-. 'I'll test 'I'm. on -rio l.i. soiess Ala u..i.- ; . in all t a- n ei pa 1 i la i;;.;; s e.i t ii -ei v.I i.e.l v. r. i, a ml r.-aca es ,i i tj; in in ' i r o; i a m d: -s :i iiil indi viit na' s t ii .. :i a i:y : is r ;u.-;!i.-' i r -at ise 1 lie ev r i- e.e- irnu i;i pri-ss. -No i.i.ui or ; ! ,vi.iii:i:i wlio lias a du r lor tlia One bv one tho prop. of (Irani'.. I h--av- irs bt-ssin.;s i.odity vu. 1 1 i iMi.:ii'l !a:l in r.-a.l Mi i lain, som li III - and oi.vincit.imr sir.'iei -s widen t!o iru!;. re-! ! ii; 01 icai : m e.eil.ims. 1 n nils Si-t.ux.iOrr. JjOw i roj. arc oifer- 'lialste;- Sicl.les Conic to (Jrief. lb. lines . in i they are many), wi.l oe oaine I t" lean, that Ins health IS sueu . - f , :. , 'and an:a-i:- and tie- c.i 1 nda r (l' -n .. .mi , are enter- 1 ' ic. -n. -.,;..!;- ou t com pr--l.en-i .-. t in -in iii..!it'i h.'.i r.r Oakland, California, in th- l:o;.' that h. would be benefitted by i appointees c;; uiini sinootiiiy m . s .itis--r vari-d, in'-.tru-tivt iud securitv, when no !UUl '"'-":,'- ,a." C'V 11 .... ' , -.i . " i breadth of view or sound iud -rre.enl ibst--tt. rv-; Atmaii-i-is, hi short., a lious:- .im-d oi h:s r.-coverv. It Will re- ( J i.o'.u c-.nv-n;.-ne -, a!apt- d to th" convem ii-m!.e:-e.l that !.- left !ier- about om- l;S n-.j-aired, nut wh.-n ahairs of great ,,-, adai.t;-d loth,- u..e oi all class.-s am the c'.i :uge d" Unlilc. P., it tin import com-; nj for aetiou they ;;rc foiiiivl fe.irfullv wanting fllllilL larm r, t Ii-: planter, tin r, t .he lo n-h.iat, tie- i:e-c!, s h- Ml-iiof.-i.. I laiior--r, t !v j-r:. s.i.nial man, all lie. u n s:i' j Sickles, b .- his blustering manner an t to ni ;.;ids o: hoi h .s.-x s it is in. ra.ix an artie! oi' i.rini" n -c -s.-ity. The ni -dt ,. iT.ii. mi li. it. i ' Hi: w is : . . . . . . . . . . . , e i . I u ll l'-.i oi . ii i ' ii - in-. ' " ' . i ...... . j . : :"d oragga loeia lv.ei-e toe Spanish ,,, . ,u.-al tr -ati.-s int-iui.-d lor popular us. uiiiii' lijirn. u. i, nn-....., : . . c ! iiiiint -liizei!--to th l; n-ral read -r, havi tw.. .:,;cr-. leave f, ,r " A i f.irnin on - our'' 111 tiic :lu-iu" fTrowI,1o oilt of 1 n.-n car-mtlv avoid d in this pamehtt :,,i.i.. .- i il.o,.;-,,.....r V';..,,;,,;,,. 1, . n,. ! All is el ar. ixeii-it, ion-i'd'-, amt recoil .( .in .i .iii'.i ..Li., i . ' - ' i i.iete v.ii ii r - i.--o:i :; no com iiiou s -us -. T'orilan.l. Thcs i ! : -ws i -i d:-i res-iiu:. i ..-. anotlior insult and sr.eer to oar ! i n : o.t: .-tors, M- srs. llo-t-tt-rs .'v ' . ... . . i stinit ti. l;'.ir ' la.. on rec-'ii t of a two in i-e-t, to ins.a p.-ien.s, a.i i . lJ.-publieaii form of government: m aei wdl i-.i-.vard a c..- bv mail -.ii-ne,:!y i.e;,.-: that he m .y yet 1.; j )U acV),,lut ,.f his hoorUh ..i::.,' c':lli,,,,t r",'l,r,! 4,1 Uli.llfd .. l.l.'i'.l.. ' r "" ' i lie has leen foreeu to tetiucr his , Santa Clai s 1 1 KAia-rAUiKi:-;. Old XEW TO-DAY ATTOTION! j k w i , . s !: i . r , ( T n v. n i i i i k st ) K oi' ure consist ini of Hed Konin .Se . ( 'nairs. I'aliles. ltci! steads, rtureiins. Ii -evin r- da-'es, WindoH- I'.liaes.Mattinsr, lie. I, spring and P.ed?; s;lso a pooJ iss rt in -lit. oi Lumber, a nd a vrr at varietv of t liiijis ton numerous to mention. Wall i'aii r "I "v iv nr.cty. Sale to be on VW.tnes Tuy, llm-mlier 31st, 1873. All pun-hos -s made of over 51, sixty davs cr -ilit will ! niven, uu.iii note with securi ty. 1 1 .! ,N K & IK W HI, Li, Masonic i'.uikiiiijr, Oregon City. I) -c. 'J:l, 1ST t. N(yri("n: i V1.T, I'KltsoNS Alt!