Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1873)
o 0 o o o TKE'EHTERPfliSE. oasrirfV nrr, orego.v, dec. 36, iS7i A Contrast. 'boss" teed at blackwell's is- ANT, AN'D "BOS3" TWEKT's DAUOU- ter 's weddisg TRixrrr chapel TWO TEARS AGO A WOFCIj FALL rROM A HIGH ESTATE. On Saturday last "Bos:," Tweed was consigned to his future home in the prison at Blackwell's Island there . . . . i . i il . 1 Cto reside, it tue sentence oi uie law be carried oat, for the term of twelve, rears. "With his head shaven, and Lis beard taken off, arrayed, in the 6triped uniform, wearing what is tnown as a "larceny jacket," he sits A COMMON FELOXj in his gloomy cell, absorbed in bit ter reflections on his withered power and prosperity, and, perhaps, too lata repenting the career of crime which lias brought upon him this ig noble fate. In striking contrast xrith this picture is the one which was presented for public reflection by the wedding of Miss Mary A. -Tweed, daughter of the "IJjhs," which occurred two years ago last May. The newspapers ofthe day described the affair as "Tho Most Gorgeous Nuptials Ever Witnessed." A brief description of the glories of the grand oscision will not lo oat of place hero. We glean tho facts from the report of the 2ew ior. ouu on the day following the wedding, two columus in length: I The affair camo on at Xrintty in Twrintv-liftli street. I - - - THE 3I03T FASHION ABLE Q CARTER j of the city. The Church was crowd- ; ed to repletion. The street outside j was farly blocked with carriages, and on ea'i side'of the canopy lea 1 ing from the street to t.'ie church door a large cro wd h i I gathered, rendering thi siilaw.ilk im vissible. T!ie groom was A nbrose Minimis, presu'nvhly a member of the iibii ni tons M iginuis f imily. The descrip tion of t!ie bride's apparel is too lengthy to produce here in full. She wore a white colored silk with im mense court train. Point aiguille lace decorated it in profusion. Ou her bosom Uisho l a brooch of im mense diamonds, and long pe.idants, set with three large soltah-e dia monds, sparkled in her ears. After the cerenunv, all the invited guests entered their carriages to the music of selections from tho Pi-njt'ui and were driven up to the residence of the bride's f ither, on the coi ner of Fifth avenue and Forty-third street. The whole avenue was thronged with liveried turnouts, A blue ami white awning extended from the hall door to the curb, and a wide Brussels carpet covore I t!in pathway beneath it. The house f om basement to roof, was one blaze of light. The fountain at t!i-i side played m rril y in tiieot wilig'it, an I the ll wers in the garden di.t'u-ied a delicate per fume on the night air. Oqa.3T m ifnse crowd bio -ked np bth si les of t:ie awning, for the purpose of catching a ;rlim;s;s of the guests passing in. a:i 1 it was with di.Houltv tint a strong force of p )!remon could keep them i l order. Insi-le, the out) l' was sim.nv gO:-g.on. From roof to hall-way tiio interior of t:io house w-n one m iss of il i.vx-r-s "all from mv own plajo at Gye rvic'ij" s lid Mr. T.veed to t!ie S'l t reoii'ter in advents of honest pri I. All th.i nure. promi nent politicians and their wiv.'s were there. A few of the ladies and their dresses are worth mentioning for the n tmes of their husbands are Rtill promitx nt, some of them as de servedly disgra red rascals: -rs. M. T. Brennan tliere, tiie .vife of t!i man who, as SheriiF. took tlio ov;;r to lllaoliwtih s on Hatnr- Bl ilay. Also, rs. Jn.l'. )o:ijer, m blitasilk, with rnehcvl white jSuisai; ovorskirt, coral ornaments; Mr. Pick Connollv, (alias "Slipoer Dick.") in white silk, fitiro;! with bluk llowors an.l trimmml with dfe;) lilaek laea, black lace shawi, ainl yearl ornaments; Mrs. Henry .'smith, (another "Iin'-r" in in) in wliitosilk. tii-.n u.