-; ilKIlEHY XOTI fi -d no'- to triisf or harbor my wif t Isiia 1!. b irlcit-.s, on my account as I will not be r -s ons':'d 1 tor an v Uebts contracted In- her, ir ai a a t ait er t his d i: '. .J. M. IAUaIN'S. riackaiuas County, llec. ij, lsT-5. wl li 1 2. U ft lii U k I Lm RIVER il.u vl'u.liAllUl. tvl O ( Till-: KAII.INCJ 1IF.ALTH OK A. IJ2VY. IT IS OUR PUKrOsK .iro Sloclc of tiooils at tii-eatly Ki-ilucutl irii-i, in order to close I.s&M.HlISSaSJS FALL STOCK! LllVY BKOS., Seroinl tlr nortli ?f llic Potoflit-e, Main ttr vt, Di t-gou City. Xo better I'Viil-'iic oi toe cm- ;-,',v.'Ov omplet lv com. born t ive t.i t ciencv of Ir. J. S. Coleman's ir V. suiiinmr.v of Jir. Wootf r, r.r- t Compound Extract ol Kucalyptus -t?v7r X reports of the e. eriiiientu w can be desired, than the following C' laicalyi tus bv p-r. 1 1'. summary of Viise.s, treated with yVis- iin, Prussia, and Dr. Kccicr, Ch l ills r.-n.edv alon--. bv that emi- ! nent idivsician. Jr. David ixis- I cilie Med. Jour. t'-r,in th" U. S. .Marine i i-ran-cis'-o, reported in the August. Xo. (187J) I'a- o u i .if-. i e. - i jntjH-Wrr-atttf I el I oveil. 5 19 y 3 1 Completely oorrob-ornt ive oi fh the with r- hief Physician of the Atist rian liailway 'o., published in tlie American Hi-mittent Kev.-r o C.iills aud l-'evr 19 lyi iioid Fever 'J Inilaniatioii ol Kidneys 4 liinretis 10 I noon! iin iice ol L'rine 3 3 strict up" c Inltanoition of l'.lauder 11 i'.i.-nnorrhairia lt 10 l'isas -oi tne lb-art 7 1 ys r.tery 1 3 ciironic liiarrha-a 13 i ionorrliosi l-r 1; iiroosv 3 I & 7 1 4 "i Medical Journal, July, 1872. It will be found very efnc-nciouK in obsti nate cases of I'ysjx-psia, Bronchi! is.IIack inti Cough, Ciironic Sore Throat, I.cucor rhea, etc., and in nausea during prt gnau c.v. lr. JciiiaiiH IoiI)le Kttrnrt of Kuf-iilyptvi is a special preparation for tlie treat tne-nt of 1'cver mill .i:ynt?, and is AVsirnuitcl to C'uce every ens'? trenl'd according ti direct ions, wit bout, the injur ious r -suits of the usual Quinine and ar senical remedies for that ilia-'ase. Also pure Fluid Extract of Eucalyptus,' in one pound bottJi-s, tor h sicians' use. lleware of i in it .'it ions and take none but Coleman's. inn; t7rr7PPn 1 or sa': every wt.ere, ami by Charles Laim ey & Co.. ' l 1 l I IJ to Ll... li..i.p..i:.i .. w.. i .. : u'lmaylSTOyl. T fi 0 M A S C ii A il IS A H ESTABLISHED 1853. IXILT, EE AVE FEX!EI?S WIIAEl 1 T l'ori l.i-id, at li o'clock, A. M., lis follows : For Corviiliis nwi Iat?rmrliaie Points : Ulim.-l iy, "'dii-,.sday aiiil I-'ri:ijty. l or )h:x rd'eS itihThii'iiialc Ttiiiils : .UoiI(!jj-,'1'ih"I F'J'i lYe'IiicstlujVrSiurs iaj :;ii.i 111. lay. Vor Dayton. La I'lnvlh" -in-S jleMiiiiiiiii?: Salu:ila i:ud 7ilj.iilay. Pasa : to Ce.rvallis I'.is.i ii: - 'o .Ml. any i'ass-i s ' to Se I T.'.;.- to AI e 1 i II a V II I' ?2 IM 151 1 (ta 1 I'.. (ioi.lis.MI lli, Pr.-sid.-nt. liec-nibi-r iJth, 1 It. !'sl:iMIs!,'d aInto " ;., at t W oltX Mund. Muiii Sir.-;!, On-truii City, On-jroa. r-5 An assort in'T.t of Wat lies, Jewcl- '? ry.atid Si-th ", homas' Weight Cl'.cUs -a; iv':'eii ar.- warr.-inted to be as iL'UM r epreS.-Ilt.-d. cvlt.-paiiii.y: (!on on short notice, and : 1 1 --i 1 1 1: i ill lor past patron.iLT". ? EslltES TO IM-OKM TIIE CITIZENS fi P of Oregon City and of the Willamette VaM'-y, that li-is still on hand mid doing ! u.