-.l wit'.i leep black la black laco bo.blico an. I; Trs. Anelrow Garvey, (tho "lt'tn','" plas terer) in bl no silk, an! many others. An eton le I bri 1 al trio toi liarope followed thewedJing. SUCH A WEALTH Or" Itr.ID.lli r.IFTS was never beforo spon at a 'Metro politan we 1 .liner. They represmte.l over a half luillion dollars in value, al it is pretty safe to say that three fourths of their purchase money was stolen from tho tax-payers of Xew York. Laees. turquoises, pearls, diamonds, jrold, silver, and everv tliincr else of value reposed in satin or velvet ou every side, vicing wifh e.ah ot'ier in brilliauey and beaut v. Looking over the list of jrivors. we find f illowing names: Hon. CIiisxEq Iowe, a complete set of poarls, vahmd at t-'7(X; Peter Ii. Sweeney, an enameled bracelet s-t, wi.h diam nds; H irry Genet, (now nimui 10 ue irieii ior Jiin, tor.u iis), a diamond oross. eomnosed oi eleven larje diamonds; Superihten 1- ent Kelso, r.iacjui Scent silver ice ! bowl; Heury S:nithi $700 pair of ' nrmlets; Mrs. If-k Connolly, a sil- I ver ice tlisli line.l with .urold;" Sheri'V H.vnn in, a silver center dish and J spoon .lames' risk, Jr., a silver ice ' dish; Mr. and Mrs. L. In-jrerso!l, a beautiful silver bouquet-holder; Sen ator M rto'.i, a crold cabi chain nek- ' lace; Mr. and Mrs. Keyser; (tho : -Kin'j plumber, wo believe) a rol I ' necklace with iliamond cross; Tom ' Field, an etruscan sold neeklaee with ear-rincrs. 3frs. Judire 15 irnard ! a froi.i neCilaee. witli eloirant eirant iroi.t pearls; TUurlow WeeJ, a silver sit-ar i i r . - r T bowl; 3Ir. an lC31rs. A. J. Girvov, (the 'Kui lilastorer) silver ooifce urn, salver, and goblets; Jay Conl.l, a set of silver nnt pickers; Jobn K. Urailv. a bronze statntto of Miaerva. We omit the presents of the bride and Groom's relatives, which jive re numerous, magnificent, ami emstly. SUCH WAS "BOSS" TWEED in the lieiht of his power and popu larity. At that time it seemed! as if his prasp upon the government and treasury of Xer York was not to lie shaken. Xow the old man is deserted by almost every former friend, par- tinor hw 1 v- in tli j TmU. - . a - - , , , tence, he was visite.1 br hardly anv im onisiue uie cii-vieoi ills reiat.-ivi. 2sever was evil (.fortune better', de served". If Tweed's casestiffies as a solemn warning to other politicians of ails clas, the great cities of the coantrjr ma hops for better daj-. i O O O The Star Spangled Banner for De cember is promptly on our table, and in spit of the threats, arrests and false charges made against it for its persist ent exposure of Rogues, Rascals and Swindlers, it don't stop waving worth a cent. In fact, though its publishers are threatened black-mailed and perse cuted, they seem to still tlourish. The Banner overflows as of yore with 40 columns of splendid reading. "The Iloizues" Corner" is as cutting as ever ; and instead of one it next year gives a pair of charming Chromos, by Prang, and a paper a year, all for one dollar. It begins its twelfth year in January, and everybody (no exceptions), should read it. One' dollar a year; send six cents for s lecimeiis to ''Star Spangled : Banner, Hinsdale, X. II i A "Western woman complains that since her husband joined the rations of Husbandry he has sown nothing but wild oats. S H E E (JA U S I C. The following nam- d pieces are rscom, ! minded as binjj aiaoa our latest and 1 tKst issues : j MUSIC Julia, 'tis of tho?Ising Song. Hays ic Way do.i't you con lio o Hays 1 c 'Neat a tli ? vav -5 it r S ,.int watid -rs No littl ; o: to m 't in ive my lav ; to all at ho n ; Tuink of in? sr.n 'thn -s, MaiT-ii'" " St 'Wirt 3e Pratt :i)o " Sto vart 3Jc " Stewart 3Jc Pratt 30c Soft I v suone II'avMi.... Ill : stars