-.iii'-ss on I he old motto, t hat A XintLte Six I'tnrr is Brttcr than i Suic Shilling. To School Tcacheis ! Xot For Sale in Hook or Xetes Storer TUB ALD1XE. u.i. issued with all th regularity, has none of tho temporary for" time f ii.iinst charaeti ristic ol ordinary 1 1 riodicals. It is an -legant miscellanv of pur liiilit. and iraci-lul literature: and collection of pictures, t he rarest specforrena ot artistic skill, in black and white. Al though each succeeding number affords a. lrvsh pleasure to its lriciids, the real valua and beauty of TIIE A LI J. B will bo most .appreciated alter it has been bound up at t he close of the year. While other publica tion m.i, iiaiin sujK-rior clieapncsB. a compared with rivals of a slmlarclasc, rmSAIDI -J is a unique and original concept ion alone and unap) roaehed !--solutcly without com j ctition in jrice-Df character. Tho ossessor of a com i let volume cannot dui licate the quantity of line paper and engravings in anv other shape or number ot volumes for ten timet its co.t; and then, there are the chromos, 6 xides! PREMIUM FOR 1ST-. Every subscriber to THE ALniXB for the year LsTt will receive a pair of chronao. The original pictures were painted iu oil for the publisher of the TIIE ALniXK, by 1 nomas Moran, whose great Colorado pic ture was purchased by Congress for tei thousand dollars. The subects were cho sen to represent "The Fast" and "Th West." One is a view in The White Moun tains, Xew Hampshire; the other give The Cliffs of tiroori Ktver, Wyoming Ter--ritory. The difference in the nature of tt scenes themselves is a (leasing contrast, and alTords a good display of the artist's scope and coloring. The chronios are each worked !rom thirty distinct plates, and are fin size (lx Hi) and apearance exact fac similes ol t lie originals. I he presentations ol u worthy example of America's greatest landscape painter to the subscribers of. THE Al.niXE was a bold but peculiarly happy id.-a, and its successful realization is attested by the lollowing testimonials over the signature of Mr. Moran himself.- Newark. X. J., Sept. '3)th, 1ST3 Messrs. Jamks scttox t t o. i.'eutiei.icn, I am delighted in the proofs in color of your chronios. They are won--deriully success! ul re ri'se-nts.tions by meJ chanical priK-ess of the original paintings Very Kespectlullv, (Signed,) 1HUS.MORAN Thes-.- chronios are in every sense AraerlV can. lliey arc by an original American process, witli material of Americn manu' lacture, lrom designs of American scenery by an American painter, and presented frw subscribers to t he first successlul American Art Journal. It not better because of all this, they will certainly possess an interest no foreign i reduction can ins ire, and n it!i--r are they any the worse if by reason of p culiar facilities of production they cost tlie puolisln r only a trifle, xrhtie ecfuai :ii vry n -jifct tn other clircnnox that are xofif n'ncj'i f,r ill, utile the xutjxcrijttirm priee Of" THE ALMS E. Persons of taste will prize thoi-pictures ior themselves not for the i r.ce they did r..rdid not cost, ahd willap- I r-'ciate the enter, rise that renders their distribution possible. If any subscriber should indicate a pre ference for a figure subject, the publisher will send "Thoughts of Home," a new and beautiiul cbromo, 11 x inches, represent ing a little Italian exile whose speaking eyes bet raj' the longings ol" his hearts T i-: i: M S : O G O o o npiIEItEGUT.Ai: QUARTEm.Y EXAM JL inatiun ol 'iVach-rs will be held at the Oregon i ity Seminary, on Suru i-clay, JJe cmOcr liltU, i:73, At 9 o'clock, a. m. All persons applying lor certificates are expected toHirin$n t'iu-ir own Station, rj". A punctual attendance is requested. Profs. Muri-um, ?I;ieia u ta i-ti)-.lun 1 Will assist in comhietiiigiheexatnination. A. .NUI.TNKK, School .-u; t. lor Clackamas Co., or. IVecmber l'.li, ls7f. td. II. i-.-K Til ir.r. - A me n eallitv. him- : r, situation. W'Sien C, rant's appoint ees at Vienna, t hi- year, v.ere c iusiiir n-lf J:m. V. 1a!!:v-, : ;irr'-s' c l on Santa 'l.o:- arriv. i in t!iis citv last o - . - - Jx . ... 1 iv ni-z'it last, for stealing a horse trout , " 4 . i week an-1 ma I his nea-l'jnaiter.s at Mr N V. KoM.-nsewh.. iivei ahont j ",u" ; fj.);.N l:xiu;.f.ti,, irv, where he threiPiniles from this.aee. It appears Am. rieai's elieek, we hoped to b I - it aH !:i:itN of toys, .-anili. s, nutaiu that iie,j- horse at in-ht, and nut spared any other sneh humiliations -jlTieft-o in-ail'an.l yiz faiitiliAi-'vit:-. various cross-roads an, ti:sgraee, lutt such will no': lu ! jret it. iu that re-ion, he found himself in tho Ulo 0;IS0 wllilo iX sL.on.l-rI.i - adnv.f.- ! " . ; tii .rnin" eon'""o-itin 'X the verv place : . , . . -, i i . in .nun 41 ; i ' istratio l .ippoints sec : d-c!as.s men ) . where ie had stole the h u se Iroiu the ; 11 , J - J-J - - . u . -.,,1 .,,,,1 to It i I the highest and most htvanra- TW". l I-'.MtMEUEY ocr'l PIED night he. ore. lie wa ai...-.((l ami o JL as t.h Council t ham tier, in Dr. Ih'-s- broit 'l.t to town, an examination was LI" positions. in's brick huiiding. Apjdj-at this oiliec. held'.:s:ieo Uurns, and, not lo - - ' ' j --- ing able., s ay how ho jet the horse, Ar.KANS.vs Il--:!Ki:Mr:T). Owing to r., WAT5C8KS, Til. D. i:line was pt in j e.l t . await the ae- j,,, V(-ant 0f f;U'i lilies of conununi-M- j uonoi up n ... i.e. '" ! tion. savs an exchange, new. travels Ciiiiistm vs S '.Ai.i.. The hall at Pope's slowly from Arkansas. The ll idi v.l ! Hall, last t-veniii was a splendid sue- rew, dominant there sineo the ini- pQe.TLAIiDi ii.kj in ivi'i'i- The attendance it i .. i e .. ... . i .. o.., I " . - nation ot reeunsirneiiou, inaue me was mii.;i as to nil tne nan to its utmost PRIONS REDUCED! V O 11 :j O 3.) A V Wil II il .11 I.' (Ill ll.V 1I..1H1I..-5W11H..'-1',1., . , . , . .1 t " . , States so poor and oosolato that toe , r-rst c.iiaeitv. I n mn-.e was, as expected, 1 , t ' of M most ;u pcrh. and the .upper, at tho 1"-H' "iivo not Le,,u ;die t ) support j i7j-fivvii n !r! Kell.T.v'-sTm'.l -.corn -r lato that the! First and Aid r struts, lt-sid-mc- c-orn-r ain and Seventh sir-i-ts. graphs or otner lii'mcra improve- r!ueiiiv was l ood. I'vi rvhodv had a tel. tine time, and dancing was kept up un- ments, as they did in tho Iialeyon til an early hoar this ta-iniiii-. It was -i(fiys of Demoeraey and Albert Pike. 1 a mot splen did success. T-icro were . " , ., , , , , , ) 1 -i 1 , . . . . oo wnen tue holocadst of Ii.iaical- tickets s .1 o. which is a p;: eatt r mini- . . . ! U-r tlx ,i. were ever sold in tab. place at : 1;m 111 ot;1r tes was annou need on J unv i.revi .us time. Th" managers de- the -ltli of November, wo were not '; nerve great cr--dit tor matin- the alVair ; prepared to ilistmtothe assert ion that ! Corner- pass on so piea-:m ij - , - .. . t. PORTLAXO j- i i leasi, m cine nraie tnev nau m.uie CunisiMvs Kvi-: i. m.i.. hall at sfot..1 n.-.-.V- ,a-., i Ivors' lLill ht I'dtloslav evening tit Ai was a splendid sue.-ess. The attend- Kiooably .lisappointod, for even the ; ance was not as lar;e as we hSrV seen. Stato of Arkansas lias been re vol u- ; s. but we have s ldo.n witnessnl a gntli- tton zed. The )eni!erats h tvo now! - e i. ,...:....,,.......,.... ... r .. ... . . . i HUT' enu. ttiu-ii-H,ivoij lULivni I.