ot S K NTT Din n a forg your m 1th or, tn i d ar old Sindi i I Ion ; to S : i ho.n Little " Hays 10c " Stewart 3'Jc " French 3 o " Hays -6-yc " Danks 3"c " Danks 3)c " Danks 3:" Danks 30c " Danks 3)c art. coai ? us- fit to rn ; Mvev "ry l'tio't ot tine Mnar? such d c avers. Alto sou ; fro n " Puulin:"... Stsiv n t Ion r ' w ay. Soprano soiij l'rr:ii " P.iuliri V... i Tonl -asutiegiris. lianton?. son 'Iron "Pauline".. Mv h -art forth '. sonrano song from " P ouliti "'... My Qu :en of Stars, a vak. t ? n or . a g in ; n P. v u 1 i a 3 POST-PAID J 'nny, tli flow Wnisp r s .t 1 dying Iasp-r t -in I Pra r My i.ov.i sl-'e Daisi s r of KilJ ri ', .Uotll'T'S Stewart i c Stewart 3)e it ir r OI Hymn. s r tii Danks 30c s n -y 30c Oh! ho -.-d'ye si- il l, -vant Su- song. May wood 3'ic Dat matv -.s m j nouuings out soap "X-.-atij tli hit? autl par- pi iU'isso:ns " Nora is ilr '.n'n in got you " Th s c:t-st Uu lisinissing " on" i-iizoiziv r Will li con h-iai? to- ni gat , Jiir :i't .' God il -ss our H ) u ; " (i't aiiU s.i'it . t!i-- l) r... " ;. Porl-y 30c St vart Pratt ;;.c Dariijs 3-2 P.vnks 3"c St" vart 1 te Hays :r -1 1 ivs :Xm L) anus - J M i ii ii', II ly 'ir t ... 'Ivuiri. .Mydi'iroM u tii r Son 5. H 1 . s lie I h av n II 11 H 1 . s He Iost an-l c 1st awav " II ivs 3"io Poor littl Tim .... ' Abbey 3 ic o r rr m iz O st -rs an l win? at i a. m. " St'vvart 30e A)v-'rtii? l'.i!lo.v.s af ir " Pratt :Vc Savior, Thoti art evr iiar " I). inks 3Je Tli- l'o i. Hrui'lisi tor .Male Voic-'s " Tonel 4fX- Pearl of Am riea. l apricj. Instni'iiTital ICink'M 5c lrclitij: W iv i:istr im Mital. Kink -l i)c B"I1 of s-ir itoa Waltz. Kifz'au 'h Mc Moriirr; Z Ii rs .l.-izurka. ICinkd 'i'ic Fanni Vs Qnt-kst -..'f uu-kstf;. KiukM 3-"e NEVUKKD PRICE. Autij-nri lavs. II v ri'. Intraai tal Ivinkl Tr)s Th !t-a -rs l.'is; rti 11 'ii'al. Kink'd 3-"c M -r-yviir'.s 'iailo . Kinkel te tolil l iri i a i ....1 iisra m;atal. Kinkei S ic 7. 1 Zin-ir lla " Kinkl 3V; H i p .' Tliou lits...'Se'.i "t f ii.'"!i". Kinkr'l " c Iaas "ub lustra n nf al. Kinkl 40c Ma.-Po!; Ia-;h. Mu"I1t 3"c O00.I Uu-ii r " Allar l -iV- Fl.'iir d -s Chain s Va!.-?. 'i'ori-l 'Oc F'ut-Hihcil and sent, pot-in.U.t, on receipt of lric; by .). 1. "fii a1 !., .;'.) JJraa.l v.y, New Vnrk. d"c:n-2 Pr-jsiitas fjr 1 S71- -.S.'vjulh Vi'.ir. Ah i I Sit, 3J An Illustritl Moathl.v J.jarnal, Univer sally a I nitt-l to o t:i ; II in Is j:h est P ti li;- il in t h ; World. A it 'r 's ;ntat iv aa 1 Ciiam 'ion of Aai Tiean Tast Nat Fjr S lie in B)ik or X" ' Store. rrr.'i ALT)IXK. whit -i-vi . with all th r uul ir.ty, has non ot the tomp oriry f r tin-iji un-T'st e 1 lra ; r. ic or-li'iar.-""! lie ls. it is 1:1 -I 'X U inie 'II in . of )'ir iixat :in i -r 13 -lul ie. r 11 : and :i eoiI.-i.-t toa ot" ietur -s, t h t s ifeim mis of an ist io skill, in black and whit-;. A! tlio:i;'.i ac s.iec '"ilin n in r atTtrds a l'r -sti pi 'Hsur to its ;ri -n U. 1 h r il vain and i "anty of TltK A I. f'TXS l most apjir -ei it -d a it -r it Ii is ; -a ij iarid no at t !i ; el. s of til ' y -ur. Waile o: !if r jaib'liea ti'ins mi" el u.n snrien r cii i;n ;ls eo n ir Mt M-ifn rivals of a simlar class, 7 'I I il A I, H I X'i i s a it'ii ii and original eo'i ; -prion alone a id 11 a ipproaciiiT ab solnfly without con 'titio'ri in prie.- or chariet -r. Th poss -ssor of a con;d'-te volu ii" cannot duplic it" the mmtity of lin 1 pa Mf and 'nr ivinrs in anv otlir s!iap or rni mi :m-of volil'ij H for tr, tinvx its rj't; an ltUrn, th-re are t.'ie chromot. br ill's.' l:tKIXU3I F:U 1-74. Evr.-sabs -ri or to TUB AI.DIXB for n - 11 i-. t m 111 r 'ir mv a ii iiroi c imiikk. Th oririnal letur-swr" aint"d in oil ine puousuer oi the TUB AI.FMXK, bv 1 no. nas .lorm, M hos r -at . olor id o pie tur was m! b.