-, m, ,-ii- u majority oi in tlie ljoirislatnre. L.U j-.XbI'. end and the compoiv more happy. ; 1a.t voar the T! nnK! l.l W : - " ' F'lV'uv. J 11V L Di's. "Welch Sv' Thompson, DES7JS75, .Fn OKl-'iCK I.V 'MJUJlLJ ODD FEL LO S TEMPLE, CV.rn-.-r of First a id Alder Streets, Oil tfiO.V. rnHH UNDKUT.'IXF.D WILL SKLL ALL JL Jti ml s jt' merchandise at GREATLY REDUCED RATES UNTIL T H T. 1st OF JAXUAIiV, 1S71. Jive us :i call and examine oisr ( "Joo-ls and Prices. ai !-.t:t:iA..'vtn). Oregon City, Nov. JS td. RcLtjc's S;ti? of liti I-stalc on P.uliilo'l. lathe Ci'"tit C :! ,f thr St a'-- of Orc.yon, for the Vomit,' of CUich'itii'i. Thomas Cinrniah, PlaintilT. vs Kliri-r K. riiarinn'n,) Leonard T. 'iiann-iti, Defendant. Mary -M. . 'hariuau, ) Tv vnn'i';: k a cisti tatx .irn'j- 1 m nt .ml il -er of j-artition ami sal" made in t!i a'o-e i -ai itl "d action, in said ur Will he in Oregon City on Haturdays. Miv. o :ll The musie was spondid. and the supper at the C'liif.Honse ,ivas most exe- ikn't. majorit; The ln.tieations are now ii i. ... . ... .. Considering that the weather was so . l'"L oomuern ntaro. ivitli I lie ; -j., terriolv bad liu anoiner trrano oauan- l-".iii'n oi oouiu Carolina, .iissis- ; CIIAS. E. WARRKX. ,7& VARREW 1 1 o r n ey 3- a t- L a v , 2 1 ; O nouneed for the next evening, we may Mppi and Florida, will be fir nil v et Cfay that it was a complete success. j mented in the Democratic lines be- j for jyOi-'FR'P' Charm an's l rick. Main sf . "mi irlT' :tf. ; l.-isr. Tiie lollowing is n . another year shall have passed, j JQHSO & McCOYfl ie Letters remaining in the ! i w O T,KTTi;n 1 1 .L Vl .... - , , Post-otlieeat Orepcon City. Pee. -7, '73: ; nr several exchan-es from up the I 1TT0RN 7 VS WD COI N ; ELIlilS AT-L1W. Henrv Arn-pezer, .ioei i-es.ji. i e- j himui m note tne arrival of Court, on the t.veiity-t'iird (i.rd) imy of 8e, femb -r, ISTt, tic siitiscrih t, a rei'er:-e lor that eurpo- . duly appointed, will sell at public auction to th" highest hidd Ton Monday, !i" TMfitty-XIntli i!a;- ot" Dt'd'iiibcr, 17:J, at the hour of one (I) o'clock, p. in., of said dav, at the I '.mrt House iloor iu Or-'sroil Citv, e' County, -State of nr -on, certain real state dir -cted hy said judg ment and d 'cree to o sold, andth r in descrih 'd as follows : Th- south halt' of lot number three (!),in block mi in tier two ((, in said Or'snn City, Clackamas County, Sf at'" of )r '.'Hi!. Terms of S;i 1" ; n-:iaif of t he purchase mon--v to be p. lid oil tlie Iay of the sale, in 1'nit- it Stat-'-s sold coin : runainins half to !je paid oti or b -lor1 I in yars from ilae of sal--, iii sold coin, at o ti in of purchaser; tie- unpaid portion of til" purchase money to draw int r -st. at ten ; r cent, prannum from ilav of sal", and to be secur-d by m.irtsas " n S1'd ral --sratet said interest to Ij" i aid s mi--ine.url!'.'. Alt l llt'lt WAUXr.K, P.ef-rep. 1 1 U E I. A T A- W A IIHF.S, Att'ys for PiainM.'T in Partition. Xovenib-T JS, IST'l. 5v I have Just returned from San l'raiicis,eo. where I pnrchase.l one of tho LARGEST AND BEST SELEGTED STOCK OE noons ev.-rliefor MifT-r-d inthiscity ; ondconsists in part, as lolio.vs : I'ool s and S!o-s. Clot hin.s, 1 'ry iooils. Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Kvery Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinaware, Cjuccnswarc. Stoneware-, Crockery, Plat c-d ware, tilassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, I -ad ics and Ijents' Furnishing Patent Medicines. Coxids, Fancy Xo- Hope, l aming tions of Kvery'Miisntsof Description All Kinds, frarpcts, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall I'ap-.T, etc., Of the above list, I can say my stock is the M O S T V O M P L. K T K evcrotrered in t his market, and wasseletcd with especial care tor t he Oregon City trade'. All of which 1 now oir.