- f'im.'r -s.s for t mi thousand doll irs. Th su'j -cts wer cho sm to r-ur-SMit "iii Kisf and"" I'll - W st." Da ; is a vi v in Th Whit? Moun tains, Nv II impshir ; t h ot Ivr jxi v.s I h" i litr-i of ( ir ' mi litvr, Wvoaiin Ter ritfiry. Th di!T rMie - in th n itur'7f th ; se n -s th-Miis lvs is a s. -asin contrast andatrordsa ?oo l displ iv of th artist's cop and coloring. Th- chromos ,ir.e:jrii worii"d iroai tliirtv distinct plates, and ar: in siz 11 x I'm and app -arine? exact fa mtiiiI -s ot th originals. Tit ir 'sMitariou ofa worthy examtd -of n 'rir..' ... 1-m lseao' ":ii'it t to rli" su Sscril. .-.f TIF It AI.F) r. B vasa bold but oeculiarlv h ippv id -a, and its successful r -aliz irio'n is art -st d by ih: foi lowi n-x t 's'imnnial over the si'ri itur of .Mr. .Mor in hims-dr. ' N f. va hk. N. J., Srpt. -ziuh. 1ST3 M--rs. J.xmfs scrroN .t . ... (' ii'n., I :, n d "lirafd in th" proofs in color ol your chr m s. .Th"v ar" won d M-tull .- suec -s-ful r- r -smtations b- m - c:iaiu.-ai pr.-""ss o! .ri filial N'ery Iis:'ecftull - paiatinij (M-r:id,) ' Till is. MOHAN. Th"s chr n-s nr' in evrv seas" Vmri ean. Th-yar- I..- im original America ri I-r.c-ss,virh in it-riol of A.n'Ticn manu laetur . from d 'suvis of Ani-rie l n scmi -rv bv an A riean p iiat r, and pr-s-ntci to "uyrib rs to t li" tirst smci sstnl Am -rican Art lournal If not b tt r b-cause. of all t. os. thv will cerrainlv ihss -sS a i int-r-st no torn-ti production can ins ir- and n nth-r ar thv anv th- worse jf ;,v r -a son o! p-culiar liciiifi-s of production tlw cost tha publish m- only a tritl". while c,-i t in vri, r.sct to ot.h. r chromos thnt ar. 0r-t ! V'VrV,'-'''. f"r,V ' pne ? t ii y did or die ! prciaf tha ent-r n th'erns Mv -s n,.f f.-.r lid not cost, and ,viil -..'. rise that rn.l ti...; distribution possibl . If anv s ibscrib rsnould in lioaf , ir,. fermc-' tor a figure subj-ct, th i.ublish-r will send " Thoughts of Ho-ni a 1- m ,a li-autiful chmmo. l x ?) inch 's, r i.''n ! in- a lirtK- Italian xil3 whwuUkv eyes betray the lonjrins of his heart. T E R M S i So p"r annum, in advane", mos Froe.'' with Oil Chro- For 50 cents extra, the chromo vit t. nt, monntvi,varnihed,anii jx-kjv hv nuiil TllB AF.niXE, .vill.hereafrer. be obtain able only by suos?ri.,tion. Tner? will be no redaction or club rate; cash for sub scriptions must s?nt to th p-tbiishora dirct or handM to the local canvass r without rep)iii&i'rti to the itWxh"rx ex ceptincass wh re the certificate is triven oeann? tt" signature of Jamfs Sutton a Co. JA,na CANVASSERS WANTED. Any person wishing to act nrmnantlv as a locrl canvaser wjh r.c-?ive tull and prompt information bv ap dyin to JAMEiSL'TTOXi C0 Publish., S MAIDEX LAXn. Xc-York. 5diie2ca B XTERPRISE AXXO UXCBMEXT. THE E3rT-EKPKI.SK A LOCAL DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER F O H THE Farmer, Business Man, & Family Circle. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY. V. 1ST OLTJNTJER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CLACKAMAS CO. OFFICE In Dr. Thessing's Brick, next door to John Myers' store, up-stairs. Term f SiilcrIptIoi t Single Copy One Year. In Advance io0 "Six Months" " 1-50 Term of AilvertlIiff Transient advprils-'ments, including all lal notices, "i s-juari- of twelve lin"s one week 2--t0 Foroacli subs 'qtient ins rlion l.'X) On Colaiiin, one y-ar I JMhj U-tlf " ' " (i).0 tirirt?r" " liusinss Card, 1 squar . one year 12.1)0 ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB OFFICE OREGON CITY : OREGON. WE AUK PREPARED TO EXECITTE 7 T all kinds of JOB HUNTING, snrh as CARI', Ull A.