-r lor sale at tho Lowest Market Rates. Xo use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of s'"'iir to Portland to buy goods tor I am Dit r,itinrd to Sell. Vhcvp and not to allow i.iy.seit lo be UNDERSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing a-s I do that Twenty Yours Experience in Orepon City enables m" to know the re tiu'iremeiits oi the trad". Come one and all and see lor yourselves that the old stand of TIIONLAS CIIAUMAX cannot bo beaten in quality or price. It would be iis -less for me to tell you a 11 the !ilv:i nt aires I can offer you in the sale of roods, as every stor- that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is 'omo, and S.-c.and Ex:imirr for Yoursrlvrs for I do not wish to make any mistakes. .My object is to t'll all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell iroods cheap, tor cash, r.r upon such terms as agreed iimii. Tha n kins all lor the liber al patronage nercto'ore o-.-stoweu. TilOS. CIIAUMAX, Main Street, Oregon City, T,c!rnl Tenders and County Scrip taken at niarK'-t rates. 1 mis. cilAltMAN Co0,e-H1 lbs wool wanted bv THOS. CIIAltMAX WHOLESALE AKQ RETAIL GROCERY, A X D Factory Block, :::::: Gregcn City K ?"Af;'iicy forth" San .Itian I.ime Co. l.iiiic soul m quant it e-s to Mill, aul-tf. FALL t.UU ViNTLR GCLDS! ji'st i:i:CKivi-;D at $5 per annum, in advance, wifi Oil Chro nios 1- ree ! For SO cenfj eitni, the chromos wilt te sent, mounted ,vtrnirhctl , and prepaid Vy mail' TIIE AIAHXK, w ill, hereafter, bo obtain able only by subscrii tion. There i"ll b no reduction or club rate; cash for sab-e script ions must be sent to the i ablishcruP oirect r handed to the local canvasser,, without rr'sitonsibiHty to the publishers. ex- eel t in cases di. re the ccrtilicate is given bearing t be facsimile signature of J a Aixa Sutton v Co. ClM'AfSSEltS WA If TED. Any person wishing to act j c-rniinantly ns a loer! canvasser will receive full and! 1 to nipt inlormation b apj lying to JAMES SUTTON & CO., 1'nblishrrs, is 31 AIDES L AXE, Sere-York, ideJon SHEET MUSI C. The following named pieces are rscom, mended as being among oiur latc4 tux bes ssucs : osrxjsic Julia, 'tis of theo I sing Song. Hays 3Sc ilaysi 4tc O o Why don't you tome horn Neath the waves her Si irit i-a nders A - Ji ',JJJ3 sL3; No little one to meet me...... i ijive my iovt ui nn ai nuiiii! Think of me sometimes. I'EAI.EU IX Dry Goods, Clot hing, Uoots and Shoes, Hard ware, (iroccrts. Crockery, Notions, l.adi.-s a nd CJcnts' Furnishing Goods, etc., etc., etc., t ."Iali Slrfct, Ci-fi:in ity. Mairirio.. Softlv shone the Stars of Heaven .v SENT Din na forget your mithcr, Sandic I long to see the dear old home Little Sweetheart, come lis ten to nie My every 'i ho't, was oi t hoe Men are such rieeeivcrs.Alto sonir irom " P:tiilin-". rroduc-of all kinds bought, for which I Way not long 'way. soprano pay the Highest market price. It vou (Ik- . -'.