- UK ADS, PAMPIir.KTS. I MO Fi T(r AUE?, j J.AFtHLS, 1 FTTim-IFBADS. j fi fact all kinds or work iiono a in l'rintinp: Oilie- at ALIi K I NILS op- LEGAL CLANKS constantly on hand, and for snle at as low a price as can be had in th; State. A N I SATJSFACTIOfi GUARANTEED. Or-gon City. March M. IST3-tf. AGENTS FOR TIIE EXTERPRISE. Thv following i ts ins ar ant horiz -d to act as a nts for the Knteiiimuse : i -o. V. ii well A: Co., 4J Park How, New York. Co', W 'tli-rill Co., 0)7 Ch '.stnut street, Phil id d;)hia. Abbott A Co., No. S2 and SI Nassau str'et, V v.v York. Port land, Or 'o:i T,. Sa?nu"l I I'hos. Hove." in I raucisco p j.-jsher St. II -l?ns, Columbia county s. A. Mils Astoria, CI its p county . Van Pus -n Mai :n '' Williams llirrisburj H. Smith Ii ifavtf ", Yamhill county I.Ii.I'Vr .:uson Dallas, Polk county Pnv" IIo!ni"s H Miton county W. A. Wells ( "orva I lis I Ion. .lob n I :nr:i-t t fan von Citv.i.irant eo V. P. I..isw 11 j Albinv . N. Arnold ! Pall s', Waseo county, N. II.!ats T.a'Jraa 1 , Union eounty . '. 'rai j P Midi -ton, I. matilla county, s. .Knox .... ( I. .M.Thompson Ku- mi- City , K i.ris,0.v- Itos -bur ' lion. T.. I-'. r."ba non .Inckson vill Lotiz Tom l ( . I. II aliLT (.1. It. Ilalsron I .Hon. K. P. Fondray j II. C. Huston 1 CLACKAMAS Cor.NTV. P.-aver l'r -ok C V. Uoatie Hurt -vill John Zumwalt C isead s II -nrv .Meliu jill Can by I. W. Straws r Cuttinir's P. Wright r; , r.. !...; Frank W. I'oster II ir line's Capt. '.. Norton l.ow-r Moialla W. Mor-land I Milwauki-! Iohn I I:irMib"r"r j i-' '"-'',";-,-, U-"r"l-n 1 I ptx-r Moialla. U . II. auhan i so':' j Err xo tices. H!:r;o i.odci: xo. :i, i. i. o. i" M-vts pverv Thnrsdav .-y. j eveiiin rat 7' o'clock, in UiY- r ! Old Fellows' Hall, Main i street. Mciniiersof tho Or- i ilor are invited to attend. 15v order i i!i:m:ccA ij:f;;ti:i: i.onr.'i xo. x . III l I.- At.,..lo .... 1... S s iilld ami l-'.nii-tii M',,.... 'lS ia V OVlMli 11 -'vs lidl lllonlli at 7 'j. o'clock in tli,. 111,1 Fellows J M:Mii!.ersoltlio legree hi; iniic'l io lltU'Il l. U,-LTX()M.VII I.OIKil-: XO. 1, A.I. I (- l If IT ll.;. iv .v. uniusHs reirniar com niunicitions on t.'ie First and vTV i iiit-ii uiir:ia s in l aefi inoiith. . o ov. uwiu uifjrm Ul P M), tember to t!u -nfi of .M:ir.-!i: and 7', J o i-toviv noiii in" "ltl ot AI ire h to tho I 1'Uh oi N..;ttMulor. Brethren in good standimr are invited to attend. ' ly order of y. r. ! FA I.I.S Ii x C A M P 31 1-: X T XO. I,I.O. I O.F., M.-ets at OM Fellows n p, Hall ontiie First andTliird Toes- TsZ I day of each month, patriarchs VVV' m .-rood standing an? invited toattMid. ! ' I JOIIX 31. I5AC0X, IMI'OIiTKIt AND DKAT.KH jlt in liooks. Stationery, IVrfuni- JIrf. "J . rc., etc. : Ort-jfon City, Oregon. i..-VLCIlar'??n ,: Warner's old stand, latelj fccupied by s. Ackeman, Main st. IP 1 R K Ji sholv;ater bay OYSTERS! has r.oined his OystoFSaloolrond ilo: taurant and can dish out Fresh Ovstersto aiVa'on- hS? - raent of conf.ictionary. Oysters Z lnv?r.-st led"sir3d. liOUI s vr p Orecon City. Sept. 26. l&tC. B U S 1 2 ESS CARDS. J. W. sTOlilvIS, 1. 13., PHYSICIAN AXD SlUCEOX, OliEGOX CITY, OREGON. &7"Offiee Up-Stairs in t'harman's Brick, Main Street. auglltf. II. W. ROSS, aiJD., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, PERM.VXEXTI.Y LOCATED. Will attend to calls night or day. Office on Main street, opposite Masonic Hall. Resi dence on the hill, vhere he will be please to receive niht calls. Orc-yon City, Ur., Sept. 30, 1873. oc3m3, W. H. WATXINS, fVl. D. Surircon. PORTLAND, 0RES0N. B-OFFIcr: Odd Fellow's Temple.corner First and Alder streets. Residence corner of Main and .Seventh streets. Drs. Welch A: Thompson, DENTISTS, OKF1CK IN ODD F EL L O WS TEMP L E, Corner of First and Alder Streets, POKTIi.lXi) - - OKEliOX. "ill be in Oron City on Saturdays. Nov. 3:tf S.IIUELAT. C'TI AS. K. WARREN. H U S L AT & W A R R E ENS -UAttomeys-at-Law, OREGON CITY, - - 0RE30N. OFFICE Channan's brick, Main st. omarlST'J :tf. JOHrjsor a. mccown ATT0REVS AM) COITTE LORS AT-LAW. Orogon City, Oregon. ff-Will praetie in all tho Court s of t he Statf. Sj -cial attention triven to cas'-s in the U. S. Land Oilice at Or.-gou City. 5aprlS72 -t f. L. T. B A I ZS", AT73RN"Y'AT-LAVV, 0REnQy rjT : OR EG OX. OFFICE Over Pope's Tin St or:-, Main street. 21mar73-tf. J. T- APPERSOIS1, OFFICE IN POSTOFFICE HUIId)IN i. f'f'nl Tenders f lackani.n foiinty Or. flora, siitil Or'rs C'ity Cilcr. j BOUGHT AND SOLD. ' NOTA'I iY I M T 1 5 r.T Ixans ntrotiafd. Coll etions aff"nd"d to, and a CJeneral Urok'-ayre btiin'-s carried on. jjinOtf. a. .v o rrr v: n N 0 T A It Y V U R h I ('. EPiTERPPIISE OFFICE. o:iKf;o. city. -tf - t A" U ' A CTO J! I B s. IMPERIAL m ILLS, Savior, LuRocifdo A: Co. Or g n Ci y. ICeep coiistanlly on hand for sal" Flour, Middlings, Itlananrl 1'hieken Food. Parti. I purchasing; ; feed must tarnish the sack. WA3QN AND CARRIAGE XI A U CT ll r rsin l' r v ml' ij u ii v... . X having increas.-d tiio'di- m "iisioris of his i-remis-s at f Z. i. ...i.:... ...i v.V Corner of Main :inl Third Sirect ' Orcaron City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing his old pa- I trons, and as many new on..s as maybe j pleas"d to call, that ho is now pr -pared, with anipl" room, rood mat -ria Is. a ml t le' I very ot m chanics, to build an"w,r"- I construct, make, paint 'iron and ti allcompl -te, anv sort of a vhiel" coniinonCart toll Concord Coach, 'i turn out I from a Try me. ; Itl.nUsiiiilbiiijr, i:,)rKP ,,- ox SUocitiir. t " ; and OeiK-ral Jobbing neatly, ,uickly, and non -. J. IP .SMITH. ;WILLIA3I SINGER HAS EST A PI. I SI FED 91 t" M n r s 11 fU I ! I K v .i :.v... foathe manufacture cr FumitUr8, re, Blinds, and Doors, An MOrLDIXGS OF ALL SIZKS. Thev i-ill ..Ic, .1. T.,..:...- ,.r '"H iUU ( WITir N- to order, WITH NKATNKSS AND DISPATCH! " i,nir'n v"rk warranted. Shop on the J:! jj1 I-fwIs Shop Opjiositc Oregon " MASONIC HAI.Ii IH-II.DINt;,! Oroiroii City, Oregon. KEEKS CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale. -vvOri-M ciiea ji for cash, W- Parlor, Iiedroom, Office, Sittinirroom, and Kitchen Furniture, llureaus, Imnii, Ilockinp: Chairs, Whatnots, ISedsteads, Washsf a nds. Curled Hair, and Tulu ruin Pillows. Mattress, Spring: Deds, . Picture Frames, Mouldings, etc., -tc. Special attention piven to Fnholsterv work in all if s branches. Orders filted wN th promptness. Upairins done with nati ns and dispatch. Furniture mad order Call and ou11d far yoorslv. 7may-i uxvitoiri Ui?- CALIFORNIA BKELEY, CALIFOPJJIA ' H ! I It I'l.'tV Unit." MBR CJIA JTDISB. JOHN MYERS. 8 ORECOP4 C2TY- DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, A N 1 GENERAL F3ERGHAHDISE, Books and Stationary. I will pny the liijihcst price for and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE. I will sell s low as any hous- in ( )r"jjn for ca sir o ic i rs bq ih'af. x.xr 'n Good Merchantable Produce. I nm selling very low for ' ..(;ivo mo a c:ill and sat isfy yours I v s. ! JOHN MVKKS. i Oregon City, Mnreh 21. 1ST:!. GOOD ST E Y S ! PKITES REniTED TO SI IT THE TIMES. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD S. ACSCERRrlAW & CC. HAVK JCST RECEIVED A LAUfJE stock of FALL AXD WINTER GOODS Swhkh they ojTi r CIIEAPEU THAN TIIF CHEAPEST! AVe would say come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Ourstock consists in p;irt of i j Fancy and Staple j Dry Goods, Clothing, j Hats, pHMitsand Shoes. Ladies and Oents Furnishing: Goods, Notions, Grocer- i e s. Hard wn re, and a great many other articles too numcr ours to mention ; also, Doors. Windows, Glass and Putty, etc., etc. All kinds of Produce taken In exchange for Good!"' ALSO Wool "WYintecl For which we pay the Highest Prices. S. ACKERMAX &. CO. Oregon City, October 81, 187K. wfev JfAv kl xlA- f AUCTIIOX AXD COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON, Auctioneer, Cornier of Front & Oali sts., Portia lid. Auction 'stlc?s Of Keal Estate, CJrocorios, Oonoral Mer chandise and Horses. SALE DAYS Wednesday and Saturday, A. 11. ItlCllAKPsON, Auct ioneor. Enfrlish Heflned Par and Pundle Iron, I t.llllll KlUrtiV 11 III! ViV7l .1 1 - . - Steel, Horse Shoes, Hasps, Saws. Screws, Fry-P:ins(J Sheet Iron, K. J. Iron. A I. S O A larjo assortment of (;roe ri-s and I.ici uors. A. 15. KICIIAUPSON, Jan. 1, lST3-tf. Auctioneer. STEAM rOAVFJMO, Manufactures to order Ac count l'ooks.of n 11 sizes and styles.Pall'J iekets, l'.ill Heads Plank P.ooUsol any attern that is desired, m it h or i it hout rinted headings, blanks, nriels.Cat aloyues, O. Tl. IliiiiCM. V. IZ. Ilitlvs. SO rrj jr. CQ H I M E s & c o; 83 Front St. I Fortlaiid, Oregon. Cards, Cert ifiicates, ( hecks. Circu lars, I leeds, 1 lodgers, l-'uneral No tices, Handbills, I nvoces. Labels, I. et t erl leads, Pifsters, Program's Kec its, Show Cards, Ship ping Tsijrs, Ticki'ts, Ac, Ac. J3 j c, Oi"JL:TAV )cl J VVM.T A. Q. WALLG'S -j PIONEER BOOK EIKBEBY. i I'itlot-k's 15tiiltinf Corner of St.'uK j and I'ronl hSiccts. PORTLAND,- CRECCPJ. i "1 I,ANK P.OOKS KCI.FD AND POt'ND j .13 to any ilesin 1 iatterii. M iisic hooks, j Magazines, Newspapers, etc., hom-d in ev- j cry variety of s'yle known to the trrade. Orders lrom tie' country jirontptly at- j tended to. CHlOGN city drewery. i H WING 1TKPIIAS- V. r ! the abiive I'.rew- zTT' cry wishes to iutorin the public t lint lie is now prepared to mamifact nr.- a No. 1 qual ity of J. AC J! I! K K B, ns jrood as can be obtained anywh're It the state. Orders solicited and promptly tilled. THE PARKER GUM. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEN,CT. NEW Y00EC HOTEL (Peutfeh s (.';. !t h.u:s.) No. 17 Front Street, Opposite the JIail ;-tv.inisl:ip I.andoij:, rmn.AM), ojir:;ox. H.I():!lF(!e, .1. J. i!.KE.S, l'n;ri lor.v. Board V Week : ?." liosird V Week wth Lodjiiiii: ( Hoard v J'aj' l.!j I'ACIFIC BOOT AO SHOE HOUSE Smith Wist rornrr I: rsl r.m! Tor;!, en S:s 7 '() P. TI.AXJ),iU I j ; ( , y. JUtlM THIS DATK V. i: li.VVK XI ui!it t lin- CASH 15ASIS AM! IIAKI) TIMES FliliT. . Pome and see us nod there will be mutu al sat isfsict ion. CUSTOMERS AT OUIt LOW PEICEE V X I ? O I" K S E L ' i; S A T C A s I'. GEO HUE A. PEAfjli, Southwest Corner Tirst arc! Llonifcn Str. Poi'tlmid, ()l',U'(;ll. August -JJd, ISTS-t r. WEEKLY, SEI.TLAYLEKLY, AND DAILY. TIIE WEEKLY SUN is too widejv known to require any extended r 'com memiat j,,,, . but the reasons which have alr -adv "iveh it. tiny thousand subscribers, and" Mtiic'i will we hopeive it many thous.-nd more, are briefly as mllows : It is a tirst-rate lu-wspa ) cr. All t lie news ot the day will U. louinl in it, condense,! hen mi im port si nt, at lull l.-n-tlt when ot moment and always pr. s.-nte'd in a clear intelligible and interesting lu;,mi,r It is a rst-rat" lamilyjapcr, tull o'l jMf.r. annng and instructive reading of cverv kind, but containing nothing that can oi lend the most delicate and scruj ulous It is a first-rate .story paper. The i st tales and romatic s i current, ht-ratiir-are caretully .select. d and l.-giUv i rin Ju in its aires. 1 "'"-o It is a first-rate ngricnlt nrnl jr.per. The most tresh and instructive artk l, s on a.-ri-cultural topics re-ularly a;lear it, this dei artment. 1 1 It is an independent lolitical iai.r be- u Wrn '" l':!r,',"I w. arimr no'co la,-. It h-htstor irinci, le. and tor t he el. , ., ioI of the best men to ,tlV.c. It ip.