-' ' . sire KoodGoods at low iticp s. call At To pleasetl.cgirls. J nriton. ' r ...... , . ' sonjrirom "i'aunni- - " J' 1 - c .n v i..,rt lor thee, so; rano and examine hi.s in w stock of Sr.rir.n-roof's. I sonir lrom "Pontine Give nie a coll and convince vourselv-. Mv Oueeii ol Stars, v. akc My motto is, " tenor song lrom Pauline "QUICK SALES AXP .SMALL 1RCF1TS." TPO iST'-XVl X) The. highest market price j.aid for ivpl I. SELLING. Oregon City, Oct. 31. lST3-tf. " Stewart JtOrr " PratCaOe " Stewart 30c " Stewart 30e Pratt SOsr " Hays 46c " Stewart 30e " French SOe " Hays 35c l:;ir.i 30c " Dak 3C'e " Danks 30e- " Danks 30c " Danks 30c 1,000 DEER SKINS av a :nt t n r, .Ter.ny.theflowerof Kiidan "Stewart 0 v hisp.r sottiv, .vomers dying " Stewart 30e Inspfrer and Hearer of Prn.M-r Hymn. Danks 30c Mv Love sleej s under the Daisies Song. Persley 30c Oh! how d'ye do. Aunt Hn- sie- soBc.ilarwood 30 -a no also, j,at niaii(,s nie noddings 4 LL OTHER KIXI S OF HIDES, FOR out... song. Perley 30c :V which I will oav t he hie lies market 'Neat h f he hite and i ur- o price in cash 1 rinjr or. vour h id -s and fct pi" DIossonis Stemrt 3ic vnurcoin for them. " Nora is dream intr of you " Pratt :c JOIIX SCIIK M The sweetest Pud s missing l.anks Uc Paddle ami Harness Mnkur. I v -v T" tt' i t.-' i t Jr I"' Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, l.V73-m3. I - j. v. i.x i. ' O O Will ho come home to night, mot lu r?... Danks 30 GcdHlessour llonie'.'. " Stewart j. t up and shut the Door... Hays Xtc Does lie ever think of mo... Hays :-te com--. Holy Hymn. ppk JfcKr Mv d. ar old Mother Song. Hays Mrr I have no Home " Hays 40c I ost and cast away " Hnyj 3,tc Poor little 1 im " Abbey 30c SHERIFFS SALF. T Y VIRTUE OK A DE' PEE AXD F.XE- 1 t cntion issuer! out ot the ircuit. onrt ot tie-state of dr. -iron, for the toimfvot Clackamas, to me .iirecterl. in favor 1st of Jacob Wort man for tlie sum of fi.fd jn-lt, pom com, wnn lnt'-resi ami cost of (lisburK- ments: 'Jrid m lnvr.r ot S IpL-irmnn il 12 S'l-KKi, sroltl coin, with inO rest and eot OF TTTTT". t 1 i ;bii r;eiii'Ti t c ;lnl in i'm,-. .i 'ii. I . .. - ' " 111,13 I , . , . r . ( rinrmnn lor .ui:: K.i-inn .ri,i ...; i. ... i e ivsi ers a nil wine ai -i ii. c--ii. --v. terest and costs of disl urs--nieit and all Over the 1. 1. lows afar....v.. 1 rail asrinst lteiiecca K. r.iHow .r.- ti',...-.. Savior. Thou art ever n- nr Danks 30c- I have !"i'-ii u, on the cast half of' t he The 1 oast . I riiulisi tor Mate lion 1 1 e ji si Vs. oi Kf-o inn f " i -1 nni , i , . . . , i oiee... ..................... .-rf.-.. ... ..v . ter P.n.-tvs. Miss V.. C. Kcne I :!. M: is. many lmmitsrants. who. tir.-l nf th i .rs.- e UW. . Thos.J. IVunell Martm : ri-orous winters of tho Northern ' Klliott, M K. i:ili-tt Miss Aman-d-i Sates a,.p CQ t jT o . i wiU praeti in alt the Court, of the Lvens, W. V. I im-5. I. K. i i'r' ; thU t'oni-il oi;, ti i t I tI ! tat- Sp-cial attention giv-n to nis-s in K. c liobien .l is. Keli )rr. M. Kline. . tai. gonial climate. The ronton D-- ' !Ijiina oi:i - r.t Or -gon City. It. it t .,.-. .T.oh Meek. Joseph -macro t says : " Thpro arrive,! incur1 - " ' 5.inrl72-tf. Mourn lm-ll'rs PIliTI-SOn. Jollll M- iCltV rtN'eilfl-- (lo f.-lmi-i-n.-r tc ;yt-ci. n. a. fiiviit, i .a.iiv v-, , ail intending to locate permaaeiitlv .ntcel.i.Uilhatus.Wm.oo.. ' amon- nsr-O. P. Boardslev, ami If called for;, please sav' a 1 vert isea. faraily, Xew York; Geor-e A -new J w S. - I and wiftf, Michigan. E. T. ll.vlan.l, Tj. T. BARIN, L . . . r . r .:ir . T-: O.I.I I (1 Tlvnivn Doth fl-OTVt r' ' vate Secretary to the Governor, has go. Mr. Geo. Stevensalso returned, OUi-'Os CUi, - - Uitju. Wen in onrc.y forth? past thre-day?, accompanied by his parents and a: 0FFIC&0vrr Popc.s T!n Mor,. Mam ri'-iin fri.