-elnll v ,l" votes ,ts energies to the exposure of the great corruptions that now ua ken ami isgraceonr country, and t hr.t-u to i -.lerminc republican insUtutionsnlto-ethcr knave.s.atidasksnolav rs lroin thetr su p orters. It n-i orts the lashions for the ladies and the markets for the men, csiieeiallv the :;;k' l" "hid, it'pav's , articular Finally it is the cheapest parcr publish ed One dollar a yi ar will secure it t ,r Yu v subscriber It, js not n.-c-ssarv to gc u club in orcior to have 1 1 K WEEKLY "l?N at t his rate. Any one v ho sends a single dollar u ill receive the paper for a year We have no travelling agents. .TIlKWEKKI.Ysriv.-Kigl-.t Pa-es fiffv six columns. Only SI. oo a car No hs counts frfun this rate ' r' -N,'11- 'I'll 10 SKMI.U I. ii.iv . size as the Daily Sun. Si.tH a vear. A discount of SO per cent to clubs "of lUer i over. TIIE D.ill.Y Sirx. A large four-rnff newsi arer of twenfv-eight columns. Dally j circulation over l io'.ooo. All the news for 2 cnts. Subscription pric SO cents per inonin, or tn. uu a year, jociudsoi ioor more, a discount of an percent. A eld reus, TIIK Sl'N, desw8. JVew York City. SB WING MA Cii IXBS. -Aii. Special ultcntioii i tailed treat iinproveini ids made rec. ,?ti this excellent Machine.aiui to the t. y elegant styles of Pases auded to oi r jj t'"4 FLOEEXCE. ! tliOKf i!io pwfrru Mtulii . JJ ingthe work away lroin t he ,Z V' f3 we now have one ol that description , - r" easy running and having all the (,ti, culiar excellencies oft he other stvlo "J"" FTloitKjscai: Is sine tolilrtise. tf tUrv is one x, s.k in a thousand miles ot sJin i. r. ' , ,n" not working well, 1 win alt. m t.. n? out any expense to the owner l"' SAM I'LL LILL, Affeut. FLOEENCE Istlieoiily Mailiiiietluit an fw , more than one direct ion ha viinr n r. v. rsible iced a great sidvantage in lastr u" mg i mis ol seiiins, in quilting, etc. J."X3iiiiiie lie Florence, r send f .j Circular or samples of Work i,rI you purchase a Sewing Machine m-? THE i!ES i Z h C BL Machines sold on liberal t rms. SAMUEL HILL, A cent No. 1!Xpiv 3Ientci;ierj-Slrcet" (.'rand Jlt.ttl Built;,,;, Sun Prancixco Ihiiny I ;v;r,v,rlakrj'' .-, V V...-.-,' .arc h -2, 1ST;, :10m Oh'AOES SALGGri, G..ffAAG, - - Ficp. lIain Street, Crcgon Citv. JFST I' I I.I T.M; 1 1 TAT T Is IN i;i- N linvi' (fen iiiiri.i rci d, :a il iri tor invite the at t et.t j, i, (!j t he l.,v r.-r I this I'opoj ular amusement to TUB BAB JS S VP PI. I BP with all the choi. . -t ou.-ilities of I iqu. rs and Pi-ars. Sc. tel. , Iri-h ml l o n en a ireao - lamous hisi.i s a i.d l ei cu ; aiso a N o. 1 SHOOTING OAS LI liY is connected with the Sa'oen. Oregon Pity, Jan. 1, is.-j-tf. LIVERY, FECD, AKD ELE rpiiE FN I FES : ; N IT 1 I ( it; i n ( t: F J the I iv ry Stable on 1 i:t 1. -tre t. 'r en Pity. Orcgf.'ii, kcfj'S constantly on hand Saddle and lTg-y I!ii;a.ri' N "i I injurs and list !" I i'ic-s: 1 Z ( 'l s-f -3i:t 1 li He will also run a hack to ai d fr in the YYILKCiT CCCA Crn.KCS during the sanunrr s'.'nm, with t? d horse s, con; pet 'iit a rd ger.t letna r. ly ti ri f i s . FAEE AT LIVING FATTS. J. M. ITiAZEE, rreprktor. Oregon City, May 7, IsT.!. Altout l.'O poiwuls oflot'tr i rim er, of which this is tin iii!'.rs.iort. Has liiin in use l ut n hhoit l:n c, jrooil woik. Price i'o ((his Hs either tiel nj' or i" e.-ifes ns( txtra. . i. s o, A small font of Nnnrciiel of -nhfi'i tla's j n impress ion. Tn'ce S3 c tits t: IT.. Ah jwod as r.f . There is cnoui h to set about one column of this rapcr solnl. AUrlrcsH this oHIcc. oNtotict: IS HEKEP.Y (JIVEN TO A 1,1. PERSONS ind 'bt'd to the Irreducible School Fund in Clackomas County, Oregon, that they will be expected to i ny intcreft thereon on or before the 1st. of January, JS71, according to the tenor of their notes. This December 4th, .w7:i. C. F. BE ATI E, County Treasurer. WcTOVVA gfV :, e A S a. K Q , v W SE1W; NTG- JfM WUe siucii. cr-11;