--n;?., strict. rim 3 rT3 tf. Xo'.i;, lo Trrtiitors. In the matf-r of the Estate of Mary Tros- "VoflcE'ls 'hEIIKRY OIVEX BY TIIE j. nnd'Tsiirned, that h" has been ai ;.fint -d by the County Court of Clackamas county. State of Or-jiTi, Administrator of tii- i-;iit id' of Mnry Iroser, .teceai-l, and all fi'-rsons having claims against said Estate, are requir -d to preRnt'the same, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice, to me at mv residence, n?ar Oregon City, Clack amas county, state of Oregon, or at Iluelat & Wanvn's'oinec, in Oregon City, in said county and Stat". ARTHUR WARXER. Administrator of the Estate of Mary Pross t, deceased. Oraren dry, Xot-enir 13. 173. 5w JOHN S C r3 R A Fl , 3Isiin St., Oregon City. 3lMF.CTl'RER AND IMPORTER OF Sndrllcn, Ilarneas, etc., etc. -THICII HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS T T can oc had m the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. tC7 warrant my goods as rpre?enfd. Oegon dry, April 17, 18T2-W. nan oi tno west hall of the northeast W ot i can oi America i ai'iiv. s'-ction S, and the southeast quarter of sec- Instrumental - "i""; tion S, and the east half of the east H of Circling Waves...Instrunu-ntal. Kinkl e the southwest H of section S nil in town- P.elle ot Saratoga.. Waltz, t itzhngh S.c shipt sf.uth, range least of thA Willamette Morning Ze: h;rs Mazurka. Kinkel Mr.pill. r .-..,..;..; ..'. . Vnnnin's ( 11 icl; tt oo . O 11 icUft Ol . KillKCl3C - ..............1,., r...e, ii. or I - !i'nfi'onUaU'd in Clackamas -ouuty,Oregon ; MAHKED lJ ICE .Hoiutii)-, tl- a.;tH Ilsiy c.i lcceifjer. Autumn leaves. Rcijcrie. .v. i., "., instrumetai.... ICinkel SOe nt dir. lr.., ..r . Tl... Instrumental. Kinkel .VC Court-Ihms- door in Or'iron Citv i in-nm I Merry tiirls Oallo; . KinKei e I will s'-ll at public auction lor cash i.aidto Mollie Darling Insrumental. Kinkel 50c mo in hand, all of Rebecca K. Parlow's in- -a lia w hin. f'J forest in ihe above !eseribed r-al estate or Hi1l P-v "' bought s . Pchottischo. Kinkel oOc enough thereof to satisfy execution costs Ians" f ubaine...lnstrumental. Kinkel 4uc inu uo.1 uiii nisi s. A. 1-'. HEDGES, Shrifr of i lackamas County 5fVl t S7;t M May-Pol March. Mueller .c io.xl Humor.-.; Aiiara Flour fl.-s Cham) s Valse. lonel 50c Published and seid, p,st-ptrid, on receipt of price, by I'K? tS . 590 Broadway, ew 1 ork. dec5m2 F Tl Ii E S II SH0ALWAXE3 BAY OYSTERS!0 mjiF. rXDERSKJXED ANNOUNCES j to the citizens of Oregon Citj- that he hag rco;ened his Oj stcr Saloon and Rem- taurant. and can dish out Fresh Oysters to nil onl-rs. CofToe, Tea and hocolate alwavs on hand; also a enen.l art rn -nt of confectionary. Oyster, soryrd upj In everv stvle d-sirefl. i uuio Oregon City, Sept. 25, 1873-tf. JLi ceived a fine lot of beef cattle lrom the n . w b wt- t iiPMEXT XO. 4,1. O. John Dav country. They are the fatest '-""j-,,J- ever brought to this valley boiore, and will 0 -p Meets at 0I'l Fellows ( be butchered for this market. They pro- -rrrV, "A the First and Third Tlie- XC Dose to sell cheap. iive them a call, and "J1 "L mnnth Patriarchs lT hot the choicest of moats. aay 'KtJ' o inirited to attBd. ai-o PANICS: 500 KXtiRA VIXtiS, and COf.i5ttEI PLATE. Published Qunr tovly, at 2"('i'ii!iii Yfnr. Kirst Xo. for 1S74 just issued. A Ciermnn edit ion at same ) ri co. Address, .1 A 311. VIC Ii. NovHw2 Rofliestfr, X. Y. CHOICE MEATS! "I" OGl'S & AbnRIRHT have jnst re- o Oregon City, My 2M, VTT9. In good standing J O COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, O G o O 0 O o o o G I - i ! Q O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O c o o